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The internet does not just radicalize would-be terrorists, it radicalizes everybody.
179 replies and sub-replies as of Jun 30 2016

LMAO! Ahhhh totally missed your show this week! Will watch tonight!
more dangerous
you're dumb
saw this Friday night. Fucking hilarious
Thought I blocked you....oops! No longer value your options or feedback !
anonymous attention seekers
very true we call them "Internet tough guys"
Bill, why don't you guys create a new independent state within the US? Call it The Real Land of Freedom diluting truth with an ocean of lies...truer words on the internet have never been spoken:)
it's actually Muslims that radicalize everyone by killing everyone else
it puts me to sleep like your show.
Good point and THAT is why reasonable voices MUST RISE & counter the extremists the idealogues the faithbased & science deniers.
mr wheeler comes out when there's little accountability.
Pretty funny
Yea I was perfectly sane before getting that AOL account in '96.
I never watch the 5. But I was flipping thru and saw they played a video of you and your thoughts on Islam. They liked your ideas
Cunts give a shit what happens in social forums on the internet. Zuck, to Obama to "terrorists".
that's just not true you America hating Cracker Barrel avoiding import driving in touch with your feminine sided commie. Lies!!!!
I, #shirleesmith, am not in the radical camp I just suffer at the hands of #americanracism which is holy terror
it does tend box the complex beasts that we are into very narrow slivers of our being, mostly awful slivers
"Not the fault of the hater for the hate crime but of the medium", said the Maher idiot.
I agree. I wld never be on Social Media unless it was necessary, and in my case, it was. But like you, I my voice and posts are =
If you care what someone says negatively about you online, you're the basement troll with no life, even if you're President.
All the Internet is, is it provides a platform for people to broadcast their beliefs to the world. That & cat photos.
What we need to do is stop electing cunty basement trolls who can't even figure out where to take a piss.
Can't uninvent guns, knives, weapons.. it is all personal responsibility. Where are the ppl around these EXTREMISTS?
EXTREMISTS want quick violent solutions bcuz they're powerless or crazy. Maybe if we cared more about each other than numbers....
#mateen radicalized by U.S. homophobia. For 3 years he did many 240 mile trips to visit same gay bar. or is pulse an #Isis front?
w/last. I have video and sermons far before #SM and #Twitter became a thing to back up my last statement. Just know time/place YK
Atleast YOU admit it...
Yeah, that and the murdering of multitudes.
group polarization caused by homogeneous populations, kinda like the sanders inspired group march to the far left.
Yeah, but @HillaryClinton thinks that a movie can radicalize people walking down the street in Libya.
So let's stop talking about it so much. Let's punch a hole in it's power. I tweet but I get bored hearing about twitter. Bored!
online disinhibition syndrome is the term you're looking for - The reasoning behind anonymous troll attacks
We wouldn't have this problem. Say, good luck with that? Well, if THAT is the problem, fix THAT.
If the tree is the problem, are you gonna start taking leaves off it or pull up the fucking root
idk. Big fan but I felt the bit ran a little too long...:/
a little anonymity can turn otherwise "nice" people into raging asshats.
lol you're right, I'm a nice guy but on the web i sometimes have to kee a check on my arse whole gene.
Sir, you are an #HonoraryGay & we love you. #pride2016
only if you allow it to.
cause face to face u might get an ass whippin
Case in point: Donald Trump
The internet does not just radicalize would-be terrorists, it radicalizes everybody.…
BTW we want your shows in the UK! your comedy would go down a treat here. I'll be happy to arrange it for a 5% cut :)
yh every last one of us lol
You are spot on there, Bill 😔
Shocking Keebler behavior
Funny. The guy who invented trolling is talking badly about trolls...
I'm beginning to wonder if the Brits realized they were operating in the real world and not just blocking the European Union.
Rollin' down that highway to hell recently renamed the misinformation superhighway.
Bullshit. But are you saying YOU are radicalized, Bill?
bring back the W.E.L.L where people had to use their real names instead of knowitallmoron
you pandering old out of touch foreskin. Correct my grammar maybe? You're not funny anymore!!!! Just pretentious. Faaack!!!!!!!!
LMFAO. It is what it is so yeah laughter is the key. Some of that stuff is actually very funny and some is just nasty.
ppl think Obama is the anti-Christ? I say it's the Internet! It brings out the evil in us all. #eventheKeeblerelves
yes, there is truth to that. However, despite your notion, most don't rail/attack fellow citizens w murderous intent.
your writers fucking blow.
All depends what basis you radicalize. Gardeners or Murderers...the final result will be different.
Thanks for the comedy. A FB prolife anti-vaxxer started saying I exist on a different plane from the rest of society.
😂👌TRUTH! But you gotta admit, they're hilarious. Otherwise, why bother, lol?
it also takes everyone's jobs a brain outsource
YOU MISTAKE TROLLING WITH INTEREST... @billmaher The internet does not just radicalize would-be terrorists, it radicalizes everybody.
absofuckinglutely fantastic! 😂
I'm Radicalized after I listen to you!!! Like listening 2 the Band Of Brothers speech, as done by Kennett Branagh!!!
Right on Bill
most of those are hilarious. There are assholes in the net, but those are great.
monkey maher, r u related to hillary's VP El Warren, knowns as Running Primate
Such a good example...LogicDruid, he's talking about people like you.
haha monkey maher is caving, he is the prime time troll,idiot
Sweet boy, go ahead look in the mirror. Do you like what you see?
yep ,hope the same with you and everyone in the world
That would be incorrect. Many don't like themselves, it's called anger
Hiya, was not a statement,Anger is part of life,like pity toward monkey maher
haha, Hey monkey maher, do u know your show format is all troll
but seriously though lies&smear from MonkeyMahers must B confronted
haha & sad but true part is although Maher is monkey,he looks like a troll
& lastly to you Dear Eva,apart from people like hitler maher is the worst among us
So true. People believe anything they see or read on the internet if it supports their bias.. It's way beyond out of hand.
, very true. Anonymity breeds assh*les.
wow those fake tweets really went on and on.
the one about @ChrisChristie was hysterical!
keebler elf is pretty funny tho
how did you figure that?
u r radical ur self. ... u big nose having Zionist bigot
I know it made you seem stupider...
there is some stuff we should not see , ever
Watching you just turns people into radishes, so not insightful funny sarcastic or sardonic. Moronic along with guests
oh my Goddess! Your in big trouble with @MotherNature !!!
including loud-mouth tv hosts.
you radicalize me so much at times I want to kiss you @ other times I want to slap some sense in your big head!
Most trolls aren't radicalized. Unless you mean radical nihilists, in which case absolutely.
especially Donald #Trump lies
Can't wait to see you on hardball!
man you are fkn hilarious!!
No shit! If*s like a fucking truth serum.
What's more, it empowers them. If absolute power corrupts absolutely then for those already corrupted absolutely...what's next?!
so where did the pre internet corrupts get their power?
LoL exactly. More atheist than even before in history. 🤔
can't solve anything either red or blue few are purple, a "populist" nation since Newt solving zero and amplified by the Internet
Every now and then, you say something intelligent....
u make me laugh sir
soap operas, game shows and Gilligan's island was a bore in the 70s, but i'd go back to that just to ax cable news and the net.
Truth, just read any comment section online.
Nah, people just feel free to be their ignorant selves on the internet🤗
I'm sure my girlfriend wouldn't mind if I sucked your cock and swallowed. She's a #patriot
thx for comin' to Calgary...great show.
the seventh sense
that's hilarious 😄
As to the trolling true cowards. I have my world view & evidence= conclusion as you have yours but the art of disagreeing lost
per your teletownhall the other night.
@billmaher: The internet does not just radicalize would-be terrorists, it radicalizes everybody.…@BayAreaPlaya510
like I been saying.... Fuck social media
the little debbie one was classic
So we should shut it down?? What's your point?
some truth in that.
Asking someone what they think is something we all regret on occasion. The Internet is that multiplied by a few billion.
But it's so much fun to be an asshole. You're one on your show all the time.
Definitely! Very true.
what do you base this on?
that was so, so funny
thats true in someway
no it just lets small minded twists be trolls when they lack both the balls and the funds to heckle you at a live show.
If Internet radicalizes people, what do you think radicalized @realDonaldTrump?
Your head should be on a 6'4 guy.
:If it wasn't 4that darn internet, we wouldn't know that u donated $1m2HRC while pretending2support Bernie
😂😂😂 Bill's busted! And he's not saying anything! Bill's credibility is down in the drain. 😂
you believe you're progressive, we've been here since before your birth. Beliefs aren't a political plan#rollingstoneinterview
Yes, he knew u could look it up. A lot of people liked BS till we found he had NO plan #rollingstone interview
Including you. "Moderate Muslims w jobs & kids must fight ISIS!" How many "normal" Christians fought agnst likes of Tim McVeigh?
it's what crooked politicians have done over the decades, screwing up Foreign policy and disrespecting people constantly.
especially anti-vaxers whose ideas are more dangerous and will cause more unnecessary deaths if followed than Islamic terrorists
very conservative but I appreciate your view radical Islamist and how they should be viewed
funny how Obama didn't beat Romney by 10% but some how people are excited for Hillary ,get the fuck out of here
Classic deinviduation-the internet gives us just enough anonymity to bring our the worst of us.
Enforced non-assimilation byMosques-Qu'ran-Hadith- imams radicalize: Institute of Islamic Education (IIE)
please help bring awareness to SWFL water crisis!
And you do the EXACT same thing. You've capitalized on social media hate!
your the main reason I keep HBO! After Game of Thrones of course ⚔🛡🗡
wow monkey maher, do you know that your format show is all troll, thats what u do
11 of the best ways Donald Trump was welcomed to Scotland this weekend…
you're always so spot on...& always hysterically funny...xo Thanks Bill
Reading news tailored to your preferences is not a good thing. A reason to question the FB newsfeed and google news page.
I wonder if they said the same thing when they invented writing 🤔 What puts us at top of the food chain? Competition?Cooperation?
I blame religion on #Books Millennials mirror you Bill We mirror George Carlin Why? Information How do you suppress? Follow God's
example God denied man knowledge like any good abuser He isolated us and kept us secret from the angels We found out & started
asking to many questions The bible is a playbook of suppression
#Books gave us religion. The #Internet gave us atheist. 👊😈😜😇👍
paid social media jobs
i hope that female coach pat wen to hell for trying to be a MAN
just started following Keebler elves, thanks for top tip!
Islamism is deep seated (congenital in their upbringing, NOT RADICALISED) sleepers and moles, long planted and well entrenched.
so true! Mean tweets.
wanted to say I finally got the GW thing watching your show. Keep it up
the internet provides isulation from consequences that creates radicalization: 1 doesn't experience the result of 1's actions
It's nothing new :) Think about "Road Rage" ... We direct anger @ people, how we'd never do in-person, cuz theres no encounter.
I keep waiting for the daily double answer to appear on those blue squares in your opening monologue background.
idiot!! stick to being a fool. Your jokes stink. Trump will be next president moron.