Some personal news: Once in a while, in the course of a long and lucky career, you’re struck by a moment of professional clarity: I’ve accomplished what I wanted to at this company, and it’s time to move on. 1/10
I had such a moment 17 years ago, when I decided to leave my beloved NPR and join Slate to explore whether there might be a future for original, spoken-word audio on the internet. Turns out there was, and I got to be a part of the early days of podcasting. 2/10
I’ve had another moment of clarity. @MegaphonePods, the company I co-founded 5 years ago, is thriving, as are the other two businesses I started within the WashPost/Graham Holdings family: @SlatePodcasts and Pinna. My work here is done, and I’m eager for the next challenge. 3/10
I’ve said farewell and thanks to my amazing friends and colleagues at Megaphone, moved from New York back to my native California, and am starting work on several projects I’ve been dreaming about for years. I couldn’t be more excited. 4/10
In fact, I had so much fun in the early days of podcasting—when the stakes were low and failure helped us learn, when things were not so formulaic and we were making up the rules as we went along—that I’m moving on to other nascent media. 5/10
I think I’m most proud of @PinnaAudio, the subscription audio service for children. Why? Because audio storytelling is like Miracle-Gro for kids’ imaginations, and they deserve to get it without ads. Please consider gifting Pinna to a child you love: 6/10
Ultimately, podcasting is not about technology or format, but about people. The list of those who partnered with me to create or support Slate/Pinna/Megaphone is absurdly long, and I owe a debt to every one of them. 7/10
It’s wonderful have those moments of clarity and I’m excited to see what comes next. You inspire and I’m truly grateful for the experiences you gave me. Thank you and good luck!
Andy - you've always been ahead of the curve. You did a podcasting webinar back in 2013 (pre-Serial) that I would quote from constantly - trying to convince media clients that the future was audio. I have no doubt that whatever you do next, it will make waves. I'll be following.
With Mike Pesca, all our lives are profoundly better. You took a big risk leaving NPR six years ago to show the world that an original daily podcast could work. Mission accomplished, bigly!
it was such an amazing learning experience to work with you in those early heady days of podcasting! I'll always remember our "live" book club at housing works. good luck and stay in touch
I remember that so fondly Meghan. It was mind-blowing to a former radio guy that we could just plop a few mics down in a cozy bookstore, talk for a while, and then shoot it around the world with a few mouse clicks. And you helped define the voice of Slate Podcasts. Thank you!
So touched by this, Andy. The ideas you generated about podcasting at Slate have literally changed my life & I’m grateful. I wish you all good things in your next chapter & hope to see you next time I’m in your city.
It was all selfish Dana. To this day you're still making podcasts that literally send a cheer through my household when a new episode drops. And somehow, you just keep getting better at it! Thank you, and we'd love to see you in Santa Barbara.
A lot of us don’t know where we’d be without you - quite literally. I was pretty dubious the first time you tried to explain podcasting to me. As usual, you were right!
Oh, you grasped it pretty quickly, and supported my cockamamie experiments in a way few if any other editors would have. Plus, current evidence shows you’ve got a knack for this audio thing.
Andy, this tweet gave me a fond flashback to when we'd record "Day to Day" segments together. Always a delight to work with you. I can't wait to see/hear what's coming next.
Andy, it was so much fun having you teach, evangelize, build at Slate. Without you, no Gabfest. Without you, no CultFest. No HUAL, No Slow Burn....Maybe even no Pushkin, @jacobwe! Are there even more audio worlds for you to conquer?
So many names on this list have been welcomed into my life long ago and remain so. They thank you st the end of their shows. I thank you now. Best of luck on your new ventures.
in 2014 you blogged "The Surprisingly Real Los Angeles of Modern Family". Light viewing shows them to have foibles but to be basically normal & likeable. IOW their characters aren't Westside parasites like you & those in your circle.
Thanks for everything you’ve done, Andy—and for everything you’ll do next. You’re the best. And I will greatly miss hearing your august adult language warnings.
Thanks for all your support over the years Merlin! And I haven't revoked the rights to my explicit language warning, so Slate is free to use it as long as they want.
I remember an audio tape you made for that Fred Friendly class at Yale A lifetime ago. I admired it then and I’ve loved hearing your radio voice all these decades and laugh always at your warning. So thanks.
Congrats and thanks for all you’ve done for podcasting, Andy! Those early days were indeed fun ones, and I hope whatever you’re headed to next is just as magical.