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Courage is letting customers change the default browser even when yours might not be the best.
124 replies and sub-replies as of Sep 11 2016

Courage is admitting that dongles are about as insanely great as a wardrobe made entirely of black turtlenecks and dad jeans.
dongles have to start somewhere.
this tweet is gold
Courage is allowing apps in your app store without an overly cumbersome review process and trusting developers to get things right.
courage might be thinking about what your users actually care about instead of following tech theology
Courage – Steve Jobs (on HN today)…
I'm not clear whether you're suggesting Apple is or isn't listening to users.
it’s looking at users, not technologists.
what do you see as the long-term value for users that offsets removing the feature? Better camera & battery?
That’s Comtastic!!
puzzling then that their solution was to sell you a device with a (propriatary) cable + a dongle for your existing cables.
I really don’t see why this is hard. Most people use the headphones in the box. They lose nothing. Over time, people go wireless.
anecdotally I've never seen this but I don't want to dismiss it either. Is there data behind your assertion? Curious.
makes buying a headphone manufacturer seem kinda ludicrous if true
~300m headphones sold a year.
surely you understand that doesn't mean most use the included headphones, right? What's the data on headphone usage?
did a different person tweet this from your account?
Personally, I assume this frees up space in the phone & is a bet Bluetooth is good enough. Few want new wire. YMMV.
I've seen no data (it may exist) suggesting that's true. Many people certainly prefer not having to charge another thing.
300m annual headphone unit sales. 1.5bn smartphone sales. QED
that could very well mean the majority of smartphone users don't use headphones. Ever.
I dont see a breakdown of brands for phones or headsets; low % of Apple users could use the in box ones w/ others skewing
that is also true, and supports my point. ‘I want to plug my $300 headphones in’ is not a majority behavior
maybe but you're ignoring historical headphone sales. Data on new headphones users vs new phone users. Still not clear.
even if 100% those are wireless, that suggests only 20% of phone buyers seek out wireless. Indicates low consumer interest.
He means that, given the huge difference, most people—the vast majority—obviously use the headphones included in the box.
that's obviously true, but a separate question to whether users are driving a shift to wireless.
That’s the power of defaults. Most people use what’s in the box. Those who buy an extra, now likely to go wireless.
And, since most people use what’s in the box, why do they care what the connector is? What’s in the box works “fine”.
no, the vast majority purchase wired. Those who purchase high-end BT-enabled, anecdotally, often don't use it.
this is simply not true. We don't have to speculate. There is data.
it’s not debatable that most people don’t buy third party headphones
also it is very easy to conflate 'low consumer interest' with 'expensive and crappy options' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
there are lots of reasonable and very good headphones. Most people use the one in the box
I think that will always be true - not arguing that at all.
Amazon will offer you many cheap options too. Wireless is not expensive.
yes, we agree. You're correct when you've made that point on maps and browsers as well. Still misses the point.
why not wait until wireless can be the default before removing the jack. Using lighting is a crappy stopgap
Why not wait until all monitors have DisplayPort connectors before dropping VGA from laptops?
Or whatever connector/tech. People keep saying Apple should wait. Instead,they skate to where the puck will be.
Really not clear what “the point” is, so I could very well be missing it. :-)
But my point is, everyone who buys iPhone7 has working headphones in box. 80+% will be happy with them.
Those who aren’t, why would they buy wired headphones now? Wireless will win, slowly but eventually.
we did a study recently and found it was 5.4% in US.
different point. I’m suggesting most people next week will be happy with the pods that are free in the box.
do either of you have data suggesting people prefer wireless to not charging? There's an unproven assumption here
Apple will have telemetry data on how much that happens
Gentlemen, next iterations of Apple Bluetooth in-ear monitors will harvest energy via technology from Passif.
wireless is just not a strong preference. Yet perhaps. Mostly because they are expensive.
Ben, the arc of time will converge with the arc of Moore's Law. Price halfing each year or better.
don’t think so this time given the watch didn’t drop in half. Economics of that law are no more.
Ben, I hear ya. I am calling Apple Watch ver1 as a doorbuster at $99 this holiday season.
$199 maybe not $99.
Ben, version 1 or Edition 1? Still healthy inventory on version 1.
those are going away. Series 1 will be only choice in that range.
I think it’s best to think of airpods like watch as a potential computing platform.
Ben, indeed! As I wrote at the amazing @techpinions: 50% of computing by voice in the next 10 years!
how about just...interaction? If anything, W1 itself is more IoT-ish, tho VERY short-range. Pure custom BT?
I'd be curious what Ben thinks about potential to license W1 or keep it in-house only forever.
It's not that Apple never licenses, as that one guy who's upset about Lightning licensing fees proves.
Right. But what you said about it being interaction only. Seems plausible to license.
I guess I didn't parse right. AirPod as in voice interaction. W1 may be more Bonjour-like.
...and if W1 is more of a handshake/configuration chip, then W1 IS a version of Bonjour.
Bonjour is discovery over IP. BLE has discovery, it lacks simple/secure/swappable cloud config.
Yep. Bet W1 *requires* iCloud account / registration to work its magic.
BLE iCloud config/pairing is already done for HomeKit accessories
yes, Apple has targeted the flaws of BT in HomeKit & AirPods, and across Continuity
but if you think about it, W1 a bit of a secret connectivity sauce. AirPod ver of Apple Pay. Why license?
To improve the ecosystem of third party headphones and the overall experience for customers.
that's the argument I would make in the "pro" column for sure. Effortless setup for approved devices.
It seems like a major downside that all Bluetooth headphones don't have magic pairing.
in a sense, but until Android competitors come up with a magic pairing system, doesn't hurt Apple.
they won’t license it. But beats will use it and all new generations of it and surrounding tech.
Competing so directly with their own ecosystem? Seems... odd.
all new beats are getting W1 already. It’s targeting a very different group.
it depends on how you see it. Maybe BT 5.0 will change things. Maybe a new chip will appear for setup.
in high end headphones there are only two brands with major share. Bose and Beats.
have you been able to squint hard enough to see Beats HW revs in Other Products? I can't. 😂
BT 5.0 is more of the IoT protocol the industry is hoping for, right?
I tend to agree. AirPod has that magical, hover close and it "appears" quality. Apple may to keep that.
that’s not a representative sample. That’s an amazon sample.
sounds like we agree AMZN sells BT headphones cheaper than Apple's wired ones & the open q is why ppl don't buy.
don’t see the value over free. Needs better marketing. Most who buy wireless are for sport or travel.
To be fair, most BT headphones suck.
no cord is just 1 attribute of the product. The value in the W1,sound quality&the integration is compelling
not to mention that the microphone input opens voice control of the entire Apple ecosystem
I cannot see why “sound quality” from a tiny, low-power receiver/DAC/amp beats phone circuits
the digital music path is longer & prone to interference; the analog path is shorter but not
sorry, didn't mean BT quality>>analog every time; meant AirPods w/W1 >>commodity AMZN BT phones
interestingly, music instrument wireless devices exist that pro guitarists prefer over cables
I see people say that NO wireless phones are as good as decent wired ones…stuttering, dropouts mar experience
the future is wireless: listening, charging & connecting. Is it too early? And could apple influence that?
I bet if you polled users for data on whether they needed CD drives on laptops the answer would have the same
…and most of the rest will be happy with the dongle. Wireless comes over time
I wonder what % of people make voice calls or listen to music while charging battery at the same time.
Low consumer interest to date is a moot point. Apple is skating to where they believe the puck is going.
Do not forget about ecosystem of accessories that used 3.5 jack w/out need to pay Apple for each single sold piece.
BTW, most smarphones has wired headphone in the box. Hence, 300m+1.5bn.
yes, though dividing by total users vs total units is a better way to look at it.
Compare # of wired+in the box to wireless sales--proportion. Wireless headphone is not viable option when priced @ $150+.
a couple years from now, that dongle will be just as annoying as this dongle
an interesting point. Disc media (format) replaced entirely. We'll still need sound (content) direct to our ears
disc media is just a way to deliver 1's and 0's, we still use it.
yup, streamlined delivery (remove wires, discs, etc). Funny to think how controversial MBA was w/o optical drive
and meanwhile we all gain the saved space in battery capacity etc.
not sure they we got an increased battery capacity. If the preso was honest, that's where Taptic Engine (low value) sits.
Howto ween off: dongle as behavioral experiment which adds more friction to the wired experience
are you sure they're not doing the opposite? Wireless tech for headphones only recently got semi-okay; it's not good yet.
wouldn't it be better for users to hold off until wireless tech is good enough to give a great user experience?
3.5 jack + BT is pretty good combination for wireless + wired. Proprietary wireless + wired is not the future
Apple didn't offer anything that could be new open standard, but blocked existing open & industry wide one.
If Apple wanted to switch analog to digital it'd used USB-C, not lightning. BTW, there's no one in MacBook.
yeah I wonder if they're going to wait ~5 years then introduce USB-C and require new accessories again.
do you think this is a theology (eg wireless us the future!) move, or biz move to lower repair costs they're rationalizing?
Nice to have the two aligned …
Courage means not being completely stupid to listen to people who would give away the keys to the kingdom.