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These streaming millennial criminals, or what we call “striminals,”
181 replies and sub-replies as of Sep 22 2016

(this is from a report by @anatomymedia on ad blocking and tv piracy, melodramatically entitled "Millennials At The Gate")
oh my god it is real
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you can almost see 2 entire words of content on this page
pssst Firefox mobile supports plugins, so you can block ads on your phone/tablet
With websites like that, I wonder who DOESN'T use #adblock'ers... @hilare_belloc @anatomymedia
you're making this up
you've been hit by
whatthefuckamireading.jpg user experience is god! content availability #1! so let's figure out how to force ads
they have this huge fuckin study of potential customers and then just ignore them. why are these people in business
i thought that meant ppl who violate noise ordinance with grass cutting
stream criminal -alien ant farm
thanks, striminals. thtriminals.
ahhahaha oh god i almost certain that was written as a joke but then it got by the editor and welp
reports like this are great because they show the increasingly desperate attempts of old media to get their heads round modern kids
guess I'm a young rebel, or Yebel, now. *sigh* portmanteaus suck.
was this self-reporting? 90% of males millennials hav giant penis
How many percent? ...Nice.
you've been hit by.......... a smooth striminal
It says “Of that group,”
allegedly millenial as a phrase refers to anyone born post 1980, so if the older ones are 36, then yeah there'd be 'young'
the oatmeal comic tho!...same for everything; music, games, tv, movies. Paying customers get punished...
also the quality from legal sources is often fucking garbage
i've paid for HD stuff on amazon and paid for streaming services and then the quality is often trash
when the choice is "perfect quality and free" vs "shitty quality and paid" then, well...
really sucks for when i want to pay to support something i like and they give me no good choices :/
watching one right now tbh
Cooth Striminal
I didn't choose the striminal's life; the striminal life chose me.
Not on my damn watch.
Buddy, this is what I came here for
Michael Jackson: "You've been hit by, struck by, what I call a 'smoominal'."
Good. I could watch some strimi.
snake people or what we call "Sneople"
you've been hit by you've been struck by
person is too excited to try to coin a term
strilleminals, surely
try new Toaster Striminals
I think they mean 69% of young millenials use YouTube, Pandora + others; and 60% use their parent's Netflix, Hulu, etc
You've been struck by, a smooth striminal!
Not to be confused with "smoominals", or smooth millennial criminals.
If many media providers didn't make it so difficult to access their products, people wouldn't go elsewhere to find it.
"young millennials"
easy to mock when you're a *checks best practice guide* ... Knock-off Nigel?
Are Millienials ruining shitty geo-locked streaming media policies? [Gods, I hope so]
with 4G you can be a smooth striminal..... #GetMyCoat
Won't somebody please think of the strildren?
it doesn’t help that the what, when, and where aren’t often provided by the companies that produce the content.
and we are always going to get it because we are good at internets
strime is strimulating
at first: "haha good one, no one would actually pen that" but then
69% of millennials are the sex number
You've been watched by, you've been streamed by, a cool striminal
Hahahahaha 69 though. (Appropriate reaction? I think so. *goes back to illegal streaming or whatever*)
This needs a Law and Order SVU @FINALLEVEL ("Ice T") Meme like no other.
what's your reason for watching movies while drawing stuff on
this is the stupidest campaign ever. Thanks MPAA.
You'll love this one, Joe.
I'm excited for the new Internet Crime Drama where a team of experts tracks down "Striminals"
my mom was watching a show like that and they were talking about ICQ in the most serious way like chill it's ICQ
You wouldn't download a car...
stop right there striminal scum
This cannot be real I'm pulling a "replace your reality w/ my own" & saying no, we have not reached this point.
Stop trying to make striminals happen, Gretchen!
where is this from? It's amazing!
I'm younger than I thought then!
*GASP* we made it a crime for ppl to rip their legitimately purchased media and now there are CONSEQUENCES?
You've been hit by You've been struck by A smooth striminal
Who is this mysterious "we" who is alleged to call them that?
correction: 69% of young millennials are broke
they might be able to avoid this issue if they didn't make people wait weeks or even months to stream legally.
God damn, they really hate the idea of freedom. Like that is the main takeaway. @hilare_belloc
Not as though they work, how would they pay?
That's right. Fuck Comcast.
this is a word crime worse than stories with a z
Somehow that's worse than "Sneeple" for "Snake People"
oh fuck they found that millennials use youtube
Also known as YouTube users?
You've been hit by You've been struck by A smooth striminal
Annie are you ok??
The sad irony is that the song was illegally downloaded by smooth striminals.
mate you’ve outdone yourself
do i know you?? Jk
I have never - and I mean NEVER - heard the term "striminals" before :|
think they hoped it'll catch on. Doubt it
coming soon: "Striminal Minds"
Striminal Minds new on CBS
you've been hit by... you've been struck by...A Smooth Stiminal
How about giving the video industry a huge middle finger?
Them Smooth Striminals!
Also the word "striminals" is a bigger crime against the human race than any illegal streaming.
*Fiona Apple voice* 🎵 What I need are some good torrents, cuz I'm feeling like a striminal~🎵
but what does a striminal eat to stay in...strim? And why isn't it streaminal?
70% of baby boomers wish they could figure out how.
You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a smooth striminal
That's happened to me before - it's really painful…
and what about the old millenials? Why is nobody talking about them?!
sorry that we are knowledgeable enough to not pay $50/month for cable + $50/month for internet + $50 for the HBO package
because if you think I'm paying $150/month to watch Game of Thrones you're out your godamn mind
that sounds like that snake people meme omg I goose that's a joke
welcome to the new normal, entertainment companies. Deal with it
why not strilleniaminals?
too many syllables
true, I've been trying to say it out loud since I wrote it.
you've been hit by, you've been struck by, a smooth striminal... or what we call "smoostriminals"
the tronc of the underworld
my favorite Eminem song
cause I'm a STRIMINAL
What's funnier? Striminals or the fact that the generation before me introduced me to Internet piracy?
What do you call that feeling when you have cringe exhaustion, but additional cringe causes to lose health points?
My parents stream illegally way more than I do
First they came for the bar soap, and I said nothing.
The tall, thin ones, generally the most wily, are known to those in the crime biz as "strallthiniminals."
*bleeds from the eyes*
Strime doesnt pay
let's "take back" striminals like racists "took back" deplorable
the way they say "they watch what they want, when they want" sounds so petulant.
are they smooth striminals tho?
not calling them 'criminal streamers' or 'creamers' is a missed opportunity IMO
they watch dumb ass movies for free, and the cops can't even arrest them
Dat sex number tho…
A "whopping" 60%. Golly, that sure is a lot.
"Why do people use Ad Blockers?" "To avoid Ads" is supposed to be some sort of deep insight into our evil brains
It’s ridiculous to imply that this is criminal activity. Instead, how about USUC (“Users of Streamed Unauthorized Content”)?