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NEW --> The gang is getting back together: the cast of The West Wing will campaign for @HillaryClinton in stops across Ohio this weekend.
189 replies and sub-replies as of Sep 22 2016

Who cares
thank you all!
First time I ever wanted to be in OH! Good luck!
I'll raise $10,000 to have Toby Ziegler yell at me about the perils of Trump-style fascism.
I will 100% set this up on @tilt. Already talking to their head of growth. DM if want to partner! @TheBlackLight77 @IanSams @Richard_Schiff
But... Would Mr Schiff do it?!!
OMG if President Bartlett knocked on my door, I would DIE. <3
so far Sen. Arnold Vinick has yet to endorse his party's nominee
My Favorite show! Love it!
Jesus H Dawkins.The left is totally clueless
Love it! Thank you all 😄❤️🇺🇸
That is so awesome!!!
Right before she endorses the TPP again! 😡
wish they were REAL!
so.Its about policy and what they will do notfamous pple they throw in front of us.same as if u put shit on a stool
except not Sheen
WOW-dream team!
Parts of the cast came to my college in 2000 to campaign for @algore I really hope the outcome isn’t the same…
I mean he did get more votes than the other guy...
W got 100% of the black vote, 100% of the Italian vote, and 100% of the female vote.
hoe awesome is that!
SO HAPPY to hear this - even as a Canadian!
Good looking crew!
OK what's next?
Wish it was IOWA
a group of douchebags
That's disappointing.
Are they going to explain what happened to "Sam" or will it not be in character?
great cast. Crappy cause
meanwhile millennials are wondering what "the west wing" is and why all these old rich people r lecturing them to vote for a crook
YES!!! I loved this show.
ALL THE YESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How can we find out where?
who is the blonde next to Josh?
This makes me so happy!
why oh why not here! :)
Cool.. rich celebrities, no deplorables allowed
I love this cast!
let Bartlett be Bartlett!
well if @BWulfie wasn't already voting for @HillaryClinton this would put him over the top!
Some1 should craft a Miniseries fast &show how DESTRUCTIVE @realDonaldTrump presidency'd be 4AMERICA!
Grasping at straws, @HillaryClinton ?
because that is definitely what will rile up those working class voters, hollywood celebrities!
Love it!! Come to WI please!
Was just the BEST TV EVER
Actors, nothing more.
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will there b vids of this?
che dio ce la mandi buona
a bunch of pretend politicans? This is funny
U realize even she's not campaigning?
Isn't that the show where the candidate hid an illness to get elected?
Hi Michelle! Could you support Hillary in our open poll? Your vote would help a ton, vote here:
miss this show
I would 💕 West Wing back on the air! You guys up 4 it
TV show that covered up candidate's major health issues during an election stumps for HRC! Brilliant!
where can we find out details?!
No Rob Lowe though
Ohio is so lucky!
20 Hours in America redux!
Let's write in for Martin!!!
a cancelled show! Who cares-They are actors . She will still lose. But keep calling Hollywood 4 help
Racist Hillary? No thanks!
What a tragic shame!
Lord, I miss that show.
West Wing kept me sane thro Bush presidency. Will we have 2 look 2 F&C Underwood 4 good sense & decency if Trump wins?
Please come to Colorado, we love you. Best show EVER!!!
What about Joey Lucas?
Pretty weak when u have to get fake politicians to try and get people enthused. #StillSanders. ~ MA
I think it's more that they, like a lot of celebrities, are supporting Sec. Clinton. I think it's cool.
they are real people too, in fact mainly!
That, too. Thank you.
the lame levels here--incredible, off the charts. Originator of this idea lacks style and sophistication.
no words 💕🤗🍾🙌🏻😂
one of my favorite shows, with an excellent cast, but they will NEVER get me to support @HillaryClinton #WestWing
so great to you all again!
The fake aging was close-ish
@marycmccormackAny in Toledo?
Omio omyo o Cleveland Ohio
Hey guys come to NH!!
CJ Cregg to Columbus please!
mistaking celebrity for credibility
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Details? Anywhere near Cleveland? Want to be a part of this!!
spectacular news! That is still 1 of my FAV shows of all time! Come ti WI !!
Cool 👏🏻❤️👏🏻
Love it...where?
How awesome!! Thank you all!
come to oklahoma!
Thst is the best pic I've seen all week
Too cool for school!
...bring your Skittles!
this is my ovr the moon face
I love how they always invite that late series NSA woman for no apparent reason
yeah, couldn't remember who she was for a second
when are you coming to Dayton? What a dream! #Hillary2016
So you're saying that Hillary has FINALLY stepped up from using fake followers huh?
If u guys come to Indpls
@marycmccormackI will get u2 airprt on time
Real Q: I was talking yesterday with friends about live steaming West Wing, Contender, Zootopia, Ameriacan president @IanSams @alex_421
Can we make that happen? @BreitbartNews is offering free #clintoncash for all, can we respond with our movies? @IanSams @alex_421
They go right, #sjw go center. The center will hold, for we are the center. Including the West Wing, cuz #obviously @IanSams @alex_421
Let me know, a lot of people have never seen these shows, those who do tend to agree with #SJW that #lovetrumpshate @IanSams @alex_421
Those shows are awful.
NBC and Disney are pretty touchy about copyright
Why I got into politics!
oh ma ga...oh ma gaaad
And they haven't changed a bit! :-)
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LMAO!!! In other words, Hillary can't continue her campaign and needs celebrities to prop her up.
Where's Ainsley?
On the right side!
This makes me so happy