Stay strong, @awscloud friendos. As outages go, this one is pretty mild / funny. Customers are hurting but not THAT much.
And it's not like I have anything else to do since billing single-tracks through us-east-1.
See, the trouble with being @awscloud is let's pretend you use a third party for all of this stuff. Do *THEY* or *their vendors* rely on AWS for anything? Are you SURE?…
Each cloud vendor should run their status page on another cloud vendor? Seems like one way to be confident there isn't any cross-dependency. It also feels ridiculous, but here we are.
Yes but Amazon has had many outages and should know that its status page is always filled with lies. If they cared at all about it, they would have a different treatment.
Yeah it's definitely not just that. Dynamo seems to be entirely down and a couple of our services are impacted but without access to cloudwatch we don't know exactly what's failing.
All day, couldn't get into Workspace. Our accounts are configured so they're ONLY accessible from Workspace. Even once could login to Workspace, couldn't fetch STS tokens.
Whats fascinating about an AWS outage, rare that they are — is that you hear about it immediately. Brings out all the vendors and analysts — see, see told ya.
Other clouds fail, not a peep.
Begs question why are so many internet critical apps only designed for one AZ?
AZ's share the same network, and as the network was the issue, it affects an entire region. More scary to me: the fact that Amazon itself was impacted; apparently Amazon truck drivers were unable to deliver packets (you'd assume Amazon follows AWS best practices).