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In preparation for a completely unpredictable Trump presidency, I sold all stocks in my kids' education accounts today. I urge u to do same.
566 replies and sub-replies as of Jan 17 2020

OMG! me and my husband talked about it this morning.
Hope you didn’t listen. Trump derangement syndrom is no reason to damage your children’s financial future.
if the polls remain the same...I'm cashing out my 401K. Can't risk having any investments if a Trump presidency.
i put my 401k in a guaranteed fund since he became the nominee.
very smart. This scares the hell out of me! These stupid millenials and third party idiots!!
so yall serious about this? Cant cash mine out. Do you think it's gonna be THAT BAD. But I agree #ELECTHILL
Keep an eye on the stock market as it reacts to the race tigthening. @kurteichenwald
The world stock market will not like a Trump prez b/c he is so unpredictable. @karamay80_kara @kurteichenwald
^^^ will be brexit x 10 and it will stay that way!
Totally! A Trump prez will have far-reaching negative consequences worldwide. @kurteichenwald @Williams67James
Then why have stocks gone through the roof since Trump was elected? I'll be waiting for your "intelligent" answer.
Wow yall are so smart teach me your ways
not sure but experts have predicted a crash if he's elected. I can't afford to have another bush stock maeket nightmare
"market" sorry...Trump screwing up my grammar too. Lol
Even Mark Cuban has his billions on a plan if this fool gets in our house I need my $ so watch out people
^^^ you're so right!
Just looked at your's a bot account.
Do you folks look back at your posts and blush??? Man, I hope you figured out a way to cash them out too, like the imbecile who started this convo did....LMAO!
I was thinking the same thing. It's not much but when he's done it will be nothing
exactly. I don't have much either but I need it...esp considering social security will disappear damn scary.
Don't u take a penalty for that?
yep 10 percent unfortunately but it's better than 100 percent :(
Oh crap, now I have 2 worry about that! It's not enuff we have a 6th grade NAZI running for Pres, now 401k?😱
lol. Sorry love. This orange buffoon is scaring the hell out of all of us.
@karamay80_kara How long have we got?I'll move it in guaranteed 4 the 3% return.Ugh what a nightmare cuz of one man's ego!
look into it soon honey. I never hate anyone but I hate this man!
@karamay80_kara You and me both! And let's hope 60%+ of the country do too!
I think the good will outweigh the bad. I hope! #I'mwithher.
I moved overseas!
That won't help. Cash is the only safe position.
I'm in cash
I've always been suspicious about the market. One of the big lies of the 1980s Greed Era.
Buy GOLD!! *sponsored by the American Association of Gold Stuff
No...not even gold... Need canned food
You have gold too.
cash isn't safe either if your contention is true
It wasn’t true then. It was “let me put this on Twitter so I seem like a smart guy”. If he did do this, he’s a bigger moron than we ever thought.
Where in the house? Are u saying we could have another Depression?
If that's ever true, we'll have problems a lot bigger than investments under water.
I've got a vegetable garden and a well.
@Frankenyank wouldn't gold be better if your actually believe what your saying
Note to self...ignore Kurt
Go for the real cash bro: Physical Gold & Silver
Hopefully you aged better than this tweet, stupid.
Already??? You aren't taking ANY chances huh? 😯
we are all really F*d. Say bye bye to the 18000 Dow,,,,
...and then the idiots will all blame Obama.
And say Trump predicted it.
This aged well.
Now they give credit to Obama😂
$19+ TRILLION and counting...
Cause the recovery has been so awesome for the last 8 years that no one wants change.
Actually, I'd blame drama queens like you. @iYamWhutIAm
well he blamed bush for 8 yrs. what's good for lib idiots is good for trumpers.
Trump is Obama Jr. Thin skinned trash talking narcissist.
But instead, the idiots now/still keep trying to give obama the credit! 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
Are your children going to blame Obama for you for your yuge mistake?
Damn! Right! Trump will let Americans sue the Saudis and the Saudis will tweak that output n we pay 17$/gal
That won't matter to the vast majority of us who have no $$ to invest & work for private businesses.
It does.If you rent, your landlord owns the bldg whose mortgage n bldg materials are rooted in companies who trade
U have a car? Say bye-by to 2 dollar gas. U eat out? Commodities n futures of food products affected. it MATTERS
Good. Maybe we can work remotely more, get more public transit & end Fracking.
I’m waiting for a week prior to election. If he’s up enough all stocks go into safe bonds. Market hates uncertainty.
be careful. If he's at this place in polling then, you Might see an anticipatory correction.
Based on Wall Street analysis I just reviewed, market hasnt yet absorbed potential of Trump prez but there...
scary stuff!
Dumped all growth mutual funds today. Thing is DT will claim he predicted a crash.
see what happened to lse after surprise brexit vote
if he does get in as president don't you think the market will crash or at least YUGE drop
Not immediately. At least I dont think so. But once people realize he's actually unbalanced, yes.
I think it's time to say you really suck Snowflake.
Neither has the media...which will be "gamed" even further under Prez Trump. #SorryMedia a big correction anticipated if the polls keep moving toward him.
One week before election. That’s D-Day
Will Melania be kept in the coat check area?
All of his boys are shorting the market. We know Janet Yellen is gone.
October known for market crashes
Wonder where is a "safe" place for investments. One advisor is thinking the dollar? Really?
Don't scare my 401k. Please...
...sorry. I have to live in reality and protect my children from other people's stupidity.
I really respect your wisdom and insight Kurt but if DJT SOMEHOW pull this out I still
There have been too many of the higher echelon of the REPUBLICAN
establishment endorsed HILLARY CLINTON for DONALD TRUMP to win big
looks like teaparty swallowed up the establishment
business knows that DONALD TRUMP is detrimental to their interests he
has already sold them out to RUSSIA and other foreign investors that
he has been laundering money for, DONALD TRUMP gets loans from
foreign BANKS solely to launder money for foreign investors, and too
DONALD TRUMP or no other candidate can win with all WHITE for WHITE'S
A prayer along with getting 2 others to vote answers a prayer.
IF only the Milennials knew how vitally serious this election is,
only voters as DONALD TRUMP thinks that he can (no prejudice intended
think Enough of the legislation will Remember to defend what they been elected to do
if they could stonewall #POTUS for 8yrs im sure #DimWittedTrump would be fairly simple
Supreme Court. That's the whole ballgame.
These same people that are "helping" Flint? Am going to move financials around
The shorts are begging for Trump. Stocks, bonds, and cash are not safe with his big mouth.
Not US Treasuries.
Maybe a nice sharp dip is exactly what we need to wake people the fuck up. Before the election, please.
Idiots will blame Obama.
@Frankenyank Your seem to talking about yourself!
Now they are trying to give the credit to Obama for the good economy. Just proves how big of hypocrites dems are
Idiots will say it’s Obama’s economy
Idiots took your investment advice. Too bad they can't sue you for any lost gains you cost them.
Idiots will give Obama credit for the Stock Market Surge, unemployment at Record lows... There fixed it for you! #MAGA2020 #GreatAwakening #TheStormishere #QANON
This is fucking hilarious
His supporters don't care. Like abusive husbands, if they can't have the country nobody can.
Why are white men being such dicks?
I have never seen the polls move up and down so often so fast not sure I trust them anymore
😂😂😂😂 y'all are all dumba$$es
my plan as well. Everything moves to stable funds.
How is a Trump Presidency going to affect Canada - our economies are closely tied together. If you falter, we ....may.
did u really
Bonds aren't looking any safer. The budget nonsense bought us a ding, but that word "renegotiate".. no A expected.
Don't forget the Dollars/Ruble currency swap.
Im going all cash. The impact on the dollar at this point is unpredictable.
wouldn't gold be better then? Most of mine is in Gov TSP accts, I expect that'll be his piggy bank
you do realize that currency will be more volatile than precious metals right?
So you are worried about the dollar crashing but are rotating into dollars?
Concerned with US dollar... proceeds to invest all money in US dollars.
So how is the stock market now that trump is president for 3 years
Wow....that held up well...
Pull out of stocks at end of 2020 but not now.
If the market wasn't in the tank today I would do the same.
I just wish I could sell my house NOW! I've moved most of my investments to cash. Making hay while we still have Obama.
r u being serious??
- He probably was, and he's probably kicking himself right about now.
Brexit lost how many billions into thin air? UK coulda used that money. US could easily lose that much over night.
The Gov will find ways to bring wealth out of relative safety. Negative interest rates, make ownership of gold illegal..
Going to put my retirement in casino stocks. No, not really, but have been gradually cashing out.
I need to do that within the month, also looking at the Iberian peninsula or Panama, Costa Rica to live.
Nope. I know Trump. I have known him since 1987. I know what he is. You don't. U will learn if he wins, unfortunately.
the market is headed for a crash anyway. But I am holding short positions in prep.
You failed on your hit piece. Now, only have lies.
,,,and there is no way I am going to put my kids' education it the hands of ppl who are too dim to understand whats going on.
I have an MBA in Finance, a wife and daughter Read your entire piece in Newsweek...and am still voting for Trump! Im so dim!
Fine. Just remember, you own what happens. Don't blame everyone else. I know Trump. Have since 87. U dont. He's unbalanced....
Is there a list of the Hannitys out there that we can hold to account?@kurteichenwald
That MBA thing-just shows you do not have to be smart to be educated. Just determined and disciplined
I know good point. I shoulda just skipped school. And just said I'm voting for Hillary. Then I'm golden.
This MBA is totally with you, Kurt. @58isthenew40 @ArmMan2121
@BuryHeadInSand @ArmMan2121 Why do you people refuse to listen to the ones that know Trump personally?
I hope Hillary blows Trump away in that Debate tonight.
....and if you can't see that he's unbalanced, then yes, ur dim. Uncontrolled impulsiveness (insulting German, British, Saudi...
Speaking of dim, back #CrookedHillary who willfully insults every color of Americans. @kurteichenwald @sdvicto @ArmMan2121
...govnts, gold star family, etc), pathological liar and delusions of grandeur (I have a better memory than anyone, I know...
An astute summation !👍👏
...more about ISIS than the generals, I know more about the tax code than anyone, Im the best businessman ever). These are....
@BuryHeadInSand @ArmMan2121 I think Trump is full of Crap.
...the symptoms of a borderline personality disorder. And as one of his top guys told me in 1990: "He's mentally ill."....
my twin sons r LD w ADHD they behave the way trump does. T was sent to military school bc of his behavior It didn't help him
what is BPD exactly
MBA = Mostly Bullshit Anyway. It's a let's just make things up world. I work w/ these "wizards" every
so If I wasn't educated that would be better? or either way I am its long as I'm for Trump right?
no, but it doesn't give you any credence here or anywhere + Maybe it's a trump university MBA that's what my decisions are based on. What are urs? That he's a multiple-failed businessman? That he shouts stuff?
...u think as an MBA, it's smart 4 him 2 say "We'll default and renegotiate. No, we'll use debt to buy debt. No, we'll print $!"
He doesn't have an MBA, does he? He went to the undergrad finance program.
nah I actually do...BC...but in the end does it matter? if I said I was truck driver and liked Trump...u still would be pissed
I have an MBA. Trump apparently doesn't. Not a disqualifier, just one more distraction.
Nope. Trump didnt even get into wharton until his third year of undergrad. No MBA from anywhere.
So he doesn't even have an MBA, that's sad.
it's amazing he ever learned to be corrupt.
Even then,who *really* wrote his papers?
Find it very difficult to believe any Trump finished uni satisfactorily.
More numbers than papers and if it's a group project, someone else can write it up.
There's no way,on gaia's green earth,that Trump ever managed higher education.
They may have been hoping for a contribution from daddy.
as a Wharton grad I can tell you 50%+ transferred in as to not screw up the admission stats 😀
Really?! 😏 He always talks about going to Wharton. Thought he DJr & Ivanka all hadBS in Economics @kurteichenwald @elyse4design @ArmMan2121
Okay, can someone go out and dig up his transcripts. Should make for interesting reading.
,@ThisOneThing7 @elyse4design @ArmMan2121 Trump has been asked to release his transcripts, like he demanded from Obama. Refuses.
Well, for the record: I don't believe he has any sort of degree, or completed the coursework.
He has a BA in economics from Wharton, transferred in in jr yr.
Economics or finance?
Wiki says economics.
They were a finance school at the time so you have to wonder what the program was.
Wouldn't be at all surprised if "tutors" did a lot of coursework 4 him tho. @ThisOneThing7 @kurteichenwald @elyse4design @ArmMan2121
No, that's not fishy at all. Explains his lack of vocabulary though...
why wasn't he good enough to get into Wharton as a freshman?
Kurt: are you live tweeting during debate??
where are the Edward Snowdens at Wharton & Trump's accountants?
is most secretive, least vetted nominee in modern history.
all of what trump has asked from others he will not provide ..why do they comply?
Ur dealing with a narcissistic sociopath. They believe the rules don't apply to them.
your right.. he pulls an eight mile stunt every time
do you know what you mean when I say eight mile stunt?
Trump is a fraud and documentation and paper trails would prove it, hence no docs
Well I must admit that I, for one, am so very disappointed with Donald he's usually so open..!
Well he does claim to have graduated with honor. You can find out if that's true.
Wharton would publicly announce it's honor graduates for that year.
What I want to see are his teachers' comments on his report cards.
He got neatness medal at his fancy military school. The one he says equals Vietnam
tired old fart meme "both are disliked"
Hillary should release her Wall Street speeches & shouldn't have deleted 33k emails
Are you aware Bush is not running?
Are you aware that you never cared about those emails?
You're incorrect. What was in Hillary's 33k emails she needed BLEACHBIT to delete?
@ThisOneThing7 None of your damn business what was in her personal emails
@ThisOneThing7 you're a damn fool.
@ThisOneThing7 Well that didn't take u long to ad hominem attack. Truth must sting.
@ThisOneThing7 Stupidity is a funny thing. It stings other people, not the stupid one.
@ThisOneThing7 and it is stupid to think she deleted 33k yoga emails with BleachBit.
@ThisOneThing7 Hey, you said it, I didn't. Don't be so hard on yourself
@ThisOneThing7 well that makes absolutely no sense. No more time for your gibberish.
@ThisOneThing7 Same excuse on those bank speech transcripts?
@ThisOneThing7 I'll let u know when Don releases his taxes
@ThisOneThing7 You hold her to the same standard? At least you're honest.
@ThisOneThing7 No, he has a long long way to go to match her
@ThisOneThing7 But you're cool with her not releasing those transcripts?
@ThisOneThing7 1 of those speeches is on YouTube. Go watch
@ThisOneThing7 Didn't answer my question, not unexpected.
@ThisOneThing7 the answer is no, it's an idiotic obsession.
@ThisOneThing7 Thanks, I wish she'd release them too.
For starters he was not on Wharton Honor Roll, per Wharton. And has BS not MBA.
didnt he need his brother to get him on the Wharton course? Has anyone ever failed economics?
his transcripts are being audited so won't be able to see them.
ask Russia & tell them to get his #TaxReturns too
One wonders if he ever took Macro- and Microeconomics.
@TrumpSlayers I did and his ignorance scares me.
That explains why he doesn't know what a blind trust is and how it works. @kurteichenwald @elyse4design @ArmMan2121
Really? His degree from Wharton is fiction?
doesn't want that discussed!Constantly bragging abt his education.Asking for PBO record
I had a Trump/70s question for you but you may have missed it.
so he was not an initial applied? Affirmative action huh? Daddy's checkbook!
Has he proven he graduated? My people are telling me no one ever saw him there!
Maybe all this time TRUMP U was him bestowing upon himself 1st degree at TRUMP U. Delusional!
Remember he was a transfer from - sniff - Fordham.
Yup and No Honor Roll
Can you enlighten us on Obama's academic record?
Obama's academic records are filed with his buddy Trump's. I'm not a fan.
So who's your candidate this year?
@WemittPatrick Neither democrat gets my vote, I'll vote down ballot to save our Soverignty.
@WemittPatrick Whatever, deluded person.
He got a BS Econ in 1968. Not on honors list.
Unmitigated fraud in every single life arean/domain! NO EXCPETIONS!
Think maybe Trump spent a week at Wharton clarinet camp...
the idea is for dt to blow up the economy this has been the republican goal forever the wealthy want this period
<- is full of 💩
Wait, Hitler printed his own money. Did he really say that? @kurteichenwald @ArmMan2121
No no he will sray paint buckets gold & take all the oil don't worry!
I have an idea of what the correct 'answer' or 'solution' is. What is yours? @ArmMan2121
So, you're asking @ArmMan2121, as an MBA, whether he thinks Trump's responses (to which question?) are smart, right?
...explain how you support that kind of idiotic recklessness and obvious ignorance of international markets.
I dunno I guess I just want to watch the world burn? the more you liberal media hyperventilate about him, the more I love it
Nothing to do with lib or concerv. If Trump was still posing as a dem and running against Pence, id vote pence, cause he's sane.
...and again, choose what u will. U own it, just like the pro-brexit idiots own what they did.
exactly! & their economy has completely collapsed right? I thought the world markets would crumble from it?try to just relax
yep he's just gonna nuke everybody!...his whole family in New York...he might as well just kill them all himself
Yup. You're definitely a rational thinker.
yep he's just gonna nuke everybody!...his whole family in New York...he might as well just kill them all himself
From your response, I can only assume you didn't read the article and/or don't understand the implications.
actually it's makes perfect sense to expect DK, Japan & Saudis Arabia to get nukes
His statement is like Obama saying he bomb Bin Laden in Pakistan then McCain said no
imagine Jill Stein President lol in 8 yrs all 3 places would have nukes bcuz USA left
I've been saying those who vote for trump deserve it ! I just wish the rest of us didn't have pay 😒
Ugh... all this winning is killing my 401K.. I mean really it's only up 20%!! 😂😂#liberallogic
well at least you are making your decision based on issues and policies.
you have a sick sense of humor! Wth get help😑
need humor..lets see one side seriously states that hes going nuke the whole I joke I want to watch the world burn
very sad that you care so little for the world your daughter will grow up in - it's time to grow up, man
well she will have her Trump onesie on tonight.I guess 50 mill people who vote for him dont care about wifes or daughters right?
I was responding more 2 your comment that u wanted 2 "watch the world burn" -- very sad that a loving parent would feel that way
that's perfect reasoning. Let the world suffer. Let your children suffer. I see why you support a psychopath
Explain why hillary doesn't think you have a right to work.
Did you get your MBA at Trump University? Because Wharton grads, including myself, disagree with you.
nah Boston College....I'm just not as smart as Wharton MBA grads like you and your best buddy Trump! haha
I would think the institutions that awarded your degrees might want you to avoid identifying them
nah my MBA at Trump University makes me proud
haha. Good answer.
well I guess you can admit it!🙄
Why? Muslims, Blacks, or Mexicans? What's your pet issue?
An MBA from University of Phoenix doesn't count.
• Yes you are. Or you're one of those deplorable douchbags that roll like this.
proves MBA is a scam qualification
omg. wake up. U.S. rating will crash thru the floor. Switch investments to safer markets for next few years. @kurteichenwald
👆didn’t age well.
Still isnt aging well
...confiscation Greek-style, etc. Dangerous economic times....
it might be best for all to empty all stocks, banks, mutual funds and all. Rt
For the same reason, we have stopped looking for a new house.
You are great but a reporter not a stock analyst.
So do you think Trump will win?
Authoritarians behave in authoritarian ways in economics.
You better sell the US bonds too.
So, you've given up? You think it's hopeless and he'll win? This sends very bad message to Hillary supporters? Why vote?
The way I look at it is the market is up so I am taking my gains. I can get back in if all goes well.
(Possibly sensitive)
im sure your joking. What "free"advice can we get on proper diversification during the idiocy of a #TrumpPresidency
gold and land..only safe bets
well I'm depressed now.
So basically folks like me and my husband on the cusp of a very meager retirement are screwed. We can't afford to cash out.
Folks like me on SSD are screwed.
I don't even know what to do. Except fingers crossed Hillary wins. @kurteichenwald
I know. I've never been so scared. Or felt so WTF about our government. Isn't there ANY way to stop this?
Yes, we vote HRC, help get those in need to the polls. That will stop him
no you buy downside your investments if you are that worried.
your horizon is still 30 years when you retire. Stick to your long term plan. Diversify globally
look at that dow today are you not glad you could not cash out?
Bless your heart. You should send a nice tweet to Trump thanking him.
Whoa. A very meager retirement. Sorry to hear that. Soooo, who's been in charge the last EIGHT years??
I suggest 401ks also, the market has been stagnant anyway. Pull until the possibility of major swings has passed. 0 vs.-20%
I think I'll focus on preventing it from happening instead. We can still beat Russia in this election.
This ain't the cold war, neocon. The US won. Now it's time to see the benefits.
Did you keep the funds in cash? I could see the dollar dive.
I was pissed at myself for not opening a 401(k) last year (needed the cash!) but... that might have been prudent. Christ.
In preparation for debates I'm confirming my passport current and see if I can go Mars with Gary ( what's Aleppo) Johnson
you really want to live here,when that happends? look at supreme court,foreign policies.Christie,guiliani, neo nazies,
hm. Devalued cash isn’t helping Maybe also move into gold and tulips 😉
Your competition for Nr. 1 on Kellyanne's 'mean tweet'-blacklist is amazing. #NeverTrump
I just did. Very good idea. I'll change it back once Hillary becomes president.
cash is not safe in the long run. Inflation destroys its value. Dumping stocks when bad things might happen is foolish
Just had a rally which is starting to break as polls are coming in. Now is the time. And it might just be until 11/9.
market timing is fools game. Very surprised you don't see that
Im not market timing. My faith in the market given government risk is very low and we are at a high. So...
that's market timing, rationalized
Kurt- Market will go up & down many times before Nov 8. Don't try to give investment advice.
Yeah, I'm glad I never took financial advice from you. I just paid off my vacation home from the 70% returns since 2016. This is why nobody trusts the media anymore., I can afford to lose a little money. I cant afford to have my kids lose their education.
because Felony Clinton will do such a fine job??
So this tweet aged well. #Dow25K
This is why you don’t mix investing and politics. Pro Tip - don’t be an emotional fool with your money - take off your jersey when you are investing for your long term future.
Hey, nothing wrong with the local community college for them now. And a part time job.
By "education" you mean leftist indoctrination finale, right?
Idea, don’t home school them.
i dont think he's Market timing he's forecasting what Trump would mean to us all if he wins. For our Country
that's market timing with another name
Absolutely not. It's "Ive lost faith in the market." Same happened for me in late 1999. Did same.
"I've lost faith (at this moment) = market timing
You lost out on 50% returns because you didn’t like a politician. Yikes
...I also concluded the sub prime market would collapse. but i never imagined that so many financial ....
@ForrestDrumpf suprime colapse was the result NOT the cause of the colapse! U advising is irresponsable!!
@ForrestDrumpf credit flow started slowing that Feb in prime auction well in advance. Credit then STOPPED
@ForrestDrumpf the second the credit stopped flowing it hit the fan. Subprime crash was result NOT cause
If you actually predicted both 2000 and 2008 because you "lost faith" you are the greatest money manager of all time... Or you're full of shit and give biased advice when you don't even have the qualifications to manage a fund
...institutions had bought into their own BS and loaded up on the stuff. So I got hit by that one.....
Yeah, we weren't long in the financials so only got grazed. Also bought at fire-sale prices
which worked out pretty well, caught the rise and sold some recently.
Anyway God willing Trump will lose and render this discussion academic.
and TRUMP coming from a DEVELOPR BG may be lining us up for a lil #NationalGentrification
They may not have meant to. They couldn't get rid of it fast enough.
RESIST!!!!!! ....making money!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA....idiots.
....if i had thought it through more carefully, I might have dodged that bullet. But I dodged 2000 collapse.
stocks are now way higher than before 2000 and way higher than 2007. Most who get out mistime reentry
u r or think you r sophisticated investor, fine. Does not make your advice wise for others to follow.
you gonna tell everyone to get back in, too?
If the train drives past and doesn't hit the car, no one needs my advice at that point.
nobody needed your HORRIBLE advice to begin with
yes I see what you are saying #Drumpf but i always looked at forecasting as more reasonable #longgameapproach
your ability to forecast is illusory
but im no economist Im searching for info on my options
@ForrestDrumpf nothing happens he is blowing smoke. An election changes nothing.
@ForrestDrumpf the potus has nothing to do with monatary policy or flow of credit.
@ForrestDrumpf any change in business climate is already in process has nothinf to do with any election
@ForrestDrumpf any change in trade deals, tax code need congress ...he cant just change on a thought
@ForrestDrumpf for markets to tank it will be on exonomics or black swan event NOT election
@ForrestDrumpf if worried be smart you purchase investment insurance...pulling out is foolish
@ForrestDrumpf this clown is playing chicken little
@ForrestDrumpf thought Diversification was the insurance didn't know this was even an optiom. Thanx
what u need are put options which protects ur downside. Ur broker can if u dont know how.
buy 3-6 month out S&P puts based on ur portfolio value. The role the position every month. The premium is minimal.
u insure not investments??
if ur broker dosnt know what ur asking for ...FIRE HIM/HER
in a crash the put option value increase offseta the decrease in you holdings value. You hedge/insure against a crash.
one goes down 20% the other up 25%+ due to surge in demand. U should actually make $$ in a crash
i pray there is a majority of Americans who eventually send Trump back to Entertainment TV
I'm an FA and Econ Grad from Vandy. You should sell everything. If T wins, Yellen will be replaced with hawk.
Wtf!! what a stupid thing to do! Omg you just lost my support and trust in you! Yuk
I have a feeling we will all be using E-coin currency if Trump wins. Trump would be worse than a fsociety hack.
We haven't sold yet, but certainly watching closely. Very dangerous prospect.
I would now. Correction coming as election comes closer and race tightens.
retirement accounts will CRASH!
Hey Kurt, when is the correction coming again?
Nothing yet, but college costs starting to drop. He might be ok in a few years. Long term hold.
😂 RT @kurteichenwald I would now. Correction coming as election comes closer and race tightens.
PLEASE tell me you didn’t listen to this idiot.
Wow. Appreciate your candor.
the stock market will plummet
He hasn't been President a year. He's still riding Obama's successes.
Are you going to use the proceeds to buy huge amounts of storable food, or gold, or something similar?
Height of irony if Trump presidency proves the gold bugs right. I'm moving into cash too.
traditional October crashes + Trump in the race is a bad mix, even before the election. Markets freak out on fear alone. @kurteichenwald
I'm sure going to pull out if he gets elected..the very next business day rest assured!
I understand your concerns, but don't freak out just yet
I've been seriously thinking about what to do with my portfolio. At this moment, we are making money.
Disagree - no time to start financial panic which w/ be fastened to President Obama, then HRC by implication-Stay the course
Many of us do not have the luxury of sitting on the sidelines. The market is reactive but repositioning might be the key.
Trump is the main reason I haven't yet put holdings in my Vanguard account since creating it. Waiting to see if mkt crashes. @kurteichenwald
Was it? Or was it a poor strategy?
Not only that worry but he is nuclear crazy so we all will be dust if he can't be controlled.
Don’t hold your breath
Thank god. You now have less money to buy ridiculously looking hats
I'm leaving for Puerto Escondido in Wednesday for what was a vacation now turned into a real estate search.
Please don't create more panic. I have always found safe havens in every situation. He has not been elected yet.
Watching this election from France, still have faith that HRC can win, hang in there. But know what u mean our election 1/2
2/2 is next year and the far right has a real chance of getting in. Very unsettling times.
You think it's a sure thing? So I should stay home and not vote?? This isn't helping HRC.
ugh I hope that doesn't mean you're giving up ?😳
Wow, that made my fricking heart stop.
Chill out a little Kurt. Still September.
I can always move back in. But market rallied last week, so time to get out given the potential for disaster.
On the bright side you now have a concertante example to show your kids the importance of leaving emotion of out investing.
Sell low buy high?
😂😂😂wow def wouldn't recommend this guy as an advisor
HAHAHAHAHAHA! This is all the humor I can handle at the moment, HAHAHAHAHAHA! 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣😂😂😂
Given this tweet, I'd like to see proof of your alleged overseas investments made. Regardless of whether it's true, you still tweeted very bad advice to your followers, unless you told them where to invest as an alternative. You just said to get out.
now move to canada and my dreams will come true #MAGA
Relax and calm down. Trump will not win this election.
Trump's win beats all productions. It shows that God is mightier than you and I. But the worst has not come.
You were saying?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I know you posted this before Trump won big, but I could have told you he'd win! Nobody wants Serial Killary!
I've discussed moving all money out of the stock market and making it liquid.
Do you really believe he'll win? I'm cautiously optimistic Americans will do the right thing and not elect Cheeto Duce.
This tweet didn’t age well
I work for the railroad and that CN job is looking more attractive everyday
Cement, bottled water, firearms remain strong performers with November upside
Mark Cuban said he was hedging all his money if polls got close. On youtube.
is right. Anything a Trump prez will touch from trade, currency, nat/international security etc will affect the stock market
and it won't be good.
I am preparing to do the same. I expect the market to crash if Trump is elected, with uncertain recovery.
Well, Trump was elected, markets soared. Did you really follow Kurt off that cliff?
It's just so fustrating that his supporters don't see that until its too late.
gold baby! Both the instability and the demand for gold-plated chairs, faucets etc.
I hope this is a joke. Let's work hard to elect Hillary. You kids and the market will thank you!
Don't give up on Hillary Kurt.
Timing either way will be critical.
already hid my $ in the mattress.
Dialing back stock invest, diverting $ 2 bonds & having more cash @ hand. Exercising some prudence! DT will tank eco
Oh he of little faith. She's got this.
- LOL! I guess she didn't, but never fear, he does.
I've thought for awhile that 3rd bear market of 2000's would occur before 2020. A DJT presidency would be likely catalyst.
Then the Fed raises rates and you say you told us Trump would ruin the economy.
Are you that sure of a Trump win?
making financial plans too....this could be bad
I did that very thing today, and moved 100% of my 401k out of equities.
said to get out of the stock market if it looks like he wins last Friday on #RealTime
that's the risk...OTOH, stocks will get a little bump on the good chance that Hillary wins @neilpX
If he's elected I'd move my kids to another galaxy if I could but what's your option to equities? Gov't bonds?
trying to time the market is a game only professional traders can play. Others get taken.
this blanket advice is dangerous... yes, Trump is a disaster, a complete sell out will cause tax issues for some.
thinking if Trump wins the GOP will impeach him right away and swap in Pence. Their goal from the beginning pushing Pence 🤔
what do I do with retirement annuity? All bonds?
... call my retirement guy and tell him... it's for me..
The stock market could be the least of our problems if Trump wins. Think WWIII !
Afraid if Trump wins our only hope will be that the rest of the world is smarter than we are. Unlikely, yes, but...
coulda waited a little longer
people! Trust sanity & @NateSilver538 other party goes up b4 debate. @HillaryClinton will prevail. Trust her to do the job.
He won't win though
You were saying?
I know you don't do politics but jeez this is prime for the taking
Don't give up yet. We have another month and three debates...
did you give up yet?
I haven't cause I know trump is illegitimate, it will be proven and he will be removed from office. CIA officials conclude he is a Russian asset. I agree. Only fools would stand by someone like that.
I mean my taxes are being lowered and my stocks are soaring through the roof, so I am standing behind him :)
Yep. And I will be paying for you to enjoy all of that. Social Security Disability is in the budget for cuts to pay for this tax bill
Did that last week, beat the rush.
Getting my affairs and British passport in order. Thank god my patents had me overseas.
@TBFeminist he wont win..we can stay but i have my country picked out as well lol
this tweet didn’t age very well :(
Right.. because now with the populists in control instead of the Fabian Society.... You might be just fine, just be careful. man from england told me they are locked up so tight there compared to here is guns here keep criminals out of homes, the uncertainty of a bullet.
dude, u need to stop chicken littling. If T looks poised to win, I expect we'll see market tumble in warning
well hello Canada!! About 10 miles from me so we're outta here.
But what if you are wrong? Wouldn't the prudent thing be to sell half if you felt that strongly?
Too early doomsayer...We will win this thing! #ImWithHer
sell your gun stock too, no need to buy more guns, the deplorables/'good guys' will protect us
you guys don't even realize how delusional you are.
This never happened.
What will they do without that $84?
is selling spaces in his bomb shelter in mountains. Should look into it.
you sound as insane as he does lol
Your Trump takedown was a flop, now you're crying for attention. Sad!
reasonable captain insano...
why don't you buy gold. You all sound like crazy right wing zealots. The sky is falling buy a bunker. Paranoia pushers. STOP
You mean your wife's kids?
then you should be the first to tell Hillary to drop out. She is the only one he can beat. Got it, chicken little?
for REAL
Warum hast du angst, Herr Eichenwald?
hasn't your "involvement" with kids gotten you in enough trouble already? Trump & straight Republican ticket in NC.
They'll all be god's no to Trump University.
Man, I hope you've got a really huge-ass mattress.
Since Hillary is the candidate controlled by Wall Street, you probably did the right thing.
Btw, thanks to Obamacare I've now LOST my health insurance.
what's the plan with all that cash? How is that a safer bet? Or do you flip it over into some foreign currency?
the plan is he will lose purchasing power due to inflation and will do it safely and predictably
iDJT aims to screw with the safe haven Treas Yield Curve. He loves debt and other people's money, so, volatility.
I cant wait for all you Democrats to move out of this country and help us make it great again 👌
In preparation for a completely unpredictable Trump presidency, I MapQuested the most direct route 2Canada from my house.
Your Trump hit jobs have been flops! 😂😁 That mighty pen is impotent. I hear there is a prescription for that. 😉
You still mad about your flop of a story in Newsweek?
Good thing for the investing public that you're not a money manager. Debates don't crash markets. Never have, never will.
I'm sorry for your losses. Condolences.
Keep up the good work Kurt!
How'd that work out for you?
I hope you invest in Gold. Trump LIKES GOLD!!!!
Good call bro
(Possibly sensitive)
Uh, DUMB move. But, you’re a Democrat, I would expect nothing less. I hope your kids see this tweet one day when they’re flipping burgers while going to community college.
How’s that working out for ya?
The Dow has risen by 13,000 (81%) since your sage advice. Maybe TDS and investment advice are a bad combination.