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mimi smartypants
Either Thomson Reuters is being painfully honest or someone doesn't really get how a Venn diagram works.
33 replies and sub-replies as of Sep 22 2016
The American Caliban
thank you, I needed that
Liz B
OMG! That is hilarious!! Love me some Ven Diagram humor
Pete Campbell
I think they stole that slide from
or BOTH?
Erin K Saunders
This IS the company that willingly embraced a toilet-flush logo. Some graphic designer out there is a hero!
Shawn Stone
Seems a bit generous to Thomson Reuters.
John Mørke
Rosie Rainbow
They missed maths class that day. It turns the graphic into a very brand and reputation damaging tool.
Jennifer B.
Or they don't even know what a Venn diagram is.
Tristan Buckner
venn diagrams aren't always proportional. They just visually enumerate logical relations (intersections, etc)
Jim Cappio
I believe that's why the "painfully honest" qualification is there.
ragazza pazza
Dunno, looks pretty accurate for most organizations
They just don't learn -…
Ryn Miake-Lye
goes really well with the toilet swirl logo
Gigi Rodgers
As someone who was a sub-contractor for them 15 years ago, at least back then I would have said "both"
Darryl Daugherty
No, mass media really is that sketchy.
I can't even think of a narrative where this makes sense.
Steven R Clark
it can be both ...
Frank Ch. Eigler
business graphics use mathematical designs (topologies, sets, etc.) only to amaze, not to communicate
(No comment)
Hilary Shroyer
Hilary Shroyer
oh. Yeah, I didn't do that. But for more Venn fun, follow
Brandon Reid
Ron Pyke
One vote for "Painfully Honest."
Sr.Software Engineer
it is used to confuse the innocent and protect the guilty or is the other way around? Anybody's guess ....
Marie E McVeigh
it could be both.
"make it look like they're holding hands"
Mitja Kolsek
Come on, there is clearly *some* overlap.
Hassan Am
The amount of text used made this an amazing coincidence I suppose