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Amazing picture -- everyone is taking a selfie. No one looking at Clinton.
2016, ya'll.
105 replies and sub-replies as of Sep 26 2016

its more a testament to modern culture needing to feel IN the moment by not being in the moment....
A selfie capturing Clinton in the frame.
how do they not understand? It is literally about being WITH HER in the picture.
Think they just like to make snarky sexist remarks.
that's too heavy assumption. Not sexist, just uninformed as to current nuance of technology.
They use the same technology. There's no lack of understanding.
so employees at Snapchat twitter Facebook & Instagram all sit back and sleep all day at work ?
not haplessly working to convert non-tech people onto their platform.. that was just a rumor
Reporters use phones for photos too. Not sure why you're going off on other tangents.
you are condescending, and obviously missing the point
you called his remark sexist... I should've stopped replying then
So as a woman I'm not allowed to perceive his remark about women photographing themselves with a woman sexist? #mansplaining
Not at all what I said. It's just inaccurate. Not sure why you're going off on a tangent.
You'd hope that an LA Times reporter would understand how selfies and phone cameras work.
what I said is about not being able to identify with the trends
Modern politics must adapt to this paradigm shift. Millennials need to feel they are a part of the election and they are not.
the vast majority of people taking selfies in that pic don't look young enough to be called "millennial".
if you vote in election won't you be part of election🤔
if you dont have a horse in the race why watch the race?
more than one race going on
success is not a zero sum game. Everyone can win
easier job for the secret service agents
Isn't it possible HRC said "Everybody get a selfie"?
this was my first thought
They're all looking at Clinton you dimwit. They're looking at her on their screens.
easy, Mike. Chris commented on the photo itself, not the act of "not looking" it is a cool photo @ChrisMegerian @Bencjacobs
How dare you call me 'easy'. That was a malicious rumor put about by my mother.
and themselves. "Me and Hilary." Me, me, me, me, me, me, me!
They're looking at their screens then rather than her. Dimwit.
Here's looking at you through my screen, kid. :)
efficient solution.
my dude.......... this is a geriatric ass tweet..........
art appreciation is in the eye of the beholder @ChrisMegerian #ImWithHer
uhhh, isn't that the point of the set-up?
supporting Hillary at this point is more a function of people preserving self image than liking her.
Yes, they are. Through the viewfinder.
Oh yeah that's shocking!
Chris, they're trying to take a selfie with Clinton in it. Nobody looking at clinton?
I really hope we forget about the selfie in 2017
Fact Check: False. Some are looking. Now you know how Trump feels :)
durr hburr technology is bad fire is scary and thomas edison was a witch @ChrisMegerian
...but every camera is, and she's in every picture
Americans been turning their backs on HRC for more than a quarter century.
Amazing how clueless you are. They're taking selfies with Clinton in them. They're ALL looking at her! #smfh
The stupidity of commenters to this tweet is staggering. OMG ya'll they are taking a picture of an opposite wall! Sick burn!
if you look closely though most of the screens I can see have her in the background....
They are all taking selfies with Clinton behind them.
Of course they're looking at her: backwards + thru their camera lens to get themselves in the shot!
Selfie with Clinton en mass.
has Hills nicked that box from Tim Farron or was it a gift from Sarko/Hollande?
if you look directly at her, you turn to stone.
hilarious that you don't know what's really going on
It was a selfie photo op for this purpose - truth in reporting much, guy?
#Hillary again in another see of white.
Amazing picture -- everyone is taking a selfie. No one looking at Clinton.
Victor Ng on Twitter
“2016, ya'll.”
FACT CHECK: Wrong. (((Man))) with beard and glasses in middle.
u r a reporter n trying tell a story the pic refutes. They are selfies to show HRC behind them.
unless that's an amazing coincidence, I'd suggest that's choreographed purposefully
they ARE looking at her. Thru screens w/ themselves in the foreground. Talk abt #FalseEquivalence
She’s part of the selfie
plot twist - that was the idea, they were suppose to do that
ah, interesting! That would make sense of it.
Society is lost.
Great box though😊
But some people are looking at her And you bet the cameras are pointed at her It's not that amazing of a pic Failed analysis
DUH they are taking selfies with her.
Amazing yes! Because they are taking selfies with the front camera in their phone so she's in the selfie too!
except they are, everyone taking a 'selfie' is taking a pic of Clinton, idiot knee jerk comment...
seems like they set it up as "take a selfie with hrc" no?
Um. They are all taking a selfie WITH Clinton, dingbat.
well would you want to look at that harpy?! The only selfie I want with her is #CrookedHillary in handcuffs. #goals #MAGA
I loathe my generation
context is important, they arent just taking a selfie it's including her &actually is more inclusive
But they're all posting with this caption "SQEEEEEE! I got THIS CLOSE to Hillary; our next President!"
its a reverse selfie which allows the masses to take a selfie with one person.
Selfies: a reflection of being about me.
& Somewhat Disturbing how Self–absorbed, Self–Obsessed society has become. It's ADDICTED to Virtual Reality.
Not totally accurate-- they're all looking at Clinton, just through their phones.
Dumbo that is your girl #HillarysBodyDouble Note the thin legs! @PrisonPlanet @DBloom451
I wonder if this is right after someone in charge said "Ok, let's do a group selfie with Hillary!"
Isn't it glaringly obvious they're all taking selfies with Clinton in the background?
Hmm, I thought they were all performing a Klingon shaming ritual whilst reading Trump's Twitter timeline.@ChrisMegerian
Would you? If you look in her eyes without a mirror, u turn to stone.
You don't think she probably suggested they all do that at the same time?
agreed. Had to have been "staged."
Are you sure @realDonaldTrump is just not on the other side of the room?
Looking directly at #Hillary will turn you into a pillar of petrified shit.
um. If they are selfieing then they are all seeing her, the historic candidate, in the frame w themselves.
Unbelievable. Sign of the times.
Because the West is about the self. And that will be our downfall. @victomato
Dumb Gruber, NPR was caught intentionally broadcasting LIES to mislead the public on Obama's Iran Nuke deal.
Sure they are! just through the screen.