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Matthew Yglesias
Election results by race and gender.
154 replies and sub-replies as of May 14 2018
Matthew Yglesias
I understand the rhetorical purpose of invoking “white men” as the ideological enemy, but Trump won white women by a comfortable margin.
Matthew Yglesias
Clinton did well with white women who have college degrees but very poorly with less educated white women.
Matthew Yglesias
By the exit polls, Clinton did about as well with working class white women as Trump did with Latino men.
I understand the rhetorical purpose of invoking “white men” as the ideological enemy
barbara Ⓥ
Thank you for re-opening the wound. :P
patriarchal societies only affect male behavior, as we all know. man you're too book-smart to be this fucking dumb
Sukhpreet Singh
A joke both ways
Masters degree male and I voted for Hillary
Step 1: Have a penis. Step 2: Don't not have a penis. Step 3: Run for president.
Easy D
What really stands out are the Latinos--men and women--who decided to give the racist a chance.
James Murray
I watched the election returns, listened to the pundits; the one thing not accounted for was the red vote. Every redneck voted for Trump.
Mike Slaven
There's significant dispute that the exit polls on Latinos were accurate…
Viewpoints: Why exit polls are wrong about Latino voters in Arizona
National exit polls claim 31 percent of Arizona Latinos voted for Donald Trump. Our analysis suggests that's impossible.
john schafer
don't believe it.
Don Alfonso
does anyone seriously believe those latino exit
Tom Bellin
That's a whopping huge caveat. Hard to square those margins among white voters with Clintons 3M vote margin.
Eagles fan 81
Well no surprise here. More intelligent a person is the more likely they will vote Dem and the opposite occurs with less education
Harry W Faris
I think it started with the stay@home bake cookies & stand by my man comments
Jennifer Petitt
Why are exit poll data treated as gospel when the same exit polls often get the vote wrong?
chulsoo kim
Please white people, I beg you, don't destroy this country. You people gotta stop this. You're the only ones that can stop this.
David j
The expectation of a big male-female split is weird. Men and women belong to the same families. There's no tribal split.
Ricardo Del Toro
Trump in Nevada: 'I Love the Poorly Educated'
Donald Trump decisively won Nevada's Republican caucuses for his third straight victory Tuesday. Trump told supporters in Las Vegas that he got votes from we...
Hmm...I wonder what that could possibly mean?
Andrew MacDonald
The age gradient is pretty highly correlated with the have a degree gradient
Would love to see this broken down by age
Perry T PhD ∞
Honestly, it's those white college grad men that concern me the most. What the fuck did we teach them in college?
Iziky Renzer
This looks overwhelmingly bad! Makes you look at America differently...
Matthew Yglesias
Election results by race and gender.
Well many of the Bernie Bro type white guys are college grads. They rationalize their ugly misogyny w stuff about emails or wikileaks etc.
Ilene Haber
said he LOVED the uneducated. You would have to be 2 believe his lies and BS.
Actually the only group of white women who voted Trump were NON-COLLEGE and MARRIED
John Ericson
I'm surprised by college educated Men category. Maybe its an indictment of our educational system?
So they pretty much fell in line with past voting patterns....
I C U 2
media's constant 40% = 39% birther
/ PPP poll: 39% DON'T CARE if
is traitor.
Laura Miller
There should be a new election.
And the winner should actually become president next time
I'm curious what the percentage is of married white women that voted for DT?
Aprile Guarino
I know married ww who didn't vote at all, their husbands' voted Trump, Latino women who voted DT bc abortion
susan lynch
I think because that most went along with the husbands. The ones I know did . You know stand by your man. UGH...Clueless and no research.
Takeaway: most white people are stupid.
Jason Packer
Can confirm. Source: disgusted white guy myself.
Benevolent sexism & internalized misogyny is a bitch.
Why misogyny won
America’s president-elect is an alleged sexual predator. This theory of sexism explains how it came to this — and why even many women voted for Trump.
And Chris Cillizza is another strike against white men.
Absolute Gemini
That is so embarrassing.
Didn't he lose white female graduates?
Evan Jenkins
*extremely defensive voice* And white male PhDs?
(((unintelligible ))
Are you going to stop taking paid speaking engagements or continue to be corrupt?
Seth Morton
its better split up by age and education
Jeremy Hickerson
and white men by a massive margin
ok Bruenig
Daniel Kay Hertz
Donna Gratehouse
Speaking as a lifelong white woman the reason for that vote % is more wrapped up in patriarchy than it may seem.
Dawn Johnson
I am seriously embarrassed by the white vote. I'm especially angry with women - we should know better.
Ricardo Del Toro
Bernie would’ve won ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ricardo Del Toro
He was actually polling much higher against trump. And when the electorate rejects establishment canddiates...
Ricardo Del Toro
To present the ultimate establishment candidate to the electorate, it’s no surprise that she lost.
Andrew Lang
31 points vs. 9 points is pretty huge.
Low Energy. Sad! 🤔
I wonder if Dems making everything about race and gender is a winning strategy?
Sasha Fox
The Republicans do that, they just only focus on white men.
Not really
Holley Atkinson 🇺🇸
Still Standing
yes, racism is unisex.
whitest tweet ever written
Johnny Valz
The most shocking is how he managed what he did w/ Latinos.
Percival Doctrine
Funny how constantly ridiculing and guilt tripping white people isn't winning them to your side
One of the more upsetting facts about the last election
Ben Wheeler
Almost like the Dems took them for granted or something?
Joseph Molesley
Nah, they are who we thought they are. Same ratios for the last several elections. Voter suppression of POC was the difference.
Joseph Molesley
That and young voters going third party. Thanks, Bernie.
Sasha Fox
Exactly. The problem is white people in general.
Thornton Hall
Non-college whites. Non-college whites. What do they resent? It's in the name!
Steven Weiss
The women will vote how their men tell them to. Whatever you think of
, they are very close-knit families who always stick together.
WW only voted two times since 1952 for the democrat. This election kept with historical figures as much as ppl dont like it
I C U 2
and why is that?
Voting 4patriarch?wld assume historically women listened 2 dad/hubby; 🚺havent voted full century yet. 🚺=real
-life 1/
Stance politically merely 2 divide majority& shame wedlock, keep 🚺powerless & poor. No 🚺wanted 2b shamed by family - of course vote R 2/
2 this dayERA not ratified, gop votes against equal pay, when 🚺dependent upon men financially/socially 4centuries, wldnt dare upset that 3/
HRC committed 2shatter last glass ceiling -look @ divide betw chelsea/ivanka & how CC shamed where IT is fraud but she bows 2 patriarch 4/🔚
Exactly. White people are the problem
Where are white people being radicalized?
The point right now is not the vote. The point is that white men are the ones rage-salivating over a potential Chelsea Clinton campaign.
Josh in NC
We are?
Jim Tarrant
As a white man who has been a lifelong Democratic, this pattern, while not surprising, is so depressing.
Ted Velvet
so many fucking idiots. Hope their lives all end up in a Trump induced shit storm of red hot, poker up the ass, misery.
Karine Jegalian
The simple, unheard-of solution (to everything): take people as individuals instead of representatives of blocs all the damn time.
James Umbanhowar
Please put a tariff on Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Marines Sciences.
Akash Nikolas
White people are embarrassing.
Todd Cassan
Well, considering they make up 70% of the electorate and Dems can't win without them maybe lay off that rhetoric and imitate Obama instead.
Matt Maggio
In other words, Hillary lost every demographic group except the small percentage that is nonwhite
Hello DNC, focus on the blue column. That's your base and where the growth is
Mr. Juicero
Ds need to pitch to poorer and middle class Americans across demos and it's 100% doable.
Djeongo Unchained
Obviously the economic anxiety made whites more woke about Hilary's emails
Kissi Leigh
No-he appealed to racists and self loathing women...
Omar Lizardo
are "others" a genderless mass
iWiretap tRump
After careful calculation of the various demographics I can only say that Bernie Would Have Won.
Philip Thomas
Would that be "non Hispanic whites" then?
Jordan Kahn
But but but but speeches! To banks! Suburban whites hate banks!
Aka white people suck
Christopher Mahoney
Break it down by % of taxes paid.
Add education status to this stratification tho
Chas Hansen
The real foundation of an idiocracy is in its imagined roots.
Haley Strahan
God that's embarrassing. I feel like I need to write a letter of apology to someone. Or everyone.
The "no answer" people are the ones that get me. Either they are ashamed to admit 1) they did not vote or 2) that they voted for Mr. Trump.
Kissi Leigh
ew---I am white & I never would have voted for him---my people are dumb! lol
Dave Perry
LOL, the master race indeed.
oscar junior
Do you have this breakdown for Obama 2008 and 2012?
Andrew Lang
Was there really more black votes than latino votes in 2016? Given hispanics are >16% of US population, and blacks are <
Andrew Lang
I suppose a sizable fraction of the Hispanic population is unable to vote though, hmm.
Elizabeth Atwater
Half the country didn't vote, to start with. That explains part of it.
Andrew Lang
Well, 40% anyway.
The Latino population is much younger then the black population so it's not as extreme as it looks.
Michael P.
My experience knocking on doors for HRC, white women did not want a woman as POTUS. Especially older women. (Verified in Ohio and Florida
Bibi Vinum
I campaigned for her and was overwhelmingly called trash by mostly white women.
Michael P.
Agree, I had one woman look at me glazed eyes and when I asked why not HRC, ( she voted Obama), "she's evil". We need to end this.
Bibi Vinum
Why end it when we can just transfer it to Chelsea apparently?
Michael P.
Never Give Up Democracy. Enough said.
Beth Eastwood
May I ask what reasons they gave you, if any?
Michael P.
They couldn't. My take, in Fla. Over 70 crowd, old school. In Ohio, the campaign was emotionally charged, many bought into the emails.
Michael P.
My reality with this situation, many women are still very dependent on men, which is sad. Obama gave them the opportunity to not be. Ohio.
Beth Eastwood
Thank you for responding, and that is sad to hear.
amelia higgins*
So depressing to see my group at 43%.
I sit at work everyday and wonder who among my white male coworkers voted us into this nightmare. I know for certain some did.
paul schutz jr
Black women... damn. Ouch.
Tweeting Folly
Still embarrassed by the white woman margin. Can I withdraw myself from the White woman card?
Salty Harumph ❄️
Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with white women? I am not happy to be a member of this demographic.
We're clearly going to have to exterminate the white men. But just the Republicans.
Perry T PhD ∞
at the end of the day, this is all that mattered.
Right. It's the fault of third party voters, not that of a major party that failed to earn their votes.
Perry T PhD ∞
Enfranchisement is a right, but it's also a responsibility Voting for Stein over Clinton in pivot states was irresponsible. No question.
As a reluctant Clinton voter, I don't disagree. But leftists in this country have been swallowing the lesser evil for far too long.
Perry T.
it's better than whatever conservatives have been swallowing....
Joe Cello
Hillary isn't entitled to Stein's votes: they have to be earned. Also, you conveniently avoid Johnson's votes.
Perry T PhD ∞
Johnson's votes are there - and his running mate told their voters to vote for Hillary in the last days -the left protest vote went to Stein
Joe Cello
Seems like you feel Stein voters should of went for Hillary, but does that mean Johnson voters should of went Trump?
not your mommy
Stein and Johnson votes went to trump. Are you trying to tell me he earned those?! Not buying what you're selling.
Joe Cello
What do you mean Stein and Johnson votes went to Trump?
Kelly Lux 🌷
Makes me sick.
Darren Hutchinson
Not our fault
Jesse Patel
Latinos? What the hell r u all doing?
Jake VandenBrink
Could you talk about why you think Trump got almost a third of Latino men???
Jude NagurneyCamwell
24,558 respondents? Where did these numbers come from? Millions voted in the election.
somehow not suprising.
It's important to also look at voter turn out. How many came out for Obama vs HRC?
Black women gonna save our country
Jacqueline Zavala
This white woman would like to have a serious talk with 43% of white women: "What the hell, white women?!"
This proves blacks and latinos are super racists!
Meraj Islania
Is there a state-by-state view? Wonder how a state that elects Jefferson Beauregard Sessions compares to a state that might elect a maverick
Geostomp X
White People voted for the white supremacist candidate. Not surprising.
I don't see a pattern.