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73 replies and sub-replies as of Apr 10 2017

I hope you implemented "In Case You Missed It" and "You Might Like", and @followed likes this on Home.
Need to use a different email address to sign up.
Well that seems silly...
You should be able to log in with your usual email and password. If that doesn't work, I'll get help.
Thx, Tom. My thought was that it's a different platform so our usual log in wouldn't work. It does, so it's all good.
I clicked the link and it automatically joins through my account so idk what you're talking about
great work on the PWA, but I find font used there much less attractive. Why is it different from the app?
They're probably using native fonts to avoid sending large font files to the user
How did you handle Safari support for requestIdleCallback?
Great Stuff!!! Interesting to see the usage of so many #javascript libraries on the client side including #reactjs
It doesn't support the night mode? 😢
if all those font, features, etc. are added, it wouldn't exactly be "Lite" anymore. Would it?
Looks nice for regular web usage too. Except for the font, but I guess you can get used to that.
Read that as Twitter Life and I was like woah!
This is so amazing. Native App -> 🗑
You mentioned virtualized list component, mind opensourcing it?
Thought exactly the same, contributing to OSS is a good sign of gratitude.
Oh that sounds good. I've always found the experience on slow connections a bit trying.
I 4got 2 give comment on new apearance of 140's typing box.I ask u abt character I mentioned, hashtag or internet address,r ths included?
No thank you Twitter lite.
Congrats! A speck of feedback:
It's boring enough already.
No, thank you. If I want yet another progressive social media outlet, I'll join Facebook and read Vox. At my funeral @TwitterEng
Why that is not working with old Nokia Symbian phones with Opera Mini??
Because so few people even use those phones or browser when you can get a Samsung prepaid with the newest os version for $30
Well, you are right for new phones, but I'm talking about the ones who are already sold like mine.
i'd rather eat rocks than use twitter lite.
Please wrap Twitter Lite into an electron container. This app is much better than the normal Twitter-app.
You don't need electron. Just use the "Add to Home screen" feature from Chrome and it's a full app in your phone.
Thanks for the tip. But I am thinking of the Mac App which is getting more horrible from week to week. And I don't want to use the browser.
Oh I see... I don't use the Windows 10 app exactly because the browser version is much better, can't help you there
I just tested your idea on my android phone. Sweet! Thanks for this hint.
Already made the swap from native and desktop web versions.. without any hesitation 🎉🦄
When you make a version that doesn't target at attack President Trump supporters via random account attack, lets us 100 million people know.
How about an easy way to delete old messages, DMs and cleanup followers? That would be helpful!
Congratulations team on the launch of Twitter Lite. You just raised the bar of PWA app quality and experience 1/2
I afraid you went too far and totally ignored fundamentals of web. How do you get current tweet URL in PWA if you launch it from icon? 2/2
Your native app has a way to get a link but PWA is not. Why to block something very much fundamental to web /cc @slightlylate
Agree URL access is important! We're working on improving this for PWAs in Chrome overall, but yes, they could add. /cc @necolas
I believe it's already solved. Long press on any link throws following screen. All they need to do is not to disable it
I'm seeing some serious issues on mobile @firefox
Try on chrome and share your feedback if works.
Another page that shows nothing if you disable #JavaScript for security: That's not nice. #Web
It may not work on iOS may be because of service worker used to develop web offline support.
Super proud that engineers @Twitter rely on @webdriverio to drive their test automation #testAllTheThings / cc @TwitterEng
So are video ads out now? Video is anything but data "lite". Ya'all seem lost?
Using it instead of the native one, it's great!
And I get notifications on firefox on android!
I thought this said twitter lie
Nice work! Heads up: the Settings link at the bottom of the no js page is broken, goes to the profile of @Settings
When are these enhancements coming to Why haven’t the Web apps converged?
LOL... looks like a high-school kids app... is the best you can do?
Getting two different versions of the site here: left is incognito, right is signed-in Chrome
80/100 --> heading in the right direction!
Whyyyy can't that date permalink be the canonical (non-mobile.) link?
Very cool indeed 👌
seems to scroll faster than native :D
Finally, have a native app for Twitter can be avoided. Good job! 😎
Exited to see the progress on PWA with lite versions of app. Scope of improvement on offline mode.
Kudos to the devs!
The links are dofollow ? Can you dofollow them please ?
when will it be available for downloads?
Twitter EngineeringVerified account @TwitterEng 15h15 hours ago We’re excited to intr
And so, time to uninstall the Twitter app though #TwitterLite
congrats, missing a word (is?) here “[...] Twitter Lite an order of magnitude less expensive to run than [...]”
I get the premise,I think.Do u knw if/what functionality has been cut?Or is the web app tech how theyve made it load faster etc?
the functionality has been enhanced, if anything. The new hot tech is how they’re doing it, so it should be a win-win
app coming soon?