If you want to create a fanpage of some obscure topic, everything is just ... too much. So instead, people will create an Instagram/TikTok/Facebook/etc and start posting there.
Cloudflare pages tied to a gihub repo powered by jekyll.
Super a simple setup and elegant, using js from 2016.
At some point I want to add @tailwindcss
the original tweet wasn't me being nostalgic, it was about the fact that ad-driven apps are simpler and will therefore win. until that happens, creativity and expression will be captured by large, privacy-invading companies.
I think this process _is_ easier than what came before... but this doesn't replace the simple, static sites you were talking about: Jekyll et al. are a much easier way (imo) to achieve something like Wordpress.
When it comes to your problem space, I feel like the piece that's really got more complicated is "write the HTML". It's crazy how much more complicated front end has become in the name of making things easier. Why do pages need to be interactive?! Can't we just load a new page?!
If anything I think backend is just as easy or easier. There are still shared hosting packages we can FTP things to, but instead we can also just add things in GitHub's GUI (and for free!) or use S3/CloudFront (much easier/safer than fighting with Apache configs).
"Simple and elegant" I had about 5 emotional breakdowns trying to learn how to use github pages, let alone trying to learn how jekyll even works--if it COULD even work on my windows pc. 50 hours of my life for something that's 'ok'
It took me 10 minutes back in 2004 when i was 9
GitHub: give your source to Microsoft and make collaborators agree to those ToS
Cloudflare: give your markup to a massive internet censor trying to centralize the net
I see ethical issues with this setup too
You can still do this, there are just more options to create more complex apps. People create on those platforms because the audience and functionality is already there and has been refined over time, not because creating a fanpage has gotten harder.
this take is so dumb and you seem earnest, had to add another tweet.
~16 years ago when i published my first fan website i couldn’t even afford or easily buy a domain coz none of us had credit cards, now my dad 60+ year old has more than one website he maintains. grow up dud
Uh, I think you’re entirely missing the point of these ad-driven platforms, but anyway,few people actually understood HTML in 1996. It’s so elementary to us today, but to people in 1996 it was esoteric. Not to mention FTP back then wasn’t as easy as it is today either.
To create easy-to-use platforms for user-generated content on the web, you have to deal with complexities which requires work and thus money. There’s simply no way around it. Even the best open source options (wiki, WP) have a learning curve and require server space.
The reasons why these platforms are popular and dominant go beyond how hard it is to create websites today or whatever. As a result of network effects, early advantages translate to dominance.
Sounds like you had contact with WordPress or some fancy JS framework? 😜 Are you aware of hotwired.dev? And bulma.io? I don't like frontend stuff, but those work fine for me.
Check out getzola.org, it's a static site builder made with Rust. I still roll HTML by hand for my site, Zola makes it a tad easier and simpler. Must admit, I migrated from Notepad to VSCode 😂
Yep Jekyll is optional and if it gets in the way (it never has for me) you can disable parsing with an empty ".nojekyll" file in the root
Point being that you can treat GitHub pages like a static file host with Fastly CDN benefits
I didn't know about that either. I haven't needed to have a .nojekyll file in any of my projects to get GitHub Pages to serve up static content
oia.nz is a single page static site I have hosted on GitHub Pages, for example:
So do that. It still works. It’s also accessible, responsive, secure, doesn’t need banners about tracking cookies, (probably) won’t give you zero-day vulnerabilities in some npm package you didn’t even know you were using, and doesn’t need 2.6Mb of JavaScript just to say hello.
I know they used so many different languages they think they're great and they'll do just the same old crap ever did so you have to learn something new when you really didn't have to.
To be fair, writing HTML in Notepad and uploading it somewhere is still an option, and works as well as it always did. People just have different expectations today.
The only people who found it actually easy to write HTML and FTP it to a server in 1996 were nerds, and that’s why we were the only ones with websites, and that’s why there were more Wikipedia articles about Pokémon than any other subject until like 2010.
Did you code HTML back then because no it wasn't that simple and you had multiple browsers and platform combinations to code for I once had to code for 180 of them.
I have been thinking about the same..
It might be because Internet was originally build for simple text file with few hyperlinks..
Now, Internet can replace a TV, Shopping complex, MailBox and a Phone to name a few...
Feature overload!
I think it depends on how sophisticated you want it. You can still do a simple html site and upload it to something like netlify. There are still web hosts out there that support FTP
Look, all you need to do is understand complex CSS layout models well enough to understand how your specific CSS framework library abstracts those models, and then simply build your website in 43 nested DIVs.
Also the <blink> tag isn't supported anymore.
I mean, sure, but then how do I smoothly segue into talking bout how cool WebAssembly is?😀
Can even use Notepad to create, like it's '96: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web… 😄
Can CSS do *this*: wacc.rancidbacon.com
(OK, sure, maybe w/appropriate tooling but that's not my point.😂)
To be fair, it depends on what sort of website you want to make. I don't think there's anything stopping you from putting a super simple static HTML site somewhere if you want to?
Honestly though it's a good question. It particularly matters for young people and beginners
Exactly this, I did a website in early 2000s that was static HTML in Dreamweaver. No need to account for mobiles/tablets. Hosted on an ancient mac server in the server room at work so could network copy to it (what security issues you ask?).
I tried doing that this summer with a hobby website and the main annoyance was not having templates. Like putting the nav links on every page. A lot of hobbyists still use Iframes to get around that like this site lida.rainbow-muffin.org
I couldn't give up being able to link to specific content so I used @eleven_ty to deal with templates and such but it's hard to recommend to other hobbyists if they aren't already devs since it requires command line/node.js
Yeah there are definitely a bunch of tools available for building static sites, but honestly I haven't used any of them.
Not that I've solved the problem another way, I've just managed to sidestep it (e.g. by having websites that are just one page)
I remember making a javascript file with just the nav and including that on each page, so at least the content of the nav was in one place. Same for the footer.
Yeah I did that once, it's a good solution for builders willing to learn JS. There are also some lightweight server-side templating options like lit-html.
i'd use php instead to keep the navigation, header, and footer in separate files but otherwise use regular ol' html. one of my biggest pet peeves is websites that require javascript for what should be static content.
Having nav links on every page was already a challenge 25 years ago. Perhaps you could create some simple JavaScript-based web components for navigation and other common elements. No command line or server-side complexities needed.
it's only harder if you follow the pack with insane frameworks, transpilers, bundlers, containers and such. everything works just fine without all that
Making the website is actually way easier (though expectations have significantly increased). Deciding what you're going to use to build it on the other hand…
yes the paradox of choice is real! personally abdicated decision making to 'just use AWS' but I can attest that decision creates as many problems as it solves
(at first…then all the sudden you don't even think about it for literal years)
I'm forcing myself to use WordPress and IDK it's pretty easy. Most hosting companies have 1-click install and there are a zillion page builders including their own Gutenberg.
Cloudflare pages tied to a gihub repo powered by jekyll.
Super a simple setup and elegant, using js from 2016.
At some point I want to add @tailwindcss
If all you want is to write some HTML and upload it somewhere it's much easier now than it used to be.
Code editors these days are amazing, and you can just drag and drop a folder to Netlify.
Not looked at it since it was launched. Each 'website' was really an island then, so it couldn't be turned into a social-network of any form. No doubt it's a bit better now. And it's cool it's survived!
honestly, front-end scares me. it's almost like I've retreated to the back-end over the course of my career, rather than having it be a conscious decision.
This is exactly how backend feels for me right now. Never really sat down to learnt it. When I started learning to code (not very long) I 'naturally' thought it's better to walk in through the front door when it's your first time.
As someone who shied away from front end, you might find esbuild to be a more approachable setup for it all.
It isn't infinitely extensible, but it has support for a lot of the more popular things, like React/JS. It does pay to embrace npm/yarn for that, though.
I had to spend a solid few weekends a while ago figuring out how to use Webpack and how to upgrade my task runners etc.
Now that I have a base repo for new projects it feels good, but it's a *lot* of (hard) work before you can start actually writing the code you want to write
Well if you have any questions just let me know.
I'm a fullstack dev since the 90s who knows Rust (not as good as you at it though!) / React / TypeScript / etc.
In some ways front-end is more complicated, and in other ways it's never been simpler.
cool, you’ve found the root of the issue. frontend does more now than ever and instead of embracing it and growing with it, it scares you so you’ve retreated.
you can still do all those things from 1996 if you please, the rest of us are moving on ahead.
the original tweet wasn't me being nostalgic, it was about the fact that ad-driven apps are simpler and will therefore win. until that happens, creativity and expression will be captured by large, privacy-invading companies.
I’ll be honest – I’m totally lost. Ad driven apps are simpler? What does that have to do with development in 1996 vs 2021? Can you expand? This has taken a turn.
Just for sake of disclosure, I run a bootstrapped (profitable) B2C SaaS that has no ads nor sells any user data.
I think they were referring to people using social media like Instagram/TikTok/etc instead of making websites. Why spend 100 hours making a site about something when in that same time you can make 20 videos?
This was also my read. The internet feels a lot smaller these days I think its bc non-devs don't want to waste time messing around with 15 different frameworks/hosting options/etc. If I want to show off what im working on, i can either learn all that nonsense or use instagram
Instead of making the process of creating websites easier, it's more complicated than ever. So ppl have to go through the big data driven platforms in order to be able to express themselves/create/etc
people go to those apps, not just because it’s easier than building a website [in both 2021 and 1996] but because they come with built in audiences, promotion, + discovery.
I detest vast data collection too, but is it not also worth lauding the smaller gates to creative output?
I'm challenging the idea of audience+discovery here. Is it paid or organic? In France 30% of people aren’t on Internet, 50% of businesses don’t have a digital presence, apart from a google map reference. It is more or less the same in every EU countries.
And to be clear i don’t advocate for a 100% connected world as it would drastically further internet ecological imprint and destructions -already way past any sustainable form- deeply aggravated by these ad-services and ecom platforms.
There is definitely a lot of content I've thoroughly enjoyed made by people who would not have made it (or I would not have discovered it!) on low-friction apps like TikTok. Personally, I have more fun making silly websites but that's also my day job 🤷
It may be easier to create something now, but if you go that route you are much more limited to a specific type and form of content. Young people who only use the mega-platforms don't get the same idea of what's possible.
It's the easy audience you (may) get on Instagram and the like that's so attractive. Few people visit stand-alone websites these days unless driven there from the social networks.
“making websites easier” won’t solve this. you can build whatever you like but it will lack the community and discoverability of the apps
i see any attempt at making these “simple websites” discoverable as having the same privacy implications (in the current state of things)
It’s no harder to make a web site today, if you’re being literal. It’s been 15 years since “Web 2.0” - then as now, ugc-driven platforms/apps merely expanded the market and lowered the barrier to entry. It still takes _some_ real work to publish a site. Anyone can post content.
The thing is, you don't have to get your head around it. Like at all. You pull in a template repo using npm, incrementally edit with the local server running (npm run start or dev or something), and finally npm run build when you're ready to deploy.
The process is complicated under the hood, and there's a case to be made against that. But these tools are ultimately very easy to use in the vast majority of cases (the exceptions being when you need some unusual customizations that interact poorly with the build process).
The problem isn't that tech is harder; in many ways, it's not.
It's the default idea/insistence that whatever you make *has* to be built on a massive architecture by default. Happens in both frontend (React/framework-of-the-moment) and backend (K8s etc).
Open to being wrong tho
I think the baseline requirements and consumer expectations have changed substantially.
If you just want to publish basic text then it's the same.
If you want it to look pretty on a very wide variety of devices then there's inherent complexity there that's hard to simplify.
I agree! React or vue bloat ware, Wordpress bloat ware with themes etc. its such a lot of code when in 1996 it was just HTML and CSS. Plain text files. And trying to understand if you modify the ts files, tsx, jacket files to adjust content or structure of a page and then “pack”!
I know what you're saying, and agree somewhat, but at the same time you have to admit in some ways, it's significantly easier - e.g. click here: glitch.new and you can have a free hosted minimal website in one click without even signing in.
Someone like @anildash can probably give a much better answer than I can, but I’ve used them for many years for teaching kids to code, and also hosting some quick apps - but they’ve got info about their business model here:
I read that through and I'm still slightly confused about stuff but I'll go over it in depth.
I know I'm getting old when I can't comprehend these things so easily anymore
because “modern responsive web design” requires you include 400+ mb of javascript in your page. Simple HTML and css pages still work (and is just as fast). But might look like trash on mobile
But CSS, not JS, is what controls what your site looks like on mobile? 🤔🤔🤔
(I totally get Tim's point that webpack, SPAs, etc. add complication, but don't think RWD holds the blame for those complications.)
Often times, devs will take the road of least resistance, and that means including some JavaScript library like Bootstrap or full blown React. Much much easier than writing or managing CSS.
Isn't this a bit like comparing building a house in the 18th vs the 21st century? Of course it was simpler back then. But as any industry evolves it requires ever more specialisations and deeper expertise in smaller niches. It's a basic mechanic of progress, isn't it?
All you needed to know was HTML and hex code colors.
We were blissfully ignorant of UI/ux best practices, pretty much all content was static, CSS hadn’t been invented yet and there was no expectation of conventional designs or layouts.
Having done both, it is way easier now.
It is so much easier, in fact, that people undertake significantly more ambitious project now than they would have possibly tried then.
Exactly. Just getting a background image to work in multiple browsers was a feat back then.
People who didn't cover back then don't understand you don't just put out the code and it works everywhere you had to adjust the code for every browser platform.
Which is why webpages started to grow in size and complexity in the first place - because you needed a compatibility layer written by a dedicated team 🤷♂️. Effectively we started shipping a browser with the code to run on the browser.
Not having to accommodate an incompatible version of IE alone is such an amazing quality of life improvement.
And that’s leaving aside that Flash came out in 1996…
3 layouts (mobile, medium & large screen) and responsive images & the CSS needed for that.
After that it is:
is it actually web app (adjusts to user with more complexity than a multi page form)?
you an enterprise gathering info on users while keeping competitive load times?
I.e. there is a bit more CSS to learn to do a good basic page. And then there is an enterprise level complexity geared into trying to stuff the most code & functionality into the smallest download package and the least lines to maintain.
allows you to click together a website without opening notepad. The blink tag however has been replaced by javascript and is more complex to implement these days.
My guess is: java didn't fly, websites weren't all that interactive and also, Flash.
It died, and there had to be something to replace it. Nobody prepared something fitting, so we used JS.
JS was not prepared and we piled on responsibilities on top of it.
Which brings us to today
a series of techs that aren't a good fit for what we use the net for today. And the browser manufacturers liked their control over the stack. They still do. The fact that brendan eich works for Mozilla is no small part of why nothing but JS is allowed
tbh I don't think so. The tools used under the hood are 100x more complex, but as the web dev all the complexity of transpiling, bundling etc is handled by a framework (nextjs, sveltekit, ...)
It felt a lot like that to me last year, so I now just have an HTML file, a CSS file, and several images. It's hosted on Github pages.
Ignored all the fancy solutions that are supposed to make it easy. Probably doing it wrong, but works for me.
I did enjoy using Glitch too, I must say. If I had a server-side component, I'd look at that.
There must be a middle-ground between Glitch and, like, anything that requires me to understand AWS IAM.
I always follow the KISS principle and try to comply with today's basic requirements without involving too many fancy elements that makes things confusing and prone to error.
This thread has many valid concerns, but it reminds me of conversations as assembly language programmers switched to C, and then to C++. However, the accidental complexity introduced by poor and immature tools can be a nightmare.
While a popular take I think it's more about evolving expectations of quality + functionality than anything.
Super easy to get a html+css site up and live on @github pages (no ftp needed!). However, today's standards of a "basic webpage" is much higher requiring more scaffolding
I agree: at this point people expect the quality of the web to vaguely resemble the quality of standalone software from 1996. Unreliable, hard to use, inconsistent UI, with occasional catastrophic loss of data. 🤪
It’s not necessarily harder if you ignore all the peer pressure to use today’s hot tech.
But hey. If you’re not using Rube Goldberg machines for your brochure web site, are you really a serious web developer?
To be fair squarespace and it’s competitors have made this pretty easy, especially if you plan to sell something or otherwise accept CCs. Agreed that building from scratch has gotten hilariously complicated tho.
This sounds like a silly question mainly because:
1) smartphones / responsive
2) we do everything on our phones and websites now, way more than in 1996
It's not actually, just depends what you want to do and how you want to do it. You can rock out your best 1996 easily with something like neocities.org@neocities
It’s not. There are just more technologies available to you. It’s intimidating and choosing the right way to do something can cause a lot of anxiety, but don’t let it fester into resentment and false assumptions that make you feel better for not learning every shiny new thing.
Because those same companies sold us the idea that we all need the tools they invented to solve their problems.
We bought into the idea that a more complex ecosystem is better, and we're paying the price.
In 1996 you’re building a brochureware webpages and in 2021 you’re building software. Multiple breakpoints & browsers to support, custom and contributed functionality, 3rd party integrations, accessibility/compliance requirements, multi-language support, custom logic etc etc
Not to mention the web has become an abomination. Websites from the bygone era has a style and panache that's wholly absent from the hyperactive game show with maxed out volume aesthetic that dominates pretty much every site today.
It is just as easy today to make the website I made in 1996 as it was back then. In fact, it’s notably easier, I don’t need five nested tables to create a box with rounded corners and a border…
If you ignore react, then it’s just some added CSS that you have to take care of. The CSS standard, I believe, is 800 pages long, and it’s one of the easiest things that I have read in my life, extremely simple. I developed my website using VIM, and it was extremely simple.
Thanks Scott. I tested it using Chrome’s built in tools for responsive design, and it seems to work perfectly on those tools. I actually tested it on Firefox as well, and seems to work there too.
Thanks again, Scott. As I said in my last tweet, it seems to work perfectly on Chrome’s tools for responsive design. I didn’t have small devices back devices, which I still don’t have, so couldn’t test it on real devices. I appreciate the feedback.
I have just checked in Chrome’s developer tools, and it certainly is clipping on smaller devices. When I developed it in 2013, it seemed to work perfectly on all devices that developer tools supported back then. Thanks for the info, once again.
We don't have a tool take takes in @figmadesign and converts that to website. We need a rendering engine that is no/minimal code. No JS/react/angular, HTML5, etc.
This is highly not democratizing.
the WG's that decided the interweb shld be a chintzy marketplace of mobile apps, rather than the beautiful library it was - the latest state of web dev is just rediscovery that data lasts longer then any fadish app and to always avoid vendor lockin at all costs
Probably for similar reasons that it's more difficult to build (good) mobile apps in 2021 compared to 2008. Lots more devices and screen sizes, higher standards for privacy and security, lots of competing solutions for the same problems (Flutter,Xamarin,RN,vanilla-native)
It’s incredibly easy you can literally just write html, css, js and drag and drop the folder into your hosting provider’s control panel where you conveniently can configure all your DNS settings
Reading this thread and responses just confirms your statement. There are lots of good replies that seems to be elaborate scaffolding macros or sophisticated hosted services. Things definitely look and behave better, not sure the content has improved.
Only by doing it *the correct way*, but theres no reason you can’t cut the shit and go straight html+css on lamp stack via ftp and get it done in about 10 minutes. Look at craigslist, still going strong and basic af
Fairly sure you can still use all the same stuff you could back then.
There’s more options now but nothing is stopping anybody from just putting a HTML file on a server and calling it a day.
There is literally nothing stopping you from ftping some html and css if that the kind of thing you want to build. And now everywhere gives you a free ssl.
Client expectations and the developer ecosystem are changing. That does not mean info.cern.ch won't still run.
But, to your point, I suppose this is just another dumb semantical argument where we mean the same thing but say different things.
ftp, html and css didn't just go away. They all got better and easier. You can still use them if you don't want JavaScript, it's easier today than it ever has been before. No one is forcing you to install node modules. More complex apps require more complex tooling.
You are NOT considering all the friggin screensizes beeing added to the ballpark. Thats the cheer! Decades ago even iframe based navigation was the shit haha
I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s harder, but I would say that most hosting companies push you to use a platform because they want to monetize their stuff, there’s nothing stopping you from writing static HTML and CSS and hosting it on normal web server with no frameworks
not sure it is… a few choice selections and your experience may be VERY similar (thematically) to 1996 with much greater default behaviour
Style, structure similar to 25 years ago, while content and code revision have improved drastically, you have a lot more at your disposal.
I was 12-13years old in 2001.... I used to make super crappy websites using macromedia dreamweaver 3 and geocities..... today I feel I can't do anything functional 😵💫
Obviously I'm not objective about @Wix, but we've come a *very* long way in recent years. Much more capable, responsive, performant, SEO friendly, accessible, etc. In particular you may enjoy Wix Velo: twitter.com/DanShappir/sta…
In case you didn't know: @Wix is now the easiest way to develop powerful web-apps. Wix Editor includes a builtin IDE you can use to add custom code to the Web UI you create using drag-and-drop. This is called #Velo by Wix. here is a short video about it:
Because in 1996 you didn't have much more than text and static images to work with.
Maybe an occasional gif but with the slow bandwidth at the time you tried to keep this to a minimum else the website would load so slowly.
Even a jpg would make a page load slow, don't.....(1)
you remember trying to load a porn image and hoping you didn't finish before the image did?
I mean really it was slow as heck to load porn images back then.
Absolutely not you had to make the entire website images scripts everything in under 250 KB -- there's no CSS everything was nested tables it is much easier to make websites today.
The beauty is, you can literally write & deploy a website exactly like you did in 1996. And it will look like a site made in 1996. If you want to make a responsive site with complex layouts, custom type, animation and dynamic interactions that’s understandably far more complex.
Yes! Especially if you want it to be fast; most less technical people (including many web agencies) I know result to the 20 year old project that is WordPress with some one click install on shared hosting, some page builder and plug-ins with known security issues and no updates.
I found GitHub pages easy to get started with. Yeh, there was a some technical stuff going on around it. But you can ignore all that going through the guide and basically git commit markdown pages. If you already used git before, it's easier than ftp for publishing changes.
The biggest thing it simplifies was a not having to think about hosting. The domain name you get isn't that bad, and it's trivial to add a custom domain (once you get one registered all on your own).
It is not harder to make a website now. If you want to make a website that's as simple as in 1996 you can still do that. Nothing says your page has to look good, that's totally optional.
Also Squarespace is crazy easy and Shopify and Wordpress aren't much harder.
Man, I still hate W3C for moving to <div> tag. Bring back tables to lay out websites lol. It's so easy to layout a website using <table>. I am a dinosaur lol.
with both websites and cars a look at the weight of those of the past ought to at least give us pause to reconsider if maybe todays options have become a little bloated.
imo many good incremental steps can accumulated into something suboptimal and taking a step back can help
I agree. I try to build sites and apps that are more Honda Jazz/Fit than massive bloated Lexus. It is not too hard. My co-developers need restraining sometimes.
I lived three years in the Netherlands without a car. It’s easy if the infrastructure is set up for it. Most places are not even close.
I live on a guided bus route that takes me to my workplace in Cambridge. The cost and time to drive vs. take the bus is about the same.
That’s absurd. It’s easier than ever. Just make sure you’ve got Node installed and updated and npm and yarn and grok and all of them version compatible then all you have to do is install NestJs and a month later you’ll have a beautiful webpage which you can deploy with Kubernetes
Remember when we’d build websites by writing an index.html file, include our CSS & JS inline, then FTP it up to the server. Job done.
Now we have dependencies, build pipelines, deployment scripts & serverless functions coming out of our ears.
Progress at the cost of complexity.
People have more expectations..In 90s web used to be just static html. It was served like menu and books. Now web needs to be interactive. That's why it become tough.
It's not harder. It's just that everybody's standards for a website went up.
Today's web browsers can still render websites from 1996. It's just that we all feel pressure to do more.
I had lofty goals back then and wanted to make web forums and the like from scratch using PHP or Perl. Modern web dev makes that easier to achieve… at the expense of what you just described.
Kinda sucks that we lost the simplistic charm over the years.
Is it actually harder, or is it that people tell you all the things you “have” to do (minify, seo, compression)? Cos you can create a free page with Wordpress (non self hosted) pretty fast.