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M.G. Siegler@mgsiegler
I worry Apple will think about killing the iPad mini again, which they shouldn't. It's such a wonderful little device.…
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鈴木智彦/SUZUKI TOMOHIKO@yonakiishi
今こそ小林勇貴への私怨を晴らしたいのだが、悪評を広めようとしてるヤツがちょっとどうなんだという感じで、いまいちのれないw でもリンク先はみないほうがよいです。悪のりが受け、どんどん小林は増長した。俺が文句をいっても、周囲は笑って小林の機嫌をとった。映画会社とか本当にクソだった。
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a response to @Rich_Harris's talk "Have Single-Page Apps Ruined the Web?"…
Kevin Tewouda@le_woudar
I wonder what the @htmx_org team think about this talk of Rich Harris (creator of Svelte). I must admit that he succeeded in making me doubt the alternative approaches to SPA..
Have Single-Page Apps Ruined the Web? | Transitional Apps with Rich Harris, NYTimes
The backlash to modern front end development is gaining steam, with good reason: single-page apps have ruined the web. Can we rescue it without going backwar...
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Shihab (JPEGuin)@JPEGuin
A lot of App Store users assume that indie devs make a lot of money, and whilst this may be true for many, it isn’t a fact for most. For instance, I’ve made roughly £25 across this past month. I think indie developers need to be transparent where possible.
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Gabriel Peal@gpeal8
After two years, 220 screens, and 120,000 lines of javascript, we're moving away from React Native at Airbnb. I tried to summarize our experience in a single blog post but that wouldn't do it justice so it turned into five!
React Native at Airbnb – Airbnb Engineering & Data Science – Medium
In 2016, we took a big bet on React Native. Two years later, we’re ready to share our experience with the world and show what’s next.
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「ロシアの未来、3つのシナリオ:1. 北朝鮮」 「経済制裁はいかにロシアを殺すか」の執筆者Kamil Galeev氏が考える「ロシアの未来」について、3つのシナリオのうちの1つを和訳しました。だいぶ暗い見通しですが...。例によって、最初にまとめを1つ投下して詳細に入ります。
Kamil Galeev@kamilkazani
I see three plausible scenarios for the Russian future: 1. North Korea 2. Imperial Reboot 3. Jubilee Since Ukraine is resolved to fight, the choice of a Russian historical track ultimately depends upon the resolve of the West. Today I'll outline the North Korea scenario 🧵
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Adobe Creative Cloud更新時期になったので、また解約する振りしたら、今年も半額に値引きしてくれた。
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Dan Luu@danluu
The Twitter change where they switched everyone from their choice of timeline to ranked timeline reminds me of a question: why don't social media companies react to negative signals from users? The change trained me to stop checking the app since it filled my feed with garbage.
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(有)知床遊覧船の沈没事故で代表者の桂田精一のコンサルティングをしていた経営コンサルタントの小山昇について関心が高まっているようなので、割と詳しい私が小山昇と小山が経営する株式会社武蔵野について語ろうと思います。 #知床遊覧船 #浸水事故 #桂田精一 #小山昇
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Dan Luu@danluu
Where does engineering rep come from? Here's a Google engineer slagging on Amazon engineering, which they say mediocre. I don't think this is an unusual opinion, I've heard this from people both inside and outside of Google. Google has the best engineering, Amazon is mediocre.
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この世から抹消されるかもしれんけど、これが舞妓の実態。当時16 歳で浴びるほどのお酒を飲ませられ、お客さんとお風呂入りという名の混浴を強いられた(全力で逃げたけど)。これが本当に伝統文化なのか今一度かんがえていただきたい。写真はお客さんと山崎18年一気飲み大会で勝利した時と飲酒
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Kenton Varda@KentonVarda
Here it is! Workers Durable Objects -- Serverless that's Stateful.
Workers Durable Objects Beta: A New Approach to Stateful Serverless
Durable Objects provide a truly serverless approach to storage and state: consistent, low-latency, distributed, yet effortless to maintain and scale. They also enable coordination and real-time collaboration between clients.
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Ariel Gabizon@rel_Aztec
Super important SNARK open question: given univariate polys f,g of deg<n, let h be the deg<n poly such h=f*g on a set H of size n. I.e. h=f*g mod Z_H. Can we prove given KZG commitments to f,g,h that h is correct in time O(n) without computing a quotient?
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Joy Reid@JoyAnnReid
At minimum, we now have a pattern: Trump campaign associates (and family members) seeking a Russian election assist via dirt on Clinton.
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Ashley Carman@ashleyrcarman
NEW: podcast companies are buying millions of listens through auto-playing episodes populated in free mobile games. iHeart, the top podcast publisher on Podtrac, has bought around 6 million unique downloads per month since 2018
Podcasters Are Buying Millions of Listeners Through Mobile-Game Ads
Podcasters have sowed free games like Subway Surfers with ads for auto-downloading podcast episodes—and reaped major benefits.
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Eliana: Audio Professional@TheStorysinger
Removing clicks from audio in iZotope RX (& without it!), a thread from a professional dialogue editor🧵
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Justin Jackson@mijustin
Weirdly, indie creators have always relied on doing arbitrage on big platforms: attracting attention on Twitter, Instagram, FB, Google, YouTube, Hacker News, Medium, etc... We're "independent," but to attract an audience we need to capture attention on big platforms.
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my favorite trend is capitalists trying to describe socialism but just describing capitalism again “you don’t get the full value of your wages, it’s given to people who didn’t work for it” “there’s no individual choice, you’re just forced to work for a powerful elite group”
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Adam Rackis@AdamRackis
Losing my mind at how bad web component marketing is. The "web components can't ssr" is a lie from the depths of hell; it's false. No, you don't need to rewrite all your shit in Lit You don't need some weird wc server You just need to synchronously register your wc's 🧵
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Adam Rackis@AdamRackis
I'm literally begging you to take a look at the suite of UX components in the Shoelace library. They're gorgeous out of the box, and fully customizable. Plot twist: they're written with web components. PLEASE WAIT DONT LEAVE 🧵
Shoelace provides a collection of professionally designed, every day UI components built on a framework-agnostic technology.
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