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So I was invited to speak at Google about "the elite charade of changing the world." 👀 I decided to bring up the topic no one wanted to discuss: Google being a monopoly that may need to be broken up. That's when it got awkward.
47 replies and sub-replies as of Oct 21 2018

I gave the talk in mid-September. Then it seemed to be taking forever to go online. So we asked where it was. More awkwardness ensued.
"I'm not involved with this project anymore," came back the reply. Our inquiry was going to be forwarded to the relevant team.
Then another status update: "The video has been sent off to the Global Talks release team for further review. At this point, no ETA on an update from them."
It was getting interesting. And it seemed to prove a point about the dangers of a few tech companies owning the portals of information. That's when a reporter (and another person) started making inquiries about the missing video. Soon we heard it was going live.
What you said about charter on! 👏👏👏👏
I think the only awkwardness is that none of us is as perfectly coiffed as you, sir.
Thank you for your courage and integrity @AnandWrites
Re the question of market domination / competitiveness, the Interstate Commerce Commission offers some good lessons.
Hi @AnandWrites - this was an excellent, thoughtful and courageous contribution. Thank you. Might a transcript be available please?
See, you should have said, “Let’s talk about a fictional company. Let’s call it Boogle. Anyway...”
Doing what you do best, speaking truth to power. Thank you for being such an unflinching voice!
Very much appreciated hearing your piece on NPR this week. Things that need to be said.
And this is why you have quickly become one of my favorite thinkers/writers/bringers of awkwardness. They think they are above reproach. Thank you. Sincerely, A Bay Area Native Who Remembers Life Before Tech
IMO, the only way to make a true win-win is to tackle poverty first, and severely limit the concentration of wealth. Concentration of wealth isn't necessarily a total evil, but absolute concentration of wealth is unsustainable.
And what did they say?
i thought this was nivin pauly for a minute!
addah pinne aa nikhide! thadium icchire koodl ond
Anand, I agree. I believe the best way to improve global society would be if there was a maximum size for corporations. The benefits would be multiple.
Thank you for your fight Anand.
IMHO, democracy is sham without equality. A system like Norway where transparency is embedded in the society and equality is key requirement of their society is aspirational for democratic states.
I swear you guys are related
If Lombardi's winning teams had been allowed to permanently injure or kill the losing teams, we wouldn't have had an ongoing football league and the game would have died. The offense which is the best defense must be broadly beneficial and sustainable.
Wow, this is an amazing & powerful piece. I loved how you framed the sincere desire to change “the world,” but not personal worlds. I’dd add that Silicon Valley has championed a decontextualized version of freedom that also serves its economic goals.
Is an economy based on free incompatible with freedom?
by Neil Turkewitz
“There is great danger in a Goliath that thinks it’s a a king believing he’s an insurgent.” Brilliant! I loved too how you upended the notion of permissionless innovation by highlighting that society shouldn’t need Google’s permission to address societal imperatives.
Maybe one reason global elites prefer to donate rather than be taxed is a preference for or sense or remaining more in control of where their money goes.
You are starting to sound like Bannon!
Excellent talk. Google have long ago lost their 'Don't be evil' mantra (they have even removed this platitude from their code of conduct). What is even more disturbing than their monopoly of online advertising is their cooperation with the NSA PRISM program to tap user data.
So it wasn't a Bezos' handshake esque agree to disagree invite then? You'd think taking don't be evil out of their manifesto would have shattered the charade of being good a bit but apparently not.
The lack of confidence inherent in capitalism holds back big corporations and individuals when they “arrive at the palace”. Confidence is a space that’s let’s others flourish. Win-win transforms to live-let live.
Glad it’s been posted. Much to unpack here. I’m deeply engaged in your book. Check out @DCNorg. We’re also encouraging more transparency & accountability on behalf of media, journalism and democratic society.
Excellent talk! On capital movements and nesting: governments could establish a Double Taxation Agreement, under which the deferring company pays into a Health and Education fund for the right to defer. If the rate is 21% then pay 3-5% into fund. That would yield half trillion!
Your talk at Google could be recalled in terms of Jesus, The Christ’s refrain: ”easier for Camel to enter eye of a needle, than a rich man to enter heaven”. The disciples, Pharisees and Sanhedrins all wanted to be KNOWN for good works, without costs themselves or status quo!
May have been VERY awkward for some in the room. Thread ⬇️
Maybe it's because his Google colleague sits on the advisory board of the company responsible for setting up SAP's amplification infrastructure.
I have just started the book. Reading it with lot of head shakes and rage
Great talk, you have figured out how to normalize the conversation from within the inside. One issue is, you kept talking to the crowd telling them it was there choice etc..except really it’s not. Most of the people there will be gone in a year or two.
Travis Kalanick lasted in his role for 6.5 years — five times longer than the average Uber employee
Facebook has the longest retention rate out of the top 10 tech companies, and even that's not very long.
Started reading the book on the way back to SF from out of town. I was already aligned with the book’s observations but it certainly didn’t make me happy to be back home!
How many people attended? How was the talk promoted? Did you feel any minds changed after the talk?
The first two questions are about "look at what other people are doing" but I hold out hope there will be a question involving the questioner’s own company or actions.