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Following in the footsteps of Brian Chesky: what's the most important thing you want to see Twitter improve or create in 2017? #Twitter2017
9,935 replies and sub-replies as of Mar 23 2017

Put in a bookmark button.
اني اصير ريس بدالك
Misogyny-Free ZONE!
3 likes/ that's scary
let me think 🤔 about that ☝️
get rid of the fucking nazis
if you dont, we'll leave.
if i see one more verified nazi on your platform ill know what the intentions of @twitter are moving forward.
been a user of your platform for years, i know GOOD PEOPLE who work in your Eng dept. they dont deserve their work for bad
i expect this to be ignored, i hope it's not. twitter is a community builder and shouldnt be a tool to destroy others.
they're already overtly intent on moving over to gabai anyway, Jack please just give 'em the final push
everyone says they want this, but imagine if certain people in the public spotlight were able to edit their tweets later on?
Just short period of time like in a minute.
or include a change log
while great in theory, in a world where no one cares about facts, too much of an expec to think ppl will read log
sure, I think that comes down to implementation tho - ideally you could link to the previous tweet iterations
There're times that we learn facts from deleted tweet screenshots. So this isn't a problem for the people who pursuit the truth.
see HackerNews for reference
just mark it edited and then have the option to see the original
should be marked "edited" ,
your right,but maybe like dude said just in first 2 or 3 minutes
Exactly. Editing tweets sounds good on paper, but not in practice.
but only in the first 3-4 minutes of posting a tweet.. IMO
Exactly. Even a minute is much enough for c/p and editing the mistake.
to quickly fix mistakes or edit anytime?
Nobody wants this feature to be anytime Jack. Even a minute windows is enough for fixing mistaken words. And can be show as a change log.
I say no time limit. Just make edits visible.
this guy does: Also, how do you do "changelog" for a tweet in a way that isn't confusing for the avg user?
edit anytime. Users could open tweet to see any previous edits to tweet.
To delete and tweet again is easy. Don't want the tweet editing.
quickly fix typo/mistakes @ibarist
fix for mistakes ok but not anytime.. please
To quickly edit mistakes... when you hit the button before proofing it.
Preview up front as opposed to post-tweet editing. (IMO)
Go to facebook, let the tweeters keep their loved social network!
subscribe and notifications for threads
you leaving..
Can we get a live streaming api for Periscope?
A jet black 'dark mode' for android & ios. For amoled especially.
Eliminate trolls from twitter
HMMM interesting, good question!
less fake news, less bullying.
easy place to find all live streams #golive tab
video tab of curated/trending videos. Or - curated channels of content (e.g., sports, news, etc.).
Agree with TDM. Also need a way to bookmark important items to a space. Continue to make Moments a more personalized space.
yes an @Pocket like feature or @nuzzel like feature for saving articles and finding trending news.
Tighten up regulations against hate speech and harassment. Take a page from Zuckerberg and crack down on fake news.
A "Save for later" function for articles or tweets.
twitter hasn't seemed to figure out that it's the source of all news - you need a news video product
Ability to edit tweets and organize Twitter lists.
edit mistakes quickly or edit anytime? Big dif in implementation. Latter requires change log as we're oft the public record
Why no change log? To big of a lift? I'd love editable tweets w/log.
edit anytime. Users could open tweet to see any previous edits to tweet.
editing any time would promote bad behavior - its gotta be used to catch typos - something like a 30-second window
Agreed - like with Reddit's ninja edit window.
definately agree - give people 30 seconds to realise mistakes and update.
even then you'd need a change log.
facebook has it, you’d only be able to edit once
even just allowing a one character change would be great
no edit tweets, twitter is fast moving and has mistakes continue to embrace that thinking @AnthonyQuintano @jack
any feature is open to bad behavior. Have to make edited tweets very noticeable and make edits visible.
yea, there should be an edit history, an you should only be allowed one edit
The case for editing tweets: - You make a typo - You can only edit within 60 seconds of posting - Twitter should show the edit history
We're not just talking about typos here either. Broken links, replacing photo or video that is incorrect.
broken links are broken links - the internet is filled with them regardless i am glad we’re having this conversation
Yes. We need to have this debate and we're very happy you're finally having this conversation with us. Thank you.
consensus is that we need editable tweets. The parameters is your call.
you could just use a redirect...Which is sort of mutable because you could just change the target.
it's a tweet. if you couldn't get 140 characters right the first go- you deserve to be remembered for it.
Many on my list knocked off but Twitter won't grow until char limit is raised @AnthonyQuintano @samsheffer @jack
My updated Twitter wish list (for context, see ) @geeky_yang @charlesjo @pnooren
yes! Char limit is utterly infuriating at times. It forces us to speak differently, which isn't exactly a useful feature.
I think Adam has the right idea, have a preview of 140, and allow people to expand the comment. Not too hard to do right?
Not being able to edit Tweets is like owning a car without a reverse gear It's a 10-min code change Blogs and FB added it years ago @jack
yep. edit within 1 minute. easy.
I disagree. Because of retweets and official accounts, Twitter’s implementation requires much more nuance.
Same implementation as Facebook-if you edit a tweet that got retweeted, update/change log show up in retweet @GlennF
I disagree. Because of retweets and official accounts, Twitter’s implementation requires much more nuance.
I think that works there. Not to say Twitter couldn’t have done something. Not a quick task.
I don't want an edit button. Screenshots of tweets are passed around, negating the value of a change log.
Think how the Trump people would exploit that.
Their internal representation doesn’t have a concept of history. Deeply rooted rework required.
ppl could start by changing the fucking subject line in the e mail chain when they change the fucking subject. Sorry
the sharing of an edited post can act the same as Facebook. It wouldn't be any different of a case.
FB has those same features
imagine a retweet you made being changed months later to hardcore pornography and losing your job.
So it's not a 10 minute code change; but that's a little extreme & avoidable with a little change tracking.
piggy backing; jack can notifications only include replies not retweets or likes?or comments disabled option on the tweet
I guarantee it’s NOT a 10 min code change, but I’m sure @twitter would be happy to hire you if you can do it in 10 min.
My fear: trolls will bait, then edit to appear more reasonable.
Can make it a 30-45 second window. Would love to see user research on how fast people realize typos.
Don't think there should be a time limit for edits...we should encourage mistakes to be corrected at any time @KristyT @katgordon @jack
I’ve been on message boards since 2000. There is great precedent already set about how edits should work.
If only that same edit function applied to elections.
Twitter is not much different than a message board. Infinite edit is disastrous.
This is also an infrastructure issue. The cost to host edit logs for every tweet….
Yes! Most publications allow poster to edit comments, fix spelling, thumbing errors etc.
Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Tweets should not be editable.
I really wish editing would be added. I hate to make typos. I always have to delete the tweet and fix. Go Adam!
Yes. Many times I've wanted to correct a spelling or grammar error to a tweet that already had responses.
The worst is actually trying to figure out a conversation thread. Compare to UI in Facebook over the last 1-2 years.
It ruins the entire immediacy of the medium. It will turn Twitter into PRNewswire.
What do you think the limit should be? 4-5 sentences? A short paragraph?
Easy enough to delete and repost. @samsheffer @jack
Sam for Product Manager @twitter
edit a tweet. If a tweet gets edited that you've 'retweeted' you'll need to know
or then again leave things as they r
typos, are they really relevant? Twitter isn't a spelling competition.
tell that to all the journalists on here
this journalists should concentrate on more important things than typos, IMO
No 30-sec window is necessary. Edit has been FB feature 4 awhile. An edited tweet is marked "edited"...
and there is a very visible place to see any edits. You can edit more than once. Evry edit I've seen...
was a typo or grammatical correction that didn't change meaning. Never saw one w/changed meaning
you can have version control of edits and anyone is open to investigate if needed
Agreed. Facebook's edit log has proved to be beneficial - users can alter their wording transparently.
Too many use 3rd party tool so 30 seconds too short.
Agreed. 30 sec window is more than enough.
Why is this an issue? Other services are just as embeddable as Twitter, and edit was an initial feature.
How about a 30 second delat in posting the tweet ,maybe an 'are you sure 'feature (the typo is deliberate
agree with idea of editable window 30 sec-1 or 2 min
Agreed quickly is better. Maybe ~ 5 minutes not 30s but definitely under ~10 minutes and ideally with a visible change log
I think 30s is too short time, I suggest 2mins.
Agree with Sam on this one. It just needs to be available shortly after posting.
Agree. But also 30 seconds is not enough when you have bad connection or your phone is lagging
Why can't users just get their spelling correct in the first place? It has a spell check inbuilt albeit Yankie English! @jack
not like bad behaviour is rife on this website already or anything
wouldn't be right if it's not spontaneous no no wouldn't be able to make a fool of myself !
Id rather see ONLY the most recent Tweet allowed to be editable, not based on time-still need a changelog
Once you tweet again, that tweet is locked and behaves as it does today.
oooooo interesting idea!
No real benefit if window is just 30 secs. User could just delete & tweet again as few would've RT'ed.
indeed, 30 seconds is maybe a lit quick but let's say 5 minutes Dont let people edit anytime
bit* hahahahhahaha
Longer than 30 seconds but less than 5 minutes.
90 second window with other users able to see the edits and amendments
I like the fact that tweets can't be edited for the purpose of changing the msg. But to edit quickly to fix a typo ok
edit anytime creates massive problems; you say 'I loved rogue one!' And I retweet, you edit to say 'jason is a dbag!'
It's a fear that most have but won't actually happen.
can address that with changelog
makes perfect sense but how intense does changelog need to be in terms of views / version history / acct auth
maintaining simplicity seems tricky. needs to work in fast, casual experience, w minimal context
if edit comes, IMO needs short time window to be editable and only like 1 iteration of edits. and...
maybe make it visually easy to see text that was edited. highlight it? if you hover, maybe edits are animated?
The difficulty with the changelog would be showing RT and Heart counts for the specific posts.
edit before it's been liked or RT'd, otherwise it's locked for editing
can have a time limit that "edit" will be enabled.
Agree with lists. It needs more functionality.
FB's fix via change log seems to work well most of the time. Biggest use will be typos etc. Good idea :)
changelog would be too confusing. People are ok with their text messages not being editable
Maybe something that you actually do in texts like correction*
editing at any time with a versioning mechanism could be super. For completely different context, new rules
way too complicated to make tweets into a wiki; solutions are easy: proof your tweets, delete/retweet if major error
That hasn't worked which is why edited tweets are wanted by so many.
if you can't write 140 characters without typos, or can't handle redoing a tweet, your handle should be revoked😂
This just about sums up the internet.
your pinned tweet had a typo
typos are how you know the author actually wrote the tweet 😂😂
gotta listen to users Jason. Editing is a standard because of Facebook. Gotta adapt.
And people love the "authenticity" of the raw form, esp post-MTV, grunge, UGC, Trump, etc. Polished is passé. @AnthonyQuintano @jack
or push an edited: keep/delete alert to the RTers
The problem is: if someone will pull the feeds when you posted a buggy twit it will stay in your line.
And only when you hit the twit you will see a message saying that this twit is not available.
edit should be available only for the first few minutes. In order to address typos, etc.
also could get rid of likes and retweets if the tweet changes significantly.
whilst it doesn't have the volume of 'share' compared to 'RTs' @facebook actually handles edits really well.
Will need to be very, very clear changelog. Folks move through Twitter too quickly to stop and check...
in abuse scenarios, abuse is seen first. clicking through to a hidden changelog doesn't undo the damage.
Hesitant—like seeing a live keynote, then edited post-event. Diffuses real-time impact IMHO. 🤔#Twitter2017
should be able to correct grammar/spelling but not do as above.
that's only a hypothetical problem. Same as tweeting an article that gets edited later.
or worse "RT if you love kittens!" > 500k RTs > edit to "RT if you love Hitler!"
I disagree, I don't want to have liked something that changes. Edit within 30 sec or so would be nice for ease of use
You already do it on Facebook.
twitter just seems more public still than FB.
That's false. They are both equally as public. Facebook more than Twitter since it has more users.
I understand and totes biased by my own use... I don't friend or interact with ppl I don't know on FB like on twtr
also seems twitter historical > FB historical, even tho twtr is more real time... FB is just so algo, I re-see things less
Seems the "like" issue is an easy enough fix. If there's a history, only attribute to the proper version.
This is similar to what FB does. I think it is a great compromise.
Completely disagree with this. Tweets should stay as time stamps on public record. Imagine what politicians would do with this
I'd be okay with a time limit like 90 seconds.
yes, that would be crucial in case 'edit anytime', to see edit history. but preferably only quick edits imho. @jack
no, this type of edit is destructive to the community and will cause delusion and fallacy and chaos to the system.
this is coming from someone who is an advanced Twitter user.
do not add the permanent edit feature. As a matter of fact we should let the edit feature really play out.
if people are not tweeting and deleting then retweeting then they should not be able to use it. Like a beta system.
instead let's have it narrowed down to only able to permanently edit one word maximum. Or feature a 25 second edit.
this is coming from someone who tweets everyday and speed tweets.
I'm saying I'm experienced.
nooo, edit typo! Not anytime...
I 100% agree. Let's not make it complicated. Edit anytime, show "edited" stamp or symbol. Done.
this is a good one...bc a record would still be helpful for really important stuff.
This is EXACTLY what I've been envisioning and wishing for. Let people edit anytime, but show the history.
Definitely quickly. Editing tweets from months or years ago ruins the purpose of twitter.
A change log would be perfectly fine, I'd think - way better than deleting & reposting
'Anytime' editing is a dangerous tool given dissemination of info. Fixing typos (i.e. 2min window) would be a plus
30 second to 2 minutes should be enough time...let people that already replied know it was edited
allow edit anytime, but show ORIGINAL (link) tweet
edit mistakes quickly
change log: show the tweet has been edited, with expandable feature to show original. Keeps record. Would be great
No edits. Every woman on here needs trolls and harassers management tools.
edit mistakes quickly should be sufficient - and still a big, useful improvement.
I don't favor tweet edit at any time. You can delete yr tweet and post a corrected one if you wish
If Facebook can do it, why can't Twitter?
Twitter is more important.
edit quickly. 5 minutes. People generally realize their mistake immediately. Open ended can change the record
edit mistakes quickly 🆒🔝
instead of edit, just "delete and draft as new" filling in old tweet text in new tweet window. No time limit.
edits should be reviewed, as one word can change meaning of an entire tweet (but it'll need to be reviewed instantly)
ooo, also ability to schedule a tweet out.
that exists in tweetdeck and other tools
Yes and I use many, particularly @buffer, but native would be nice. @twitter added it to studio and it's been great.
*tweet has been edited. View original* Only allow one revision. Otherwise might as well delete and write a new one
I do like the idea of only allowing one revision.
yup. If you can change it any time, multiple times. Makes a mess of unnecessary revision history logs
edit typos would do me
I would say edit within a minute usually to fix typos and errors. Not to change semantics of tweet after the fact
quickly! I'm not having idiots edit their racist, sexist or homophobic tweets from years ago please Jack
edit quickly is a no brainer, anytime is a larger question of how to show its history.
not that difficult. Can use same function that shows tweet threads
Also only allowing one edit will free up from showing too much history
edit mistakes/typos quickly. That should work. @AnthonyQuintano
Edit anytime. Yes, impliment a change log (edit history) so that everyone can see past edits.
Why allow editing for mistakes? Easy to delete and repost. Such huge allowances required for edits.
because much of the engagement will be on the original post. Most don't see repost.
He was talking about editing for mistakes within something like a 1 minute timeline.
I know. I was referring to your post saying it's easy to delete and repost.
a 3 (or 5) minute window seems logic. After that it can be used in a wrong way.
do you really need to edit 140 character posts? It's more important to increase the limit. 140 characters is too few
edit quickly would be great.
A follow back would be nice. I use to share feedback with @adambain regularly. 😁
Edit typos. Like changing a single character or only changing according to grammar/spelling recommendations.
just edit mistakes quickly! Twitter is the moment!
edit quickly, just for grammar/spelling
is this the first time you're reading this suggestion? goodness man it's literately the #1 suggested improvement
ideally within the frame of 10 seconds
how about in addition to making time-limit, change log, a third protection would be to clear any rts after a change.
users who previously rt'ed could receive a notification in case they want to rt the updated tweet
Edit tweet I just tweeted that contains a typo. Might be okay.
it should mistake quickly,
edit shortly after tweeting. Editing anytime will takeaway realtime feel of Twitter.
Either way would be great, if there was even a small window, it would be vastly preferable to current system.
Edit quickly? Of tweets can go off accidentally Inc
...unfinished - case in point!
No tweet edits. The fact that people are asking for it shows they try hard to get it right the 1st time. That's a +ve
I think that a time limit is reasonable. It's usually just spelling errors and auch.
Wow I really wish I had an edit button for that
say edit in first 10 mins. Have change log if you want but do something.
time limit not necessary.
baby steps might help Twitter adjust
will always start small and learn and iterate fast @mrdonut @kcoleman
twitter's potential is still huge. Fast Iteration with test n adjust will do the trick.
OK if There's twitter api to use gear360 for live stream on twitter, tell me thx
if There was édit mode i'll Never make 3 tweet for this tweet ;-)
sometimes you made a typo, or miss to say something or hashtag
I mean the public record you're trying to protect now is binary: delete or not. If we can delete, let us edit
exactly. There's nothing I'm posting that's public record.
would you mark edited tweets?
1. Let us edit tweets - and yes, include time stamp for edited tweets.
maybe too blue sky but would also like a way to attach corrections to a tweet/seek out RTs of mistake
2. Better organization of Twitter lists - brilliant suggestion, wish I'd thought of it.
mistakes quickly. Don't give us anytime
I would say quickly!
Edit quickly, within a short time frame. Annoying mistakes are often seen right away, deleting and repeating has drawbacks. @jack
Agree, just make a quick edit button and put a short timeframe on it.
agree bro @WhiteCoatMafia that’s worth about 10% perhaps more on $TWTR @jack
edit quickly , no more than 10 min and character limit to 500
Edit Feature Please! Maybe also allow users to tip others for their Tweets. Tweet Tips!
Edit quickly. Like 30-60 seconds after post.
edit mistakes quickly
quickly. It's a case of copy, delete, paste, edit then retweet
tweets shouldn't be edited.. Would open up can of worms we don't want like politicians etc changing history
a few seconds to correct a typo would be great vs. delete and do it again
quickly only. Within some small time window like 10s.
I don't see the need to edit in a timeframe greater than a few minutes.
Five minutes is more than enough.
edit quickly, in... 1:44 minutes after tweeted first, then 5 minutes or more. Limit the number of edits, just one 1st
edit within 142 sec would be best.
within 60 seconds of posting. Also show the edit history.
edit quickly only. #keepitreal
Agreed. Only in a brief window, and with an edit history available
There's an example. I meant to say that it's important b/c Twitter has become de facto historical record. Forgot.
edit tweets up to 2 min after tweet is "tweeted". Mainly for typos, or incorrect grammar.
Editing software tweet after its been tweeted is antithetical to the core concept "U are what u tweet"
Editing any time would be an egregious mistake.
edit within the first 2/3 minutes of tweeting it
Quick edit for mistakes within a few minutes is enough for me
edit within 15 mins like @basecamp does it for comments.…
edit mistakes quickly, 120 seconds to fix an error
Even if it is a quick edit to fix a typo, it should be viewable in a change log.
to edit mistakes only e.g. spelling, etc. Limit it to a 5 minute window . People realise their mistakes immediately
Have some sort of flag to indicate an edited tweet and show all previous versions.
24 hour edit would be great...
it should be only within x seconds. If done so, should have 'edited' qualifier next to it.
allow edits up until the point it receives a like, retweet or reply.
it should just be to edit mistakes with a 5 min window. Edit anytime gives people time to alter context.
Ability to edit tweets with ability to view previous versions for transparency/integrity. I wouldn't put a time (1/2)
limit in it, because humans make errors, and stories/news unfolds in unpredictable ways.
edit within 5-10 min of tweeting 👌
Which is esay to you.
Personally I only care about editing within a few minutes so I can fix a typo.
ofcourse not anytime! Give 30s window
I think this is a major change. Tweets shouldn't be immediately published. A period of a few minutes where edits/delete are allowed.
It could save someone their career to be able to delete a tweet and have it not be seen, in addition to quick edits.
chiming in with a request to include a public change log for the public ;)
i second that. Can it also show if a tweet was deleted and not just edited? Have seen a lot of
"i never said that" even though screenshots exist.
I disagree, I think editing quickly would be far better for a platform like twitter.
Do not do this!!!! Please hold people accountable!!!!
Option to "Delete and send to draft"
I support implementation of edits with a change log in the vein of Wikipedia's.
so just let it be
- 5 minutes to edit typos or attach photo (that I forgot). Deleting entire tweets & reposting is a pain in the butt.
2 protect twtr brand have icons or diff colors for typo corrected or edited (more than typo) or added.
Edit within 60 secs
Edit should have a time limit, like, say 5 minutes. @AnthonyQuintano
anytime ! Add a "tweet was edited at hh:mm:ss" tag and "view original tweet" in the drop down menu #Twitter2017
edit quickly - within 15 min like you did with Vine.
Edit open until R/T'd. No harm no foul.
Edit QUICKLY + 'Edited' label + NO edit history.
edit mistakes quickly or edit anytime? Big dif in implementation. Latter requires change log as we're oft the public record
edit quickly would be nice.
What do you think about this implementation? No changelog or versioning. Just two booleans and a timestamp.
I'd say within 30 seconds. That way people can't lie about what was said.
this is how twitter roadmap for 2017 is build? What is the criteria, most re-tweets, likes?
please no edit anytime - would be a tool for trolls. do please add image description to tweetdeck!
1. How about ability to add image to a quoted tweet 2. Option to stitch pics from the tweet itself
edit quickly. A person's words shouldn't change a year or months later
small changes till 15 min after?
also please stop changing stuff that shoulnt be changed Like the RT button
how about a 'replace' tweet function? Could use use the existing system except the UI is easier to use.
edit mistakes quickly. Like within an hour of posting something being able to make spelling corrections
How about a dynamic edit timer, dependent on the audience size. No edit once it's been widely viewed or shared
either way a changelog is necessary
Edit mistakes quickly (30/60sec) and on the extended tweet you should show the edit history. #Twitter2017
Edit mistakes would be fair enough.
Quickly. 3 Minutes max. Anytime kills Twitter USP
edit within the 5 minutes would be nice.
edit mistakes quickly.
edit distance […] can be used to limit the edit!
2 days or so, like @telegram does
Edit mistakes quickly. Like within a 3 minute window. 👍
My vote: edit mistakes quickly, ie: typos and the such. Maybe a 1 minute window.
what about one-time edit w/ strikethrough text for edited part and notifications to who liked/retweeted it?
Don't, it destroys credibility
Edit within 5minutes would make sense.
take care here - consider that tweets are archived moments in time. That's part of their value over time. #cantgoback
edit anytime but all versions available for view.
I'm working on something creative for lists & organizing them. I'm planning on releasing it in the next week or so. Glad there is interest.
so if you RT something, and that person goes back to edit text with vulgar words, you won't care it's on ur timeline?
Not if it's marked as edited and displays original tweet.
nah not feelin it
You can't knock something that doesn't exist yet. @jack
Another thing to remember is the quality of the people we RT. Most won't alter a tweet to be vulgar.
temporarily* edit tweets. Like a 60 second max time limit please :)
no fucking way do we want Donald to be able to edit his tweets in 2017
also add preview before posting ? In addition to edit within 2 Minutes or so ?
That's a good one. Would love to be able to re-order lists.
Allow ability to edit tweets.
Agreed! Plus ability to share lists Privately with other @twitter users. #Twitter2017
Easier/quicker access to Twitter List on iOS would be a major 🔑 #IAppreciateYou
Polished app with less bugs - Ability to add a video and photo in 1 tweet - Better support and trending supervisors
you can organize lists already.
G+ allows to edit their messages anytime and it works fine.
Edit in what manner? @jack
Much better conversational options. Huge.
release inactive usernames like Tumblr
How about an edit tweet option?! #makeithappen
Get rid of random LIKES showing up in my timeline. So dumb. #twitter2017
oh FFS it's gotta be a ghaddamn edit function...... as if you haven't heard this a million times. OR, a NEW CEO. #Twitter2017
edit tweets, reintegrate share photo from @instagram properly like the old days, fight trolls hard.
better abuse protections. Edit tweets. Timeline sync across all devices.
what protections specifically? What do you want from edit? Fix mistakes? And your timeline isn't syncing? That's a bug
you could start by getting rid of the Nazis, jack.
I haven’t been abused personally, but those who are have valuable ideas. fix typos. Timeline doesn’t sync position across devices.
Timeline syncing across devices is genius.
Timeline and dont forget Notifications syncing!! Think how iMessage does it
You don't need notifications, waste of time.Be active. The messages will be there in time
when you have time you will see the notices on the bell.
What you need is to make time out of your life to be active on Twitter.
Big plus one to better abuse protections.
Hi jack how are you?
maybe that every account is verified
360 photo and video (not live) in tweets
why is it important in one v other? The live version gives a very immersive experience (that can be watched after the fact)
The live is great but quality is very poor. You also want to be able to give users the time to experience what their viewing.
It's always important to give users options.
keep in mind next iPhone will also take leap forward with mixed reality. Ask @Scobleizer who understands this best 😀
calendar sharing fixed on the TL. better with reservation integration. do you want me to use twitter for work or not?...
1: getting rid of 140 character limit. 2. Youtube like community for video creators with a rev share model.
enable Tweet editing!
is it more important to edit for spelling/corrections? 5 minute window to edit mistakes or do you need to be able to edit anytime?
1 minute is good for typos.
keep authenticity of tweets and do not allow unlimited editing time.
Unlimited but with a feature like Facebook that shows previous versions, so you can tell if it's a typo or content edit.
nah don't make it too complicated just do 60 sec to edit w/ edit history
Have you never noticed an embarrassing typo HOURS later? Unlimited is better & should automatically change in retweets, too.
Spelling/corrections. 5 minute window is perfect.
hi, I think anytime would be best
Anytime doesn't make sense. People can change what they actually meant. Nope, not real life like. Nope not twitter like.
that's exactly what @samsheffer is proposing
5 min is ok if u ask me
Adding a 2-5 minute window is better. Mostly for fixing grammar or spelling mistakes. Would like to see edit history too.
plz god do not allow editing anytime. even 5min is too long for high profile people. things go viral too fast.
either would be a massive improvement. Can't count how many times I've had to cut/delete/paste/edit and re-post.
yup me too. We're thinking a lot about it.
whats there to think? Just implement it...
there is a massive bot/spam/troll problem, and all the hate stuff.
why not roll out and see if used? Tweets can be edited already via method I described. Why not make it easier for users?
also, thanks for the reply. I don't expect another one :)
jack oyuna gelme, düzenleme istemiyoruz. We don't want to editing. Twitters first rules, can't editing...
biggest thing to consider is what happens to the retweets. I like a 5 min window and undo any retweets.
roll out with verified users or limited beta and see. Thinking RT's should be deleted if edit is beyond typo/sp
there's a big difference from "editing" by your method, vs changing something that already has replies
I'm just suggesting a beta or roll out of different options. No doubt they have ideas to try.
true. It would be nice to actually see some tests around this.
edit tweets anytime. Keep changelog ala Wikipedia. Harder but more correct. Investment you'll never regret.
The way FB does it makes sense. Can edit, but still public record of every version.
lots of ways to implement. FB has one way. I'd just like to see Twitter try something along any of these lines.
Maybe let people edit twit once and mark it as edited with ability to show the original? I would love it. @_AlexLawrence @cloleaf
And i wrote many times to your colleagues, maybe $1 1 week subscribtion for longer tweets that would not be seen unless you open?
<as he studies #Gab closely>
this is great - or notify people when tweets get edited
Use Trump as a test user?
Offer it for a premium. Might make a few extra bucks! 😉👍
Maybe have an alternative version of the app—reTwitter—with the Edit button.
Just proofread before tweeting. This isn’t worth the gaslighting that edits will bring.
Great idea. I never thought it would happen due to the attached. Curious to see how you're going to implement. Thanks!
but has to be available for limited time only (5 minutes). You shouldn't allow editing a tweet that's been posted a decade ago.
Yup, and by copy/delete/reposting you lose all the likes&retweets. Folks won't usually like/RT the edit again.
so we all admit to doing it. :) Following the desire paths...
A Preview/confirm mode would be a good start. Enable in account, tweet is added as Preview with countdown.
Either press confirm to immediately commit, or end of countdown commits. While in Preview only you can see it.
I might be wrong here.... but.. Maybe proofread the first time around?
Of course that's a best case scenario but people are very busy & want to get thoughts out.
I get it.. but I mean It's 140 characters. How can people complain about proofreading that?10 secs
It's easy to miss something when one's busy, even if proofing. Sometimes we'll catch it later.
Of course, this IS our permanent record. ;) It'd be better to be able to edit instead of delete
Please dont ! @jack . That the magical of @twitter @_AlexLawrence . And so are the 140 signs! #dontbefacebook
30 second - 1 minute window would suffice for me and probably many more.
Get voice tweets!
30 second window i think is fair - it’d be used to catch typos, reduce nefarious uses
corrections only, please.
I think a quick window to edit, such as correcting typos, without allowing you to drastically change the meaning of the tweet
Edit button Tweets pls. Happy #Hanukkah & #Christmas from 🇮🇱 #
5 minutes is good. That way, spelling errors can be corrected but content can't be changed later to clean up character flaws.
edit anytime would be better i think..having s window means u would be bound to do that in that time frame incase u hav /
something more urgent to do than tweeting..n having a complete edit history will eradicate any wrong usage of the feature..
also a feature whr u can have a time based filter of ur show all/significant tweets between a certain time frame..
like i was on outing the entire day and in the evening i wanna se bow my timeline was between 1-5 pm..also helpful for ppl like me who
follow ppl from a diff. Timezone..
For me to edit for spelling/corrections. Short time after twitted for doing it.
Both, but keep records after 5 minutes @jack @cloleaf 5 minute window to edit mistakes or do you need to be able to edit anytime?
I think anytime but maybe have a mark of some kind to show the tweet has been edited?
Yes, sounds great, but Twitter may have other concerns (implementation, scalability, security) @cloleaf @jack
If less than 5 minutes, have a "review window" for last chance change(s). Or just a "review" before posting w/ no edit time after.
1 min is enough. Also include that it was edited
edit anytime cuz u want to say some in a dif way, I think that rest magic to TW.
5 mins, go and eliminate the 100K tokens limit. Make Twitter great again
stocktwits i believe gives u 60 seconds which is short but at least its something...i would prefer 2-3 minutes
5 minutes is plenty - even a minute would suffice
jumping in... if adding an edit button, considering the fake news and mistruths, maybe an option to "see original tweet"
- probably anytime @cloleaf
I`ts important to edit tweet as well
Flickr did a good job with comment editing back in '06, allowing edits within x minutes, thereafter locked. Also, edits marked as such
Jack this is a great idea. Usually users find their mistakes within that time limit. Please make it happen
mostly grammar related issues so 1 min would be perfect. Allow for changes while protecting malice
A short window, not allow people to hide tweets beyond outright deletion.
this is something I really want...mainly for typos. Although I think it would be best to be time limited...
might be worth marketing tweets that have been edited...similar to how @slack do it...
yeah spellinf mistakes.
I think editing within time frame IFF there are no likes, quotes, or RTs is reasonable. Once someone else interacts, no edits
Agreed, that sounds reasonable to me. @jack @cloleaf
Edit quickly. Mistakes are caught quickly so I'd say 5 minutes is plenty of time.
spelling/ broken links within a 60sec window would be good. Or 5 mins but certainly not without limit because of Twitter's real-time
5 min window!
Id prefer like a two minute window to edit minor spelling errors.
editing tweets for a short window of time after posting to fix mistakes. not editing any time, that could be abused greatly
5 mins would be helpful...
5-mins would be great. Most users appreciate the "public record" aspect, so ability to edit "anytime" is not needed + not desirable.
Edit spelling. Edit anytime = meh. Fox news comments uses four minute window. Seems to work fine.
on Agoracom, we give users a 5 minute window only
Even less than 5! There just needs to be enough time to see & fix a typo for those of us who tweet before we proofread. 😉
5 minutes is great not after
Yes! 🙌🙏 A small window of time after posting to fix spelling errors or formatting mistakes (extra spaces, wrong hashtag, etc.)
id say 5 mins is good, I find myself deleting a tweet after i **misspeled** :)
anytime would mislead from an original tweet deserving 100 likes to an edited deserving none (racism/hatred etc)
NOT any time. Only until first re-tweet or like.
are you personally interacting with users on this topic? (I may be naïve or impressed)
Rather than timebox edits after the fact, have you considered a configurable 'tweet preview mode' before officially posting?
absolutely a five minute window to edit tweets, and if someone RTs it, they get a notification that a tweet they RTd had been edited
enable editing within a short time frame like 5 minutes. Thanks.
Proofread mode is good. A 30 second window or something that shows the reeet composed is good. 5 minutes will lead to abuse.
Need a minute long window to correct mistakes. Allowing editing any time is a Pandora's box that allows people to change the record.
FB allows edits, but shows your original copy. I think that's fair.
Since Twitter is used often for referenced, addition of "Previous Version" button to view before edits?
a 5 minute window for correcting mistakes would be awesome :D
Not at all
If you allow people to edit tweets can you at least update the date to the time it was edited and remove likes and retweets
Five minutes is good. Otherwise people can wreck threads by editing for contradictory content.
less is more
5 minute window
edit for corrections or show edit summaries. It's probably going to be used in an abusive way so implement post history.
I say you get a 5 min window before the tweet propagates to followers. Owner can disable the delay, but that disables edit-ability.
quick window for typos
I believe that most of websites forum & others has average 10 mins window to edit a post so I second that to edit a tweet!
I think 1 min. Window to allow editing is more than enough!
That's not a good idea, please don't enable Tweet editing. Not even for a minute.
Please stick with a 5 min window. I don't want to like/RT a puppy & later find it edited to hate speech. Signed, a Stock Owner
Editing tweets is a bad idea, will be abused. Inflammatory tweet, wait for replies, then edit tweet to make the replies seem crazy.
New ways to be abusive doesn't improve Twitter. Better to delete a tweet with errors, and re-post with corrections. Like we do now.
spelling corrections would capture 95% of my editing situations.
5 mins...then delete if needed!
To also point out you will need a version history with/without constraint. @cloleaf And IMO constraint requires discussn. like why 5
Y not 5 edits? or a 'locked' tweet within an undisclosed time constraint? pursue of this depends on twitter's openness + UX @cloleaf
giving in to edit at any time would kill the importance of tweet! Never ever give that feature! Window of 30s is best
A 10-15 minute window to edit tweets for spelling/punctuation errors would be perfect - such a pain to have to delete tweets.
I say brief window to edit, but corrections should be shown.
how about an #editbutton for #TwitterCEO's ego? And no more babysitting my #ipaddress and whereabouts. #privacyviolation
My vote is that people can edit within a short window, a few minutes, similar to what Slack does.
only edits first 3 or 5 minutes. eternal edit option will destroy twitter.
Agree on limited time. 3 minutes and a spell check prompt if a typical error spotted by system before posted.
why not require one more click to confirm sending a tweet? Force people to reread, and not be impulsive.
Prefer no edit feature at all. If must have, then one 30-second window. Twitter now document of record for govt officials. Integrity!
create a poll for this.
Should be option of editing tweet anytime. (Click on the tweet to see original and edited tweet).
if Twitter acts as a public record then putting a restriction like time on editing makes sense.
however if I look at my own behaviour I only edit within a time window of a few mins.
there's never been a time when I dig up an old post and choose to edit it.
this is something that would need some analysis.
just 5 min window would do. No1 shud be allowed to edit anytime, else all credibility wud be lost.
anytime editing. It often happens you don't realize the mistake until later
I would be happy with just a minute to edit. Just typos, not hours later regrets. Maintain "the public record".
or an "undo" countdown like Gmail. 30 sec to change your mind or send. Editable setting.
The ability to edit at any time would be great, but even 5 minutes later it helps a lot.
5-10 minutes will be fine. Only for mistakes. Anytime will be a disaster.
1 minute is enough!
the pbm is the tweets forwarded as SMS you can't edit them or delete them once sent.
guess 5mn is OK. Suppose it's the admissible time lag for an SMS too.
Need a time limit so ppl don't change content/context after massive likes/retweets.
but... why? it is already possible to erase a tweet: just erase and rephrase. @jack
it would be a lot easier to be able to edit rather than delete and rewrite!
General tweet editing at any time is a terrible idea unless it also deletes all comments and re-issues the tweet.
Voice tweets!
searching own past tweets, in Arabic specifically is imperfect. Could improve.
you can use the from:AlSaibie operator associated with the word(s) you want in a Twitter search to find your past Tweets :)
works well in English. Far from it in Arabic.
bring back favs. Do more about harassment.
add nested tweet threads, delete nazis
If I look at someone's profile on mobile I see a bunch of replies and tweets mixed together unlike desktop. Not good for discovery.
interesting! this is one of the main reasons i like the mobile version more.
ability to edit
comprehensive plan for getting rid of the nazis
we've been working on our policies and controls. What's the next most critical thing?
Can you give us some examples? Look at the replies to this Old Navy ad. Overrun by Nazis.
We know one thing for certain, if just one person is cold, nobody's having fun. Banish the BRR, family style:
Quality and anti-abuse controls for all users, not just verified + more transparent review process for abuse
get rid of spam, spambots, and marketing fraud
Twitter has just re-added prominent far right users in the US and verified them. Make a start with them.
making sure Twitter feels open and welcoming to all demographics would make a huge difference and be a big lift. Worth focusing on.
Twitter is a society, and it gets to be the society you want to have. You're the autarch. Okay, so what kind of society is it?
>making sure Twitter feels open and welcoming to all demographics Wants to get rid of a demo. vallid but ironic.
i dont think you realize how much of a hypocrite you sound like
comprehensive plan for getting rid of the nazis
"open & welcoming to all demographics" vs "getting rid of the nazis" winner: self-congratulatory incoherence
including the nazis? And by "nazis", I'm sure you're referring to the socialist left?
a political viewpoint isn't a demographic
oh, so ban all Shia muslims too? I'm starting to like you.
stop verifying nazis
A non-comprehensive plan to slightly reduce the number of Nazis
I'd say better #twitter system for banning/deleting trolls/bullies/harassers..current system WAY ineff! 😢🌍 #twitter2017
Would you like to see accts I've been told are fine in the last week? How about an option to report violations of this:
Currently, there's no way to report that violation, and it's one of very few objective rules.
Also, please do feel free to explain how an account called "fuck jews" and an account saying "Hitler was right" don't violate this:
behavioral+predictive analytics
embedded fact-checker in every Trump tweet :-)
Anything else pales in comparison, don't you think?
Comprehensive plan for getting rid of the nazis.
the next most critical thing is to take those policies and ACTUALLY ENFORCE THEM PROPERLY
it's also getting rid of the nazis
There is no next most critical thing. Put all your resources on that until you fix it.
Finish the policies & controls, and that would be enough of a step forward
most critical thing would be to start banning users that harass others or promote hate speech.
focus on the Nazis, once that's taken care of maybe reopen the issue?
after the nazis are gone, maybe release the thousands of swatted usernames please?
There isn't anything more critical than getting rid of the Nazis.
getting rid of hate speech should be priority 1 to 100. Don't think you need any more priorities
go past "we're working on it" on to "we've put them in place"
~implementing those controls~
No, I think "Get rid of the Nazis" pretty much covers it.
Lather, rinse, repeat as needed until infestation subsides. @whyJoe @jack @saschasegan
It doesn't look from the outside like you've been working very hard. Too many obvious violations with an e-mail saying no violation.
Nothing is more important than getting rid of the Nazis. Srsly! Will agree ability to quickly edit typos is overdue.
the neo nazis
Nothing else matters until this is solved. The most important "features" of @twitter are the voices it amplifies.
Still probably the nazis, honestly.
There is no next thing. Everything else comes after this.
ban Trump. He's already violated your guidelines on harassment re: Chuck Jones and Megan Kelly. Nazis will leave w/ him
There is no "next." You're not doing nearly enough regarding harassment, racism, misogyny, etc. Should be ONLY priority. @saschasegan
Start taking the fact that this is not a safe space for women, poc, and lgbtq seriously because you're obvs not.
keeping the Nazis off once they're gone?
Yeah no one but the suckup tech blogs believe you that the problem is needing better mod tools. You approve death threats
Your toxic, _dangerous_ platform is what's stagnating your user base but sure let's have 20 more UI tweaks nobody wants.
Executing that plan and getting rid of the Nazis.
Stop bots from racing tweets to be the first to reply. To systematically race a @, premium can use a key given by that @
Nazis, mate. Getting rid of them.
the casual death threats.. the casual, totally, untrue "facts"
Yeah, it's really just the nazi thing. Nothing else matters until that's dealt with.
The next most critical thing is also "get rid of the Nazis"
This reply sounds rather dismissive. Please go out of your way to denounce the rise of nazi/fascism activity on Twitter.
Sad, but not unexpected that there has been no response to this.
This needs attention.
This reply sounds rather dismissive. Please go out of your way to denounce the rise of nazi/fascism activity on Twitter.
Literally nothing else matters.
next most critical thing after getting rid of the nazis?
You've had years to work on this stuff, of it being an obvious problem, maybe make it a real priority.
Is that a lie Jack? Because the nazis literally organise on here with goddamn hashtags. You're. Doing. Nothing.
.....getting rid of the nazis? like, thats an easy fix. thats quite possibly the easiest fix
I'll identify and ban Nazis free of charge, standing offer
it's also getting rid of the nazis, as are all the other fucking things.
doesn't much look like it. Hire more for that team. Make sure to ban Nazis, and tr*mp. That will probably save payroll from hiring
U should stay focused on getting rid of the nazis b/c what ur doing isn't working & they r driving ppl away from Twitter
Twitter has made clear, recent progress, but notorious, repeat offenders seem unencumbered. Please look at the incubators.
There is zero point in banning small harassers if you avoid conflict by ignoring the users they look up to. Milo was a good first step
but there is no shortage of monsters who stepped-in drive interaction by promoting harassment. Is spot treatment a viable strategy?
That's literally all that matters. Please fix it.
How about a panel of judges 50% Liberals & 50% Conservatives that must be 100% united before user's account is deleted. @saschasegan
This is the worst idea ever.
this idea fucking blows oh my god.
That's a pretty huge thing. Make sure you do it right.
Your platform ignores harassment, hate speech, literal Nazis, and actually endangers the world with Trump. Get your shit together.
Sweet. Please @jack, make this happen! BTW, your tweet is hate speech dumbass.
Get rid of the nazis on the other end of the spectrum, the extremist SJWs
getting rid of Russian troll factory accounts posing as nazis
Nope, that IS the most critical thing. Way to brush off the most serious issue facing this platform. It's not solved.
You really felt compelled to respond to that wannabe censorer? Says something.
Nice brush off. Next most critical is get rid of nazis, after that get rid of nazis, followed by get rid of nazis...
I speak for all tolerance-loving people when I say there is NO "next-important thing" to kicking Nazis & their hate OUT!
This is like asking what colour you should paint the dumpster while it's on fire. Shut down the hate, then ask this.
Cosigned. How can you even have to ask after everything that's happened here this year. You should be on this months ago.
the next critical thing would be to actually do it and not just dodge the suggestion.
fuck you jack ban me is this hate speech?
why are you mad about nazis not being allowed on your social media platform
I'm mad he says they're working on getting rid of abuse but have done nothing
go fuck yourself jack I am bad but you are worse
no you should stay with the getting rid of nazis thing before you move on to another thing
getting rid of the nazis is literally all I want to see Twitter do this year.
Actually just stick with working on that cuz clearly it's not working right now
1. System to achieve/lose reputation 2. Ability to nominate Nazis, depending on the number & reputation of prosecutors
Working on it by bringing back Nazis? Less Nazis pls. also less terrorists, less potential serial killers, etc.
1. Crackdown on hate speech - ban IP of suspended accounts (+block proxies/VPNs like Netflix does)
2. Guaranty of neutrality while doing it (f.e both Conservative and Liberal workers take the decision)
3. Harsher stance against dangerous violent groups (any tweet merely supporting IS/KKK/Al Qaeda etc.. = Ban)
4. Punish those who spread fake news and use Twitter to harass individuals or companies (Pizzagate, Delta etc..)
3. A less opaque report system. It sometimes feel that it's only the number of reports that lead to a ban-not fair and
lead to bad behavior since people can just organize to "take down" someone's account by reporting it lotta times
Actually getting rid of the Nazis. While there are still Nazis, there is no "next most important thing." @jack
Maybe getting rid of you so we can ACTUALLY get rid of the Nazis? Seriously. Youre partly responsible for whats happening
no seriously though, clean up the community. We haven't been able to edit tweets forever, who cares? Abuse, Nazis, Trolls = problems
But of you get rid of Leftist Democrat Nazis, wherever will they go? We should give them a place too. #FreeSpeech @jack
but then what would Donald Trump and his supporters do for entertainment?
it would be nice to not see verified users with hundreds of thousands of followers talking about "the jewish question"
stool pigeons should be banned like this guy
And Jihadis as well? @jack
use less data!!!! 😂
Accountability - verbal assaults and threats of physical violence need to be treated seriously.
channels for different types of people I follow. Swipe left or right for politics peeps, friends, sports etc.
been thinking a lot about this. More topic focused v account generally
I've managed it by having accounts per interest, but there could be a better solution.
Twitter has made different UIs in the past for different live events. Why not general UIs? Sports UI, Political UI, Celebrity UI, etc.
allow edit any time, edit replaces original in all threads, original remain available as child unless edit within x sec
yep better incorporation of lists, which I also think would help new users as well.
you already have lists - it's just so poorly implemented :(
and hidden! Hard to find where it is located in apps. I miss Tweetdeck on mobile.
yeah a tweetdeck implementation on twitter mobile app with slide screens.
I agree. I use lists as a 'topic' filter on tweetdeck. Too buried to do the same on mobile. Swipe 👍
I hate lists! I don't want to be on a list ever. And I hate that people I don't know put me on one.
lists needs to be improved greatly. But the roots of channels are already there so it shouldn't be tough to implement.
Would you be willing to beta test an app I'm working on for list control? Building business card 2.0 using lists and profiles for cards.
crazy tht only logged out users see featured tweets on home page, why not allow logged in see without logging out
I have zero idea how lists work or why they exist :(
agree. Just needs to be greatly improved. It especially need a new name. "Lists" implies chores.
adding a +1 to this request. Example: I want tweets on the DC Tech scene integrated into my timeline
for now, I have to go into saved searches. Then, the top tweets aren't enough so then have to do "all tweets"
UX needs to be completely redesigned. On mobile lists are under a settings gear (?!?) on your profile (?!?)
I like this. Something more like magazines (see Apple News) than Twitter command and control "moments"
dashboard app already does this fairly well if you use lists. But will need to be easier for general users.
twitter is so many things at once. Would be nice to organize what I want to see through my day. Thanks for the response :)
I already do this using lists based on my interests
I’d love this, but the set-up / management could prove tricky for end user. Automated/curated?
perhaps something that can be done over time? Casually sort while you surf... would take about a week.
...and then ability to follow channels only :-) bcoz I care about topic A v blah from same person.
List organization is tops for me. All my tweets get jumbled together when sometimes I just want a specific topic. Thanks!
do not want. I want to follow high-quality individuals, not algorithmically categorized content.
also, I want to categorize my tweets into a "channel" Friends can unfollow politics Devs can unfollow personal etc
in the mobile app this would be great.
Oh, that's a cool idea.
thanks! I would follow so many more accounts if I could put them somewhere.
yes. Great addition.
thanks Adrian. You and I have the same Peter Brady hair. Can I join the Entourage?
better way to create and follow tweet storms, real names, and just buy Nuzzel, will you!?
editable tweets
for the sake of national security you need to be bold and unprecedented and revoke Trump's twitter account.
Tweak the privacy. FB privacy can be customized. Twitter's are all or none. Choose b/w unwanted scrutiny or scaled down experience.
Shareholder value and the ability to edit. $TWTR
This'll sound "small" but I'd REALLY like the ability to edit tweets after they've been tweeted. Start there plz. #Twitter2017
an easier way to claim inactive usernames
Since authorities are using our social media profiles to background check us - more open verified user program.
Search old tweets & ban more trolls.
as well as personal security. The President of the United States using your platform to name private citizens could be lethal.
Let others edit tweets. Charge them bitcoin to monetize it.
How about just the first part.
actually listen to users, an edit button, better spam prevention #twitter2017
Translate bios please!
Ability to search faved tweets
what are you usually looking for? Videos to show a friend? Article to go back and read?
Keith please make a bookmarking ability - sometimes I want to go back &reference things and can't find them
All of the above and more. Specifically photos and tweets that endorse my work.
likes are in chronological order of time the tweet was posted, shouldn't it be when you did the action?
If the tweet is over a week old, how many thousands of tweets can u search thru for one tweet.
favorites are my key way of identifying key tweets/links/references. Ton of valuable info/data.
creating tools/functions that allow us segment/parse out faves bring sticky value to users to come back
appreciate vision of being "real time" info network, but ton of value undiscoverable due to inability to access historical
this would be to keep existing user base.
mostly but it'll lead to more optimized UX. Result in better ways to share w/ others - users & non-users.
current way of "sharing" is simplest and usually hard to grasp the context when shared to non-users.
get some time after where Editing tweet is allowed after its been posted. With 'edited' label near the time probably?
get rid of spam accounts and porn
stop the bots
in general, the death of animated gifs, no major changes.
✔-button for the tweet being read/checked/noted. The like-button could then be used as meant.
Ps. @jack thank you for maintaining such an amazing communication tool for us all #LoveTwitter
or failing that delete David Duke's 1930s style anti semitic hate stream
shared block lists, edit tweets, lists are awesome so more investment in that UI, filter out all cat photos 😀
Ban abusive accounts, flag fake news.
ability to organize/categorize favorited tweets
You could see your own deleted tweets.
better discovery of new accounts to follow using diff metrics (engagement focused rather than # of followers)
also many of the things that should be fixed are in the onboarding process + attracting new users IMO (who won't be responding here)
things like being able to mass follow another person's followers, lists by topic, or maybe pre-populated timelines?
Honestly, I'm just shocked you asked. #Twitter2017
Work on privacy and get bought out 😀
Ability to edit tweets up to 30 seconds after posting to fix typos
Make Twitter Stock GREAT AGAIN!!
Enable closure on message
improve thread readability
(paid) premium accounts for instant verification. Get rid of spam accounts (following 100k+, like really?), rick roll @GuyFieri 🔥
Just let me cross post my instagrams without having to link to instagram
#twitter2017 nested replies, longer tweets/tweetstorms. Better web UI
shareholder value please
the ability to edit tweets would be awesome!
that's a very long list unfortunately...
I know you’ve mentioned this in the past but the character limit is just a little too low - please consider increasing the count to 14
lol this is a great example of another request which is to somehow RT two things as one tweet
add channels and put good recommended people in those channels. Also buy Square and combine the two once and for all.
or failing *that* stop serving ads into hate pages, so at least you're not directly earning money from hate speech
get rid of abusive hate speech
turn twitter into what it should've been: a web browsing/search engine experience. Be a better Google. #Twitter2017
is utilized by many seeking fantasy sports stats/news. In same fashion as Finance Twitter - feed the beast. #Twitter2017
give us stock quotes, standings, scoreboards, player stats
to be able to edit twits after it's been sent
continuing efforts to limit harassment/trolling would be great.
better abuse protection, save for later, organized threads tab.
Edit feature on tweets. Mass banning of more trolls.
edit tweet and remove RT olds.
stronger privacy and security features for users and groups who are/feel harassed + get rid of egg/dog avi scary people who harass
Bookmarking tweets to read them later. I wrote a piece about that here >
What Twitter Really Needs
🤔 I can’t be the only one missing this…
edit tweets for 5min. Subscribe to thread. Clearer threading. Note content form. Popular tab that's just most liked tweets last 24hrs
subscribe to thread is a good idea! Wow
Subscribing to threads is a good idea
Allow 2-4 chars longer usernames. 🙏 #Twitter2017
Twitter would be better if one could organize media and threads by topic so resurrecting them for later use would be easier.
have a dedicated place for live events. Just like u v for "moments." v to be able to go to one spot for live events like the #rally
Make twitter a platform for different apps, a la Slack, Medium or soundcloud integration perhaps. Build on top of twitter
not give the racists and abusers a platform maybe?
Switchable feed from Twitter algo to latest tweet.
an increase in its stock price and actual innovation? Twitter hasn't been innovating at all. Too slow for users.
watch it @jack we need this feature
oh, you already got there on this! I didn't see, still, this video is worth sending to him a few times ;)
a little better interest based user discovery. currently who-to-follow is based on other followings, would love to see tweet-related.
stop Soccer AM from broadcasting
Hi, Jack. Suggestion: to be able to "pin" multiple tweets instead of only one @jack - Twitter improve or create in 2017
Great idea Peter.
edit tweets but mark them as "edited"
Edit tweets, delete the Nazis, and for the love of fuck, figure out how to stop a giant orange man-baby from declaring nuclear war.
remove character limit , look at weibo Only way to survive long term
Tweet edit; Dedicated GoLive tab; Ability to see home TL while watching a livestream.
Create an edit button please
Twitter has a lot it can do, but it's too afraid of "altering the public imagine" of what it is. Time to evolve and change.
some form of "dislike" or "this is spam" button where eventually the post is removed if it hits a predetermined limit or #
I bet suggestions around fake news are numbers 1, 2 and 3.
Trends used to have a lot more meaning, but now I don't pay attention to them as much. It's not as noticeable on Android app anymore.
Further expansion of moments; Easy (if not automatic) curation of relevant tweets of an event within the same area. #Twitter2017
editing tweets within a small window of time is at the very top of my list!
more video functionality, edit Tweets
threads por favor
keyword search my likes, tweets and retweets.
native tweetstorm feature?
ability to better navigate a conversation thread, and clustering tweets under broad topics instead of only hashtags
5 minute window to edit mistakes. Anything else can be handed by deleting/re-posting.
integrate @Patreon on bio, Twitter is oft the voice of independent makers, journalists and activists.
Twitter handles should not be part of 140 character limit, either un new tweets or replies
edit tweet, and mute certain words
How about one mentioned user and one link per tweet don't count towards the 140 character limit? Also maybe increase the limit to 160?
I would pay money 💰 for no ads
the ads are fine I would pay $ for premium features + targeted / good ads.
Tastefully relevant ads would be decent but I mostly get randos
my ads are really relevant. PS ads power our sector / world. Don't hate =)
No hate! I love ❤️ good ads, I regularly watch ads on YouTube for fun
at least you're willing to pay to block. Anyway, I get really good ads here have found lots of new products I love.
I get mostly Starbucks, T.Rowe price ads, and car ads. I usually try to hit "I don't like this ad' if it's irrelevant, and
... I regularly fill out the survey's on the ads
have analytics in my handle & get ads for data viz companies & stuff. I love it. Marketers doing well in that niche!
I think the issue is with companies that promote, not Twitter. NFL promoted tweets are GARBAGE!
agree lots of Twitter advertisers need education. Twitter should steal page from our playbook on this ;)
you need to separate: profiling for ads may be acceptable. profiling as itself,when hits information,is mother of all evil @jack
what are the premium features you'd want?
I'd pay for premium analysis tools, (see GA suite for ex) Reddit Gold-like feat, etc
used to give ideas to former twtr product team on ad/analytics always happy to come down & share more notes.
I would love to hear some of your ideas about ads/analytics! DM me and we can follow up
premium features like what?
I'd pay for premium analysis tools, (see GA suite for ex) Reddit Gold-like feat, etc
interesting. but reddit gold just seems like something that uber fans pay for rather than being actually useful?
for example I'm not sure any of these benefits are replicable on twitter. I quite like the 'democracy' of the unpaid platform.
it's a fair point. Worth an experiment though see what happens. Think premium analysis tools I mentioned = more compelling.
I am Reddit gold payer it's both for uber fans & useful. Twitter could have unique set of features that's both.
Ads for new products
this would be nice but seriously hurts their business model
Well they could always just show less 🙃
depending on how much. But yeah, agreed. P
Use @tweetbot and you'll not have ads. On the negative side, you'll also not have neither polls nor gifs.
same. No ads, no you might like, just Twitter Classic, pre follower-only reply visibility.
I'd pay $10 a month for smart keyword mute without having to use another app
I would jump on this option as well. 👍🏼
we should have live video page similar to Bloomberg or the sports shows w/ relevant tweets scrolling along the side.
Twitter translator for languages need someone who speaks the language to work to form a translator. Helps us communicate better.
Take major steps toward fixing Twitter's hate/harassment problem. It's out of control.
make push to create useful datasets from Twitter data that are fun to use (yes, you sell the data via Gnip.. but for bulk users!)
Google have Google Trends as an example
Twitter has become a harbor for hate speech and general incivility. Please work to curtail accounts purposefully created for that aim.
A new statement of Twitter's purpose as a community that doesn't include abuse, then tech and reviews to back that up.
handles vandalism and political disputes because the community's purpose allows for ready agreement on what to exclude.
If @twitter's mission is to just be a utility for any message, then facilitating abuse is on-mission and can't be solved.
I wrote articles upon articles on this but most important? MOVE FASTER. Build things and make it simple (not simplistic)
at these moment other people's bots do that tagging work, like there's many bots for getting machine learning tweets
full twitter advanced search in the twitter API (for finding really old tweets).
that's available as a @Gnip product today.
threads are messy. Perhaps, if it were able to be visualized as a tree
so you could follow a line with single person and also see at what point others jumped into the convo
editing tweets and resolving this issue with trolls. The second one seems to be causing ppl with great content not to share!
It doesn't take long to delete a tweet an editor would be nice but languages come first.
Weed out promoted trends (whether through twitter clickfarms or bots).
Time line should not move to a start, once a tweet been sent when scrolling is at mid/more down level.
wish list for Twitter in 2017: Group tweets based on topic, and identify trending handles based on topic
add "bookmark" / "save". I see ❤️as public endorsement. Sometimes I do it as mental note / reminder. (1/2)
Similar to what @instagram just did. Exhibit A, I have 4,740 "likes". It's articles I meant to read, people to follow up w/ etc. (2/2)
Hi @jack also, if there was a "bookmark" then you could email peoole & remind about the "bookmarks" & help 🚀 🐣🐥@twitter's engagement . #ux
Also @jack I often times email myself tweets or save them to @instapaper & I know I can't be the only one who does this! #ux #Twitter2017
I do this all the time
right? I save things for my #ux newsletter, people to email, articles, etc. I imagine it's the same for you.
exactly. I do a newsletter too :) I end up ❤️ing a load of things I'm just saving for later.
yup. Been thinking about this! We need to approach all feedback more simply and comprehensively
very important that the "save" or "bookmark" is searchable a over time you can't find the things you saved.
Jack I want a blue marker 😊😊😊
Good to hear @jack :) There is *so much* great content on @twitter, but I often ❤️ and then never go back and read / watch. (1/2)
I do the same. I also used @Pocket for webpages and did the same. Sharing to @evernote has been best for me. @ux
Talk with your help Twitter Center Jack documented
If I got a Fri or Sat email w/ my "bookmarks" I'd read / watch / engage with the content (vs users) much more (2/2) #ux #Twitter2017
yeah this is good. A read later is def worth considering
we made for that exact purpose. Daily email with your ❤️tweets to bookmark or read later.
Love that idea, man, just signed up.
handy but I'd rather not ❤️ things I'm just saving if I had a choice
Boy am I glad I read this thread. Thanks for the link. :) @JuanMelano @jack @sarahdoody
yes def. Using any other app is not so handy.
download @Pocket and you can save content from inside twitter very easily. Amazing app
I use pocket to save tweets. Should be available native.
yes, this is a great idea. I'd do this instead of Pocket, or Facebook bookmarked articles.
I end up emailing myself emails quite often (especially when scrolling without internet), so would be a great future
I use Pocket for these purposes, but gets very cluttered.
You can DM those Tweets to yourself, I do that a lot
Absolutely. As of now, I "favorite" things almost exclusively to bookmark links and articles to catch up with later
acquire pocket & leverage their data to create more personalized twtr feed, perhaps order by topics as @scottbelsky says
I've been using ⭐️/❤️ as a Read Later for solo long (almost 10 years on Tw) it's ridiculous we don't have one already.
For that I use a IFTTT trigger when like then instapaper. It's ok for me.
emails from Twitter could be a lot more like @nuzzel, showing what's being shared by who we follow plus trends, discovery.
muting someone for a period of time--enables skipping a rant or machine gun tweets such as sports play by play that swamps our feed
look into @Pocket it's a lifesaver
you can bookmark tweets in a private Twitter moment and use ifttt to email reminder you the list of tweets within it
Think bigger!! Good idea, can be changed in 5 minutes. Need to get beyond $11billion market cap!! $twtr
and add a hate / unlike button.
I like that idea a lot. So many article are shared on twitter, that we aren't endorsing, just want to read.
What about a chat like this on a monthly basis?
would love this feature. I often favorite stuff to read for later. I'll either often forget about it or I won't like it.
I do that a lot too! 😮
loads of people doing this already with @IFTTT my recipe saves faved articles and tweets to @Pocket
same. I try to track things I'm interested in this way. I just need an integrated @Pocket button to be honest.
Oh this one please! I use Twitter for 'consumption'. Most of my RTs are #notetoself since 'likes' don't sync well.
would agree with Sarah. A lot of my likes are not likes but tweets that I want to read later - bookmark/save button please
this one was endorsement to let you know that 70% of the time I use it as a bookmark/reminder... (30% sort of as read)
literally NEVER as "like"
agree! i direct message myself any tweet that i want to save to look at later but could be made more easy/clear for users.
this is true and same in my case. Add tools like bookmarks/save. #Twitter2017
a like icon.seperate fm a love icon, a delete feature for long tedious tweets tl
So true! I use ❤as bookmark! Need a save bottom. Probably a personal tweet library where user can save tweets topic wise. @jack
agree. Would like a way to bookmark a tweet/topic wo liking it, especially articles
remembering hashtags is annoying, it's amusing 1st but not useful in the long term except for social protests
Instagram image previews please.
How about top 100 trending when viewing on the website. Lots of room in that left sidebar.
more aggressive marketing, monetize periscope, Twitter TV, bullying control, 360 deg videos explosion usage = increase $TWTR value
Enforce abuse rules for everyone. It seemed like Twitter sometimes had blatant double standards with celebs who abused and got away.
topic is if socialnets are media(with editors'responsibilities)or service providers(and enforcement is due to police) @jack
for love of holy, can you fix Searching for words from a tweter? Search function in general is horrible..
ability to grant account access levels; read only analytics access, ad-platform + analytics access, and publishing access.
a more robust messaging svc
• better search and collections around the information shared on there. Summarizing context and content.
tweet privacy protections..basically permission settings on each tweet - similar to FB's who can see or interact with this.
better visuals around tweetstorm content - could be an iteration of moments or a long form text generator
twitter pages/board. Separating tweets & the other themes of content shared. Ex. Instead of media album a collection quick view.
oh and lastly give Twitter lists more love make it easier to engage with that tool.
This concludes my free twitter consulting @jack lol Hopeful your team genuinely assesses and acts on the themes shared in your threads. ✊🏾
we share passionately on this platform because it's made a dent in our lives. Well mine at least.
and search - plz fix. Make it better for me to delineate and know when I shared things what I shared on le twitter.
oh another suggestion a black woman on twitters exec team...that's not a D&I lead. K. Thx. Bye.
ok for real this time last one someone started a 🔥 tweetstorm notification
Aside from the trolls it would invite - would love to see "someone started a 🔥 thread" notification. Similar to the live experience on IG.
uhm, @jack I think this thread just showed you need to create an offer letter for an engagement Product Manager for @beLaurie
ha! You the best. We're not cool enough for @jack to listen to though. 👀
Lists front and centre
4/ Simplify Tweetstorm.Right now Tweetstorms r hard&u have to reply to every tweet.Make it simple so tweets get threaded automatically
5/ You can then embed entire tweetstorms like embedded tweets and syndicate your content across publishers--> Increasing distribution
verification for all i guess
and people should just be able to follow a certain topic and get all tweets associated with it like Quora instead of forever searching
Ability to attach diff file types and formats e.g. Docs, pdfs, A "see first" feature like Facebook for your fav accounts recent tweets
with all due respect I don't want twitter to be anything like facebook @jack
Add "This service may not be used to provoke a nuclear crisis" to your ToS, then ban @realDonaldTrump
Also, ML to identify fake Russian propaganda bots. Same basic tactics you use for spam accounts also apply.
This is the most practical and immediately actionable step I've seen. Man up @jack & do it. @realDonaldTrump
improve search
1) Allow me to move through my feed more conveniently. If it's been 12 hours since my last login, allow me to see a specific time.....
the search algorithm has been naff for the past 6 months - including usernames in search as well as words in tweets - needs fixing
enable users to record their voices and share it with others in 140 secs
tweet editing, more transparency in the verification process, release of apparel and merchandise, ban soar tenser, more celeb Q&A's
anime to be legalized
FUCK off
Make inactive @'s available or so help me God.. @Gennaro_Code
I'd love to pay you all a small amount of money not to see ads.
bitcoin + @brave enables this nicely.
That'll be ~$12 p/year. @jack
For $12 USD p/year, p/user, Facebook could go privacy-friendly, stop collecting PII, stop serving ads, and keep their profits stable.
Hell, I'll give $13. You all can keep the change, @jack. 😀
Only if payable in BTC. @jack
- new bitcoin based social platform for that @YoursNetwork
ability to follow lists/topics (similar to Medium). Would make it easier for new users to get value out of Twitter.
much easier for new users to follow "startups" than it is to search for and follow 50 users who tweet about startups.
ability to search for best tweets, pictures, videos, streams, 360, and of course LIVE BUTTON with channel guide. New streaming......
partnerships with Netflix and HBO to stream 1st episodes of their original content, NFL redzone with twtr playthrough commercials.
A designated finance section, with live streamed market coverage and ability to curate tweets by cash tag(s), and tap/scan purchase
just keep existing
all of this! Nevermind talk of buyouts etc, just keep providing this platform.
get rid of me, itll make twitter better for everyone.
Editing and yes, 5 minute window will suffice or this would be a mess.
A B U S E. How many times must we tell you this? ...also the ability to search within my DMs. But abuse!
make manual rts great again
u should have made this a poll of the things you'll actually do. obvs getting rid of trump/nazis is not on the menu. lol.
►Make @twitter a non-profit to grow its users ►Remove spam/sponsored tweets ►Editable tweets ►ID's & links don't count to char limit
So glad you asked. Have Twitter create their own #GoLive channel for Stocks and Gaming. Twitter would their own studio and reporters
REALLY need a #GoLive tab to find video like #NFL. Within this #GoLive tab you can show past LIVE video in case user wants to view
🚫 "edit tweets" cuz users don't get that @twitter will just write a program that deletes original tweet & replaces with edited tweet.🙄
fake news detection algorithm.
edit tweets
2)...Example, when breaking events happen it's fun to look back & see how it broke on my feed. Finding now after a few is a chore
disable notifications for a specific thread, especially helpful for threads where you keep getting @-mentioned, but aren't conversing
"TWITTER LUNCH" "TWITTER TEA TIME" Happy to present both....
autoscroll my time line as I eat my bowl of wheaties. Tap to stop. Tap to start again.
to be able to follow discussions. So ppl chatting. I don't want to interfere, just follow the discussion.
this is a good start but for the whole conversation.
btw I like the 5 min window of editing. People should have to own their comments but editing a typo without deleting would be awesome
suppose 100 tweets r there to be rolled up, 50 passed, now a new tweet will take TL to a start,leaving the rest of unseen.Possible?
Play games among us.😍😍😍
1) Edit (allow us to change after tweeting); 2) drag and drop lists with tabs (like many other tabs) for better organized following
- Being able to easily change your profile pic, so it matches the tone of your tweet. Happy, Funny, Surprise, Sad, etc.
make you actually use twitter for like 10 seconds as a non white dude
easier to follow tweet threads
save for later read arricles, no need to save outside
Better support for third party clients!
Edit tweets (2 minute window?), release inactive usernames, alphabetize lists, faves like Tumblr (sort by fav time, not post time).
Edit edit edit pls. Quick edit is important. Anytime Edit is fine but can keep the history. Better search by name.
Something of the confident for "sustainable media platform" for the peoples. #Twitter2017
I would love to see Twitter become the Netflix of live TV. To broadcast all the live shows I lost after cutting the cable cord.
adding a save button for links/articles- I get most of my news/reading material from Twitter, would love to save via platform
navigating dynamic conversations(when multiple people are replying to me at once) experience is super bad and it needs improvement
location to share with friends/maps app
Better harassment blocking tools.
Improving visibility of "lists" feature. I love reading tweets by topics, from people I don't necessarily follow.
edit typos without deleting a tweet I'm bad at that haha. Easy way also to view past tweets over the years would be nice
re-think Lists, to me it feels like they are orphaned. I would like to use them as interest-based timelines to organize things.
Tackle Twitter abuse as swiftly as you did people putting up clips of the Olympics. You could do it if you wanted to. #Twitter2017
Following in the footsteps of Brian Chesky: what's the most important thing you want to see Twitter improve or create in 2017? #Twitter2017
Less "sometimes forcing" ppl to give their phone#. Compromises privacy. There r better ways to check for bots, or toxic recidivists(?)
Please, reject the idea that killing anonymity is an ethical way of combating hate. Those afraid should have a voice.
Twitter has so much potential to increase ad revenues without hurting use experience...shocked that you don't see it.
Transparent and active participation by @Support in harassment adjudication and content creation rights
Edit tweets, full functionality to tweetdeck.
please do not let users to edit their tweets for a few reasons! Too tired to mention them. You know what Im sayin'
No edits at all. Either delete it and tweet again or just let it be. Anything else can have massive potential for misuse.
Better abuse/harassment handling, ability to search fav tweets and edit tweets within 1 min window
also on the abuse side... if people had to cross verify their identity with other platforms...
that would increase the amount of work that an abuser would have to do rather than just creating an egg account and spewing venom
highlighting engaging conversations + better conversation threading/reading + subscribe to threads
twitter was designed for status updates (obvi) but the most engagement I've been on twitter is when amazing conversations happen
still so hard to find, follow and engage in conversations. Find conversations outside ppl you follow would be amazing too.
moments is a good way to see news that happens on twitter but I think the power in twitter over other news platforms is the conv.
Is moments coming to Germany anytime soon? 🇩🇪 #twitter2017
yup. Love moments, but I find my self reading and moving on, not commenting.
I actively avoid moments. What do you like about them/how do they add value to you/your feed?
I like moments (when I haven't already seen it on Reddit), but wish it generated more of a convo.
that makes sense. It's easy to be passive (like, RT) but not join the conversation.
quick way to see a summary of whats going on in the world outside the ppl you follow
moments needs more topics. Almost like subreddits, but I know that's what hashtags are for.
do moments on mobile show who made them or are they all curated by Twitter employees?
initially only twitter employees but they have opened it up. So now can be ppl u follow.
I know I can make a moment, just never seen from others in my moments feed.
it'll say from your network.
I don't have any of those.
same. Working a lot on simplifying conversations this year. Love how open and fluid they are
الحب توثيق حسابي جاك 😚😊
Conversations on Twitter are often hard to follow. Sometimes you can't tell who is replying to what.
the reply UI really doesn't scale. Reddit threads of over 100,000 comments are still easy to navigate.
thos convo great example. Replies from ppl I follow not highlighted? Very relevant
Can't second this enough. I'dd add an easy way to export/share them.
Agree. Also being able to have "favorites list" of users; to bookmark favorite accts to look at their timeline directly. @jack
highlight would be cool and maybe bold. But no more than that otherwise our timeline can become a never ending carnaval.
open firehose API access and give 3rd party developers carte blanche to amplify the power of twitter
Enforcing their TOS consistently and fairly for a change.
make debating easy
nah debating should be hard
leave twitter you fuck up $twtr
show us mutual followers in the iOS app, improve performance of or make a client for Mac/Windows w similar GUI
Twitter Moments tab overseas. Ability to have a double view in the trending hashtags based on the country of my choice and globally.
not including hashtags and mentions within the 140 characters
very localized alerts/news/feeds (like college campuses, neighborhoods; if x people tweet abt something area-specific, push an alert)
businesses could opt-in for promotions/advertisements
Those "You might like"-ish boxes that appear temporary (literally only one time) should be permanent at the same position in the feed
stream more NFL games like you did this year with TNF
stop this sort of spam?
I have no idea how @twitter will ever get over their huge spam problem…
harassment policies and suspending abusing accounts - for example, idk, maybe PEOTUS's? 🙃
better 3rd party app support. Polls, images in DMs, the improved search apis your own apps use.
also enable the same range of reporting options for users.
for third parties as in your first party apps (see that tweet needed editing cause I accidentallied it)
please please please. Search is so important for us Tweetbot users!
the ability for anyone to verify and only see replies from verified people
sarcastics - a font for sarcasm.
Only show me tweets from people I follow. Make sure people who follow me see my tweets. None of this algorithm nonsense.
Remove White Supremicists and Nazis from Twitter. Otherwise, you are complicit in their violence. Yes, this includes the "alt-right".
More good advertisers, too. Up until the last week most ads were click-bait or clearly fraudulent companies. Made twtr look shady
Interact with you
Tools that support better conversation and control over one's attention on the site. Both sorely lacking. See:
People @'ining and quoting you should be together (they say something new) and the RT's and Likes together (no new content). Why so hard?
Threading and quoting tweets are at odds with one another. The design space has no allowance for that interaction. No options.
The tabs still group "quoted you" with RTs, and not mentions—which obviously so together. Do people who design the tabs use the site?
Someone quoting you and saying something is a type of mention. An RT or a Like is passive. The former need to be together.
But above all, hire social science people and start working with actual users. I believe that's what turned FB around early on.
Twitter missed opportunity after opportunity. DM's were so useful; they got now features till zillion messaging apps became dominant.
Lists. Great tool, except no new features since, I dunno, ever? Not made easy for users.
No teeth to your moderation for ordinary users. Openly very very racist celebs get booted. Not people who spend whole day harassing.
agreed. Dropped the ball on those. Thanks for all the feedback and all your work!
That's great you have a research team, but fairly obvious issues and opportunities get ignored. Some issues are intractable but+
there seems to be a lot that .. simply gets ignored. Something is not making the journey between your people research and your design.
Heart of twitter for me is conversation. Tools must support that, along with one's own attention. Happy new year.
Thx JZ! Twitter is special because of it's concise general purpose messaging. Conversations also help against filter bubbles.🍾
جاك ابي توثيق حسابي
علامة زرقاء
we do have a very active and strong research team to work directly with people. @gracie
yes! we are sociologists, anthropologists, HCI and market specialists, passionate about human insights and storytelling
data is always more powerful presented and understood in human terms
agree. We need to think more comprehensively about that
Along those lines, a retweet with comment should be counted in the tweet's retweet number
I feel like replies and quote retweets would make more sense together. Retweets are for sharing. Faves show appreciation
wasn't it established a while back that few twitter employees have active accounts? @jack
Maybe have quoted tweets appear in the same thread? @zeynep @jack
This is why I use tweetdeck.
More anti-harassment tools, infrastructure
proactive recycling of inactive usernames!
also, if a private user tags/@-replies you in a tweet, you should be able to see it.
get a full-time CEO who cares about stopping the constant stream of abuse and neo-nazis
I'm counting this response as "Yea but what would actually help us make $$$ tho?"
on B2B front, watch FB Analytics for Apps, Firebase Analytics closely. Standard and Custom events + user attributes = better targeting
-- give us "fat tweets" as demo'd here --…
getting rid of troll accounts
no more Russian bots!
Ban Nazis from this website. *Actually ban them*. Hire people to actually look at report requests. Make it count.
Your website is failing because people view it as a cesspool of abuse and you have the power to fix it. Do.
Also, being able to mark individual tweets as private would be great. Ban all Nazis. Thanks.
Bookmark functionality is NB for me. I use @Pocket hand-in-hand with Twitter would +1 deeper integration [or acquisition] #twitter2017
being able to pin retweets
Require an extra click to see replies to others' tweets by people you don't follow. Current system incentivizes extremely bad behavior
There are automated systems or very dedicated screaming randos that try to get in the first word on every news tweet to get eyeballs
If that's too extreme, then at least an extra click to see replies that haven't been liked or responded to by the original poster.
a single plum, floating in perfume, served in a man's hat
can we talk about our proprietary promoted hashtag process, allowing you to monetize what's happening NOW, see @BMW sponsorship below:
having the 'Messages' tab on web pop up as a modal is just whack, how about its own page?
editable tweets (w/ history), bring back Discover tab, access Lists from timeline & display Instagram photos natively
Stop censoring people on ideology.
option to have my own feed during live streams instead of curated/hashtag feeds
to change location trends in mobile app.
Being able to someone's feed. Bringing back the feed of favorites. Stats about my following, my likes of their tweets / tweets per day
ban the nazi shitheads
For me - @TwitterMoments has been a great feature. I'd like to see it developed - not sure how though. Huge fan of it. Cc: @JoannaG
Tweet editing! Be it either for a short period or anytime – though the latter is preferable!
Ah! And another thing: inactive (for at least six months, as stated in the Inactive Account Policy) accounts, along with suspended »
» accounts, should have their handles claimable through some process or other.
advertisers should have more options then just a Tweet sized advertisement along with full control of the negative tweets posted.
keyword muting for timelines, active and timely suspension of accounts that harrass and threaten women of color.
native tweetdeck support on iPad. Maximize the space available. Browser-client doesn't cut it.
block users even when quoted.
better discovery and search around "liked tweets"
hire a pm for "liked tweets" - so much potential here
Polls are not honest.
Easy to use ( function describe), so u can easily attract more users. Good PR, Something happens, somebody can stand up to explain.
DNA of twitter is mobile. Break out moments into own app. Get super aggressive w proprietary news content. Hire broadcast team.
I would like for the white supremacist/misogynist accounts that I report for credible threats to actually be shut down
but you have one of the most aggressive accounts on twitter. i think you should be shut down.
refusing to give a platform for white nationalists
Add a "saved" section so I can go back to old tweets, archived by either topic or type. Ex, article vs video. Like reading list on iOS.
swipe L<>R through a carousel to navigate different branches of a thread (rather than scrolling down to find the next branch)
stop allowing Twitter to be a tool for hate groups to execute waves of abuse; ban nazis; flag fake news/disinformation campaigns
Build a BOD which knows and uses the product
wish you spend more time marketing the NFL games, so many of my friends don't even know about it, even though twitter accounts
The Nazis, Jack. Your site is a fetid cesspool of Nazis. #twitter2017
fake news/false headline warnings in the platform. an actual commitment to stopping abuse.
get rid of the Nazis, trolls and haters. Actually listen when reports are given and act on them. Oh and chuck Trump off ;-)
hire me as your CTO
Make it an unwelcome place for fascists. That'd improve things immensely. This is not censorship, it's just good sense.
1) Increase API calls per time window. 2) Make lists a more central part of the product - too hard to navigate to & edit currently
being able to mark tweets as read / hiding on mobile product would be awesome too. Could swipe on tweet to do it
+1 on lists- helps new users figure out who to follow + daily users to curate, which is huge
Didn't think people actually use the list feature...
I use lists quite a bit. I use tweetdeck for viewing on web & TwBookmarks on mobile because its so hidden in the product
more watching popular content in real time on twitter. Give me another reason not to need cable TV.
if you don't do something about the nazis and harassment it's going to continue to go down the tubes
I would like it if you actually looked at nexus accounts that feed and retweet hate exclusively and take the whole network down
but you feed and retweet hate exclusively. have you ever read your own thread? you are guilty of everything you cry about.
Real names/across the board verification. Kill the spam/monsters. Rebuild from what’s left.
honor your ToS for harassment and ban @realDonaldTrump from Twitter.
Trump needs to be banned from USA for treason. #RESISTANCE
a more organized way to view threaded conversations (who is replying to what Tweet, in what order, etc).
Improve on Twitter Lists - ideally by seeing more than one list at a time on Desktop i.e. multiple feeds #Twitter2017 (1/2)
buy @nuzzel. I get more value from it than from the twitter stream b/c it organises news by shares rather than by chronological order
I prefer chronological tweets. I hate my instagram and Facebook feeds. They are no longer relevant posts.
chronological is useful when you don't follow many people but when you follow hundreds / thousands too much volume.
I follow over 3,000 but I organize them via lists to see different groups.
that requires user action, is incredibly time consuming to set up and is a high barrier to value, Nuzzel is auto.
that's where we differ. I want to maintain my control over what I see. I don't want an auto feed.
twitter needs more value for the new and average user over just catering to the power user who put in the time.
It must be at least an OPTION to see all tweets in chronological order. Why piss off the power users...1/2
in favor of trying to attract the theoretical casual user - who isn't here yet.
power users have been here since the start, they will put the time in. YOY total users not growing
it needs to be easier for people to jump in and get value from, not harder. Is why numbers are 👇
yes I hope this user isn't defined as the 'noisy' spammy author or social media expert
you can have both, chronological feed & nuzzle-type grouping in a tab within the app
C-suite is fired. Board resigns. Stock soars. $TWTR is great tech but not working as a business.
for your bullshit security team to actually do something about white supremacists instead of catering to them
a feature allowing users to save tweets to refer to at a later time and organize by articles, pictures, videos, etc #Twitter2017
make usernames that are inactive available
@jack open up all 1st part APIs to 3rd party dev. Block Trump from Twitter.
feature parity on all platforms (including more niche platforms like like iPad and Mac), quicker.
that, and some sort of robust, transparent, consistent abuse policy
Hire more support and give them the teeth they need to actually remove harassment from Twitter instead of pretending it doesn't exist
I would like a reporting option called “this is defamation” that goes to an actual lawyer and gets shut down
I would like twitter to actually take reporting 2nd accounts opened by banned users seriously and shut them too
basically everyone is going to tell you you’re savagely shitting the bed on these points and it needs to stop. yesterday.
this is all extremely correct
2nd, or 22nd. They open them endlessly, and there's not even a box to check to report it.
too easy to create false IP addr., etc (not to mention email) so can't ban second accts
+@jack I would like twitter to actually take reporting 2nd accounts opened by banned users seriously and shut them too
you want twitter to provide you free legal counsel?
but thanks for being a dick anyway
this tweet, for instance is Libel Per Se. Twitter didn’t think it was a violation of the TOS. This is a massive problem
didn't you just tell your followers about someone's penis and personal health the internet police
in line with this I would like you to consider the point at which Twitter moves from being complacent to culpable.
is running a speech platform not a preschool. Turn it off if it hurts.
easier access to lists. Too many steps now, especially via app. Lists are awesome filter when set up.
Clean up the spam accounts in Middle East in specific cuz I believe you already did in US. @jack
improved filtering/ability to curate main feeds - so you can follow the topics and events you want and not be overwhelmed by the rest
Enforcement of your policies on targeted harassment even if the harasser is famous. Or president.
Ban hate speech, bot accounts, and paid trolls.
'Channels' categorizing people/content by topics would be pretty useful (with swipe left/right navigation from the home/general feed).
No censorship. Button to block comments on your thread. $10/yr membership to weed out trolls. Add a 'Do not Agree' button #Twitter2017
charge a small fee to cut down on bots
Stop fucking over third party clients by leaving parts of the API largely unexposed.
Make it easier to find conversation around specific links and videos (similar to sport screens events).
If I post a link, "see conversation around this link" more specific than broad topic. Closer to Reddit.
Current way is to put the link into the search box, but that isn't intuitive and doesn't promote conversation.
It's absurd that there isn't an edit feature.
customized feed from followers and non followers.
improve: score tweet quality of my followers/following. on mobile, let me quickly see which users i follow are following user X
Those are both great suggestions. @jack
improve: score tweet quality of my followers/following. on mobile, let me quickly see which users i follow are following user X
full time CEO Jan 1st
NOW you finally ask us? Desperate much? Ability to edit a tweet within a minute of sending to kill a typo/wrong link.
I would like to see the following handle de-activated: @realDonaldTrump. Please.
All I want is an edit button.
please do something about the ridiculous amount of "alt right" Nazi trolls. The new report options def a step in the right direction!
a book mark button, so you can save posts and revisit them later, not the "like" button a separate bookmark icon
also the ability to edit tweets would be amazing, simple stupid spelling errors are the worst, then you have to delete & tweet again
oh whilst I'm at it can you curate the "like" section by when I liked the tweet not in the order it was tweeted...
...often I'll like a tweet from days ago wanting to read the link later then lose it in the "like" timeline
Find a better way to verify everyone's identity. Will get rid of bot accounts, reduce spam, and eliminate trolling.
Twitter needs to become a place where people are empowered to have a voice. This will drive them to share content, news, and events.
5 minute window to edit tweets. Display Instagram photos, not just links to Instagram (this may be an Insta issue not Twitter)
Allowing new users to discover people based on the interests they have with a mix of locality
Be the news channel that learns things I need to know. E.g., make ads relevant. Make tweets discovered. Remove what I don't like.
Add bookmark functionality under 'more' menu at the bottom of a tweet, for future reference.
do something about the nazis
the manual RT has become a form of content stealing--maybe a "This tweet has already been posted by..." feature?
become more innovative & be unique, rather than copying trends from Facebook etc, add some uniqueness to platform #Twitter2017 (2/2)
the ability to mute hashtags on timeline 🙏🏾 (currently can only mute in mentions)
create a compensated user board of marginalized people and run product changes by them to avoid changes that increase abuse/harassment
notify when new things start to trend. Allow tagging+filtering of tweets so we can ignore/follow them
maybe plz make women able to speak their minds without being flooded with rape and death threats. Take abuse reports more seriously.
err on the side of over-banning abusive users. If a woman takes the energy to report abuse, it's better for humanity if you just...
...ban the user & believe the woman. Protect us. Rather be overprotected than under. You've dismissed many complaints - it's awful.
Do something about doxxing, when multiple users are reposting the same address/phone number maybe something isn't right
30 second window to edit tweets. Many times I notice an annoying typo just after tweeting and want to change it without starting again
No more than a 60 second window to edit a tweet, I would only have edit anytime if there was a log of edits people could view.
Hi Mark, have you read his other tweets on this? I think we might see an edit option in the future.
Yep, reading his tweets on it. More it gets mentioned the better, looks like it could happen, let's hope so 👍🏻
always good to see threads like this and CEOs listening. Very rare for it to happen.
Agreed, nice to see feedback and opinions from users with direct interaction from the CEO
Always good to get on a thread early too. More likely to get seen.
remove retweets olds, for example: RTs date 2010
undo retweets olds*
Create and execute a zero-tolerance policy on hate speech.
A brief explanation (probably needs a small team for curation) on why a topic is trending, providing some context
no more anonymous accounts
get rid of the Nazis
incorporate a StockTwits like system into Twitter when you use a cash tag $. Show us the stock chart and current trading price.
we'd like to see @Square offer a paywall, ppv or sub product for content creators that we can install on our websites, blogs etc thx x
Fix the troll problem. Twitter has become a much more powerful tool for bigoted trolls than it is for anyone else.
as in key searchable keywords for gifs to quickly narrow down the options, and not just emotion or physical categories...
rather than words, tweets that are trending, along with original tweeter.
give Donald Trump the @FLOTUS handle instead of potus and he'll never use twitter again
Better "training" for newbies so they get Twitter more easily and hang around longer. And interact, not broadcast. #Twitter2017
2/ product innovation are smart feeds. better suggestions in and than "While you were away". firehose too unruly for power users
/2b many more signals to go off of to seed smart suggestions. threads, conversations, prioritizing certain accounts (<3, RT, etc most)
/3 better recs for new people to follow. add context. (eg the people you <3, RT, etc the most <3, RT these other ppl the most)
/4 Highlights: most popular tweets on Twitter today. Within your graph today (ability to change time window)
/5 Discovery by content type: Articles by Twitter (eg Nuzzel) see which are tipping in your graph. sep app. ability to "pocket" reads
like that idea a lot. Worth mentioning you may be interested in what we’re building with the @shoutbutton app.
/5b Disco by content type as sep app continued: GIFs, Videos, podcasts, etc. (music was, IMO, wrong place to start this experiment)
/6 Onboarding + growth. anyone w/ interests should enjoy twitter. twitter needs to encourage communities to bring their convos to it
/7 encourage users to expand their interest graph. Tinder for interests side game to get users to follow more ppl + learn more ab them
/7b if you know I like "Philosophy" and "Science" this can seed recs for ppl to follow, posts to see, threads + convos to read etc
/8 allow accounts to recommend other accounts to follow, kind of like a pinned tweet
/9 give users a "year in review" like medium (and how Spotify used to), summarizing their habits and highlights
/10 could even experiment recommending events to users based on curr location and links shared within graph (side app for events?)
/11 ability to test drive twitter through another user's eyes: ie see their public home feed (not including their likes, etc)
/12 make search meaningful. I can't remember the last I did a twitter search natively. ALWAYS on google. so broken =(
product innovation *and smart feeds
Actually deal with the harassment that's killing this platform.
In-line Instagram photos. Please. Again. Someday.
those were the days.
give lists better real estate. great way to consume subject-specific content that feels live. presumably lower-touch than moments.
Ability to customize our tweet feeds. I would never want to miss out on a tweet from you, which I almost did :-)
curation of vine highlights for sports. Replays only. Like sportscenter top 10 but per game basis. Start with NBA.
Being able to edit a tweet you've made a mistake on within a certain time period.. 15 minutes or something, maybe even less time
i’d say probably like 1 minute just because a lot can happen in 15 minutes that can mess with people in a bad way..
Yeah 1 minute is probably better, maybe even 2
See, if I could edit the above tweet I would change it to 1 minute instead of 15 😂
A basic version of dataminr built into mobile app that flags amazing tweets or news alerts based on users topics of interest / preferences
and @USTweetsDistill (others avail) do good job of this. Could set notifications on accs
'Tweets you may like' and 'While you were away' do this to some extent but I like your idea coupled with alerts
let me view my timeline in chronological order again, please!
create: features to bubble up/share what my TL is watching on Live TV. Re-create the Superbowl Twitter experience for every TV show.
Better/faster response to harassment and abuse reports.
get rid of the nazis
please focus on removing spam from $cashtag and #hashtag queries. Such a huge headache for investors & marketers alike. Thanks Jack!
maybe group identical tweets in cash/hashtag searches... too many results are the same tweet text and article link.
display the most recent tweet and annotate how many other users have tweeted this along with any notable author(s).
finally let curious users expand all of these identical tweets if they want by opening up a new search results page.
echoing others but edit tweets. no edit window. whenever you want. P.S. periscope360 is sick!
Editfeature, a remember this (like on this day on FB) & an option to choose 2 see tweets like before with @ when so answers #Twitter2017 🙌🏻
searchable/filterable likes since many use likes for bookmarking. after you've liked a few thousand posts, it's impossible to navigate
Edit tweets for up to,say, 2 mins after posting.
Creating a feature or space that allows followers of influencers to have Ask Me Anythings
being able to add emphasis on tweets (italics, bold, etc) and the option to see moments in TL (targeted by recent moment views/rts)
make RT manual just like years before
Protect black women.
saving gifs would also be nice.
no more of those
or at least some way to deactivate it
Having a small window, maybe 5 min, to edit/delete would be a nice feature, I think. Thanks for asking.
I actually like the livestream feature on the twitter app. Good job
PLEASE allow us the ability to edit our tweets after we've published them. Typos aren't a cute look at all. Thanks! #Twitter2017
Ability to edit tweets
Purchases made through TWTR. Could utilize Squares resources. Could you @ the company , put an order in. TWTR account is tied to SQ?
and thanks for asking us!! Happy new year.
since you clean up ISIS/Daesh accounts, actually clean up white supremascist accounts.
I cannot stop the emails that accompany every like on of tweets. It's maddening!! A quick typo edit. Any time is just going to b abuse
a dislike button next to the like
a censorship free platform! RESTORE CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER newsfeed!!!!
Optimization that makes it so twitter doesn't spike CPU usage on some browsers.
How about that edit button?
Without change tracking, I'd argue that's more trouble than the current system.
I'm fairly sure change tracking would be included if Twitter were to implement something like this.
Hopefully. But Jack and Co have hardly proved they're up to the challenges of this year.
Evolve or fail. In my experience, Twitter seems to be pretty bad at listening to/ helping its users.
It's worse than pretty bad, it's abysmal. A large part of me wishes the platform would just go away.
I find myself using it less and less as time goes on. Hard to value a platform that doesn't value me as a user.
I haven't cared about it since I was harassed (as were friends, too) and the care team did nothing.
As a social media manager, dealing with Twitter support is an absolute nightmare as well.
Other sites give us dedicated support reps to talk to. Twitter directs us to a generic email inbox. It's horrible.
I endorse this message.
I can't read the word "endorse" on Twitter without giggling. #RTsdonotequalendorsement
Ha... "Tweets are my own."
I'd love to have a star or bookmark icon. The heart just isn't right for many of the things I want to mark for later. #thanksforasking
verified news derived from tweets (both within app and as a new app)
To protect those who need protecting on your platform.
notifications from search when new results come in & trends based on our keywords. Start community groups for others to find & join
A way to interrogate your followers based on industry, location etc. Search within tweets you've liked.
more robust search.
ban Nazis. Ban Nazis. Ban. Fucking. Nazis.
Clampdown on abusive accounts, with real life moderators, not just algorithms responding to reports.
- Better market to the global masses; demystifying platform / teaching how to use so they will.... It's key to growth !
It's not much fun here anymore...
understand that the foundation of @TwitterOSS, @TwitterDev is extremely valuable, #Scala is key; work with OSS data community on abuse
edit feature and bring back @TweetDeck iOS app!
news news news news
Integrate AMP as an open platform for third party developers
1) Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) "CreativeWork" card with 10k max length and editor that includes support for @microformats
Easy way to opt out of lists. Or prevent account from being added to lists in first place. Thanks.
ensure every tweet in a @TwitterMoments adds unique narrative or informational value - so much redundant content today
Improve moments, make it easier to use and more visible
consistent user experience across web and mobile. They almost look two different product. Incredibly confusing and it's basic design
and and more tweet-shortcut for ios (ex: ios6) and andriod users please
from a platform perspective, a few recent ideas.
also take donald trump’s account down the next time he says something that actually violates your TOS. Your credibility depends on it
"If the President violates it, it is not a Term of Service."
Will that apply 2 u & your ilk? You know, the violent, rage-filled bully left, #Snowflakes & the #RegressiveLeft #BOOHOO
edit functionality would be cool. not long term, just something to allow me to fix a typo without deleting.
remove the API token limit on 3rd party apps. 3rd party apps enhance this platform so much and it's a bummer when one fills up.
give me an option to opt-out of things like "While you were gone". I will click "Show me less like this" until it stops. Don't want it
and lastly.. I'd gladly give you a nominal amount of money up front or monthly to not see another promoted tweet. Allow me to do that.
Some sort of priority mechanism that helps highlight accounts important to a user.
Stronger response to harassment and hatemongering. Edit function (any form would be welcome)
+ a way to ban trolls (upvoting system or something similar)
i'd like more company transparency + a non-formulaic response regarding how abuse reports are vetted see:
Endorse! Or an edit button if that's easier.
Can we get an edit option or nah?
whatever it is you're spending on NFL rights, stop and plow it back into uptime
remove tags and urls from the 140 characters
Someone is going to step up and help identify fake news. Why not you>
Temporary, time-specified mute option. For when people/organizations have an event that prompts lots of unwanted tweets.
The ability to "quick" edit tweets. 2 minute window to edit?
focus more on media and live broadcasting. #twitter2017
Have to borrow a popular phrase, "Make Twitter Great Again", Wall Street has punished TWTR, So painful to watch.
Twitter is run by power users. Would love to see more help for the average user in all facets (specifically gaining followers)
1/ the ability to see what's popular tweets l, etc. on @twitter globally at the moment and not just on my Timeline
Honestly everything is ok from support to policy by del and you but you have to change some algorithm of verification
more specific search capabilities, especially for older tweets, both on Twitter in general and on specific accounts
tweet archiving for anybody in the public domain to prevent politicians and policy makers from making previous statements vanish
Twitter word filters, if there's a name or certain word(usually harsh words)we don't want to see, allow a filter to have a cover
Just have some html light blue boxes hover over the words you filtered out on your respective twitter page, and follow when scrolling
and @twitter growing a backbone by getting rid of the troll accounts that threaten other users...
Proactively combating harassment?
Multiple timelines would be great - e.g. One focusing on news, another entertainment, custom ones too
The ability to create ad audiences based on Twitter lists you've compiled.
canoe ejection button
I would like to be able to take an account private (if only temporarily) without losing verification
(Of course, it would be even better to get rid of the swarms of Nazis who make me *want* to take my account private)
!and when we speak out agains them we get harassed into oblivion!
better training for employees tasked with figuring out what constitutes harassment/abuse would also be helpful
Yep. It should not only be for movie stars.
this is interesting:could you please help me understand? why should be twitter responsibility and not police? @jack
Lots of Twitter harassment does not rise to the level of a crime/is not a police matter, but severely impacts the user experience.
i agree. but isn't the "block" option enough? asshole can't see and follow you,you won't see assholes... does not work?
No, it works for just one asshole, but not very well for coordinated swarms - and many trolls will just create multiple accounts
problem is that if u go down the road of"personal identification"you loose on other sides. it'd be hard to block multiple attacks.
it'd be possible to think of an IP block or temporary geofencing block,but "professional trolls"oft know how to mask. #twitter2017
It's definitely not an easy fix.
yep😟 and,thinking about it,there may be situation where IP masking is"needed"and geofencing could be lethal. we are quite lucky...
for this reason i'd say that multiple coord.attacks are,by def,police matter. and polices have to react faster and more reliably.
when blocking someone, they shouldn't still be able to bypass and read our timelines.
I don't mean that it's their legal responsibility, but that it is a problem which makes many users less likely to use the service.
At least we have unlimited blocking, which helps a lot.
You can do that now.
If so, that's new in the last few months, but I'm glad to hear it.
This should work now (since September, in fact).
Good to know - thanks! @peterseibel
2/ 1-click subscription/purchase so I can quickly get the premium content/media being discussed on Twitter
bookmark or save for later feature for the times I want to save an article to read for later, etc
Have to find new and innovative ways to grow, users and money. TWTR stock has been punished
Also, just delete @realDonaldTrump 's account
embrace lists! Promote their use, create interesting public ones to share, make em easier to share. Easy channel for relevant ads too!
Customise moment, chat room for owned friend in live show. REVIVIE twitter!!! it is on the road now
more personalized video rec's after watching one
As i heard that many people complaining that they are eligible but @verified denied them including me because of algorithm who deny ?
ability to compile tweetstorms into medium posts for easier reading
Basically, a “Format As Thinkpiece” button
no more Nazis on this platform
Ability to create multiple content streams by keyword or topic. Toggle between them easily. Tie top influencers by topic #Twitter2017
Complete personalization of Mentions (no Customized for you), No seeing muted content (Quote of a muted handle on TL shouldn't appear)
Improve Moments experience- loads slow, tough to reorder on mobile, reordering multiple tweets fails, increase tweet limit per Moment.
Add topical channels / multiple timelines (lists can be repurposed with easier access?), reduce dependence on Following.
Lastly, could you provide an update on the "sale" process? apparently Wall Street believes this is dead. Thank you.
Elected officials should not be able to block their constituents. If it's a security issue, then have them report the account.
the ability to edit my tweets so typos created by autocorrect can be amended quickly
five second rule to edit tweets.
also a way to subscribe to threads/tweetstorms. finally a separate tab to look up the most liked/retweeted tweets by people I follow
ban a troll named Trump. And if that doesn't happen -- edit for twitter. If google plus & Facebook can do it years ago so can twitter.
fewer Nazis. Protections against abuse. Block abuser IPs. Verify more women and PoCs.
maybe a commitment to trustworthy journalism and working with networks of good faith, like @firstdraftnews,
thank you Craig. Journalists are one of our most important constituents and we'd love ideas on how to serve them better
Thanks! I'm only a news consumer, just want trustworthy news. Better than me: @journethics @kellymcb @jeffjarvis @kylepope @dicktofel
... and for more re journalism from the inside: @jayrosen_nyu @MLTellado @baekdal @kdoctor and for those I'm forgetting, apologies!
buy @reportedly, incorporate it into Moments and Twitter News. step up where FB is falling behind.
Twitter is in fact desperate to monetize journalism to their financial benefit, they are so desperate.
sadly they forgot about their primary mission which was to connect people. Took their eye off the ball.
some way to "verify" links in tweets that lead to proper news sources visually so there's a different b/w spoofs.
an option to Report tweets that are clearly FAKE NEWS: ex. CA child prostitution. These accts are delib. promoting lies.
also important for newer journalism/media to feel like they can enter Twitterverse w/o already being part of media world
3/ Finance Twitter similar to what stock twits does per stock, with a heat map and quote, to facilitate conversation
Real, meaningful policies to stop harassers --starting with a much better policy-- and a tool to identify/Mark hate-bots.
Ability (option) to receive comments only from verified accounts. Verified accounts must be accountable for abuse, racist comments, etc.
Dude, no advertise on tw, pls.
you will listen, really?
Free inactive username handles.
give the ability to easily import the followers from another account, or to view what some other user's timeline looks like
Promote the visibility of threads, threaded tweets are powerful for twitter
short time window edit ability, two factor auth, banning of white supremacist spam accounts to name a few
use what made @twitter cool the #hashtag !! I want to hashtag everything in a photo and have it take me to the retailers website pg.
Clean up the bots, please? They're not new users. You know it. Thanks.
Better follower/following management. #Twitter2017
Have a Star "like" and a Heart "like" because I don't like all the news I see but would like to recognize it.
For sporting events not live - Scoreboards and "tweet rooms" - One place to see all tweets related to the game, stats, the score, etc
When searching stocks using $ or hashtag, please show the live stock price with better filtered results on the search $TWTR #TWTR
A lot of times my 2 screens are Twitter, for the conversation, and Google or ESPN for stock price or scoreboard #Twitter2017
follow jack 😊
jack unsuspend @mvsicnews_facts PLEASE REVIEW THE ACCOUNT AND RESTORE IT OMG
Or rather than 'Tweet Rooms', how about 'Nests' 😀👍
Would love to see Tweet editing. #typoshappen
Faster reaction about suspending bad accounts... Pedopornography/terrorism etc. Please :/ this is so bad .
no edit tweet required! Tweeting is easy, if something wrong, delete and compose again. It's not an essay.
Moments should have automatic opt-ins based on who/what I follow. If I follow a sports player, relevant (team) news should be in my feed
How about not verifying Nazis like Richard Spencer, which mainstreams his hate, weeks after your new "anti-hate" policy.
Instagram like UI section on top for live content only
Sarcasm font
An edit button. Verify every account (Or, at least have a 'prove which human you are' to set up new accs) Don't mess with interface.
The ability to report or ignore trending topics.
Also hide Tweets in your feed like Facebook does.
better 3rd party api support for images in DM's and Polls. One time ability to edit tweets and show the changes.
Ditch the Facebook-like features. Ex: "userX liked this". That's what RT button is for.
4/ better communication with $TWTR shareholders, & defense, similar to what @elonmusk does with $TSLA or @JohnLegere with $TMIS
Links should not be counted as characters.
edit tweets, 2 min window after pub. Inline Instagram photos. And get better at dealing with harassment.
verify nudah and I
allow multiple cards to appear in tweets with multiple links. allow embedding of hyperlinks (spotify, youtube etc) into Twitter polls
Add more live streams if possible so people can watch live streams on twitter News / politics / entertainment
fix onboarding for/give warm welcome to new users should be very high on the list
Twitter bots, jack. Twitter bots. Stop'em please. Many many thanks. A real human. :)
please make lists easier to discover and use.
being about to follow topics vs users would be cool.
I just want to buy a Twitter/Periscope drone that looks like a blue bird.
Fixing the abundant harassment is the most important thing by far.
how about dealing with the cesspit of hate and abuse that this platform is in danger of being killed by?
1, built-in emojis in cellphone tweeting, less or no bots, less delete account time than 30 days, not allow @account name replace...
Make a proper layout for twitter android, please. This one is aids.
Better/more abuse reporting options. Example: an option to report someone for creating a second account after being suspended.
Dump the neo nazi scum that your platform elevates, starting with @realDonaldTrump, @NewtGingritch and @GovMikeHuckabe
Incorporate auto-truncating light blogging tool (why else did you buy Posterous?!) for longer ideas/to avoid confusing tweetstorms.
get rid of the bots
End Twitter Threads !!
make user's likes easily searchable, sometimes I heart a tweet as a bookmark but later have trouble finding it
stop more efficiently spam accounts
filter tweets by words
Tweet editing (within a limited window after original publishing) For the love of god, get abuse under control #Twitter2017
5/ better filtering on hashtags so they're not spammed by the alt-right or online marketers
ability to edit tweets (within 30 seconds of posting), revamped lists, and for @kevindolezal and @mmccurdy2 to get promotions.
reduce friction between reading/reporting. e.g. indiv tweet flagging API, or flag user from indiv tweet. 1st and 3rd party.
alphabetical sorting function for following / followers
It's great that pictures no longer count towards the character count, but pleae do the same for links #twitter2017
TOTES agree!! Also, 140 char limit should NOT apply to hashtags...😁🌍😁✔ #twitter #twitter2017
#Twitter2017 all users verified, twitter subspheres. Periscope integrated with twitter app
require a paid membership to actually tweet to get rid of 95% of the trolls.
Also change the policy for parody accounts , now if parody account insult / post sensitive info then he should be suspended
Take your platform back from the trolls.
open up the API again. Everything.
contextualise Moments. I barely see it because it doesn't learn from the news I RT/follow. Also, buy Pocket.
a @Pocket tab next to moment or maybe @nuzzel tab!
have a page with all TV shows, popular live periscopes happening on Twitter right now
More effective process to handle Twitter harassers and trolls.
make trends relevant again. Bots hijacking trends dilute the discovery experience, also hurt your promoted trend revenue potential.
also, snippets describing the trend and why. And ability to change location on mobile.
this alone is a big step ... YOU being ON #twitter communicating with your users AND your #shareholders (aka moi)
A 30 second edit button with a notation it was edited and ability to see edit. We just want them for typos!
A help line for the hacked...! When taking care of your users, make it personal.
mute filter keywords brought to main timeline!
an edit feature!
Edit tweets / search words for prev tweets
On ios: the likes tab should be removed in lieu of the moments tab. Gives user-created moments a longer shelf life
To combat people upset about removing likes tab, you can release a bookmark feature so people can access saved tweets
Jack would you be open to a joint zoom video interview on this topic? 15-30 minutes at most? #Twitter2017
Chinese coworkers tell me that their Twitter equivalent is the only thing not censored. Be aware we wil have greater need of you.
edit tweets, save tweets for future ref ( I currently use 'like' for that purpose). 🤞🏻
There should be a office of twitter in pakistan think about it , we are having a large publishers / brands / public on twitter
Curated channels for live events. When I am watching a football game I don't want news or politics. Just tweets about that game.
And the ability to combine channels. Ex. Watching the Orange Bowl to have combined Mich & FSU channels for expert commentary from both
it would be great to "load more tweets" without worrying about losing my place or scrolling back and forth to ensure place is kept. 😊
Hey @juliemuncy23, excuse my ignorance but who are the nazis? Are these trolls / fake accounts?
they're the literal white supremacists
oh okay! From South Africa 🇿🇦 ✌🏼
a way to easily onboard my friends and explain its value 2 them also let them auto follow some accts I think they'll like
1. Create communities. I follow people, I join communities. 2. Fix your Android app. 3. Buy/Integrate Medium. 4. Follow me for more :)
Reputation and a filter to mute people who are abusive and have had their reputation marked down. Good way to subdue the Trolls!
Agree with @AnthonyQuintano The ability to edit one's tweets after they're posted.
option to delete someone from Twitter DM groups. Currently an accidental add makes a mess of things.
the ability to let us totally filter out garbage racists if twitter won't remove the accounts.
Yes! This is needed badly!
ban @realDonaldTrump for violation of human decency
while we're at it... my business tried to verify itself. we were denied with no info. this process is weak.
Fix Twitter via Web browser. Very often the feed appears empty on browser but it's not via app
Editable tweets (with history). Block without showing to those blocked.
Ability to edit your own tweets and save others' tweets.
6/ specific feeds for #nfl or @bachelor, other live events so I don't see unrelated content when I refresh Live during events
editing of tweets and doing a better job with policing harassment
Hi Res video. Too much video appears in low res on the first view.
take more action on suspending openly racist accounts not just lip service
wtf???? You just woke up??? It's been more than a year and you destroyed our value by blns!!!! That's an insult to shareholders
less harassment. Hate mobs should not be able to stop people from communicating on twitter. #twitter2017
Parody accounts of president / Prime Minister / Army / Government should not be allowed on twitter
ban cernovich, neonazis, and people who dox lgbtq people and atheists in gulf states
1: make your own lists way easier to use/navigate to. 2: make it easier to find other people's lists. Third: community lists.
if follow model is Twitter's core, need ability to follow & unfollow more than one account at once. Curated follow lists could help
reducing number of fake bots. Penalizing and removing hateful and threatening users.
add a way where someone can see a list of upcoming live events.
Buy Nuzzel and StockTwits.
stop allowing fake accounts to harass people - most repliers re Trump don't have real usernames, followers, spew abuse all day
Remove all ads, not just for power users.
Ability for third-party apps to create polls. 👍🏻
Reactions a la @SlackHQ would be cool
stricter guidelines for verifications
open the platform, create a marketplace & let people build apps in the product. Use a salesforce type model, then we can have it all
allow more visibility into how harassment reports are handled and prevent repeat offenders from creating new accounts.
create locked hashtags so that trolls or spam accounts don't show up within search or can't tweet at all once banned
make people feel like their reports are being taken seriously from the moment they submit it. Make your users feel seen and supported
hire me, i’ll do this
😭😘 i can promise that i would actually care about the work !!!
hire Amber to do this 2017
if you allow people to have open dms you should allow people to report dms as well
I love how when I'm tweeting at you about harassment people see my tweets to harass me ☺
i second everything in this thread
notice my specific feature requests pls
people aren't harassing you, you are openly discussing how you want all info on reporting, which is pathetic you plan it
Aren't harassing? Why are you pretending not to have seen the harrassment? @amberdiscko @jack
we're creating an extremely wimpy culture, if someone annoys you just block them or ignore it
Oh so it's more important that people pretend they're not being harrassed than to stop abuse? @amberdiscko @jack
That only allows harrassment to escalate. @amberdiscko @jack
orrrrrrrr just ignore it and stop being babies
ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away
then quit twitter
hey have you ever been harassed online or told you deserve to be raped or murdered?
yep, by lots of people when I don't agree with them, I laughed cause I know it's not real and im not a child
so everyone should handle things exactly like you? You are right about everything always?
ironic considering you are telling me the same thing, I'm just explaining what shields you from precious feelings being hurt
I asked you a question. I never once mentioned my feelings. You're pretty defensive for a guy that's so strong.
I'm just annoyed with how pathetic society is becoming, can't hear anything bad, must be saved, so QUIT TWITTER, you all are
basically just admitting you can't handle it, unless they make people provide ids nothing is going to change
go whine to jack, I'm done, be victims forever by imaginary people, his app is causing you such distress, guarantee nothin changes
have a great day defending everyone's right to harass ppl w/ out consequence. Sry about whatever happened during your childhood.
during my childhood I was told sticks and stones break my bones but words will never hurt me, you all could learn a thing or two
have a great day with the rest of these people being professional victims forever
whatever pays the bills! ♥️
why should she have to ignore it? why shouldn't twitter implement tools to, you know, stop harassment?
let's say she blocks someone. they can make a new acct and keep going. that's just one facet of the issue here- it's hard to "just ignore"
it is NUTS for you to blame her for being harassed instead of the people that harass her. fuck outta here with that "wimpy culture" bullshit
nobody blamed her, see this is the problem, you all have an agenda, sticks and stones, remember
my only agenda is "stop people from being harassed." why are you so triggered by my agenda brando. you're being a real wimp
cause it's a dumb agenda because it's not possible unless they make people give id to sign up
so you're just whining and need to realize it's not gonna happen because twitter wants numbers
yes, I can't have my dms open either without getting rape and death threats periodically. How is that fair? Anyways ty ❤️
so they need to make you provide id for an account, otherwise it won't stop, this crying gave
rise to all of this so yes you all are to blame but go on crying all the time
they already have it, she wanted to be able to follow the reports to see what happens, did any
of you actually read the initial tweets or just came running when there was a victim to play
are you still here? why don't you just ignore these tweets you wimp
someone favorited one I didn't respond to, I guess I'll assume you just want to talk to urself
yes, because getting death threats with the names of your children in them is "annoying"
I don't even know what you're talking about
of course you don't, dipshit.
so go cry to jack, it's his program causing you such distress
Twitter isn't causing distress. Users of twitter are. The app isn't randomly generating death threats.
then program the fix for them to track harassment claims, we'll all wait
it's not your site, they don't have to bow down to your feelings even though they have been, it can't get worse
So why are you wanting them to bow down to people who message shit like that? @amberdiscko @jack
if that's the worst you ever got, i mean, c'mon...not that bad
Twitter is wonderful because of its users and communities they've created within. The only new features worth working on in 2017 is saftey.
Nobody cares 😂😂😂 @amberdiscko
You don't need Twitter to protect your feelings. The only person that controls how you react to hate is you.
Wow, you remind me of my six year old kid asking me for candy. No, no, no ... timeout ... spanking. 🤣🤣🤣
As someone doxed twice this past year, yes please.
"I'm popular, notice my specific features sempai"
this is deeply ironic
don't forget where you are, it's still the internet
Yes please hire Amber. I'm a nobody on here and I've gotten death threats 5x in 2 months all via DM.
you can report DMs now, drag it to the left.
it's just a shame that it appears to go nowhere after you do that. It just blocks and doesn't let you specify what you're reporting
yeah it's a way of saying grow up
aside from spam or abuse, yes I agree. A little communication about the status of your report could go a long way here too.
Not at all cool of that person. You have the support of a lot of people here.
coñoo this is fucking hellish
that's absolutely shocking, an account should be banned instantly for that. Too much negativity on Twitter
I just block them. Life's too short.
But if you don't report, they're still on Twitter, harassing others. Gotta report.
allowing real people to verify themselves can help. Then I can filter non-verified accounts. people own tweets no hiding
you coul always block them or mute them. That's why the function exists. USE. IT. Or grow up.
just stepping in to offer some positivity and support. I'm glad you're here and boo to the trolls!
The obvious reply to this would be "You go first."
(No comment)
read whole thread pllzz
i did fella
freedom of speech. I understand where you're coming from but where do we draw the line? Who decides?
i see that grey as well BUT it is a private company and if you issue a death threat at Wendy's you get arrested.
+9001 I'm open for such a job as well. And I'm more affordable than you think.
YES, I always feel like my reports just disappear and no one ever does anything about it.
this 100% - I don't even know if my report did anything, because just asks you you mute/block with no other follow up.
you should listen to her jack
nail on head Amber.
who decides what? I prefer to deal with 1000 trolls than not having that fdeedom
you want a safe place where people can't tell you you're wrong when you're clearly wrong. Nice.
Ideas like this are why Twitter tanked in the first place. Just go make your own dystopian social network for ppl like u
yes. The harassment issue is the worst. Freedom of speech is great but online mobs of trolls damage the product.
it is not truly freedom of speech if some people are bullied into not speaking. harassment is the worst.
spam accounts are definitely annoying and there are a LOT of them on twitter, we would like to give it some relevance...
yes! Banning IP addresses would help prevent new accounts being formed right? (No computer knowledge here🤓)
it would deter small game but people serious about it could use other networks easily. Not like online games
Banning the IP address would prevent the user from accessing Twitter at all.
doesnt really help when people have dynamic ip addresses though :/
Yeah, that's the work around. > _>
IP bans are problematic for their own reasons. Twitter should require phone numbers to register accounts and use those instead.
For example, some offices share a single external IP. Banning an IP address could mean inadvertently banning hundreds of people.
You can just tell immediately you're a social justice warrior who wants to police anyone who disagrees with you. BAD!
ahh yes, telling her to kill herself is but a small disagreement.
She literally posted an example of someone trying to get her to kill herself. That's not "disagreement."
disregard her tweet immediately unless she means liberals
omg this yes yes yes pleeeeaase. I was terrorized this year by someone who kept coming back.
Thank you,these are great.Visibility into reports and repeat off. are big issues for us. Also will look at DM reporting.
are you going to look into mass flagging abuse? & censorship? No? Ok. Bye.
like, half the time these banned idiots have the fact that they're ban evading right in their bio
if we all unite and help trolls get laid harassment on Twitter will stop
I would love for the entire experience to be gamified. The experience needs an overhaul.
take big risks cause at this point that's the only thing that will right this ship.
it is already a game.
ban accounts for threatening others.
Give us italics so that the world may know when @realDonaldTrump is just joking @jack
8/ play older media (i.e. old Disney movies - i.e. Lion King) live on Twitter with filtered conversation so I can watch live w/ people
Keyword mute on the Timeline.
i would like tweak to 160 words limit. 160 words excluding URL links or pics word limit
stop adding sections to the timeline in the Twitter app (iOS) - I just want to see tweets from people I follow
A flag/report function for harmful lies/propaganda # like #Pizzagate.
talk to @artypapers. She has some great ideas on how to improve Twitter.
can't wait to hear
these are quite good. Like the redefine live idea, it would be cool 1/2
to watch a game on DVR and somehow get tweets in "real-game-time" 2/2
cool and important idea as more & more content watched back later
audio recognition of coverage like Shazam could do this auto
1/ but 1 will fail unless paired with 2/
An obvious and unglamorous rescue framework for $TWTR, enumerated in both order of importance and order of execution:
If possible remove the Page and revert it to the old verification form that form alogorithm was Great
if Donald Trump spews more hate / racism / abuse or even lying propaganda, close his account
2, more than 3 times, deep filtering, more video extensions, built-in gifs are unnecessary. Not allow follower buying or selling. :)
3, and GAMES on Twitter. :))
Improved photo quality. There is much more that can be done for Photos like albums in Tweets. Albums viewable on profiles.
yes! Loss of photo qualify after upload is a big issue on Twitter. The ability to have multiple photos in replies to.
SHAREHOLDER VALUE JACK, SHAREHOLDER VALUE. We understand you are a visionary. But vision with no plan is merely a dream kind sir.
our plan has been working
WHAT? Is your plan to take $twtr to $5?
so why don't you tweet this so all your shareholders can have more confidence in you? @elonmusk does it $twtr
With due respect, $TWTR valued $25B on 11/7/13 IPO & now it's <$12B. MSM spins co. narrative, so reclaim control of it. @mothermarkets
you wanna go private, don't you.
That would be a MASSIVE LAWSUIT, drive share price intentionally into ground and go private, immediately turn it around
Would love to be able to more clearly see conversations in a thread. They come thru with no context in the timeline.
agree we need to clean this up @kcoleman
I'd really appreciate if you got rid of all the racists on Twitter 😊
$TWTR share price and slowing MAU numbers say otherwise.
I do agree as no one cares if valuations and SP keeps dumping. It's time @jack as $twtr SH need you
very impressed you took time today but @ some point you do need to care about valuation and SP. only way to be what you want it to be
Jack please expound on how your plan IS working for $twtr shareholders. Here is your competitor $fb vs twtr charts:
Obviously backwards looking IT HAS NOT WORKED, so let's hear how it is currently working & WILL work in future. $twtr
Incorporate more methods of making $. News + Events always break first on twtr. Invaluable app. Should be making a lot more $.
the ability to mute words and hashtags. Everyone and every site became a political expert even though they weren't.
there are no personal relationship. Hence, easy to abuse others you may not now personally. Allow who can follow/not follow you.
Two minute editing window. Would allow tweet to be read again for typos, context, and testing links if needed.
Also when I post a tweet, the tweet confirms posting and allows a review before showing my feed again.
On an important note: Make it easier to report abuse and harder to use it for abuse. On a pedantic, pet-peeve note: edit typos
what's hard about our current flow. Lots to improve but want to hear what's most critical
I think the filters & bystander reporting were good, but the danger of overlooking little accounts under fire is still there
I use Tweetbot. I think something broke along the way, and the “report/block” button is greyed out. Work with devs on protections.
Blue sky solutioneering™? Crisis teams to help accounts under fire deal with abuse, or a way for someone at HQ to reach out to them.
I’m a middle-class white man, so I don’t see a lot of hate on here, but I appreciate your ear, and want to keep this place beautiful!
clickthrough tweets to long form content. disappearing tweets, one app for live streaming, eliminate fake accounts, more live content.
make the "load more tweets" bar bright blue or blink or something so I don't fly by it. #twitter2017
Organize lists. Ability to save gifs.
editable tweets (15 min limit?)
you can also mark edited tweets as "edited" somewhere, showing the changes done as well :)
Ability to add "-" or "/" marks while making a Twitter username.
think / would break things. - is good @kcoleman
I have a lot of ideas on how to improve the platform do you have any job openings?
I'm actively seeking internship opportunities for the 2017 summer session.
Thank you for the link ,I will be applying shortly.
🙌🙌 feel free to reach out via DM if you have questions! Hope you can #ternUP your career @twitter as one of our summer @terns!
Just stop the trolls and the hate, Jack.
what's the most important specific thing we can do to address?
seems that reporting a user can be pretty ineffectual unless you have a large following with which to spam report
Maybe add algorithm that automatically suspends accounts that have been reported a certain amount of times?
does that not allow troll spamming though? Still need to be able to pick between valid and not reporting.
would have to be a very short suspension, might make those reporting an account feel like more is being done
true, agreed. Maybe a tab within the reporting section where you review progress of complaint & outcome too
When someone blocks/reports another user, can they more easily share the abusive tweets/content so that u can shut accounts down?
if a user gets reported X amount of times by different users in 24 hours, disable account for period of time
i would like to search through my historical tweets via keywords, or time dates
should be able to do this w search today. Not obvious I know
you can use on desktop to do this
Include your twitter handle in the search bar "@ndyGrosso" + keywords... also a good way to curate/delete content. 👌
I requested this too
Dislike/down vote option.
up and down vote? Just for reply threads or all?
bad idea, don't pls
downvote on replies. This could be used to clean up list of replies.
I agree this even more useful than just a fave
fix lookalikes/tailored audiences on Twitter advertising 🤗
Improve ways to combat harassment - Bring back news curation (I'd be happy to help out in the NY office)
news curation ala moments?
I forget how it was done before Moments; I guess I forgot about Moments
Is Moments curated by an editorial team or strictly algorithm? I'm thinking more in line with Editorial team at the helm.
Moments seem to be utterly random. Unrelated to the subjects that matter to me (users I follow, #'s, etc).
I've experienced the same. That's why I wonder if there's any human curation behind it. Definitely needed.
The randomness of it is part of the reason I've been ignoring it.
would love to see news with breaking alerts based on trending tweets / location-based
yes me too. Def working on this. We want to be the fastest! @kcoleman
Edit typos on tweets. I mean, come on!
team has been thinking about it!
Can be abused tho. If it's that important they can delete and repost; only lazy ppl need edit function imo. @newschambers
Great! Thanks. From an accuracy and journalistic standpoint: Typos happen. Some way of revising that would be a huge help.
Straight to the top Jason 😂
I no longer have influence there 😀
for how long? A couple years?
you mean like fixing "unpresidented" - come on, we don't want to lose gems like that.
some way of bookmarking tweets to read later instead of hearting them, which author might take as endorsement when not intended
yup thinking about this
Maybe replace DM evelope w a bookmark? Testing shd tell which people use more. Personally never used DM button on a tweet
agreed, can't even think of an occasion where I would need or want to send a tweet as a DM
Can you please consider blocking Arabic Spams? Arabic hashtags are full of spams @jack
what about editing the tweet 😒😒😒😒😒
there should be a 10 retweets or more aisle like the supermarket
ability to see the 10 top most retweeted things at any given time
a public editor of sorts to respond to banned users, etc.
more transparent reasons for why we suspend?
transparency but also independence from management
an ombudsman is a really interesting idea
def more transparency
both. Review reports once you've reported someone. And, visible and communicative editors.
Suspensions based on reports being filed that are bogus & when appeal filed getting a canned response. No recourse for false report.
J'ADORE this!! 😁🌍✔✔✔ #twitter #twitter2017
hashtag hashtag hashtag, let me hashtag everything in a photo and follow the hashtag to the retailers site and product pg
can't do that today in text?
yes in the content area. But I'm talking about taking over the photo and hashtag the photo to anything in the photo. Like Zara shirt,
Apple computer, locations, etc and following the hashtag to the retailers site and page
by the way my brother is t mills ;)
fb let's you tag ppl, but I'm talking about taking it further. Tag products, locations, clothes and letting users identify it on the
retailers site or venue map
is that something you actually want to do it just your hypothetical customers?
Possible feature to hide favorites, might increase user engagement
why do you think that?
Depending on the type of tweet people are more or less likely to engage in it if other people can go through your "like" list.
+1 In some countries (self-censoring here) ppl'R afraid 2 be seen favoriting content that's critical of their government
maybe more like a bookmark?
Advertising of its small business loan program which has revolutionized SME capital access. Well done!!
make "Mute" work again! i search, then mute unwanted junk! it looks like it works but you search again and you see that muted handle
you should know this better than the users.
we have our own ideas and instincts. And we use the service all the time. And we should always listen to how we can serve better
fair. Just don't lose sight of what you feel is priority!
Improve monetisation for partners and power users. 2017 will be a crunch year for social platforms in that respect.
how specifically?
That's the million dollar question. You've made a good start with Live. FB & YT also struggling but 1/2
Create your own #GoLive content for stocks, gaming, and new technology. Channels dedicated to this with Twitter OnAir pers
Would be cool to enable a "like" button for YT video's posted or sent in DM. Social platforms working together #FeelTheLove
docking of non-live video with follow-on suggested vids from same account or on topic would drive vid ad rev - inc mid-roll
yup, loads of ways to do it w/o annoying users. Twtr needs to give publishers a reason to prioritise it over other platforms
It's on us to make these suggestions, though, not demand them and cry fowl when they're not delivered.
let's us connect our @zazzle stores, @Shopify, @GearLaunch, @Etsy etc. Twitter can earn referrals like @Pinterest.
... if you want premium content you need to be prepared to pay for it, or find advertisers who will 2/2
Great question Jack! Our proprietary process also will allow 4 monetization of handle with autopopulation of endorsed logo:
via bitcoin micropayments?
Can sign up for monetization program. Sponsored tweets on users that opt in once they get so many tweet impressions. Money both ways.
why not sell promoted tweets in trending hashtags to appear every ~100 tweets and highlighted as such.
Twitter celeb program: connect influencers with brands who share their ethos and also help them run brand campaign? 1/2
Give influencers the option to join Twitter Prime program. Users would have to pay $1/mo to access Twitter prime accounts
1) cull spammers who abuse (at) reply and search topic hashtags 2) significantly expand/ramp OTT video programming on a separate tab
we do a lot of 1 today. Not noticing?
Not enough. When I search various news topics especially after a real-time big news event, filled with spammers
esp people that auto like tweets that contain keywords and follow u. Watch! #BigData #GrowthHack #marketing #disruption
was just added to two lists and had 4 people follow me. It hasn't even been 5 minutes. It's incredibly annoying
agreed. Too much spam on really popular hashtags. I love using hashtags to find relevant discussion around live events
we should thank Jack that he is atleast asking us , other social media CEO never ask what should we do to make it better
Agreed. Just search the hashtag #Hawaii and you will get porn and other spam regularly.
I really think text timeline is fine as is. Don't mess it up. Your future is ramping up OTT programming tab as the growth opportunity
3) 50 channels of manually curated topical follow lists (top notch quality experts) which users can instantly subscribe/unsubscribe
4) Paid premium Twitter service similar to Twitch Prime/LinkedIn that is ad-free with more messaging/analytics/community features
5) With success of NFL deal and OTT video platform launch, reward @anthonynoto with a "verified" badge as it seems like he's a keeper
shrink your company by 80% and hire Tae.
yes bad that Board Members not verified shows little engagement on their part and the firm weakens brand
huge opportunity for sports content (not just the games) combined with Twitter's fluid, fast and open conv.
most sports orgs keep adding to Vine despite its coming end so absorb creative features into core Twitter.
agree. Charge me $1/month for no ads. Would sign-up in a second.
More OTT video and more direct messaging functionality/features would be great. Twitter DMs are the AOL IMs of late 90s for me
Not nearly enough. There are people on here who shouldn't be. There's way too much hate and threats.
the very first tweets that show up under the soon to be President of the United States are to sell liberal tears mugs🤔
you are doing a lot but not enough fast enough
Dile tú lo de la app en Mac, que tienes más confi.
Make a profit! Seriously, do u make any revenue from all these third party apps? I myself am using one 😅
edit tweets and maybe like 50-75% fewer nazis
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get rid of Auto-DMs. They are mostly marketing and growth hacking nonsense.
This, also the sheer amount of spam accounts with "sexy" avatars that follow then unfollow after x hours to get followers
institute a zero-tolerance policy for hate and harassment. We’ll leave if u don’t.
better way to quickly identify which brand/airline account is the one to ask for customer service inquiries. Similar to verified badge
be more an advocate for the product and the share holders.
positive cash flow
bring all of $TWTR best features together in ONE app - you have best vines/periscopes on Apple TV app but not the app most use on iOS
you have the ability to have multiply timelines on $TWTR dashboard app but not on the twitter app for iOS? The one most people use
need an overhaul, start thinking bigger, have subscription based accounts that you receive exclusive content only on $TWTR
there should be one central tab on $TWTR that you could get lost in for hours with periscopes, vines, tweets of people you dont follow
most of all the thing I want most from $TWTR in 2017 is for you to actually LISTEN to what we are asking for instead of ignoring us
Yes don't respond only to the ideas you agree with and have already thought about. Listen outside your own thoughts.
That would require a lot of infrastructure build out (See Netflix). Why not partner more deeply with content providers? @jack
give us 60 seconds - 180 seconds to edit a tweet and users should be able to see Tweet history!
Edit mistakes quickly. Put, say...a minute timer on it
Stop fucking with my timeline.
3) don't tinker with the stream too much and mess up what makes Twitter great
Blocking keywords in any tweets on your TL. I have muted people I want to hear from but I don't want to hear about politics.
For the love of god add an edit button for tweets please. Why Twitter doesn't have it I don't know.
I'd love to be able to fix some misspelled words or change a picture for the right one without having to delete and type it out again.
1/ Add a $TWTR settings filter defining recency of tweets to be shown from those one follows, such as: last hour, last 12 hours, etc.
3-5 could be summarized as: better identity, verification and communication tools which help improve "truth" filtering / curation.
geo location by IP for tweets, with IP integration, so tools can be built to ID bot farms.
I agree with @sarahdoody --I'd like to ❤️ to "like" and 🏷to "favor/bookmark" tweets for later consumption. Two separate interactions.
tweet edits within a minute and the unedited tweet can be viewed after
I would like to see changes, that would personalise the design of my profile. Like the backgrounds that used to exist.
edit tweets within 5 minutes of it being posted
don't listen to these people. No editing window. Get it right the first time, or forever live with your type-os.
also ban the fucking nazis
Auto (hash)tag tweets based on content, use to implement channels. When follow/mute can do for any/all of user's channels
Also makes it easier to find popular users based on your channel interests
maybe an easier way to bulk remove people from lists.
Maybe try tackling abuse of people who AREN'T rich and famous?
less bias in who you ban. Charlie Sheen wishing death on the president should mean the same ban u gave @Nero for a lesser offence.
an open way to do embeds for tweets. This would make Tweets powerful delivery mechanism for all kinds of media (and businesses)
Create generic content categories (politics, tech, health, etc) and let tweeters assign to tweets. Then readers can filter categories.
The ability to edit Tweets #Twitter2017
never add tweet editing thanks
lol, I see you’ve discovered that sarcastic irony is the best way to deal to incompetence.
Trump would be all over this.
stop putting "John Doe liked" tweets in my feed. I follow who I follow.
Read Later Option .
ability to differentiate between "liking" a tweet and saving it for future reference
tweetdeck improvements, 'egg' cleaning and allowing users to remove people from groups
bring back mute retweets. I still want to see their tweets but some people retweet way too much not relevant to me.
a prioritised timeline and a shortcut to the best links I've missed (basically buy @nuzzel)
lastly , a simple one. Take a page from medium (minutes 2 read) and have average tweets per day on person's account. Worth knowing
monthly subscription fee to tweet. .99/mos. $10/yr. Free read only. kills bot/anon accounts. Only true users will remain, quality ⬆️
edit tweets and to have people join and use it actively
Better protections from abuse. Tie accounts to verified user identity to increase accountability. Fix the obscure verification process
verify anyone and allow users to show only verified accounts to limit power of harassment ie. @Jason's plan…
Start having more live streaming channels like with football, I enjoyed it very much I would watch sports and shows through Twitter!
when i see a tweet i want to react to it 1st (heart icon), then comment it then share it with my comment
a better Mac App! Current one is really bad.
how about actually doing something when a woman report harassment and abuse?
limit bot generated tweets and ability to mute bot tweets for users
Would LOVE to be able to edit tweets. #Twitter2017
Show common profiles you follow on each profile, not just common followers
when visiting a profile from app, can we disable/hide replies and just see the tweets just like the website version ?
more transparency w/ reports of TOS violations. so much targeted harassment on here w/ no consequences.
Better and fast blocking of fake accounts used to bully, create trends and for propaganda.
Ability to customize Moments to match your interests like you can with Google News. Automated curation of Moments.
why? You already fixed the current problems?
comprehensive plan for getting rid of the nazis
corp accounts have different fee structure. More features in return.
value above social layer a la
the ability to cut off replies to tweets from people you don't follow would help w harassment, esp coupled with notification filtering
make a tab for live content please
threading / other parity features from web / iOS brought to Twitter for Mac
Ability to add more options to Twitter polls. Possibly pictures being linked in
less blatant threats and harassment please.
Better personalization in Moments. Segment timeline based on lists and/or topics, auto-suggest list curation
kill ads with new fee model I suggested.
2/ Accountability to $TWTR shareholders similar to #Elonmusk , such that misleading/speculative media spin is definitively addressed.
3/ Revenue sharing model of some sort, similar to #youtube - reward $TWTR users for quality content & they'll likely engage even more.
you are trying to communicate with the most incompetent CEO in all of tech. Need him to resign. will get 10% pop
He's inviting users to give feedback- I agree that this is way past due considering $TWTR valuation collapse since IPO, but oh well.
user ability to customize timeline(eg allow users to select who features in 'in case you missed it..' instead of basing it on history)
Separate tweets into "tweets" and "tweets and replies"
what about following @REI, @AP, @StocksyUnited and other profitable co-ops by building democratic user-ownership for Twitter? 🐣🙌
ability to edit and a dislike button.
purge the Nazis?
Filter content by channels, hometown.. Revamp profiles: work experience and education Friendly permalinks: yyyy/mm/dd/3456789 Thanks!
Need to stop harassment & Twitter trolls. Too many influential people leaving twtr bc of harassment. Loss of influencers not good.
explode character limits, we're seeing now how the limit is letting overly simplistic ideas gain prominence (maybe a Medium intgrtn)
when someone links to a URL, give me the option to click and see who else is sharing it and what they're saying
personally i'd say get rid of the nazis
Don't overwrite user preferences Fix the "Tailor Twitter based on my recent website visits" bug (I'd like to think it is) #Twitter2017
how about formal <thread> tags? as in, a simple user tag that auto expands or condenses a set of tweets. Happy to explain #threadtag
I will never get the big difference between twitlonger and threads smh @jack
Get rid of bots & abusers.
allow a feature with @-ing to form an adhoc group for a thread. Non-permanent and ethereal for conversations. Use * as signal.
also, smart editing options for people I follow somehow - help me edit and find new people more easily
mom and I don't like 'Tweets that you may had missed' it's annoying, and bring back 🌟 for save / ♥ for support/like
in general I think tweets spark a lot of conversations but makes it hard to continue them.
would be great to have a button that brings you into "chat" mode much like DM's but more public.
even having a button that lets you "group periscope chat" from a tweet and keep that public in the feed at the same time.
also a lot of ppl consume their news on Twitter. Moments is great but clicking an article to read it in full leads to web jankiness.
I think there's an opportunity to made 3rd party media consumption better within the app. What do you think?
1)any sort of sign or notification if anyone from the following is online. 2) chat box along with dm.
be able to follow topics powered by curated experts. Favorite use is my list of nyrangers reporters. Would love this for other topics.
for the 1000th time, get rid of the nazis dude
people's likes are also being tweeted. Likes are usually bookmarks or saves not endorsements.
Also I wouldn't retweet anything without reading link first to check I agree with it. Having likes tweeted doesn't give that option.
Remove character limits when tweeting to your @Support acct
stop being a platform for racists, demagogues, misogynists and nazis.
add a feature for fantasy sports. Allow users to follow tweets about their fantasy players/teams on game day.
help people monetize their content directly in platform. You're creating stars. You're Disney.
if I could like this twice I would.
should we each get to issue one MEGA-LIKE per day?
Stop thinking you make the best apps and reopen the APIs #Twitter2017
#Twitter2017 I want to see you to invite @TheHashtagGame and @HashtagRoundup to HQ for a meeting with you and @anthonynoto in January.
less nazis would be nice.
I mean, tweet editing is fine i guess. but I'd be happy to proof read my tweets better if it meant less nazis.
*fewer* nazis
don't be a grammar you-know-what
I’d do without the nazis, rasists and abusers of women.
1st priority: Better response to hate speech. 2nd priority: Someone has to read, or at least open a news article, before they can rt.
To stop censoring political tweets.
You could finally start taking safety issues seriously. Banning the nazis wouldn’t go amiss either. @twitter @jack #twitter2017
Following in the footsteps of Brian Chesky: what's the most important thing you want to see Twitter improve or create in 2017? #Twitter2017
Replace "Lists" w easily navigate-able customized tabs at the top
improve deep linking from the iOS app!
mess around with audio - one-click to spin up a joinable conference call (for lack of better word) to chat about what's on your mind
not like tweet/video notification is already there.
Take care of the haters problem. Verified accts for everyone plus opt-in only show me stuff from verified accts plus those I follow
Easy thing to do, but allow searches for websites like "". It used to work but lately doesn't. Why?
don’t ban people for politically incorrect speech. Make it easy to delete large quantities of past tweets
make it easier for normal users to pay to promote their tweets
add the #edit button... short window or unlimited either way would be #great
Kick Trump off, she says hopefully?
get rid of nazis and hate accounts.
implementation of collecting&searching tweets.
inability to edit tweets for politicians. Matter of public record.
Create personalized lists for your liked tweets to go in & be able to search for a specific tweet easily
what about removing this feature " see the best tweet " this feature is hiding tweets of member to me and for others
The possiblility to correct typos on posted tweets and stop the monster, @jack
also edit but 5 minutes after the tweet.
Transparent and consistent rule enforcement and a commitment to free speech #twitter2017
Do. Something. About. Harassment.
definitely a bookmark feature. Like/heart is only useful to me as a bookmark, not a public endorsement
the edit button.
When clicking on "View X new tweets" at the top, have it scroll to the bottom of unread tweets instead of most recent
better tools for filtering out notifications. Simple keyword muting isn't enough.
I get a LOT of stuff intended for @fluffyguy or from people putting an @ in front of every single word. For example.
also I would love to see more machine learning used to improve the quality filter.
being a transgender Jew I'm starting to get a lot more abuse from randos that I'd rather just not see.
also better notification controls in general. My private account gets a lot of "three of your friends liked" notifications.
even though I've turned it off. Repeatedly.
also reconsider the new reply/retweet icons. The new ones make no sense. The old ones were better although that might be familiarity.
The ability to delete a date range of tweets, including a clean sweep if desired.
Anyone's Tweet - can b a subject which interests me. I want to be notified on Replies on the Tweet. No way I can track that atm
Allowing editing opens up the possibility for politicians to screw up and backtrack. I say no to editing to hold them accountable.
sell this company🙏
oh and with my new fee model, adopt Tweetbot Platform.
better instructions for new users. Explain how to use lists (which need to be better too) to have customized up 2 the second news feed
from my home screen, it takes 5 clicks to start recording a (non-live) video. I'd like a widget that would reduce this to one click.
I really think a 5 min edit window would be plenty
give lists the place they deserve. Let me access and use them much more easily. Don't make managing them so horrible.
add warnings to Twitter links that link to publications with obstructive mobile advertising (eg misleading interstitials, misdirects)
Any thoughts on limiting display name editing? Or maybe making verification branding more obvious?
No wonder there's this issue with fake news. If this can fool you, everything will.
edit the most recent tweet !!!!!!!!!!!
Make abandoned or deleted usernames available again. Tons of handles been unused 4 years or longer. #Twitter2017
explain how twitter is more useful than Instagram. Can save pics, use for more than just pics
Create an algo that automatically removes repetitive tweets on your timeline, esp if it's been read previously
Not crucial, but I would love to have a specific 'read later'/save type of icon/button so my likes can be *just* likes :)
Conversation 'channels'/topics curated & suggested by Twitter to help users discover people/dig more in specific areas of interests.
These channels can be in the form of lists, aggregated on one 'page' featuring them - Variety but again, discovery.
make conversation around events easier. Beyond hashtag to event checkin and out.
address the influx of spam/fake posts- certain hashtags are useless due to the amount of spam at this point.
actually launching new features instead of talking about them (limit, editing, buy buttons)
having quote tweets be included in the replies of a tweet, would be a massive improvement and be a easy log of all conversations.
Let these accounts do what they’re supposed to do: help Arabic users @da3m @TwitterMENA Oh and stop Arabic spam. It’s easy 😉 @jack
it could be more helpful- after ~ month- to rephrase & ask "what's the most frustrating thing about Twitter to improve?" then compare
Removal of third-party API token limits, and the addition of an official Notifications API #Twitter2017
edit button will kill the truth. Then we stop being Twitter
how about protecting freedom of speech and not suspending journalists
as impossible as I'm sure it is at this point: an ad free experience.
Mute notifications for a tweet or convo: if (a) a tweet goes viral, or (b) you're caught in the middle of argument, it can be annoying
stop sending 6 months on features, roll out features in 7 days like Facebook does
Threaded conversations and ease in discovery for new (non-power) users
able to edit tweets.
edit tweets (typos/spelling), maybe within a certain time? Perhaps limited to 5 characters? And keep log of older corrected tweets?
restrictions on automated accounts that just regurgitate tweets over and over again.
follow-up about complaints against users who violate policy, as Instagram does. That will encourage the community to police.
remove hate speech and bullying/threatening accounts. Enforce the TOS for once!
#Twitter2017 allow corrections in own tweets ..sometimes we recognise mistakes after some RTs & deleting tweet after RT hurts.
Crack down on those who abuse and/or threaten. Seriously, this needs to be done now.
remove threatening/hate accounts remove threatening/hate accounts remove threatening/hate accounts remove threatening/hate accounts
💖Top 10 people I don't wanna miss tweets.Just an icon on their profile, more playful/random than Lists mgmt. 💓Better fav tweets mgmt
let people claim unused usernames. Stop letting people send group DMs to a group that aren't following them (usually spam, garbage)
picture in picture in the apps/web to let us watch while scrolling
let anyone broadcast with a given HT attached, not just NFL, cheddar
quicker removal of threatening accounts
less ads, more free speech
better 3rd party app support. Polls, images in DMs, the improved search apis your own apps use.
highlight tweets from ppl u follow generating x lvl of engagement w/in x time of posting in separate col beside Home feed #twitter2017
DEF faster upload time for #videos-took 6hrs to upload 98mB vid! Also, more stable @Android app pls! 😇 #twitter2017 #twitter
Please also consider improving the trending section, needs more color/excitement, right now very boring not aesthetically pleasing.
Agree! Also think the colors on Periscope app are outdated and hideous. Comment bubbles need to be transparent like fb live
think black and white, Crisp, 2017. Just like the b&w marketing billboard campaign. LOVE IT.
tools to prevent the president-elect from using the platform to accidentally start a war
Please, please please, delete the accounts of those who threaten women here with rape and torture. Seriously. How hard can that be??
how about a bold political stance.....block trump. I believe in free speech usually....but fuck me he's a dangerous man on twitter.
Drop the SMS 2FA model and implement FIDO U2F instead. Better #security. #Twitter2017
Okay so about the Nazi thing?
Ability to delete tweets from trolls, which appear in our conversations. Facebook, Google+ and others already do this.
And editing a tweet during 3 or 5mn after sending it to fix some mistakes quickly :)
Make Twitter less addictive. I haven't gotten a damn thing done since I opened my account. Thx. #Twitter2017
Open up verification to *everyone* who applies for it. The current system is still selective and leaves folks frustrated
as a company, twitter should make new app(s) tailored to specific topics E.G. Sports/fashion/news apps integrated w twitter
Idk if you could do this with fashion particularly, but definitely sports +news. Maybe for more specific topics, make a tab in the app
Redo the web version ui.
Ability to share block lists. Back on Usenet, bozofilters were regularly shared. No one person can find them all.
Better yet let these block lists be dynamic. I would love to sub to a dynamically updating block list for Indian political Twitter.
enforce your hate speech terms and conditions and manage your bot problem
organising tweets from my following list based on topics.. using keywords..better organise of tweets on my interest
getting rid of nazis and other major abusers would be a *fantastic* start.
What we real need is original live streaming shows. News shows talk shows run and produced by Twitter.Also Cricket would be nice
Live Sports scores within the App. #Twitter2017
End anonymity and make it a paying service. Hire moderators.
So far @jack has acknowledged: - Editing tweets, within x time or always - Save for later - Timeline sync across devices - "-" in usernames
what does “acknowledged” mean though?
Replied/engaged with those topics.
Add one more to the list: Abuse issue.
Yeah he’s talking about it and promising to be better but not seeing a specific feature come out of that yet.
Unfortunately, I think we're still far from seeing a real solve there.
acknowledging is one thing but actual action is another.
The bar is a little high if we're expecting immediate implementation from a conversation that originated an hour ago.
agreed. But my point is that we shouldn't be all woohoo like that he acknowledged our feedback. When action, then 🙏🏻
I think (at least for me) the acknowledgement is a good sign into internal priorities and things that pique interest enough to explore.
I see both sides. Every time Jack has done this to date, little has happened — but this is MUCH better than nada.
how is this much better if he keeps saying “I hear you” and all you get is lip service?
We need to come back to this in 6 months. These aren't overnight platform changes with instant solutions.
Because it re-ups public accountability, which is checked by the press and the markets.
how is he accountable if he doesn’t do anything? Again, I think the cheering is a bit premature.
Because you can now press him on this specifically (for example)
more transparent reasons for why we suspend?
pretty sure some have pressed him for stuff…like harassment but it still persists.
but okay, I’ll go with Nick and give it time.
show me a social platform not dealing with same issue
yes, the first time anyone ever asked about the abuse issue was an hour ago
My tweet isn't solely about the abuse issue, which they're obviously struggling with every single day.
where is the evidence of 'struggling?'
also your tweet was clearly about the abuse question.
to be fair, our entire convo was about things in general (incl abuse) Jack acknowledged but hasn’t done.
it wasn’t solely about the failure to address abuse.
The thread is about everything he's acknowledged, I added abuse because it's the most important.
The evidence is in the inaction.
so we are all in agreement: he has pretended to engage w an abuse problem that he has ignored for years.
I don't agree with that, no. He continues to acknowledge the abuse problem they don't know how to fix.
do you work at twitter my guy?
Also: - Push alerts based on trending tweets and a person's location - Better support for lists - Better promotion and threading of convos
what do you think better support for lists means? i've always seen as a power user feature
Basically Moments and Lists merge to create better algo + editor curated streams of people and news to follow.
I like that idea too. You may be interested what I’m working on with the @shoutbutton app. Coming soon, can also give early access.
Sure! Thank you :)
I just feel like there's soooo much data ab what a person likes that isn't being tapped. Could offer such a better experience
What’s most surprising to me: how broad and bland a lot of these suggestions are. “Get rid of Nazis” is not a thoughtful suggestion, sorry.
To be frank, the Twitter providing broad and bland commentary is exactly what I expected.
“Provide better tools for filtering targeted abuse, while ensuring that genuine voices — not just celebrities — are amplified.”
so @z-Kahn coming 2017?
LOL it would’ve if I was still on 94
wouldn’t adding “-” only increase fake accounts? Oo
better recognition of thought-leaders. Not just based on likes/followers, but genuine content they create
Link Saving & Tweet Editing
- THIS...Old Tweet storm regarding Twitter Lists
1) I am going to do one more storm regarding $TWTR’s core problem. People continue to flee Twitter simply because of A LACK OF ENGAGEMENT.
ability to pay 1$ to get verified to get rid of bot/fake accounts. Give the 'celebrities' a gold verified mark, us blue #Twitter2017
if you get a certain amount of verified complaints (5), you get suspended/banned to combat bullying. #twitter2017
tweets get auto deleted after 6 months #twitter2017
double character limit as a business upgrade.
would be nice for twitter to stop blowing up my timeline with hours old tweets
create a panel of Twitter power users that regularly meet with you & the top execs.
let's leave the Russians out of this Darren
I'm busy.
lol this is thirsty as fuck
LOL Darren really wants to be involved...
can you please create this panel exactly like darren wants but specifically forbid darren from joining it?
call it the Darren Novell please
This made my day
like the League of Nations?
careful, Darren's head would explode
or make the entire panel up with people Darren has blocked
I cannot stand you - I think you may be the worst person on Twitter. I cannot understand why you think u matter #squid
shut the fuck up, Darrel
I would also encourage a panel of new users to help remedy on boarding/adoption issues
Darren, Twitter needs to create a panel of 45-70 year old non-users from across the country to understand challenges
That's the demographic that Twitter can't compete with Facebook. I couldn't find a reason for my 63 year old mom to join
they aren't in same business as Facebook though
They're competing for the same discretionary time. Social media usage is a function of free time.
Also, without a growth in users, Google and Facebook will continue to siphon ad dollars w/ Twitter getting scraps
I would like to nominate @groovinmahoovin
what would you benefit from this? You would not be on this panel. What would anyone benefit from this?
god dammit Darrel
yes & exude any marketing experts or so called social media experts who spammed twitter.
quotes should count as retweets
also: full muting, not only notifications
Better search in the iOS app also - too tricky/too much typing if searching for anything specific, e.g. tweets by user, date range
Also, please do SOMEthing about the altright PsyOps, Russian trollfarms and all that & reduce the influence of bots on trending topics
improving the “tailored trends”: being able to get trends by categories, i.e only trends on politics and/or sports, tech, movies, etc
#twitter2017 Editing tweets resets all RTs & ❤s and notifies those who interacted with that it was edited. 10 minute window to do.
a business model
would be great to have a "tweetstorm" button instead of users having to do 1) 2) 3) etc.
would also b gr8 to make Moments more distinguished Heres a presentation I did 4 my product idea Live Moments
#Twitter2017 Live streaming of NFL and other sports of course, also other shows and tv would be amazing to watch through Twitter.
The hate and abuse on your platform is making the world a worse & more dangerous place. Don't let that be your legacy. Fix that.
Restore social graph access to @tumblr. taken away by previous CEO), make access more reliable (like FB's) in general.
Remove threatening/hateful accounts.
·@jack rise the 140-character limit to something like… double, SMS is long gone, I hate deliberate gramatical errors for a tweet to fit, pls
the option to make your account public to build followers within an X mile radius... special barcodes to scan to follow users in secs
We've been asking for years, at the top of our lungs: eliminate harassment. No one should look at their mentions and drown in nazis.
Making @twitter better. *please read*… DM me if you want me to see it through
can we have dislike icon and say 200 characters? Not sure if these have been asked of you.
being able to delete all my tweets whenever I want to and not 1 by 1
How about fundraising option ?? this might be + for normal organization / individuals etc
create a position for me, hire me! ;)
find Twitter chats easier and follow them in one space
Better advanced search
just go bankrupt and let me get on with my bloody life.
stop locking me out of my twitter accounts
handle abuse reporting better, faster, and with more transparency
Create an account for #Milo @jack
Get active in combating abuse of Twitter by racists, misogynists. Don't wait until someone actually summons violence before banning.
invite only tweet events so people cant hijack a conversation
we need a bookmark button, likes are for approval, we need bookmarks for finding interesting tweets for later #Twitter2017
Improved measures against harassment and hate speech. Can't say this any louder, Jack. It's still your #1 problem.
Same-day follow-up and action on abuse reports. .
Start taking harassment seriously.
ability to block users based on the country up they are using
Organize/folder favorites Edit as a redline function Add "blocked from" to viewable tweet actions Stop trying to monetize hate speech @jack
Removing the people who use twitter to manipulate the stock market. Economic terrorism is still terrorism.
if you do lock people out of their accounts, at least delete the account and release the @ handles back to the wild
"save for later" please & also "edit". And personally I think, changing favorite to like was a mistake. Love from where I am xx
seeing my personal feed alongside live video #Twitter2017
"edit" tweet button, and a much stronger stance on cyberbullying.
make verification of journalists less complicated
your website is a nexus point for the growth of white nationalism, and a safe space for sexual harassment. Change.
Do more to stop trolling
Des idées pour améliorer Twitter en 2017 ? Tweetez les directement à @jack (en anglais !) Il répond en ce moment
Following in the footsteps of Brian Chesky: what's the most important thing you want to see Twitter improve or create in 2017? #Twitter2017
devenir responsable, régler le problème des trolls !
become responsible, fix the problem of trolls!
Also would likely pay a subscription if worth it (to get rid of ads + more features), so not sure why you haven't trialled it 🤑🤑💰💰💰💸💸💸
- harassment - onboarding - bots - edits - messenger clone - 3rd party devs… ad revenue sharing maybe - ask this Q every 6 months
also stay alive in 2017, this is my favorite platform. <3
you need to hire people as consultants who have high profile accounts and receive serious hate who can explain this shit to you
it is crystal clear to people who love and use your service regularly where the faults lie and your team have a signal to noise prob
VERY SERIOUSLY: I will consult with you for 3 months and suggest other accounts you should use to collaborate with on solutions
I love twitter, but it’s like loving toblerone when they take out half the bar… what’s the fucking point anymore?
but I can definitely tell you where the pain points are and definitely tell you how to fix them
Good point. Where R the most serious problemas so work on, for you?
when jack wants to get serious and consult me, I’ll talk about it
maybe from dif perspective than yours, I'd like to help too.
Yeah, @jack, you should hire her. @karengeier is definitely a "professional."
you say "hire", but Im guessing some would help for free.
I mean hire. Period. If you can’t put your money up, you’re not serious
What if there were a platform, a media that allows socialization, that could provide insights to this
When you click the notifications button should give a pop up window and have a "view all" button to send you where it sends you know
Quote tweet should automatically appear in the replies to that tweet, so people can see & track all comments relating to the tweet
SO agree! I detest quoted tweets..they effectively disconnect from the original thread killing traction! 😳 #twitter2017
Definitely agree with this.
can we please get edit your tweets
#Twitter2017 Consistency across platforms, stream position syncing (for lists too), nearby tweets. That’s three, sorry.
I would love to see a real list functionality. It's a powerful feature that could be greater
A system of verification for all real, non-anonymous people, with the default option to filter out those not verified.
crazy idea but maybe no nazis and no rape threats anymore.
malicious giveaway ads / how and why can they even exist ?
picking a window for edits is tricky. let tweeps footnote tweets w/ clarifications
saved collections, typo fixing, much better abuse prevention/reporting/removal from platform
Please make posting live 360 material available for general public soon. I teach #journalism and would be priceless in live reporting!
when u attempt to tag someone who can't b tagged, should tell u they can't b. Saves u from trying again (copy paste del) w/same result
Would love more discovery features to break out of the echo chamber. Like Reddit's "ALL"
geofenced favourites list for travellers
sort 'following' list .. create sub directories
How about loading images little faster ... Performance of media is very bad compared to other apps (fb , instagram )
To Browser Twitter have the same feature as Mobile Twitter, that when I click on "X new tweets" I doesn't push me to the top of the pg
stop hiding trends behind the search icon.
Let me see a specific list when I login on mobile instead of my master feed. And let me swipe between lists. Plz!?
Also you should add in the profile settings a feature where you can choose if the new tweets should be updated automaticly or not.
It would be great if you could make it so Donald Trump doesn't start an arms race/nuke the planet using your platform.
would love to see videos tab on twitter to see the most popular and realtime videos mixed with live stream.
better way to deal with abusive bots (similar to fake news problem)
I'd like favorite tweets to be better organized. Maybe by date or by user? Scrolling forever to see some oldies isn't very efficient.
ZERO censorship. Keep the twitter the way it is. The good, the bad & the ugly. No place for the eggshell psyched ones Not a safe space
actually use people's suggestions this time instead of just pretending
also i looked up the pages you referenced in rushdie's book and you are one weird dude i hope i never meet
would love a twitter tv to watch live events
Twitter for apple TV is quite good
haven't looked at it but if it's similar to like Netflix for live that's what I meant
they put their live broadcasts (like the debates) on there. There’s also periscope for aTV if you want user livestreams
not so much a request as an ask: would love to hear what y'all will do about curbing harassment/threats/etc in 2017.
1) scheduling videos and albums from official client 2) Tagging on videos (for brands) 3) Hashtag mute option on timeline
Write a ML algo to remove redundant tweets of same news. Don't need to hear Pres is speking 12 times for each beat rptr.
easy automated ways to thread tweets for continued tweets
better lists integration on mobile
image preview before tweeting (I have a test account to see how images will get cropped in-feed)
Could you do something about the political propaganda ol' buddy ol' pal? Maybe ban Trump? Literally using u 4 evil.
edit tweet within 30 seconds (but show editing history for each edited tweet to avoid abuse)
change your criteria of verification as i saw many porn stars / porn accounts are verified and it is not mentioned in FAQ
less friction in building lists. I can't follow more than 200 people or my timeline is too cluttered/noisy
but it takes 30+ minutes to build a list of people. There should be an "add many to list" option and less clicks required
rather than a master stream with peripheral lists, there should just be multiple streams. Easier and faster to build and use
facilitate convos by making it easier for popular users to single out worthwhile responses. Good responses get lost in the noise.
Quote tweets need to be counted as Retweets and included within RT's when you click number of RT's.
And finally i believe that when you search for someone it should show the people first and then the trends
Add a thumbs down button to offset the like button.
ability to block everyone with the same exact tweet. Will help with bots.
Reactivate my suspended accounts that were suspended simply because I have more than 1. They're for different purposes.
1 is for business news, 1 for entertainment and 1 for horse racing. I don't like to mix them all up. Why can't I have 3 accounts?
1) Mitigate harassment 2) More intelligent rec's (subject expertise>contacts) 3) Sorting on TL (e.g. Hide links, replies, media)
The @video section needs lots of improvement. Sound doesn't always upload correctly. This issue has been ongoing for a very long time
'Read later'/save (more like old fav) as well as 'like'. Also if read later, no point saving it according to original date of posting.
Give a/c's a lifespan. If inactive for certain period (eg 3 years) make handles publicly available. Tho prob not good for share value!
Edit tweets within 5 mins of posting.
Ability to edit tweets, please 🙏
eliminate fake news. Also spam ads are being promoted into my timeline frequently. Find a way to lose those
"save/bookmark" to read later, distinct from "like" which serves to offer an endorsement
very good that you're asking, listening and responding 👍 Maybe you could do something like this bi-monthly
local search could be much improved also, e.g show me all tweets in a certain radius from my location without a keyword requirement
PIP video across the entire app
Creating a "Yahoo-Answers" kind of forum where anyone can see what has been asked and answer. Marking correct answers, points, etc.
besides the "less nazis" thing which could always be an improvement, short term editing would be cool. especially on polls
i've had to delete polls to edit them, and the results i get after the edit tend to be a lot lesser, like less people see it somehow
Have usernames take up a smaller, set amount of characters.
Oh! Get rid of the Nazis!
Have current stock prices connected to company stock ticker via cashtag $TWTR #DorseyRocks #2017isTHEyear #TWTRistheNEWS #cashtag
some way where usernames don't take up space in the 140 limit!
blocking users should also hide quote tweets rather than a "this tweet is unavailable" message.
Stronger service bans for racist, sexist and nationalist accounts. And making verification actually hard again.
Going to send product recs but ultimate suggestion is: Can we continue this conversation like @SlackHQ?…
Cause if people don’t feel like they’re heard, and they’re not seeing progress, they’ll feel disinvested at best and hurt at worst.
1) allow tweet editing 2) improve list functions 3) nix spam that's ruining hashtag use 4) make Instagram pics visible(not just links)
I love having the ability to follow moments in my feed. I'd love this option to be more visible and widespread across topics.
facebook integration so you can find people to follow easier. How do you think insta is growing? We need that.
actually removing harassment and toxic behavior on your platform so people can talk and chat with one another in peace
created a twitter version that has only verified people and only real media partners. (i could list all the benefits it you ask)
live audio would be more interesting & remove gifs. A feature to mute #hashtags that trending to avoid spamming on timeline.
also 'check later' as reminders ( i use self DM ) & please put DM tab in sidebar for desktop version, cant read tweets while DMing.
all we need is safety finally fucking addressed also MAYBE STOP GIVING CHECK MARKS TO NEO NAZIS? @jack
jack on Twitter
“Following in the footsteps of Brian Chesky: what's the most important thing you want to see Twitter improve or create in 2017? #Twitter2017”
, nothing, really, But telepathic communication in a hundred or so years.
1) The ability to edit tweets 2) Have 'quote tweets' counted as RTs in platform analytics
integration of @periscopeco on my phone with Apple TV. If watching on phone watch on Apple TV easily
turn videos into gifs, easily copy/paste text frm articles then post, section when u rtwt quote - have capability to post pics/gifs
An option to flag memes as true or false, with the ability to submit to a fact checker.
1) Provide more localized live content (developing countries w/ high population. e.g. Indonesia, Bangladesh, Nigeria).
2) More tools for business accounts to handle customer support/complaints.
3) Easier threading. Ability to write the entire thread in one text box and be automatically divided into 140 char tweets.
3)(a) While user is typing a thread, the UI (e.g. text highlighting) can mark start/end of each tweet within the thread.
4) Ability to follow #hashtags & trends for only 24 hours by default. User can choose to follow for longer.
5) For new users, option to follow topics (and related multiple accounts) with one/few clicks.
6) Follow conversations/threads. Some threads continue for days & users miss out. Default follow 24 hours w/ option to increase.
Do something to address rampant abuse, threats, and hate speech.
1) ⬆️ Tweet engagement for ppl with fewer followers 2) hide/emphasize by topic in timeline ("no sports") 3) 140 seconds to fix typos 😀
If an edit function is coming, I love the idea of a 140 second grace period.
verified news accounts that are banned if proven to be distributing false info.
more radical+bold experimentation of the feed 1)boost original content 2)bury links 3) show popular tweets even if one doesn't follow
by all means moderate, but don't be partisan about it.
Revise the ToS to make following or faving someone using an automated service classify as spam, because it is
more functionality in mobile. So using enter key to drop down a line/row. Or maybe I don't know how to use what is there now.
I want to see Twitter take more risks and add features at a more rapid pace. Tools to help us share what is happening now. #Twitter2017
being able to change background colors on mobile. Different font. Basically more customizations. That would be awesome. #twitter
TWTR must be more "pick up and go" for new users. Maybe take a questionaire in order to generate follows for newbies
Be able to create lists of/bookmark tweets. Edit own tweets. Longer tweets. Create chronological lists. Events?
suggest ways to improve the sentence in less than 140 chars. I often write long tweets and then rephrase the whole thing. AI can help
easily swipe between lists (whole list's timeline changes to another list with a swipe )
1)eradicate & permanently block those inciting hatred 2)enable better in-tweet editing 3)expand GIF library
What if you can keep a tweet w the same content when you RT. Regardless of how many times was edited? So people can avoid misunderstandings.
Dramatically increase # @verified users. Allow users to restrict Tweet views and replies to Verified users. Will stem hate speech.
Punish bullies. Ban nazis.
more live streaming popular events like #TNF. That would be HUGE!
A better photo-sharing function.
Make it easy to search for public Twitter lists. They're such a valuable tool for breaking news.
it'd be nice if we could get a filter for Nazi accounts. So I know who to follow.
An optional but ironclad real name feature and the ability to block all users who fail to validate their real name. Fee okay.
please stop making up new types of emails that I have to unsubscribe from
Advertise to older people as a living and breathing news source. You are neglecting your 50 and over crowd
homogeneous set of features across all clients. In other words, add all existing and future features to the API.
ability to subscribe to get notifications for responses to a tweet.
would use this multiple times a week. Is there a 3rd party service that does it already?
I've lost count of the number of times a group DM was ignored because recipient uses 3rd party client.
the ability to go private without losing verification would help a lot of female journalists find respite from rape & death threats
its grim that the solution for this reality is a TECH one not a SOCIETAL one :(
he’s noted to several ppl that they’re working on that aspect. for now, i’d like the ability for REST for friends & myself
meanwhile he's responded to other tweets but not the ones asking for help with harassment...
seems the least your company could do
This should work now (since September, in fact).
هلو من سعودي عربي 👍👋
Split-screen ability during a Twitter chat, image preview and ability to edit tweets.
Right now you control the torrent of hate and ignorance destroying civil discourse globally. You and @facebook owe humanity a fix.
the ability to always pick up where you left off reading, across all of your devices. A synced bookmark of sorts.
chained tweets.U write a long tweet and twitter automatically chops it,adds d (1/2-2/2) pagination and chains them.#Twitter2017
un-ban mikeLsaac
don't fight progress, steve.
jack, thank you
unlimited twetes
I think unlimited tweets needs to be a person verified with a golden checkmark bases on interaction with twitter
We can't allow bots and spammers to rerweer everything has to be done manually by hand.
oh noez the engagement rates/ad revenues oh nooooez
How much money do you need a month to NOT show me ads?
Please make night mode black and not navy blue 🙏🏼
search in Messages would be a huge improvement #Twitter2017
please exceed the frequency of such interactions, for collecting the suggestions #Twitter2017 .Thanks.
open up verification for people who actually need it, like me. It would help me connect with so many more people. I know there's (1/2)
already the form to submit, but every time I submit it, I get declined. (2/2)
ditch retweet and automatically show followers the tweets you engage with.
stop copying Snapchat for one
Remove 100% of ads and let me pay for cosmetics + verified only mode
EDIT a tweet in the next 30s <3
10,000 char tweets. Where are they?
stay alive and independent!!! #Twitter2017
Hi!! Hashtag games are an important part of Twitter & great for user acquisition. Could you consider talking to @HashtagRoundup ?
Ability to pin live events at the top of Home feed.
The ability to edit tweets!
Kick out the fucking Nazis and ban Trump before he starts a war that kills us all over a tweet.
Do something about literal Nazis & professional troll warehouses posing as minorities w dozens of accounts. IP filter/ban? Something.
if you aren't going to fix your harassment issue, can you at least fix the GIF search? Yields garbage if you have a multi word search.
You need to figure out harassment @jack - nothing else, just that.
Following in the footsteps of Brian Chesky: what's the most important thing you want to see Twitter improve or create in 2017? #Twitter2017
Sunday Night Football 🏈 video streaming? OK, I know, got too ambitious.
bring the star back. No edit button.
Dealing with the mass rape threats probably more important than typo editing
freeing of old deleted or banned handles, and allowing creation of new handles with <5 chars
don't allow @realDonaldTrump to block anyone. If he's using twitter to communicate he can't block his constituents.
Separate “like” and “save” functions (a heart for like and a file folder for save).
Would be nice to customize Sports Moments and be able to include outside of US
Give more access to developers who build third party twitter clients.
make @chrissyteigen Chief Innovation Officer and implement all her ideas.
remove hate/threatening accounts
better follower growth and discovery, the tab on instagram of things you may be interested is basically just screenshotted tweets
de-activating the incoming PEOTUS's account until he becomes the former President so we can get through 2017 without a nuclear war...
would love to be notified about trends happening around me so I can join the conversation
if someone is following 100,000+ people and has 0 quality tweets, they should be caught in the quality filter.
Conversations are hard to follow. Still don't get why some tweets are shown and some aren't.
1) Kill "in case you missed it" 2) ID already opened links 3) Tweetdeck needs love
Let's see Twitter "help build the knowledge economy" (Facebook long-term goal) w net org & 40+ ccTLDs! DM me.
AMP support and inline Instagram photos. But mostly AMP support :)
Short (few minutes max) edit window, mainly for typos or mis-link.
better understanding of what 'verified' means/more consistent verification process than what exists now/why verification is denied
I should be able to search my own tweets and the tweets I liked/favorited.
"twitter rooms" where fans can tune into the room of a certain football game and see/engage with certain fans interested in that event
fix ads. They are irritating/frustrating and make the timeline crappy. I'd happily pay to remove the ads
and editing. That drives me nuts...
new-user onboarding: follow interests->do Likes->get recommendations of individuals to follow->do Likes....
Add a monthly/yearly fee to use Twitter
Get rid of the damn nazis
crack down on fake news and abuse
Someway to tone down the depression of Moments... There's been nothing but death on the front page recently.
give brands the ability to claim the unused but squatted twitter account so they're discoverable - end get[brand/app] handles
more control of timeline such as bookmarking, jump back x hours, expandable time range.
vine you jackass
be able to group tweets to search old tweets easily. Alternatively, a search function within my profile to search old tweet by keyword
open up the API, let us help solve problems and innovate for you. Acquire what works.
The ability to mute tweets in your timeline that contain specific names or words.
to disable political bot accounts (which are governing TTs in Turkey w/ disruptive misinformation)
Improved Video Analytics, Tailored Audiences based on Engagement, Ads Manager, and more insightful Audience Insights.
What if you created a platform where people could post 6-second looping videos?
add a large negative weight to harassment and abuse in your engagement model so the metrics show what users feel about it
in the same way I can follow a curated list, I'd love to be able to block or mute from a list so I can avoid known trolls
Twitter in VR 😻
That would be awesome 🕶. Maybe someone could make it pretty quick using @aframevr
the ability to attach a private note/aide memoire to the biog of people you follow
tbh I can wait on all the other features until you stop people sending death and rape threats
No auto feed please! Keep it chronological. Also please control users who only use platform as platform for hate & harassment.
It's a bit annoying that your team rejects @verified applications for nonprofits while verifying (and legitimizing) nazis.
I mean, beyond not verifying nazis, maybe the team over at @verified should explain why an application is rejected.
a better job of curbing harassment? Has been the sites Achilles heel for a while now. Others have commented on ideas of how to do this
how about you turn the whole thing off around 10 pm every night
also, editing within a certain time window would be nice (i.e. one minute after, for typos)
- for the love of god get rid of the effing nazis
Too many (irrelevant) promoted tweets in my timeline
I just block each and every irrelevant business. One by one.
You should at least reply to their tweet "blocked due to irrelevant prompted tweet. CC @TwitterAds"
there could be a "blocked because I'm not interested in your ads" option.
More streamlined to attract new users. The format is a barrier; it's confusing for people. I.e.: have to go 10 deep to read a convo
lower visibility for tweets from new accounts
and with numeric digits in the name, and sexy avatars - must be quite hard for an AI to spot these 'subtle' patterns ;)
verify more people, like myself
❤️ Twitter. But the ability to edit tweets like you can do with other platforms would be fantastic.
preview PDF or txt files on a tweet (for press notes or something like that).
A firmer stand on #Fake accounts being created. We waste too much time on blocking them.
and we're fed up with being harassed by the ones offering to but followers
*buy (there's a good example of the edit option that is needed ... LOL)
WebOfTrust WhiteList and BlackList
remove threatening/hate accounts
get rid of the fucking nazis
Twitter local; Twitter anonymous; Twitter curated lists for 94108, tech news, finance, etc...
it would be nice to follow replies to tweets that have been quote retweeted as I can normal replies.
1️⃣Seperate bookmarks and ❤️ 2️⃣subscribe to event/threads 3️⃣update or remove lists feature 4️⃣merge quote tweet and replies @jack
5️⃣remove bots and auto dms 6️⃣better thread/twitter/user/live recommendations 7️⃣release unused handles 8️⃣get live notifications @jack
make twitter the place we watch video together. Like Thursday night football or the debates, but more. Replace tv for me.
I don't own cable and missed @NFL... until this year. How about @premierleague. :)
Same here the only reason I have cable is to watch #mlb and #nba. Happy to not have cable at all.
motion seconded. Twitter is where the world goes to talk, to me. So more of that
agreed. TV and movies are nothing to me without twitter. Bring them together in an only-on-twitter way.
+1. ftr, I would pay for premium special events w exclusive commentary/discussion.
Love to have the #GoLive functionality for our periscope shows so people can watch & tweet with hashtag for user events!
hard to see where the live video events actually are. Have to search, then click, and somehow get there.
would be cool if you could buffer if you're watchin a sports event an hour later u still see peoples "real time" tweets.
also function to disable promotions
filter a tweet's interactions by geography. example: only show canadian replies/likes to your tweet so i know what they're up to...
sort out the fact that @twitter has gone from being informative, entertaining & inspirational to an echo chamber of hatred & trolling
I would like an easier way to switch my timeline views between lists
I noticed you started to send push alerts around big news, you should do this more and allow us to customize alerts based on keywords
Please fix conversation views. Hard to grasp the whole conversation flow even for experienced users.
ability to save videos and gifs instant like videos
auto allow longer tweets, but embed them as a click-to-expand. Better UX, same bonus for brevity.
get rid of your little Safety Police Council thingy and just let people police their own feeds w/ block and mute
Editing tweets - tweet can be edited only once within few mins after it is posted.
Disable notifications for specific tweets and/or just tweets of a certain age.
bigger streaming box on TNF, and richteously banning people for little to no reason because of that glorious power rush feeling
ability to edit tweets
You could maybe actually follow your own TOS and ban the people that worship Hitler and tell me "go gas yourself".
it should be more upside down: ɹǝʇʇıʍʇ.com
let all users assemble and create their own moments.
ads in the timeline are intrusive and insulting. Remove them.
I use twitter to find connections in my professional and avocational interests. Better search tool on mobile. Some type of (more)
make it easier to see who unfollows.
custom twitter emoji, like Kale and:
Well, there's a lot of abuse and hate speech making Twitter a hostile, difficult to use environment.
an easier flow to read responses and threads.. everything has always felt backwards. I would read these responses but it takes forever
Please let us finally edit tweets. #Twitter2017
don’t protect hate speech. You’re not the govt.
remove accounts that spew hate, violence, and threats
serious efforts to handle coordinated threats and harassment
until account of user x is confirmed(email or phone) all user x's tweets to remain blurred to rest of the community.
biggsest problem is see is my twitter feed. I need to be able to organize more what i see in an easy way. Channels maybe?
some type of solid keyword search ability. "History" should provide not just appearance of the work but some search of profiles?
Many of these responses seem to be "censor Twitter to fit my worldview". That would destroy this platform.
In general, Twitter isn't a filter bubble and can thus afford access to all sorts of perspectives. That's a differentiator for you.
But there is still a huge harassment issue. So there needs to be clear rules and tools built around that.
Conflicting worldviews should never be censored. Mob brigading, death threats, etc. should. Some want to conflate the two. Don't.
I’d really like to see Moments expande— Jesus @jack what do you think everyone wants?
Following in the footsteps of Brian Chesky: what's the most important thing you want to see Twitter improve or create in 2017? #Twitter2017
edit option for your tweet within a minute after posting it.
you guys should put someone's dpic above the tweets, the tweets seem too much squeezed coz the pic on the left eats too much space.
as a passionate Twitter user, this is awesome! my dream is to work on, refine, and help solve these kind of product ideas.
something to improve the conversation flow or show me a lot of people are chatting on a specific tweet. Feels like i'm hunting to talk
preview of photos before posting so you know how they'll be cropped on the timeline
I'm a bit obsessed with Twitter, and would love to have experience in some of the behind the scene roles. Do you have voluntary roles?
circle video
Make lists a full feature, and able to be private. I want channels sometimes instead of the fire hose.
Better reporting functions would be nice, or at least you guys actually listening to them. Also, not unbanning literal Nazis.
make user sign-ups dead simple (username & pw mandatory, other fields optional) like reddit. # of new signups will increase
also, an option to save tweets to read/watch later. Right now I use 'like' to save them.
Delete ghost accounts
Proper follower & Following management. Not count user name in tweet length. Ability to see who has unfollowed & followed easily.
1) @jack, I think that more transparent reporting processes & making sure ppl don't get the 'this doesn't violate' emails would go long way
2) @jack majority of nearly 3k ppl we surveyed (unscientifically) said feeling like they weren't heard after reporting was dispiriting
4) @jack think there's a real way to make this more transparent so ppl feel heard or at least understand why something wasn't a violation
5) @jack could b as easy as explaining once & for all why 'did not violate' emails r triggered even in situations where twitter takes action
6) @jack b/c as it stands now it makes even good faith users feel like Twitter only responds to requests under extreme scrutiny from press
7) @jack i've spent 6 months reporting on this & I don't get the rhyme or imagine how it looks to a scared user.
anyhow - those are just my thoughts from being close to this & listening to 1000s of your users for over half a year.
7.5) @jack this brand of response is the type that's dismissive 2 users ppl who believe in twitter's desire 2 reform see this/feel dismissed
The dismissive response to users' concerns about safety is systemic at Twitter. This was regarding Neo-Nazi Richard Spencer. @cwarzel @jack
kinda disagree? think here Twitter is doing a good job of explaining itself. That seems more along lines of what we want, no?
we may not like the decisions, but getting insight into how they're made is a positive step, imo
There's no thing as a Neo-Nazi figure who doesn't exist on a platform to spread hate & abuse, though.
The transparency is good, but there is still such a fundamental lack of understanding who they are dealing with.
Ah, I knew Seibel would play the White Male Ally to the hilt.
when will freeze peach techbros get that nazis cannot peacefully coexist with anyone?
At this rate Twitter will continue to be a recruiting/propagandizing tool for white supremacists. That’s my 1 issue.
They use it to organize and indoctrinate and amass fans/followers.
So yes, I get the desire not to ban people based on belief, but can't we establish a line somewhere here?
we're working to better explain and be transparent and real-time about our methods
thanks for your work
sincere thanks for listening. would love to continue this convo in new year
not true, but I hear the perception and we need to fix
that is VERY much how it seems.
it's just anecdotal, but I've never received any response when I've reported tweets/users. seems an easy place to improve.
better DIY tools like muting interactions on particular tweets would also help rather than muting user by user as abuse comes
psh! Twitter is less tool, more lifestyle ;)
unacceptable. Will fix
thanks Jack
yes please! 🙏🏼
editing tweets = *really* bad idea given the political/justice realities of how twitter is being used
yes. We definitely need to be more transparent about why and how. Big priority for this year
who could have foreseen this minefield for such a platform? Godspeed in this polarized culture!
Get rid of tweets from Trump that are obvious lies. Or better yet, get rid of him. He incites hate and racism.
put me in charge.
put him in charge.
put him In charge
He's almost cancelled Brexit, give him a go on Twitter
put him in charge
---TWITTER DON'T READ THIS--- @jack ... hello
Put him in charge.
Hi Jack. Happy Christmas & Merry New Year. Give @hrtbps the power to edit all tweets. #pilot. But you keep @twitter for yourself. #Ta.
finally add an edit button, find a way to quickly suspend racist, hateful or misogynistic users
also if you could allow for pictures and video to be saved directly from moments that would be great , and much easier for all users.
find a way to punish all the auto-follow / unfollow garbage users. Starting to feel like MySpace circa 2007. 🤖💩👎🏽
this might require some real curation of topics, fields, sub fields
now: i scroll through followers of people in my field to build a list. Would love stronger "follow these people also" tool than u have
charge a $1 a year to tweet (then next year $6, then $12). Don't worry about payment method costs so it easy to do globally.
here’s an idea: verify everyone who wants it. Then introduce saftey settings that hide responses from non verified accounts.
because the hate on this platform is caused by these new and dark accounts that people would never link with their real name or ID.
1/6 2017 wish= Twitter becomes more topic-centric. Idea: auto-associate a topic tag w/ every tweet to organize content by topic, like:
2/6 let ppl follow a topic rather than an account, would help me explore new interests (where i don’t know experts) + easier 4 newbees
3/6 allow people to jump into a topic and experience the best (+ recent) content from those w/ most most influence in the given topic
4/6 show leaderboard of users most influential in a given topic, to incentivize experts without tons of followers to engage more,like:
5/6 ...making twitter more about one’s influence in a given topic than how many followers they have.
6/6 awesome 4 u to engage public in what has become such an indispensable public utility. topic-centric could help more ppl benefit!?
great ideas! +100000
So you want Quora, essentially.
I love this topic based approach, Scott.
I agree! The option to follow a topic would be great!
your Twitter product thread is $
has some good thoughts on this (see profile, not a thread...) + product focus, such as
Facebook is friends & family. Twitter is strangers into the same topics as you. Relationships vs. News. "Social media" is not a category.
and any of several graph algorithms will tell you the most influential users in a particular cluster
you like the idea of thay huh jack... i wonder how you can twist the political narrative with that... dangerous man.
aka what we tried to do at Sulia before the API debacle. Still best solution for new users IMO.
all.of those features are implemented in the amazing @graphext you should take a look!
hey @scottbelsky we should definitely talk at some point about what we do at @graphext :P
this is very important point. Good one Scott! @jack
arent you affraid to be stuck in the bubble then
But who decides who's more influential in a given topic?
newer users get intimidated by old users with massive numbers, even though many old accts may be stale or poor quality.
new users should feel like they are on level playing field and can listen or be heard like anyone else if they contribute
basically do what @Quora team did. & poach some1 from their digest team, perfect product in long-tail retention/engagemnt
really good ideas!!
this concept: deeper identity / reputation tools can be quite powerful. Also helps with "true" news and other issues.
we already do this informally (we trust certain folks we follow on certain topics). Must be a way to build this into UX.
this combined with better conversation tools would make the service clearer, truer and more engaging.
"verification" is like the most basic prototype of the concept.
yes, big opportunity for product to capitalize on the graph of experts that has assembled itself.
Would also be easier for new users because they wouldn’t be tasked with with choosing individuals to follow
bingo. Better identity = better onboarding, better topic-based info, more Truth, better conversations.
some good ideas Scott
follower, following and number of tweets don't reflect quality as well so maybe move them as an option to drill down.
amazing ideas!! Love them
who is the arbiter of "best" and how is it decided?
A topic is a hashtag, it works like that right now
in the making with promising results and engagement. Still in beta for the next 4 months.
Allow us to follow topics. Twitter curates the best articles from the best sources on those topics. Twitter becomes a better news reader.
build structured experiences around specific topics ie sports - Esp good for noobs so much great content too hard to find
I think this would be great! Sort of how medium does it. Allow us to follow topics and have Twitter feat/recomend others
Tumblr has this exact feature 😐
not a new idea, but twitter would benefit from auto-suggested i think.
Yeah, that’d be great!
yes but that would make curation difficult. For e.g. For topics like VC/Startups, I may not want to hear everyone's view
2/ But just of specific ppl. In that case, manually curating and scaling it to that level becomes an issue
3/ the problem is who decides who's an 'expert'
already does this. Better to stick to hashtag since this is a semi-solution
I suggested the same. Important for Twitter to curate or topics will be overrun with spam, abuse, self-promotion.
I wrote an app for myself to just do that couple of years ago. Used #hastags for topic identification
Excellent idea. Still can add your own tags, but have a big safety net that helps make Twitter more organized.
isn't that what hashtags are for? To associate you tweet with a topic?
am suggesting evolving hashtags to (1) auto-suggested topic tags (2) accompany tweet but not eat into 140 character count
wouldn't it be easier just to exclude hashtags from the 140 character count instead?
building off an interest graph is much more exciting than a social. Twitter should have enough keyword data to implement
Funny to me how Twitter hasn't thought abt tags. Medium has it. Ev is on Twitter's board. So many dots left to be connected.
could do neat IRC style chat on aggregated topic pages
Yes! I'd love manual tagging too, so I can mark tweets "marketing", etc. for followers only interested in those tweets.
this is a fantastic idea
wouldn't a hash tag be suitable for it? This is how I find topic related tweets/ppl.
Ads/promotions can also be done around these topics/tags. More $$$ for TWTR.
messaging organized by topics! This also solves the tweet storm tweet comments (organized under initial topic)
also buy @Quora and make it the topic centric long read utility. Twitrr staying the short quick read
psst anyone saying an edit feature is "most important" is wrong. Fix the fundamental question of what a tweet is & what it connects to
(1) vertical scrolling moments (2) bring back happening tab (3) longer tweets / tweetstorm composer (4) fixing harrassment!
I'd like to be able to search my likes
an option to hide mentions, or show mentions only. If you visit someone's or even your own profile. Currently we run a query in search
end to end encrypted DMs
take racism and threats against women seriously, follow up on reporting, filter and block violent language against your users.
be able to throw hashtags into a video. W option to show or not display the hashtags in an uploaded video. Hashtags shown at end of mo
Make partnership #golive with Europe Soccer ⚽️and Champions League ⚽️
Hate speech/cyber bullying and fake news.
more integration w/ smart TV. Would be awesome to watch sports & big events w/ live commentary provided by my stream on the TV screen
more investment in machine learning. Twitter has best firehose of realtime data in the 🌎, give us more insight re: whats happening rn.
Moments are interesting but they move at the speed of human editorial just like all other news. why not real time news reported by AI?
put that data to work and tell us what's important as it happens, from the 10K ft view. be the pre-cog, make us omniscient.
Twitter should work harder against bots and fake profiles or tweets. #Twitter2017
search. Not tweets but content and links. Twitter can beat google pagerank with a well implemented socialRank.
A *lot* of people have been making separate accounts for different "privacy layers". Maybe make it easier to post to different circles
cease being a direct, collaborating conduit for the fascist takeover of the US.
Let me mute tweets from a user without muting their RTs. Let me paste clipboard'd images into @TweetDeck
I agree with editing tweets, and I love the "5 minute window" idea. For fixing spell/gram errors.
Make lists a big part of the interface. They are an afterthought in the app.
I want to arrange my "Likes" by day of Like. If I like a 2012 tweet, it shouldn't go to the bottom. At least, have the option.
Ban all the Goddamn nazis.
Improved lists: easier access, eaiser management, bookmark, Moment view on lists, longer preview of links in a list...
make accessing lists easier, please
Auto generate lists for users by community detention within their following networks.
Hey Jack - what about the addition of a GIF maker? Record up to 10 seconds and convert it to a GIF. #GIFParty2.0 🎉
- Edit tweets - Longer, but not too much longer, tweets. e.g. 256.
Almost more users. Few of my friends use twitter.
I want to be able to search my Direct Messages.
paid accounts: ability to view educational/high quality accounts by charging users small amount per month
force users to add some sort of profile photo after x amount of days.
Blocking accounts and their whole network. Everyone who follows them, everyone who has liked or RT'd their tweets. Fractal blocking.
"RTs are not endorsements" though 😅
Fine with me, let them get caught up in the list too. I'd rather have false positives than let trolls through.
"6 people you follow will be affected by this mass-blocking action." Then choose to include or not.
I have alt-right people trolling me daily, and @_Jordan has it 100x as bad. This is not about a thought bubble.
Be careful what you wish for. @NachoSoto @_Jordan
I wish for my friends to not be harassed endlessly on Twitter… not sure what you're getting at?
At least you can see and document harrasment. Bulk blocking creates closed spaces. @NachoSoto @_Jordan
I do bulk block people (manually though, blocking everyone who likes or RTs a tweet harassing me). Not enough.
Twitter does nothing about the reports. The minimal effort on Twitter's part is creating better blocking tools.
You need to see the other side: They could bulk-block too. We wouldn't even know what's coming/going on. @NachoSoto @_Jordan
Okay good? If I don't want to see content from some accounts why force feed it to me?
You're overlooking the fact that you would not be able to see tweets based on who you are following. @NachoSoto @_Jordan
You follow Hillary, Trump blocks Hillary's followers – you wouldn't even know he's tweeting shit. @NachoSoto @_Jordan
If harrasment is a problem, solve harrassing content. Don't "fix" by overpowering a losely connected feature. @NachoSoto @_Jordan
So if you block Tr*mp's network, you block every reporter, every activist on any side, comedians? Appalling idea.
If someone wanted to, sure. I'd use it for alt-right people who troll me daily.
some feature to find my most Retweeted or liked tweets!
Provide easier access to Twitter data for the academic community and research projects.
temporary block as a feature to prevent dogpiling. Say X user has followers, block/temp block followers for 24 hours
Remove Trump's account.
improve it by verifying the kid
ad free (paid) account pls. And put in some nice pro features :)
this hasn't been done yet. Hashtags within the videos uploaded onto twitter. Kind of like displaying credits at the end of a movie
remove the obvious spam accounts. (ones which tweet the same message in the same 60 seconds)
From a marketer point of view: Be able to target users with relevant content based on interest, location etc. in real time.
lastly, hire me. I have lots of ideas like these and I am graduating from SCU this year. I want to see twitter succeed.
Listening tweets! It would be nice if I hear various thoughts from their owners whilst walking. @jack
mute or unsub a thread, actually ban offensive users who are reported or not. These are all bandaids bc you don't police yourself
relocate functionality logout of an account for android app (should be more accessible to the user)
What they said + manual approving of followers w/out making profile private. Set replies to "followers only" might help curb abuse too
have the courage to ban abusive users no matter how famous or powerful they are
Video uploads are clunky and unpredictable. The quality utterly decimates audio which makes musical stuff really nasty.
Top 100 tweets from today, calculated by like and RT count, and how much higher they are than the creator's own follower count.
Delete Donald's account.
but seriously, accountability of who you allow to create accounts via verifying mobile numbers on sign up or connecting FB
1 month long experiment with 200 characters.
Voice Messages like whatsapp
cleaning up the hate on here would be a fantastic improvement for many longtime and new users.
let me be verified!
a pro twitter app:tweetdeck for iPhone with customizable tabs at the bottom like tweetdeck and scheduled tweets
wish I could edit they : to be a / too
maybe you could monetize this as well. Maybe $5
Please check Twitter Ads before they are released. Often are totally bad ones with poor quality in my timeline… #Twitter2017
Overhaul your entire reporting criteria. Hate speech is rampant and you've done nothing to address that issue.
People are getting racist, sexist, xenophobic abuse, rape and death threats by both anon and blue tick accounts. Nothing happens.
I also feel you should do more public releases of new products. More often, once a quarter - streamed. Like jobs did w his products
Randomize poll responses. Improve discovery by geography/time of day. Productize tweetstorms (Moments is meh). Cut down fake accts.
1) more than 140 characters 2) better ways to surface and follow conversations 3) multiple photo upload > 4 4) improved search
You have to move to real names/identities eventually. Please make this happen in '17.
Ban Trump before he gets us all killed please.
Start applying the same rules/protections to regular users as you do to brands/verifieds/power users
I'd love to be able to bookmark and categorize tweets. @jack
Please finally verify that @KQAnderson literally just took this photo of a pigeon having a job interview which weirdly I already have
Thanks for asking (it's a great start). As a long-time, bloodied and sad $TWTR shareholder here are my top 7 for 2017:
the ability to search your tweets and retweets
Attach nicely formatted text to a tweet. Make it look like a Medium post. Load it fast like Facebook Instant Articles. Blog killer.
one of the best ones, would solve a lot of problems and doesn't have much overhead UI-wise
I would love for the video streaming features of Periscope to be built straight into the main Twitter app.
too many people recommend Tweetbot over the standard Twitter app. Feels like you should explore why.
better account / identify verification, better spam/troll reporting and faster take down for abuse/trolls. Ad product that works ✌🏼
1. culling spam as much as possible. Often the reply conversation is filled with trolls. 2. Not having to think too much ..
2 fit my msg in 140. I spnd mre time trying 2 squeze my thought in contorted ways than xpressing it instantly & freely like here
What about BOTS spamming every single tweet of say one guy that became president because you left other guys spread hate?
release inactive usernames
communities, more live gaming/esports. 🎮
Start banning nazis and enforcing it.
Two things in order of priority: 1. Do something about the hate speech, 2. I'd pay a small fee for an ad-free viewing experience.
implementation of spoiler tags
make tweets editable. Actually read the bullying complaints you get and do something about them.
Curated follower lists: I'd like to follow a mix of reporters, tech influencers, celebs, etc. Maybe 50 lists to pick from.
Ability to apply to take a handle if it's been inactive for a certain period of time. The user could receive an email alerting them
make trending hashtags easier to get to (like it was before)
edit for 60sec, IG pics inline, notification option for threads you want updates, links not included in char count #twittergrowth
Provide suggestions in analytics based on when most of your followers are online and engaging
sort tweets, improved search, mute and lock hashtags #twitter2017
#Twitter2017 edit mistakes within a window to avoid abuse on viral tweets would be a winner.
#Twitter2017 I would like to see revenue grow so I'd like to see a promote tweet button on every tweet, not hidden in analytics
#Twitter2017 lower the minimum budget for promoted tweets and give more options so it's more accessible to individuals
it's not appealing at all, targeting in the UK only? That's the only option? No hashtags, no keywords, nothing? This is revenue :)
most users are on mobile, @TwitterAds answer is use the desktop site, who does that in this day and age? focussing on this will help
increase rev for twitter :) allowing them to promote videos, broadcasts, tweets to specific niches, not a broad audience with low ROI.
also lastly £10/$15 for 1.35k impressions? It just doesn't work, specific niche will lower the bid & increase ROI for advertiser :)
#Twitter2017 allow users to pin someone else's tweet to their profile.
^ I particularly love this idea
thank you for these suggestions! cc: @wooky2000
my pleasure, I also explained in a vid #Twitter2017 Part 1 Part 2
Tip 2 continued:
even on web, ad platform could be far simpler for avg person or small biz to start campaigns. Make min ad spend $1.
couldn't agree more, there's people that want to spend money, but the focus seems to be only on large accounts.
Dump promoted tweets altogether! Too many ads, getting like TV! Eliminate SUSPENSIONS, make users block if offended.
lol, every business needs revenue to survive, it's really that simple.
#Twitter2017 promoted tweets issue is effecting revenue growth
How good is Twitter as a search engine compared Google? Is its still at a keyword match level or serves results based on intent? 💡
I also feel you should pay more influencers to stay away for x amount of days from using the other platforms and only use @twitter so
audience follows them onto twitter
I think this is tougher but I think you need to make people feel better about sharing the now instead of the past.
I feel like the main thing keeping people from coming to twitter is the question of what do I have to share that's so important?
List of 10,000 most interesting people based on engagement metrics. Make it easy for me to find + follow those interesting folks.
Klinker apps in-app browser replacement Less ads (ads every couple tweets in TL is ridiculous) In line media view TL theming
Smartphone apps, improved scheduler and #a11y for @TweetDeck #Twitter2017
get a support system that actually listens rather than sending automated responses.
delete inactive accounts. I want their handle!
Bring Milo back!!!
start actually taking some gotdamn action against neo-nazis
Honestly please just release inactive usernames, times have changed since 2008, some names need to be available!
users who follow 20000 accounts are never going to read any of them. Distinguish between them and those who follow < 200
ability to throttle @ messages and follows when "under troll attack"
seriously go look at 3rd party android replacements & get some great ideas
start thinking more like TV and bucket best accounts (doesn't always mean biggest following) to form great content around any topic.
ala “channels” ;)
that's part two of response :)
want early access to the @shoutbutton app? :)
sure send to
For ex: huge Knicks fan here, so a Knicks channel looks like the team + player accounts but also folks like @netw3rk & @seth_rosenthal
you guys know soooo much about interests and things people talk about -- would love to see the fruits of that in the product more
(and happy to build it if you made the endpoints possible via the API 😜)
Love the idea of setting up accounts for friends. I'm always trying to get mine to join.
More immersive/interactive ad formats... video is everywhere, so much more could be done, IMO.
Three underdeveloped areas within @twitter that I see each day are: Lists, Search and @video. Would love to see all developed on more.
You could start with finally fixing the harassment problem.
clearly flag fake news / facts, especially from the president
Building on previous idea, filter by Geography: Find most interesting Twitter users in San Francisco, Buenos Aires, etc.
Maybe you guys could address all the harassment directed at women and minorities? Fuck the typos.
ban the incoming president from using it to spread hate and false info.
National TV ad campaign that energizes existing users and stakeholders while contextualizing the Twitter value prop for non/lapsed users 📺
oh god - Super Bowl ad
it's sometimes hard to follow tweet storms if people reply between them
A genuine reduction in online harassment. #Twitter2017
everybody should RT me and be my friend in 2017
sarcasm font, please. seriously.
hashtags shouldn't count against 140, but there should still be a cap on number of hashtags. #Twitter2017
Show the number of Quote RTs on a given tweet in the same place as RT/Like totals. If you click it, you see all quote RTs.
Please do something about how your website is allowing the modern Nazi party to ruin people's lives.
You could stop endorsing #BlackLivesMatter and talking about how you're "woke".
Twitter is great. Kill fake accounts and better onboarding for new users. More exposure. Ability to report dubious tweets
take note & react to giving a platform to individuals whos sole purpose is the degradation of human rights for disenfranchised people?
(and 6,936 other replies)