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This image says it all. Let's end the politically correct agenda that doesn't put America first. #trump2016
19,605 replies and sub-replies collected so far...

move to Russia you heartless racist xenophobic POS
they have to go back pumpkin
then so do you unless you are 100% native American,who were killed and displaced by "immigrants "
lol " the indians were taken out by unknown migrants so let these migrants in!" nice logic babe
muh savage red man problems lolol
they didnt have the wheel lol
only if we can take back all the accumulated capital. Natives didn't create common law, roads...
Then the native Americans (filthy Mongols) have to go back to Mongolia.
You are why women shouldn't vote. You'd throw away your country because of a sad photo.
that doesn't matter to these people sadly
that's called common sense.
shame everybody can't see that
How many more victims before the government takes action?
You need some perspective. Death is horrible. #bees kill more people in the US than #terror. Lets ban #bees
because it's going so well in Europe with all those "bees".
Humans need bees to survive. What a stupid comparison
I'm saying you need to add a little perspective to your life.
Check out #HillarysHacker this is the smoking gun. It's breaking right now. Get it out there deplorables!!!
Not after your dad destroys the FDA Food Police!
Is that all you have????
Pee Wee just got destroyed. LOL!
omg Obama is the one doing that. Research much?
What does that mean?oh yeah Media Matters talking points.
are you saying that's a good thing?
won't be buying fruits and vegetables from the states if Donnie gets in.
Too many, including HRC, would rather compromise our safety than recognize the risk. Sad! We need to #MakeAmericaSafeAgain!
They always think they are the ones that know what's good for us too.That really pisses me off their arrogance
did you! Learn how to tweet!!! From @realDonaldTrump ???? Pathetic!! Sad!!!
Stolen,so clever isn't accurate. However-extreme vetting isn't a plan. His plans go-
Only if you don't do the math.
the same thing can be said about guns, cars, alcohol etc... this is not well put
please tell me that you know the magician really doesn't pull a rabbit out of his hat... #UTrumpDumb
lmaooo he didnt make this
You are just as fucking stupid ass the assclown. Fuck you.
it's "clever... well-put" if you're only equipped with the most basic of math skills...
Clever? Holy shit that's not clever that's batshit crazy. Please don't tell me you think that is rational.
You are a shameful disgusting excuse for a human being.
It is so amateurish and non productive that words fail.
it's not just the killings. it's the culture all together.
The left will defend this
If you told me 3 would kill me, I would eat them without hesitation. I know how credible you are!
you are fucking based my dude. Great analogy to make the point. Everyone should consider this very carefully.
Stop the Syrian refugee invasion now!!!
is used in the ISIS recruitment videos. He's the one that continually puts down America. He's a disgrace
The bowl of skittles aren't vetted. Refugees are vetted for 18 months. @DonaldJTrumpJr
- pretty sure that term vetter is used PRETTY loosely...@DonaldJTrumpJr
Receipts for that, please.
no actually ass wipe it's not but Donny Sr silly 20 questions will do the trick
those are Trix...we're all talking about Skittles smart guy
are you? Have you been vetted? Do you know what it entails? Please describe the process
pretty sure you're just making shit up.
United States has the most robust and aggressive refugee Vetting of any country
because they don't wanna go anywhere else...but I digress
and still have killed.
No vetted refugees have committed an act of terrorism. @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
Exactly. No refugee has killed anyone. This is just race-baiting of the worst kind. @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
it's not a race dumb ass. Dahir Adan, vetted... Stabbed 8 people
Bombing As Afghani-Born Ahmad Khan Rahami vetted....
He was an American citizen, not a refugee. Try to read before spouting bullshit. @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
lol, which one?
Keep in mind RepubliKlan Constitutes are Politically Stupid SOooooo there u go
Dahir Adan stabbed 8 people and was vetted
He lived in the US for 15 years before his heinous act. @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
that doesn't matter! He was vetted...
At age 7. Know any 7 year-olds capable of holding deranged and perverted ideologies? @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
is that what your saying? Obviously they have adults with them. You think they are brainwashing their kids?
Those fleeing violence and death are hoping for a better life, not more chaos. @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
do you have any friends in Germany or England? I do. Not saying all but a lot causing issues!
Yeah no shit issues crime and shit comes up when pple live in complete poverty. There's still
no huge influx in terrorism in any place
you just want free shit. Stfu
little solders
don't 4get the Tsarnaev brothers. Russians warned us about them and we still let them do jihad
don't wet yourself, wow you are scared of the boogeyman aren't you? @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
no, more scare of people with no common sense like you.
sleep tight, hopefully the monsters under your bed let you get some rest sister @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
only thing that would scare me near my bed is you! Coyote ugly
ok so what? 15 years and nothing then a guy goes nuts, what would you do? 15 years ago
Vetted at 7. That's pretty funny. Not!
For all intents and purposes he was young American guy at age when he could have become Cont'd
radicalized, open to fantasy of heroism. Also, age when serious mental illnesses begin Cont'd @tom1234west @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
Cont'd to manifest, bipolar, schizo, break from reality No different from other mass attacks @tom1234west @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
and Timothy McVey was born here....whats your point?
I bet the native Americans wish all white men coming to North America had been vetted!
so are you saying you want us killed off like the native Americans. I WASN'T ALVE!
I'm saying that the USA was founded on immigration and we should continue. They are vetted!
Not "us". Just you.
I'm part Native. U found some losers here, Tom. Stupid can't be fixed.
LOL! Just realized @ILoveHillaryC blocked me! Just another weak dem is my guess
you are right, can't fix stupid! But we have it our best shot! Lol
Agreed!! It's a calling for some of us to try, anyway!! ☺ And thoroughly exhausting at times!!
I finally feel like someone has broken through the corrupt politics. It is frustrating!
I agree! Sick of PC & estab putting Americans LAST! Sick of their lies, pandering, etc..
what a stupid comment! I do bet they wished they were vetted.
do you honestly believe that one vetted person who committed means all these people are bad?
He was radicalized on #AmericanSoil #America radicalized him. He was radicalized at home.
oh, and we radicalize people or the Muslim faith?
Your toxic attitude towards any non-Christian faith #radicalizes them. Look to your #CheetoJesus @ProgressOutlook
oh, somebody else's fault he wanted to kill people! Funny
No. The step to kill is his to take. The push that set him on that path is provided by American attitudes. @ProgressOutlook
lol, ok...
If you refuse to see it, fine, but #racism and #bigotry lead to #radicalization and #Trump isn't helping @ProgressOutlook
Just a question for you about that meme, Tom - isn't #Trump a #WallSt guy? @ProgressOutlook
no, he is not a banker.
ask yourself 1 question. How does a POLITICIAN make 200M or what ever she made. That is not made up.
Ask yourself 1 question-Is a guy you can goad with a tweet one you want with his finger on the nuclear button? @ProgressOutlook
Also, about foreign donors, but #TheTrumpFoundation doesn't publish. I guess we'll never know, like his taxes. @ProgressOutlook
In any even, you seem to feel posting memes ends an argument, so have a good day! @ProgressOutlook
i think Dems are racist. Their policies hold people down and they create divide. It's their strategy
Which policies do you believe to be racist? @ProgressOutlook
trade, education, drug war, welfare, planned parenthood. Big list. Lack of education and jobs biggest issue
Bills that pass have to be accepted by the majority, yes? Who controls the House and Senate? @ProgressOutlook
Trade, as in NAFTA? That was under George HW Bush. @ProgressOutlook
I'm not a Rep or Dem! Trade works but the deal itself doesn't equal out wages!
Fair enough, but that in and of itself doesn't make it a racist policy, does it? @ProgressOutlook
no, it creates racial issues. Takes jobs which kills low income $ which kills schools
It also increased export from $125B to $600B and import from $150B to $575B @ProgressOutlook
I lived in MA, NH, TX and now PA. Every where I go we are losing good paying jobs for McDonald's work.
Clinton signed it in.
It's a matter of timing. The architect was Bush, as behooved an incoming President, Clinton saw it through. @ProgressOutlook
so, he really put it through. But doesn't matter, it's here and killing us. Water under bridge
ok, we believe in 2 different things. I'm ok with that. I want my kids to have jobs in 15 years.
You're lucky you've had children. We both still want jobs, though, that's a start. @ProgressOutlook
Negotiations for NAFTA started in 1990 under Bush, and when it came in to force Clinton was in. @ProgressOutlook
The Drug War was started by Richard M Nixon. @ProgressOutlook
Richard Nixon back again RT @Awetitu: @tom1234west The Drug War was started by Richard M Nixon. @ProgressOutlook
helps the poor who can't afford health insurance and provides valuable sex ed which schools don't. @ProgressOutlook
u r a meathead
so basically living in the US for 15 years turned him into a terrorist.
so are you saying his faith and upbringing by his parents did?
why do you think the Dems want to bring in more people than they create jobs for! The vote!
This might surprise you, but immigration is critical to expanding economic growth. @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
oh no it's not!!!!! Only if the economy is growing! Our job market is shrinking.
Please take the first lesson of a high school economics class. @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
I work for the largest business in USA. I can tell you first hand we are losing jobs. You live in a box
There are about 14 million more jobs now than there were eight years ago. @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
Tell that to the 95 million Americans out of the labor force.
You realize that about two-thirds of those are retired or students, right? @tom1234west @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
Why do you guys keep trotting out that talking point when it’s useless? @tom1234west @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
What benefit, besides jobs, do you have to allow haters of US here?
Lies again. You know you want peace in America yet fight for terror.
how many full time jobs cut or hours cut vs part time created? Yeah...
answer is behind those details! Median household income down!
lol, those are not facts. You mean people giving up on finding work?
5 years really seem to have no interest in working! Lazy bums! @tom1234west @ACMESalesRep @Jl787878 @DonaldJTrumpJr
maybe those with degrees dont want to deliver pizzas. We have created
many service indistry jobs like that. Who wants those. Lol
No, those are facts. Most of those “95 million” are retirees and students. @ProgressOutlook @Jl787878 @DonaldJTrumpJr
Some idiot ginned up the number, and clowns like you swallowed the story. @ProgressOutlook @Jl787878 @DonaldJTrumpJr
so still people who need jobs...
No, people who aren't looking because they have other things to do. This isn't rocket science.
that's a pretty big generalization.
bahahaha @ your #Facts. Ugh, I get wayyyy more out of my goldfish 😨
Maybe you should listen to facts instead of your pets. @ProgressOutlook @Jl787878 @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
another cunt that hates facts.
I am sure that its intelligent design speaks to you daily.
95 million! Do you not read on purpose or is the prob processing info?
Two-thirds of those are retired or students. It's a stupid number. @Jl787878 @tom1234west @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
The number that matters is the number of jobs, period. @Jl787878 @tom1234west @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
you are naive! 100 McDonald's job or 100 manufacturing job?
There are only 300M Americans so I hope you're counting the retired and juvenile.
They are, but I don't think they realize it. They're just parroting a talking point. @Jl787878 @tom1234west @ProgressOutlook
Wait a minute, wait_a_minute. Aren't there juveniles in China's Sweatshops
There are 14 million more jobs now than 8 years ago.
this is a bad tweet
So unemployment is almost down to pre-recession levels. @therealkwalizer @Jl787878 @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
Great unemployment graph. Where is the web site.
no... That's the manipulated data without the pep that gave up.
except for the fact this is how we have ALWAYS measured unemployment but now Republicans want to pretend. 😜
wrong... 2010 ish they changed long term unemployment. Go investigate yourself
btw, not a republican! ;-)
I know my 95 year old grandfather is unemployed! Panic!
so let me understand. You have a job so everyone else is same? Lol
I am a student so according to this guys definition I am unemployed.
wait till you're out! I have 200 resumes for 1 job I posted
I don't know if this holds true but I was talking to a business owner a while back who said he had plenty of jobs...
depends where your from. Good jobs are hard to find. I lived in ma,nh,tx and now pa and all these places it's hard 2 find work
...but couldn't find qualified people.
why is labor force participation way down?
The Baby Boomer generation is retiring. In about two decades the US population is gonna look like Florida.
and when you do get hired the job is paying up to 20% less.
Unemployment is low in the US compared to other countries or US hist.
nope! They changed the way they pull the numbers in 2010!
So then it should take a big dip in 2010 then stay flat? Then why has unemployment continued to fall since then?
lowest labor participation since the 70s
Which doesn’t change the fact there are 14 million new jobs. @tom1234west @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
increase in immigration and still behind on job creation! Reagan created 18m jobs
&Bush2 sent most of those overseas including Daddy Trump's products
correction, Reagan got out of the way so Americans could create them
only difference between trump and Reagan is Reagan had a basic sense of human decency
And provided blanket amnesty for millions of undocumented workers. Great example! @tom1234west @ACMESalesRep @Jl787878 @DonaldJTrumpJr
listen, you don't want boarders go move to the boarder of Mexico. Good luck!
it's actually only 9.8 million, pesky facts
Not to mention they are all minimum wage jobs Obama hasn't created many jobs that pays a livable-wage salary
yeah I need to lookup how many of those are part time, and how many are part time because of ACA
It’s still more jobs than anyone else has created in recent memory, guys. Now you’re just being picky.
Obama is shipping livable wage jobs overseas Household income is at a 30 year low "Created more jobs" but making less?
the point is we can do better if Gov gets out of the way, republicans as well!
Why do you guys keep repeating long-discredited talking points as though they’re fact? @bowduh
You misspelled "facts"
U referring to that talking point where you embellished the new jobs # ?
And how many ppl entered the work force during that time. You only have half the picture.
in what sector,what country.R they full time, what field.what about not counted
with a record 94 million americans not in the labor force.
And how many of those after part time? Yeah I thought so..
Now you're just being picky. There are more jobs. That's all that matters. @tom1234west @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
That's complete nonsense if I had 1 full time job and now I have 2 part time.
that's a personal anecdote and does not represent the country
You'll be surprised by how many personal anecdotes show up Nov 8
lol I don't like either candidate but I know who's got it in the bag
your not even from this country. You can see the corruption HC
who's not from the cpuntry?
you can't be if you don't see issues with jobs!
there are many issues. There are also jobs. Looking to hire atm
tell that to people in O&G, loco,railway, steel, electronics
people that have a good job don't worry about other people.
you must have a good job!
there are many good jobs hiring. There are issues like guns
lol won't be laughing when a liberal justice joins supreme court
he wants his free stuff.. Lol
don't need anything free but if you'd like a job let me know
I need to layoff some of my team, how many do you have
Yup! It'll give him more time to play Pokemon. He's a kid.
cant believe everything you read. Two fails
You're a liberal male, you're failing at your purpose 😂😂😂
We're not the pantswetting chickenshits afraid of people fleeing a war, dude. That would be you guys. @Hero___Of__Time
OK we'll just let you socialist twats run shit into the ground like Merkel did yeah? Idiots.
There's one common characteristic with EVERY SINGLE LIBERAL male I see on here. You're all hiding your face
You are a basic bitch. You've all the characteristics. Hiding like a little woman. Faggot.
You're all scared to put your face to your words. Pathetic little beta millenialls, the cursed generation 😂
And to top it off one of you is an arsenal fan. A sure sucker for punishment now wonder you're socialist 😂
you can be bitter elsewhere bro. If she doesn't win say something to me. But she will
Dude clearly not following the polls 😂😂😂😂😂 Denial is strong with you. Your wife lives u too I'm sure 😂😂😂😂
once he gets a job(if)&starts paying for free will changemind
that was a major fail. Lol
lol ya can't believe how major that was! Crazy! Wow! Lol
Don't blame others for your failures.
So if an employer reduces their entire workforce hours that's my failure? This is why u people are losing. Logic is absent
There's MANY in that exact situation. That's not being picky.
if there are more jobs why are millions more on good stamps than 8 yrs ago?
Wrong! Our country wasn't teetering on a recession till the Democrats caused it.
The deepest recession since the '30s started under Bush. The country was hemorrhaging jobs until Obama was elected…
…and has enjoyed steady jobs growth almost since he took office. These are indisputable facts. You're spouting nonsense.
Those stats are highly disputable. Unempl. Rate drops .3% in 1 month JUST before 2012 election. Manipulated.
If that's how you feel, then you're far more ignorant, gullible, and naive than I originally thought.
huge job growth that is going to be the next "bubble". Healthcare act was a jobs program
and then Obama started lying about jobs and everything else in the economy. I guess ignorance really is bliss.
Remember the Sub-Prime Mortgage Collapse of 2007-2008? Remember Barney Frank? Do you know who tried to stop this?
the recession was caused by deregulated banks. The right dereg'd them
so, no. Democrats have pulled us out of the economic tailspin and...
...stabilized the economy after the bubble burst. If we kept doing...
... what the right wanted, the economy woukd have continued tanking..
...but nice try at historical revision to suit your bullshit.
were you living in a cave in 07-08?
1) WH isn't counting jobs lost in 1st year 2) Most are part-time & seasonal jobs
Too bad job growth hasn't kept up with population growth.
They've both increased by about 4.5% since 2009, and population wasn't affected by the Bush recession the way jobs were.
The recession was caused by the housing market which was caused by HUD policies from WJC and also fnny & Frddy MAC
population growth is shrinking, what are you blathering about?
is that your research? You seem to know so much wrong data
actually, that's the research of the people whose job us pop is... seen here: You're not too bright.
dumb ass, we are still growing. Sent you real census data
growth increased from .73 to .77 in 2015.
you can say I have wrong data, that doesn't mean I have wrong data.
no, there's about 14 million less people on unemployment benefits
but around 14 million less people working
you dumbass Part time jobs Minimum wage jobs you fucking tard
We're hiring, but we can't find candidates & those we find don't stay/can't pass
nobody can afford to live in Cali! Lol
I guess that would explain our homeless epidemic 🤔
you do have 115,000 homeless in all and your state is going to spend 2b on problem.
I hope some of the 2b goes to the root of the problem, like mental health.
That's rediculous source please. How many illegals ate there from 8 years ago?
that's a blatant lie. But par for Dims.
Why don't you ask your beloved Trump to close his factories in Bangladesh, China&Nepal to create new jobs here
blame Obama, Clinton and Bush! Trade deals that's why!
Putting profit over the American people. Same as he will as president. Don't be daft.
never Trump's responsibility for anything.
why would I blame him for Trade rules?
why do you think he's going to change the rules that made him wealthy?
far trade won't effect his wealth.
fantastic evidence-free statement
Blame him for being a hypocrite that's personally profited from NAFTA. Quiet down, child.
why would you not try to make more money? You would! Infant!
So now NAFTA/free trade is okay as long as you're making a profit.🤔isn't that the whole point?
all big biz are doing it. It's not illegal or unethical it's just bad for our country
Just like Trump is. Thanks for playing and goodnight.
just like Hillary. Good night.
I wouldn't lie later about how awful I felt about it, or pander to morons
you work for Walmart?
you work at Walmart?
forget it, you can't argue with idiots. Especially when they're reasons are PC narratives
McDonald's? WalMart? Cashier?
you just want her to win to keep getting food stamps so you can sell them for your crack.
No, I trade them in for stocks and bongs. 😉
Maybe you should get out of your cubicle.
I outsource!
so you work at Walmart?
no, largest manufacturer in USA
So, General Motors?
??? Who is that.
Not in my industry. My clients are now looking at H1Bs. @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
lol "working for the largest business" hows bein a walmart cashier treatin you @tom1234west @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
it's awesome! Your momma comes in and wants to get with me daily! I just give her some free shit
That was the greatest BTFOing I've ever had the privledge of witnessi……
Look to corp exec salaries for jobless nos. Pay workers more, they spend more, create jobs.
Tom knows what he's talking about, he works for the Skittles corporation..
Tell Daddy & Ivanka to make their clothes and homeware in the US instead of foreign countries.
You work at Walmart? Are you a stock boy? Do you sell refugees in those little fun size packs?
So being a Wal-Mart greeter qualifies you as an expert in macro-economics?
no, but my outsourcing experience and my degree do
People like Trump sell our jobs overseas. Don't believe that he wants to create jobs for you.
ya, trump is moving our jobs over seas. That shows your intelligence
The Donald and his cronies will continue to sell you lies and sell our jobs, he wants votes.
Hillary and the stacked corrupt team will keep brainwashing you!
hillary's no different. you're all screwed :)
I'm no fan of Hillary either, they both scare me, just for different reasons.
you and me both. I'm not a US voter, but if i was I honestly wouldn't know
who to vote for
Maybe write in the devil, or Cthulhu instead? ;)
both are better options
see now you just sound like your ignorant leader!
why because I'm in charge of outsourcing for one of largest Mfg in USA?
oh now you're just sounding like the same arrogant dolt your leader is! Bye ignoramous!
Are you moving?
I don't plan on going anywhere
My bad.... was thinking "bye" meant you were moving..
yes it was your bad! You're a rotten peach so I bid you goodbye too!
Ignorant is QE to protect wall street from the recessive debt loop. Print more!
How is Walmart outsourcing retail jobs?
I don't work for Walmart. Don't believe everything you read from people guessing.
I only said it because you indicated you work for the largest company...oh well.
I couldn't fit Mfg in there
Got it. Even the Koch Bros. outsource. It's decades in the making.
Breaking: Koch Industries' Outsourcing and Job Loss - American Bridge PAC
In a recent television advertisement Koch Industries touted the growth of the company to create “60,000 American jobs.” The true story paints a picture of Koch Industries’ long history of job losses and outsourcing, resulting in nearly 3,000 American jobs sent overseas. Outsourcing Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) is a federal job training program that provides assistance to workers who lose their jobs as a result of competing foreign imports or direct outsourcing.  An analysis of TAA cases, news articles, shipping records, and layoff notices revealed examples of outsourcing at 13 Koch Industries facilities, and potential outsourcing at additional facilities. In 2003, Koch laid off 150 employees at a KoSa plant in Shelby, North Carolina.  In 2004, the Department of Labor certified that a portion of 150 employees who had been laid off at a plant in Shelby, NC, were eligible for TAA as a result of outsourcing to Mexico.  Former employees at the Shelby facility later filed suit against Koch claiming that the company pushed workers to, according to a former worker, “leave gracefully” or “be victims of downsizing.” (Source) In 2004, Koch outsourced 175 jobs from an Invista plant to Mexico, less than a month after purchasing the plant. Koch Industries had promised to retain all employees.  In late 2006 and early 2007 more workers jobs were outsourced to Mexico, as detailed by the US Court of International Trade. (Sources 1, 2, 3, 4) In 2004, some 35 workers were laid off at an Invista plant in Athens, Georgia.  In 2006, they were certified eligible for TAA because of outsourcing to Mexico. In 2008, the plant laid off an additional, 50 employees. (Source)
and it can be stopped. Rate is way higher than people think.
Tom I give you HUGE props for your patience with the #Libtard ! I would have given up way earlier 😨
lol, thanks. I wanted to!
your losing jobs to automation and corporate greed. Don't worry other ind are creating them
that's very few! I am outsourcing all metallics, electronics, service labor, engineering
Oh so you want to complain about job loss when your outsourcing? I dont outsource
yes, I do. If I don't, I don't have a job!!!!! I want to insource!
Yes path of least resistance..... Excuses excuses..... Where there is a will there is a way.
breaking that path by going out and voting for the first time ever this Nov!
No wonder you like "Donald the joke's on youforPresident" Hope you still have a job if he wins
I could keep going, but I respectfully disagree...
Yes in Mexico India Russia and china. You are correct.
so now we're listening to Walmart workers
lol, wow even if I was you are insulting people with low income! Unbelievable! You are the hater!
no I was insulting you Walmart and the Republican Party because Walmart is America's largest
employer now. And you act like you know everything about Terror but we know that you don't
Says the guy living in a box
There are over 14 million more jobs now than there were eight years ago. WAKE UP! READ!
lol, are they the same types of jobs that left? Or are they part time? Get all stats!
Sorry; 1 more reply: Ah, anecdotal evidence; totally valid; u seriously need to take stats
working for Mcdonalds doesn't make you a economics expert
literally- an ugly, black eyesore of a box- if he lives on daddy's dime.
You are such a retard. Just stop.
I can tell you work for McDonalds. No need to tell us. You prolly live in your moms basment.
lol, no. But you putting down low income people. Must be nice to be better than everyone else
3/250000 imageents from the middle east in the past 15 years have commites acts of terrosim. Do some research.
im 16 and work at Hy-Vee. I was commenting on the fact that you said you worked for a big company. Good job on twisting a joke.
the UK doesnt have as good of a vetting process as we do. I gave you a U.S. Statistic and you responded w/ a U.K. Stat.
if you believe we can cry people that have no background your being naive. Our military, FBI and others have warned us.
when you say cry do you mean vet? And they go theough vigorus vetting proceeses. Look up John Oliver on Refugees, its 10mins
yes, sorry. Typo
Any favorite Slim Shady songs? 😄. I remember that it is people I'm debating on twitter, so I like to be nice too and respect.
like them all. Workout to his music daily.
Im particular to Stan, Fast Lane, Without Me, The Real Slim Shady, and Rap God. Check out "Animal" by Harry Shotta Show.
so working for Walmart makes you an expert? What are you a cashier?
no dumb ass, but if I did why would you put down someone in low income? Why are you better?
you work for GE?
so you work for Walmart which is losing to e-commerce. Its also hated by younger generations.
We can keep the illusion of growth if we displace the white majority w/ cheap brown labor! @ProgressOutlook @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
I have MA in Econ and you're full of shit Only needed when at full economic capacity
Yes, then explain to liberals why our economy has been so bad during the last 8 years. Help'em
And,who supports raising the minimum wage!!
I agree, cut Corp tax so the small biz can pay. They will go out of biz.
you need to look at cause and effect.
one side wants to look like they care about pep and other takes hit for real care
We know *exactly* how much (all!) GOP is to blame for slowing the recovery, thanks.
It wouldn't seem so in this case now would it?
Was someone else casting their votes for them? LOL
Ah, yes, @ProgressOutlook; @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr + @realDonaldTrump need math, econ, stats, ethics, biology, polo sci, civics classes
@DonaldJTrumpJr@ ProgressOutlook what about the $80,000 per person per year of taxpayers money Fuck that
be better to take math. Adding people to declining jobs & 94 million jobless equals what?
don't confuse her
preach your intelligence while proving none of it. Good jorb. Welfare increase != economic growth
the most incredibly ignorant tweet, possibly ever
No. It isn't dumbtwit Tom.
only jobs that are shrinking are for dummies who still want to work in factories
wow, you're pretty dumb!
last I checked we created many service jobs like waiter and pizza guy.
Dude. You need to move to Mexico! In your thinking, there is tons of empty space there. Gooooo
Really. So explain why total employment keeps going up.
factually incorrect
hmm... so if you have more kids and you don't earn more money how is household doing. Better?
I refer 2 facts-added private jobs 74 straight months=14.6 million & Bush=net loss 463k jobs
Your numbers are wrong. More Democratic skewed stats.
Not my #s...from US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Repub Fortune mag says same
No comparing the two. Reagan loved America.
I've never disrespected ANY THAT'S American & patriotic
I am a vet. U can't question MY patriotism. Ever.
I can when u disrespect our Commander in Chief Thank you for your service
I love all Americans. Even those who disagree w/ me. Don't respect Obama.
No, u can't. He's done nothing 2 DESERVE my respect. Earned, not deserved.
Being a VETERAN. Now THAT'S PATRIOTISM. You have no clue what that's like.
Actually I do...thx 4 assuming Good luck & again, thank you 4 ur service
Are you a VETERAN as well?
Why haven't you answered me? Are YOU a VETERAN?
Reagan's presidency a success. Obama's will go down as complete failure.
I only answer with facts not partisan I graviously exit
if Obama can't raise a stat, he'll change the way we look at it.Fasism
it will shrink more with jack ass DT with his trickle down economics plan on steroids.
you like Kennedy? He did it...
it doesn't work! Proven as Ronald Reagan
prove. Track record but doesn't work unless you fix trade deals
you think he's going to "fix" trade deals to do that you have to be diplomatic and have a brain
no one will deal with him this isn't real estate. DT is a con man & he's banking on ppl to be scared into voting for him
he has no plans and anything he says he can do he can't fiscally achieve it it would bankrupt our country which he's great at
HELLO, we are bankrupt! Lol... We owe $30tr! That is the problem, Obama prints money and keeps us a float. Are we really better
you! 2009 blown up to look like he cut! Period
not blinded by a fear monger.not afraid of a women pres. Everything not BO/HC fault.DT diverts ur attention.DT knows NOTHING!
I want a women prez, I have 2 girls! Just not a corrupt lying race baiter.
she's not. And what gives you the impression that DT is honest? No tax returns. A botched DR note from some quack?
she lies about everything, even small things like landing under sniper fire when small children are handing her flowers!
guess what I hate propaganda all I want to know is who is looking out for my children, this economy and has experience
I am the same as you. Just can't look pass emails and foundation. If they find pay to play not sure how anyone stands with her
that's a shame because it's all bullshit.
this is just like Hillary's. Both not proven. But I will say $25k verses $25m big difference!
emails are a bunch of garbage millions wasted on this witch hunt
bad part her is people can't believe there is corruption. Do you believe OJ was innocent?
absolutely not he did it for sure!
your either looking for reasons to hate HC or love HC you'll find both but the quest is why look to hate HC so much?
she made over $150M as a POLITICIAN, how is that possible unless something is going on...
she gets paid to speak and if DT could get that much for a speech he'd be on it don't kid yourself
Millions? 1/2 = $500k with Russia during Uranium deal?
her stuff is out there his isn't that bothers me. He's hiding something or he would show his tax returns
with all news and politicians spinning everything, sure he thinks they will do the same to a 12k tax doc. He builds hotels.
no it's more than that. Be careful with this vote for your girls.If you're angry about things make sure you know DT can fix it.
he may feel like a strong candidate but his plans will not work all of the financial experts have weighed in
there are financial experts on both sides saying the opposite. Look into. I personally believe it works due to work experience
you don't care about the insane stuff that comes out of his mouth? Is it that PC is causing the problems?
don't believe the US is awful,our military is weak,we aren't strong enough and DT claims he's the answer? That's fear mongering
DT hasn't made me fear anything. Traveling the world has. My life as a traveler has changed and home attacks are increasing
so let's just blurt out what ever we want & hope for the best? you can have your GOP policies all day but DT is not republican
not sure why people think DT is setting in fear when fear already exists because no politician is being proactive.
he's exploiting it. Using it as a way to say "I told you so" like a child. And to bully and say "no one but me can fix it"
and Hillary is exploiting racism! When protecting Americans is the prez job.
how in the world can you say that DT is causing more division than any other candida ice ever seen
step back. He spoke bad about Illegals and terrorists. She is taking that and blowing it into racism creating divide. strategy
but he's jumping on the immigrant prob &holding a pep rally but he has no plans he just repeats lines that cause ppl to cheer
not true. way more policy talks than she has! That's fact. constantly putting out policy speeches. Hc rally him being racist
he is though. He doesn't talk about how
nobody called him racist for last 30 years. He isn't. I beat he HATED his black girlfriend.
running for president put his secrets out there but not all of them tax returns?
ok, what about HC racist stuff, why is nobody talking about that?
HC deleted all her secrets of pay to play from her server. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see why she had secret server
no joking, did you see this?
Hillary = gold water girl, super predators! Lol, racist!
the unrest of this country started before 9/11 the Internet is where we are weak which is HC point and she's right
just read through ur xchange. GOOD to read 2 ppl arguing passionately frm 2 opposite sides w/o name calling. Tk u
she has been in the trenches for 30+yrs while DT has been in the cheap seats bitching about US and doing nothing to help
exactly why we can't vote for her!
DT is a narcissistic con man and he is dangerous to this country he's not going to fix anything he can't. He has no plans
speeches are all about plans! Hillary's are all about hate and name calling. And bucketing Americans that don't have same op
you think his mouth is ok? If @megynkelly were your daughter would you be ok with what he said about her?
funny thing about this. He is an equal opportunity offender.
look agree to disagree I cannot vote for a fear mongering bigot
agree. I can't vote for a 30 year money hungry, race bating lier. At least we agree on something!
he cheated on his 1st 2 wives & is on his 3rd.All he does is make broad statemnts. he's holding a pep rally for angry America
so now your calling 46% of America angry??? What about Hillary and her Husband still at it! Per CP
Economy =/= job market, idiot. Industry has GROWN, while industry jobs shrunk. Automation!
unemployment is at 4.8% lowest in 40 years economy is strong keep eating the skittles 👌🏽
data manipulation!!!!
Depends if you think part time work flipping burgers is a real job
Final time replyg to u; from whence did u get that bs non-fact? No primary data for u eh? 😟
your bio makes 0 sense, republicans are the kings of corruption... so clueless
lol, both are and Trump broke through! Dems didn't let Bernie, much more corruption from Dems
greedy people prefer to pay poverty wages to people overseas than living wages here.
that is a reality! Trade reform could fix that.
Donald Trumps companies are among the greedy companies doing that.
I don't blame people for earning as much as they can. That is what America is about. Cont-
I blame our policy makers for making them earn more by using another country.
'making' them? How were they forced to?
it's forced by less taxes in other countries along with trade not equaling out labor.
Tom did you and your big co know that baby boomers retire?
naive people!
No Tom. Not naive. More knowledgeable than you can imagine.
I outsource work all day long. It's my job. I see what big biz does due to tax and trade
Could things be better, yes. Did we get through a Rec w/o soup lines yes. We are ok.
facts v. dishonest rhetoric,..Vote for TRUMP!
You're going back 30 years to compare Obama job growth? Let's be real……
How is that when 60% of our minorities are out of work? Please!
lol will even speak english? Doubtfull. Will live off assistance for decades...
that's a lie.
what surprises me is that an American,if UR one is on the side of Isis and not Anericans
what is that remark for is this eco101. we have enough workers but not enough jobs.RU ISIS
Not anymore. We needed immigrants to replace the hard workers which died in WW I and WW II
What???? What jobs will they take? Are u serious?
he said after ww1 and ww2 serious? Critical to economic growth?
hey look you're an HRC supporter
jobs are suppose to lead immigration
Preserving the American nation & heritage trumps chasing the myth of infinite economic growth @ProgressOutlook @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
"Let's destroy America so predatory transnationals can grow richer off of us! Conservatism!" @ProgressOutlook @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
so is not voting Dem
haha look at this change of subject. Trash
This might surprise you but immigration is critical in expanding Islam, terror, and death.
he doesnt understand stagflation in recession. Feels good w/ 2$ mor @ $3 inflation
yes, legal immigration of viable people is great. The same way that Mexico does, and even Oz
no, you're a moron who knows nothing about economics, Clearly.
this is working off the assumption that you need the immigrants to fill jobs
The garbage that is coming out of your tweets speaks volumes! @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
immigration is fine, but why can't we take immigrants who are less likely to want to kill us?
.................LEGAL, LEGAL, LEGAL Why is this word so often left out.....good grief.
I can tell you've never taken economics class. That only works if they work, not go on welfare
I'd rather experience economic shrinkage if it means getting less "diverse."
yiu actually believe that shit @ProgressOutlook other than taking jobs and family business
You seriously say Immigration is critical for expanding economic growth? Are you retarded?
Not when the unemployment rate is so high.
Smart, logical immigration, that brings in people who will assimilate. Not murderous thugs.
No one is anti-immigrant. These are refugees from terrorist infected countries.
lol, says someone lacking common sense
what's stupid thing to say. Makes no sense. No wonder you have no candidate.Idiotic!
a simple "oh brother" is all I can muster in response to that inanity.
Incoming immigrants can't vote. Why do you think GOP blocks POC from voting. Affects bank acct
the build the base. It's a fact and it's the strategy they have to stay in power.
Their children can though. And who are they going to vote for in future elections typically?
Why would you think all immigrants will vote for Democrats. That is not a forgone conclusion.
Dems trade 'free stuff' for votes. Nothing is 'free'. Dems push it to increase dependency on government.
Depends on where they're from but immigrants as a whole historically vote Democrat.
probably true of native C Am but I think mid eastern are more conserv. It's an amygdala/ant cingulate cortex thing.
Are you actually making this about Voter Suppression???? *Head-Desk* @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Yeah. It couldn't possibly be compassion & human decency. You're projecting again.
Yeah, you sure are!
You're right. I'm projecting my compassion & decency. 😉
Backwards, upside down liberals.
Born and raised citizens engage in violence every day, your reasoning makes no sense.
Cons afraid they're going to take all the terrorist jobs away from co……
Good point. @DonaldJTrumpJr probably thinks this. Too bad that has no connection with reality
hey mr Mensa you're a DIWE
no, I'm not a Device-Independent Web Engineering
LOL Dick With Ears
4 votes they don't care
15M people brought in and only 5M jobs created. Why do you think this is a good thing for America?
Your ass does not provide good numbers. @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
why, you haven't heard that we have 10m more people on welfare? Look it up!
It's food stamps, not welfare, and it's only because the rules were changed. @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
WRONG! Welfare spending jumps 32% during Obama’s presidency
15M? Citations and facts to back that number up? Seems a little high.
yes that was from 2000 to 2014
are we still talking about refugees? @pewresearch puts the number just above 63,000 this year.
stop with your facts!!!! Hate, fear and bullshit only people!
this would make a good point if 100% of 15m are even working age. Which it's not.
A lot of refugees r children. Children don't need jobs, at least not until LyingDon is POTUS @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
15 Million? Wow, are you sure?
Source? Your math seems a bit off. That gap of 10M is more than all unemployed.
might want to ask @realDonaldTrump why most of his crap is made over seas - China, Bangladesh, Turkey? #ImWithHerBecause
Um... because he is a BUSINESSMAN. Highest tax rate is here. Dems keep it that way. "Duh!" Idiot.
laughs all the way 2 bank, nothing 2 do with tax - its wages. He pays shit in third world so he can B rich.
according to Dems these refugees don't need jobs! They give them everything for free
yep and will rebuild Detroit with them. Screw those Americans without jobs!
where are you getting 15m from? We take in 70k refugees/year. Increasing to 85k @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
U know how 2 read stats + research papers? (Hint: they're not the ones that #KKK writes.)
@DonaldJTrumpJr@ tom1234west they don't care because most these people live on taxpayers money No Jobs to lose
never mind 1% of these people may want to kill you! Simple math!
Good thing no white people or Christian people ever want to kill anybody! This logic is so stupid. @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
you logic is flawed! If we are looking for a needle in hay stack why make the hay stack bigger?
Because making the haystack bigger doesn't necessarily include adding more needles. @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
lol, ok. But now the needles are harder to find. Also there will be a % of bad people, you can't argue that
I can because we vet refugees for 18-24 months. @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
and how do they do that? You truly believe we have a good vetting when Senior FBI officials said we can't?
and they still go on to rape little girls & autistic women. Great people, let's import more!
By your logic, no one should be allowed to have babies because some of those babies might become killers. @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
by your logic we shouldn't pause and look at what we are doing. Lives don't matter! You hate people
I repeat: 18-24 months of vetting. Idiot. @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
1%? Where do you get your stats from? & how many ppl of other religions commit violent crimes?
it dosent matter if its .01 percent want to kill you its still someone coming into our country
wanting to kill you
awww, that means 99% of them will give me hugs!
yes, why don't you go over there and get your hugs!
What percent of you tea baggers want to kill the president?
go back to the crack smoking! Lol
I can't read this tweet as I'm too high on crack.
How many Trumpsters are itching to kill someone? Just for the thrill and bragging rights.
actually it's the Hillary supporters that are more violent.
Please, 3% of people want to kill me at any given point.
omg. Leave math out of this!
15M what, Skittles?? Where is your ridiculous number coming from, a Trump Klan rally?
Yet, you're more likely to be killed by your fellow citizens....
Columbine, Sandy Hook, Aurora, Virginia Tech., LIRR...You never know who wants to kill you
I'm guessing a good 10% of the people you know what to kill you. @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr @tom1234west
Your fellow American citizens are a bigger threat to your life than a few refugees
more than 1% Americans will kill you too, silly argument.
And only .00038% of refugees will be involved in an attack. So...that's less than 1
ok, that makes it better!
you're asking for the people seeking refuge to be more perfect than us
What's more American than demanding everyone live to a higher standard than us?
they're are human beings displaced by the wars of the rich. Not perfect
your tweets make me want to lull myself and I'm not even a Skittle.
How many of those school shootings have been the act of refugees/Muslims/immigrants?
ok, so your argument is - let's increase our kids threats because we already have crazy peps?!
what a stupid comment!
Rather stupid than racist and'xenophobic.
you are a racist! You just don't know you are!
The only degree you have is a fever, you inbred piece of turd.
lol, all you got are insults, shows your intelligence
That's a bit hypocritical if one looks at your timeline.
all provoked.
you are thick lol
1%? 1 in 3.6 billion chance a refugee kills you. Simple math is .00000002777% you twit
yeah, simple math: I don't cower in fear or shirk my principles on a 1% maybe. that's the job of the Right
so your principles are to support corruption. Good to know.
a statement that has nothing to do with what I said. As a Johnson supporter, I so nor support the corruption..
...of Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. But I do recognize the culpability of the Right in current affairs...
...and don't live in a fantasy to support my views. But do tell me, child, how do I support corruption?
Wow. Ur racist ignorance knows no bounds;1% =b.s. #;"may"? U may b a troglodyte; lets eject u
Immigration withOUT assimilation is INVASION. 15 years & vetted --still hated Americans. @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
so I take it you speak Ojibwe, since your family assimilated in Minnesota
you're wrong. Sioux . Are you even aware how many tribes were in MN? @ProgressOutlook @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr l
😘 on top of that, we dressed like the natives and attended school like them. @ProgressOutlook @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
yeah, that's not the same thing
I don't particularly care
1. Not teaching us history or law instead teach sharia law. 2. Not learning English. @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
3. Treating all women as beneath the men. .... Bottom line you "don't particularly care" @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
yes, trump is such a feminist
listen & try to stay on topic, I know this is hard for you & the narrative you want to push @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
We are talking about MUSLIM assimilation in the US. Do you have any useful statements to add? @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
I'm not pushing any narrative.
trump has more women in high level positions than HC.
good for him. He's still a prick
So 4. STFU You haven't a clue about assimilation. @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
please tell me how you were treated the last time you tried to eat at a restaurant in little Mogadishu @tom1234west
& btw... I'm guessing you're not a woman so ordering food at a Somali restaurant wouldn't be an issue for you. @tom1234west
I'm guessing I don't care
You sound like the borg
and that makes it ok? He had made 3 trips to his native Afghanistan!
So now we're going to stop people from travelling because of their national origin? @Deplorablekat @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
no, we're going to temporarily stop them from coming into this country until can b prop vetted
already are properly vetted for 18 months. What about US citizens that kill?
they are not vetted 18 months
yes they are. It takes alot to get in this just refuse to know.
... Correct. Carter did it successfully with Iranians, Obama did it too; Iraq.
... Good policy to block even visitors from hostile nations. See US policy on
... Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan during WWII.
YES YES YES its the american way, carter did it roosevelt did it. open door is not a priv.
he was still vetted wasnt he?
It's almost like the concept of a "proposition nation" is utter bullshit or something! @ProgressOutlook @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
I mean he got a piece of paper, that's a major metaphysical transformation, he should be one of us now! @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
So you're saying that we've been doing a bad job of vetting for 15 years.Youre very right.
So what? Tom was right and you have been proven a liar. You don't even admit you're wrong.
You just said no vetted refugee committed terrorism. So which is it? @ProgressOutlook @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
and was reported by his father 2 yrs ago.
your statement was still usual dumb ass nevertrumper. Lie more,cause that's working
this is the weakest cop-out excuse I've read today. Pretty pathetic reasoning.
he also wasn't a refugee
even worse! Vetted...
you embarrass yourself
GTFOH He was14 years old when he came here with his family. Been here 15 years.
so are you saying his parents may have influenced him?
I'm saying Trump's insane violent invective probably pushed him. Number 1 ISIL recruiter.
actually it's Bill C in the Isis recruiting videos. Lol, blame trump! Lol, that is funny
your proving a lot of people points
He was around 5 when he entered. The radicalization obviously happened after. @tom1234west @DorothyKidd1 @DonaldJTrumpJr
how? You think the Internet? Lol. Come on!
I've read his family was harassed in the community. Maybe THAT had some impact.
It probably did and ISIS propaganda became his solution.
I'd argue INCLUSION felt a lot better than EXCLUSION. #CultsThriveOnExclusion
Inclusion does. We create potential "terrorists" all over.
momma &poppa no doute
Maybe, but probably from media and crazy people saying to block muslims.
in Afghanistan
Deplorable 7/8 yo's wld be under age most laws and need mental hlth placement
Y R deplorables allergic 2 facts but BS news stories moths 2 fire
• I think they should have vetted Tim McVeigh
what would they vet him for - truck rental?
I'm not sure how you'll take this news, but actual citizens commit even worse crimes all the time.
so that's how you justify immigrant violence? Because Americans do it too? Sad lol
RIP your capacity for rational thought
Natural citizen criminals act out of poverty, which welfare candidates only seek to increase. Mor freebies!
Something tells me a white christian had stabbed 8, he'd be considered a misguided teenager.
WTF? He was 7 years old! I think his worldview changed since then Also possible mental illness
1/2 How do we vet the Americans responsible for 10K gun homicides each year? I'd rather live
2/2 with a vetted refugee than many gun-owning American-born citizens. Less chance of death
but when told that the refugees cant be vetted what do you do?
Source? Vetted refugees are less likely to kill than American-born citizens
source lol. Lets not talk ok
Backing up your claims is funny? Logic: you're bad at it.
lets move all the unvetted refugees in your town. Is that ok?
im sure Brian is game
Considering there are no unvetted refugees, that's fine.
1/2 Uh, we don't allow them in.
2/2 You do realize your link says the "we can't vet them" claim is mostly wrong?
1/2 Are you referring to the comment that the system isn't perfect? If that is your
2/2 standard, then take guns away from all Americans. No background check is perfect
America has criminal records to reference. Syria has little 2 none. Roll the dice?
OTOH, I live 30 min from Dearborn - the largest Muslim pop. in America.
soon you won't be able to go there if the same thing happens here as Euro
You're saying I can't go to Europe? You might want to check murder rates there vs US
We don't need refugees to be one of the most violent industrialized nations
Brian, you think you are going to point facts out about euro?? Lol
I just did. And I posted a source. Do you have a specific comment?
2/2 Islamist violence barely even moved the needle compared to American-born killing
Terrorism makes the headlines, but it's an incredibly small % of total deaths
agree. Most people are comfortable with any chance
Provide your source for that.
Dahir Adan was from Somalia, not Syria..
same vetting process. Your point?
the original post was about Syrian refugees and you brought him up, so I was just clarifying
which is why we need to enhance the vetting process & halt immigration from high risk nations.
And how many natural born Americans have killed? Maybe we should ban anyone born here too.
Dahir Adan was not vetted when his family immigrated to US because he was only 2 mo old smfh
Obama called Bush a traitor for a 9 Trillion dollar debt. Now at 21 Trillion & Silent Media ??
1 out of the some 700k refugees we've let in since 9/11. That is a 0.0000014285% failure rate.
Pretty good, don't you think?
so you are saying there are no sleepers here? Also look into caught before act! FBI disagrees!
I'm sorry. That isn't an answer to my question. Is that a good success rate or not?
no, needs to be zero!
And yet, that is literally impossible. So I'll just say it for you: Yes, it's good
you think a good success is "only a few people were killed" lol great stance!
Except no one has died. What are you talking about?
Not a refugee and didn't go through the refugee system. Try again.
went through same process! Asylum. Your funny, you think they have different processes?
Also, he was 9 when he came here. Not like he had the idea to commit any crimes then.
his dad has to come trough, you obviously don't know much about him.
Yeah, his dad did have to come through. But his dad isn't a terrorist. So what is your point?
In fact, bringing up his dad just makes my point stronger. His dad wasn't a terrorist. The screening worked, right?
“I will never forget it. May god bless those who helped my son,” she continued. “My son is the best of the best.”
America is the real terrorist and everyone knows that,” she ranted.
Don't even know what you're talking about with these last two tweets... you have ADD? Seems like you find it difficult to stay on topic
he was TWO years old when he moved to the U.S.
he was Somalian, not Syrian, His father gave him up to the police and no one died. That's not even one skittle.
and your point is??
Wow. It's your kind of dangerously naive thinking @ProgressOutlook that allows attacks here
(Possibly sensitive)
Key look another person who would like to let in unvetted refugees to America!!
John Brennan said, under oath, that IS militants are mixing in with refugees.
And then are vetted out. That's kinda why we vet. @734_365 @tom1234west
What the hell do you think the IS does? Applies for refuge in an uniform and a passport that says ISIS on it?
The process got reduced to 3 months. BTW...
The shit vetting process is a joke. Why do Liberals risk EVERYBODY'S saftey because of there own beliefs?
Should we listen to the director of the CIA or your bias ass? #GTFO
Later, in an interview, a CIA op. that was put on that investigation stated that they estimate 10% are ISIS.
I suppose he was just fucking around too!
This means we aren't vetting every refugee. Or am i mistaken? Your turn.
It means you don't know what you're talking about :/ @CrusaderIntel @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
Actually, no. But I'm sorry facts don't align with your shameful world view @Lead_Farmer7 @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
Tsarnaev. Sound familiar? Boston Strong, faggot!
Yeah, who undertook the NY & NJ bombings? Non-Trump-looking Americans. Guess I'm screwed.
there were no terrorist attacks on the us by Muslims until Obama took office. It's a FACT
ok, thank you for the correction. But nothing like what's going on in Europe & coming here
all of Obama's 8 year term he's been quoted defending Islam while taking Christian values away
And do you know who he is referring to, in that quote you list without context? He is talking about terrorists.
He is talking about Islamic terrorists. You believe in some boogieman version of Obama that doesn't exist.
What christian values has he taken away? Stop believing all the crap you read on internet--educate yourself.
coming here? These are lone wolf attacks by US citizens. Hows Trump stop them?
Except for that kinda big one. Syrians vetted for 18 months before they come.
And no Syrians involved in any U.S. attacks.
WTC bombing? Empire State Building shooting? 9/11? Beltway sniper?
In fact, the refugee program was forced to be halted exactly because vetted...
...refugees let into the US had committed acts of terrorism, and were plotting more
hope you wake from your coma.
the knife attacker was a Somali immigrant
Who lived in America for more than a decade, making him an American, for all intents and purposes. @mkohlrogge @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
so he was a Muslim who used Islam to try and kill. Also talking abt letting more in what can b expected EU
thank you the guy was/ is an American
in which country ? And if your that commited to keeping Trump out maybe when he wins U lev us
let's try this one is said of America we R all immigrants.then hrc is a terrorist 4 beng
Correct That Record!1!1!1!1!!1!1!
bullshit one just did it today only problem is the cops in New York been killed a bastard
Sweden's rape statistics have gone up 1,400% after letting them in.
spending billions on refugees when we have homeless soldiers pathetic dems
I know right. All that money spent on roads 2 & military & education & retirees
your mother got vetted, was she committed?
this is stupid the San Bernardino people were so your wrong and you have no idea how many
this person is totally blind and has no idea what he/she is talking about.
c-suckers vetted muzzie committed in Minnesota and NY
more people have been married to Trump than killed by Syrian refugees. 3x more.
yet....that's the point
ISIS itself said they were going to infiltrate the refugees. Look at Europe today
If we're being honest, two have...out of about 750k. That's a huge bowl. :)
your initial comment looked good at first but lacked the integrity to withstand the debate.
As if sexually assaulting our children isn't bad enough.... smdh @tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
Germany Mass Rapings Japan Same Thing.
Do more research before we open our big fat mouth
no the refugees have only been here six months how about the others that came in over years
what about the San Bernardino Bride?
Does the Tsarnaev name ring any bells? How about the 20 9/11 terrorists? #OverStayedVisas
Tell that to the Boston Marathon and San Bernadino Victims
Must have your head up your azz. EVERYONE is saying these people can't be vetted properly!!@tom1234west @DonaldJTrumpJr
Incorrect. For example, 200k crimes committing by refugees in Germany. 1.1 mil refugees.
🤔 the lack of logic astounds! So, non refugees, not mil age males w/ a mandate to kill infidels do, but u think ...?
the CIA and FBI just said they don't have the Means to Vet each one properly! U are a moron !
tell that to the recent Manhattan pipe bomb boy...
you don't know that for certain
-majority of gun owners don't commit crime yet u want more gun control but no border control.
nobody wants to talk ROOT CAUSE Sharon. That's crazy to want to be proactive. Shame on U
if democrats would stop shooting cops then calling them racist wed be cool
gun crime the worst in gun free zones. Almost nil in open carry land
and the Pulse night club shooting was an American. People should look past the media for facts
who's dad hates gays! People really need to look at root cause.
right! Intolerant assholes push people too far
you want to talk about a root cause? We are pointing fingers at each other while 8 families
walk around holding more than half of the world's wealth. They don't care about us.
THAT is the root of the problem. If we all had our needs met, this world would be better
so I believe both sides agree. But increasing taxes doesn't help. They move funds outside US
I would rather them make money in the States. Obama raised taxes and they became richer
this is what happens when you only watch CNN. Good grief
Are Guantanamo prisoners considered vetted because that's at 38% #wakeup
bt the way Trump is OK with your plan. Welcome aboard!!
So you're the world class expert on refugees and know that for a fact. OK Hillary
how do you know? You can't just make a claim with no info
so... Wouldn't that mean the terrorists aren't vetted, by your own logic? What a fool. #MAGA
rape and murder I suppose are not considered terrorism
Give them time ...
this latest one was born here a American!Last 2 incidents b4 that were vetted refugees!
wasn't the guy that stabbed 9 people in Minnesota Saturday a VETTED IMMIGRANT?
not in America, YET
- BUT MANY OTHERS HAVE!!!!! #wakeup
Bullshit. Many were made citizens (ultimate vetting) or given visas, and still murdered people
See recent arrest of NY bomber? Vetted.
they will give them time
The citizens of France, Germany, and Sweden would disagree with your BS statement.
prove it. Name one act that took place in the U.S by a refugee. Provide citations.
How about the 8 year old in Idaho, gang raped by refugees. Media silent.
provide citations
Do your own research. Your laziness is a huge part of the problem. Sheep?
if you're unable to meet my guidelines, you're useless to me. We're done talking
haha. Oh no! How will I go on? Haha buh-bye.
and a cop just killed a black man in the US. He had his hands up. That's terrorism.
No Syrian refugees have been involved in any US terrorism.
When are haters going to understand that you just CAN'T control EVERY thing? No matter how careful & thorough you are??
You do realize that again and again science has failed to find a link between immigration and terrorism, right
no, more people have been married to Donald Trump than killed in by Syrian immigrants in US.
like all people? Is he proposing banning all people now? Like no new babies either?
Tom Mother Fuck Bitch!
But white Christian fanatics get to have Burger King in their way to prison.
wtf are you tweeting about. Crazy people!
That's untrue. Quit being spoonfed by the propaganda.
Wow, u racist moron;white Americans kill exponentlly more peeps, regularly #blacklivesmatter
over 800k syrian refugees since 01 3 of have been convicted of conspiring to commit an act
of terrorism. 0 successfully carried out a terrorist act. That's from the Cato Institute
...just get your white hood out & be proud of what you are.
Retard alert. More people named "Donald" have killed people than refugees in the past decade.
wrong. But facts don't matter to you. Or to @realDonaldTrump. He lies for a living.
hmm, where are your facts? Also dig into caught before attack.
zero Syrian refugees in America have committed terrorism. Wtf are you smoking?
I guess you could post the name of a Syrian refugee that committed terror here.
Nope. In fact, it can take up to two years to be vetted for entry. @watkins_suzette @DonaldJTrumpJr
"BS" is about the level of research Trumpians can tolerate.
Maybe we should ask ourselves what happened to him AFTER he got here.
that's exactly the problem. If we had banned him he wouldn't have been in our country.
Racist cretin.
Remember, U.S. attacked Afghanistan during Bush 😏 #DeplorablesForTrump
your children won’t even pay for an obit in your local paper when you die in a state-funded nursing home
not a Syrian refugee
you do realize that ISIS has endorsed Trump 4 Pres right?
Rahami came here when he was 7 yo, smart guy. How is extreme vetting going to solve that?
that's another Trump brother
He's with you.
it is people like you that give America a bad name and why this country is going nowhere
Why do you say that?
this is just political garbage by one of the "uneducated" that Trump has said he loves
Nawwwww with him
So your argument is for no immigration whatsoever? @AlHernandez21 @DonaldJTrumpJr
Just extrapolating your logic. (Logic: you should try it sometime!) @AlHernandez21 @DonaldJTrumpJr
You said that they could vet them. I provided a link that shows that it can't be done.
Because you can never completely vet anyone. Ergo, by your silly logic, we shouldn't let in anyone. Everyone is a threat. @AlHernandez21
Hell, we can't fully vet cell phones like the S7 Note. Let's ban them! @AlHernandez21
It's cheaper to resettle them in the middle east, why should we take in people we can't vet?
Also, it is cheaper to resettle them in the middle east! Why take any in?
obviously Slovakian models are ok.
Yeah, because I said that I'm for no immigration right? Lefties love straw man arguments
Exactly- especially if they are sweet or round.
That's what we were told in Europe. In reality, "vetting" means absolutely nothing. They still get through.
Crawl back in your hole alt right POS. @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
You better hope The God Emperor is lenient towards dissenters when he takes the throne.
this is the creepiest tweet I ever saw
You think that's creepy... read his bio. Sheesh.
yikes...I'll have to pray for him
You dopes actually think con man Trump could EVER ban a religion OR make US white.. UR dumb as rocks. Suckers. @DonaldJTrumpJr
Don't know what you mean by, "make US white", but it's pretty easy to halt Islamic immigration.
Not sure how a grad student joins the #AltRight. I thought the educated rejected bigotry? @ChrisPLarks @DonaldJTrumpJr
Must be comforting to convince yourself that being educated is synonymous with sharing your opinions.
I thought it was equivalent with not believing in racial superiority. @ChrisPLarks @DonaldJTrumpJr
I don't believe in racial superiority. The "white supremacist" is a non-existent demon the Left have created in their head.
Unsurprisingly, you are wrong. @ChrisPLarks
I said, "I don't believe in racial superiority". Perhaps he does; he's entitled to his views. Nothing to do with me.
You do realize that mono-racial societies are the vision created by "separate but equal," which set back generations of blacks?@ChrisPLarks
I wouldn't be living in the same country as Black people so "setting back generations of Blacks" wouldn't be of my concern.
Hey chris we dont want your racist shit in our party, trump doesnt need it #DumptheDeplorables all races r =
you could not be more wrong. White supremecy is a bigger threat for violence than refugees
The AltRight want an ethno-state. They want White people to be left alone. They don't care about "supremacy".
agreed funny how pple in the middle East want the very same thing I say we give it to them
Chris is the ALT-RIGHT a.k.a KKK a.k.a Scared Lil WhiteBOY = #Deplorable
I'm not in the KKK... how dare you? I'm a Nazi.
then you're complete idiot bc there are people in this thread saying all kinds of white supremacist bullshit
I'm simply of the opinion that mono-ethnic societies are more conducive to social harmony.
Europe had open borders that migrants could walk through - not able to vet same as N.America.
someone should tell DONALD that. @NeverTrumpPAC
we need to "vet" white supremacists
oh well asshole. Tell your govt to leave their countries alone. Till then, they have every right to come in
They were coming to Europe long before the refugee crisis...
Ban the Skittles!
Then how do they get in???
Same argument could be made for rejecting Jews who fled the Holocaust. How does that look, historically? @Misttina @DonaldJTrumpJr
Jews didn't commit Jihad against infidels.
Jews weren't blowing up shit, head chopping, raping women in the 1930's.
Who vetted the Stumps. You do know your grandfather was a con man, pimp and a thief don't you?
Bless you James we have different political view.Hillary <3 Alinsky you must too 5.Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon #IDontCare
I meant Stumph. I am glad we share that we can have a difference of opinion but we can be civil.
I don't hate people that disagree ~ I don't have their background. I can only live my journey.
I pray for only the best in your journey!
Thank you James ~ you as well :)
the people who spent 8 years asking for Obama birth certificate think they can bless you
seriously? Two years of vetting isn't extreme enough for you?
10,000 you say? Hell, I bet 3 out of every 10,000 Skittles really does kill someone.
But Trump said its millions... Right... Another freaking moron.
Huff post is a very biased liberal progressive site ~ like clinton news network CNN. Lies.
Of course! There is no place that gives us unbiased information, so we have to research. Do you?
yes I often look to the UK, France,Germany,Greece & Spain for info to balance USA bias.
Also, what link are you referring to?
Haha, riiiiight. Our govt just admitted they gave citizenship to ppl who were are on the deport list. Keep drinking!
can't be worse than selling a gun to someone on the terror watch list
it's second generation from Muslim immigrant parents that are most likely to commit terror attacks
Actually, it's white Americans who are most likely, w/in the U.S.
even if they're vetted, their hateful ideology still comes with them and is spread to their children
You just proved that the only ignorant and hateful ideology comes from yourself. You should be ashamed. @SirNauthiz @DonaldJTrumpJr
I truly believe if trumpf keeled over the world would be relieved (I K horrible)
I do not hate them, I love us. That's the key concept that leftists do not get.
More refugees would pass the citizenship test than would Trump supporters. @SirNauthiz @DonaldJTrumpJr
more refugees would rape my little daughter than trump supporters would...
Not if you actually look at crime statistics. @SirNauthiz @DonaldJTrumpJr
go fuck yourself, that's an outright lie. You are the true def. of a cuck.
don't know if you have a family, but if you do I'd challenge you to take a Somali refugee into your home
You do realize that's not how it works? But I suppose that would screw up your idiocy. @SirNauthiz @DonaldJTrumpJr
the point I'm making is that you will never have to deal with the consequences of these policies
I don't live in the middle of nowhere. I live in a vivacious, multi-cultured city. It's beautiful. @SirNauthiz @DonaldJTrumpJr
maybe you should visit the ghettos around my house and get some "diversity"
you'll find most trumptards live in rural towns where they just eat Trump's bullshit up and
lack any real experience living in a multi-cultured city. The fear mongering works on them easy
actually the alt-right is mainly made up of young city-dwelling men.
the alt-right is a special kind of stupid. They're gonna be drinking the Kool aid regardless
they don't need fear mongering to convince them, they have a pre-convinced narrative already
actions speak louder than words
like white supremacy
white "nationalism", look it up. Hint: it's nothing to do with superiority
yeah that's what Hitler said (hint it's not a white country)
hint Indians were here first
apparently not well enough genius @ProgressOutlook
Well enough that no vetted refugees have committed an act of terrorism. @nanajudyr @DonaldJTrumpJr
Actually taking well over 2 years right now. @DonaldJTrumpJr
that's what they tell you but if you didn't hear 800 so far got in that were not supposed to
:).@NeverTrump :) l have yet to see PROOF that they are vetted. Where did you get it.....from HRC???
:). Oh yes...that's the group that used to be HONEST!!
It's so funny how honesty hinges on whether you agree with a decision. @jolee1938 @DonaldJTrumpJr @NeverTrump
:) sorry to disappoint you, but I agree with the obvious!
or that lying isn't really lying but trump's strategy & sarcasm & memory deficiency
The Skittles are vetted now, but not if Trump Sr. gets his hands on the FDA. Then they really might kill ya
DONALD TRUMP can't grasp that. I in all of my years have NEVER SEEN SOMEONE HAVE AN EGO LIKE DONALD TRUMP.
that's too completed for slick hair
only 4 people here know what vetted means
but they're vetted by Hershey's...they don't know diddly about them skittles
facts don't matter to trump supporters
-FBI has stated over & over,there's no way to vet these terrorists,no record keeping in these countries!
Fallacy: There's no way to do anything perfectly, so why bother at all? @RRRoxy @DonaldJTrumpJr
No they arent. The whitehouse has even stated they cant properly vett them all.
just like they vetted that haji in ny ??
the one who came to the US when he was 7?
"are you a terrorist?" ▫️Yes ▪️No I'm vetted.
no their not!!!!!!!!!!!
The FBI certainly knows more than you. @himmiemom @DonaldJTrumpJr
I agree to that for sure!!
Feds can't vet properly the ones with ID how can they vet refugees? #Hillary made the POINT THIS AM *9/11!
Ha! Vetted? Is that what you call it?
then let's move all the 'vetted' refugees into your neighborhood!
(Possibly sensitive)
Sure they are. So what does that prove? Don't let them in then don't have to bet them! Our cultures collide
How can they be vetted when nearly all of them have no verifiable documentation?
and if they don't have proof of identity? Or they lie? They still get through lol
I bet you are a big George W fan tho. (Worse prez ever) U have two choices douche, Hillary or Donald that id what Obama admin WANTS us 2 believe. Dont b so gullible.
Don't believe the FBI! Don't believe facts! Believe my bullshit narrative! TRUTHINESS! @NEarly66 @DonaldJTrumpJr
FBI says nothing is perfect. Which is true. So why do you step outside? @Deplorablekat @DonaldJTrumpJr
have you seen what's going on in Europe?r u ok with that?do u want to live like that's?
if u r ok with that, vote HRC. I'm not so I'm voting Trump
And if you like your Dr. You can keep your Dr. You need to do your own vetting on this issue
Taking 18 mo not same as vetting for 18mos. & Needs default denial if no solid paper/reference trail.
18x0=0 If there is no info prior then 18months is meaningless. If they don't assimilate they stew=unhappy.
18months would be ideal but Obama has sped that process to meet his goal. Politics /party 1st, America 2nd.
I was under the impression the process would take a minimum of 3 to 4 years for the vetting process
Obama doesn't do extreme vetting either. How well has his policies worked? #ChelseaExplosion
He was a US citizen in the country since age 5. Ie, not a vetting problem, a personal problem. @77Madrugada692 @DonaldJTrumpJr
oh yeah you're right... Extreme vetting was policy back then too. 👌🏼😜
except when mistakes are made instead of deporting we make them citizens. Oopsies…
But you have no idea who made the Skittles, where they made 'em or what ingredients were even used—so!😕 @DonaldJTrumpJr
We have food safety standards and vetting standards. @4ChrisPBacon @DonaldJTrumpJr
Thanks for reinforcing my point!👍😂 #SMDH @DonaldJTrumpJr
what a bloody chutzpah "the apple does not fall far from tree" trump kids like father like son @bannerite @DonaldJTrumpJr
trump kids stop going to My Beloved Africa stop killing animals with 'blood money' bad examples @bannerite @DonaldJTrumpJr
According to Comey, et al, we have no good way to vet them, even. In 18 months.
BULLSHIT!!! The last bunch of 769 Syrian refugees were rushed through in weeks. A total of 77k. Already.
no they are not vetted where in the world are you getting this incorrect information.
Literally any immigration-involved agency.
And then we find out 800 illegals to be deported were "mistakenly" freed by Obama's Homeland Security.
Really all 110k coming in next year. Doubt it.
Syria is a FAILED STATE...what documents are we using to vet these terror...ummm...refugees ??
not the ones sneaking across our southern birders not the ones that the current and sneaked in
And 3 whites can kill you too. No point to be made.
Nope. Law enforcement has stated itself it can not vet them properly. Picture says it all lol....
the Minnesota knife wielder, the NYC bomber, Orlando Ave San Bernardino were vetted idiot.
San Bernadino attackers weren't refugees. 1 was born here (no vetting needed)- cont.
the other married a citizen & became a citizen through those channels. (Cont)
that vetting process is much different than the refugee vetting process. (Cont)
refugee vetting is done by 3rd party organizations; refugees are assigned a country (cont)
the process for refugees can take up to 2 years & they don't pick the country they end up in (cont)
terrorists coming in as refugees is literally the most impractical way for them to come to the US.
Progress Sleeper Cells can easily get Vetted. 18 months and even 10 years they can be Vetted through.
like the German ones that they said over half of them r unaccounted for
Like the #BostonBombers @ProgressOutlook? Vetting like the @FBI admits can't be done? I'd rather take @DonaldJTrumpJr's #SkittleChallenge 🤣
He lived in the US since he was 8. How, exactly, is that a vetting failure? @CircularPastry @FBI @DonaldJTrumpJr
What the hell are you talking about @ProgressOutlook? You said “The bowl of skittles aren't vetted. Refugees are vetted for 18 months.” o.O
by letting in his fking family??? whats not to get???
And vetting wouldn't stop terrorists who are citizens, which most have been since 9/11.
your like that Baby Ruth in the swimming pool. A Turd in a punch bowl.
I imagine the manufacturer of Skittles has strong quality controls. Nothing hurts sales lke dead children
This is truly the most mind numbing bullshit I have seen today. But I have faith, the Trumps will top it.
Unlike your father's previous campaign managers
What world does your dumbass live in?
Obviously not well enough. Duh.
If they’re vetted for 18 months & significant #s of terrorists still get in (they have), it isn’t working.
yeah....right every fucking mass murderer has been "vetted"and we keep burying innocent Americans
tell that to France victims
been debunked They are not vetted for 18 months, it might take 18 months for an application to get reviewed thats different
That's kind of a bad answer seeing refugees blew up Boston & now NY&NJ tho they lucked out catching b4 boom
no they aren't you idiot. They get asked questions and wait 18 months for the process to end
last i checked anyone can lie and many do even over small stuff.
it's like they don't understand current US policy....
no wrong "refugees" NOT Vetted 18 months lol you believe that Stop spewing propaganda!
vetted by whom? The muim brotherhood? Wake up fool
the new refugees are not vetted for 18 months.
that's a complete farce. How are they vetted? There's no data on them.
and it still doesn't work lmfao
You can shove your Skittles in your #BasketOfDeplorables &take your troglodyte ass & get a job
How do you screen an ideology?
yeah because vetting works so well. Oh wait, had those 800 get through incorrectly this week?
For every pack of Skittles you buy between now and Nov. 8, @Skittles should donate half of its proceeds to support refugees
lol. What a dumbass. Vetted?
they sure do a good job of vetting these refugees......
Vetted, like the Zinki gang that beheaded a Palestinian child for shits and giggles and recorded it.
800+ were set for deportation, ooops, given citizenship, now what?
How do vet a person from a country where the government offices are blown to bits and all records are gone?
Refugees are coming in droves and are not vetted at all. Syrians are granted refugee status w/o question
that's a fucking lie.
they create their own truths as a survival mechanism in the modern world.
Brutal and accurate. They only have to be good to last them out 10-20 years also
that is NOT happening
no it isn't. Obama has fast tracked to meet a goal
oh really not with our half ass president
Under New U.S. Syrian Refugee Surge, Processing Time Reportedly Slashed to 3 Months
Syrian refugees at the Zaatari camp in Jordan. (Photo: UNHCR/S. Malkawi)(Update: Adds State Department comment)( – As the Obama administration institutes a “surge” aimed at meeting its goal – currently way off-target – of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees this fiscal year, the Associated Press has cited an official at the U.S. Embassy in Amman as saying that the time taken to process each admission is being cut to three months.“While the resettlement process usually takes 18 to 24 months, under the surge operation this will be reduced to three months, [regional refugee coordinator Gina] Kassem said,” the AP reported Wednesday.With the fiscal year now more than half over, the number of Syrian refugees admitted as of Wednesday stands at 1,353, according to State Department Refugee Processing Center data.In order to meet the 10,000 target by the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30, the AP report said that around 600 Syrian refugees were being interviewed daily at a “resettlement surge center” which was opened in Amman last February.“The U.N. Refugee Agency prioritizes the most vulnerable cases for resettlement, and then refers them to the U.S. to review, Kassem said. She said that priority is given to high-risk groups such as victims of torture and gender based violence and unaccompanied minors,” the AP reported.A State Department official disputed that security screening will be compromised.“All applicants will still be subject to the same stringent security and medical requirements that apply to all applicants for U.S. refugee resettlement,” the official said Thursday. “All other necessary procedures will remain unchanged.”“While this surge and other efforts will decrease the overall processing time for individual families, the average processing time worldwide remains 18-24 months,” the State Department official added. “As we said, neither this surge nor any of our efforts to expand processing capacity curtail any aspects of the security, medical, or other screening.”Throughout the debate over the potential security implications of President Obama’s plan to bring 10,000 Syrian refugees into the U.S. in FY2016, the administration has stressed that the application process – which includes vetting and interviews by the Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services – takes 18-24 months.Security concerns deepened after the November 13 Paris terrorist attacks stoked fears that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL) was using refugee admission programs to infiltrate Western countries.A number of Republican governors and several of the GOP presidential candidates called on the administration to reconsider the plan.Four days after the Paris attack, Obama mocked the critics, saying during a visit to the Philippines that the Republican presidential hopefuls talked tough about solving problems but “apparently they’re scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America as part of our tradition of compassion.”“Understand, under current law, it takes anywhere from, on average, 18 to 24 months to clear a refugee to come into the United States,” the president said. “They are subjected to the most rigorous process conceivable.”That process, Obama said, included vetting by the U.S. intelligence community and other agencies, as well as biometrics.“There is an entire apparatus of all of our law enforcement agencies and the center that we use for countering terrorism to check and ensure that a refugee is not admitted that might cause us harm,” he said.Last Tuesday, State Department spokesman John Kirby was asked about the challenge facing the administration in reaching the target of 10,000 Syrian refugees in the next six months, and again underscored the 18-24 month processing time.“We are still very committed to the goal of reaching 10,000 by the end of the [fiscal] year,” he said. “We are also equally committed to helping ensure the safety and security of the American people.”“As we’ve said, refugees from Syria are given the highest scrutiny of any other type of refugee,” Kirby said. “In the main, it takes 18 to 24 months for an individual – and by the way, we have to look at these from an individual basis.”“We look at each person,” he added. “It takes about a year-and-a-half to two years to work through that process.”Asked about processing time for infants, Kirby said 18-24 months was an average.“I can’t dispute the fact that some probably don’t take that long and some probably take longer than 24 months. I mean, it’s – 18 to 24 months is an average.”Of the 1,353 Syrian refugees admitted since the fiscal year began on October 1, 358 (26.4 percent) are males between the ages of 14 and 50, and 317 (23.4 percent) are females aged 14-50.Another 599 (44.2 percent) are children aged under 14, and 79 (5.8 percent) are men and women older than 50.Of the 1,353, nine (0.6 percent) are Christians, 1,317 (97.3 percent) are Sunni Muslims. Making up the rest are eight Shi’ites, 18 other Muslims, and one person identified in the data as “other religion.”
But were they EXTREME! vetted?
NO they are not I work in the Australian Immigration System & WE have pretty much the #BS System as You @DonaldJTrumpJr
I'll have you know that Wrigley & Mars Inc. have thorough quality control protocols. Retract your statement @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
how do you vet those with no paperwork or documents?
clearly you've never heard of quality assurance
Meanwhile the vetted ones blow up bombs in new york and new jersey.
and yet, Allah Akbar continues
lol wow ur delusional!
How do you vet someone when they destroy their papers? Or when they come from countries with no records
Obama is reckless.
If you aint part of the solution, youre part of the problem! And you aint solving squat! Its appeasing!
yeah right, and double checked too right? Tell me, how do u vet someone without a documented history?
foolish r u evry brnch gov security on record say thre is no way to vet u may sacrifice ur children not I
Yet even the Head of The FBI says the vetting process is flawed and yields inconclusive results often.
So, how's that 'vetting' working for us? We need a better way to put the safety of US citizens first.
and 18 months still hasn't worked. Vetting process is flawed
not in Europe it was chaos ,some had fake documents and passed through anyway due to sheer volume.
Also impossible to vet tens of thousands at a time...they estimated eighty per cent migrants not refugees🍒
refugees are vetted are you a comedian. Legal immigrants are vetted.
It would be nice to deliver refugees only...but in reality it doesn't happen 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕🍒🌸
It certainly wasn't a form an orderly queue situation it was a Europe crisis...Politicians are useless💕💕💕🍒
like the analogy but it's worse Much worse , majority of Muslims see infidels as subhuman
really? Good joke! 😂😂😂
even vetted refugees be a threat. Such as the Chelsea bomber and Minnesota stabber
what planet are you from?? 18 months?? Really??@DonaldJTrumpJr
would that be before or after they enter the country?
vetted??? By the FBI? The very people who couldn't complete an investigation against Clinton???
The FBI who has known terrorist watchlist yet still misses the targets until after the attack???
vetted??!? Seriously
838 got citizenship instead of deportation. That's the vetting done by Obama @DonaldJTrumpJr
And how many times have we been attacked on our land by radical Islam? Some ppl are evil humans. @DonaldJTrumpJr
How can a nation at war with its own people be properly vetted? What an bonafied idiot
The skittles aren't Muslim. They don't ruin the gene-pool and they don't build mosques. Vetting or not vetting.
Vetting Skittles would be a good job for Jr. if Trump is elected, one he could handle, probably.
No the are not! The same government that made 800 pending deportee's citizens is incapable of vetting
Sure they are. And if you want to keep your doctor you can. Don't believe the Obama Admin. lies!
& our bowl has 748k Skittles & of the 3 bad Skittles, 2 left the bowl since they didn't like the good ones.
So which 2 attacked America over the weekend? Guess we have nothing to worry about then. Thx
was Dahir Adan vetted?
You must be okay with all the terror attacks. Only hope you & your family stay safe from these terrorists.
And yet we still have bombinhs.
Actually, the bomber in NYC came here as a vetted refugee. Grew up here and decided to kill us this wknd @DonaldJTrumpJr
funny how out of all those refugees very few are Christians! I wonder why?
that's where you're wrong refugees started coming in in February 30 day vetting.
By the same people that gave citizenship to 800 that were scheduled for deportation????
There is no way to vet these people. It's a bunch of BS. These 3rd world people have no records.
and that works perfectly right?
And then they just bide their time, pretend to assimilate, while they do their planning to do harm.
well I'm certainly glad to know that after 18 months we still don't know which 3 are lethal.
vetted by idiots who work for our corrupt government. 😳 Refugees have little or no history to reference.
Nearly 900 "accidentally" granted citizenship yesterday and you trust gov vetting? #FAIL
Too bad every major person in our country's security apparatus says they can't be vetted properly
that worked well in Minnesota didn't it
"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?" Jer 17:9.
Actually, vetting reduced to 3 months to increase flow, and 2 in 10 support ISIS.……
You mean like the almost deported yet made "accidental" American Citizens Vetted?
Already -extremely vetted for 18-24 months & 91% are women & children
Yet we just gave almost 1000 deportees citizenship by MISTAKE!!
hey progress. It's an analogy. Get over Hillary's and Ted Cruz downfalls dumb ass.
how do you properly bet people coming from a country with no reliable record keeping and hordes of false documents produced
Because Muslims don't have a specific principle to lie to non believers in order to establish a caliphate..
and they're let in anyway...criminal or not
Oh well heck I feel safer now!
who's vetting them the bad Skittles
like the 900 of them whos whereabouts are unknown?
oh yeah that's right, they're ALL HERE LEGALLY!!!I GUESS WE ALL FORGOT THAT little detail.
How is that current system of vetting working for America? Must do better!!
your mom should have been vetted
America's security should be much more than just a crap shoot!!
BULLSHIT! People in to security positions in Obama's administration say they have no way to vet them @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
ah not according to FBI asshole
sure they are idiot, sure they are. And HRC is a great person. Stupid fucking #liberals. Sheep are smarter!
Sure "Vetted" Like those 858 that were "Accidentally just Granted Citizenship" #NoRefugees
18 months and they're still poisonous.
No, they aren't.
How do you think they can vet people when there are no docs? Do u think they keep them in Syria for us😂?
-How do you vet someone without any record on them?
you are missing the point with your revisionist interpretation. The Iliad is free to read
-is that why over 850 of them were granted citizenship by mistake (as they had criminal records) Sherlock?
that's erroneous. He still was vetted and committed terrorism. You lost.
Wrong. They aren't vetted at all. And they are killing us. NY bomber
Right wing propagandists dare to create nasty lies, propagate & believe it…
How are they vetted for 18 months? There is no data base anymore it's destroyed. Set-up a place there
Even the FBI admits you can't vet these Muslim invaders because they have no records. You're a liar
That's BS. Obama is guiding them in like an Air Traffic Control agent. This is our government, remember?
vetted here not in Europe. Europe doesn't get like we do and once in Europe they roam free. Good grief
they aren't and you know it
"Vetting" is what gets it down to only THREE in a "bowl." #Trump2016 #ImmigrationReform
and yet they still some of the refugees still kill Americans that's the point
Vetted? By stupid ppl. Wake up or STFU
and it is a piss poor job of vetting too..
Then go ahead and take a handful (if you dare). I bet you would not!!
yes and the vetting process is a HUGE fail. Americans are dying.
They're NOT VETTED‼️Impossible to vet majority of ppl from war torn areas‼️😳🙄
keep telling yourself that while some Syrian is hacking your back to shreds.
oh u mean like how San Bernardino female put fake hometown on app and was 'vetted'????
so the San Bernardino, Orlando and now NY&NJ ,Boston, etc were vetted, impossible to properly vet them
how do you vet someone with no database or birth certificate?
actually skittles are vetted under food regulation rules of the FDA. Regulations Trump would likely abolish
really? you need to smarten up
vetted for 18 mo. tell me what's the color of the sky in your weird world? FBI admitted they couldn't vett
800 were just accidentally granted citizenship
No, they're not. That's the problem.
I believe the @Skittles ARE vetted, by the FDA. An agency #Trump wants to eviscerate. #ImWithHer
18 months? Says whom? By whom? The FBI? That missed the 911 attackers, orlando, san Bernardino and this?
In what delusional world are you living in my friend??
simple math equation dummy!!!
"vetted"?They MISTAKENLY gave citizenship to 800 ppl who were awaiting DEPORTATION!
this vetting process has not been explained. There a way to look into people's hearts to determine intent?
under this administration? Please give some of what you're drinking @DonaldJTrumpJr
San Bernardino shooter's wife was vetted, wasn't even a refugee. Radicalized her husband and killed people.
if the #hildabeast told you they were vetted, would you eat them
vetted against what? Syria doesn't have the best record-keeping right now.
your an idiotic morin if you believe they are vetted for 18 mths Try flown here from camps and dumped off
And yet that isn't working.
Almost 800 ppl nationalized by DHS who otherwise sld have been deported. Some on the alert list #safenation
tell that to 7dead CIA who vetted the Afgan Muslim an 11dead at Fort Hood by Muslim Major!
They just admitted they let 800 immigrants in with fake visas. They don't know who these people really are
No they're not. Obama letting them in in 90 days now.
- please clarify: we have been advised (thus rebutting altright claims) that refugees are vetted extensively for TWO YEARS
Yes, Skittles are the FDA. Gov so big not even Libs can remember all its parts 😂 #skittlegate
If Obama plans bringing in 100k more for 2017 no way they were vetted that long they have no ppwk to vet
By same ppl who vetted bombers & said Cankles didn't break the law. You're an ass.
Then the incompetent government loses the fingerprint data and makes them citizens.
you really are a special kind of stupid @progress
was the NYC bomber vetted
Vetted by the same gov that accidentally granted citizenship to 858 illegals? @ProgressOutlook @DonaldJTrumpJr
Bull they are vetted. System is Democratic corrupt like 800 to B deported are give citizen ship!
Wow Have you ever considered you are Not being told the truth by Obama?
How are they vetted? Syria and Libya been keeping up with their paperwork, have they?
No credible vetting. Youre a liar.
How many do we reject? You are aware of type I and II errors in acceptance sampling?
tell that to the Boston marathon bombers
also, you know, they're inanimate objects that feel no pain or suffering....
just like a liberal attack the analogy and not the problem. #####TRUMP TRAIN
No. They aren't. Obama just says they are. Not true No records to check
so all the "refugees" that have been allowed entry already were vetted for 18 months? Riiiighht
BS what happened to the 850 who weren't because no fingerprints?Get your facts straight millions are not
Since when? In Obama's world, vetting is a non requirement for refugees. Brotherhood & all...
sure like the 800 that were suppose to be deported but granted citizenship? U believe Obama?
is that so? Care to explain how over 800 now I hear it's double that got in not vetted properly?
You poor lemming believer. Where are details of this lengthy getting ? FBI said can't properly VET.
DTJr used Skittles as a signal to alt right and KKK. Trayvon bought a Skittles before he died.
because they run their Social Security number, right?
Is that why terror attacks happen in Europe? Or the huge crime wave by migrants? They sure are vetted.
and still rape and kill. Remove kebab gas muzzies. Drown refugees.
And yet they attempted murder. Not a very smart comment.
That worked real well for the 1800 in past 2 years slated 4 deportation but became citizens? Oops.
So you actually belief that tens of thousands of refugees have been better for 18 months? Moron!
you can't vet someone if you don't know their identity
how can a person be vetted from somewhere that has very little record keeping?
the refugees can't be vetted, there is no system to verify who they are or what they intend to do
the same kind of vetting that has allowed Syrians to be charge with rape and child abuse in the UK?
Vetted how? Oh, they aren't in any databases, when their countries of origin don't even keep such records.
Sounds like an adequate vetting process to me.
Because of backlog, not the process
, Yeah, right. If you're too stupid to understand a simple analogy, you are a sure vote for The Beast. TRUMP 2016.
not vetted to well the ones injected with poison sneak in and kill the blind
These refugees are not vetted for 18 months. The FBI said it's impossible to vet them, most have no ID.
Syrians who moved to Germany as supposed refugees plotted a terrorist attack.
now that's just a bunch of koolaid you're drinking there if you think the refugees r vetted for 18 months
actually they arent. Go back and do your research again. They sped up vetting to less than 90 days.
if your neighbors are killing each other over stupid theology, why would you invite them into your home?
There's no vetting. These are 3rd world countries they're coming from, they're not going to keep records.
some of those skittles are innocent families caught in a terrible war. only an asshole would shut his mouth on them.
So which ones should we let in? and who is going to support them???
fair point. america should eat all the skittles. the odds of a bad skittle are significantly less than a cavity.
damn Trumps playing in people's fears. This guy came to US at 7yrs old from Afghanistan and his a US citizen
Most of the terrorists on the 9/11 planes had student visas. Let's end political correct agenda. No more student visas?
You are a #Coward just like your #DraftDodger father. @realDonaldTrump is all we have to fear. #Unfit
I wouldn't any of them if they were given to me by a Clinton supporter.
your apparent lack of give-a-shit is a failing strategy in Europe right now.
give a shit about what ? Sorry I like to keep things in perspective
perspective isn't always measured by deaths. If so, we'd all be talking about heart disease.
we shld be talking about heart disease as well & yes it is esp when the last line in the chart is so high
none of the people died from the muzzy knife & bomb attacks this week. In your binary analogy thats a good terrorist attack
the outcome was better than the alternative . Terrorism like the war on crime shld be fought to the end of the universe -->
and 30k + dead from guns whether suicides or homicides is an American problem affecting American citizens& NEEDS to be fixed
so basically your answer to bringing in 110k Syrians that no one else wants is talk heart disease, guns and suicides? F'n A
potty mouth and intelligence agency and witness mentioned video
sorry if I've offended u princess. Please feel free to look down your nose at me u intellectually superior being.
that's your response to what intelligence and witnesses said ? Nice! u angry brah?
sorry didn't understand gibberish. Apparently u don't read much. Intelligence refuted.
Internet video? Nope. Liar. Yep. Over and over again.
if not, she's just a liar.
too many seizures to be president? Wonder what you'd say if trump was the one dragged unconscious……
too biTchy to be president ?
that doesn't mean it wasn't in the FIRST intelligence reports
why can't we talk about everything and which of today's attackers was Syrian ? If 30k people died a year from terrorism like
you f'ing liberals are so literal. He's a Muslim. He hates you.
someone can't control their temper . Seems like you hate me more - irony far right trash are no diff than Isis
all Muslims hate me ?
wait so do all Muslims hate me ? You know just for the record
why won't you answer this question. ? Is it because you already did ????
"he" hates you. "He" tried to blow "you" up. Is that untrue?
no. But do all Muslims hate me ?
my turn for a question. Is Hillary Clintona habitual liar?
not nearly on the level of DT
well hey "brah", tick tock
guns you'd be flipping out . Again perspective
big city crime & suicide is not a GUN problem, it's a "people" problem. Until u solve that, you've……
it's a problem that involves guns and American citizens Yipee ki yay
your intelligence doesn't extend beyond memes . I am superior to you and can control my temper yeaaaaaa
This shows you and @realDonaldTrump don't have a clue!
this is why America needs @realDonaldTrump in the White House !!! #AmericaFirst #TrumpTrain
this image says it all.
ah, funding... How about the personal character it takes to stand in front of coffins and lie to families & america ?
get educated other than FOX NEWS
what about this Manny? Proof of a big fat lie.
I would never open anything from someone that is hiding behind a profile. That's embarrassed to support Trump.
ok buddy. Just a video of your queen lying...again. But don't worry, more uncovered lies are ahead. Your girl is in freefall
would you admit she's a habitual liar?
nice try you race baiting old white man. We are waking up.
(Possibly sensitive)
(Possibly sensitive)
what's your net worth????? Is it 4 billion????
I don't steal from contractors. And my daddy didn't give me millions.
ok then quit ur bitchin
well....when you out it that way....
but they're only you hate Skittles?
I suppose we should taste the rainbow? 😨
Huh, dummy? realize he is even dumber than his fuckwit father?
this is really quite stupid.
why? Let me guess...because Trump is a racist? Puh-lease. Maybe he doesn't want 65-110k possible terrorist like Hill-Obama
The actual analogy is stupid.
heard the same analogy earlier today but they used m&m's instead skittles.
after 8 years obama admits he was born in kenya and his daddy was muslim terrorist sympathiser.
Mmmm. Those Syrians are making me hungry.
We can help people who need it around the world. That doesn't mean we need to bring them here.
the LEFTIES are just going into apoplexy over this! And Hillary's sagging poll numbers. We haven't even seen @wikileaks yet
I'd rather take two handfuls than live my life in fear over bowls of poisonous Skittles.
I know the final solution let's put crescent on their clothes like stars hitler made jews wear so we know the bad ones
how do you feel about your father @realDonaldTrump wanting to fuck your sister @IvankaTrump ?
Have any Syrian refugees committed terror act in America? M
This is an argument for a police state.
the irony is those that need to get it....still won't get this analogy (SMH)
Dehumanizing refugees by saying they should all b trashed like poisoned candy isn't Mensa level thinking @JustinKidding45 @DonaldJTrumpJr
the issue is people are not skittles. Wtf is wrong with you people??
they're not....well that really changes everything....
doesn't it? If your child was one skittle, and the rest were poison, would throw them all out?
I have 1 Question...ProLife or ProChoice? @DonaldJTrumpJr
ProChoice,because Prolife lands unwanted on tje streets that we have to pay for. And I also grew
up as unwanted and would have preferred to be aborted since today in order to have a professional
career I have to have loving mommy and daddy that will pay me millions.
I spent $800,000 in education at 3 universities in engineering and make $11.50/hr today because
after 10 yers I didnt show the loving parents with millions going into my pockets.
So, people like Ronald McDonald Humpty Dumpty Trumpty and his scrambled shits can have an
aristocracy life built from Vladimir Putin's Russian mafia ties and Donalds daddy
-because its just so witty.
We "get" it. It's just dumb. (And unconstitutional.)
you don't even understand the use of the word irony so how could you possibly recognize a pathetic analogy?
Political correctness had tied the hands of our law enforcement, FBI, etc.
This logic works for anyone: 'some humans commit murder, I don't know which ones, so can't have humans in America'
I would take the whole bowl that's what makes America great!!!!
The Syrian Refugee problem is that millions of children are suffering and the richest nation in the world isn't helping.
she wants a 550 percent increase in refugees!
So don't elect any more @GOP? Got it!
Not a chance.
I didn't know you wanted me to solve the dumpster explosion so just to be sure I solved it today in about five minutes
no, that's very bad use of statistics
This image says it all. Your dad takes it up the ass from Putin
Also, way to compare an entire nationality of people to a shitty candy brand. You guys aren't very good at this, are you?
I am no longer politically correct and we need to stop this insanity!
While we're on the subject of comparing.... Exhibit A:
Apparently it's a family picture
Thanks! That is scary as hell.
And rape charge
"Imagine a bowl of 6 skittles and all of them will kill you." #thanksobama
oh my god! They both had sons!! We're screwed!!!
RT this cause it's funny. I don't feel they are the same. I been to Iraq. Trump's buildings are tackier.
idiotic comparison. Shame on you comparing Trump to Hussein
shame on @DonaldJTrumpJr comparing dying Syrian children to fucking skittles
it's an analogy to give perspective. You see the professor who compares debt to population?
This is my dad and uncle.
considering you hate the British, ironic you've picked two Brit comedians as your relatives. Mong
are you saying that anyone with two sons is a bad person?
so fucking dumb to compare
lol this was the dumbest analogy ever btw.
I'm just dying at the comments, they're eating him alive
lol he's a dumbass.
fear mongering is the thing that led to the rise of Hitler in Germany. Smh
Maybe you should really study your history on who backed hitler. You seem to be a little lost.
.... Your argument is that dads take pictures with their sons? You know this makes you look retarded right? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
wtf I hate suits and ties now...
they also share the same dictator insecurities & paranoia.Also, similar taste in thrones @DonaldJTrumpJr
Holy crap lol
"Dic-" being the operative syllable...
guess which of those 3 thrones wasn't made in the USA #TrumpVampireFamily
An elitist family can NOT identify with the common man. NO point of reference. ridiculously, deplorable dictators, one hasn't hatched yet!
3 great men in one photo. All 3 resisted (((globalism))). You support it. You're a traitor. To race and to country.
and hopefully the same fate
They both had 2 sons? OMG he's the anti-Christ
Where's the comparison?
2 sons obviously. Anyone with two sons is basically Saddam Hussein incarnate.
lol they will end up the same too
how fascinating that they both seem to have sons. Such a rarity that someone father's more than one
You're desperate flailing attacks are pathetic.
are you kidding? those guys on the bottom were so much tougher....
I bet only one of those families wasn't dressed in China.
one has sons, and the other does too. WOW I THINK YOU'RE UNTO SOMETHING: you might be literally retarded.
except for the facial hair, hmmmm.
they are all the same.
Remember, if history is any indication, the chances of Islamic terrorist killing you is ~43k to 1
it would need to be a bucketful of skittles.
Sadam had two sons?! And so did Donald?! GASP! Now I totally get it. Wait. What am I getting again? #4FUXSAKE
Not fair insulting Saddam & sons with that off balance comparison.
The 3 on the top are the best-looking.
Thanks for acknowledging you are among Trump's deplorables; from your answer, you're racist; others?
This is me & the California delegate to the RNC convention being "racist" together.
Taking you at your word, if only the two dear trusting friends represents the angry throngs@Trallies.
Here we are, being "racist" again.
Blue lives matter to Hillary & the Dems too; the BLM is NOT against blue lives, just racist killings!
Then why did BLM chant "What do we want? Dead cops!" when protesting?
Do you have the link for that one....forgive me if I don't take your word....
Ok....fact-checked one associated w BLM or any other protest group did this...vid shows 2014 rowdies.
The fact that these ladies are uninformed about the politics of 50%+ of Trumpsters shows nothing.
They know more than you & have much more common sense!
That was a Trump-like dodge; do they know 50+% of Trumpsters=racist, sexist, xeno/homo/Islamophobic?
Like I said the last time this idiocy was posted, when you stand w racists, expect flack.
Then you should expect plenty of flack, Michael. If anyone here is racist, it's not me.
Your statement makes no sense; Trump has known proud racists on his payroll in positions of power.
Hillary hugs Clansmen.
We're all so "racist."
These folks=playing both sides of the aisle....first-DATED PRIMARY PHOTO; voted Trump 4 EASY HRC WIN!
Bannon has put out a racist publication for years; Trump has told racist lies for years; yes-YesUR!!!
Michael, you are ignorant.
I thank all the heavens that I am ignorant of the HATE that eats you; I am filled w joy.
If you're so filled with joy, Michael, why are you writing angry, hate-filled tweets?
I have not noticed hate in my Tweets....I was going for "just the facts" ...
Are you in ALL of the deplorable groups? One group of losers/multiple groups of losers; all the same.
There will be a landslide....Trump will NOT be the beneficiary of it.....thanks for the laugh.
Another admission that Hillary was WAY low w her 50% estimate!!! a chuck of dung!
Holy 💩 Not heard of the Chilcot report ppl? It was all lies! You destroyed a country and US soldiers died 4 lies
As for Libya & Gad. A gold backed currency, which would have destroyed your precious petro-dollar! But dream on!
What exactly are you saying is the similarity @TPH_news ?
What does Hillary do when she’s caught lying? She lies again of course - WATCH #FoxLDT 7pm…
UnAmerican And lowlife post to say the least.
at least saddam knew to keep his mouth shut for his pic This man never shuts up 😩
This doesn't make sense! What are we supposed to compare?
what, they all wear ties?
this is what the democratic party has become? Lets talk about Hillary's experience in dealing with terror
Vote to make sure the Husseins remain the number 1 killers in this pairing.
You fucking clowns..did they build skyscrapers?? You fucking clowns are on the #ClintonPayroll!
there is no denying, look at that picture, #TrumpVampireFamily,
Another example of the corrupt and hateful left.
this says it all right here!!
And Trump is the more dangerous & harmful one. Saddam was powerful within Iraq, Trump will wield world influence.
Poor analogy. Hussein knew how to run a country. (He was evil, but capable.)
😂😂😂😂 this is even better
satire is lovely
at least it's a change from Hitler. Still, Not an Argument.
You might be into something. Trump and Saddam had sons. Did you know that both Trump and Hitler DRANK WATER?
Oh! Excellent I love this one! :) <3
The difference b/t them is well...completely fucking obvious. Ones a murderous maniac one is a good man.
...They all have the same taste in life style! To be kings! TO be by force fear, and intimidation!
Trump's family hasn't killed people. That's the Clinton family you should be referring to.
it's ok. We understand. You are just too stupid to comprehend. #LobotomizedLiberals
looking sooooo sooooo desperate
not exactly the same type of comparison
reaching a bit are we?
It would take a fucking moron to make such a comparison. Oh look, there's one now!
Both took a stand against (((western imperialism))). So you're basically on the side of the k!kes. Good on you for being honest.
try comparing u with the nazi propaganda machine Spread lies to slander America as the Nazis did the jews
typical desperate Alinsky tactics by marxist pigs and corrupt organization s like yours .
these guys on top don't have mustaches tho?????
Saddam had better hair
#HillaryForPrison Hillary's still more frightening than @realDonaldTrump, his family & Sadam's together
#BernieOrBust IMO it will take a @realDonaldTrump presidency to keep #Hillary away from the red button.
how ridiculous. Do you even know the human atrocities the Husseins committed? And I am not talking about Barrak.
Awful, but I'm laughing.
Wow how eerily similar! Not surprising considering Trump's heroes!
I take the Hussein family!!
You're the best 😂😂😂
this more Accurate #Bush #trump saddam hussain out of ths dirty game
this is retarded.
And Hillary and Webb have 1 beautiful daughter.
oh my god........... you're saying he has two sons?!?!?? How can he win?!?!
not until I extreme vetted them to make sure 1 in the handful wasn't harmful! Great analogy !
what's the difference between an orange? That's the real analogy.
obvious fake troll acct for trumpster.
same could be said about guns... most skittles w/ guns are responsible but the three that arent could fuck shit up
didn't figure I would get a response #ignorant
Guns don't kill ~ people kill. Concealed carry license and proud NRA member <3
not all muslims kill people only radicals do... I support the 2A and own guns
banning all muslims is the same concept as banning all guns on some misuse the guns and only some muslims kill
very few amounts for each
I wonder how the skittles feel that they were compared to terrorists are ridiculous...
of course they don't. They are like Cher and cry racism at the threat of their elitist lies
You simple-minded weasel-dick! This is best lame excuse you can offer against immigration, accepting war refugees, etc?
If only we could get you to just be correct! (Once in awhile would be nice -- 3 truths out of a bowl of lies.....
What killer color are you and your daddy? Dictator Donny and his Mini Morons! #NeverTrump
How quick American forget Bill Clinton was impeach for Lyon to us all about sex in oval office
Why is @realDonaldTrump only charitable donations to tax dodge "charity" @EricTrumpFdn?
Well said!👏👏👏👏👏
Better question, would you give a single skittle to your children?
Lets put that bowl in front of Obama maybe hes got a sweet tooth and will finish off the bowl
Democrats want us all to get Diabetes
If your old man was president, I'd certainly consider eating a pound of those Death Skittles!!
are you proposing we eat refugees?
are you proposing we eat human beings? #HumanCrisis
I like Refugees but I couldn't eat a whole one.
i already am eating them but I would like it to be codified
I couldn't eat a Trump, they're so greasy and high in cholesterol. Bad for the heart. And soul.
And bad for America.
Perfect sign for The Trump family.
Hillary would be sure death😉
I'd like to order your country fried with a little side of hate please.
we only have fries, sorry 🍟
And, they'll give you the shits😡💩...
I'd eat Ivanka though even if her father called dibs on her first.
Not only that but they smell terrible!
look @ u classuc example of whats wrong with America
Well hardly, I'm British, but thanks for joining the conversation. What's Classuc?
then worry about the clusterfuck of murderers you have in Britain
He is certified to have correct cholesterol, so, not greasy.
He's definitely Certified.
That's not juvenile.
certified by a doctor of his choice, he could probably get a positive pregnancy test that way
I get indigestion just thinking about it.
too much fluoride
Even with the right sauce?
Trump's Far-Right Special Sauce ©
Just a nibble?
Dude!! You got me dying laughing and I now feel like a terrible person. Well played
Thanks, I didn't want anyone to die though, so hope you're feeling better.
that's ruffles 😂😂😂 #goodone!
Maybe a small one?
it's when they get stuck between the teeth that gets me. Also chewy.
and fattening. That's why I try to have an immigrant only once a week or holidays
he's not saying eating people or refugees he saying if you know something's dangerous KEEPaway-DS
They're magically delicious!
Soylent Skittles are People!
He hunts trophy animals that did nothing to him. Many ppl say ppl say he'd do it to humans.
a no fly zone with refugee camp's would do more in less time with bigger picture in mind
how delusional. What are you like 12?
yes, wash the dirty bastards 1st, boil, and feed the filthy terrorists to the Pigs Yum Yum Piggy
You're stupid aren't you! #NoRapeugees
are you really that stupid?
(Possibly sensitive)
you don't understand what a metaphor is?
no I think he is suggesting you to throw them... 😞
-let me guess, you failed comprehension and anology 101, right? Only takes 1 to bomb thousands.
you guess wrong. Wait what's this? $258k illegally used charity funds for legal problems?
psht..thats nothing compared to the corrupt clinton crime record gtfoh
you get the fuck out. "A" rating from Charity Watch vs. a guy who used $258k of other people's donations for his legal troubles
scam university. Stiffed contractors. Advocates war crimes. Racist housing policies. Doesn't pay taxes. I can do this all day
it's an analogy how dumb are you people? Islamic Terrorists are people too
you people are so stupid. you know exactly what this means. losers people see right through u
are you really THAT fucking stupid?
proposing you take responsibility for all the harm you are bringing our way
so you read it that fast?
Nancy Pelosi eats Mexican children
asking a question like that makes me think U R the human crisis @AHumanCrisis
yes, and give welfare to skittles!
It's really a rather modest proposal.
only from a Democrat
everything you believe in falls under "unverifiable", "debunked" or "crackpot"
In your opinion, which has no relationship with the Truth or facts.
If you deny climate change, I don't want to hear about your truth or facts
I believe the climate changes yes
The Soylent Green ones are my favorite.
Trumpy's been reading Swift again lol
It's a modest proposal to be sure.
ah, when a liberal can't find a valid argument against an analogy so they choose to make fun of it by acting like it's literal
3 refugees per bowl are poison
just the green ones.
It's a modest proposal.
I don't know how to react to it because it's not really clear what you're saying
This is my favorite reply to a tweet ever.
seems to have struck a chord. I think I say stuff that's way funnier all the time that gets no response.
I actually laughed out loud for a few minutes when I saw it. Well done!
that's a Modest Proposal.
do dead terrorists taste like freedom? That's the real question here.
I've always been in favor of eating the rich!
no just destroy the refuse!!
no he has Hitler's gas chamber being repaired and fired up this little coward pussy needs an ass whp
Americas WHITETRASH rob charities to live ur refugees to us we fucking support all u tax cheat mofos
this man is off his rocker
I hope to hear at least an apology. Like please show some decency 😒
it's a fucked up world yo
Well, he shoots endangered animals, so...probably. Of course, not like a real hunter, just faked.
In the grand scheme, all animals are endangered.
Lol I hope not. Would've thought his royal highness Trump was above cannibalism 😂
"Soylent Green is People!!!!"
nah don't want to eat them, they're dirty and cary diseases
Well at least then they'd serve a purpose other than killing us.
indeed. Look out for those radicalized infants
Lol. Not many infants amongst them, methinks.
Maybe you're a moron....consider that.
I'm eating one rn
add a little salt they say they taste just like chicken ! 🍗🍖🍗🍖🍗🍖🍗🍖🍗🍖🍗🍖🍗🍖🍗🍖🍗🍖🍗🍖🍗🍖🍗🍖🍖🍖🍗🍖🍗🍖🍗🍤🍗🍖🍗🍖🍗🍖🍗🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖
Only if they're not poisonous. Like Canadians, who taste like beer, maple syrup and donuts.
No, of course not. Haven't you heard Muslims taste bad from all the inbreeding?
I didn't know Muslims were masquerading as pickup truck driving, confederate flag loving, nascar watching, white people.
I am white, but nothing else fits. USA inbred rate is <.1% whereas Muslim countries avg 35-53% inbred. Huge med $$$ bcs of it.
[citation needed]
For every pack of Skittles you buy between now and Nov. 8, @Skittles should donate half of its proceeds to support refugees
If they were all purple the colored ones is be tempted 😳
Only the green ones.
wouldn't be the 1st time that suggestion was made #QusayTrump…
It's a modest proposal.
Problem is, even if deportees and legitimates and illegals were on the menu, would we stomach it? 😱
No. Not knowing you already do, he was proposing you start pooping in your pants.
are you stupid?
thats what CNN will make of this tweet
You are very perceptive. Great analogy.
Are u that simple minded that u can't get an analogy? Think if u can. @DonaldJTrumpJr
If u don't understand a very simple comparison & think u r intellectually & morally superior, u must be a Hillary supporter.
Nope, we need to feed them to gators!
it's a metaphor
answer the question. Its not a difficult concept to grasp. Its called a metaphor, look it up.
"A Modest Immigration Proposal"
It's the new Hummus. Trump Hummus.
well...they bring their own knives.
Left must be stupid
while you were composing this, your candidate was revealed to use $258k from his charity for legal problems
not my candidate but yours been in politics has done nothing but lie cheat steal get Americans killed lied more
you post comments like this but won't welcome these refugees into your home. And if you do, good luck wit Dat.
to live? No, I don't really have that much extra income. But as humans? Of course.
nor do I yet our government elites want to take it from you and I to do it for us. Taxation with bad representation my friend.
Or we could just flush them,foregoing the indigestion from the bombs going off in your belly.
Eat the poison if you want Hillary, She lies, but Does Trump ? Which is the better of 2 evils
Do you call your wife/husband honey? Do you plan to eat her/him?
Stupid! Must be a low information voter if you don't know what is meant by this.
I can only encourage you to read Phillip Bump's article on how truly stupid this is
We Only have to envision what it will be like with a few more years with a Democrat president.
who is Philip Bump
i'd let refugees eat me out <3
seriously so stupid?
nope, he proposing you might have a brain and understand ANALOGY... oopsie!
Yes. They taste like chicken.
proposing you can see a similarity since too stupid to see the harm coming through our doors
reward Phillip Bump on it and then tell me who's stupid
Yep, Liberals are too stupid for basic comprehension.
read Phillip Bump and tell me it's an apt analogy
bowl of skittles, three Will kill you, will you take any? very apt immigration analogy. Liberal = stupid
3 skittles in a bowl 2x the size of an Olympic swimming pool. I'll take those odds over the being afraid of every brown person
If the analogy was to civilians' guns, then the bowl would be too big! If I told you all of them would kill you ...
Hahahahahahaha Afraid? Hahahahahaha you are stupid. What's 1% of 1.6 Billion?
there are only 17.53m refugees in the world. Get your numbers from someone besides infowars
1.6b Muslims in the world. 1% = 1.6m radical Muslims all wanting to jihad on your butt. Which ones are they?
Fuckface McTrustfunds tweet was specifically about Syrian refugees. 1.6b? Better luck next time.
1.6b Muslims in the world. 1% = 1.6m radical Muslims all wanting to jihad on your butt. Which ones are they?
the logical end of this is nobody in/out of the country. Nope.
there are drunk drivers on the road at all times. Do you stay home becaus of that?
Apples and oranges. How many more Orlando's and San Bernadino's do you want? That's what you're inviting.
lumping all refugees into the terrorist column is actually doing more inviting as a recruitment tool
The "refugees" are easier helped where they are. Why doesn't SA take any?... "Too dangerous."
San Bernandino and Orlando were not committed by refugees, and pretty much any study shows they are less likely to commit crimes
Both shooters fully vetted immigrants. SA says "Threat of terrorist attacks too great to take Syrian "Refugees."
ISIS operatives thoroughly integrated into Syrian "Refugee" population.
Obama: We must ban guns because background checks don't work. But we Background check all Syrian "refugees".
c'mon he never said ban guns. I thought we were done here. You at least had lucid points up til now.
Sorry, that's a quote... too bad you missed it.
if it was, you would have cited a source
I don't "cite sources". Never have. I don't make shit up either.
people overwhelmingly support background checks
As do I. But Obama says they don't work. Will they work for Syrian "refugees"?
Drumpf wants to ban guns from certain-looking people. Said it out loud on tv. Not a peep from the freedom-loving NRA.
Irrelevant. Stay on subject. Ban guns from non-citizens, which it is already illegal for them to possess a gun.
you're the one that veered into Obama gonna taking my guns nonsense
He said that after the Sandy Hook shooting. Now says Federal background checks will work for "refugees"? Suuurrreee.
I should say.. Sandy Hook or the Aurora Theater shooting. I forget which.
btw you don't get to claim apples and oranges when as I said, the alt-right meme in question was about Syrian refugees only
Even Merkle has realized letting all those "refugees" in was a mistake.
...stupid comment by a stupid, foolish person.
green M&Ms are people!
Have you always been a dunce, or were you recently dropped on your head? It's called a "metaphor." Duh.
I knew liberals were the reason things like tampons and condoms had "do not eat" labels on them! 😂 #skittlegate
I knew people who attach a left/right stance on everything were the reason America is a failure.
#twoosh 🐉 To bee, or not to bee, that is the question! 🐝🍯
I knew people who attach a left/right stance on everything were the reason America is a failure.
congratulations on the twoosh
it was a good one
yeah it was a quality twoosh
honestly I'm shocked at all the responses to this. My next tweet asking him which WS site he found this at was much better
No proposing we keep ppl out our COUNTRY that want to KILL US! @Fatfred10. #MAGA
That's one easy way to feed our homeless. HMMM. I like the way you think.
He's clearly stating they're poisonous. Sorry that was too complicated for you, son.
What, you don't like ME cuisine? 😜
you really are stupid, aren't you! When God put teeth in your mouth he ruined a perfectly good asshole.
mmmm. Tastes like poop. 😂
Don't be ridiculous! U & 4K likes must hinge on cannibalism? Or you need help. It's just an analogy! ✌🏼️ @DonaldJTrumpJr
i guess that's the metaphor the cannibals see there. Your interest in contemplating eating humans is fucked.
honestly shocked by all the responses to this. My next tweet to him where I asked him what WS site he found this at was betr
Vote veteran put America B4 any party,End double standard,DC politician on Obamacare,SS
people are taking this way out of context. Think logically about that and not just jump to rant.
sorry Parker, that was not at you at all
are u really that stupid?
no stupider than someone who thinks that was an apt analogy
Theproblem isn't the skittles, it's the inept government bureaucracy that can't vet them correctly. We love the skittles
Donald, this visual is perfect! Love your whole family & converted my Democratic Husband to the Trump Train.
That assumes any three Syrian refugees or any three Skittles (it's capitalized) would kill someone. You're a disgrace.😘
do you even understand the metaphor or are you really thinking the skittles will kill somebody
U need a clear definition of disgrace ill gave you one Need more examples or u got it
nice try! But candidates cannot control who supports them! Is he an employee?
Looks familiar.
A dumb rhetorical trick is dumb, no matter who uses it.
at least yours doesn't rely on strict absolutes like this guy's
but, it's still stupid as hell
your second tweet was a lot better than the one that began "At least". ;^)
still better than any 3 of your tweets—poison!
you'd know poison, half your TL must be filled with it! Not saying which half. ;^)
trigger warning: Video contains sexualization of women. Not suitable for all followers. ;^)
I think the bowl of Skittles metaphor is a good way to identify crazies, seen this used against men, blacks too
It was your pals who gave him the idea here ghost Can't say you're not familiar with this sort of talk can you?
#AmericaFirst Tax payer cost per refugee? Never seen a hungry/homeless refugee but I've seen hungry/homeless Americans...
you're an idiot with a joke of a haircut.
a simpleton, like your father.
The one on the floor = idiot
more than you could imagine
Yeah, all you fools do is speak in memes.
We have to make substance understandable for the left. It's a necessary evil.
No, most of you just don't know how to spell.
I rest my case. Check mate
LOL! Another stupid ass tweet
This is the equivalent of a red Skittle in your analogy.
well said. Well said.
the refugees coming from syria are predominantly young men, not children
the article doesn't say that half of the admitted refugees are kids, it says half of those affected by the war are kids
don't u dare spew facts to the bigot trump supporters! The bigotry and idiocy is strong in trumpians
read the article; the refugees being admitted are not kids, but the ones in danger are kids
39% shucks fine I feel real threatened. 😳 Lmao
*doesn't mean Hillary is great. Below average at best*
Many times, men immigrate first, get established, send for families later.
Not worth arguing with an asshat!
Incorrect. Learn to read.
Men always immigrate first, get established, then send for families. READ A F-KN HISTORY BOOK! PLEASE! @DonaldJTrumpJr
these are young men without families
No. Nobody knows that. They have families.
nobody knows if they have families
Actually, these men don't drop out of nowhere. They do have families. Don't be ignorant. Read.
children and wives? no. even if they were taking their families, they won't be assimilating
OMG! Like families whose sons serve in the military? You can deny facts, but they are still facts.
provide citations, otherwise bs
Donald Junior gets a big strong boner when he fights terrorists! vote Trump
nope, I don't like Hillary but she is not hitler.
how is trump junior hitler
His daddy repeatedly compliments fascists and their ruling techniques. Junior talks on Nazi radio
when did he compliment a fascist, when did he talk on "nazi radio"
he praises Saddam for having no trials on executions. It's on film.
"Trump said at the time that he didn't realize who was asking him questions."
he said he thought saddam was terrible, but his actions against terrorists were good
his actions of executions without trials. That's not democracy
do you know what democracy is
i am not saying saddam was democratic, but summary executions have nothing to do with democracy
If U were seeing children like this, would U be spending your fucking time doing Skittle analogies or help?
This is what Hillary did to this little boy
Apparently you missed the analogy
you can't really believe that - I was wrong when I said nobody could misunderstand that - you clearly have
That says it all
Is that sensational photo supposed to make Americans willingly jeopardize their security? Not our problem.
Donnie Jr has Skittles for brains.
Naaa skittles are too good for a Trump brain
TrumpJr never said they wouldn't take any skittles but that they had to figure out which ones are poisin
or this? . GRAPHIC WARNING❗️
صورة تختصر حكاية شعب .. هُنا #بورما المنسية .. شارك المقطع على الأقل وكُن إعلاماً لهم ..
and this is an analogy of what another skittle could do
Breaks my heart when i see this picture. Trump Jr. U r heartless !!!
this image is much more powerful
Arrogant pompous ass equating candy to suffering people! No respect for life period!
Is this a future jihadist? I presume so...
(Possibly sensitive)
No, but these are the children Obama & Clinton allowed to be gassed in Syria 👇
In 13 years he'll be going into a mall and screaming Allahu Akbar as he stabs nine people.
Look what they give us!!! Ask him if he'd eat a skittle!!!
I see a future killer
Then you're a piece of shit.
The three of you are the worst kind of human No better than Daesh spreading hate
Would you give the lives of your countrymen to save that child?
You're a moron. This was a Syrian government barrel bomb. U.S. had nothing to do with it! How would you like
it if a radical terrorist blew up a building you live in and injured your children?
Fuck this red skittle. He'll grow up to kill infidels. We have plenty of our own to worry about anyway.
than this must be the equivalent to a poison skittle
Proven terrorist propaganda idiot. The picture was taken by the same twisted group that beheaded a child. Look it up.
The Trumps do not care about anyone but the Trumps! Their selfish! racists! bigots! A bunch of losers!
kinda looks an orange skittle. He should be in a safe zone in his own country.
This would only be relevant to a person who has a HEART
no idiot, these are the red Skittles we're gonna need George Zimmerman on the case
Don't worry Chris, Obama drew a red line 3 years ago so....
Great point! Not only will three kill you, but also mame your children! Thanks for pointing that out Chris!
sometimes you get the messed up skittle here or there it's true.
DT Junior is a heartless prick.
YAY, buddy "Junior"...analyze this skittle, you heartless asshole. #gopSUX #voteHILLARY
Redline. Obama & Hillary failed this boy, and the millions suffering. Lets not forget the Christians. No help
Kurt, Chris, what created more refugees? Iraq war (she voted for) Libya (she led on) or Trump's speeches?
This is the cost of ignoring it.
Trump Jr. is a cancer and a parasite like his father.
I don't think a skittle analogy is what jesus would do
Oh look, the 'feelings' crowd is upset 😂
...And here are the other colours:
Children are always innocent...
after Nov 8, I wonder how these hateful words from both sides will bring this nation back into balance?
(No comment)
Shocking to see a liberal use emotional imagery to make their argument. I never thought I'd see the day.
These are the equivalent of two of the three poison ones. Wake up……
WTF is wrong with you? Respect five-year-old Omran Daqneesh! He is trying to survive his awful world. SHAME
The most precious kind of skittle ever. I'll bet on a skittle every time.
Its amazing all of trumps people and voters fail to remember we are all immigrants somehow
This is the equivalent of one "bad" red Skittle in your insanity! @Bakari_Sellers @DonaldJTrumpJr
HE KILLS ANIMALS FOR SPORT! This man-boy has no brains!!
way to use a picture taken by an isis propagandist champ
They have no soul. They could care less about an injured little boy. Just throw him away
go fuck yourself traitor
he is just as nuts as his sperm donor
It's easy 2 reduce others 2 objects (eg candy). It takes strength 2 see the humanity in them.
"But think of the children!!!" ~Cucks like you…
Give me a legitimate reason why America should care.
that photo was staged. George Soros propaganda with his White Helmet group.
way to propagate terrorist propaganda
Every time I see him, my heart sinks.
Thank you I was going to post same thing but you did it for me. Give me your tired your poor
(Possibly sensitive)
This one is definitely one of those "dangerous" purple skittles. Let's clarity with Trump Jr
he thinks analogy is a brick phone.
the division some countries av been prayin for wil clearly manifest if trump wins & we will watch it play out
This is a picture of yours Chris
oh, Chris, don't you know DJTJr can't recognize a child unless clad in Burberry or Versace for Kids?
and this is the equivalent of a green one.
or green, yellow, orange or purple. Why red? Are you a racist towards red skittles?
sickest analogy I think I've ever heard from an 'adult.'
funny thing is Obama had something to do with the bombing that hurt that little red skittle.
this reply makes no sense
All this wouldn't be happening if the US lead by faceless elites would stop meddling in the Middle east.
using that picture makes you a parasite sitting on the shoulders of a kid. that picture is staged.
These are precious, innocent, beautiful children. How dare you compare them to food.…
The level of callousness from trump kid's is disgusting. They must be from The Village of the Damned.
Have u (yes YOU) volunteered to sponsor a Syrian refugee family? If not you're a hypocrite and need to shut-up.
LOL just show a kid and think you can win a debate lowlife scum !! is the war in syria Donalds fault?
what about children of 9/11
Syria is in the grips of a bloody sectarian/religious war. It's people carry the seeds of religious extremism and radicalism.
Tasteless lying distorter! Trump J's message's nothing to do with the story in photo u've posted. What he implies is correct
I think you didn't got the message !! Trump calls the IS supporters between the refugees poison !!
the photo was staged
when did this come out?
there was a video of them moving him around the ambulance until the photographer was happy mate
might still be on YouTube or vine
jaunt googled it, couldn't find anything for it
I'll,see if I can find it for you
search Syrian boy fake on YouTube mate, there's loads about it
looked with a complete open mind and the first 3 I've seen are laughable conspiracy loons.
they aren't saying the kid is fake just the staging of the photo, what paramedic leaves the kid
in deep,shock and bleeding? Not even a blanket? It seems the photo was all that mattered
to an extent that's probably to but shit like that is massively important. Takes photos like the to change attitudes.
you've lost me D, what?
Good and bad in any group of people. Trump is right.
course there's is, that's the point. Can't turn your back on everyone because of a few loons.
We bombed their homes. We armed the groups involved. As a country we don't give a fuck.
"We"? I'm not sure multimillion pounds arm deals represent the country or the average Joe.
Democratic nation. Collective responsibility for what we as a nation do.
you know a lot fucking better than that. Hobson's choice.
Hilary or Trump. Fucking state of democracy. People still believe they are free.
so you agree, they're fucked & it's still a stupid contrived fucking analogy.
The analogy will work on it's intended audience though.
that analogy works for everyone not just Syrian refugees.
give the 7-11, gas station and taxi jobs to Americans looking for work
If a POSSIBLE attack happened and I were to die, I'd go happily knowing I helped save thousands of innocents.
of course not. I think he would pass Trumps extremely vetting. Can he wield a sword? Probably not.
And this is what happens to Western children when u allow lunatics into your country
Neither the Trumps nor the trolls feel anything. Give up.
this boy was propped up for a photo. There's a video of it. You are shameless for sharing this. Fuck you.
Imagine if this was your child Oh wait u can't - entitled Trumps r exempt In more ways than 1 #DumpAllTrumps
If that poor child doesn't follow Islam ISIS will throw him off a building. Don't blame us.
He's a Syrian child injured in an air strike by his own govt. No blame, just a call for compassion.
That's the equivalence of Obama and Hillary's reckless attempt at regime change... time you woke up
This is a bad example. You should watch the video. Gives you a different perspective. ISLAM = CANCER
Qusay Trump strikes again. #DumpAllTrumps
How is allowing those who believe in violence & destruction in2 the country an act of compassion 2 Americans?
adding @KellyannePolls who also has no soul despite being a mother
no it's not, and you KNOW it's not. You're just playing the feels card
hmm and who is responsible u dumb cunt?
I love skittles! Here's a green skittle!
here's a picture of some unpoisoned Iraqi skittles.
here's a nice pic of some unpoisoned skittles celebrating a religious holiday
this girl used to love skittles
these guys had a bit too many skittles. Everything in moderation right?
looks like a pretty wild #skittles party. Totes jealous
<<<> devoid of empathy and humanity. #disgusting
WAKE UP @ChrisCJackson our open border in US will cause this same carnage to happen to OUR Children CLOSE THE DAMN BORDER @DonaldJTrumpJr
Typical sick lib tactic, using this poor child to deflect away from an important issue.
How do you figure? The child is a Syrian. @annette1027 @ChrisCJackson @DonaldJTrumpJr
It implies the refugees being 'resettled' here are all innocent red skittle children.
sorry but those who have served in that theatre r aware children carry WMD as well
That little guy wasn't carrying. I get it but the Skittles thing is played out. @ShaunRosselli @annette1027 @ChrisCJackson @DonaldJTrumpJr
Can we switch to Lenonheads or Now & Laters instead then?
Why does he live?
he's a human not a candy, said the liberal living in a gated community
Bed belong to a VETERAN!Not sewage cockroach!
It implies the refugees being 'resettled' here are all innocent red skittle children
The other "implies" the rest are poison. Both analogies are silly. @annette1027 @ChrisCJackson @DonaldJTrumpJr
I take a different "implication", but I understand we differ in that interpretation.
Since 72% of Refugees are adult males, I'll just assume Jr's analogy excluded the small # of children
+@DonaldJTrumpJr This is the equivalent of a red Skittle in your analogy.
this photo was actually staged by al-zenki in Aleppo, who beheaded a child last year :)
he a DUNCE like his Dumb Ass father goodness help their kid, ok their money will help them thru life
The sad picture of ALEPPO that Gary Johnson didn't know the answer to, now he is skittle SMH
Were YOU BORN without a SOUL Like Your Daddy OR did YOU Lose it in a deal with the DEVIL ?
Now you are blocked you asshole. This is an innocent kid.
Er, no it's not, it's Pepe the alt-right nazi frog.
and here's a bad one
These are the monsters,The Trumps, that want to rule our America.Let's not let that happened
actually this is more like it...
Quit trying to blame us for atrocities in the name of a POLITICAL movement called Islam Chris Jackson!
The analogy is dead on!!!
You somehow got out of your basket.
this boy is a Kurdish Child from Aleppo. Turkey and the US are responsible for this. #Wakeup
I think this guy might have had too many #skittles
Please adopt that poor child and then house all of his living relatives. Then U be responsible for the family
No Chris, the red poison skittle Don is referring to looks like this:
Please explain YOUR logic. Otherwise, it comes off as you appealing to emotion to deceive. Are you saying kids are vetted?
here's another picture you won't see leftist abuse and use like above.
i also have picture with children, from Nice @DonaldJTrumpJr
you have little boys. You should be ashamed.
are you that worried about poor American children on the steet? I see planty of them how about helping them?
So.. A red skittle...have you started adoption proceedings to back up your SJW creds? No? Prove to us you are relevant.
That boy's injuries are a result of radical Salafism, if Islam were truly peaceful, there'd be no problem.
Do you understand that an analogy is?? His analogy is perfect, get a clue.
you are so dramatic, you are too stupid to understand but anyone with half a brain would understand what @DonaldJTrumpJr said
No, this child is being used for propaganda photos instead of getting immediately taken for medical care.
We can thank Obama and @HiIlaryClinton for this with their going around the world sewing the seeds of chaos
that is the result of a poison skittle you moron.
You adopt them keep them in your house !Easy
Noooo....this is the equivalent of a skittle that is NOT TAINTED. No one said ALL OF THEM WERE BAD. Wise up!
To say that 3 out of 200 or so migrants could threaten their host is fair
im sorry I dont see the fuckin similarities. Death and candy are are on two ends of the spectrum.
Yes he is that evil,.,a rabid ferret!
Wrong, Ron, the Tsarnaev bros were children of an asylee, not refugees. Totally different process of admission.
they were born in Chechnya, refugees from that war seeking asylum... Not different at all..
one difference, there are actually records for the Tsarnaev brothers... Unlike many of the mideast refugees
too bad these aren't the 'refugees' being imported.
too bad these aren't the 'humans' being imported. #HumanCrisis
The Nazi's were human. You sheltered idiots are amazing.
and just think about the American kids killed by future unsuccessfully vetted refugees. Y do you hate America
idiot,don't use these images to gain sympathy. it's not our job to take care of them w da lives of our people
and why did helping that poor child necessitate immigration? Not an argument, does not address point.
Scum like you are the people that are responsible for that dead kid and this one. Enjoy Hell, psycho.
chrissy is an obama sanctioned drone spreading the propaganda!
Chris=pathetic. You suggest that toddler refugees are trying to get to US. Not part of the analogy. No examples of this ever.
another one of those scumbags trumps.
this pic was taken bybthe same scumbag who photograph ISIS beheading another child.
If Obama (only one against) had set up safe zones this would not have happened.
A victim of a Muslim Civil war? Oh.. right... "moral equivalence".
Still waiting 4 the loudmouth hollywood liberal twots to open their OWN homes to the "refugees".....
when he mixes with the rest of the skittles, that's when the poison rubs off on to him.
Chris I hereby award you Tweet of the Day. Good job!
it's okay his dad also takes a quarter mil to pay for being sued. I thought you guys were rich??
For a living embodiment of the reason for inheritance tax, here you go:; @DonaldJTrumpJr
little boy has more courage than the whole Drumpf family!
keep that child refugee in Syria. We don't want him. Stop aiding Isis if you are so concerned
Take your psy-op propaganda and eat it. No, seriously, eat it and choke on it.
This image was put out by admitted ISIL soldiers. Funny you're using literal ISIL propaganda.
THIS is face of a terrorist according to Trump Axis of Evil.I hope his face haunts you when u look at ur kids
those are the people left behind.So called "refugees" are almost all young fighting age men!
It's a metaophor, not an analogy. And you apparently welcome to the US people who do that to children.
no. This is what he implies is the POISON candy.
This from a guy whose own father married two immigrants! Sit it down Trumpster with the inane prattle
this dead toddlers in Nice is the consequence of eating from that bowl. Not worth the risk.
Poor little innocent caught in the middle of an unfair war. Trump Jr lacks compassion! Empty!
- Hey STUPID. Have you seen 9-11 PICS??? #wakeup
it's violent men that can grin while holding an elephant's tail they hacked off that frighten me
His analogy is so UN-American. So not humane. He takes a brush and paints hatred.
Obama and Clinton are responsible for this little boy. Get it straight yoyo.
That's a KID SKITTLE. Kinda treat the libs eat up!! #skittles #TrumpPence16
Seriously! You are a Sick guy TrumpJr!!
and this is what he can do when grown up: @DonaldJTrumpJr
this was Obama fault red line
and the yellow, green, blue, and every other color could very well be an ass willing to stone his sister! ASS
no that's a result of a red skittle!
this was a staged photo for propaganda purposes
fuck you you sick bastard. How many do you have in your house?
Another version of #Skittles.
Do you have compassion for the victims in Yemen? Somalia? Send your money!
we should never forget what goes around comes around
Ignorance Donjr WASNT TALKING Bout little Kids!!! He was Talking about Grown Men Who turn into #Rapefugees
This boy's suffering is the result #CrookedHillary & #ClimateChangeObama Funding, Arming & Defending #ISIS
Show the video of the picture where it shows they didn't give him medical care until media got their propaganda pics.
Ah the propaganda picture eh
Donald's son is an asshole!! How fucking dare you!!! 😡😡
am I the only one who has seen the stats that we can protect 12 refugees in the safe zone for the cost of transporting one
I want to know how this little boy is doing and if he's safe. Can someone tell me?
I heard that but I was wondering how he is doing since then. But thank you.
That article's last paragraph had an update.
why can't Syria take care of their own people? This is not our problem and should never be.
"Why can't Europe handle that Hitler guy? It's not our problem!"
sure you fucking idiot lib
I'd feel a lot safer if we took the #orange skittle (candidate) off the ballot (bowl).
Hanaaaaaahhhhh dont forget it was Hillary who created the mess in Syria. Come on now!
EW! Red Skittles are fucking gross. Am I right @DonaldJTrumpJr? I mean just look at that gross shit.
I love arguments from emotions They sure do change my way of thinking.
Hate to say it but I think a lot of ppl will.
that is a great ad!
"This image says it all"
"this image says it all but first here's some more ignorant garbage "
whatever, bitch. u just want all the skittles
Only a lib wud think it's a good idea to recruit killer medicaid/welfare recipients to our country by the 1000s
To compare people to skittles - right from your white nationalists friends?
A lot of Donald Trump Jr.'s trail missteps seem to involve white nationalists and Nazis
My god, you are a fucking simplist idiot. Aside from your white supremacy. No. Terrible analogy.
I had somebody who told me if there were a million snakes and I said only 3 were poisonous wouldn't you kill them all?
they said the only way to rid the world of ISIS is to eviscerate that hate with an even stronger hate.
That's why ISIS loves Trump and uses him in their recruiting ads.
Trump's rhetoric is a powerful recruiting device for ISIS & makes us all less safe.
because that's what America is all about right? Hating minorities and immigrants
It's a tool to say, "See, we're right; the west hates us and we must hate them in return." Recruiting ploy. @RiskyLiberal
great way to feel about human beings ain't it?
he doesn't think poor people are equal to him he's the pig in Animal Farm
I just read this and I said hell yes I would grab a handful. I love skittles. I love ppl tho. I care about
ppl for what's in their heart not the color or where they came from.
you are a blind idiot. Trump will win landslide, you watch.
just put Marshawn Lynch on the case and this problem will be solved in 2 minutes, and how dare you give skittles a bad name?
your daddy wants to appear so 💪.You can't even win an Twitter argument with @johnlegend Go back to Philadelphia, MS
Dad tells people what they want to hear. He doesn't say how he's going to make America great again. USA is great already.
suck my dick, you fucker.
I guess you consider the Constitution of the United States just "politically correct BS"?
He does, he does. Even worse, so does his father. Civil liberties would disappear under a Trump presidency.
him and his father would actually have to read it first
it doesnt grant rights to non citizens.
The constitution of the United States was white supremacist. Why do you stand with such a waycist document?
risky does not understand the Constitution of the United States
liberals don't believe in the constitution unless they r protesting
Pretty sure it doesn't says use tax payers dollars, fly the refugees to America & feed, cloth & house them ect
please tell me where in the #Constitution it says we have to admit people with violent tendencies.
Founding fathers. The first SJW's. ;)
Stopping immigrants that potentially pose a threat isn't new and is legal.
Constitution says we need to allow risky Third Worlders in and pay them? Lol
immigration isn't a right
nowhere in the constitution does it mandate we accept Syrian refugees. Immigrating to the US is a privilege.
the constitution says we have to take him refugees ? Can you site the spot it says that. Thanks in advance
It refers to Trump today saying we shouldn't follow the Constitution for American citizens. @DonaldJTrumpJr
See, Trump and Jr are Islamophobic bigots. Not against terrorism. Against Muslims. That's not American values.
Actually, it kinda does say we have to:…
Thanks, but I wasn't referring to refugees, that's this guys' straw man >> @B4Realfoo
Trump: religious bigot. Racist. Xenophobe. White supremacist. Grifter. Cheater. Liar. @DonaldJTrumpJr
#POSdonny doesn't know anythnng bout history, politics, diplomacy, constitution,SCOTUS, CONGRESS. idiots
we've had more acts of terror committed by white American men than by Syrian refugees. Should we ship y'all out instead?
If there were a group of ladies between the ages 13-21, which would your father picked, the 13 year old>
Milo & his trolls are out in force today. It's all they've got. @DonaldJTrumpJr
Do you tweet with a crayon? #nevertrump #clinton
Not even a child would use this analogy! God you're a F@cking moron. Like father like son
is this a convoluted way to insult Marshawn Lynch?
they're fucking skittles, and I know you to be a liar descended from a liar.
I like those odds better than the ones I have at one of you and your dad's rallies.
That's also your dad's FDA program.
I eat/like fast food becasue I know what's in it. Ha!
Zero syrian refugees have committed an act of terrorism in the country. Fewer then you or your dad have committed, asshole.
What Syrian refugee recently did a crime?
none but Trumps don't worry about facts or the truth
skittles have probably killed more Americans this year than Syrian refugees.
Well, my Mac is slow today, so... Steve Jobs! Oh, wait; his father was Syrian... Ooops!
Didn't you hear? Syrian refuges started the Obama birther movement.
EXACTLY! This guy was an American citizen.There hasn't been a terrorist attack by any refugees. Hes using fear 2 win
If only they were as interested in vetting facts as they are refugees.
there was that whole Steve Jobs 1975 speeding ticket thing don't forget
How about the 5 year old girl that was raped? Yeah, media doesn't tell you that do they.
in this country or Europe? I can give u a list of names in Europe Perhaps we don't start a list here, wuddayasay? @DonaldJTrumpJr
ok give me the list and maybe a list of white American men who have committed a crime
white American men committing crimes r our problem Syrian refugees committing crimes shouldn't be @mewjon @DonaldJTrumpJr
and what about the starving Syrian babies?
what age did the NY bomber arrive in America? @mewjon @DonaldJTrumpJr
and who harassed them their whole lives? Waiting on your list?
the bomber & fam. No excuse but like a kid shooting the bully. Whose guilty? Both. Just degrees.
I'm not following u Ur suggesting we be sympathetic to the bomber? @mewjon
who are you sympathetic to the bully that gets shot or the bullied kid who shoots him?
I understand ur question but y ask? who got bullied? @mewjon
the bomber and his family by people in the neighborhood, by no means excusing him...lock him up with no sleep forever
if u heard correctly it was them bullying their neighbors 24/7 noise from a chicken place? @mewjon
he said, she said... You seem like a nice enough, not so deplorable person-ur id-, sleep now...
actually it's fact Being reported all night how he sued city Hillary claims I'm deplorable I wear it with pride Nite😃
read the news bro
don't let facts get in the way
The Trump's & Trumptards are immune to facts. Don't waste your time!
no we love facts. You love/trust @CNN
you might want to take a peak at Europe.
-in DT's world they all look alike.
Well that was the dumbest thing I have seen all day.
265 people were shot and killed by kids last year. Thinking we should deport all kids, just to be safe.
Try to make more sense next time.
you are disgusting. Refugees are human beings. You're such a low life.
Idiotic comparison, but it says it all about your overt bigotry.
BAHAHAHAHA! Is this the level Trump is reduced to? Wow!
OK, let's not be politically correct. You're an asshole and so is your bloated, orange, chimp of a father. Happy?
that's also our white guy shooting up school problem
That last RT from @DonaldJTrumpJr shows you the moronic anti-immigrant fear mongering the Trumps love. Immigrants are not coming to kill us.
I think someone should report this to Skittles since it is a trademarked name. @Skittles
Jr. Is a complete moron. Without Daddy's money he'd be parking cars.
but many illegal immigrants are
hey Toure after all these discussion, you still don't know difference between legal and illegal immigration?
he truly is a moron
some are & if we could vet them properly it wouldn't be as much of a problem. 626k in 4 years with #zombiehillary no way
Travon Martin had Skittles.......
Possibly ironic. Didn't Mohammed Ali use a similar metaphor for the dangers of white ppl? Except it was snakes?
Really well what just happened in NY NJ and MN BOMBS AND KNIFE ATTACKS
Also why did he use Skittles & not M&Ms? That sounds like another dog whistle.
I find it hard to believe that Skittles would allow their product to be used like this. Really bad product placement
sweetie. Actually they would love to. Not all but enough to cause a civil war
Go back to Africa
Do you happen to live around any?
I suggest you switch the news on. One migrant planted 3 bombs at the weekend and injured 26.
The Trumps are German immigrants (who lied about being Swedish). @realDonaldTrump married an illegal migrant worker.
You people don't know the difference between legal and illegal.
We do. We also know of a cowardly draft-dodging @realDonaldTrump who maligned a Gold Star family.
I know party that maligned the mothers of children killed by illegal immigrants. @jackschofield @Toure @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump
Like to know what exactly Melania was. Nobody knows what's going on!
She was not illegal, and German immigrants are far superior to Muslim immigrants.
Time for @realDonaldTrump to release her papers, and his tax returns, and his academic records, like HRC.
I can give you one of those things at least.
That's a letter, not the actual records. Given that the Trump family is known for lying...
And Hillary's medical reports were fake and she's well known for lying.
All politicians lie sometimes. @realDonaldTrump lies almost all the time.……
Yes, @PolitiFact the Pulitzer Prize-winning site. And all the other fact-checkers agree...
It's paid off by the Clintons, no doubt.
Jack, like many Trumpers this one is a neo-Nazi. No fact zone.
Don't talk to people that way.
Lying @realDonaldTrump is really a DDoS attack on fact-checkers ;-)
Judging by all the misspelled words in there, I'd say that was made by a third grader... or by you.
You failed to list teh mispelt words, you grammer-gnatzee!
+@Bucky_Breeder +@jackschofield Judging by all the misspelled words in there, I'd say that was made by a third grader... or by you.
I agree with the point of the message, but desingnation & tarteted are 2 misspelled words I found
It's bullshit. Any sane person knows that @realDonaldTrump is a pathological liar & #Birther liar.
Thank you very much. I got it fixed now. Hope this works betterer for teh peeples.
send like typos not misspelling
I hate it when the truth gets bogged down with spelling errors so I corrected them:
they make concessions for their protected classes but will hone in on you and tear you apart for a spelling error
I threw that together months ago & been using it ever since. 1st time anybody corrected it. I guess the point was getting thru?
yeah I honestly didn't even catch them, you'd have to be actively seeking them out as a "gotcha" to even know
My graphics editor doesn't have a spellchecker, & I'm a terrible typist. I'm honored that the thought got conveyed anyway. (*(^:
Not really. More likely people recognized that it was patent bullcrap and ignored it....
Ignore the pseudo-sacrosanct, sophomoric invalid @jackschofield ; he's overcompensating for something.
Thank you for the acknowledgement. (I corrected the spelling thanks to some constructive input from @habi2altinkrrrr )
that was sarcasm, pal.
I don't what in your profile should have clued me in on that. Still...
Pretending @PolitiFact doesn't have it's own bias problems. That's rich.…
"No fact zone" says the one not using any facts
Lol bringing out the 'nazi' card. You have lost utterly lol. MAGA
Because we disagree with #cluelessHillarySupporters they exhibit stupidity by calling us names😴
Not stupid. Most Trump supporters are racists, as a matter of fact.……
You have biased news sources. My late husband was an int'l reporter. I would know.
lol. Another #cluelessHillarySupporter willing to follow dishonest Hillary off the cliff.
horribly funny. Lol
what are you a Bolshevik?
So typical, you give the Libs actual facts, we're still lying. @jackschofield @Toure @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump @PolitiFact
All Democrats do is make shit up.
You lie. You can't face reality so you demean the work of people who work for truth. Sad.
That's slightly more than Hillary got paid for each speech!
Trump has admitted to making 1mil per speech. Your point?
and that's a rip off from a man with the vocab of a 4th grader
Can 4th graders run 500 successful businesses?
no, but neither can he. His brand on many he doesn't run!
don't forget his estate and yacht. He lost those as well.
You could make an even longer list ;-)
In one case the judge put Trump on an allowance he was so irresponsible @jackschofield @xAvispar @Toure @Fahrenthold
oops sorry, yacht was mentioned there.
I know your not Talking about the Clintons telling the truth
Are you trying to claim that @DonaldJTrumpJr isn't a liar after #birtherism ???
The birtherism episode was a giant "Fuck you" to the media.
And it STILL is, right? LOL, dumbass media & their sycophants.
Fact is, @realDonaldTrump continued to raise the #Birther lie for years. And the Muslim lie.
Do you have an endless supply of bullshit and lies?…
That's bullshit. A literary agent made a mistake. You ignorant? Or a liar?
Mistake of spelling "Hawaii" as "Kenya"! Good one.
+@Bucky_Breeder +@xAvispar +@Toure +@DonaldJTrumpJr +@realDonaldTrump That's bullshit. A literary agent made a mistake. You ignorant? Or a liar?
No it wasn't. It was @realDonaldTrump lying for publicity and to attract racist supporters.
NOW you're just SPEWING groundless LIES! YOU ARE THE LIAR & RACIST!
He tricked them into filming vets endorsing him, was brilliant. They were so mad. :^)
Yes, they were mad. @realDonaldTrump will pay for that in the long run...…
Didn't leaked DNC emails proved that Politifact is BS and pure bias over Trump?
Actually, @PolitiFact is owned by the Tampa Bay Times, who endorsed Hillary. Biased.
Its hailed as fact by leftists, I wonder why...
Donors of the clintons
it's owned by Tampa bay times, which endorsed Crooked Killary
Jack-S that fool must be a rovetroll even though DUMB-drumpsters R-dumb & dishonest & accept LIES
Ad hominem: you lose. @realDonaldTrump confessed to #Birther lies but he lies all the time
another liptard
Better to be a liberal & have the ability to think than B-A drumpster dumb-enough to follow a con
I have a BSN in Nursing what do you have besides a comic book?
Liberals ability 2 think-that's a joke! They R irrational, unreasonable, no common sense.
Scientific Proof: Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatives! -MINDY-FISCHER-WRITER.COM…
Regardless of intellect; they are still irrational, unreasonable, and nonsensical.
Really makes you think...
Politifact: Where Reich Wing memes and lying…
"Immigrants are tolerant"
Politifact isn't the facts .It's a left wing propaganda site
Politifact is far more honest than you, and ALL fact checkers say @realDonaldTrump is a liar.
They don't call her Crooked Hillary for nothing
True. They call her that because they've been conned by a liar called @realDonaldTrump
She only lies when her lips are moving ..........between seizures
And Hillary tells the truth
Mostly, yes. The facts show that.
Send me some of what you are smoking
You don't need to smoke. You just have to be honest enough to face the truth.
The Guardian is trash and their reporters are garbage.
Politifact is a left wing shill front for the democrat party, that YOU say they're honest makes you a shameless hack.
You support a liar, so you're unable to face the truth, so I'm a shill? Even after the #Birther lies?
I am NOT a trump fan, but do go on making assumptions without a fucking clue, Both R toxic, you just hack for the left wing 1
You support the most vile corrupt piss away American lives Hillary, bribe taker SOS, go fuck yourself, I'm writing in Cruz.
When the numbers were run, an Polihacks says the GOP lies 90% of the time, and dems truthful 90%, just how gullible are you?
Is trump a liar, absolutely, but this same site of filthy hacks claims Hillary obama are not, when we know O lied his ass off
as if a Guardian flake weren't already a left wing spinner..
Guess you have to lie to support a liar
check my timeline you fucking imbecile,&tell me where you see trump support, but no, you're a hack, truth don't matter to you
I am still waiting to save $2500 on my health ins
Spare me the bullshit. @GOP lied more than HRC
Lame. Where is the detailed analysis & referenced sources like Politifact provides? @jackschofield @Toure
Dear God Jacks an unattractive shill, when was the last time you got laid?
I had 1 device, I got overheated no dehydrated no I have pnuemonia, no American lost in Lybia, Jack
How do you defend these stats? This is an invasion of miltary age males @xAvispar…
He's a fuckin' ugly kike who wants more goys to be "culturally enriched" by Muzzie savages. #KristallnachtNOW
How about all the other fact-checking sites that confirm the same lies?
Media outlets parrot each other to save time. This is well known.
You are referring to lying @realDonaldTrump supporters, as is well know……
LOL, I don't give a shit. I just hope he cuts down on immigration.
and you have been doing your own homework and know the real facts??? Haha!another Drumpf undereducated
Of course the official "fact checkers" can never be wrong. How silly of me.
yes how silly of you why don't you do your own fact checking
Snopes & PolitiFact have been debunked as total l……
Hey moron, politifact is not a valid source.
Thanks for the best laugh I had all night. Politifact chart is a joke.
Theres a difference between being allegedly wrong about facts and actively lying.…
idiots still fell for the politi""""fact""""" meme……
?They pick and choose facts to push agendas.
There are plenty of other fact checkers...
there are, but you tweeted politifact. Don't move the goalpost.
"Because we can't possibly check all claims, we select the most newsworthy"
(Possibly sensitive)
Hillary started the Birther movement
Bahahahahahaha!!! Barack Obama? Seriouusly? And Hillary started #Birtherism
Your Polifact is one big lie!
>cites a self-proclaimed pro-Clinton shill operation Nice lie, shill.
This only shows that Americans do not give a shit about the world.
Bias sources galore, liberal morons galore. How sad.
except that (((politifact))) is a bias news (i use that loosely) website
It's an honest Pulitzer Prize-winning site, but all the fact-checkers agree.
In system where leading candidates are bankrupts & fraudsters how is 'lying' relevant? #LetsGetAGrip #USElection
False equivalence. One candidate is experienced, honest and rational. The other is inexperienced, a liar and crazy.
Have to say this though Jack (& genuinely mean this) Its hard for me to distinguish one from another tho..
Do some research into crooked Trump. Why do you think so many Republicans support HRC?
Oh no, I'm totally with you on that. Worrying thing is that on some skewed polls he's out there ahead. #Disaster
It's votes that count ;-)
Absolutely, as we found with #Brexit - bookies offered 12/1 odds until 6pm on June voting day, so you never know!
all part of the elitist establishment screwing the American citizen
here's hoping Jeb will be a last-minute substitution 😇
Yes he would make equal of Clinton for Dems!
Not an argument
Looks like something my 6 year old made. Trump is not a politician you dumb ass he doesnt even belong on that list idiot
no, it was questionable until Obama revealed birth certificate #clueless
Skip the bullshit. Obama revealed birth certificate in 2008. @realDonaldTrump still lied.
Get a new talking point pal. Just more later, rinse, repeat from the blind!
After @realDonaldTrump admitted his yuge #birther lies, you still think he's not a liar? Sad
He asked for birth certificates. Requests aren't lies.
Skip the bullshit: you're a worse liar than @realDonaldTrump
I guess it's tough when you support a lying racist misogynist con man ;-)
you got the names on your chart in the wrong order!
You support a liar so can't face the truth. Even after the #Birther lies?
Not my chart. Let's see if you are rational. Is @realDonaldTrump a liar? Yes/No
Birtherism originated with the 08 Hillary campaign you fucking hack. widely known, except to lefty ideologues.
Not defending Trump, not voting for him, but only a screaming imbecile would call Hillary "honest", or is a liar like her.
😂😂😂😂 what a #YUGE pile of 💩! #ClintonLies are famous for 40 years!
and Birtherism WAS STARTED by hiLIARy in 2008 and hiLIARy LIES ALL THE TIME
Politifact is owned by a newspaper that has endorsed Clinton. Biased!
fuck you you racist
Dishonest Trumptards can't face the truth. Sad
lol politifact, you're cute
DJT doesn't lie so much as having zero concept of consistent reality
still politifact isn't the best metric there 😁
Which honest fact-checking site disagrees with award-winning @PolitiFact?
At least @snopes isn't so ludicrous as to have a truth metric
Also, "award-winning" is meaningless. Kissinger won Nobel Peace Prize
So did 0boma, your point is?
Hey that makes it even more meaningless!
I voted for #BHO twice & I think that Noble prize was a joke
Hayek & Krugman got Noble Prize for Econ, too 😀😂😁
Luckily I don't have to worry about awarding Nobel Prizes. I do like the Ignobels....
does UK have any similar donor-funded fact-checking organization to politifact?
Not that I know of. We just had #Brexit where a few politicians lied their heads off despite separate newspapers fact-checking them.
indeed, U think remain wouldve been successful if it didn't double down on "Brexit's Racist/Ignorant" argument?
how well did remain communicate how EU membership benefits the average Brit? Relied too much on scolding brexiters imho
Remain was pretty much hopeless. Cameron was a wimp, Corbyn did nothing, and "pop" papers lied as much as the Leave campaigners. Sad.
True. @snopes is great. However, ratings are reasonable in fields where half-truths are common.
When politifact uses papers from @CatoInstitute as evidence, this is, um 🤔
Journalists use a wide range of sources. That's how it works.
I wouldn't listen to Jack's opinions on "good journalism". He seems to know very little about it.
journalists use valid sources — @CatoInstitute isn't a valid source
also, I've seen @PolitiFact regularly deal in ½ truths, too
this is only true if we stop putting money in today
THIS IS PRIVATIZING Soc Sec. Politifact=Trash
award winning give me a break Obama got a nobel for absolutely nothing!!
True, Many people are saying that @realDonaldTrump is mentally ill... Sad.
DJT no different from average con in GOP re: policy — The amateur psychiatry is offensive
obama hasn't told the truth his entire life...keep ur doc? LMAO
Obama is the most honest out there. Lying @realDonaldTrump the most dishonest
Measuring stick needs re-calibration. Playing politicians game with chart.
Let's see if you are rational. Is @realDonaldTrump a liar? Yes/No
Politifact gets "Pants on Fire" rating...
liberal website with an agenda. Try again.
Can't face Pultizer Prize-winning truth, so you lie
just because you don't like his style doesn't give you license to slander
It's not slander, it's a fact: @realDonaldTrump is a known liar
The Primary's over buddy. Games are over. The Trump Train Can't B stopped.
Politifact. Total liberal site. get a life Turd
You can't face truth, even after @realDonaldTrump confessed to massive #Birther lies? Sad.
He admitted he was wrong about the birtherism HRC started. Whats wrong with that? Liberals are mentally ill
So when Bernie says more gov't is the answer, it is "truth" Politifact?
birtherism started by that C. Who wrote that diagram the lying SPLC?
nigga we know it was started by insidious Blumenthal, NT
- Politifact is run by liberal liars.
You: "Trump lied!" Guy: "So did Hillary." You: "Yeah well who cares if politicians lie!" >these mental gymnastics
False equivalence. @realDonaldTrump lies on an industrial scale, far beyond HRC
But as you said; who cares if politicians lie?
Sensible people do. Some even put their country before their party
But you yourself said "All politicians lie sometimes". Plus Bush was a shitty president who did nothing.
You're in reality-denial mode, but I don't see what good it does you.
>"anybody that doesn't like bush is a reality-denier" WTC came down when he was in office.
Oh, I see. Are you deliberately distorting what I said (ie a liar) or just incompetently stupid?
I'm so tired of hearing about #Trump's recent screw up, I'll wait 5 minutes for his next one.
Birtherism was started by HRC
National Enquirer has more credibility. I'm not reading that trash. No, her surrogates did…
Additionally, here is a Washington Post article admitting she started "birtherism"…
and lest we forget this image the Hillary camp put out
But it's not shocking, coming from the same camp that stirred up anti-Semitism to quell support for Sanders #DNCleak
trump not a politician
Let's see if you are rational. Is @realDonaldTrump a liar? Yes/No
WTF that chart is a complete lie you racist.
Politifact is about as independent as Chelsea Clinton!
Birtherism you mean that "YUUGE LIE" that was started by HILLARY 2008?
- If gullible enough to trust lib liars at Politifact, please DO NOT VOTE!
You're lying to support a liar. ALL the honest fact-checking site agree with @PolitiFact
So what you are saying is, Hillary and Trump have a lot in common?
Trump is 100x better.
Trump is 1000x better than what?
LOL And my fat ass is 237 pounds! Riiiiiight,
so you don't dispute Trump is a liar LOL
NO one touches Herr Drumpf for lying
Why do y'all Reich Wingers #Project so fucking muc……
You always know what's wrong inside @realDonaldTrump because he accuses others of it ;-)
That's why I made that graphic. I remember #Projection from my psych studies.He's #PosterBoy
Hillary's are fake??? hahahaha!! Trump had TWO bullcrap notes. @jackschofield @Toure @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump
Hitlary is half dead
Dot doesn't drink or smoke. Hitlary is a sick old drunken lush. He does 5x the events.
Trump does 5x + events & goes strong. HRC does 30min speech takes a week off. Looks dead
It's the amphetamines Dr. Doofus gives him. He does not do 5x--home tweeting every night. @xAvispar @jackschofield @Toure
Independent non-partisan fact checks all agree: she's mostly truthful. He is far from it.
she's also a WELL-KNOWN AMERICAN CITIZEN .... Stupid analogy. Dork
TRUMP: "Elect me & no more Syrian Refugees bombing...what?" ~DT @jackschofield @xAvispar @Toure @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump @johnlegend
HRC has elevated lying to an art form. I don't believe anything she says.
The left is at war with reality. Reality will win.
speaking of letters, llke Hillary's medical record? LMAO
wow...another cluelessHillarySupporter following her off scandalous cliff
Ad hominem abuse so you lose. You have no facts.
anyone okay with HRC putting our country in jeopardy and lying are clueless
Man putting US in danger is @realDonaldTrump See and much more.
She will finish destroying our nation for Obama
Wait, @jackschofield u can't be serious right? & the Clinton's are straight talkers? You're a funny dude!
Hahahahahaha... where have you been for the last 30 years! You a funny man!
Let's see if you are rational. Is @realDonaldTrump a liar? Yes/No
dude doesn't matter what i say, u think your opinion is the only rational 1
1 opinion to rule them all, eh! #TrumpPence16
It's easy to prove that @realDonaldTrump is a liar. He lied about #Birtherism. Face the truth.
'President Barack Obama was born in the United States Period' #TrumpPence16
Obviously true. So why did @realDonaldTrump lie about it for 5 years? To attract racists?
yep that was the plan you smarty pants! #TrumpPence16
"Trump built his career on a racist lie because he's a racist and a liar" -- Seth Meyers @LateNightSeth
of course he did... You're a genius!! #TrumpPence16
Jack your priorities are laughable. Folks like u are the reason for terror!
Yes 1000s of times worse than Nixon scandal.
The you've lost touch with reality. You are a racist bigot, right?
Oy vey, don't be racist goyim.
She's a citizen now. "What difference does it make?"
Obama was a citizen. Didn't stop @realDonaldTrump telling lies about him for years #Birther
He's a citizen now. "What difference does it make?"
"Trump built his career on a racist lie because he's a racist and a liar" Seth Meyers @LateNightSeth
Oh no. Hillary has never lied about anything?
You can't fix stupid. Take heart in the number of people who aren't.
And hiLIARy is as pure as the driven snow. Jack, you're an idiot.
oh and HRC ARE SO HONEST - you must be high off your blissful ignorance
That is RICH comoing from a HilLIARy supporter.
Not really. @realDonaldTrump is provably a far bigger liar (obvious unless you're insane)
"Politifact" is not "independent", nor are they unbiased. They often note sarcastic comments as "lies"
Hillary and her followers lie daily, it's what they do
Not true. HRC is remarkably truthful compared to @realDonaldTrump
Hillary is the most openly corrupt candidate in history
Lying? U better quit supporting Hillary if u want honesty.
now that's a joke. Ur a comedian right?
We all know that isn't true, irregardless of whatever half-baked article you post.
shove it up Clinton's criminal fat ass
obigears gave a certificate of life birth not a birth certificate
Jack you must be a clitnut troll ,do you make minimum wage at least?
LIAR The Trump Family isnt Known for Lying LIAR!!!
Of course it is. @realDonaldTrump admits he lied his head off about Obama #Birtherism and here's yesterday's lies
- YOU don't CARE about liars. Hypocrite! So vote for evil Marxist race-baiting traitor Hillary and STFU!
Oh dear, the truth hurts, doesn't it? Here's a list of the lies crooked #DonTheCon told yesterday HT @ddale8
Trumps simplistic answer; ban em' all, kill their families problem solved. @xAvispar @jackschofield @Toure @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump
Russian porn model. Real classy First Lady, there. Jackie O would spin.
No need to go that far back ;-)
GOP or DEM, every lady in last 100 years was classy. This twit? NSM
Uh, not Hillary. She was a terrorizing bitch as FLOTUS.
Going to an Ivy, as this pic so richly shows, doesn't guarantee an alumna of high ethics.
And that causes serious problems in national security :)
what was the Ayers/Dohrn/Michelle/Barrak connection
i can write a letter too where's the proof.
How about actual government documentation.
You self-identified deplorable shitholes are right about that, only. @jackschofield @Toure @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump
I wouldn't worry about it we know U R legal!Barry lies
they are a phony family
yes Hitlary is phony
who wrote this? Pat Bondi??
who? the Nazis who destroyed and wiped out entire villages in Greece?
Why do you think Obama doesnt want to release his academic records?
He's not standing for office. The issue is why hypocrite @realDonaldTrump is hiding his.
huh? he became president without releasing his academic records, dummy
The question is why hypocrite @realDonaldTrump demands records but fails to supply his own
my Q is why do you want to see Trump's but are not interested in Obama's
Obama had an outstanding academic background. @realDonaldTrump 's is questionable.
DT graduated from most prestigious school of business in the world. O was a mediocre affirmative action alum
are you serious? What is wrong with you
school of business
cause he's that smart
Tell your candidate to release the emails and her health records.
Trump will run the US like his own-bankrupt, no pay to workers
Hillary will run hers like the corrupt Foundation. She won't give a sh*t about u & me.
Media Narratives Imprison Clinton, Trump — and Voters via @BillMoyersHQ
Well, I guess their narrative is to push for a lying/cheating piece of work
didn't know you felt that way about Trump. reading article objectively worth while
and have no conscience in doing so. No matter how much it hurts U.S.…
Good story on how right-wing bullshitters poisoned the well (read the end)
The well was poisoned and it started after Reagan left office.
U mean ruined the narrative of ALL liberal media.Because it was nothing but before they came along.
7 out of 515 successes. I think he'll handle it just fine.
Yeah, b/c that's way more important than protecting citizens from savages
"savages" that invented algebra and calculus lol
She is the only immigrant with a job no one else would want.What nasty work
tax returns mean crap. 4 dead Americans are more important. Get your priorities in order.
Where HRC was found innocent, but the @GOP was guilty of slashing embassy defense funds…
😆😆 she conned you sucker😝😝
Better than being conned by lying @realDonaldTrump
stay in England, STFU & have a nice night. Trump👍
OK! And you remember Trump U, a great @realDonaldTrump business....
He emailed those docs to #HRC so just get them off her server 😂😂😂 @xAvispar @Toure @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump
HRC has nvr been audited! Have u?Who would believe anything she releases?
He emailed them to her.. We're still waiting to see those 6 figure speeches
Whatever happened to Obama's transcripts?
Really reaching! So many scandals following HRC #cluelessHillarySupporter
I want to see #ClintonFoundation records, those deleted emails and Hillary speeches $$$$$$$
Clinton Foundation is A-rated and honest but @realDonaldTrump's is basically a scam…
who cares, when hillary releases the 30k deleted emails then lets talk
Current topic is @realDonaldTrump's crooked foundation. Email is so over…
her paper were released. He said he will release his taxes when she releases emails
But @realDonaldTrump is a liar who is just using any excuse. (Also, HRC already exonerated on emails.)
???? . 1. he wasnt running 2 its not required 3. U wouldnt understand them
think again, more is coming. Read dncleaks go @wikileaks
They are next to Obama's academic records hypocrite.
Waiting for lying @realDonaldTrump to publish his tax returns
Hillary can ignore advice from lawyers, Republicans can't
Sane Republicans support HRC not some liar
you have a prob with language. The word is corrupt not sane
You're delusional. @realDonaldTrump isn't a Republican and he's destroying the party.
No! Corrupt republicans destroyed the party. Supporting donors first.
Either way, non-racist Republican's support HRC
We've yet to see Obama's academic records. Leftists are such hypocrites
Academic records? He graduated Harvard Law School. Do you think he could take the BAR if he didn't graduate?
There is far more to academic records than just getting the degree. You know that, but playing stupid are we?
what do you want to see? And why would it possibly matter?
Just exposing the hypocrisy of demands by your side on Trump when Obama was asked to do the same & didn't.
Reaching.Trump is a Simpleton. That's y we want to see his academic record. He's an idiot narcissistic fool.
Oh look at this. Trump used $258,000 from charity to settle legal problems. Transparent much? HMMMM
You need to ask Obama & especially Hillary about "transparency" Emails & the Clinton Foundation a criminal org
You mean the hypocrisy of demands on @realDonaldTrump's side: always demanding, but never revealing anything.
Oh hypocrite so blind you are. Hillary is the most corrupt politician ever & pathological liar
Clinton supporters are such snowflakes. Sorry no safe spaces for you!
Get over it already! He's been our President for 8 yrs.
Your President. That America hating traitor Obama is not mine.
Star student at Harvard Law School, Juris Doctor Magna Cum Laude 1991, editor of Harvard Law Review
He was also in the State Championship-winning basketball team at Punahou School in Honululu in 1979
How does that compare with your fat orange TV-star clown @realDonaldTrump who dodged the draft and cheats at golf?
You can put lipstick on a Muslim Marxist Pig like Obama, but he's still a pig.
Obama hasn't. When did you ask him to do it? And there are Hillary's emails
voyeurism has reached a point on the left where it is disgusting
If @realDonaldTrump doesn't have the balls to release his tax returns he's unfit to serve.
so you prefer a pathological liar? Bye now,
Time for you to STFU, LOSER
HRC needs to release those nasty medical reports and find her 30k emails.
She's released more info than @realDonaldTrump - and been exonerated by the FBI on emails.
sure she has. By the way FBI only refused to prosecute why?
Incorrect, you brainwashed buffoon. Comey discussed how she broke the law but "didn't know". Oligarchy
It's funny, even the Hillary Clinton zombie realize how stupid defending her on emails sounds and deletes it
She was never "exonerated". You're clearly ignorant on the matter.
EXONERATED means a trial and found not guilty, HELLO???
more like FBI let her slide bcause of who she is period
Think her medical very bad. Desperately trying to hide.
Why has @realDonaldTrump published LESS health info than HRC? He must be sick...
Very healthy people don't have lots of medical history.
The point is that @realDonaldTrump is still hiding stuff that HRC has published.
Hillary is the sneakily most corrupt person out there
Guess U didn't see Trump on Dr Oz? Had results of all tests
His health is amazing. Hillary is obviously hiding.
and Donald is healthy Hillary very sickly
Yes, think she desperately hiding severe problem.
dehydration? Been there and I didn't look like that. She is sick
Think so desperate 2 B 1st woman pres would do ANY fraud.
yea. Woman prez. Would be great just not her. She is awful
fuck off not required
more so It's time that hillary come clean about her emails before IT Tech.
Exonerated?? You obviously don't know what the word exonerated means. James Comey was clear about that.
Wrong. Comey explained that while she did commit felonies, she "didn't know what she was doing"
Exactly which in most peoples opinion is just about as bad but then she's: "THE MOST QUALIFIED EVER" -B.H.O.
She is, and it's not just BHO. Sane people from both parties support HRC
Because she wasn't indicted is not exoneration. She showed serious neglect in the handling of (C) materials
It's trivia compared to Trump's crookedness. Or the Bush White House…
and there's the classic liberal deflection folks. Ok you can piss off now. You're a waste of time.
come back when you have an actual rebuttal to anything I've said. Take your time, no seriously, all the time
You have to come up with a rational point, not some obviously bullshit claim based on ignorance.
I mean just the optics that the Sec. of State, (one of highest offices) Did not know what was deemed (C)
"Hillary Clinton never instructed any of her staff to delete emails" yet they were after being subpoenaed
strangely enough within 1 week of a conference call between clinton and Platte River the server was wiped
Spare me the ignorant bullshit. Why not go read the FBI report?
I have, I've heard Comeys statements and I watched the Cong. hearing. She's either inept, lying, or guilty
Careless at worst. And still far more honest than @realDonaldTrump
careless? You clueless troll, she took the most guarded secrets in Government and played stupid with them.
That's a totally false claim, as you should know. Are you ignorant or are you lying?
which part lmao. Have you just gone full retard? It's all on record guy.
Yes. You should read it ;-)
he went full retard , nobody with decent intelligence supports hitlery clinton
Pick one and tell me if she's still fit to serve the highest office in the land?
a billion? That's what you're going with? This is who I'm debating?
Let's see if you are rational. Is @realDonaldTrump a liar? Yes/No
lmao deflection Bitch, that's not an answer to anything we've been talking about. Leave now. I'm done w/you
Yes or no? It can't be too hard, can it? Not if you're actually rational....
wtf are you talking about? I just told you to leave. Go play somewhere else while I have adult conversations
OK. You're not rational. No wonder your email tweets were bullshit from start to finish....
you're like that kid who's ne'er invited but always be looking to hang w/the cool kids. Please go away.
You go away. You keep replying to me. Why bother?
Hillary has hidden thousands of emails Classified and stole from Haitians
he is not releasing his tax get the fuck over it anyone who matters care
Sure, but we can still keep reminding @realDonaldTrump that he's a coward and a liar
sure you can waste your breath how come you libs like calling names
Saying @realDonaldTrump is a coward and a liar isn't calling names: it's accurate and factual.
doing your 'deplorable' justice I see.
The truth hurts :^)
being deplorable ? yeah clearly.
Stating facts is deplorable to libtards.
If U want to tally actual, unprovoked deaths? USA is #1 thanx to Cheney's War
I agree, those wars were funded by Jews though.
Ignorance,tenacity, bigotry & stupidity: Bad Mix.But then that's why……
David Duke is pretty based. Wants to take down warmongering Zionists.
remember .. newt said that (racist) feelings are as real as facts to them.
Yes. Because for Reich Wing Fuhkos: Feelies Trump Fac……
I think she was illegal. Remember the press conference that never happened
These eastern wack jobs like molesting kids, rapping women bunch of pedaphi
You should mention #Pedophilia! Trump in court in Oct:……
Oh no irrelevant information. Looks like I'm a #Shill4Hill now.
Rape & incest OF COURSE are irrelevant to a meat bag like U. Oct Court date…
i rather be a meat bag then a shit bag like you ass munch
jack condones molesters and rapes
I'll be interested to see how U excuse that article about multi r……
that pic dont mean shit fool gtfo
fool trying to invent shit kick rocks lame
Sorry Chump. Google search.I'll donate $100 to Drumpf if all shar……
I GOT ur CHump go google search these nutz fool!
Why are you Reich Wing dolts SUCH raging #Pussies? Like Trump. Se……
I dont speak pedo fool go die already creeper
Imagine 30M White Racists would kill Trayvon w/Ice Tea & Skittles. ~RB @xAvispar @jackschofield @Toure @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump
Number of Syrian Refugees committed terror: 0 Racist Trump Nuts: Plenty @xAvispar @jackschofield @Toure @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump
Because, White! Right?
Deplorable indeed. Getting you cunts to self-label was an incredible feat.
These refugees have to flee because they agree with us, dipstick!
Lol nice delusion.
Right, because they risk their lives fleeing their pals. DUMBASS! Logic!
Israel should take the refugees, it would be much safer and quicker for them #OpenBordersForIsrael
Is that you Donald Jr.?
but lied about being German claimed Swedish changed name Drumpf😀
You know he only wants to deport illegals, right? Did you not get the memo?
She was illegal. Many people are saying it and many people are looking into it. Some of the best people.
Sounds like someone supports the Third Reich...German Superiority pfft
German immigrants are already versed in the mother tongue.
We all know what the Pepe mascot stands for, soulless white supremacy.
Remember that time a German immigrant blew up the WTC? Me either.
No race or ethnicity is- cut the Nazi garbage
Sure she was illegal. Here's the miscreant and the……
You don't be like trump, he was a pimp so your report says too.
There's no evidence he made money otherwise.
Hi Adolf. We didn't miss you!
Let's see the paperwork.
She is not German, low-information neo-Nazi. Is that frog-fascist preferable to a photo of you? You're ugly inside & out.
It seems to me junior’s Skittles analogy is even more pertinent to the 2nd Amendment. He should outlaw guns
You are a fucking moron, he said the Trumps were German immigrants, learn to fucking read.
Learn to fucking grow a humane bone in your body, hating fearful pathetic little man.
How old are you, 12? Grow the hell up. You must seriously hate yourself.
omg you racist fuckwad
such a good vocabulary you have
even if they're German?
Well at least your name is accurate.
As a german: "superior"? What the hell?
As in doesn't rape kids, doesn't beat women, not inbred, etc...
Normal muslims do not do this either.
I think he is referring to 9/……
this statement were already proven a lie.
certainly these things never happen in your country, right?
It's a lot rarer here and not condoned by preachers.
You know @realDonaldTrump may have raped his wife, and is accused of raping a 13yo girl, right?
"German immigrants are far superior to Muslim immigrants." Revealing tweet
How the hell would you know that? Do you know ALL MUSLIM immigrants? NO
I saw what they've done to Europe. All of them can fuck off.
Delete your account
- Sounding VERY Hitler-ish here. The Germans are superior huh? Tell us m……
Seig heil lelelelelelel
- I admire your honesty at least. Embrace your ignorance.
The blue pulled 6 gorillian believer is calling me "ignorant". How rich.
- Maybe I rushed to judge. Give me your rankings again on where each countries Skittles rank
All white European countries>>>>>>>>>>>>Mudslime desert shitholes
- Nope, didn't rush. Like I said, admire your honesty. You are the typic……
I'm not really a typical anything, but okay.
Your avatar tells us all we need to know about you, Nazi!
Oh yeah? This German immigrant does not think so.
All right that's true, a lot of Germans are pretty cucked.
Wow, nice that you (anonymously) admit to being racist. Most racists deny.
There are differences in races, deal with it.
Actually there is no such thing as race, it's a made up construct. There are no genetic differences between peoples.
wow that's the biggest lie ever. You are seriously retarded.
If that was true we all be the same like clones.
(and 16,606 other replies)