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The 2016 HTC Nexus looks like a cross between the Nexus 4 & iPhone with glass and fingerprint scanner on the back.
28 replies and sub-replies as of Aug 14 2016

is there a MicroSD slot?
Nexus? MicroSD? Nah.
if not it's not worth buying for me.
there never is.
YAASSSSS David! Get that exclusive ;P
What's up?
Leak some stuff guys :D
yes! Give us more
and the HYPE train is leaving the station...
can you follow so we can DM?
Awww, shit! Super secret squirrel stuff right here. Let us know if the HTC mafia kills you...
already follows the Android Police Twitter account
You should take more shot lol
Would love to talk further
Quick question: Where, specifically, was the picture taken?
will it be waterproof?
photo taken by a potato camera
im not sure ... looks like every other htc one phone ... i really really hope it is different in person
is that a photo of a photo, possibly some sort of advertisement?
likely to have wireless charging if the glass design is there
Is that...can it be? A headphone jack!?
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I'm the editor-in-chief of Can we chat over DM? Your identity can remain hidden
ok did you see both Nexus phones ??? thanks for sharing the picture 👍
да, на нексус4 похож. но где они тут увидели айфон?
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