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1,312 replies and sub-replies as of Jul 01 2016

LOVE is greater than hate.
Tell that to Isis
We need someone who takes action. That someone is you!…
Nathan, you ask very stupid questions. *ahem*
wow great vidio neil! Big fan..
how do you breathe when you are constantly gargling trumps balls all day and night?
Obama and Clinton continues to undermine the rights of the American people through lies and trickery.
@NeilTurner_: @realDonaldTrump We need someone who takes action. That someone Is!… SAVE USAfromJezebel&Ahab!
Yeah action like how he runs his companies. America will sue or declare bankruptcy!!
, you have led numerous great businesses to success. You can do the same with this country. #HandcuffHillary
Trump couldn't use the Chicago melee to separate BLM & Bernie. Why didn't he undercut BLM when he could?
My friend Dylan said the same thing! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Dylan is constantly being cheated on and everyone laughs about it
wow, aren't you just a new breed of God damn stupid
watch your mouth you stupid freedom hating twat!! #Trump2016 #BasicBitch
that's the kettle calling the pit black
Progressives are so smart....NOT. #ISTANDWITHTRUMP
Triggered democrat
We need active military on the Mexico border. Israel puts IDF on its borders. My freedom is not in Syria. #AmericaFirst
ellaveloce Stefany n Miami backing u up while a literal fun for there money.
call me Steve jobs and shove an iPhone charger so far up my pussy so that I wake up after a long night of being fucked by u
Ignore Progressives!
If Trump is so rich - why doesn't he fund his own camp & spends more time learning instead of begging for $$
He spent 55 million of his own money so far
to be fair, memes aren't even real @IamQueenAri
He said that when he posted things that Obama said about Hillary in 2008
We are partying in Phoenix! Productive week for #trumptrain That vid is effing beautiful! Ya Get What Ya Need!
~ Just curious...why is that? Wouldn't it be better to release them beforehand to prevent a win?
how about Trump accepting money from foreigners for his campaign?? He's being bought by foreign politicians...
"If I am elected President I will end the special interest monopoly in Washington DC”–Donald Trump
This is the Mexican Plane you were afraid of?
bad at joke's I'll give you that.
thats racist
says the person working at Gawker, lol @realDonaldTrump
(Possibly sensitive)
Yikes what? Jelly much, bitch?
(((berg)) try harder shill
did you just imagine Lying Hillary with her clothes off?
no one cares donald lol
The truth evades you. You are blind sheep.
Hillary Clinton's IT Aide Plead The Fifth Over 125 Times...she is 100% corruption and a professional liar
There will one day be a day when we all kill Donald Trump. Not physically but in fact, through our minds to end racism
you're the one who will save us
"We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails" Words to live by.
u shouldve used Panda by Desiigner instead
Look at those tiny thumbs!
I've liked Trump since he first entered the race.
~ Are you THE real Willy Wonka?
If I may, may I ask why you are a atheist?
I don't understand why people like him? As registered republican, I see a big mouth, no substance bully!
God sent you to save America
more like throw up Thursday
we are going to win this and the HRC paid trolls that will reply to this are the ones that know it!
ask #CrookedHillary -she's probably waiting for it to come from Saudi Arabia #Trump2016
r u saying I can get paid for my disgust of Trump? Maybe Trump will also pay me 2 comment on H twitter??
shit- that sounds like too much work ;) I just like poking fun at Trump & Hillary once in a while.
hey if it pays enough I might even join! ;-)
lol, well yeah if u make some REAL $ let me know ;)
have a good 4th man-
u just blew my mind fam
Don't let Leftist silence conservative speech!
the left can't silence US. Oh, they'll throw their soiled panties every day, but that's all they've got.
Throw it in the trash Thursday.
I feel bad for the orangutan !
dumb song choice
is a LOSER #whinylittlebitch delete your account
No matter the era, you're always an imbecile. #NeverTrump
I've been supporting you since day one. You really should follow me 👍🏼
when u paid to have ppl cheer you on? #SCAMpaign
False. We dont correct the record
are u seriously going to be for Hillary and say that?? 😂😂😂best joke of the week #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Lol how do they get paid.
You of all people shouldn't say anything about someone scamming. All Hillary has done is scam and lie to the public.
trump is about to go on trial for fraud on both U.S. coasts so yeah, SCAMpaign
Hillary left our troops to die in Bengazzi and lied about the reason it happened to cover for her failed foreign policies.
Hillary has also leaked many highly classified documents through her private email server then lied about it.
no she didn't liar.
So tell me who is less trustworthy?
Donald J. Trump anymore questions?!?
Also I do not really support Trump but he is less of two evils
u want a man 2 be prez who rates his 12mo old daughters breast development?…
lol Trump does not need to pay people...but Hillary does
~ Andrew, you're really grasping at straws with this! Lol
sorry, that's at Killary's rallies. SHE has to pay trolls and the audience, along with buying votes.
you should have climbed back up that confounded moving staircase machine and left politics. But we can't turn back time...
At Least he didn't leave American soldiers to die and then lie about it in order to cover for a failed foreign policy.
Lets do this people!
look at all those people
awwww..memories you poor man...long gone now fraud
ATTENTION All #CrookedHillary BOTS! We sent 16 candidates home to Mommy! Hitlery is next! #Trump2016 #TrumpTrain #ImWithYou
#HesWithUs, the American People.
I just block them when I see them it makes this whole SM friendship a lot better, nobody needs that garbage🇺🇸
good advice. They're so self-centered, no other opinion is welcome. Liberals claim to be tolerant🤔 They're not
That's not throwback. You doing the birther bullshit, THAT would be throwback.
Memories...before most people discovered what a fraud you really are.
keep it up!!
Would of been funny if you fell! 😂
Hillary Clinton is racist!! #MAGA bring coal back!
I love the feel of climate change in my hands. I can hear the lamentations of the doomsdayers
loser and a liar
Trump was an unhinged immature spoiled brat. Today, he is an unhinged immature spoiled brat. #TBT
GREAT SONG!!! love it
wish we could throw you back
says its not available bubba, btw , since your n paying for your campaign , that pic I sent not u?
We stand United with you and your family. Stay Strong. We love you.
The face you make when your opponent has an FBI investigation.
he's got his own issues. They both suck.
You will lose in Nov.. You will declare it was Fraud.. #Loser
Please become president. If you don't I will move to Canada. Trump2016!!! #TrumpTrain #Trump2016 Love you!!!
Show this in a couple years! Remember that racist reality TV star who ran for President back in 2016? Nope. Me neither :-)
you're a little too restrained these days, Donald.
Trump actually paid 50 Mill. Hillary on the other hand is spending Money From SAUDI Arabia. Sad!
...Absolutely Wonderful!
yyeeppp!! "You cant always get what you want"!!sorry Donnie, ,
Another day over and still no tax returns from you.
all aboard! Time to Get on The Train🚂💨💨💨
Kind of early for a highlight reel, don't you think? Usually made at the end of the season. Do you think yours is done?
I used to hate you. Then I realized you were right about the mexican border and Islamic terrorism. Can you believe it?
Our future president coming down the escalator go Trump!!!
No Gingrich for VP. He WILL STAB YOU IN THE BACK FOR THE GOP PARTY. They Don't Want You. They want to STAY ESTABLISHMENT...
Your Best Pick For VP is @GovJVentura ... He's EVERYTHING YOU NEED, AND CAN BE TRUSTED. Give Sanders a Cabinet Position...
Ventura that sued the wife of a navy seal? I don't think so. Loser
Ventura Is A Navy Seal. I stand with his Decision. Because He Was 100% Correct Yep
I don't. Very low class.
He didn't sue the wife. He sued Chris. Then his estate. You would too
Who's husband made a profit off lieing about a bar fight in a book..
were you there?
It's fiction Jesse Ventura wasn't there either...
But if I walked into a bar with Jesse and members of the military
attacked the governor I would protect Jesse Ventura
to each their own.
Do u think special forces soldiers should attack their own people?
Of course not, but they are human too.
A marine isn't a human,he is a marine trained to kill.No hesitation
you can't take all emotion away from them.It's still in their heart
I think Chris kyle would have beat up Jesse and bragged about it give
given the chance
HoweverMarines,Navy seals, Force recon should b trying2harm Americans
bedtime *yawn*G'night
Aren't soldiers supposed to protect, presidents, governors?
Americans ,not just elites
It's Time To Change Politics In America. NO MORE POLITICS AS USUAL... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH DAMMIT... Yep...
donald trump, the peoples president!!!!!!!!!
Let's get @seanhannity into the Radio Hall of Fame: Text "Hannity" to 36500 #TrumpTrain
Guys lets help @seanhannity with this great accomplishment! Congrats Sean!…
All that and you are still behind...She's gonna wipe the floor with you, and hang you up to dry! Go Away!!!
Trump implied most MX illegal aliens are violent criminals. That's not factual & it *helps* amnesty supporters.
why THE FUCK would u ruin an iconic song like that Don
Can we throw it back?
In a few years, #ThrowbackThursday will be photos and videos of Trump leading the USA to success!
would bang your daughter just like you would…
you are of low character and a scummy acting young man. Is that who you really want to be?
she wouldn't let you! Only dates real men, not libs.
Many of theses ! 🇺🇸
Expose The Coudenhove Kalergi Plan.
We need you Trump. Let's get this thing done.
When they gonna #throwyouaway? U like garbage. The real stinky kind.
Just made another donation!! Hope you reach your goal by midnight!! #TRUMP2016 #MAGA Everyone, please chip in if you can!
Poor Melania always look like she's thinking "How the "F" do I get out of here.
We need the Great Trump Wall built, and built fast.
Your with me.👍👍👍
Seat fillers are at 100% employment in 2016!
please for the grace of God shut the fuck up already!!!! You lying shit bag!!!
I am a republican and I can't pull the lever for you if you continue to say rude comments and have crazy policies
onward and upward! #MAGA
Throw the Back of Trump out.
Papyrus font obviously...
your thumbs are small
don't understand the song choice, but doesn't matter, I'll vote for you no matter what
Delete your account.
The Donald 2016!!!!
'Wet My Pants' #Galore
It's a movement sir! A movement!
lol great video huge crowds Hillary has to pay people to show up to her boring events. Same people always bussed in.
F*ck You Donald Orange Lunatic Trump!!!! F*ck YOU!! Most Americans HATE You!! #PsychoDonald #NeverTrump #ImWithHer
HRC+BHO makeCountryPoor+inviteTerror! Mr. TRUMP ourLastHope! 30min U knowWhy! 👉 👍🚂 @DanScavino
What about that one time when you got struck by lightning?
Liberal Lefty Loons Wrong!
Sociopath @7Yankee is voting for a guy who mocks disabled people. Calls others loons. SAD! #ClownTrain
Whether you've done it in public with a small group we've all imitated others, said harsh things & been less than perfect 😔
Most normal people would apologize for such disgusting behavior.Your candidate never has. #Disqualified
That picture is worth a billion words. Worthless pile of shit shyster grifter who counts on those SUCKERS!!!
Damn right! & NO I have never made fun of or mocked a physically or mentally disabled person We all don't do it
I have made fun of a mentally disabled person. His name is @realDonaldTrump
He should put his self in a disabled persons shoes and find how he's treated!
i would take the extra 2000 dollars a month from da gubbamint
Thanks for letting everyone on twitter know you're a horrible person!
Trump has made a career out of it.
I actually think it is pretty funny to mock the disabled. It is totally natural. They are funny.
You're voting for a person who attacks her husband's 5+ Rape Victims. No moral compass just like Hillary. Gross
Dopey @RapinBill, you're voting for a guy who RAPED his wife. Defended Tyson, a rapist, & blamed teen victim. BAD!
Yeas, Mr. Trump raped his first wifes Ivana. But he ok, he got a new wife!
don't forget about his latest Court Case from this week, alleging Trump raped 13yr old girl
But it ok, it was on the feast of shurik
LMAO, maybe he will try to use this, U never know with him, he is a total jobbernowl!
Poor Sad Misogynist-Sympathizer. It's okay if. Trump will fight for women even if you don't.
Hey Charla, Hillary's donors (Saudi) would love to enslave, rape, and kill you. It's okay though, Trump will fight for you.
Why the New Child Rape Case Filed Against Trump Should Not Be Ignored…
Why the 5+ Rape Victims of Bill shouldn't be ignored. Though Hitlery tried to silence them. Sad! Hate women?
Killary blamed the teen victim** and Ivana came out publicly saying it she lied. Sad!
Ivana got $25M settlement for cover up. Trump blamed Tyson's teen victim. Attacked Bill's victims too.
Never Happened. Sad! Hillary Attacked Bill's 5+ Rape Victims, Effectively Ruining their Lives. You are the War On Women.
So did Rapist Trump. Also blamed Tyson's victim. Tried to prevent a convicted rapist from going to jail.
The Four Women Who've Accused Donald Trump of Rape TW: rape, VAW, CSA #TrumpIsARapist…
Sad how didn't happen. Though, what you might mean, is when Hillary Attacked her Husband's 5+ Rape Victims. Sad!
Dopey @RapinBill can't refute facts. Repeats same line. Trump also said he's much worse than Bill w women. DISASTER!
Nice alliteration.
It's like the GOP primary voters loved how horrible & mean you were. You were up bigly after that.
Every time I watch this it makes me sad!
Sure looks Presidential, don't you think. Change we need.
utter brilliance my friend
To be fair, the reporter was a douchebag. Being disabled doesn't make one full of virtue.
Total douchebag! How dare he refute my disgusting lie of 1000s of Muslims celebrating 9/11 in NJ?!
Cant wait until Trump wins so YOU will SHUT THE FUCK UP. Fuck you and your ‘parody’ account
No one has more sociopathic voters than Trump! This I promise you! They support this. #ClownTrain
But the polls have you down and u know WE the People would never elect someone like you to represent US!!!
Starting tomorrow.Were not going to take their bogus dishonest reporting anymore Trump 2016
Our leader speaks, we follow!
are you stuck in an air raid shelter. I heard the Mexican Air Force is out there
we are leading, Trump our only choice for Potus
Please work with Rand and Ron Paul as advisors! Thank you for supporting the Constitution!
clean up the corrupt liberal DEA
Beautiful. Great song too.
Trust me, Hillary will not look that good.
thank you Mr. Trump
don't know if u will win or lose because I am done trusting the electorate but if you do win, I hope you rot in hell somehw
You should post more memes Mr. President
but if you try sometimes you just might find that you get what you need
Throw back Thursday Trump/Reagan !! #AlwaysTrump
Happy Anniversary & thank you
you can't always get what you want?
put it in the big hole and gouge on it.
she loves you! As does the whole family, God bless you and your family!
(Possibly sensitive)
Thank you for running. America needs you so very badly.
- Everyone, please donate to Trump by midnight tonight, if you can! I just did again! #TRUMP2016
Yes,donate now! Eric's wine company is in trouble.
Great work! Keep it up! :)
Ah, yes. All those paid actors did a fabulous job! 😂
Incredible video! It's been an amazing journey and year!
Keep marching forward I love you Donald you are the leader we need the best thing for our country
I'll throw your quiff back to 2003 in a minute with a lazy left, ugly cunt
u r Great 🇺🇸❤️👍🏼
A great trip so far...a long road yet to travel to "Make America Great Again" We will get there with a win!
finally someone FOR WE THE PEOPLE !
Mr. Trump, I urge you to watch this video. Tweet it to your followers!!…
Speaking of #TBT America can't wait to throw you back.
Child rape case filed against @realDonaldTrump. Note the victim and EYE-WITNESS statements at the end.…
the awesome @LisaBloom is on the case.... let's get him!
please watch themovie "Dreams from my real father" by Joel Gilbert and comment on its premise please.
Awesome video..Great will be THE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES..TRUMP 2016+
throwback is good for him bc his future looks depressing
delete delete delete your account
lovely song. Though poor choice under the circumstances. Please delete. The people need you to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
We're voting for you! We need you in the White House! #LatinosForTrump
throw-up Thursday!!!
fantastic !! I love it 😊
i luv u bro...home u can help me in my construction biz....zerious brozzz...…
Bafoon. Period.
(Possibly sensitive)
Delete your account. (via @trumpdelete)
(Possibly sensitive)
throw forward November 2016.
U give us hope, Thank you !
love you Mr.Trump. keep fighting. We will win together! #makeamericagreatagain
Throwback to Thursday 1993 video of Trump racist comments…
10bucks 10bucks 10bucks phone unlimited unlimited household internet household TV save mid cls family $270amonth DO IT
THey want someone to give them HOPE and you have done that!
too bad we can't throw back trump
when I see you and then unfortunately hear you, it becomes #ThrowupThursday
very nice. The donald rules the world.
Don't let the Trump Elevator bring you down. Punch a higher floor! ->
I am not a paid HRC clown or not but I would like to be both. Pick me, yeah!
stop trying to be hip
November can't come fast enough!!! #Trump2016 #MAGA
was so happy this day what a crazy ride so far but been great #TrumpTrain is best jump on! #MAGA #AmericaFirst
it's throw up Thursday with our bigoted king of the under educated, Donny Drumpf.
liberals should read Isaiah 32:5 on.
my eyes!!!!😢😢😭
You need to fire who ever edited this video, as well as whoever approved it.
it's created by a supporter. that's the magic @realDonaldTrump
If I was 18 you would have my vote
you are fucking asshole
What a fucking racist lmao Mexico will get you..not now lol Nice touch agreeing with a fellow racist about airport security
Do you have license 2 use that song & there no way u r what we need. We need a sane & open-minded candidate you're neither
Anybody but Chris Christie
It's been a long journey, almost there! Love the video! Trump is what America needs!#ImWithYou #TrumpTrain 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸
Wherever you go in your journey, go with all your heart. #imwithyou #TrumpTrain
I later need to hear some nugget- strangle hold Sir. It's the best of wishes and greatest of thoughts to you & your family.
just played Trump Hudson Valley for the St Jude Classic. Amazing event! Everything top notch and happy to hear $$ raised
Donald please tell us how can we vote for a proven Lieing President like Hillary 😎
Throwback Thursday! Harken back to the good old days!
You're going to win! 👊
Music to our ears ,it's such a wonderful Feeling of the Video Make America Great Again! God bless you!
Trump is so stupid and so desperate for votes and adulation he will lie to anyone about anything anywhere anytime.
Support you 100%, Sir. Keep up the pressure on Economy, Terroism, Immigration. CHRC (ie:Crooked) is MIA on any Fox Show?
We can all feel it: America's best days are just ahead.. #TRUMP2016
Do us all a favor and attack the Vile Cunt known as Crooked Killary Clinton already. Her scandals will kill her efforts.
Love this! Trump is exactly what this country needs! #ImWithYou #TrumpTrain 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸
good times for you huh. Before your poll numbers dropped dramatically! LMAO
I wish we could throw you back like an unwanted fish that's too small. I'm so sick of you and your "I heard this…" #Phony
That's not nice we live Mr Trump he does not have to do this he will be Great give him a chance
you are right about one thing he doesn't have to do this and in the name of God and all that's holy I wish you would stop
you seem like a nice person just misinformed I'm sorry
I would like to think that as the son of United States Marine I am a good person. My father fought for this country
my father also converted to Islam your candidate disrespect my father every time he makes a blanket statement about Muslims
I never became one that's not my thing but I respected his choices and it taught me to respect people's religious beliefs
everybody and their grandmother has said he is running a neo-fascist campaign so who's the liar everybody or him?
also I have a master's degree in political science I would Grant you I'm not misinformed about anything political.
I would also bet my last dollar that you are a white woman. Mind you I have no problem with white women I'm just saying
most women with any amount of intelligence what I stand for a candidate openly calling women pigs & measuring them by looks
you also appear to be a Christian woman how can you support a candidate who is so fake he says, "2 Corinthians?"
I understand that some people make mistakes
2 Corinthians sounds like the beginning of a bad joke not someone about the quote the Bible and its holy scriptures
you are entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine it wasnot a blanketstatement about the pigs it was just for Rosie
there you go like a good subservient woman making excuses for Donald Trump. I don't care if it was one particular woman…
OK so you never said anything about a woman that someone would find offensive
no Nancy I have not. My father told me to respect women all women. And I judge women by the content of their character
not there bra size or how big their gluteus maximus is. You still didn't answer my question about Jesus I'll wait
or a whole group of women. He was wrong. You have Jesus in your bio. I ask you sincerely what would Christ think of Trump?
I think Christ would appreciate what he's doing and exposing all the corruption in Washington
Jesus was actually be nowhere near Donald Trump. Jesus was about peace love and kindness something Christians seem to have…
Donald Trump is a very giving considerate person look up random acts of kindness's from Donald Trump
I'm sorry you believe that I'm being sincere when I say that. The reason he won't turn over his tax returns he doesn't give
money to charity and he is not worth nearly as much as he says that he is. We're talking about a man who had to be shamed
and he has said horrible things about minorities women and disabled people. You can't be your true Christian
what did he say about minorities
what would Jesus think of you throwing Donald Trump like a fish
into turning over the money that he claimed he raised for veterans. If the Washington Post doesn't press him that check
don't believe in Washington Post they're very one sided
Nancy you're what they call an apologist and so I'm going to stop wasting my time talking to you. I never said anything
i'm not sure what an apologist is but I am a realist
LMFAO! You'll make an excuse for him no matter what he does. Did you graduate from college?
the reason I ask is because Donald says he loves the poorly educated. Ask him why he loves the poorly educated.
Hillary Clinton but just like your boy Donald you go off on a tangent so you don't have to stick to the issue I see now why
he's your candidate. You two deserve one another and if we should have The Misfortune of him winning the election
I will know I did everything I could to warn people like you about him
I don't need a warning I knowwhat he's all about and everything he wants is for this country maybeone day youwill understand
if you know what he's all about start looking for people who live and work in Atlantic City and ask them what he did 4 them
never gets written. You have been Kardashianized. Just because someone is on television doesn't mean they're a star
I didn't know much about politics until I started reading and then I became very informed
then again it was the Christians that started the slave trade and the good Christians that kept us as 3/5 of a person
most people are not living in the past
Jesus would be proud of me because I have tried to speak the truth to Donald Trump. To stop lying to people like you
don't you worry I'm not a man that has cheated on his first two wives had affairs with God only knows how many women
all my children by one woman Donald Trump has a child from all three of his wives and he raped his first wife
I respect both of you for having the children and not aborting them
she admitted that would be for money
and therefore have done my due diligence so sayeth the Lord. You need to pick up the New Testament and read Revelations
I know some of revelations
i've taught my kids the golden rule and I pray they live by at
you pay the ladies mortgage he hegave a bus driver $10,000 for saving somebody who is going to jump off a bridge
you go ahead and believe what you want to believe about him. I did not jump on your time line or in your mentions you came
i'm cool with it I don't mind engaging in conversations
to me and can exit anytime you wish. You will never change my mind about him I've tried to tell you the truth about him
i'm not trying to change your mind I am just speaking my mind
forgotten. I hope you get right with him before he calls you home supporting that dummy the Lake of Fire awaits thee🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
he doesn't love you or this country this is about him being Top Dog and he's going to run the USA into💩💩💩💩
of course he doesn't have to buy his presidency. Please look at facts - he will be bad.
please inform me about some of those facts
AMERICA Is GETTING WHAT IT WANTS! & NEEDS! ALL THE WAY TO 1600-PENNSYLVANIA AVE! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸#Trump2016 #iamwithyou #AlwaysTrump
is gonna be sooooo mad that you used his song! You're disgusting! WE don't want you or need you!
its been truly an exciting year watching the rise of truth and patriotism. Thank you Mr.Trump
Do they know you are using their music?
More like Throw up Thursday...
can we see your taxes?
yes!!! Throwback Thursday! Let's THROW YOU BACK! #DonTheCon #NeverTrump #ImWithHer
More like Throw Up Thursday.
More like #ThrowupThursday. Less self-aggrandizement please.
Ah, the glory days. When all you had to do is say dumb sh*t to win. Not all this "presidential" nonsense.
Btw it was 106 on Sunday & 108 on Monday, no way in hell Bill was "playing golf in Phoenix".
when ur media manager says that #ThrowbackThursday is the kool hip thing to do
Please try to stay on message, you are making it more difficult than it should be to win.
No matter what this idiot tries to portray his numbers are down...the GOP hates his guts... and his supporters are down
heh heh heh what a guy...trump rump sleaze
Donnie, Donnie, Donnie .... concession so soon? "You can't always get what you want..." Royalty paid ???
And the crowd goes wild!!!!
before people started spitting out the kool aid! Ha!
THANK YOU, THANK YOU & Greetings 2Entire Trump Family, We luv Melania2 - U ALL R WONDERFUL PATRIOTS! GOD BLESS U! @LouDobbs
I'm starting to believe your dad bought your degree from Wharton. Your supporters are dumb. All your products are made…
God Bless you Mr.Trump there's No Other Words to Express Our Respect to You that wants to do Right for All Americans!
the day our national nightmare began...
🇺🇸 Monster Voters everywhere! 💥💥💥…
The fact that Floriduh, a state that elected a conman, is behind Drumpf?! Warning enough!!
poor Don the con man. You're losing now!
We should #throwyouback in the swamp you spawned from. 👶🏼✋🏻✋🏻
You're a throw back alright. Hopefully someone new at convention
this is sort of beautiful but not in the way that would make me feel good about you being president
Ah, the good old days. Enjoy the nostalgia.
Get on your ground game, and donations or you lose plain, Have anyone told you bankruptcy laws don't apply in a campaign
outside the borders of the USA. Your clothes are made in Bangladesh they have the worst human rights records of workers
Hillary is bought by Saudi-Women-Killing-Arabia. Way worse.
why do Trump supporters immediately interject Hillary Clinton into the argument? I haven't said one word about Hillary Clinton
Because you have someone even better to attack! I mean she did attack all blacks by saying they are "Super Predators"
Nothing to see here.
20% of Killary's Campaign paid for by Saudi Arabia. Matt sounds like a sexist to me. Sad!
Matt The Sexist Houser. Sad case of the Misogyny you got there.
Up your nose with a rubber hose.
We went from, "Trump will never be the Republican nominee" to "He will never be President." LOL Trump = unstoppable
Challenge CHRC to appear on any Fox show (F&F's, Greta,O'Reilly,Kelly or Hannity). CHRC needs to be grilled,as u have provd
Your old friend Rosie called you an Orange Slug on Match Game. Any response?
Awesome. Can't wait to call you my President and Commander in Chief.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
so let's be clear Donald when you say America first you mean your wife billionaire buddies first and the American people…
Can't wait for several years of #MAGA Thursdays! 🚂💟💖💟💖💟🚃💨💨💨
can get whatever scraps you leave for them. Stop lying
The Rolling Stones authorized this?????
that's not how it works
That was GREAT
Cheats in Business, Cheats on his wives and in Golf. How foolish is it that he would want to work for you?
March on, we're behind you all the way!
We need strength, we need toughness, and we need a brain in this country to turn it around!
can we throw you back you broke fraud?
Trump Trump Trump Trump 👏👏👏👏👏
WHyd you pick this song
hope you paid royalties to the Stones for using there song you slimy bitch. #NeverTrump
Do you even get the lyrics or meaning of the song? Wow "art of deception" Perfect actually
Mr Licensing clearly can't take a fucking hint:…
To when you weren't orange? #OompaLoompa
more like intern material, lmao...
Ha! AND the GOP thought Michelle Obama wearing a sleeveless dress was distasteful.
(Possibly sensitive)
haters can't stand it. lol! success comes with a price. small price.
What do you say about #TerroRussia ?
No... just no.
Do you even think your posts through before you click? Rolling Stones will make you delete this.
the road to the White House just got easier
Great compilation! & aren't we lucky Hillary took the low road, or she may not be totally exposed.
Hillary/Bill Clinton's INSOLENCE "believing" they're UNTOUCHABLE, enabled by Liberals. Fix it !
Thank You Mr.Trump,We Continue to Pray to Get You and your Beautiful Family Through this Dirty make You President
I Only Have One Wish and That's to Have Mr. Trump for President!
- I guess this will be your scrapbook to cry over when you lose...
J A C K. O F F
Please!I pray you really are what we need that God is going to be with You and you listen to Him to give us what we need.
🇺🇸 Dear @realDonaldTrump, please ask @AllenWest to be our vise president. Thank you sir, sincerely, #WeThePeople 🇺🇸
I just love you. I love what you stand for and how you love the people. You bless me every time I see you smile.
The only thing we take with us at the end of the day is that which we gave away. What an opportunity to help your country!
Thank you BILL CLINTON so much for meeting with Loretta Lynch on the plane as now she has to RECUSE herself from EMAILissue
For what it's worth, when DJT is speaking people listen. Even people who dislike him. When Hillary speaks... well you know.
you are dropping like a rock in the polls.
Save my image before the Trump Trolls lock my account.
Donald trump makes me wanna throw up.
TBT - The democrat years
Can't Wait for you tobe President Donald J Trump, Your going to Crush it #AmericansTogether FEEL THE LOVE VOTE FOR TRUMP <3
you need to stop being an idiot and stop losing like a loser to Hillary. Why u losing you fool?
delete your orange
Rockin in the USA! Go Mr. Trump!
HER ,FOUND A MATE ., VP CHOICE ., THE PAST !! #ProudAmerican #Trump2016
Is that John Barron or John Miller? I get them confused all the time! #KingOfKayfabe
Or as America called it: The beginning of the end of any semblance of sanity #MakeAmerica3rdRateAgain
your da man with the master plan !
you are my President already.
Chuck Norris for president.
I love that sign MR. Trump Your hired!
Tiny Tool Fool
It's always nice to be reminded of just how many dumbasses there are in America
The Orange bellend cockwomble is always on TV, with trumpsterds, trumpserfs, how can we not notice, November?
Trump's got 30 bucks in the bank
The fact that any Americans actually think you'd be a good president is an embarrassment to this country. #SleazyDonald
Hillary attacked her Husband's 5+ Rape Victims, Effectively Ruining Their Lives.
and Donald Raped a 13 yr old and the way he disrepects woman and minorities is a sick
Trump is a rapist.He also raped his own wife.
funny thing is his sheep actually believe he's gonna be the POTUS LOL
Up 4 points in the polls and he hasn't even started on her. You're delusional.
his own party can't stand him
He fights both establishments. He does this for the people, such as yourself, even though you're brainwashed.
Well when you finally stop thinking with sexism and realize Hillary is bad, Trump will accept you with open arms.
I take back your ticket to join the Trump Train. We don't like Misogynists over here. Keep that in Saudi.
I would never get on a train that's headed off a cliff 😨
You are the War Against Women. Out out out! *airhorn*
You're sexist and Misogynist. Go back to Saudi. (Though you might wish to cover up there).
I see you let the Mainstream Media think for you. It's okay, Trump will protect you from Hillary's Misogynistic Donors.
None of what you said is true-- unlike that with Hillary. Sad! Do research, not listen to MSM.
Trump is a rapist, I suggest u do some research
Oh Melanie, if only you were a White House intern. Bill would've forced himself on you and Hillary would've shamed you. Sad!
if only I was 14 Trump would've raped me at his pedophile buddies house
Eh never proven nor taken seriously. Rapin' Bill on the other hand... Eww
well I think it's pretty serious
Perhaps thou shall take thine own prescription.
and Bill isn't running, he already held office 😊
Oh so you Support a Rape Victim Antagonizer (Hillary)? You're a Rapist Sympathizer. Disgusting Misogynist.
what I don't support is Donald Trump
But you support Hitlery-- ergo, you are a Rape Victim-Shaming Sympathizer. Disgusting
YES, Women's VOTE For Mr.Trump !!!
is the worst candidate in the history of politics. His entire family was groomed to default the government, not run it.
Really? It's ALL just pictures of you and your crowd size? Compensating for.something? We the People deserve to see plans!
for God sake #DonaldTrump, please tell me who chose the music in your traumatizing #throwback video clip
lmfao how fitting ....u gliding down escalator matches your poll number graphs...
ty sir for standing up for us I'm crying happy tears :-) god bless you
WOW Mr Trump! I've been with you from day 1 always will support you..make America great again!!
I feel sorry for ppl that don't love #TRUMP . So great #MAGA #ProtectTrump
27 month extension sought by DOJ AFTER Bill C meeting means HC might be indicted for ESPIONAGE while prez. Huge UNCERTAINTY
look at dem crowds fam ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
look at dem crowds fam ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
look at dat irresponsible money management
nah fam read the article
when someone 25 years younger than Trump is about 3 times more successful than him
if he really is worth "TEN BILLION DOLLARS" like his campaign website says he is, and if he is self (1/3)
funding his campaign there wouldn't be speculation if his campaign is bankrupt or not, unless he's not(2/3)
entirely self-funding his campaign and that can no longer be a talking point for him, (3/4)
or he is financially irresponsible and that would ruin his basis of "knowing" how to manage the economy
Net worth isn't cash in da bank, it's everything you own, businesses, hotels, golf courses...etc
so then liquidate a few assets being bankrupt for the uber wealthy is not the same as being bankrupt for us
he saves millions by declaring bankruptcy I think it's better
so would that be cheating the system, falsely saying he's bankrupt?
I think Trump should meet with the Pope....and Netanyahu. Good politics....
can we throw you back?
Insults, Belittles, Sexualizes & Stereotypes Women While Supporting N. Carolina's Anti-Queer HB2 Law Based on States Rights
you are dropping in the polls. Why don't you do something about it. Hillary is kicking your butt
very proud to be on the winning team! #MAGA🇺🇸
I wish I could love this twice!!! Thank you from America for doing this...we need you!!! #NeverHillary #MAGA #TrumpTrain
......the Republicans failed to take actions against Trump causing him to be an embarrassment to the party and the country.
I can't believe it's been a full year since you went down the escalator 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Trump the lying man stood on TV and told the world that Bernie Sanders hate Hillary what a lying man look you in your face
The day We,The People finally knew we had somebody on our side..Thank You Mr.Trump for being the voice of the people..#MAGA
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain I love you trump! Can I have your cell number?
ready to help any way possible. Mayor Mike #thermopolis #wyoming
Hey @RollingStones -Did you authorize your music to be used for this train wreck?!?
I think Newt Gingrich would make a great running mate, he is a political genius & would be an asset to your administration.
Trump the only candidate who has mattered in decades.
Take your old ass to bed.
#ThrowupThursday Where's your tax returns? #Liar
Lets build a wall. Lmao
Just the thought of you or a picture of you automatically brings a smile to my face. You are awesome Mr. Trump.
History in the Making... now That *Collage* was COOL... ***Trump/West 2016*** - 50% of Black Vote = LANDSLIDE!!!
Trump and his simpletons. Eyes to see, ears to hear...yet they defend evil. The questionable is the simpletons. Trump mo
THIS is a hat that presidents wear. Your hat is stupid. Take it off. #Election2016 #nevertrump
I know meaning of xenophobia means your afraid of buddhists zen ,get it
my vote is for Newt G you need him!
Love!!! Love!!! Love!!!
...we the people know Trump motive is profit. The simpletons defending him is questionable.
Bill Clinton & Lynch met on Monday NOW the State is asking 27 month delay for her Emails? CORRUPT
I hope these #nevertrump lowlife politicians all get voted out of office. Get 'Em out! I'm not voting for them.
pics are nice problems start when you open your stupid face and try to speak #nevertrump
big news about our Vice President (1) Ted Cruz (2) Joni Ernst
My vote goes to the golden ticket!! Trump &Sanders . I don't like Christy!!!
no Christie for Vice President please!!! He will not help #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Should AG Lynch recuse herself from Clinton email probe? |… AG Lynch Compromised Case,DEMAND RECUSE!
hands so small
go home and get your fuckin shinebox. #ThrowbackThursday
Brigitte Gabriel: What is Driving the Terrorists?► #USA🇺🇸
Strange song choice.
#BlackOutCNN #BoycottCNN Re-negotiate trade agreements ≠ "Isolationism" or "Xenophobia"
LOL you look like a FOOL every time!
Watch Trump on Capital Hill October 5 1993 and if you don't agree he is a RACIST and a danger to America.. you need help
Throw up Thursday ? You have that effect every day.
did you hear from the Stones lawyer yet?
thank you for running for president
love it You Woke America up Unfortunately it is fight for Our lives as Americans
A month ago you promised us everything we want. Now you're just going to get us what we need???
#BlackOutCNN #BoycottCNN Re-negotiate trade agreements ≠ "Isolationism" or "Xenophobia"
I love this song lots! Happy #ThrowbackThursday Triumphant Trump! @realDonaldTrump Barack Hussein Obama II - "A Muslim In The White House"
the hitler racist candidate
You have an incredible ego. Disgusting.
you are the next president. Trump on people.
Well your show is good, is a shame that u r inthe bottom of the polls ,ur production director is good for you show congrats
i wanna throw back a tall steamy glass of your jizz daddy
This is heartwarming.
Hurry up i need more work!
yes sir. We want Trump!!
People realize, the polls, the mainstream media and the establishment are lying. Trump will win by a landslide. Believe it!
Donald do you want to buy a Golf course in England? One up for sale in Kearsley, between Bolton and Manchester (Manor GC)
ABC, CBS and NBC all fake!!!! All negative about DT. Total disappointment!!!
Awesome! PPL Lov U from their heart! U speak out their mind no make ups! Go Mr. T
Delete you account
Awww so fun❤️pick me the winner n the whole wide world👸🏼🇺🇸🇺🇸cj🌍
WONDERFUL MR. TRUMP!! It shall be a monumentous NOVEMBER
wow those really are little hands
Your thumbs look little.
It's all a shit storm now, isn't it? Can't wait for your concession speech.
National embarrassment.
Thank you for running for POTUS. You give me hope that this country can be great again!
#BlackOutCNN #BoycottCNN Why don't wealthy Arab countries provide for refugees in their region?
wow big crowds kind of the opposite of msm reporting...shocking....
Just what we want-a pres who does #tbt.
god I wish we could throw you back to before the Thursday you decided to run for president
beautiful loved it. I would love to see that everyday.
If you want to elect a person with the ideals ideas and ethics of a 1800's Plantation owner vote TRUMP.
I give in! Ya had me at the into of my fav song 4 life! Donald finally got the cameras turned/crowds!Nice🇺🇸
now that is a historic throwback that nobody will top. TRUMP YOUR HIRED !!! U WILL WIN THE CONVENTION, YOU HEAR US PEOPLE
Hello daddy, I'm your left tit. @realDonaldTrump
TRUMP 2016!!👍USA...USA...USA!!󾓦
you don't like Outsiders but you import all your wives? Do you marry them because they sleep with you? They don't love you
A BEAUTIFUL Presentation‼️Appropriate for a SPECIAL HUMAN BEING & POTUS Donald Trump🇺🇸 FINALLY, someone who will PROTECT us
#BlackOutCNN #BoycottCNN Behold the Democrat's Foreign & Domestic Policy Legacy!
they love that bling Donald. I noticed your wife won't be seen in public with you. You're an embarrassment to her too
Keep this in mind fat ass, your free ride is OVER. The country is over you!
God bless Mr.Trump and wishing all the best...
Our choice is simple November:if you want more dead Americans,vote for Hillary. If you want dead terrorists,vote for Trump.
I have not one shred of doubt, come November u will be elected president of the united states of America. U r presidential!
Check out Trump TESTIFYING on Capitol Hill 10/05/93...absolute racism... and GREY HAIR!!! Why is it orange now? lmfao
#BlackOutCNN #BoycottCNN Obama's administration is NOT "Xenophobic"!
excellent visuals. Should be a commercial
don't forget #CNN blackout starts at 12am
When you are Predident make Hillary accountable!!!!
This video makes me happy. Thank you (and your family) for your service to this great country of ours.
your numbers are tanking so yeah live in the past trumpanzee
You sure have worked hard to be President. You should win. I donated this week. I just hope you replace Obamacare fast!MAGA
Let's TBT -- Throw Back Trump -- to wherever he came from!
There's a thin line between being a strong women and being a man hater and Hillary crossed it a long time ago...
better candidate that Trump can ever be. #JillStein #JillNotHill #JillOverHill educated choice
You can't even hashtag right. Go home.
Prepare 4 onslaught of past info-mercial connecting you to swindlers & RE university, institutions. Best 2 focus on clinton
#BlackOutCNN #BoycottCNN Notify corrupt MSM! Please Retweet & request your networks to retweet :
embarrassing performance on @seanhannity Is there a day where you don't make a fool of yourself?
to use one of your own
this is starting to sound like a Dictator propaganda! More like Stalin, Kim Jon-Un, etc. and that music, comrade!
so many photos of such tiny little thumbs. Tiny cashew sized thumbs.
delete your account
I think Bill Clinton purposely sabotage Loretta Lynch so it can buy time on the E-mail scandal so he don't testify/2 fishy!
No soundtrack could ever be more American than The Rolling Stones. 🇬🇧 @JuddApatow @pattonoswalt
best throwback ever! I went to one and hand in hand Americans had a Blast! The energy was incredible! Thank you!!!!
you gave us your reasons to be president but we hate fools.
#BlackOutCNN #BoycottCNN Let send the CLINTON NEWS NETWORK a message. #trump2016
I think, 1st Lady, Mrs. Trump should put on a blue pant suit, to show the Clinton twins, how nice a pant suit can look.
Yes, your best days are behind you.
lol throw back to when you were relevant?
FYI : if you need proof trump didn't make fun of reporter watch playback of vet policy speech.
This is the only place you're going.
you look like wallace from wallace and gromit you fuck
pick me, pick me
yo why do cockroaches have social media now!! Oh wait... it's just trump! #lmao #cockroachforpresident ?
It's a throwback to when you were actually winning an election. Helps to have 16 ass clowns as competition.
BLACKOUT BEGINS!! Thank you, Trump USA, for your support of #BlackOutCNN and @realDonaldTrump!! @CNN #Trump2016
We all want to throw you back! #ImWithHer #HillaryClinton
the Madison Alabama rally was the most excitement I've had all Year wish you come back to Alabama
I had to. So dishonest. I've lost all credibility
RED NECK ASSHOLE LOOSER, You've not created NOTHING! peace of SHIT!
how about we just throw you back #NeverTrump
THANK YOU❗ 🇺🇸 And thanks to your family❗ 👍 #Trump2016 🇺🇸 #MAGA 🇺🇸 #AmericaFirst 🇺🇸 #TrumpLandslide 💪🇺🇸
How is this a throwback? Pretty sure this was all 2 weeks ago
"i'm With YOU" - America 1st - Americans 1st - MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN - Win Win Win - We're Gonna Build That WALL - POTUS
Share this over & over. This tells a story the media, producer or director could never tell. This is the silent majority.
Enjoyed it very much! And they try to say you've had small crowds. Well here's the proof they were lying!!!
If you know that you can't always get what you want, then why are you always a huge baby about things?
Awesome video! Praying for you and God's Kingdom! Put on the Full Armor of God!
If only we could throw you far back,like the Dark Ages #NeverTrump
Dude - show some mercy - I'm eating dinner!
ahhh....what's wrong #BIGOT BOY? Missing the good old days?
how about showing all the interviews praising Hillay clinton as Sec of State or supporting PP. #freethedelegates
Hello Mr. Trump ... I'm still wanting you on LiveT.R.U.T.H. Radio. It's from 7-10 p.m. EST. Let me know when you can be on
post your infomercial lmao #joke
that was nice cuz God knows it's all downhill from here for you and the Trump train
I hope all Americans can see all the "disgust" obama and Hillary demonstrate. . . they don't even try to hide it no more
Only Donald Trump can make America great again and better than ever before! #maga #alwaystrump #OhHillNo #neverhillary
Yes Sir America has spoken! We need you and love you #Trump2016 #MAGA
look, there's a narcissistic asshole!!!
you should show more pics of the crowds you receive as tweets to blast the perception your crowds are minimal. Media lies!
Vote Trump Vpte Trump Vote Trump
back when ur narcissistic campaign was just about publicity for a reality tv show.
more like Throw Up Thursday. You loser, let's see your tax returns.
Gives me goosebumps every time I watch it!
this is very creepy, Don.
Thoughts are with innocent folk hurt in airport by fake evil folk. Vote T!
our souls collided! No,you can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes you might find, you get what you need. 💘
is it u saying "forgave the loan" & "it's a done deal" last week w/no evidence-all donations till Aug still pay back Trump
Stay on top Donald!! Stay on top of Hillary and Bill . Stay on top of your plans for U S. You are the best we've got !!!
Thank you & bless you & your family from my family to yours Happy Independence Day weekend 🇺🇸🇺🇸🎉
my dada im so proud of you dad love you so much xoxox
Yes! I remember! The fakery of your HIRED supporters, your symbolic trip DOWN the escalator.#Fraud
me, & my family can't wait until u r #POTUS #Trump2016 it can't come soon enough #MAGA
Keep telling us your plas for the U.S. Keep exposing Hillary and Bill by getting witnesses, witnesses, witnesses!!!
throwback to the Trump Institute... where you bilked people out of their money with known scammers. #CharacterMatters
May the incredible journey that started at Trump Tower on 5th Ave NY, lead you to the people's House on Pennsylvania Ave!!!
Get the witnesses against Hillary and Bill and put them on tv. Over and over again until the election so we don't forget!!!
the day that ruined America, you #whinylittlebitch
awesome crowds. we finally see their sizes #trump2016
Many who show up after being paid $50.00 to pretend. Like Drumpf does. #Fakery
, look... *sigh*... you're not cool, and you're co-opting a meme that means more than you do... understand?
Her connections doom will her. Your connections will make you our President..#ImWithYou
Qstn @realDonaldTrump, Will @MELANIATRUMP be submitting any MORE Profile Pics to her Resume before GOP Convention?
You are THE man
riding the down escalator to announce 'candidacy'.There's never been a better metaphor. #trumpedtheshark #donaldtheschmuck
Dont get tired Donald. Don't give in. Don't give up. Don't faulter.Don't change your winning drive.Don't slow down.
drop dead little hands
Hey Donald. When you send troops to the Middle East, will you allow you own sons go to fight ISIS?
Pres Trump to audit 3 decades of President's, Senators & Congressmen, salary verses retirement bonanza.
Fixed it for you.
Canada Day July 1st 2016 not much to celebrate these day with such pathetic filth in our government
We love to celebrate!
Amazing to the point @DanScavino capturing and putting together Mr Trumps campaign on the road to #MAGA #Trump2016
3 decades audit to regain control by voters of President's, Senators & Congressmen! Self enrichment orgy!
witnessing the rise of the newest unto Christ Donald Trump
I'm not sure that song is fitting for ur campaign.
You're the greatest Mr. Trump! #MAGA
yeah if you pick Chris Christie you will lose if you do pick him you never really wanted to be in the WH
When she campaigned with Hillary they looked like the Bluesclueless twins. Sad #MAGA #Trump2016 #Trumptrain
THANK YOU! BE SAFE! God's love and blessings be on you & your family!
Throw back to a time you had some supporters. Now everybody is jumping off the Trump train.
let down members of OUR party...has become arrogant and self-aggrandizing.#DumpRyan
we have a lot of good🏙hearts in🎵San Francisco who are doing the right thing voting Trump NextPresident of🇺🇸America
Um...somebody's forgotten that Jenner is a diehard Republican, no?
so what's this I hear your requesting money from foreigners? Probably because no one in the US will find your BS campaign.
Ignorant Fuck
Shed a tear at this. Sad.