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Matt Stoller
1. Telling subordinates that if things go bad it's their ass is the best way to make sure nothing gets done.
54 replies and sub-replies as of Apr 27 2017
Matt Stoller
2. One of Obama's key management failures was his total unwillingness to be embarrassed at any moment by any subordinate.
Matt Stoller
3. In the short term, it does help you. And it helps you with PR in general. But in terms of governance, it is a catastrophe.
Matt Stoller
4. Short-term, fewer errors. Long-term no one does anything creative or interesting, and you drive away creative and interesting people.
Matt Stoller
5. Trump is engaging in the same management by 'no bad coverage' style.
The education of Donald Trump
The White House remains on a collision course between the president's fixed habits and the demands of his new job.
Matt Stoller
6. "You don’t want to be the person who sold him on something that turned out to be a bad idea." So then, no ideas. No work gets done.
Matt Stoller
7. Only person safe to do anything is Jared Kushner. A lot like Tim Geithner. He was Obama's blankie during the crisis.
Matt Stoller
8. FDR had his subordinates doing crazy things all the time. Disagreed with them publicly. Liked mistakes. Thought bad press was funny.
Matt Stoller
9. You have to be willing to be embarrassed to actually accomplish big things and govern. Otherwise you are the mercy of the mean girls.
Matt Stoller
10. Key point. Fed from 1929-1933 paralyzed by fear of doing the wrong thing. But wrong thing was paralysis.
Ian Samuel 🌹
In general, fear of small mistakes will just lead to large, catastrophic ones (including inaction when action is called for).
Matt Stoller
11. Trump and Obama actually have similar management styles. Consequence is entrenched power centers rule, inaction is the default.
Matt Stoller
12. Different power centers. For Trump it's ICE, banks, religious right. For Obama it was banks, liberal professional class techies.
seems you left the military and defense contractors off of both lists
Matt Stoller
those are two different groups
Sam Bordeaux
"Two different groups?" Come on, Matt. But a nice thread anyway.
Matt Stoller
In fact millions of people serve in the military because they believe in public service
Matt Stoller
Contractors too, though that has become far more financialized
Sam Bordeaux
To say that the military contractors and the military are two different things side-steps the reality of the situation. But, good thread.
Liam Young
That's why I did.
Great thread!
"for every complicated problem, there's a simple solution — and it's wrong" --h.l. mencken
Graham Clark
"vote hoover" - h. l. mencken
John H
a new thought in regards to your tweets. Seem 2 B trolling but maybe Twitter is where you workshop ideas, like an open mic nite. Not a fan
John H
Prefer your long form thoughtful reasoned articles over whatever you're doing here on Twitter. Now, back to how DT and BO are so similar.
Matt Stoller
sorry, I'm not here to please
Full Tilt
It's funny, because Trump's electoral success came from being willing to take huge risks amd eat the consequences
Matt Stoller
yes it's really interesting
Aryeh Cohen-Wade
Obamacare, stimulus, CFPB, Dodd-Frank, Iran deal, opening to Cuba, gays in the military, Bin Laden raid...
Traci Oshiro
Some Guy 🇨🇦
My understanding is that FDR would get multiple people working on the same "secret" project to see what people held back or missed.
Matthew Noah Smith
I was waiting for the dig at Obama... phew! Worried it wouldn't come.
Graham Clark
So you were "waiting" for exactly one minute after he started the thread?
Matthew Noah Smith
yes! it was a horrible, horrible minute.
Graham Clark
maybe you just posted a horrible, horrible tweet
Matthew Noah Smith
Well that is probably because of the horrible horrible experience of that horrible horrible minute! I was overwhelmed!
Steve Roth
I don't want yes-men around me. I want everybody to tell me the truth even if it costs them their jobs. —Samuel Goldwyn
Matt Stoller
that's a great quote
Damon Chetson
If you’re Bannon, why bother. I don’t understand. Seems unnecessarily stressful with no payoff.
Jen Zeman
Ben Cox
well there was the one time breitbart edited a video of lady and they canned her
that is how corporate America runs. esp. in Wall St. Remember the London Whale? Bruno Iksil lost his job, not Jamie D.
Matt Stoller
yes, and corporate America is stagnating
agreed. and it wont change if the incentives/accountability for sr. mgmt dont change. Wells Fargo board is another example
Matt Stoller
lack of competition means ego rules
Ian Samuel 🌹
Great thread by
. A few thoughts from me—
Matt Stoller
1. Telling subordinates that if things go bad it's their ass is the best way to make sure nothing gets done.
Ian Samuel 🌹
In general, fear of small mistakes will just lead to large, catastrophic ones (including inaction when action is called for).
Ian Samuel 🌹
In “Antifragile,”
illustrates this convincingly across a wide variety of domains. True in gov’t and elsewhere.
Ian Samuel 🌹
A minor example: I run a weekly podcast that requires me to discuss things I’m not expert in. I routinely make mistakes. I have to.
Ian Samuel 🌹
If you find yourself never making small mistakes then it generally means you’re being too cautious. Very good heuristic.
Bibi Vinum
All my mistakes order on burning everything down. 😐
Jared Cook
Also, that thinking increases temptation to take cheap shots at other side for inconsequential mistakes, which usually backfires.
Ian Samuel 🌹
Very, very true.
Supreme Leap Forward
Every episode we've done should be subheaded: "Sorry we were wrong. We're trying to remove it."
Gordon Goodly
Antifragile is one of the best books I've ever read. Sits on my A-list shelf, and is ragged with dog ears and highlighter.
Read about Indian Defence Min AK Antony's tenure. To save his face, he didn't purchase anything at all. 😂😂