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Bernie Sanders
is right: "The only way that Wall Street will change is if executives face jail time when they preside over massive frauds.”
126 replies and sub-replies as of Sep 20 2016
Damn right
Jorge Salvans Sr.
so it should also apply Hillary.... Lock her up!
Dick Dawkins
Then why the fuck are you supporting hillary clinton?
Chris Jones
😨😨😨List of Islamist Nations Who Gave Hillary $143 million in August Alone is Unreal:
List of Islamist Nations Who Gave Hillary $143 million in August Alone is Unreal:
CNN praised Hillary Clinton this last week for raising $143 million dollars in the month of August from FOREIGN NATIONS! She can't get enough from
HA HA HA that article isn't even close to the truth, obviously an alt-right website!!!
Chris Jones
Hulk Hogan represents America, you clearly represent conspiracy theories!!!
Chris Jones
that's called PROJECTION!!! You're hilarious. No words, just memes
Chris Jones
killing it right now bro lol. Your a weirdo
Chris Jones
democratic hedge fund manager. Shocking. Killing it bro
memes don't make your point, anybody can post a meme
Chris Jones
Chris Jones
king status bro
Absolutely true but this election we have to settle for not going back to Jim Crow
Killaly c
wrong. Get politician hands out of Wall Street pockets and things will change. Quit acting like you aren't paid too
that's what you call a slice of humble pie followed up with a 50 pound sledge hammer..
Whir Chunk
And the only way corrupt politicians will change is when they face their time in prison...
IAH — ∞time - J♡
That's what I'm talking about, throw their butts in jail and they won't cheat as much.
Patti Gilbert
I agree. Fines way less than how much they made from the fraud is so not cutting it.
lets start with the fraud by politicians!
Jason Chapman
w.w.w. war with wall street!
Why did dems have Wells Fargo Bldg for their convention and how much did they donate to Hillary
Karen K
if Sec Clinton is Pres will she put them in jail after they paid her billions in "speaking" fees. C'mon
. <3
Deplorable Neal
Awesome reply! Lock
Clemson Matt
thank you both for representing reason.
John Lorentz
Thank you all for protecting the American people from unbridled corruption and greed.
Banana Whom
Start on Capitol Street with the DNC, then deal with Wall Street
exactly let's make an example of out the Wells Fargo scandal!!! Jail time for the real crooks!!!
but when $$ controls congress - $$ can legislate & $$ can influence. Am I naive? Trump admits as much.
Stephanie JOY Smith
Reform dumb systems & quit discriminating against whites & wealth.
should protest.
This election we have a choice between George Wallace without his Xanax & Richard Nixon lite, Nixon looks good now.
cynthia jackson
System too corrupt Wall Street is owned and operated by the very criminals that need prosecuted !
Simon Houck
(?) Are you speaking a bout the PRES.USA.SURE SEEM LIKE IT. THE PEOPLE ARE A WAKE.STOP BS.
Monty Capuletti ☘
Do NJ residents find irony in
preaching ethics & morals to
A bit, but also as an ex WF employee, I'm glad to see everything we went through to come to public light.
Brad Pade
What about senators who do the same?
Do you really believe a
would support that?
Nancy Skartveit
Hopeless Deplorable
Hillary's State Department sought land deal for Nigerian firm with ties to Clinton Foundation
we need Global Peace
lol lol your joking you spurt clinton no one belive you any moor SIR
Funny I was just think that this morning !
Hear Say
Should we do the same to Presidents for corrupt actions of their Secretaries of State?
Viper Duck
Massive frauds? I see that more as a firing squad thingie.
Full support! Hang these crooks up by their thumbs. US Laws must be brought to bare to the full extent.
Compliance Campaign
Only problem is she endorsed a presidential candidate who will keep the Wall Street fraud alive and well.
- You watched
, silence
and take
payoff. You lost ALL credibility on this subject
hari makwan
(No comment)
I've met Purcell, Mack & Pandit. People are serious when faced with jail as a possible consequence. Money is fungible
jim harris
What about when a cabinet level person is criminally irresponsible with top secret information?
You both should feel abject shame for pretending you aren't enabling the most Bank owned pet on the block. Shame
Jack L.
in other words, it won't change, since they've almost entirely funded Hillary's campaign!
bill Kendall
substitute Politicians for Wall Street & executives in your statement
Then there wouldn't be anyone left to fill politician's pockets???
Hillary should also be held accountable! Lies, Illegal server, erasing emails, Benghazi , slush fund, pay to play!
Is My Post Stupid
Time to re-evaluate the role of the "corporate veil" in protecting fraudsters from punishment
I am THIS close to ripping off my baby blue bumper-sticker and fucking losing it. Betrayal, unconscionable betrayal.
maria kind
why no calling of back up and helo's like for poor innocent man in Tulsa? Here is a REAL criminal.
Politicians must face jail time. They accepted the bribes in the first place.
Papa Bear
prosecute them
maria kind
When r u going to speak up for oppressed black Bro's and Sis's, Sanders?
Deplorabus Infidelis
they tried to get the main culprit but your King stepped in. Shut up you confused loon
Robert Wilson
I would go to jail for it. I am not a bank exec. Or Trump. Rich are pampered. Money buys favor. There is no equality
Kaden Kirtley
If that's true, then why are you supporting Hillary? Sellout.
is right the only change that the American people would except is 4 u to give back the 30 Pieces of silver JUDAS
Spark Emerald
along with their leader Hillary Clinton
Santa Fe
Same for people who head up fraudulent Charity Foundations
Bring the fucking
because I can't bear to see another liberal selling out everything their voters want
Hey you two .. who went to prison over the biggest financial crisis ever? The taxpayers got screwed AGAIN, so STHU!
Bring Bernie Back
Yes. Lets fine them to 10 years of playing tennis and eating steak sandwiches.
Hillary as u said is owned by Wall Street with Super Pacs. " she is not qualified to be president" YOU ARE SO RITE!!
RICO prison seizures
I don't date refs.
Serious fraud verdicts (wen indisputable) shd warrant deaþ penalty.
Stephen Sforza
like others.. I'm ignoring your biased and wacko our remarks.. your dead to me..
Agreed! As with government. When are you going to take the knife out of our backs and stop supporting
Then why do you two support Hillary? She will not divulge her speeches 2 Goldman Sachs, the epicenter of Wall Street
Vishrut Manseta
So what's stopping you. You're in government. You have the power. Why the lack of action???
Michael Archangel
be sure to Include the Clinton Foundation Fraud as's just as bad.
Sometimes I think those that intentionally defraud the people & threaten the economy should be charged w/ treason against the US
Or, they should never be allowed to run for office if they LIE about their ethnicity! Massive FRAUD!
john whitacre
does that include hiLIARy ????
Deplorable Neal
And what about politicians like
spending time in jail?
Ed Lachcik
if u believe that
would all be up on charges for GSE theft
Mary Grizzle
both of you keep the pressure up to make them accountable
Yes And Wall Street is in the tank with Hillary. She is corrupt.
lmao...You & warren capitulated to the massive fraud that is Hillary Clinton...
Michael Glaze
seems that the same could be said for the killing of unarmed black men in this country.
Not asap rocky
yes jail time and the fines should go to the us regular ppl that at the bottom. We sure would like to eat good 4once
Nate S
The only way politicians will change is when they face jail time when they preside over massive frauds
Mattheu Farmer
Then stop supporting Hillary, who is bought and paid for by those executives.
Does that include Treasury Secretaries? This...
Making a Bagholder - Episode 1
A "Conserv"-inator is Born A True Story 8 years in the making. Venezuela? Nope. Argentina? Guess again. Russia? Not even close. Witness the brazen fraud that...
Maria v Tomlinson
hillary should be locked up too
It won't happen unless serious changes are made in the FBI and DOJ
Lloyd Guilfoyle
And how is that done with a Mrs. Goldman Sachs as President..?
Jail the banksters
Jail the
Bernie Sanders
is right: "The only way that Wall Street will change is if executives face jail time when they preside over massive frauds.”
When shielded from punishment, integrity only thing that protects us from bankers - and they have no integrity.
Michelle oh
what protects us from gov
Alex C L2903
how about making fines exceed profit gained by illegal activity?
quit tweeting and get going on this. The American people support your stance, just need action from you and congress
meanwhile you endorsed Hillary when she'll never ever do that. So speaking of frauds.
the time traveler
your opinion on
Randy Ulfarman
Speaking of massive fraud, how are you doing with your three houses?
it's called Subverted Sarbanes/Oxley. Ask any CPA.....protects execs.
Wrong. Why don't you follow your pot dream and just de-criminalize their behavior? Problem solved.
Shay Shay
Iceland has been in recovery because they bailed out their ppl, jailed the bankers & enacted reforms.
How can WS exec face jail when major political leaders owe them favors as they get paid $225K apiece for each speech.
John Douglas Morrel
They need to face massive fines too. Hit them where it hurts. Take away the thing they worship. Money.
Jonathan Christo
Not true. The better way is to open them up to unlimited liability civil suits with lowered pleading standards.
Marco Saba
No need to be 'massive' to face jail for normal citizen.
Boris Badenov
Meanwhile both of you get cozy with Citigroup's girl.
robert gleason
Better option: throw anyone in jail who ever ran an organization that did anything bad!! Start w every POTUS ever
Natasha Chesson
thats why all american should
he can stop the corruption
chet silverman
Hillary is Wall Street wake the f^*k up
alien from earth
How about we do the same with politicians?
and you back a nominee who has taken $$$ from Wall Street for giving them "pep rallies"
Michelle Sweeten
Throw their criminal asses n jail! U can bet ur candy ass if this was just a Joe, there wld b justice!
Ingrid E Baptista
But what did
promise them instead? Release Wall St transcripts!
Michelle oh
isn't fraud already a crime. Shouldn't gov be prospecting those who commit it. Don't leave out Fanny and Freddy
Mike Mauch
they should start with
Michelle oh
let's make congressmen responsible for fraud perpetrated on their watch also
Teal Couture
tell hillary that!