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Guillermo Rauch
Next.js 2.2.0 ◆ 1-line CDN support ◆ React `prop-types` ◆ Socket.IO, Firebase, Semantic UI, Material UI examples
next.js - Framework for server-rendered React apps
41 replies and sub-replies as of Apr 23 2017
Guillermo Rauch
+ all these changes! Thanks to the 14 contributors that have helped us since 2.1.1!
Guillermo Rauch
Particularly excited about built-in ETag support for server-rendered pages i.e.: clients won't download the same (dynamic!) content twice ⚡️
Andrew Del Prete
That's really slick! Ya'll are doing some great work over there.
Guillermo Rauch
thank you!
Jon Kuperman
These changes rock! Can't wait to check out this latest version!!
Malte Ubl
Do you buffer whole response to generate etag or do you have a different strategy (trailing header?)?
Guillermo Rauch
We don't support streaming yet, so we have to get the entire HTML tree from React first.
Malte Ubl
Ick. Better than no SSR, I guess. At least with fastish backends.
Guillermo Rauch
Not sure you get much with streaming if you're pre-rendering "above the fold" (or close) content, or fast backend.
Guillermo Rauch
If you expect your backend to be slow, it's best to pre-render the layout, and have the client display its data cache, lazily invalidate it
Malte Ubl
Flushing before body-open is almost always worth it. "above the fold" rendering with manual selection of the fast backends works, of course.
Guillermo Rauch
Yeah, getting the <head> out fast is important. We'll be able to do that fairly soon, with automatic rel=preload tags for page's scripts
Malte Ubl
I was advocating for trailing http status codes. Pains not to be able to flush a script tag before the database answers that resource exists
Sam Saccone
Streaming wins come only if you are careful about what tags you are shipping ..a single non defer/async script will ruin it.
Malte Ubl
Streaming wins come often from early resource discovery where that doesn't matter.
Sam Saccone
Depends :) Lotta complexity around network priority hueristics for resource discovery
Sam Saccone
In my testing I have found the wins for streaming html resource discovery to be difficult to quantify on real pages
Guillermo Rauch
This is actually a big concern. Our early tests showed conflicting results w/ early discovery on slow download
Sam Saccone
Yes this. Preload is stupid hard to get right and keep right
Malte Ubl
Flushing early for critical resources wins by definition. No measurement necessary.
Malte Ubl
For non-critical resources it depends, but putting bytes on the network instead of idling is a good default.
Sam Saccone
Funny you bring up flushing. I discovered a hack technique of inserting an empty script tag in my document to force the browser to paint
Sam Saccone
So if you have a large document and you know where you want to cause a layout paint operation to force a render. an empty script tag will do
Sam Saccone
are we having fun yet?
Patrick Meenan
May not be deterministic and may just be chrome (or different across browsers). Parser will yield before a script tag...
Sam Saccone
*****hack****** 🤣😅😅😅😱
Patrick Meenan
Oh yeah. Totally. I'd use hack to describe the chrome logic for it too (I added it)
Malte Ubl
Ah, I accidentally hit this for Google's SSR component renderer by emitting data via a script tag for each component.
Patrick Meenan
If the script tags are near each other shouldn't be an issue. Spread through the document would yield a lot but also not always bad
Patrick Meenan
Heuristics in general are hard and full of edge cases that fail hard. Would love to expose explicit dev control
Sam Saccone
confirm('click to render')
Patrick Meenan
Only if it has processed a bunch of other tokens but doesn't force a layout/paint. Just gives them a chance to happen.
Patrick Meenan
Paint driven off vsync makes it racy. I'd like to make it deterministic but hard to do without slowing down parsing with a RAF delay
Richard Feldman
Any links to learn more about how to do streaming like this? First I've heard of it, but sounds interesting!
Sam Saccone
In node it's trivial, just write to your response stream with some html :)
Richard Feldman
Oh I see - so streaming HTML to the client as it's rendered rather than waiting for rendering to finish before sending first byte.
Sam Saccone
bingo :) There can be wins in there, but 99.98% of sites out there have MUCH lower hanging perf wins to do before this. 🤣
Artur Bergman (山男)
Sadly no browsers support trailers despite me asking for it since 1979
Spencer Schoeben
endless bummer
😂 lol I was 1 day too early for the CDN stuff! Y'all are on 🔥🔥🔥
Adrian le Bas