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pitchfinder general
OH FUCK. Think I just realized something. So is half the problem with social media that we see people talk, but we can't see them listen?
260 replies and sub-replies as of Aug 30 2017
pitchfinder general
The inherent nature of social media = you have to rig up active personal, non-hard-coded systems to simulate *listening*. Likes, faves, etc.
pitchfinder general
So the cues that give us everything good about conversation (bonding, mutuality) don't come back, & so we shout louder because why no cue?
pitchfinder general
And the forms of discourse slide direct to combat (on a combative topic or not) because WHY ARE THOSE PEOPLE IGNORING US WHY
pitchfinder general
Oh fffff this is why I feel so much better about everything when I see peeps in person & why talking here gives me no-one's-listening HIVES.
pitchfinder general
There are no bodies. Bodies tell us abt listening. Bodies lean in or look closer. Bodies smile or frown or glance away. We're just bodies.
pitchfinder general
It would be just like the weird NA self-concept to design tools that allow people to talk, & utterly neglect the act of being *heard*.
pitchfinder general
How much of the loneliness of supposedly having you all in my laptop is that disjunct of presence & the sense that no one's *listening*?
pitchfinder general
And then the ways we're trained to react to plug that hole--interpreting any indication of distress as a call for active soothing--follow.
pitchfinder general
Because some of us were raised to consider listening a marked state, and some weren't, and thus the conversations around emotional labour.
pitchfinder general
And the shock-feeling and hurt-feeling when as someone marginalized, one finally gets to raise one's voice to an audience and...crickets?
pitchfinder general
Not to go all unified field theory, but: Social media's broken. It wasn't built for humans to use. It was built for what we think we are.
pitchfinder general
And if there's anything people have kind of always known and not wanted to know, it's that we have no idea what we or our societies *are*.
Several Irenes
Yeah, this sounds true. Massive fan-in and fan-out also contribute to the ways social media changes things, and ...
Several Irenes
... there's yet another factor that you can't really *avoid* someone on social media in a lasting way
Several Irenes
It's as if the whole world is your professional circle, and you'll never really get away from these people even if you have bad history
Several Irenes
but what you're saying is something new and is a key piece in addition to the factors we just listed
Several Irenes
or at least, new to us What would a system to fix "listening" on social media look like?
Several Irenes
Or, what's the success criterion for such a system? Is it that you can have a good sense of how people are feeling about your words?
pitchfinder general
I sincerely have no idea. I suspect I'd have to know a lot more about UX design, code, etc. to even tackle that one.
Several Irenes
Totally fair.
Nicholas Perry
This sounds right. From experience, this is why slack feels more intimate. I think the heavy use of reaction emoji's triggers that feeling.
Nicholas Perry
Having a community build up a large corpus of reaction metaphors / ingroup jokes that trigger shared meaning: easier 'show' understanding?
Nicholas Perry
My favorite is the shift of people replying "This" on twitter to use of "☝️" as reaction. For me, easier to "Read" vs facial expressions.
Nicholas Perry
For me these are mostly good. I have trouble signaling listening in real life, and don't get out much. In a way, it levels playing field.
Nicholas Perry
But i agree, I think this observation is important - but also as someone who experiences these troubles IRL, fixing it sounds really hard!
Several Irenes
yeah, similarly, being autistic we feel MORE connection in text media than face-to-face. but we felt like that would be a derail :)
Several Irenes
we nonetheless understand the point about sense of people listening.
Several Irenes
(and we do appreciate body language in person, but only from other autistic people. only really worth it to us w/ romantic partners.)
Nicholas Perry
Ah, reminds me of using Video chats as away to improve my skills. I think worth noting how most of social media convo's aren't realtime.
Nicholas Perry
Twitter gets close, but at same time 'feeling' it's real time seems to make it harder to reason about listening?…
Amanda Chimera
True. But also like how twitter allows for both longdrawn convos tht cld last days or (depending mood) instantaneous hype trains to jump on.
Amanda Chimera
Think realtime factor is why I've always preferred written communication over face to face. Allows for time to control emotional responses.
Melissa Case
I think this is spot on. And I've been finding, more and more, that real interactions are what I need. I don't miss this when I'm offline.
pitchfinder general
I've played with it personally, & the half-life of this stuff seems to be like three days for me. I don't care about Twitter on Day Four.
Melissa Case
It's a big part of my job, so it's tough to fully cut the cord, but I still force myself to do it.
pitchfinder general
I feel you there. It's not the core of my job, but I'm sort of expected to professionally represent, & balancing that is...messy.
This is also a hurdle: experience here is very different if you are just exploring vs here to work/ sell something. What do you like here?
David Galiel
This all rings true, and/but, back in the days of pure text w no avi's/expectations/presumptions, I found strong communities/connections
David Galiel
I think a bigger part of the problem is the gamification - tracking followers, favs, etc. it's all geared for indiv gratification not shared
David Galiel
Of course, the overarching prob is that social media was not designed for us - it is all designed for ad agencies/data-miners etc
David Galiel
The basic model of social media is to use us as free fodder to get $ by watching us & selling that access to others.
David Galiel
Nonetheless, humans find ways to form communities here, even if ephemeral & shifting—& occasionally, as w Harvey helpers, to do great good.
Attention is currency. To control our attention flow we must learn to breathe. How well do we breathe when we tweet?
Same problem arising around blockchain / reputation projects. Code is not culture, but they shape each other for good or ill. Often both.
David Galiel
Respectfully, A) culture exists independently of code. B) The problem is greed, not technology.
Yes to both.
When code is aimed at governance, or even just reputation tracking, the culture that might have emerged independently can be hampered.
David Galiel
That's more of a gen'l design problem v coding, specifically. When community is not the focus of design, you get poorly designed community.
David Galiel
That's true whether you are designing a public park, a traffic intersection, a mall or a social media app. IMO.
David Galiel
one of the biggest problems I've found over the years w online community is scaling. Which btw, is also not unique to coded environments ;-)
David Galiel
Whether a retail chain or twitter, scale is mostly an issue when the goal is to dominate a market, vs sustainably serve a need.
Which brings us straight into the rampant problems with fiat currency and financial syst. People think of $ as a thing, not a flow. Current
David Galiel
I must admit my passion is enabling community flow, not $ flow, but I see how similar principles apply.
Both are value flows. Transactional +beyond. People make same mistake with electricity, as if it's all barrels of oil units,not a flow of e.
David Galiel
This is embarrassingly old (publ 2004, paleolithic in internet time) & of-its-time, but might interest you:…
David Galiel
(I'm self-educated, no degree, so it's not an academic paper, was publ in 2004 compendium of essays about open source)
Cool! Based on abstract, check out
The Digital Life Collective
We believe our tech should serve without tracking us, protect without limiting us, and empower without betraying us. And such tech should be accessible to everyone without exception.
People think of scaling up: unicorns. I like to think of scaling across. Fractals. Human scale nodes exchanging supporting and competing.
David Galiel
Yes! That was my model when I was working w nonprofits. That's also the most resilient model.
David Galiel
Awareness of Dunbar numbers is crucial (as well as diffs online vs in physical space & in synchronous vs asynchronous comms)
Also the cypher punk culture from which code came had, by many accounts, relatively low emphasis on EQ vs IQ
David Galiel
definitely true - however, the earliest online communities pretty much just enabled many-to-many comms & got out of the way, so 1/2
David Galiel
2/2 more by accident than intent, didn't particularly inhibit human connections. The more complex the system, the more dangerous the design.
David Galiel
A small village can manage w a traffic cop. A small town needs synced traffic lights. A city needs to manage a whole network of spaghetti.
Complex systems cannot be designed. Only 'disturbed'. Probed. I think lots of problems come from not knowing where to draw the line.
Michelle 🐘🐉
I think the way we use it, is borked. If we want people to listen online, chats are better.
Michelle 🐘🐉
I still remember all the /me on irc that indicates you do something. Somehow that trend stopped but it made everything more personal.
Michelle 🐘🐉
/me is listening, agreeing and nodding but she has no idea how to solve this. 🤷♀️
Ziv W
Amen to all this. You know what I ALWAYS DO when a conversation might get brittle? Move to DM. MAGIC, we're actually talking.
Itai Greif
Great thread. Also, on FB my experience is that usually my posts get a dozen or so likes from people I know, so I feel they're listening.
Rosemary Pennington
This is really interesting. There's been some work on the idea of co-presence in social media that might be helpful
pitchfinder general
Oh hey, interesting! I'll go digging for that.
Rosemary Pennington
This is one article I was thinking of:
(2008). COPRESENCE AS ‘BEING WITH’. Information, Communication & Society: Vol. 11, Sociology of ICTs, pp. 565-583. doi: 10.1080/13691180801998995
pitchfinder general
Oh, awesome -- thank you so much. :)
Rosemary Pennington
Hope it's useful.
Peter da Silva
That's one thing about Second Life, a sense of presence even if you're talking to a cartoon teddy bear who occasionally shouts WAFFLES!
This is why I prefer Slack (and previously IRC) to Twitter. Smaller, known audience means that more people listen.
... closer to human convo among friends than shouting into a void that maybe contains a few dozen people but sometimes is surprisingly 1000s
plus on slack having a variety of reactji allows for "I'm listening, but may not have enough words for a verbal response" which I appreciate
Katie Ryan
For union organizing we have this conversation but never straight out. We say one-on-one in person is the only way, supported by online.
pitchfinder general
Okay, that is *interesting* -- there's an advanced conversation on the efficacy of organizing online versus offline?
Katie Ryan
I wouldn't say advanced, but it is universally awknowleged. SEIU might have raw numbers on card signers. I have had good luck myself with >1
Katie Ryan
>2 using online tools, facebook/action network, for internal organizing. Improving transparency between officers and rank and file, but >
Katie Ryan
>3 also giving members a way to learn more about unions and to participate/talk back.
Katie Ryan
The AFL-CIO organizing training is all about how to have a good conversation and does focus on listening and asking open questions.
Katie Ryan
There is also the fact that online organizing efforts have been successful when workers are on odd shifts or live far away. It gives a way >
Katie Ryan
> to support those workers when you might not be physically able to see them. Online polls have been helpful in contract negotiations too
up to 100% human
let's face it, it was built to make money
pitchfinder general
Well, basically everything is, but that's probably besides the point.
up to 100% human
Hmm, yeah, I'm becoming banal in my old age!
Christiana Ellis
It's the "You'd be so pretty if you smiled more" of technology.
pitchfinder general
Maybe that's the plant, but I think this is the roots of the plant. The soil it's in. More systemic, and deeper.
Christiana Ellis
I do agree with that. We have a history of not understanding the effect that technology will have on society. 1/2
Christiana Ellis
For example, "time-saving devices" don't actually give you leisure time because the expectation of what you can get done just goes up. 2/2
pitchfinder general
Yup, like that. :) And I think maybe in this case the UX design on social media exposed, well, a gaping assumption about how talking works.
Christiana Ellis
Perhaps it attempts to model the experience of being famous/having an audience, rather than having a conversation.
pitchfinder general
And then 99% of the time you hit the failure mode, and that feels *bad*.
Chester Scoville
This is kind of reminding me of that old Doctor Who story "The Robots of Death." Ever see that one?
pitchfinder general
I have not!
Chester Scoville
Future society wholly dependent on anthropomorphic robots. Some people get what's called "robophobia" b/c while the robots look human enough
Chester Scoville
They have no human responses: body language, facial expressions, vocal tonality. It's like, the Doctor says, being surrounded by dead people
Chester Scoville
and this causes a lot of stress in the population, despite attempts to make the tech appear perfectly human-like.
Chester Scoville
I think about that story a lot.
pitchfinder general
Okay, that definitely goes on my list now. Thank you. :)
Chester Scoville
It's one of the classics. Altho the costumes are ridiculous. Why ppl in the 70s thought future us would wear tights & head fins ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Christiana Ellis
Makes me think of Twitter bots, and how sometimes it is actually difficult to tell if the person on the other side is real or not. :/
Chris McLaren ☢
Agree with what you've said. There's also a dimension of capitalism/profit-motive distorting the evolution of the medium & its use.
pitchfinder general
Everything's steeped in that same air of profit motive, though?
Chris McLaren ☢
Well, if you're comparing to face-to-face interaction, I hope not. (Even if we do mostly talk face-to-face when I'm buying books <g>).
pitchfinder general
Hee. Right, good point, okay.
pitchfinder general
I suspect I'm being overly careful in dodging that resigned sigh of "Oh, well, people did it to make money everyone's terrible."
Chris McLaren ☢
Even early interactive media (local BBSes through Usenet) and modernish forums/blogs often operated without strong commercial motive.
Chris McLaren ☢
Maybe part of the unified theory is that we've ended up with a small set of mass media tools that are broadcast-focused for $$ reasons.
Chris McLaren ☢
I often really enjoy Twitter, but I do miss <old>the hey day of things like the SFRT on GEnie</old> or even the pre-2009 SF blog/LJ world.
pitchfinder general
Is it rather too cynical if I point out scene points, reputation economies, & how people import social commercial motive? >.>
Chris McLaren ☢
Certainly not. That stuff is definitely a driver in human interaction, both online & F2F. Basic status-comparison stuff's built in, I think.
Chris McLaren ☢
Even when users of a tool know what they are / what they want to some degree, that takes second place to what can be monetized.
Terror and Love
There is an inherent " lost in translation" factor between users. Ive always felt i missed cues many times.
pitchfinder general
Well, and you throw the regional/in-group nature of cues in on top of that, and no wonder we all suck at this. >.>
Terror and Love
I just take it as a price to be paid for meeting interesting people. But it does get ....sad i dunno alienating maybe
Following. Incredibly hot take. I need your mind in my life.
breathe 🥒🚌🏊🏼 ♿️
Helpful analysis! I am so glad you posted this. (SM relying on performance also inhibits "O I C" replies like this one .....
breathe 🥒🚌🏊🏼 ♿️
....replies like this one, which encourages you but bores other readers.
pitchfinder general
I am very glad to hear it's of use. Thank you very much for saying. :)
Liz Bourke
**listens here**
pitchfinder general
Which I know, intellectually? I know there are people here who care about each other? But the shutoff of that visual datastream, oi.
Liz Bourke
Yeah. I get you. I just, you know, wanted to give explicit feedback of listening.
pitchfinder general
Liz Bourke
up to 100% human
even a random "like" is better than being (apparently) ignored
pitchfinder general
Yah. We're social creatures and we need feedback.
Giving you a random like. I agree more folks are listening than are visible. Good reminder.
Marissa Lingen
On the flip side, my recent silly socialization--trading bad jokes etc.--may be more settling/satisfying because it has clear interactivity.
Marissa Lingen
It doesn't have the depth of writing a thoughtful long post. But it has a lot more sense of actual people present.
pitchfinder general
This makes sense. My best Twitter these days is TO baseball Twitter, because we're doing something together & goofing around about it.
Marissa Lingen
Ooh, that sounds predictable as to time, too, which random nerdfriend goofing is not.
pitchfinder general
Yup. We are virtually At A Game Together. There's...a sense of mutuality.
one more voice
Having a topic to talk about I think does help bring people into conversation.
Marissa Lingen
You would think, but quite often the bigger the topic, the harder to sustain ongoing sense of presence in an online conversation.
Marissa Lingen
So getting the exact right balance of small enough that small/silly contributions are okay but big enough to be sustainable can be hard.
one more voice
*nodding* Yes, sometimes you’ll get a sudden flurry of conversation on some random, fun, small thing.
Andrew Barton
111% feel this.
David 🌍🌏🌎 Moles
I wonder how much is WM culturally conditioned to assume we're always listened to & worth listening to?
David 🌍🌏🌎 Moles
I remember being flabbergasted in the early days of blogging by the number of tech blogs (especially; also academics') w/o comments
David 🌍🌏🌎 Moles
(This was before we understood about all the problems with comments)
David 🌍🌏🌎 Moles
Like, they took it for granted that there would be an entirely passive listening audience
pitchfinder general
The lack of understanding that conversation is a mutuality?
David 🌍🌏🌎 Moles
pitchfinder general
Yuuuuup. That the act of speaking is enough. That there isn't an alchemy to being heard, or attention that must be paid.
Amal El-Mohtar
I really really like this insight.
pitchfinder general
As perhaps is visible, I've been thinking about that really good convo we all had last month a whole lot. So, um. Thank you.
Amal El-Mohtar
<3 <3 <3 Me too. It was so beautiful. (Was it only a month ago? Dear gods it was in July, wasn't it! Belongs to a gentle dreamtime)
pitchfinder general
No kidding. Long summer, this one.
ɹǝʞɐq ןןǝɥsıɯ 🙃
I'm listening. Wait that came out way more Frasier Crane than I intended.
pitchfinder general
Which makes it smoooooth
one more voice
There’s too much here. Only about 5 people outside my family look for my tweets & I actively look for, oh, maybe 20 ppl’s tweets? (1/)
one more voice
The rest is just catch as catch can. And yeah, ppl generally *aren’t* listening. (2/2)
pitchfinder general
I wonder, now. How much of that is people not listening and how much of this is, to be perfectly wanky, a UX problem.
one more voice
pitchfinder general
User Experience Design!
Merrie Haskell
I think that's why I miss LJ (and the critical mass we had there). Algorithmicay curated feeds and timelines add to the problem.
pitchfinder general
...and the lack of instant interaction probably triggered a different mode of discourse. LJ was letter-writing, right? Not conversation?
one more voice
*sometimes* it could be pretty instant, but yes: in general it was more like letter writing.
Merrie Haskell
Indeed. You might miss a letter now and then, but if you did, you could find it easily enough too
Merrie Haskell
Or whatever word I and my swype would like to mutually destroy meaning "related to algorithms"
pitchfinder general
Eh, I speak typo. *g*
one more voice
LOL, a piece of jargon I didn’t know!
pitchfinder general
Fairly newish thing. I have three design/coding/etc. friends who have recertified and moved into it, so.
one more voice
I do find I give up with a constant stream, like Twitter is. I **can’t** give constant attention to a thing (no one can)
pitchfinder general
I do remember having to learn to dip in and dip out and let things go if they weren't in front of me, and, well, miss things.
Catherine Hill
Had convo with friends years ago about Internet as communication tool, but someone made point that there's no faces, so understanding hard.
pitchfinder general
Yes yes. I don't know why we so deeply underrate the amount of information we draw from people's faces & bodies.
Catherine Hill
Harder to record/capture/explain than words? Even with audiovisual media text's still weightier & language not designed to fill gaps.
David D. Levine
Related: people talk louder on cell phones because, unlike landlines, they don't feed back some of the mic to the speaker.
pitchfinder general
...huh. So we do. o.o
Illegible Smudge
Yes, plus 140 char limit tends to strip softening words, qualifiers and diplomatic phrasing that helps us avoid misunderstanding and insult.
Kevin Marks
Twitter started out a lot more phatic, but the mechanisms of replies and likes have undermined that
How Twitter works in theory
It is said that an economist is someone who sees something that works in practice and wonders whether it works in theory. Twitter clearly w...
Marissa Lingen
And those are very binary. Like going YAY EXACTLY YES or nothing at all. When sometimes I just want to lean in half an inch, not a foot.
pitchfinder general
YES. I want the "goooo oooonnn?" and the soft glance away that says maybe it's time to not go farther down this road and and.
Marissa Lingen
The wrinkled brow of "I'm not sure I'm getting this so can you back up half a step and give me more context"....sigh. Yes.
Marissa Lingen
Sometimes I do want to give my friends a bear hug. But sometimes I want the tiny nod. I want middle ground of engagement.
Jeannette Ng
I used to fear saying generic yay/sadface statements for fear of seeming trite or disingenuous, but actually that all that's needed.
pitchfinder general
Yup. Just the pingback! It's why I fave/like almost every reply that comes in on social media. It's my acknowledgment: "I heard you."
Ferrett Steinmetz
Yeah. As someone who has a fair share of long-distance relationships, seeing someone's facial reaction is critical to avoiding arguments.
pitchfinder general
Yes yes yes. Even the tone of voice. When I did long-distance all fights resolved almost instantly if we just got on the phone.
Tony Smits
Seeing the other's facial expr is crucial to feeling truly & viscerally despised. You can't fake that online.
Apollonia Nowak
Now why are you using social media again?
Jenny Kristine
yes, I think you may be right. :)
Anne Leonard
This is one reason why I think people need to actively make "I statements" if they want to constructively engage with others on SM.
Anne Leonard
There are ways to indicate listening with text only, but they take some training and practice to fill in all the missing body language cues.
pitchfinder general
And there's a certain proactive mindfulness at work there. When people consider listening an unmarked state they don't do those things.
Shveta શ્વેતા ♥
I often feel completely unseen. I get it.
up to 100% human
I see you
Shveta શ્વેતા ♥
Thanks. <3
one more voice
Me too!
Shveta શ્વેતા ♥
Jeannette Ng
There is no also no swift ability to course correct when your joke doesn't quite land, quickly soothe hurt feeling. Instead ppl get to stew.
pitchfinder general
And reread, and read into, and catastrophize.
Jeannette Ng
Oh my yes, all of that.
Maureen McGowan
Also, even if it's not a joke, people can misunderstand, or not 100% agree. In person there's feedback on face and then clarification
Maureen McGowan
That's where understanding/opinion altering comes from... the loop of seeing someone didn't get your point and clarifying...
Maureen McGowan
Not all differences revolved that easily, but at least there's a chance for it.
Jeannette Ng
Which isn't to say there aren't jokes that do cross the line, but injokes are strange things and you can feel among friends on social media.
Jeannette Ng
But like a few days ago I thought it was hilarious to make up joke negative reviews of own book, and that was... not funny to anyone else.
Jeannette Ng
Everyone was very kind/worried I was being anxious (I was, tbf) but it was intended to turn fear into laughter. None of it came across right
pitchfinder general
Oof. Because no way to catch the look on your face when you did it, and thus projection of what might be the motive?
Jeannette Ng
Is most recent example in my mind of ah this would work in real life as I could read their expressions and give more context, elaborate.
Jeannette Ng
Sort of their expressions as wordless feedback are useful to see what I should say next
Steven Brust
Huh. I think you're on to something.
Matt S Trout
Then the other half is "when people try to listen out loud, unrelated people dump on them for not being 100% right first time" perhaps.
Matt S Trout
There's probably at least a third half in there, ala "the other 90%", given people are complicated, but still, you're on to something.
steve weiss
Half the problem: Yes. But I think you're onto something, a very simple paradox. Obvious, yet invisible. "How's the water?" asked the fish.
Another huge part is that social media doesn't show bodies so it's easy to depersonalize voices.
Isn't same with ppl in person? Nod,smile.Listen?
pitchfinder general
Totally, but I think we do some passive listening tells more automatically? Although the difference between them & active listening's huge.
I'm very into this idea.
Eoin McMillan
doesn't a heart represent a "listen"?
pitchfinder general
I think that depends heavily on people's personal symbologies. It does for me. For others, it's approval or any number of things.
Agreed. I don't think heart = "I heard" but signals approval which is quite different. Slack has a check symbol = read. Gr8 thread btw.
Eoin McMillan
Well now that it's a quasi-retweet, we're all confused : )
Too bad I can't do heart with a wink.
Melissa Santos
oooo oooo and something about using faves to say "i hear you"
Alex Vitter
Chris LaFortune
Nope. The full problem is we can see other people talk.
The other half is that the people that do show they're "listening" are people that just agree with them and never challenge them
pitchfinder general
I dunno. That depends on the type of discourse, who's having it, and what an instance of discourse is for.
Mike Barry
I'm sorry, I stopped listening. What were you saying?
Greg Akers
I hear you. Thank you for your insight.
Pat Race
Buck Kahler
I think you have the makings for a great Ph.D. dissertation
pitchfinder general
Thank you. That's very kind of you to say. :)
Ysoki Geist 🐭
and also true, very good findings here. there are ways to gauge user interaction and interest on tweets, but the process is cumbersome
Hi I don't know u but you just put the pieces together for me on how frustrating SM can be for me, not SEEING people listen, the loneliness
Thank you
pitchfinder general
I'm really glad to hear that helped, and thank you for saying so.
Ladislav Stejskal
:-) dont see them talking just their fooprints. Mystery half of the time who they are. Sometms the footprints seem to follow u. Spooky!
We also don't see ppl tlk on social media as well. Basically: we're having a conversation w/o non-verbal cues. Huge problems b/c of this.
Diane Ensey
Yes! Along with not able to hear tone of voice.
Andrew Meacham
At least half
Sara Beroff
Thank you for putting this in words. I've struggled to articulate it for years. Like... since 1998.
pitchfinder general
Glad it's at all useful!
Len Jones
The clue is in the quality of the reply
I'm all ears! ;-) Seriously tho: Convincing argument! Luckily strokes of genius like this make us "what we thing we are". Else: we can be.
This is a most thoughtful take!
Rafael GI🔹ラファエル
☑️ Seen 09:27
Slighty Ditzy Cougar
Oooooh. This is a great thesis!
Richard Miller
said the same thing about kids:
Louis C.K. Hates Cell Phones
Why? Well, it's a melancholy tale filled with despair and hope and a Bruce Springsteen song. More CONAN @ Team Coco is the official...
Read 7:45am central, August 30, 2017
Pensive Daly
Oh! It was that simple all along. Huh
Eileen Clancy
Yeah, yeah. That's it. Super important. Following you rn.
pitchfinder general
I'm afraid the really trenchant stuff only comes out once in a while. Usually it's food, writing craft, and baseball goofery.
Eileen Clancy
Nah, sister. That weren't no accidental epiphany. I see you have a gift. ;-) I do same; try to get rid of followers. Don't worry. I'm kind.
pitchfinder general
Clearly not, because I told you a thing about myself & you said your rando idea of me supersedes that thing. Blocking now. Don't come back.
Not sure if it is exactly "half the problem" but I do agree that the fact that we don't see people "listening" to us can frustrate.
Everything is seen and still no one gives a fuck.. Actions speak louder than words
Graham Cameron
B McDonald
And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more People talking without speaking, People hearing without listening, Sim & Garf