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Migrating my Blog to the @TiddlyWiki First protype here… Now that it's working (somewhat) all future blogs will be in a @TiddlyWiki This will mean: - you can read them on an aircraft with no internet access - you can hopefully read them in 1000 years
38 replies and sub-replies as of Jun 10 2021

Using a @TiddlyWiki means that the idea of a blog changes from "something you read" to "something you interact with" This might sound a small change but I think it radically changes how I think about blogging.
From what I remember reading, @BeakerBrowser helps with the “interact with” bit.
Due to the interlinking and single-file accessibility, you mean? I've been experimenting with formats for my personal site for YEARS and nothing feels right (Wordpress, static HTML, Jekyll, etc.) maybe easy interlink syntax is the secret good sauce?
Personally I want the property of all-in-one-ness the blog is a single file with no external dependencies - that way it becomes future-proof. My latest attempt the entire blog with all entires and the editor etc. is a single HTML file which should be pretty future-proof
The idea is indeed compelling, but shouldn't it be taken further? I mean, what about interactive content? Can TiddlyWiki support that? I've started my own interactive blog about a year ago: and I had to go pure HTML+JS, anything else is too restrictive.
Twine’s ( been around since 2009, used for all sorts of interactive content generation & consumption e.g.… Latest thing seen it used for is Natural Language Understanding (NLU) conversation design for Intents, Entities & Dialogue.
Early versions of Twine by @klembot were based on TiddlyWiki
Off-topic, but your blog is really awesome. The polynomial approximation interactive tool is good fun (:
Why choose this over a git repo with text (eg markdown/asciidoc) files?
Think there is a blog entry for that question :)
Bloom on Twitter. Didn’t see Joes reply
The problem is that none of the features you have mentioned in article aren’t defined by original Markdown definition. CommonMark tried to standardise it, but is still isn’t perfect. For me the best documentation format is still ASCIIdoc, unfortunately it isn’t that popular :(
No RSS though ? I'm trying to get Feedly to connect but no luck so far.
Already clocking in at 2.6MB, let's not downplay that every visitor now downloads every article ever written instead of the one they initially come for. I see the offline appeal for a book (i.e. EPUB, PDF) but I'm not convinced it's the right model for a timeline of articles.
TiddlyWiki can also be used as a static site generator. is a single static page generated from an online TiddlyWiki at; my blog is a bundle of static pages at generated from
So am I wasting my time with Hugo?
I don't see myself leaving Hugo (which is just a face on reusable content) or Google Keep (to share mutually-editable bits and TODOs). For mind mapping personal projects though, it beats Keep in durability and plain files in structure. Very impressed by…
Beware of #googlekeep. Don't get me wrong, I like it. Or used to until a few weeks ago when all my content was reverted to what it had been a couple of weeks earlier. No warning or error, just silently broke. I reached out to @Google, had no response, so moving back to @trello.
Yeah I'm uneasy about that happening. I used to back it up weekly, then got lazy. Data loss waiting to happen… I also use Trello, but for my "brain dump" Keep's model just suits me better, for better or for worse.
That is for you to decide not me. It all depends on what you want to do. Hugo is a splendid program. I have used it occassionally but it doesn't do what I want to do.
Oh wow, TiddlyWiki really grew up since I last used it (v2.2.4)! :-)
Excellent blog (not that it is unexpected outcome). Take note, that we currently have two worldwide webs-of-SHA1 (BitTorrent and Git) and in the both cases SHA1 has proven to be too short. Both give you malleable downloads.
IIRC both of these use Merkle-trees which mean that hash needs to be second-preimage vulnerable to be able to tinker with the data content. Even MD5 is safe against preimage attacks (AFAIK).
You better believe I'll be checking up on that second claim
You WON'T be able to read them in 1,000 years. Try 25.23 years, okay? The whole thing about #Tech survival far beyond #death is a dangerous #myth. Look at what happened to CPM o/s. Anyway. I always #PRINTOUT on vellum for the future.
Well we can still read parchments written a couple of thousand years ago, so hopefully, we'll still be able to read things we do today for more than 25.23 years. Otherwise we haven't made much progress.
We wrote. You hit the issue. Its NOT parchment.
FWIW I was a great fan of CP/M and wrote masses using LocoScript that was a brilliant WP. But the system died. As did much of those works.
I think you are right about 25.23 years. The legacy we created already is too big to ignore. But the fact its only "digital" (not printed) so ensure your net account outlives you.
The ONLY parchment on the web is the Web museum.
This looks like a common issue with GitHub Pages. If he unpublishes and republishes it, it can be fixed
Hopefully 1000 seconds... 404: not found
Who recalls the old distributable help file format? I loved those. It was a pain to create them however. Would love to see something I can download but like ReadTheDocs. Love Tiddly, love outliners too. I have never found the perfect tool. Seems like we are still searching here.
Do you mean in 1000 years, if a long chunk of 1s and 0s survives? How will future archeologists know how to turn those 1s and 0s into HTML/JavaScript/CSS? Would they also need to reconstruct the browser, to load the HTML/JavaScript? Wouldn’t that last bit be pretty tricky?