(yes i am sad because an interesting side project just fell apart due to a lack of CORS headers. And no, proxying isn't an option due to the resource sizes)
💭 I'll explain why I'm ranting about CORS.
💭 But wait, folks are just going to tell me to use a proxy.
💭 It's ok, I'll avoid that by saying a proxy isn't the answer.
It's ok, I've got a video coming out later where I claim that URLs are impossible for humans to understand, and that browsers should change how their URL bars work.
I'm sure Twitter will be a much nicer place then.
Hi Jake, have you tried using a proxy? I think it’s the answer to all your problems and it’s clear you haven’t thought of it. I can explain how it works if you want! I know you must not know because you obviously haven’t exhausted that idea yet :)
ugh proxies are a pain in the arse, I made one for my podcast web app for the audio files, so tricky to hook everything up and it still wouldn't work right most of the time.
All I can say is that there is more flex there than might be obvious. But yep, in the end you need some co-operation from the site that hosts the mp3s in this case.
The idea was to build a tool that would help folks sync items in a Google Photos album to a local directory. I use a node script for this, but wicg.github.io/native-file-sy… would bring it to the web.
Unfortunately, although the Google Photos API supports CORS, the image URLs don't.
A proxy would be transferring 100s of megabytes, if not gigabytes, which would be a maintenance and cost burden. Also it defeats the point of a project that was about powerful features on the frontend.
Wait ......
Don't you work for Google? Surely you can just Slack the relevant engineer and just get them to add a fucking CORS header???? Or add a new endpoint?!?!?!?!
That project sounds seriously cool.
Haha yeah, I got in contact with them, but they're unsure about it from a security point of view. It might be a misunderstanding of how CORS works, hence
PSA: It's safe to put "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *" on any response, *unless* that response's data is 'secured' by something other than cookies, basic auth, or TLS client certificates.
Maybe I should actually make a real list of these... Floating in the top 10 would be “I can always assume the user is using a modern browser, and can use new/novel APIs and JS features in the browser often without polyfills or fallbacks.“
I've had an issue open on a bug tracker for years, for a project whose assets are on S3, just for them to adjust the config to enable CORS headers.
Is frustrating.
When people compare web apps to native ones, CORS is rarely in the conversation. Native apps have that over web. I’ve abandoned a side project for the same reason.
I've had the same problem with github, they don't have CORS headers on their git over https endpoint, which both bitbucket and gitlab does. So just for github I was forced to have a serverside proxy. Just for them. 😕
Same issue with material.money back in the day. Had to add a server just to proxy the currency rates from the European Central Bank. It's frustrating 😕
I personally became a hater of CORS lately!
Any bad intentioned one could proxy requests with two lines of code in node.
Only good people have to waiste their times dealing with it :/
I know there are other (also skipable) reasons, but are they worth it nowadays?! :(
WAF is a layer (works like a proxy) focused in security. WAF mitigate DDoS, Script Injections and put a lot of headers and security enhancements in your requests. CloudFare offer WAF as a service, you can see more in cloudflare.com/learning/ddos/…
You tell proxy isn't an option because the resource sizes. Using WAF, you could proxy big resources, increasing security and including CORS, CSP and any security headers you want. Maybe I'm not understanding your problem clearly.
IK you said no proxying, but have you considered Cloudflare Workers? Large free tier (10m req) then 0.50$ per million req. They have no price on bandwidth so large files are not an issue. CORS example: developers.cloudflare.com/workers/templa…
Bonus: Workers have a similar API to serviceworkers.
Ok I understand. You said as a response to another question that your problem was one of cost and not of technical feasibility so I thought I'll mention an option where the price is minimal for your use case. I agree tho that having CORS in the first place is better than proxying
Annoying for two reasons:
1️⃣ A proxy isn't the answer to the problem I have.
2️⃣ You're not even the first in the thread to suggest Cloudflare workers.
hey Jake! I don't know if you've thought about this, or maybe even know if the technology exists! what you do is set up a server, hit the API from there, then send it to your webapp from your server so cors isn't an issue! it's called "proxying". 😁
resource size/bandwidth can be an issue, though, so good thing that's not a problem in this case. and since you have a server set up for the project anyway, it should be easy enough to implement.