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Snap a pic of your workspace RIGHT NOW. Here's mine:
562 replies and sub-replies as of Mar 07 2019

This is all corporate security will allow
But they let you get on Twitter?! Such a double standard... 😋
If it weren't for Twitter I'd only look busy for like, half the day 😋
Man, I need a mug for my pens... Thanks for the reminder 😅
ur welcome xD i even have some post it's inside
What desk is that?
Screen space for daaaays. And Burt's Bees! My fav.
It's somehow never enough screen space.
What monitor do you have?
LG 21:9 Ultrawide Curved
Sweet! So this is where all the magic happens. Love the size of the monitor.
Nice touch with the lava lamp 😄
Haha, I'm a big believer that your setup/room/ambience plays a large factor in how your brain performs. Helps more at night :D
Absolutely agree. Environment is huge for productivity 👍
Have you ever heard of what is called a dinning table ?
But when would I check Twitter?
When you are not eating 🤔🤔🤔
What monitor is this?? Looks wider than my 21:9. Love it! 😍
Samsung 49” CHG90 QLED Curved - I believe it is a 32:9. Fav monitor I’ve had. Previously used a 27” 21:9, and I never knew I needed the extra room til now 😆
That’s not a monitor, that’s the Enterprise’s front view screen!
It was definitely tempting to upgrade to this monitor; I’m hoping for a a 4K 21:9 or 32:9 ultra wide w/ HDMI 2.1, HDR10+, & Dolby Vision HDR to come out; I have a 21:9 ultra wide at work & home (pictured) w/ 55inch OLED 4K monitors coming out soon, I’m optimistic that’s by 2020
Took me a minute to realize it’s a one monitor haha, very cool 👍
Been considering this vertical mouse, is it really that comfy to use? any feedback on it?
I love it, had a lot of wrist pain before in that hand, now I haven’t experienced any discomfort after getting used to how foreign it felt at first.
Awesome monitor but still can't fit my variable names 😅
Whoever writes you love notes is a keeper 😍
(No comment)
I see that @RoosterTeeth tab 🕵️‍♀️
yup. unfortunately it seems like their site is borked right now – getting errors on every video that I need to be First :(
Oh yeah, same
was a few hours earlier...
This might be my fav one yet 😍
So, lets see your progress on monster drawing!
My thoughts exactly 😅
lol! I actually use these books for a different kind of drawing. I don't have pictures of the monsters and my girls probably destroyed them already, but here is from the Pokemon 101 drawing book.
My outdated monitors with my new computer.
Dude, you have your own customized paper weight?! Ultra clean and inspiring space. Love it 😍
I realized that after I posted, lol.
My dad made it for me around 7 years ago with 3/4 wood cut on a scroll saw. I painted it black. 🖤
Damn, thats a nice table.
You have great light!
In Midtown Manhattan looking NE (the 57th & Lex WeWork)
With a view of Dubai as well? 🙂
Jealous of this a little bit
That's lit 🔥🔥
Love that little stash for your notebooks. I can't work without mine
I got excited because I thought I saw a pool, but I think it's just a rug? Anyways, I am jealous, as I am currently sitting at my kitchen counter. 🤷‍♀️
Lol, no pool. Outdoor rug in pool-inspired colors. 😜 Buying a house was worth it *just* to get this much natural light in my workspace!
I love the desk with the fold down. This thread is for me to find a new desk.
Hide that keyboard!
or... shove all my junk in there so I look organized
The keyboard tray is dope, but the best part is this “secret” cord management cubby. Feed in your cords, plug into the outlet / USBs hidden inside, then plug the desk’s one single cord into the wall 🙌🏻 Btw, this is the Avondale desk from Middle America’s gem, @nfmtweets
Ever tried adding a second monitor to the ultrawide? Thinking about doing that right now, and not sure how to without risking neck injuries!
I think you can have your spine surgically severed at the neck and put your head on a swivel for this purpose
Not sure if my health insurance covers that. Or is it a business expense that I can bill to my employer? 🤔
That lamp is killer! 😎
Can't go wrong with a Himalayan Rock Salt lamp 🌅
Mate - is that my pissing phone charger?!
Correct mate. Looks nice on my desk doesn't it.
Probably the best thing on that desk
its definitely not that shit lamp!
You're showing me up here lads. I love lamp.
I have similar lamp 👍
Love that little succulent. I need more green in my space. More life! 🌱
Just cause I'm working from home today.
Needs better cable mgmt but here you go
You're the first person with a phone! Congrats, here's an award 🏆😁
With a smile. 😂😂
Left monitor has Tweetdeck open there yeah
This is the first pic where the monitor is so big it doesn't fit into the shot. Is that a TV?! 😮
it's a 44in monitor. i dont care for it on mornings where i need to have some focus.
Lol i thought it was the wall 😂
do you have a regular PC? or you just use a laptop all the time?
i have both, but sometimes i have problems moving (syncy) projects between both of them, but at the same time i can’t see myself using laptop only! in general laptops are not as fast as regular PC :(
Ok fine you win 😛
Kinda dismal now that I look at it...
Wow, I guess Amex is pretty lax about bringing drinks to work eh?
Amex’s entire business model is bringing work to drinks
A good time to remind you that... (including photos) Also, I took off work early today, but still had stuff to do. I seem to be working, even when I'm not at work.
love that bar!
hey man stability is good. im just about to go on holiday is all
Ugh, stop showing us all up @swyx. This is #remoteworkgoals 😍
i feel compelled to clarify that my normal day is not at all like this lol. this is my pre vacation pit stop! to me remote work goals is balancing career with being there for family and friends without soul sucking commute. thats it. no travel component.
Hear, hear! I don't miss the 2-hour subway commute of my previous life (though I do miss the dedicated reading time). The true benefit is more time with family and my dog. However, the dream of working poolside every once in a blue moon isn't bad, either. Enjoy your vacae!
Setting up my new laptop!!
uh I think I have that same Dell monitor, is that the U2715H?
Is that *the* @twerth?! The same one who did ir_black? I 😍 that color scheme!
The very same.
I had no idea Todd was so famous.
In the presence of greatness this whole time...
Yup, that's me. Little known fact, the IR in IR_black stands for Infinite Red. I had that domain long before we started this company
Huh, TIL. Thanks for the awesome colors! 😅
Todd with the subliminal messaging from way back ... haha. I guess I should give ir_black a shot myself!
Digital nomad? Love that you can see the ocean.
yep, enjoying the last days of summer on this side of the world
Oooooh, split keyboard. I bet that took some getting used to? But I bet your wrists are happy 😃
Didn't take as long as I thought it would. It's programmable, so I could map the keys to whatever made sense to my fingers. But it's been a while since I moved to it, so maybe I've just forgotten how hard it was. Wrists are good, but shoulder isn't, hence the new trackball...
Any idea how much that keyboard did cost?
Just looked it up. So the keyboard is an ErgoDox infinity kit I got from Massdrop for $155. Bought my own switches for about $80 and then the key cap set was $138. Definitely not cheap, but I really enjoy it.
Still sounds like a good investment to long term health, because keyboard ergonomics -related health issues can cause a lot of real pain and financial loss (especially if a person can't work because hands are hurting so much, etc.).
That’s a very good point. I’m actually trying to take it a step further by printing a dactyl keyboard(sort of a kinesis clone). I’ll make sure to post it when it’s finished.
How’s that 43 inches monitor? 😜
Lol, everything looks so small compared to it 😂
Going through a re-org. Don’t @ me. 😆 #freeLance
I think the real question on everyone's mind is: what's in the tub under the spoon??
Aha! I anticipated that one like a preload attribute! that WAS homemade Nutella™️ - called Natella®️ (cook’s name is Natalie). I added it to my oatmeal this morning (referenced in tweet) So much more stuff: 💊, ☕️, @KITKAT from 🇯🇵 (🍌 flavored),  minis...
Perfect lighting 💡
Oy vey I need to clean up a little. Theres another identical desk to the right of this that holds my 9-5 setup.
I can respect a man who always kkeeps a roll of duct tape handy 🦆
Duck tape in the house, gorilla tape in the garage 💪
Where are your guitar?
In all their beauty.
Gotta love that playlist name
I went through a very methodical process on All of my playlists names 🤣
the best matcha place in town is my office today
What keyboard is this!?
Filco Ninja 2 with brown switches. I have a Ninja 1 with blues at home and they're both great.
Do you work with the keyboard like that? Not sure if that's insane or genius.
Not my usual move but I have a spare keyboard right now and wanted to leave the house for a bit. I'd give it an 8/10. You definitely draw a bit of a crowd (even with brown switches).
Please ignore the bad cable management and unfinished wall panels haha
Nice. I was waiting for a setup with those colors.
Lol I don’t usually use those colors but had to for the pic. Inspired by /r/battlestations
I have that monitor and freaking love it! Showed one person at my company and now 80% have them.
Lol, same for my (mostly remote) team!! Very useful for being on the go.
Beautiful for streaming
bonus points if you can spot the cat
alejandro, let's talk about your tabs obsession in April ;-)
external monitors are for extra tabs, everyone knows that! FWIW I keep some sort of order e.g. on the left mostly pending CFPs, on the right things I'm currently working on and so on
yeah that totally makes sense 😆
Haha, I had to zoom in but I found him!
That dock looks cool!
I have the same one at home! haha
Wow! With the tweet you're replying to on the screen. That's the internet equivalent of a hostage holding up today's newspaper.
Distraction is important
Get that man some magic spray!
What in the world 😶
I think that it's used it for cramps that happen a lot with 90+ minute soccer matches with no timeouts since most players play the entire game and can't sub in and out. Don't ask me how it works, that's why it's magic spray!
Jealous of that hefty tub of cashews
I forget it's there 😅
Running windows at work fml
Interesting that almost everyone uses a mouse. I’m also on #TeamMagicTrackpad.
Ultra clean. Is that the Jarvis standing desk I spy?
This is my RV office, and still under construction! It’ll be much better when finished :) It’s Uplift Desk!
How’s that Uplift? Been pondering...
Very happy so far! Never tried a Jarvis, but I went with Uplift base on Wirecutter's recommendation and it having a thicker curved top.
What is that "carpet" on the floor?
Flooring is Luxury Vinyl Plank
What is that black "stand place"?
My workspace, with the double 34” ultra wide curved LG’s
Awesome. Take care of your neck! 😅
Haha agreed... and having two did not “double productivity” and you can only realistically look at one screen at a time 😉
What the!!! 🔥🔥🔥
What is the model number for those LGs?
I’ve wondered would dual 21:9 be too much, and the answer is NOPE!
Presumably that tape measure is useful in writing CSS. 🤣
That's right. It's my pixel measurer
Whoa, the thumbnail of this image (or if you squint) looks like your keyboard is on 🔥.
lol was looking at podcast cover art
I like the book stack you got there.
Pixelbook! I've been using mine a *ton* recently. Finding the ability to run Android apps really handy...
I prefer to do my hacking in horizontal position
I loved my Thunderbolt display 😍
How do you like that keyboard? I've been thinking about getting it.
I have it and love it. Totally fixed my wrist strain issues.
Ditto. I was having wrist issues before, but haven't had a problem since.
How responsive are the keys? The older generation Microsoft curvy keyboard is really hard to press. The keys feel like I'm pushing them through gravy.
I love the keyboard. Not at all like any of the previous curved keyboards. It feels great and is definitely the most ergonomic keyboard I’ve used.
What about it helped your wrists?
It's great, the only reason I got rid of it was because I wanted a mech. But I loved it.
(Possibly sensitive)
Chilling in bed and "working" 😛
I've got y'all whooped.
What is going on here? Music studio? That's cool.
More for electroincs and coding. It was a music studio back before .
(Possibly sensitive)
Who's the bobblehead?
(Possibly sensitive)
Here’s mine!
Need to get laptop stand and/or monitor, lol
I like your style. And view. But yes, monitors are helpful 😉
Oooh what keyboard is that?
Office lyfe today
Whoa, you have optical discs on your desk?! That's oooldskool!! I haven't held one of those in my hands in years.
I'm in the process of ripping a bunch of stuff. Family photos and a few old music albums I can't find on any of the streaming services.
LOL. I'm in this pic! Is every react nerd also an audio nerd?
hehe probably, I also have acoustic foam in my office/studio. Now I need to get bass traps
Haha my paltry 3-tile sound dampening system. Work in progress. Baby steps! And danggg eagle eye! Nice catch spotting that!! 🦅🔍🔬
Maybe closing your window might help, too? TIL most devs that use laptops with external monitors people have webcams. And here I was thinking that laptops had obsoleted the webcam.
It’s just amazing!
I too elevate my macbook after the great coffee incident of 2016. (I've also had a tape measure on my desk the past few days lol)
Admit, I'm Cigarettes Junkie🚬 But I'm smoking Cigar Tasting Style witch doesn't intake to lung😅
I definitely double took thinking they were whips hanging up.
I'm a minimalist and a musician, so I could be double-purposing them ;)
Your desk looks really cool, but aren't your knees constantly bumping into the wall?
ooh, nice monitor @mjackson
Am I doing it right?
Tidied it up last night, still feels nice and clean
It’s a mess right now, but here’s mine 🤷🏾‍♂️
My doggos keep my feet warm 🐕 😊
Still at the office!
Yes! I love Club Mate!
OMG I like the ducks!
They have a mother 😀😀
Here’s mine, so many adventures
Just European Developer things 😁
I just got my 4 crates restocked. 💪
Holy moly 😳 Here in the office, there are a few boxes too 😅
So this is where the magic happens... ✨
I expected AT LEAST 9 more monitors
do you ever use the ducks for debugging 🤭
Oof, single monitor! Now we know why there’s a built in preview window in codesandbox!
What is the purpose of the white board ? I can see drawings there, drawings done by a little child 😂
That's by my sister 😀 The other side of the whiteboard is filled with more ugly drawings of CodeSandbox designs and schemas!
You stay in your little sister house ?/🤔🙆
That is my student dorm, and my sister visits sometimes 🙃
Oh. Looks like a girl house 😂😂😂😂
So many impressions 😃
Plenty of rubber duck debugging going on! 😂
Club-mate-rubber-duck debugging method)))
Mine ft. @daveolz’s name plaque.
Nothing special, but I love my home office
Liverpool mouse pad! 😆 ⚽️
Heck yea, reminds me that I never walk/work alone! 😀
I do play Magic, how did you notice
Yasssss! Love me some Magic.
Ton bureau est un mélange d'arène de jeu Magic et d'un autel à tout les cadeaux que je te fais 😂😂
so, we do have the same apple usb keyboard 😅
Hell yeah those keyboards are reliable af. I actually have a magic keyboard but bluetooth stopped working on my MacBook 😒
for sure! I use both, but tend to like the larger one cause i'm crazy about shortcuts haha. btw, it is possible to replace the airport/bluetooth's card:
MacBook Pro 13" Retina Display Early 2015 AirPort Board Replacement
Replace the AirPort Board in your MacBook Pro 13" Retina Display Early 2015.
I prefer the full-length apple keyboards for sure. And good to know the airport card is replaceable, thanks!
I’m a bit of a minimalist...
Is the thunderbolt detachable? Wow
Yep! I got a kit off amazon and a basic monitor wall mount
Also love the cable management, how it even gets to the monitor, have you hidden it in the wall?
That’s so clean!
are you harry potter? do you live under a staircase?
i am pretty sure he is a character from cyberpunk 2077
Can confirm he curls like a swole ball.
Got a pic of Ken at work 📸
Ableton and vscode both high quality pieces of software. You ever dabble with VST dev?
Very lightly, not smart enough
Unusually tidy today.
This was my home office for a while before going back onsite
We got a lefty.
After about 5+ years of using the Apple Mouse, I built my gaming PC and got this G502 and fell in love with it so I got a second for my work machine.
Nice So you have an old monitor to send it to an poor north Africa programer ha!😬
Love that keyboard 😍
I've tried others over the last decade, but this one is by far my fav.
Happy Hacker Keyboard Pro 2!
OK now I want one. Just told my wife and she was like "what makes it so great?" and I was like "..." Help me out here.
The Topre keys are great. They have a good spring back and help with RSI. It’s not to loud/clicky. The layout and angles are all derived from research. Mine is almost 10 years old.
I just got a keyboard (Leopold FC660C) with Topre switches and they’re delightful. Highly recommended.
It’s an awesome keyboard for developers. Even though there are no arrows key it’s easy to get used to using the fn and { ; “ ? Keys for arrows. You don’t have to move your hands far and the control key is where the caps key is which helps a lot with modifiers
wallpaper please. Love the monitor.
Ooh another widescreen. What model? Curved?
That’s a 38” LG Curved. It’s amazing.
Looks like the same one as me. I don't have the model #, but ya, I love it.
Yeah that looks incredible!
Did it take you long to adjust to no arrow keys? I have a keeb I love w out them but I always phase out of it after a few days.
I don’t remember actually. Probably a bit but I’ve used it for a long time so it’s natural.
I also use an IKEA Galant. I really want one of the ones that raise to standing, but then you can’t have the extension around the left.
Sweet "webcam" 😀 What lens are you using for that? And what power source?
Yikes! That’s a hell of a battery kit! 😳 sweet lens too! I have a nifty fifty on and get always comments about the bokeh in conference rooms 😀😎
social engineering goldmine?
What desk is that?
Is that my desk on the left?
😮 is that one WTC out your window??
Sure is. We just moved to 4WTC. That view is from the 69th floor.
I would call you a liar but the evidence is pretty strong to the contrary. Amazing.
Come visit and see for yourself - open invite :)
Oh right I think we're working on something in April
that's one nice view, congrats
little corner of the workbench that I'm at sometimes! the other half of the time I place my laptop on my tea table and sit on the floor (:
Sitting on top of my Pioneer XDJ-RX and Technics 1200’s
Currently a mess and lacking some of it’s usual aesthetic.
hardly anyone rocking the dual vertical monitor rig. I'll share mine when I'm back
This thread looks about 100:1 Mac to Windows. Conservatively. 🤔
Mine legit includes my dog 99% of the time.
Ese es un SM7B?
No, pero tengo los ojos puestos en uno 😅
What's that thing under the trackpad?
I have my trackpad resting on top of one of these:…
Where is that desk from?
My coworker is upset at me for taking a break.
It’s a little dark now that the sun has gone down…
Haha, it took me a sec to realize this pic was black and white. I was looking at the Rubik's cube like, whaaaaa?? 😅
No external displays? :O
Nah. It's a killer too. Thinking about getting one of those @Vinpokcom Split screens, but unsure how long it'll take to ship and where I'll be living when it arrives.
Snap a pic of your workstation right now:
Love how big that book is that you're using as a mouse pad. I bet that comes in handy when you're moving across the monitors
Nah, high sensitivity! ;)
OMFG cool, you’re in 2029!
What sorta keyboard is that?
It's a Kinesis Advantage! I have one and I loooove it, it's made my hands so much more comfortable!
If you want to avoid pain, go for the Kinesis. Best purchase ever.
Okay, seen. but they are quite expensive for a keyboard tho, $349 that's about #126,000 Naira.
Yes, it's quite an investment, and it's usually shipped from the US. The Microsoft ones do a good job too, and with a much lower learning curve.
You can always remap the keys for higher comfort. I started my journey by remapping the keys that were too far away and made me extend my pinkies.
I would’ve never thought to do this!
It's pretty nice for very long code files and doc pages!
I've legit never been more angry at a tweet out of shear envy 😤 Why does everyone have such an awesome setup?! 💢
Haha, I didn't even think about my setup until like 2 years ago when I thought "wait a sec, I spend *all day* at this desk. I gotta treat myself!" 😅
That sounds like a great plan. Okay, so two years from today I'll go ham on my setup 👩‍💻🖥🖥💻⌨️
The additional monitors, the equipments, the decoration, it's all very much worth it considering the hundreds of hours spent at it
I take my workspace with me wherever I go
Still a work in progress
Nice vinyl collection. My bro and I used to have a collection like that. 😎
Don't mind the controllers I do really work here. 😀
You’re facing a wall? I had no idea. Always assumed there was a window.
The window is to my right, which faces South.
Very nice. Love the lighting 👌
It's dark, so the lights go down. That little white box on my desk is a motion/luminance sensor that controls the overhead lights and LEDs attached to the back of the screens. 🤓
This. Is... Awesome!! 🙌 I've always wanted red lighting from one side and blue from the other it gives everything a comicbook like glow💥
Morning vibes 🌄😎
Looks awesome! Now I want to do this with my next home office.
That mousepad is epic
6am, Spain. Messy 😅
Don't pay attention to the Xbox
Seems like every person in this thread uses a Mac 😅. Well I'll stick to Linux ❤️...
Here's mine
No complaints here. React + Rails setup this evening
Will you be creating udemy tutorial on creating Rails API with React front end? Cause that would be swell!
Yes, I’m planning that out now
Love the brick 🧱
Cool... 😎👍
Granted that’s not right this moment but figured I would share anyway.
(My power just went out. No joke.)
And here is mine. With a healthy reminder to myself overlooking beautiful himalayan town Dehradun. #remoteindian, #remote, #dehradun, #nosmoking, #minimalism
I designed and built this working desk by own though.
Nice work. It's beautiful 👍
Yay! Glad you too liked it @mjackson 😊
(Possibly sensitive)
I hope to improve it soon, when I get employed.
Oh god oh god ok
Can I work for you as a personal or virtual assistant for free please ? Just take care of my flight, travel and accommodation. 🤔🐒🙏
Two hands two keyboards? 😲
Ahahahha one qwerty for me and one qwertz for my wife 🤪
Come join me in dvorak land!
Slow and steady wins the race. ❤
Late night at the office. On a clear day, I can see a sliver of mountains out the window.
Have you noted the webcam I use for projecting the A3 size papers for brain storming sessions with my clients?! 😁🤩
Same keyboard 💪💪
I find the RIGHT NOW part particularly tricky 😁
Keeping it simple, I code in many places 😅
Digital nomad! 🌍
This are tough over here
Exposed 😂😂😂😂😂
Squeaky clean ✨
Vertical monitor, nice. What keyboard is that?
Ducky One! Super cheap, lovely typing experience
Daylight is essential!
Here is mine
I’m most proud that I built my desk myself 😎
I'm definitely feeling some jealousy of all these ultra-wide monitors though...not that I need one or my desk could handle it...
A little too late for the party, but here's mine
A new office with a fantastic view.
i'm not allowed to take photos of my setup. hyper exclusive club lyfe
I have this type of your mouse
I have the pen there
Posted a week ago
My custom build!
Here’s mine 😍
Man I need to clean 🤦‍♂️
What a mess xD
my current workspace at home
👍🏽 becuz the monitors match 😺