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Alex Macgillivray
's in dept Google Books article
is an example of press exacerbating an SV problem (+ contains errors) 1/
Google Books was the company’s first moonshot. But 15 years later, the project is stuck in low-Earth orbit.
How Google Book Search Got Lost – Backchannel
Google Books was the company’s first moonshot. But 15 years later, the project is stuck in low-Earth orbit.
69 replies and sub-replies as of Apr 14 2017
Alex Macgillivray
While I ❤
’s history of great work, a Google Books
& ref to Mr. Penumbra’s…, it is a really flawed piece 2/
Alex Macgillivray
SV (and many others) often does two things poorly. 1) don’t celebrate victories, & 2) don’t celebrate fine tuning and maintenance 3/
Alex Macgillivray
This article reinforces both. First, it misses that the moonshot reached the moon it was aiming for. /4
Alex Macgillivray
The Google Book Search moonshot was scanning tens of millions of books so that people could find them. /5
Alex Macgillivray
Remember, this was back when Google was mostly search and go somewhere else for the content. /6
You always had a much more modest vision of GB than Brin did. Users get that GB never lived up to hype. Clear that Page abandoned it. No?
Alex Macgillivray
Larry & Sergey & users can speak for themselves but I always understood the goal to be index. Google back then was mostly search->leave /a
Alex Macgillivray
I thought users would be well served by the settlement. Google &
tried that but court did not agree. /b
Alex Macgillivray
but, as Google said publicly at the time, the settlement structure was
idea, not Google's. /fin
James Gleick
I, too, still feel that users (though we call them "readers") would have been well served by that settlement. A lost opportunity.
Alexis C. Madrigal
I do not think this was how it was widely understood at the time
Tim O'Reilly
I would agree that an honest assessment is that the settlement with the publishers and the author’s guild scuttled the original big vision
Brandon Butler
Really?? What got scuttled?
Timothy B. Lee
The theory of the settlement was that the class action mechanism could get Google the rights to display full digital copies of orphan works.
David Riordan🖖
There were going to be terminals in every public library where you could read any book at any time.
Brandon Butler
In the settlement, yes. Tim says the settlement scuttled a bigger vision. I don’t know what that was.
Timothy B. Lee
Oh yeah I'm not sure what that larger vision would have been.
Brandon Butler
Right - and that a class action settlement could get them MORE than default fair use. Tim O says this was LESS than G’s original vision.
David Riordan🖖
The rhetoric of the lawsuit shaped the perception as much as the pronouncements from Google.
Brin did speak for himself, and he offered up this grand nonsense:
Opinion | A Library to Last Forever
Google’s books project is a win-win for authors, publishers and Google, but the real winners are readers, who will have access to an expanded world of books.
Mary Murrell
I'm not sure Brin's op-ed is "nonsense," unless everybody who writes about the potential of digital libraries is also guilty of "nonsense."
It's total nonsense because 1) Nothing Google did resembled a library and 2) Preservation was never a standard or practice of Google Books.
Mary Murrell
Brin didn't write the headline. That's on the Times. /1
Mary Murrell
As for his claims about preservation, Google provided copies to libraries--for preservation (among other things)./2
No. Low-res scans with terrible metadata are not preservation-quality. Brin was bullshitting.
Mary Murrell
The Hathi Trust doesn't see it that way.
I'm not sure how often you speak to librarians or HATHI about preservation standards. But I can assure you that you are wrong.
Mary Murrell
Perhaps you've misunderstood the point. Hathi built itself on the Google scans.
Mary Murrell
That piece was trying to save the embattled settlement, which would have enabled them to scan many more books (and give libraries more)./3
Nothing about settlement enabled or prevented scanning. Scanning continued and continues.
Mary Murrell
So, incomplete and self-serving, but hardly "nonsense." 4/4
Alex Macgillivray
That was after the settlement was announced.
Alex Macgillivray
The idea was find relevant books and go to Amazon, the publisher, or a library to get the content. /7
Alex Macgillivray
The moonshot was thinking you could create full text search for tens of millions of hard copy books. /8
Alex Macgillivray
Many thought it could not be done in any reasonable time or cost. Including engineers on the team. /9
Alex Macgillivray
13yrs later, Google has tens of millions of books all full text searchable in a split second. That’s what a flag on the moon looks like. /10
Alex Macgillivray
+ many other projects were inspired or got new motivation through Google’s audacity. But the article dismisses that accomplishment. /11
Alex Macgillivray
Second, the less-glamorous work that engineers are now doing to maintain & tune the index is dismissed as less worthy. /12
Alex Macgillivray
This happens all too often in SV & is not the press’s fault, but that doesn’t mean it should be reinforced. /13
Alex Macgillivray
I for one am VERY happy that folks are still working to scan books, even if through lists of missing books rather than whole shelves. /14
Alex Macgillivray
I hope that engineers are trying to improve the book search algorithms. They work pretty well for me but incremental improvement is good /15
Alex Macgillivray
Incidentally, and understandably given the complexity,
also gets a bunch of stuff wrong: /16
Alex Macgillivray
(a) the definition of “orphan works”: these are works whose copyright owners are unknown or can’t be found. /17
Alex Macgillivray
Out of print books whose owners are clear and easy to contact are typically not considered orphaned because rights can be acquired /18
Alex Macgillivray
lawsuit was re if scans for indexing & other stuff was fair use (as he says later) not “a custody fight over orphans” /19
Alex Macgillivray
(c) GB was never a “read sharing service” for the in-copyright books. The idea that GB started off as that & changed course is incorrect /20
Alex Macgillivray
Do I wish the Google Books settlement had been approved? Yes. Do I hope that another solution can be found for orphan works? Yes. /21
Alex Macgillivray
But, the original Google Books moonshot wasn’t about either of those. /22
Alex Macgillivray
Google Books is unique & useful today regardless of whether it takes a click or a visit to the library to read the book you find. /23
Alex Macgillivray
Scanning the world’s books so we could find them through full-text search was ~mostly~ accomplished. We should celebrate, not mourn. /24
Alex Macgillivray
And we should all continue to work on making books even more accessible & useful. And, as
mentions, many including Google are. /25
Alex Macgillivray
I’m working on a little something in that vein as well, but I’ll save more details on that for another time. /26
Alex Macgillivray
Finally, a disclaimer. In case not obvious, I care personally (a lot) about book search and Google Book search. /27
Alex Macgillivray
I worked on the project for 6+years & will always have a soft spot in my heart for it. So take what I say here w/ a grain of salt /end
Alex Macgillivray
PS You should read
's piece. It is good reporting. Don't let my rant be your only experience of it.
How Google Book Search Got Lost – Backchannel
Google Books was the company’s first moonshot. But 15 years later, the project is stuck in low-Earth orbit.
google-books moon-shot achieved much of its claimed original goal. but there was much more lurking, all of which is now exclusive to google.
jessamyn west
Was surprised to not see more mention of the work
has been doing with this. Their search could be more robust but it works.
Scott Rosenberg
Internet Archive's work is very important, I agree--deserves a whole 'nother article. This one was already getting... long.
jessamyn west
And I loved it, didn't want to just be an internet nitpicker. Appreciated the behind the curtain view. Always wondered what happened to them
Mary Murrell
Agreed about main lawsuit, but Settlement debate could fairly be construed as about "orphans" (broadly construed).
Mary Murrell
One might give
a break on not attending to complexities of orphan works in a short piece. /1
Mary Murrell
There are competing meanings (outside US copyright office), and his is one of them. /2
Matthew Shaw
But what about rights? I love the discovery but unserved populations without
access can't effectively utilise.
True. Most books now are available as ebooks so the scanning project doesn't need to run but the searching project is as successful as ever
Melissa Levine
The piece (almost inadvertently) gets at why Google and libraries are not the same thing - and why that's aok.
Jessica McKenzie
what's an SV problem?
Alex Macgillivray
SV is shorthand for Silicon Valley
Jessica McKenzie
oh oh of course, sorry. from the context I thought it was something that started with "Search" or "Service" or something
Alex Macgillivray
No worries. Acronyms are always hard out of context. Especially on Twitter.