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Greg Slepak
Can you smell the divide and conquer?
Greg Slepak
I've said multiple times now that I'm not for UASF either.
92 replies and sub-replies as of Jul 12 2017
Greg Slepak
Those who are for
are against rough consensus. Those who are for
are against rough consensus.
Greg Slepak
Being against rough consensus is bad for your health. There are very good reasons why neither proposal has it.
Greg Slepak
has a disciplined engineering process by which it modifies the protocol called Rough Consensus. Anyone opposed is free to HF off.
Greg Slepak
That disciplined process has kept
running uninterrupted for 8 years now. Those who wish to chuck it can chuck themselves.
Greg Slepak
I am not against a
. I am against a
that doesn't have rough consensus.
Jason Hamilton
*slap* Are we in consensus? *slap* HOW 'BOUT NOW?!
Greg Slepak
Rough consensus is a very specific type of consensus.…
Jason Hamilton
The kind I like.
Greg Slepak
lol. OK, I get the joke now. 😅
Tim Pastoor 🧢👌
*4 years Still, the Bitcoin network has been functional for 99.991517697% of the time since its inception on Jan 3 2009 02:54:25 GMT.
Greg Slepak
You referring to the BerkeleyDB bug?
Tim Pastoor 🧢👌
Tim Pastoor 🧢👌
(Technically, BerkeleyDB was working fine. But yes.)
Greg Slepak
Alright, well, can I leave that obscure factoid out for trivia? 😄
Tim Pastoor 🧢👌
We'll store it on a wiki no one reads. 👌
Greg Slepak
Hazzah! 🙌 🎉
Tim Pastoor 🧢👌
There's still a chance that in 600 years it'll be an epic myth though ...
Greg Slepak
It was an important lesson, that's for sure.
Tim Pastoor 🧢👌
"The year is 2617. Atheist factions fight over who believes in the real Satoshi."
Tim Pastoor 🧢👌
"Satoshi came from the heavens and told a disciple to build a boat. He did, named SegWit. Lightning struck and SegWit caried all the txs."
Tim Pastoor 🧢👌
In the Third Act
comes out of cryogen to save the world. Tada. Teh end.
Greg Slepak
I needed some help with that one. I haven't seen Anchorman. 😭
i love lamp
i love lamp
i don't know what we're yelling about and loud noises. anchorman brick tamland
John Light
That does appear to be what several groups are trying to do.
*trying. They're embarrassing themselves as, this too will ultimately make Bitcoin stronger and better.
By embarrassing, I mean showing the world how selfish and competitive they are which is bad for your rep, and soon rep will matter.
Vitalik Buterin
I'm not convinced "rough consensus" is a sustainable governance model in genuinely adversarial environments. No country runs on it.
Vitalik Buterin
Basically, I think it works great when all participants identify as being the same tribe, but otherwise too vulnerable to obstructionism.
Vitalik Buterin
Could argue blockchains != countries, but need to give specific difference that makes rough cons work well in one case and not the other.
Vitalik Buterin
I personally believe a key difference is the ability to much more easily resolve deep disagreements peacefully by chain splits.
Greg Slepak
That it might not be sustainable does not mean it's a bad thing. The goal is to sustain it as long as possible — because it's a good thing!
Greg Slepak
As far as resolving "deep disagreements peacefully by chain splits"… from what I've seen it's been anything but peaceful.
Greg Slepak
However, am not disagreeing with the overall point you're making. Protocols should have splitting *built-in* to them.
Greg Slepak
☝️ That's something I might work on soon, maybe w/
or whoever else might be interested.
Vlad Zamfir
Curious how you see this working
Elliot Olds
Doesn't need to be in-protocol. Forking infrastructure can incl. standards for light client awareness, wallets automatically handling forks
We're working on some of that in the Zcash protocol, in order to ease operations and protect users in the event of chainsplits.
Greg Slepak
Standards are protocols. ^_^
Pratyush Prasanna
Would surely be interesting to bake into protocol. I think at some level, will help solve speed issues as well.
Sunny Aggarwal
I'm interested. I touched on this idea briefly near the end of my Tezos article. This paragraph:
Thoughts on Tezos – Conspiratus – Medium
By Sunny Aggarwal and Nate Rush
Pete Abilla @shmula
"Splitting built-in" just described
Greg Slepak
Does it? My understanding was that Tez0s only allows consensus rule changes /for the entire chain/, not a new chain?
Vitalik Buterin
Indeed. Tezos has an official goal of eliminating the need for extra-protocol governance; I personally disagree with this direction.
To be clear: eliminate the need yes, the possibility, no. Hard-forks are valuable failsafes and you make a great case for it.
Fellow Traveller
Attacks ad hominem... not done
feel free !! i have trade all my ethers for tezos :) good luck with miners and ethereum number 3 😂
Yes, one of the main motivation is avoiding splits due to "battle of the sexes" situations.
Greg Slepak
Beyond a certain number of users it's unlikely you'll be able to avoid a split. Impossible to appease two opposing sides
Opposed doesn't mean they want to split. Both sides pretend they want to split to gain a bargaining advantage. It's a game of chicken.
Greg Slepak
Sure, but I literally mean there's some number beyond which a split is inevitable. Hence anticipating and building it into the protocol
Yes, but why would you want to make it easier? Splits destroy network effects.
Greg Slepak
There are very good reasons. Think I'll write them up long form
Greg Slepak
Mind you, what's in my head is not what people will probably get from reading this thread
Vitalik Buterin
See secession/coercion dichotomy:…
> Soft forks are more convenient as users do not need to upgrade Many "soft-forks" introduce new semantic and require an upgrade.
is the best creative logic / implementation on the way....
i.e. being on the right branch certainly is critical but knowing what it means is equally important. That said we're drifting from the topic
When r u lunching ur tezso
Fnf date
A hard-fork doesn't "let the market sort it out", it's a beauty contest. It's about capturing the Schelling point.
It's primarily a game of legitimacy. Why do you think people perform elaborate Satoshi hermeneutics in defending their scaling solutions?
"Satoshi hermeneutics" 😂
I think this *might* be true in the limit, in some sufficiently large scale, sufficiently mature system. Currently not true.
Note: I agree with the main point of the article, soft-forks *are* more coercive because miners care *a lot* about mining the winning chain.
Andrew Miller
I don't agree, not at a technical level anyway. Two splitting factions could even both mutually soft fork away from each other.
It depends on how tightly knit your community is. Disparate communities will herd towards the Schelling point. Bitcoin may already be there.
Esteban Saa Barona.
how do you prevent the early buyers to change rules as to favor themselves? Ex, issuance.
Vitalik Buterin
True, though very substantial pressure still exists toward the branch that creates a better platform
Vitalik Buterin
Modern markets between social media platforms are also about capturing the schelling point, but they still perform kinda okay
Just Crypt
Витал мы любим тебя ❤️
I support both
along with Ethereum. In the near future I hope they can say the same.
Sunny Aggarwal
Splitting built in can allow forks to amicably split coins. Choosing and staking to a fork may prevent rashness and even promote cohesion.
Elliot Olds
ETH/ETC split wasn't peaceful? Before the split: lots of vitriol. After: seems peaceful. After split, sides don't affect each other as much.
Philip Saunders
What's your definition of peaceful? No one has been killed over a chain split.
Vitalik Buterin
Sure, though I worry attempts to sustain it slide too easily into creating bubbles of ppl who can get rough consensus with each other
Greg Slepak
Greg Slepak
However, am not disagreeing with the overall point you're making. Protocols should have splitting *built-in* to them.
Esteban Saa Barona.
Wouldn't this result in ending scarcity which allows for value in first place?
Greg Slepak
No. It's not like the chains would split infinitely in 1 second.
Esteban Saa Barona.
A progressive split would still result in scarcity compromised momentarily. Weakest chain value trend to zero.
Esteban Saa Barona.
You guys are right!
Dimitris Marselos
Couldn't agree more. This is exactly how nature works/adapts and evolves into new more resilient species.
Filipe Farinha
I'm glad you came to that conclusion too. Now others might actually listen.
Tom Garrambone
I think what u are trying to zero in on is "use case"-If there is just 1 use case than there are min variables & a rough consensus can work
Comrade Covfefe
Same species would be a good idea, other too vulnerable to destruction
Ciaran Murray
There's no way of knowing who the participants even are. Completely unworkable.
Paul Sztorc
Arguably, Poland did...leading to peaceful gridlock for a time before being crushed by outside powers in the world wars.
No countries having it is a good thing, look at how every county is run ffs, that want we are supposed to be trying to change.
I am not saying it's good or bad, but rejecting it simply bc no country using it already is bad.