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oh hey look at the date today
161 replies and sub-replies as of Sep 22 2016

Today would be a good day for @realDonaldTrump to release his tax returns.
Alas - Donnie prefers to blame his unreleased tax returns on anything but himself
Mitt Romney didn't show his tax return until SEPTEMBER 21, 2012, and then only after being humiliated by Harry R! A bad messenger for estab!
so you're saying there's a chance
#Trump tax returns contain much info that can kill his run for the Presidency; no doubt about it. #TrumpPence16 #TrumpTrain
You trust him and that is fine. What if by some chance is was hiding something though? Wouldn't it be good to know?
Correction; I believe Trump is hiding a great deal of damaging information and he could go to jail if it's released.
Which voters should be allowed to see.
maybe we can get Harry R to humiliate Trump?
And mittens Romney is a loser. Mr.Trump is a winner.
Look at the time! 4:47 a.m. The early bird gets the scam
how long has this been waiting in your queue to tweet?
Course, he's a con man.
if there is nothing in them, he'll release them a week before the election, so the press spergs out over nada
But if there is something in them, I bet he doesn't release them until post-election.
no it's for maximum effect. The press is going to attack him on it no matter what, so free press.
also if nothing is there then they, and Hillary by proxy look ridiculous.
if there is something in them then he never releases them
because he has enemies in both parties and criminal proceedings / impeachment would be imminent.
these enemies are why I'm not scared of his presidency, congress would hate him as a whole.
He was a birther for years then comes out and thinks a single statement undoes that. People didn't care.
so don't overestimate the phenomenon of looking foolish. It doesn't seem to matter to most people.
well no one cares Hillary started all that in 08
yeah, because she didn't. Trump just traded one conspiracy theory for another.
it's not a conspiracy theory if you can prove it. Sidney Blumenthal, Hillary's fixer, started that.
but you can't prove it. That's the thing.
at worst an advisor suggested something similar (but not the same), but they never pursued it.
and even if that were true, why did he follow her on it? He doesn't trust her on anything else.
how is that a point in his favor? It just shows he just says whatever fits his needs at the time.
who ever said it was a point in his favor😉
I bet there is something in them.Five dollars.I'll mail it to you if I'm wrong & if we ever know
I just think he's not as dumb as he pretends to be.
that is even scarier.
I don't see how that's possible. He's pretty f'n stupid.
to all appearances, yes, but then look how he plays the media like a Fiddler
I've never said that US Media is Mensa material. They're in it, to make a buck.
they are to Trump what Helga is to Arnold. They are so Tsundere for him
he wont release them because there's a ton of things in there like not paying any &/or tax fraud
if I remember correctly, @realDonaldTrump also criticized/shamed Romney about hiding taxes.
WOW! That's calling the kettle black!
hey, you know who else didn't release their tax returns?? Ronald Regan.
also the one who started the debt we're in spending it on military supplies just to have the loudest bark in the cold war :P
I'm OK with that. Speak softly and carry a BIG stick is a wise strategy. & if u wanna talk debt Obama has outspent all previous
That's just common knowledge I really don't think spending money we don't have is a smart choice ever But that's just me
that's misleading. He has spent more in raw dollars, but Reagan added a much higher percentage.
I stand by my previous statement. He's increased our national debt more than every US president combined.
that's your opinion and your welcome to it. I merely stated a fact. And you know what they say of opinions right ;3
do you understand the diff between deficit and debt? W. created largest deficit ever, O. inherited it.
IIRC, Obama added 70%, Reagan more like 130%.
I'd be happy with one year from Donald.
Reagan released one year of tax returns actually.
bold faced lie. Every candidate since Nixon released their tax returns, including Regan.
I think it was Ford that didn't release.
you misunderstand the Drumpf. The bad message is accepting shame and humiliation.
So, today is the day you release you returns? For the last 16 years?
he's like an idiot Nostradamus. @captpayne
Trump should just change his campaign slogan to nyaaah nyaaah ny-nyaaaaaaaah nyaaah you can't make me
If clinton shows her emails, health record, and taxes Trump will show his taxes. Her 3 huge problems vs his 1. lol
Clinton has released her medical records and taxes. Trump hasn't released either.
😂 👍👍
I believe he even got the date wrong.
Trump loves to boast, if he was as successful as he claims then he'd be showing his returns to the world, obviously hiding info
according to Trump's lawyer, his returns have been under audit since '09 - so he knew then his couldn't be released
Returns can be released even if they’re under audit.
I get this;but if *Trump* is claiming they can't be released now, the same would apply then...and he still shamed Romney.
Except the IRS stated the audit does NOT prevent Trump from releasing his tax returns. #DonTheCon @tomtomorrow @billprady
I realize all that - I'm mocking Trump's hypocrisy, not suggesting he can't release his returns.
They can be released according to the statement the IRS put out.. Has no bearing on audit ..period
Trump stared the Romney tax return hunt. Harry Reid finished it.
also a bad message - hatred of women, brown people, kissing Putin's ass and bashing HERO vets
Politicians are bad. Yeah
I'm an African. I've seen some bad politicians in my time, believe me, but this guy's giving THEM a run!
Truthfully... My Heart sees them as Loveless souls one and all. It's a sick sad joke played out before the world
By the way Don, Harry Reid has been humiliating you for months
yeah, but he's anti-establishment so it's cool 🙄
It's now or never.....the deadline has approached!!
What day is it? Candidate tax reveal day!
but he's not establishment. He's anti-establishment.
Hey, give @realDonaldTrump a break - Every con-man knows you don't show the details to your tricks!
Yep! Guess we should see those tax returns any minute now...
he may have delayed, @realDonaldTrump , but he never lied about why he was concealing it, you knuckle-dragging twit
But NOTHING could ever humiliate PT Trump.
Hey Donnie where are those returns #whereyourreturnbitch.
I see now its his turn to b Harry Reids b to the itch
It's not too late Donald. #ReleaseTheReturns
And thank you for this gift tweet.
He paid taxes @ Capital gains rate. Big Q is: Did the Donald pay any taxes, what so ever?
Reckon this would've been a good day for @realDonaldTrump to release his tax returns? I think so. Yes, indeed.
That's okay to make a mistake, but when you live with mistakes everyday like Trump not good.
no reason not to relax the previous years bout being audited
damnit release, not relax
Donnie - did you really say this? Shame, shame
Donald J. Trump is not man enough to release his tax returns so voters can commence with serious vetting...
He will NEVER release them. We should organize and DEMAND them.
Be a man of word not a man of lie. Too much asking? Hope not.
What a hypocrite. A real journalist would ask Trump about this. MSM???
Mitt Romney lost
I love you soooooo much!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
HC destroys 10,000s of subpoenaed docs &gets a pass. Trump doesn't release taxes (legal) and u are up in arms.#WhatIsSheHiding?
release your tax returns, Don the Con!
Hey @realDonaldTrump, do you remember the 21st night of September?
Wow, never noticed it. But he wouldn't to many lies. Guess his big donors will stop now if they're smart.
the coward of @realDonaldTrump won't show his taxes, he's just in the run to line up his pockets with lots of $$$@Donkey_Feed
I expect the news to their job and Shame Trump to stand by his tweet! Waiting?
Actually ignore my previous tweet, I almost forgot Trump is shameless!
Forget Mr. Romney, where is yours today??
If it's the autumnal equinox, it must be Show Us Your Taxes Day!
Trump says Romney lost because he released his taxes. There is only 1 reason Trump will never release his taxes. He would lose.
only the @realDonaldTrump can constantly slap himself in the face and look good doing it.
This needs to be retweeted a million times! @tomtomorrow @Ti_FusedCynic
Apparently we need to call Sen. Reid.
Lol! Thats what a 5yr old would say "But he didn't show his until Sep21st an I don't want 2 show mine" do I have 2
Suggesting that Trump to look at the date today or address the facts is asking too much of him.He only has eyes for himself.
Say that again Mr. Trumpo...
What applies to others does not apply to him. Having money gives you mindset no one can touch you, you rule, you are king.
Donnie----you are no Mitt Romney!!!!
So, today's question is...Will you be an even bigger loser than Mitt? What are you hiding?
WHAT ABOUT 9/22 Mr. Drumpf, need to see those tax returns NOW.
It is September 22nd.Trump still has not released his taxes.These should have been secured BEFORE he ran for President.
Well let's see, what would it take to humiliate trump? Seems like every word out of his mouth should have done it.
#peeonsomebody Donald Trump. Great hashtag !
I don't think voters care they know trump is a loser already
For your reference in future stories/debates @CNN @LesterHoltNBC @MarthaRaddatz @andersoncooper @nbc
please shut Trump the Fredd up!!!
Happy Belated @GOP taxes day! Looks like @realDonaldTrump is fashionably late to the party, as usual 🙄
GOP picked Pence. If elected, they will impeach Trump to have Pence President.
today is September 22nd.. trump was amongst the people who called for Romney to realise his tax returns. Double standards!
At least he did show it, The #OrangeLooney will never do that.
That's your excuse???Oh my.....🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈👎👎👎👎
people who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.
so u compare urself with others grow up show ur tax returns like a big man should really. MAN UP
you can't possibly humiliate the Donald.
You can't trust the American people with your tax returns why should we trust you to run our economy!
On top of being unfit you're untrustworthy!
Yeah didn't you know? Trump was a Democrat.
yea i knew that, it's just awesome that he won't release his tax info either