Podcast hosts and app makers: Let's make it easier for podcasters to surface donate/pay/membership links in our UIs with a standard semantic way to denote payment URLs in HTML show notes.
Does such a thing exist already in any useful HTML spec? Maybe an <a rel="something">?
Podcasters and CMS makers: Next version of Overcast looks for a link in every episode's show notes with <a rel="payment">.
If present, Overcast adds a nice green "$" button on the Now Playing screen that opens up that donation/Patreon/membership URL of your choice.
And maybe some form of documentation for publishers on overcast.fm, because Twitter is a black hole?
(You could expand it: what features of RSS/Atom and MP3/AAC/Etc Overcast supports and which it doesn’t)
I’m referring to Overcast showing a payment button at all. They’ve removed other apps for similar things - any kind of donation button or request, or payment outside of the App Store, is subject to rejection.
Hacked it together! Added a field for podcasters to add a "support this show URL" to their show. We'll automatically append <a rel="payment"> to every episode's description.
Also, how will you prevent podcasters who simply use this as spam and abuse the tag? Will you be doing some sort of filtering in the app that, e.g limiting the URL’s to a subset (as example… only Patreon.com/xyz, etc.).
Why would they do that? People have to already be subscribed to those podcast, what else could they link to that would be bad? Its like tricking your own user to do what..?
OK, so I'm a bit biased... but I think this is a great idea. Marco -- let us know if there's some way we can help. Would love to work with you to make this as awesome as possible for podcasters and their fans.
Hey Marco! Definitely high time to make this all work better.
Your idea makes a ton of sense, and we have a couple others in mind as well. Let us know when you want to chat specifics. (I run BD at Patreon and @buster leads our Platform/API team.)
We’re discussing this at Patreon and are 100% supportive of helping podcasters make a living while remaining independent and owning what they make. I run platform over here and would love to chat about lightweight ways to integrate with Overcast if it’s helpful.
This is actually a really good idea, and I’m getting the feeling this is going to be transformative for podcasters.
Good on you, Marco, for getting things rolling.
I get so much daily entertainment from podcasts, that I will be happy to contribute to the podcasters this way.
Agreed. I love how seriously and thoughtfully Marco uses the power of his platform.
I wish the people who control the dominant social media sites would follow his lead.
Or even for <a rel=‘pod-censored’> kid-friendly version… for a show with main feed is not beeped.
And an unbeeped version for a show where main feed is beeped 🤔
<a rel=‘pod-uncensored’>
I’m not a podcast maker, just a keen listener, but I wanted to say thanks Marco for your continued work to support the podcasting industry, helping to provide me with quality indie media. It’s appreciated.
Hey Marco! Is this allowed to do on the App Store? We wanted to do this at @acast a few years ago, but were told by Apple that all monetary transactions had to be done with IAP.
Thanks! This is a pilot with a few non-profits including @NPR and @radiotopia. Feedback has been positive, and it would be great to build on this proof of concept and make listener support available to all podcasters in the future.
Maybe goes without saying, but for a lot of podcasters, especially small and medium-sized operations, we think this can help enable more sustainable businesses, replacing or supplementing ad-support and allowing more people around the world to make a living through podcasting.
I agree it makes sense to discuss and try to minimize unnecessary duplication / complexity. It looks like @anchor and our pilot are working at the podcast level (simple, easy to show & manage contribution), whereas @marcoarment is episode level (maybe more flexible / trackable).
I'm sure there are others thinking about and building solutions here, too, so it would be great to learn more about those. Many parts to the full stack (payment, member mgmt, hosting, analytics, etc.), so I'm sure there are a lot of different valuable perspectives out there.
Podcasters and CMS makers: Next version of Overcast looks for a link in every episode's show notes with <a rel="payment">.
If present, Overcast adds a nice green "$" button on the Now Playing screen that opens up that donation/Patreon/membership URL of your choice.
The best part is, even if they don't, it'll still show up as a normal link in the episode description because the "rel" attribute just gives context to a normal link element.
So we're not sure if this is worth doing or not, but we definitely agree that if this problem is going to be solved well, it needs to be done in a way open to all podcast apps. We have some ideas on this front we're working towards. 2/2
Authors need better ways for people to pay for content, we agree there. This only solves one half of the problem though, the discovery that there is something to pay for. Once you tap that link there's still too many steps to go through to actually pay and get it hooked up. 1/2
Amazing idea, Marco. We’ll be supporting this link / payment attribute in Anchor RSS feeds as early as tomorrow so Anchor creators can start collecting listener supported payments from Overcast and others that implement.
We (@Flattr) is about to launch a new podcast payments solution based on adding a flattr.com/podcast url. For simplicity for caster you can parse a bunch of payment domains. And check in the podcast description too so there is no need to add it in every show note?
I'm making a FOSS CMS in Swift, which I'll also use for hosted podcasts (kinda like libsyn), and this tag makes me go 🤤🤤🤤🤤
Anything I can do to help this tag come to life?
A podcast consortium should be made, and I'll gladly join!
Blubrry PowerPress feed has had a tag for this for years be great if you could support it as well. Todd@blubrry.com for details! FYI podcaster control content aka PayPal link etc we take no $$ cut
Marco long overdue in most apps. Check out the namespace we introduced a few years ago in PowerPress <rawvoice:donate href=”example.com/feed/podcast/”>Support Podcast Name</rawvoice:donate> See all our namespace.
Love this! I had a similar idea a while back for a "magic button" - it could link to donate pages, merch pages, or whatever - this feature is ripe for hacking so might as well let it point to anything from the get-go
Great idea! I hope @getpinecast will support this as well and tie it to their "tip jar" link. Also, you guys should speak with @adamcurry (the creator of podcasting) about a new censorship-free podcast directory. I assume you guys use @Apple's currently?
We plan to update our Flair link to support this soon. We also currently add RadioPublic and RawVoice's RSS elements to feeds where a tip jar is available 💸
Indeed, `rel="payment"` is defined for this very purpose. For future reference, IANA is the arbiter of link relations and they’re all documented here:
Right. And it hat problems with Apple because of that (app got rejected afair). I don’t recall exactly but they did not like the payment part. Hence instacast moved the flattr part to its backend, our of the app.
There are several microdata vocabularies that could be employed for this, like Action > TradeAction > DonateAction & Enumeration > PaymentMethod.
Full list: schema.org/docs/full.html
How would that work? Wouldn’t Overcast work as a middle man in that scenario. Marco spoke with several podcasters who all spoke out against Podcasting apps as middle men to payments.
See, I’d wonder if you could embed an Apple Pay link within the feed of individual podcasts within the show notes and give the podcaster control, just like how they could embed an Apple Pay link on their own web page. (There’s probably an App Store restriction prohibiting this.)
I guess the $ icon, can be a hyperlink to a payment portal, and then the podcaster themselves can choose their own implementation, as long as they include the <a rel="payment"> tag, and listeners can highly encourage Apple Pay, Android Pay and Web Payment API :D
Would love to do this with Anchor Listener Support. We can leverage any standard that already exists in our RSS feeds or create a new one as a community that anyone can use for their own donate links.
We recently released backyourstack.com to surface open source projects that an app or org is using and that need funding. Would love to have a standard way for them as well to expose where they accept donations. Maybe <meta name=“donation” value=“opencollective.com/webpack” />
I would go with rel=payment. Are you talking about a publisher putting it/them in the item/description content, the feed’s description, or someplace new in the rss?
If you wanted to use a field in the rss you could use validator.w3.org/feed/docs/rss2… - with link having the rel attribute. But i guess it would be unclear what the text input field would contain.
Flattr has been using rel="payment" for their links from the beginning. It always lacked semantics and I am not sure there is enough spec available to cover alle possible and necessary payment paths (like SEPA).
I would gladly pay Apple a 30 percent fee for the privilege of merely sending a one time donation via in app purchase, no matter what your arguments against this might be. Convenience, less friction.
I would rather suggest a non-html extension for RSS covering donations which could in turn show up in podcast clients. We have been thinking about this at @podlove_org for a while but so far haven't seen support from client devs.
Link relations aren’t bound to HTML. IANA has the list of registered link relations and they can be and are used in any format or protocol, such as HTML, JSON and the Link HTTP header.
Something like <podlove:donation> with proper attributes to serve PayPal, SEPA and other payment channels would be easy to implement and could be evolved independent from HTML.
Seems like putting it into the RSS using an atom:link rather than in an HTML description would also make sense, what would upside of keeping in description be?
Concerns about Apple App Store guidelines re: links to payment options in apps?
Link relations aren’t bound to HTML. IANA has the list of registered link relations and they can be and are used in any format or protocol, such as HTML, JSON and the Link HTTP header.
Yes, and there's an established way to add channel-level link tags to RSS feeds using the atom namespace. I see some of the appeal of extracting semi-structured data from an existing field but there are too many drawbacks for me to think it's worth it.
I agree a Link HTTP header, atom:link or HTML <link/> would be preferable to <a>, but they all would mean the same. Overcast should support all link mechanisms, imho.
You're the leader, Marco. Few have more influence than you. I'll support whatever you choose in my Drupal modules:
<a rel="payment"> sounds like a good idea - or like Mark said some "custom" (proposed?) RSS tag.
A standard A element in the episode description with rel=payment would have the added benefit of falling back to a normal link on non-supported platforms.
Also, surface limited-time merchandise. So sad when I am behind on a podcast and I get to the first episode when shirts are announced one day after the sale actually ended.
This is going to be such a big cross-platform need over the next few years. It would be so awesome to have a standard like this as part of an open schema. I could imagine seeing links like this in Google knowledge graph cards, etc. as well.
I worked on rel="tag" back in the day and I think this is a great idea. My vote is for rel="support" and not an extension to the RSS as others suggested. Because I can have links to Patreon, PayPal, etc in my notes.