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To defend NSA from critics, @washingtonpost attacks the story they broke. Which won the Pulitzer for Public Service.
226 replies and sub-replies as of Sep 21 2016

Dick move I tell you.
/ @washingtonpost has gone full retard
I'm embarrassed for them.
they've come a long way since. Watergate... :(
the long nightmare never ends
fortunately, with Bezos at the helm, @washingtonpost gets free returns and shipping both ways on that Pulitzer
Calling for prosecution for your own source after winning prizes for that reporting is an unexpectedly chicken move—a real pullet surprise.
i'm sorry i'm like this
it's so unfortunate twitter doesn't have downvotes
POLITIFACT: Mostly false.
oh man. in a pre-post-fact society, that would've been devastating
Hi, like this, I'm Dad
this is a criminal act. I'm gonna arrest u
good thing there's no public interest defence for puns huh
im gonna suplex him first
1. You went there. 2. You're not sorry.
Need to educate people that jury nullification is a real option - in this case and all.
That is masterfully awful.
You are very lucky that @parkerbot is already taken
lotta fowl attitudes in yr mentions
don't be such a bird. No one is squawking about this except for u
not squawking, just winging it
this is really ineggscusable
Welp, goodbye bezos, alexa, amazon, and Washington post...ya know...principles
look this is just me
thank God for Grace 😈😆
LMAO. Ugh, I can't believe them.
hope Pulitzer people ask for their prize back.
打到中国共产党 打到中国政府 打到中国警察,我操你妈 打到日本 打到泰国 我中国公民8 南京 xie jun
Snowden for president, fuck you pricks if you don't like it...if you don't like it's time to wipe
They would do anything to whitewash themselves wouldn't they?
so much for "protect your source"
I assume you're not banking on a pardon and are exploring other options. Putin is unreliable as well, as you know...
Putin would rather give up Syria than give up Snowden ! ...
I think it's much more like the other way around...
you obviously have no idea what it means to the U.S that its biggest foe is entertainIng its secrets - #WakeUp
accept the Pulitzer, kill the messenger
the stupidity never ends!
Or to protect themselves from the NSA. Journalism is a shameful imposter today.
in 2016 people still give a shit about the Washington Post? :s
[sigh] Glenzilla blocked me, I lost all patience with him endlessly pushing that email story. It's fucked up.
That paycheck, they don't dare want to bite the hand that feeds. the fund holders could make it the new "inquirer"
"Integrity" now means doing what benefits you in the "current situation"... not doing the Right Thing
This is what happens when billionaires own newspapers. #badidea
Leave it to the @washingtonpost to accomplish this feat @ggreenwald
The Wasington Post is nothing but a pathetic propaganda rag with no journalistic integrity.
what a time to be alive. The weird is real.
Sounds more like Obama admin said we're not pardoning him, hey WaPo, go turn public sentiment against Snowden.
journalism isn't what it used to be- unbiased reporting!
I think you should get the congressional Medal of Honor...but that's not of my Benghazi.
how do we come back from this?
It sounds like they are asking the government to please bring criminal charges against them.
You should be jailed for treason and I hope you never get a pardon. You are a criminal, not a hero.
u can't make this shit up lol
Woodward and Bernstein are turning over in their graves - and they aren't even Dead!
Absolutely disgusting spineless move by @washingtonpost, I hope they lose some readers over this.
the Washington Post is nothing more than a tabloid these days
How can they be so stupid? Lol
The @washingtonpost could have argued for a fair trial to confirm once and for all that Mr @Snowden did not do treason.
How can you have e.g. isles of cereal or chips to chose from, but only 2 political parties? The illusion of choice...
Bezos is knee deep in the surveillance state w his gov cloud computing & @washingtonpost has lost its independence
Its the shylockization of america, mammon has become the God again, Christianity has been vanquished by pharisees!
"No specific any individual American was ever shown."Because only American lives/rights matter to fascist @washingtonpost
is servent of empire's evil.
UNREAL. and they said #MattLauer was a disgrace 2 journalism. smh
This man is a spy, This is why he is in Russia! HE need the death added to his record for his winning spy project
They published the info, so they should be prosecuted as well, if you are.
change their name to "Washed-up Post" #weakaf #failtothewashingtonpost 🖕
But no, our media isn't state controlled. Right....
how very sad, rather see more articles on how Snowden might beat the Espionage Act, if he went to trial. #LauriLove
How will a .@PardonSnowden challenge the Espionage Act, whistleblower protections or FISA? Would a trial?
you were a low level analyst who portrays himself as a higher power like @realDonaldTrump
the Washington Post is a joke
if you had stayed and fought I would think more of you, but you ran and hid. The act of a coward.
You're right, he should have stayed and fought, and after all the legal fees he could kill himself like Aaron Swartz
takes a lot to do the right thing.
under new management from @amazon founder likely related. 🤔
*Dumb Intercept/Team Snowden. Dumb and crooked.
Jeff Bezos lack testicular fortitude.
= @amazon , shop somewhere else!
Bezos wasn't wapo owner back then
WaPo is dying a sloooooow death like the rest of MSM.
we are all doomed. But thanks for trying Snowden #endoftheworld
well from my point of view, US is ruled by #criminals....!
I Wonder what @bartongellman thinks about this...
He is doing as everyone involved... double checking what he was told and the proofs given.
You exposed a crime we all knew was happening as soon as the Patriot Act was passed
They were probably told by" high ranking sources within the govt" that they would cut the source pipeline off
Seeing as you broke the law, beyond what public interest could excuse, it makes sense.
To paraphrase Powell on HRC, his hubris was his downfall. He had many ways to remedy this early on
absolutely unbelievable! They and many other "journalists" should be deeply ashamed.
I think of you often Edward,(not creepy often, but often). You have not been forgotten!🙋🏻
This is one f'ed up system we've got going on here. Everyone is scrambling
shame on the Post. Journalistic integrity RIP
if it was a public service and they're reneging then sh'd surely return award
is now @washeduppost They'll do anything now for a story.
Corporate Media is lame. Real journalism reports. It does not moralize or tell u what to feel or think.
you should have gone with @wikileaks mate.
No- @wikileaks turned into a doxxer site for ID thieves. @Snowden and @ggreenwald curated their data b4 release.
I'll be avoiding their articles from now on
I'm no critic, I'm watching the so called "Hackers" and "Whistle blowers".
read a message about hackers and whistle blowers- The driver won't stop and someone farted.
To defend #NSA from critics, @washingtonpost attacks the story they broke. Which won the #Pulitzer for Public Service. - @Snowden
No, they did not attack the story... They pointed out that pardon was not possible.
wtf is wrong with American politics?.... it's this.
looks like @washingtonpost are a bunch of milquetoasts
And they say Web killed the newspapers. Sorry conspiracy theorists. It was clearly a suicide.
what can you say about a rag....
There is no coming back from this, so I am thinking things were looking dire for them before.
They have lost all credibility. Who would bring them good information after this?
It's tough being a Liberal. So much truth and reality you have to ignore. Sounds like the definition of #insanity
clearly the post has no interest in preserving democracy, but state control over it's citizens
A mix of a G. Orwell Govt & a corrupt media that spins like V for Vendetta's.Thx 4 the red pill
shameful. I saw the movie. I know why they want to cover their asses but honestly, cat's outta the bag. Man up WaPo
What a bunch of hypocrites @washingtonpost
how much can you actually trust the media.
Dear Edward @Snowden: Strict sepration between news and editorial pages at @washingtonpost
No doubt about it... Psychopathy is "crazy-making" at the root.
Maybe it was all that shit that had nothing to do with mass surveillance you leaked? You're no martyr
that sound you hear is Ben Bradlee turning in his grave in disgust
Remember that @washingtonpost wouldn't publish some @Snowden leaks because of damage they would do to US security
argument hinges on @washingtonpost "standards". same standards that claimed pulitzer for his bravery #PardonSnowden
if this is the way newspapers behave who is left to report the news truthfully
Why doesn't it call for prosecution of Alexander and Clapper for perjury, obstruct justice? #PardonSnowden
Not surprised at this dick move by the @washingtonpost after the crap they pulled on #GamerGate and Candace Owens.
The fundamental betrayal of the very foundations of journalism by the WP is astounding. It is a TOUR DE FARCE.
Washington Post Tour de Farce. Profiting from the heroic actions of a source, then condemning him. #contemptible
Eddie. How's Russia? Kim Philby liked it too for a while.....
keeps the cake (Pulitzer for credibility ) & eats it ( pleases establishment for favours) @ggreenwald
WP has attention deficiency always. Short term memory! #Snowden
Snowden is not the hero people think. He was a petty spiteful weasel unhappy at work.
he never claims to be a hero. And exposing secret wrongdoing won't make him a weasel either.
it's about the reason he did it. It was out of spite, not out of concern for the public.
doesn't matter what was his motivation. He exposed NSA wrong doing through WP.
plus, he released so much stuff that didn't have anything to do with public surveillance.
if he was genuinely concerned, he should have brought it up with Congress, not the world.
arnold, he didnt released any info himself. He gave it to WP. They published.
when he gave that info to Greenwald, he knew it would be published. @Snowden is responsible.
WP shouldn't have printed it, but Guardian was spilling the beans anyway.
but in western democracy the media are the Pillars it stand on. No?
the media & public isn't entitled to know everything. It simply can't work that way.
that is what Putin says and he is demonised in west as autocratic!
Putin's right about that. I just think Putin does it more for personal benefit.
for the simple reason that everything the public knows, the enemies will also know.
that's why we have secrecy in critical government functions.
and we can't have every citizen weighing in on every detail of national security.
every country has secrecy. No government is totally transparent.
so who checks the govt secrecy acts?
the Guardian was releasing it too. If a competing news source publishes, everyone does.
so you see, we come to:"shoot the messenger"!
oh Arnold, that path has been tried by previous whistle blowers. Bad choice!
We have plenty of libertarian congressmen who would've loved to fight the NSA.
Arnold you r my friend and I will give my neck to support you even if you r wrong. 😊😊
that's ok, not everybody shares my philosophy. I like monarchs anyway. 😀
I like queens, not a fossilised one but ayoung sexy one!
Elizabeth was young and sexy once...
I back u 100% Edward, bunch of snot nosed kids w/no life experience criticize what they wld never grasp
If it makes you feel better,Ed polls done since the report came out show it didn't have much effect.
this is stupid. Will not be subscribing again...
typical shit from the hypocritical idiots at WaPo. anyone reading them should have reality check.
This would be mind-blowing, if we didn't know who owns them-on every level! Even Jimmy Carter says #PardonSnowden🌞
WaPo has really lost their minds. It has been incredible watching them flush their integrity away.
Whistleblower is someone who reveals matter of public interest. Not just crime Luxembourg used to convict Deltour
Assume they'll be giving back that Pulitzer...
Your criminal conduct is bigger than the Pulitzer and seeing it any other way would be a mistake.
will be no quarter for you Snowden.
@the_intercept@You betrayed your own nation.
Washington Post is a fucking joke. What happened to real journalism? #pussies
Traitor: one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty = @washingtonpost.
The @washingtonpost is a #traitor by betraying its source / #Snowden's trust, thus breaching a fiduciary obligation!
Can the US corporately run media get any more bizzare and corrupt?
Wonder what caused @washingtonpost ∆(💝). ℹ️💰 ±∆💸 wrt… /* sounds totally impartial */
•March 2013—CIA reveals $600m of $8B IC IT budget for Amazon Web Services •Sept 2016—Bezo's(AMZN owner/founder) WaPo promotes prosecuting ES
typical schizoid Americana
This is like Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Yay America!
You are joking. Idiots. Cat is out of bag that we knew must have been open.
Washington Post could always rebrand itself as a comic, like the Sun
Privacy is a universal human right that should not be offended by any state.
Why so surprised? That's typical of American values.Use,Earn money & Throw.Basics of Capitalism.
You should be grateful to @wikileaks who saved your ass,but you won't because you have American DNA.
can't trust anyone, eh?
and they eat their young...
Is DWS on its board?
I know, right?
Just WAIT for @realDonaldTrump to be the President, as he will give you "pardon". God Bless..
wasn't aware that you gave up the keys to Greenwald so that he could found a company while the world hunts you
I think this might be your biggest mistake.
you're a criminal. The post profited from ur misfortune. So what? u r a criminal & should be prosecuted.
purely schizophrenia of #USmedia much like the schizophrenic Trump
liberals eat their young if it furthers their delusional causes