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(THREAD) Paul Manafort and Rick Gates are now indicted. This thread analyzes legal and political aspects of their indictment and surrender.
4,968 replies and sub-replies as of Oct 31 2017

1/ Draw no conclusion from the two being allowed to surrender rather than being arrested at home/work. It often happens in nonviolent cases.
2/ Here are the charges (via CNN):
3/ CNN also reports the timing of the indictment might have been influenced by the statute of limitations on certain tax crimes running out.
4/ America is getting an education in how prosecutions work: prosecutors charge everything they possibly can that they think they can prove.
5/ That doesn't mean new charges can't be added on these men later, but we can assume this is everything Mueller thinks he can prove *now*.
6/ Don't take anything from the fact that the charges do not immediately, on their face, implicate Trump or campaign collusion with Russia.
7/ In an investigation of this size and scope, the early charges are *mostly* intended to compel defendants to cooperate with investigators.
8/ No one believes Paul Manafort is the final target of the Russia probe, nor even necessarily that these are all the charges he could face.
9/ But these are the charges Mueller has now, and he may have investigated them first because they're—relatively speaking—easier to prove.
10/ To be clear, financial crimes are not easy to prove. But if you can get the records you need, you can proceed. Collusion is testimonial.
11/ What that means is that the evidence most likely to prove a Trump-Russia conspiracy involves words said between persons, not documents.
12/ Because words often have no printed record, you tackle documentable (e.g. financial) crimes first, and then the sexier testimonial ones.
13/ Registration, false statements, and failure to file charges are "easy" to prove assuming basic underlying facts and some key documents.
14/ Just so, assuming access to foreign bank records and perhaps a "black" ledger or two, conspiracy to launder money is *less* testimonial.
15/ So a prosecutor in this situation would follow documented crimes—i.e. less testimonial—in order to compel a defendant to new testimony.
16/ That Mueller is able to start with the President's Campaign Manager—rather than some peon—means he is that much closer to getting Trump.
17/ We mustn't forget that in a case in which evidence is *scarce* a prosecutor would have to start *much* lower on the chain than Manafort.
18/ A big question today is whether the two men will be given a bail they can afford—if not they'll sit in federal lockup until their trial.
19/ If Mueller wants them to squawk, it is *desperately* important he secure a bail on both men that they cannot afford—lockup loosens lips.
20/ With financial crimes, a prosecutor can often force defendants to make a showing that any money they put up for bail wasn't ill-gotten.
21/ Given how much ill-gotten money we believe that Paul Manafort—and possibly Rick Gates—received, that could be a tough showing for them.
22/ It's even harder for Manafort, as he worked for Trump "for free"—so it's not clear he can prove a legitimate source of recent income.
23/ While we don't have the details of the "Conspiracy Against the United States" charge, it's listed first and will be most key for bail.
24/ The federal government is headlining this attention-grabbing charge to better make out its case for an exorbitant bail for both men.
25/ Keep in mind the "aggressive" no-knock, pre-dawn raid on Paul Manafort's house is what tells us—ironically—he is *not* the final target.
26/ Were this just a financial crimes investigation, such tactics wouldn't likely be used. But Mueller wants Manafort for something bigger.
27/ Mueller was obsessive about nailing Manafort on these charges—and will be obsessive about a high bail—because he needs Manafort to talk.
28/ Manafort is a *better* candidate to roll on Trump than Page (ideologue) or Kushner (family loyalty) because he's clearly a venal person.
29/ And by bringing in two *connected* defendants, Mueller can play them off one another—because both will be rushing to cooperate first.
30/ Manafort knows that if Mueller thinks he and Gates have the same info to give on Trump, he can choose to cooperate with either of them.
32/ Understand that "Conspiracy against the United States" *can* just mean a conspiracy to hide taxable income from a federal agency (IRS).
33/ The first thing the indictment tells us is the volume of money Manafort brought in as a foreign agent was huge—$75 million (2006-2015).
34/ Months ago I said that a venal man like Manafort would only work for Trump "for free" if he was getting paid from elsewhere—now we know.
35/ While the indictment's date range ends pre-2016—when Manafort came on the campaign—he may have been paid "in advance" to handle Trump.
36/ Certainly, all these payments occurred while Manafort lived in Trump Tower, was close to Trump associates, and may have known the POTUS.
37/ Secondly, note that this is a "speaking indictment"—Mueller deliberately chose to recite not just the charges but the facts behind them.
38/ This helps us see that Manafort was lobbying the United States, here at home, on behalf of a now-gone Putin-backed Ukrainian government.
39/ Recall, too, Manafort once made a more direct offer to Putin's government to help it advance its interests abroad. Well, he did so here.
40/ I'm telling you now—the chances this work on behalf of Putin's interests isn't in any way related to Manafort's work with Trump is zero.
41/ It was clear to Putin in 2013 that Trump, if he ran, would be pro-Russia (via the Agalarovs). Manafort was indirectly aiding Putin then.
42/ But the connection between these two courses of action is still murky, perhaps—so Mueller gets *hyper-specific* on the financial crimes.
43/ We must consider the Manafort/Gates indictment extraordinarily specific—it lays out its case in detail, which indictments usually don't.
44/ Let me now make a *key* point: Mueller could *easily* get Flynn on the same FARA charges we see here. So why hasn't Flynn been charged?
45/ The answer is that either there's a sealed indictment on Mike Flynn the media doesn't know about—unlikely—or Flynn has already flipped.
46/ Another sealed indictment is unlikely, as why wouldn't the same source who leaked *these* indictments to the media have leaked Flynn's?
47/ Meanwhile, this indictment inadvertently revealing Flynn *has* already flipped is *very* likely—as we know Flynn has *offered* to flip.
48/ So anyone, whether Trump or pundit, who says this indictment proves Mueller has nothing on Trump can be disregarded almost immediately.
49/ Months ago I said "Phase 3" of Mueller's probe would begin in November of 2017. It instead began October 30, 2017. (Pretty darn close.)
50/ I've also said that Phase 3—in which Trump co-conspirators are indicted—would last 2 to 5 months. So that's what we're in for right now.
51/ Between now and March 31, 2018 we can expect more indictments. Almost certainly Carter Page, Jared Kushner, and Mike Flynn—at a minimum.
52/ Today's indictment underscores that Mueller *will* indict for false statements or FARA violations, and those 3 men have such liability.
53/ But we should also look at the *bare implications* of Mueller saying that he believes Manafort willing to lie about his pro-Russia ties.
54/ Manafort claimed he was looking at his phone and not paying attention as Kremlin agents pitched dirt on Clinton at Trump Tower in 2016.
55/ Manafort now claims he never thereafter discussed the June 2016 "Veselnitskaya meeting"—in Trump's house—with Trump, Kushner, or Don Jr.
56/ Manafort claims he had no role in changing the GOP platform at the 2016 RNC—and doing so had nothing to do with his many pro-Putin ties.
57/ One thing I think we can presume, now, is that neither Mueller nor his agents believe *any* of those key Manafort claims to be accurate.
58/ So we can assume that when/as Mueller flips Manafort, he'll want the truth: who told you to change the platform? That'll be a question.
59/ We know from reports that Trump ordered his team to change the platform on March 31, 2016. Did Manafort tell him to? Who told Manafort?
60/ Manafort, Kushner, and Don say they never told Trump that Kremlin agents had reached out to them. But that was almost certainly a lie.
61/ If Manafort confirms he told Trump of the Kremlin outreach—and Trump lied about that repeatedly thereafter—Trump enters the conspiracy.
62/ This is especially true given Papadopoulos had revealed himself to Trump as a Kremlin agent seeking a Trump-Kremlin channel on March 31.
63/ The point here is a Manafort roll almost *immediately* implicates Trump, and it's clear that's what Mueller is after with these charges.
64/ BREAKING: Papadopoulos—the Kremlin agent who revealed himself to Trump March 31, 2016—plead guilty 25 days ago.…
65/ Reading the Papadopoulos docs now (h/t @Anthony). Will continue this thread momentarily. Please share the first tweet in the meantime.
67/ Papadopoulos almost certainly flipped 10/5. And as I tweeted in this thread in September, it means *everything*:…
(THREAD) This is a picture of one of the biggest moments in the Trump-Russia scandal—and no one has reported on it until now. Please SHARE.
68/ Papadopoulos met a Russian national to set up a Kremlin channel for Trump on 3/24/16. It now seems clear he told Trump this on 3/31/16.
69/ This means Trump ordered a GOP platform change to benefit Russia *pre-hacking* and *after* being told the Kremlin wanted a relationship.
70/ That is to say, it now seems release of the DNC emails was a quid pro quo from Trump ordering Gordon to change the GOP platform 3/31/16.
72/ If Trump ordered the GOP platform change after Papadopoulos laid out the Kremlin's interest in him—and he did—collusion has been proven.
73/ I said this before—that the GOP platform change was *provably* collusion—but *now* we know Mueller has that witness in his back pocket.
74/ The Papadopoulos plea is BIGGER than the Manafort indictment—at least for the moment. Anyone who knows about Trump-Russia will say so.
75/ My birthday isn't until tomorrow—but helping break the Papadopoulos story back in September is all I could've asked for. I want to help.
76/ Doing an interview now, but will return momentarily. This thread may well run throughout the day—and today's a *historic* day, everyone.
77/ More soon, but I will say—beyond doubt—today is the beginning of the end of the Trump Administration. The Papadopoulos news is that big.
78/ Hope you'll read this thread—from 10 days ago—in which I lay out how Papadopoulos is the collusion smoking gun:
79/ The thread linked to in the preceding tweet also explains—in postscripts—how the Trump campaign covered up its March 31st, 2016 meeting.
80/ A remaining mystery that will tie Papadopoulos (and Millian) back to Trump is how the former got on the campaign *pre*-Russian contacts.
81/ If Papadopoulos was developed by the Kremlin beginning 3/14/16, how did a kid with no credentials get on the NatSec team *before* that?
82/ Someone recommended Papadopoulos to Trump and/or Clovis (who assembled the NatSec team) and Millian admits to contact with Papadopoulos.
83/ If Papadopoulos was the Trump-Kremlin intermediary, Millian seems to be claiming he was the intermediary between Papadopoulos and Trump.
84/ If so, given Millian's known ties to the Kremlin, it further underscores how *early* in the 2016 campaign Trump knew Russia was helping.
85/ Back to Papadopoulos: if he knew of Russian crimes in April '16, who did he tell? Did he aid/abet concealing these crimes? It matters.
86/ It matters because the reason to think Papadopoulos is a cooperating individual is because the feds appear to have *undercharged him*.
87/ One of the few reasons a prosecutor would knowingly undercharge a defendant—especially in a case like this—is if they're cooperating.
88/ Another reason, of course, would be not having enough information. But then why rush to indict on a lesser charge on October 5th, 2017?
89/ Many interview requests are coming in; I apologize in advance for not being able to respond quickly. I want to cover the story *first*.
90/ So what we know is Papadopoulos is cooperating; we don't know yet exactly what information he is offering. I'm hoping to address that.
91/ First, the "Campaign Supervisor" listed in the plea is likely Clovis, Lewandowski, or Sessions. Clovis did hiring—Sessions headed team.
92/ Lewandowski was the one asked to clear Page's July 2016 trip to Moscow—so we might expect foreign contacts would be cleared through him.
93/ Note that the Papadopoulos plea establishes that *every attendee* of the March 31st, 2016 meeting who spoke to the press lied about it.
94/ So all of the Trump campaign representations made to The Daily Caller in this article are now revealed as lies:
Trump Adviser Proposed Meeting With Russians During Campaign, But Was Shot Down By Sessions Via @dailycaller
'Nope, not going there'
95/ Those lies increase exponentially the chance Sessions will face perjury charges. It also explains why he hasn't been interviewed yet.
96/ To be clear, if you understand how the Trump NatSec team worked—and didn't work—you now see Sessions is a *target* of the Mueller probe.
97/ AG Jeff Sessions said under oath he hadn't spoken to Mueller yet. Mueller should ask him *now*—as Sessions would likely plead the Fifth.
98/ All of this confirms my reporting from Spring 2017 that the Mayflower speech (April 27, 2016) was intended as a communication to Putin.
99/ I discussed Kushner calling Kislyak to invite him; Sessions lying about the VIP event; Trump ad-libbing to play up his pro-Russia plans.
100/ Media should go back and look at the Reuters report on an April Kushner-Kislyak call that—key—Kushner denies though the IC confirms it.
101/ So *days* after Trump learns Russia wants to meet with him, his son-in-law calls the Russian ambassador? Then he goes to the Mayflower?
102/ I want to make a perhaps obvious point: were Trump not a narcissist, we might expect him to resign the presidency this week. He's done.
103/ He told America for months and months and months he knew of no Russia connections on his campaign. But he *did*—as of March 31st, 2016.
So saith the document.
You should write an article instead of 100+ tweets
I prefer this way. Wouldn’t read an article as it would seem too large for me.
FYI @Stonekettle was warning this site contained malware just recently. I have not tested myself.
Thanks. I haven't experienced any problems with it
Ohhh, cryptocurrency mining. Got it.
FYI @Stonekettle warned recently that this site contains malware.
And if he didn’t, he should be changed with STUPIDITY.
the best use of this gif ever!! You know Colbert is doing this right now!
Can't wait for tonight's monologue on @colbertlateshow
it's gonna be a hall-of-famer one!
Haha i know right! His next show ought a be a good one.
Any Idea who the "Professor" is and What about "Source D" from the SteeleDossier ?
Thank you @SethAbramson for explaining this all
Seth, I'm so appreciative of this and so glad I found you. It makes connecting the dots so much easier for us. Thank you!!
There is as of yet Zero connection to Manafort‘ prior dealings with Podesta group and Trumps campaign. To state otherwise is inaccurate.
This is an amazing piece of work - so clearly explaining such a comes set of circumstances. Thank you, and keep up the excellent work.
Watching from Canada. Thank you for breaking all this down.
Me, too.....great, as always
Sweet mother of god that was an amazing thread to read! I feel like I need a cigarette now. 😄
Seth, if this is Indictment B, who do you think A is for? 🤔
You mean *at least* as of March 31st, 2016. We still don't know if this goes back to Trump Moscow in 2013 or possibly even earlier.
Thanks. Super helpful
Happy Birthday (early) Seth!!! Thank you SO much for your tireless efforts to connect all the dots (conspirator's). MUCH appreciated! 🎂🎉🥂💕
What twitter acct spools tweets in order for easy reading? Anyone know...
Thank you @SethAbramson 4 all of the wk you hv done& continue 2do 2 explain the treasonous cancer tht is the trump presidency #sethisthebest
I wonder at this point.. where these 2 indicted individuals would be * kept* safest considering what can happen 2 those in situ like this?
Not that you need to be told AWESOME thread. But also thank you for making this process easier to understand.
103/ On the same day Papadopoulos told the campaign Putin wanted to meet Trump, Manafort suddenly changed the venue of the Mayflower speech.
104/ I reported in Spring 2017 that all the reasons for the Mayflower venue change (from the NPC) were lies. And this is now *confirmed*.
105/ As I said then, the Mayflower offered space for a VIP event away from the press—where Ambassador Kislyak could meet Trump and Sessions.
106/ From that moment on, Kislyak was in an ongoing conversation with Sessions—with July and September meets—on Trump's sanctions policy.
107/ The chances Trump didn't know his foreign policy head was secretly negotiating Trump's own sanctions policy with the Russians are zero.
108/ Indeed, by the time Trump gave his Mayflower speech, he may have known—per Papadopoulos' plea—Putin wanted to meet with him personally.
109/ There's little doubt that Trump's campaign—contra what the Center for the National Interest said—helped to set up the Mayflower event.
This all feels to good to be true. Like you're teasing me Seth.
Yes, Dimitri Simes vouching for you isnt all that compelling.
Are you trying to break the record on world’s longest tweet thread?
If you get a moment, this might be a good time to tweet your fundraiser link!
Thank you Seth, I am GLUED to this...breaking for coffee and smokes only!
Hey @jack, Seth needs 280...... please give it to him
109 tweets. I think you need to use a different app sir
Perhaps, just MAYBE, you should have linked it to a blog post instead of a one hundred nine tweet thread. Just thinking out loud here.
109/ No tweets by Trump since the Papadopoulos news. Want to underscore how close to his political end Trump is now.
....Also, there is NO COLLUSION!
110/ Papadopoulos emailing a "high-ranking campaign official" May 4 asking "what do you think?" of a Kremlin meet underscores the lies...
111/ ...the members of the NatSec team told the media about Papadopoulos being aggressively "shut down" on that score on March 31st, 2016.
112/ For those rightly interested in the footnote on pg. 8 of the Papadopoulos plea: that's Manafort. We know from a Washington Post report.
113/ "The Footnote"—another smoking gun—confirms an earlier observation that Page was likely the "private citizen" Clovis later spoke of.
114/ Page was appropriately "low level" in the campaign, and the IC confirms he met with Russian officials during his July 2016 Moscow trip.
115/ A key but easily missed point: when the NatSec team was disbanded—unpaid—in July '16, Papadopoulos was one of the *only* men *kept on*.
116/ As late as September 2016, Papadopoulos was giving interviews with Russian media on Trump's no-sanctions Russia policy. That's telling.
117/ So there's no chance Trump can say Papadopoulos was a brief and/or marginal player—and the unnamed men in his plea are *all* big names.
118/ What's stunning is the Trump camp's willingness to meet Kremin officials face-to-face was *so* strong they sought meets *post-Page*.
119/ So per the IC, Page met Russian officials in July, yet by August—*after* hacking was known—Trump's camp still actively sought meetings.
120/ Understand: Papadopoulos was arrested *over three months ago*, so the volume of information Mueller has we don't know is *staggering*.
121/ Here's what's certain from the Papadopoulos plea: many more indictments are coming—and expect to start seeing White House resignations.
122/ Remember that—as I tweeted a week ago—Trump *elevated* Papadopoulos to a Russia-policy spokesman upon learning he was a Kremlin agent.
123/ By April 7, 2016—7 days after revealing himself—Papadopoulos was in Israel explaining Trump's Russia policy to well-connected Israelis.
124/ This despite the minimal professional qualification Papadopoulos had for being on the NatSec team having to do with Middle Eastern oil.
125/ So every action Trump and his team took in response to Papadopoulos outing himself as a Kremlin intermediary augmented his Russia role.
126/ And every action Trump and his team took once they knew they had a Kremlin intermediary aboard was to seek new secret ties with Russia.
127/ To understand why Trump will be impeached/resign, see a) The "TIHDC" meeting (see earlier in this thread), and b) The Mayflower Speech.
128/ Here is my March 2017 thread on the Mayflower Hotel speech—since confirmed in all particulars by major media.
Seth Abramson on Trump's Mayflower Conspiracy (with images, tweets) · loriaustex
A tweetstorm by Seth Abramson @SethAbramson
129/ So, to sum up: today will be remembered as the beginning of the end of the Trump Administration. Keep thinking otherwise if you prefer.
130/ But today's the day to start preparing ourselves for the reality that what many have been saying about Trump for 10 months now is true.
131/ The Trump campaign colluded with Russia; Trump knew; Trump will be impeached or resign. It was said—and true—in March, and is true now.
132/ Please know that I and others who've been writing about this are *as amazed* as all of you are that all this is true. But it *is* true.
133/ What we're witnessing—and in real time—is the most spectacular and harrowing political and legal news story of any of our lifetimes.
134/ We must cast aside old notions of what sort of behavior is "likely" in a politician and how/whether independent journos can contribute.
135/ Things will get worse in America—very ugly—before they get better. We all must prepare ourselves now with knowledge of the facts. {end}
PS/ Things you'll hear today that are FALSE: Papadopoulos wasn't a top advisor; was with campaign briefly; plead to acts "outside" campaign.
PS2/ As to the last one: *every lie* Papadopoulos told the FBI was either a) about the Trump campaign, or b) to protect the Trump campaign.
PS3/ This can't be stated enough: the Trump/Sessions lunch today is wildly inappropriate and possibly illegal. Both men are FBI targets.
PS4/ They now *must* have outside witnesses present at the lunch, as any discussion of the Russia probe could constitute Witness Tampering.
PS5/ Media notices for tonight: I'll be on CNN International (9PM PST), BBC News (recorded for tomorrow AM), then BBC World Service (radio).
Thank you so much for the tweets analyzing the situation and explaining what is happening. I appreciate it!!
Please let us know approximate times for BBC TV/radio interviews. Thanks Seth!
Yes please do! Also, am I the only one who immediately thought of Seth when hearing the name Pappadopoulis? 🤔😎 #MuellerMonday
You're going to be very very busy, stock up on coffee and well done.
Big story on Fox is hamburger emojis.....
Thank you for what you're doing Seth!
Thank you Seth Abramson--the political implosion of our lifetimes (I lived thru Watergate) deserves Twitter thread of a lifetime. Carry on!
Seth. As a Brit following you for last 6 months. Proud of Your Work. You called it. Will be listening tomorrow
Link to charging docs, guilty plea, etc.
Yay @ BBC news. I'm in the UK. Thanks for your insights.
Is it possible that this could nullify the election? I can't see how it wouldn't. We've already proved they hacked the vote.
No. That will not happen
and why are you bringing up something completely unrelated? #whataboutism #russianbot
If he's dirty..he needs to go too imo
Well, why aren't you tweeting about Kevin Spacey?
It's too sad, I love him as an actor
b/c today is #MuellerMonday now get back to ur #TrumpSheep barn b4 ur #DictatorInChief knows ur gone #TrumpsGoinDown #TrumpRussia
bc a united states president colluding with a foreign government is a tad bit more important.
Of which there is no evidence
Then i'm sure you'll be happy to wait it out and prove us all wrong.
You just read that 140 tweets and this is what you came up with? That's some serious denial there, cap'n.
Why did podesta step down? Why did Seth not mention it?
Because this thread is about the people indicted today
And not the real story. I get it
So if Tony is indicted tomorrow he will be all over it? I doubt it.
That's kind of like asking why you didn't mention a specific twig when discussing the trunk and branches of a tree...
Not really podesta is directly connected with manafort. Guess who else podesta is connected to?
Why would he? Because the answer is we don't know. If T.Podesta's involved in this, lock him up too. We're not all partisan hacks like you.
I'm not partisan, Seth is
Mmhmm, that's why in a case involving about 400 GOP people you're laser focused on the 1 & only Democrat, whose connection remains unknown.
Many believe both parties are the same. Many believe they all are puppets for bigger money. Both parties keep ramming us with debt and they
"Both parties keep ramming us with debt" NOPE. For over 35 years now, one party has consistently cut deficits, the other increased them.
One word. Obummer
Look all tough when cameras are on, but are pals when they are off. So theater basically? Acting for ugly people maybe?
Because he realizes that there is a lot of not quite legal goings on in the lobbying world, and Trump is from another world, so to speak.
He doesn't realize anything. It's all speculation worded In a way for sheep to think its fact
Like representing russia in DC while russia hates anything democrat? Lol
so basically you're saying "what about Podesta?" btw, your native language is russian
Not at all I'm saying he's next. And then Clinton
Lenny, you are some species of bot. Go away. Better yet, join your idol and get outta town.
Don't give a fuck if he goes down as long as Trump goes down too.
This isn't the Podesta of the emails. You know that right?
Вы надеетесь направить всю тему от новостей на главной странице к своей маленькой истории?
Who the hell knows. Does it nullify or even minimize any of Seth’s explanations?!
Oh sweet Jesus! 135+ tweets laying it all out and you're stuck on Podesta.
Is Lenny a Lenin nom de plume? Cute.
That's ridiculous Same reason he didn't mention Hillary and the uranium. Read his stuff. This isn't Attention Deficit hour. Focus.
Perhaps you should share that in your own Twitter feed. Here, now, is inappropriate.
And thanks for the link, but yeah, we know.
This man sold wmd's in iraq, so he has been paid and won't speak of such things. Can't trust him after a false war the left hated. Smh
You missed the header where Seth says this thread "analyzes legal and political aspects of their indictment and surrender." ?
Based on no facts whatsoever is the part you both left out
If you want evidence stick around and READ. If you want your biases confirmed, perhaps Fox News is your deal.
Business fell for podesta with his ukraine ties, might be just ahead for Tony honestly.
Maybe the same reason people don't engage flat-earthers.
Maybe they are on the same side, and maybe podesta group represented russia in washington. . .
Because it's not prodent to he thread. Obviously. Who gives a fuck about s lobbyist. We're talking about white house down here.
Let's see if I can explain this clearly: Because in light of everything else, IT ISN'T IMPORTANT.
Right according to you
Right. According to anybody following the news. A naval law professor just broke down what is happening. I listen to the experts.
Lenny, read the Grand Jury notes, then you will know why he stepped down.
Financial crimes in ukraine? Representing russia in washington? Or did they find kids from milk cartons in his basement? That's a joke btw
, like Mueller, is focused on the golden egg. Noise like your comments are insignificant.
Tony podesta is next. Remember this moment when you wake up
He has ties to Ukraine it seems. Maybe even more. Podesta group also repped russia to DC as a lobbying firm to improve its image. Maybe the
The dems are projecting their guilt and hoping they pals still in office will help them. I've heard russia same as weapons in iraq and as
Joseph goebbles said "repeat a lie enough and people believe it." So i saw a false war this way, and this stinks of "wmd's" and "terrorism"
140 TWEETS of "Why" wasnt strong enough 😐
He's just speculating
Way back in 2003. Support slowly grew. Now I've heard russia with 0 proof. And wasn't the meuller guy involved in the WMD fiasco, I think so
Happened just a few hrs ago. Not John Podesta, his brother.
If you were on a sinking ship wouldn't you bail? The cess pool is being scrubbed clean.
Because Podesta was not indicted today.
Because Seth is terrified of his followed leaving when podesta goes down and Seth didn't call it
Go back to your Russian cave, troll!
You think Dems care about podesta
Sorry @systemaddict there is only one Tweet, maybe it's not part of a thread? If you think I'm buggy, please let me know 🙂
This coming from an account made on the 19th October. OK, Tovarish.
I'm a patriot what are you? A blind sheep?
Dude is older than the president. Maybe he is senile. Maybe is complicit in something bad. Maybe rolled as part of investigation. No info.
Oh dear, there is no there there is why. When you can demonstrate, articulately, a connection then try again. Until then...
This is a fact. Podesta will be indicted next.
'lenny' is a kremlin bot... I REALLY wish @Twitter @jack @TwitterSafety would do something about them, they're literally slithering out of the woodwork!
I'm an American patriot. You can never shut us down sheep
I count at least 30 misinformed sheep in this thread
Lenny is a bot or troll
Lenny the man = 5 followers. Joined October 2017. They're like cockroaches.
I want to know how insane you have to be to write a 140 tweet thread. This man has magazine pathways in his house.
A look at Lenny's profile tells you that he's not on the level. Joined October 2017, has only 5 followers... has over 1000 tweets in that time.
This guy just read Seth's entire thread. Think on..he stuck with it then posted the feeblest of rebuttals..
Well, after all, @Lennytheman222 is a Bot, so he’s not well versed in rational thinking....nice try Len, but your five followers outed U
Why me when you deny that podesta is next to be indicted ?
No way he read 'em
They are so f-----G brainwashed. It's because they have the mind that can't keep up & understand, so easier to sound stupid than learn.
No tweets from Tweetaholic-In-Chief since the Papadopoulos news broke. 🤔
I'm guessing you didn't hear about Podestas link to manafort?
Doubt he is ignoring, as there is far bigger stories today. This is not about Right vs Left. It is not a football game.
Exactly then why is he clearly on the left?
Missing the point Lenny, This time it will be mostly the right, next time it could go the other way. Evil & greed come in all forms.
LennytheBot222 Tweets 1,014 Following 38 Followers 5 Joined October 2017 #GoHomeIvan #TeamDeza #FuckOffVlad
Last time I checked he's not POTUS.
Exactly so what does manafort have to do with trump? Especially since his dealing were before the campaign?
They are material witnesses, not involved.
Because Tony isn't president?
Manafort is president?
We all know what's the final target.
Clinton yes exactly.
Ah, you're living in that world. Could've known.
Oh 'lenny' and your little 5 followers... is this the best vlad can come up with?
Who said he was ignoring it...?
He hasn't mentioned it once. Nor will he I guarantee it
If Tony Podesta is guilty, then go after him. Next?
Yes he's next. Then hillarys camp for uranium one
1) I'm switching between MSNBC and CNN right now. 2) Never heard of Tony, so don't care. Nothing to do with Hillary. 😁
Tony is johns brother. Who was the campaign manager for both Obama and Hillary. No big deal
Did u not read the article? It was not in cnjnctn 2 the news & it had been planned. They had been strgling & snds like r tryng new venture
Tony Podesta is not POTUS. If Tony Podesta is guilty I hope he is prosecuted to the full extent of the law just lije Trump, Sessions,et al.
If he is dirty he goes too. Do you see the connection to Manafort?
Because we now know the President is a crook who will not serve his term & might even go to jail.
Grow up. Not fake news.
Agreed but it's leading to podest next
nice deflection, comrade
Nothing saying Dems can't be caught up in this too.
You seem to be under the impression that the rest of the country gives a fuck which party the treasonous belong to. Good riddance to all.
The CIA isn't FakeNews, turn off FOX.
Seth is fake news
Wow. Amazing thread. Many many thanks, Will listen out for you on the BBC tomorrow am. Your analysis is a Public Service
Bravo Seth!!!! Thank you so much for your tireless work. And Happy Birthday, a bit early!!
Seth Abromson, thank you so much for your reporting, explanations, meanings & probable outcomes! This is amazing! 🤗🤗🤗
Is there a reason domestic news services aren't interested in you, even now after you've been highly accurate?
Please try to get on @maddow or @AriMelber
Thanks, ttthreads!
Did you mean to only get the postscripts?
Ok. It said 6 tweets. That is why I got confused.
Lol it seems to say that for everyone. But when you unroll it, it’s everything.
Sorry @cynnara there is only one Tweet, maybe it's not part of a thread? If you think I'm buggy, please let me know 🙂
Everything looks fabulous, @tttthreads.
^^JFC this thread ^^ Read it. #MuellerInvestigation
Thank you for all of your work helping us understand this.
The FBI interview where Papadopolous lied about his Russia contacts came on the same day, Jan. 27, Trump asked Comey for a loyalty pledge.
What do you make of Indictment "B"? Does that mean there's an "A"?
So, did they blow the questions in the press briefing today? Seems they allowed SHS to get away with saying GP never got anywhere with his attempts to set up meetings, etc.
Read them all. Thank you again. ☺
Wld love to see this thread Storified/made available in one long chain, if anyone can help with that. Thank you so much, Seth!
Happy Birthday! And Happy Indicment Day! 🎈 🎂
Read your whole thread with ever further dropping jaw and just wanted to thank you for explaining it all and putting it in perspective.
Thank you Seth for fighting for all Americans.
Where is Pence in all of this? Did he protect himself or does he have dirty hands, too?
Wow, so BBC World or BBC News 24? Do you know?
There is tea all over this bathroom floor now Paul.
You're starting to sound like overexcited Rachel Maddow on the release of Trump's taxes
Seth, you're currently getting Maddowed.
Appreciate the break down and the time it took outling this. Very informative
This is the most insane, rambling, fanciful tower of speculative nonsense I’ve ever seen. Acid brain damage maybe?
I’ll be recording. 😃
I expect slit wrists when none of this happens
Hey Seth, make sure you get around to reading the indictments sometime. That's way you'll make less of an idiot of yourself, going forward.
BTW you forgot to mention that the investigation is focussed on Manafort, Gates activities in Ukraine - as will be shown, with the Podestas.
Otherwise congrats on your epic threads, apart from being 100% wrong they are hilariously funny b/c of their utter derangement.
Imagine if the hammer drops November 8th, it will then become official "Lefty disappointment day".
That would be the perfect date!
Yo Seth, ever considered that Manafort/ Popadopolous were deliberately trying to entrap Trump - and he got rid of them? See, seems odd /..
/..that despite Papadopolous repeated attempts to get Trump to meet the Russians/Putin, he was repeatedly rebuffed. Almost as if Trump/..
/..was aware of exactly what was happening. But please, do keep ranting on your threads, they amuse me. PS Podestas next . Bye Seth!
Manafort was part of Clinton camp's "Pipe & Piper" scheme to help nominate Trump,that's why he offered to work for free.
It's amazing how he just ignores certain findings and pushes personal assumptions and thoughts as fact.
Manafort got Pence picked as VP. Is he in the crosshairs?
What I think would be helpful is a giant infographic on the time line of events showing when everything happened and who presumably knew what and when.
THANK YOU, Seth, for everything.
I am so grateful to you, Seth, for all the work you have done letting us know what is happening. It helped abate the fear. I celebrate...
... w/all good Americans. This is not over, will get worse before better, but we're on the way. #Peace
What an amazing read! Too bad it’s true!
How does Pence fit in to all of this? I heard that he was Manafort’s pick for VP?
How does this work with pardoning powers. Could papadopolous be freed and his testimony rendered null?
What about firing Mueller at this point? It seems this administration thinks it can do anything and propaganda will hold up.
Jesus man, get a blog
Seth, thank you for this unbelievably cogent thread. Thank you for all the work you do. Thank you.
You know you've written a book here between all these threads, right? I hope you have someone working on compiling it all for you. I'll copy edit when you're ready for that step in the process. 😊 See my bio for contact info.
I will be watching. Thank you for your work.
Longest thread ever, but you are right in that we need to prepare. Grateful you are appearing on BBC. Please Unroll @tttthreads
Who the FUCK writes 140 tweets in a row?
You of all people need the 280 twitter character limit... I feel so informed and I feel the need to inform.
Good gracious, dude - you are REALLY in need of strong medication for your delusions.
Longest and best twitter thread ever! Thank you for your great reporting and great explanations. #ManafortMonday #Papadopoulos #TrumpRussia
When all this is done & dusted, we'll look at the conspiracy as intended: to help trump to help Russia. Putin's plan failed flat. He failed!
why do i feel that Kushner would more than likely be on Ivanka's shoulders, in that photo
And the chances of that happening is what? 🤔
Something close to, but not quite, 1.
And if they don't? What are the reprecussions?
It's 100% about Rosenstein.
Doubt that Perjury Boy Sessions knows that about the law.
Lord, I hope there are tapes (of this lunch).
You mean similar to that Lynch/Clinton meeting on the tarmac?
No Bill Clinton was not under investigation for anything at the time. They admitted the meeting after. Trump lied about EVERYTHING!
What the hell is wrong with you?
If that is the case, can @realDonaldTrump talk to anyone in the White House left over from campaign?
Can you address Pence's complicity? He was Manafort's choice.
Question - would Trump's tweets likely be used as evidence against him/others?
Trump already did that with Comey. He's now probably probing Sessions for information on how big this thing is, and potential damage.
They're both too #CORRUPT and #LIARS; that won't happen...we all know #JohnKelly won't enforce that rule... #IndictmentMonday...#RussiaGate😡
I still want to know if Trump is involved in Manafort money laundering conspiracy, does Trump Organization become avail to civil forfeiture?
(No comment)
Unless Sessions is wearing a wire. Poetic justice after Trump publicly humiliated Sessions? Or just Justice?
Remember when #rightwing heads exploded over Loretta Lynch meeting with Bill?
Jesus dude just write a dang article
Their guilty as sin ,and we the people know it...
Sessions is a nervous weakling no way hes not mic'd up w 45
No kidding. Talk about collusion.
But Pence will be there to make sure Trump and Sessions do nothing wrong! (yuk, yuk!)
Do they have to be told they are targets for this to be tampering?
Not a shocker. Inappropriate behavior is the norm for .@realDonaldTrump #MuellerMonday
‘Wildly inappropriate and possibly illegal’ describes pretty much everything the Trump admin has done since the election.
More coercion and Loyalty Oaths.
Thank you Seth and Happy Birthday.
Yet, no one does anything to uphold the wrongdoings.
U seriously need to stop lying just to appease your followers, just get through another day. Follow @__0HOUR1_ if u want to know the truth.
They're circling their wagons
Maybe Sessions is working with FBI?
So, how does Pence come into all of this? Is there enough already known that if Trump steps down/gets booted, Pence is out too?
If shown he was involved yes
Could someone be wearing a wire to lunch?
Trump worried so finding out if sessions know aNything! They called Comey the leaker tho' ! America has Rotten ppl leading it
Why exactly could this be illegal?
Menu: Traitor Cocktail, vile bile spleen salad served with gall dressing, chicken covered in sauce of lies, deceptions, & distractions
When did RW ever have any Integrity toward #WeThePeople's Democracy or Independence-We all need 2 Regulate 2 make this World work 4 us all
Reminds me of the contacts they had before Comey was fired. This may be a big deal.
Let them dig their own graves.
What are the chances Sessions is wearing a wire?
Highly unlikely in my opinion. He's one of them.
Collusion, collusion, collusion. #MuellerMonday
Its the president and the attorney general, a meeting means nothing the topic of conversation “could”.
I really hope ppl don't buy your drivel here...
Are you allergic to truth?
Can't believe they had lunch. Unreal.
Agree w @SethAbramson. Highly inappropriate, but has never stopped #Trump B4. Trump/Sessions lunch. #Resist #BoF #SAMeagle #GeeksResist #TW
PS3/ This can't be stated enough: the Trump/Sessions lunch today is wildly inappropriate and possibly illegal. Both men are FBI targets.
Getting their stories straight and discussing legal angles in plain sight today?
sessions was the key to the success of this conspiracy.if he didnt requese we would all be singing russian tunes
Both men are fucked and unkissed except by Sarah and Kelly Anne, oh, an Ryan. Oh, McConnell, too? Well, the ass kiss line is shortening up..
Pence was scheduled to be at the lunch meeting, too--maybe the purpose was to plan Trump & Session's resignations ;-)
Not as illegal as #Tarmac meeting between two ton @LorettaLynch and #BJClinton. FYI - #Sessions reports to @realDonaldTrump . #Illegallunch
holy shit. Forgot about that.
I'm sure they both wore wires, for future reference. Trusting ties they have.
Why stop now 😀it would be out of character 😂😂😂
Is it possible Sessions has been flipped, with this info in FBI's possession, and is now himself recording Trump?
Holy fuck, write a column, or a Facebook post. You needed that many tweets to say wahhhh? You do realize he is still the Pres, right?Dumbass
A conspiracy against the United States of America?
Did you know Podesta just stepped down amid the FBI probe? Do your followers know this or do you shield them from the truth?
Don’t be a moron. We’re fully ok with anyone involved getting what’s coming to them. Climb outside your bubble.
Geez. What you don't get is unlike you trumpians, lib/lefties don't look to just one person/source for all. WE READ POLITICO on our own!
ZERO implications of guilt can be drawn fm resignation. Of course we know how you clickservatives like to leap tall logic in a single bound.
Exactly. Then why are you getting guilt from manaforts indictment? He has nothing to do with Russian collusion.
Master spinner over here. If that was trump you would say he's definitely guilty. Come on now, don't be a hypocrite
do you think Mueller is investigating Pence as well? Seeing as he was picked by Manafort, i'd be surprised if he wasn't dirty as well.
I recall lots of dirt on Pence, but not specifics. Certainly plenty of reasons why Mueller wd target MP once Big Cheese is down for count.
But he was a volunteer.. Mk can’t wait for them all to go down
Briefing talks about Tax Cut for1% by talking about bars&drinking beer! THIS.IS.NOT.NORMAL. Meanwhile 2 INDICTMENTS & GUILTY PLEA .@PressSec
Thanks for the link to Abramson, so clear and helpful. (Takes me back to my dad explaining Watergate as it unfolded)
Abramson does a good job of explaining well. See also @alexandraerin for a slightly different take on things.
Thanks, I'm going to look at that too! (Also have followed background on the 'What Trump can teach us about Con Law' podcast.)
(a good job of explaining well... Come on Brislen. Learn some good England)
You do realize the Trump administration turned George in themselves right? They say what he was doing & handed paperwork over on their own
None of which matter, because they have his emails.
Trump posted a photo with Papadopoulos sitting with him and the rest of the top guys. A low level guy doesn't get that access.
That photo should be the response to any of the "who is this guy?" BS. They say a photo is worth a thousand tweets.
Are you listening to @PressSec
(Possibly sensitive)
bingo. that just happened
@OressSec Just shd He was a volunteer w little to do w campaign
Notice how Seth is now doing damage control when it comes out he was making things up again
BLIZZARD WARNING ⚠️: Call ALL yr MOC 202-224-3121 Ask them to #FireproofMueller & #ImpeachTrump NOW Text Resist to 59409 to write them same
Well? We have Indictments! And a guilty plea that implicates POTUS No More Delays #ImpeachTrump NOW!
yep! Sarah Huckabee Sanders is following script to a T
She's up there lying about it right this minute.
(Possibly sensitive)
I can't wait to hear the story of how Jared is hardly in the family
Papadopolis was a shot across the bow to say we're coming, TreasonGate. Gates & Manafort are message saying, we're coming for you, Trump.
ya think alien hands would take a hint from Mueller and resign but no..he wants to shame his family and friends first.
I have no doubt, that in Chump's mind, he is unequivocally innocent of any and all charges.
She just called him a volunteer! @PressSec
At this moment, that appears to be exactly what Huckabee Sanders is doing. Classic.
Show of hands, who else thinks the Female Russian National from Papadopoulos plea is none other than the Natalia Veselnitskaya who met w/Jr?
Of course-they are all innocent, right? Manafort, Conway, Bannon, Stone when they say A-Team it meant Avoidance? or Arrested First!
Not a "Volunteer", then.
Need Pay Stubs
Just heard that one...@PressSec
Damn. Word for word from Sarah Huckabee’s mouth.
Already happening
+@PressSec says Papadopoulos worked in an “extremely limited” capacity on the campaign
Per Sarah H. - he was a volunteer !
Is this really a thread of 135 tweets?
Yes and worth every minute it took to read!
is saying EXACTLY that now. So predictable.
All sarah sander’s answers were predictable - distance, deny, minimize.
You’re really smart.
Sarah Sanders is saying those exact things now!
Yep. Sanders already at it.
Sanders did say exactly those things. Did you post this before she said it?
At the Vatican when the smoke is black they are waiting for the nomination of a new Pope. With #Trump the smoke is black sinceDay1 & B4🙈
Thank you for taking the time to do this thread. 👍
Already happening from GOP & Russian Trolls!
Posited today by @SHSanders45 --check!
Pretty much exactly what was said today!!!
NOTE/ You can find the POSTSCRIPTS to this thread at this link:
PS/ Things you'll hear today that are FALSE: Papadopoulos wasn't a top advisor; was with campaign briefly; plead to acts "outside" campaign.
SHS just said he was a volunteer on a committee that met once...
She too was an advisor. She's prob shakin in her shoes.
Trump selected all these people that worked for him and for Russian interests, whether paid, unpaid, volunteering, appointed, etc.
wow. can't say much else.
how sadly true
Thank you Seth!! You have given me the best b-day gift ever!!
Trump would never resign. He has no accountability and is a complete narcissist. He will hold on to the very bitter end.
Sessions resigns, Mueller fired?
You have a fan here. Brilliant work. Thanks.
I hope The biggest trump diversion will not be an attack on N. Korea but........
What's the deal w/use of "Company A" and "Company B" in Manafort indictment?
I know this isn't the priority at the moment, but after this all concludes, please turn this into a podcast or something. Fascinating stuff.
What do you know that implicates Pence? (Sessions? Manafort?...)
I know this. No one left with vp pence at NFL kneeler show.... Bye pence
I hope I speak for us all when I say
Thank you for all of your work on this.
This is so depressing, and I know, a necessary condition until we collectively reclaim our sanity and unity. Thank you again for your work.
Thank you, Seth. Pleasure having you in my feed. (Well, "pleasure" may not be the right word for it...)
Your explanations keep me sane.
Thank you..just
Thanx for your dedication and all the information in this excellent thread, Sir.
You are the absolute best there is w all the facts and laying them out perfectly to comprehend for the American ppl! You are a true patriot
Please unroll @tttthreads - thank you!
Thanks do much for sharing all of this. You've summarised everything so clearly and neatly. I bet your mentions are a little berserk... ;)
Don't end it. This is the best thread I have ever read.
Exciting morning but concerned w/how Trumps follower around us will respond.Most we know are heavily armed and mad. Good time to vaca to MX
Thank you for this it was very informative
Seth, you mentioned earlier you were getting interview requests. Will you be doing any, and if so, when and where?
The ideas/actions of the republican actors are quite stunning in & of themselves. This blowing up collectively is an odd blessing.?!? 🤣🤣🤣
And oh, let me be clear, this also applies to ANY Democrats that allowed themselves to be sucked in to this horror show.
Didn’t you once say FBI likes to know answers before, asking questions? Makes perjury charges a snap, w/o even proving a crime.
Hooray for lawyers 👍👍👏
Shouldn’t there be a new election? I’m not seeing anything about this anywhere...
So, when Trump leaves office and his neo-nazis and fascists take to the street with violence, who will stop them?
The police and military
The other side has guns too.
The armed forces
Law enforcement?
People of good conscience. There are many of us.
This is why it’s important that NOBODY convinced people that punching Nazi’s make you the fascist. Times like these.
Eugh, grammar nazis will have me for that..
A lot of fists. My grandpa taught me young, you can punch a nazi.
If they decide to do that, their fate will be the same as that of all the other facists that have tried it...
It will take a while but they will be ruthlessly put down.
We will. There are a lot more of us than there are of them.
That's what I am worried about. Of course they are the ones with their arsenals, thanks to the 2nd amendment.
Thanks for the replies. I have no faith in police and was under the (false?) impression military can't touch civilians on American soil.
This is what my husband fears
Thanks for all the information, clarification, explanation. It's so much to take in. Ur commentary makes comprehension much more attainable
Fantastic thread! Thanks for explaining and keeping us up to date. #MuellerMonday
my god. thank you for all you’re doing.
Gird your loins 😬
The bastard’s going to go full term, isn’t he?
And then there is the reality of Pence.
When people question why I'm so sure about this, I'm just going to point them to your Feed.
Very much appreciate your effort in laying this out. Thank you!
135? Dude.... How many facts you got in this tweetstorm?
Thanks for UR extremely thorough analysis. What steps (if any) are being taken 2 safeguard our future elections from Russian interference?
Thank you Seth. I've been following you for a while now. You find a way to make things understandable.
Longest Twitter thread ever and a masterpiece. Bravo sir.
Absolutely fantastic journalism Seth. Thanks for breaking it all down. Time to repost your PayPal link.
Stunning...... even though I pd. Attention thru out this..i am still stunned that an american, a presidential candidate did this!
These are not facts hahahhahahaha
Great commentary there, Lenny...
What the fuck are you talking about? What does TONY Podesta, not John, but Tony have to do with anything? Go away Russian bot.
Tony podesta worked with manafort. Podesta is johns brother. He had a dnc lobbying firm which funneled money. Need anymore?
Okay but what’s your point?
You know what? Nvm you’re an insane person. Have fun with your head in the sand.
What's my point? This all leads to the Clintons and democrats. Don't be so easily fooled by the liberal just because they scream the loudest
Lenny's a moron!!!!😩😩😩
Um...they are clearly documented. I thought you folks only hated undocumented things?
Wrong Podesta. This guy also had fingers in Ukraine and will probably be charged with money laundering if he didn't properly report income.
Thanks for that, Lenny. Do you have anything to back this up? Or should I just stick with the Prof's thread?
I've actually finished Seth's - so more entertainment! Cheers!
Did you know about podesta? Seth didn't tell you the truth? He stepped down amid investigations
Manafort is connected to podesta. Podesta has a dnc lobbying firm. Podesta is brother me to the campaign manager of Hillary.
It really looks as though all US politics is in the pocket of Putin...
According to the media. However are you and I influenced by Russia? Hahah no right?
Russia bots gonna hate.
Not to a stupid bot teeheehee
Lol you got nothing but lies gop lies.
Your a liar bot gop liar bot no truth in ya
What did Pence and Ryan know? They're the next in line. If , when Cheetolini goes, who steps in?
Pence may be on the hook for seeing something and not saying anything (SOP in DC) but I think Ryan is too far removed from POTUS.
I'd never seen your Twitter before today, Seth. All I can say is this was some good tweeting. Lofty tweeting.
Thank you Mr. Abramson! You are indispensable!
fantastic thread Seth, but what about mike pence? he obviously can't claim ignorance of this whole mess
So, if Trump colluded, for the funsies, how will america have to retaliate and against who, if this is true?
Well, Trump said he wasn’t like other politicians........we just didn’t know how right he was!
Fascinating analysis. Thank you for your dedication.
Is there any chance he’ll get punishment?
Thank you for this. Been hanging on every new tweet all day.
Thanks for taking the time to write that thread. Very informative
Thank you so much again for your dedication and commitment to this. You are instrumental in shedding light on this complicated subject.
The most riveting real-time thread I have ever read - gripping (but profoundly disconcerting)!
Is there any way Pence will be involved in any of this? Trump only fiddles with the buttons, Pence knows how to work them. Pence is scarier.
Your threads are my favorite threads.
Thank you for this thread. I must admit that I've never read a 135 tweet thread before...but it was worth it.
Wtf is the press secretary SHS talking about with this little tax story?
And note the Putin bots out in mass today. Armies marching.
Very long thread but everybody should read this - he says it’s beginning of end for Trump.
Do you think those involved were PAID workers of campaign or Volunteers as WHPressSec is currently saying?
👏Bravo - thank you for such an informative thread.
Wonderful thread. Thank you. If only we can get the same critical coverage of Brexit to save the UK from disaster.
So my question is what about the VP? Is he in on this as well? What about the RNC, were they involved because of Priebus? Where does it end?
This nation will have a new birth of freedom—& that government of the people, by the people, for the people, will not perish from the earth.
We must acknowledge the fact that no matter how Mueller has Trump dead to rights on anything, his power to pardon can screw everything. SMH
Thank you- very helpful and clear
I love you, maaan [stoner inflection] ☺️
TY bigly. BTW if u see any tangents to Pence plz call it out. It wud be helpful if Pence resigned b4 trump. Then a new VP cud be named.
America must face its weakness Russia exploited, along with the weaknesses DJT exploited & GOP has empowered over the years. Recovery.
how do you mean ugly.. do you mean violence? i’m african american and wide is white. i saw what happened to biracial cpl other day
What a superb, informed thread. Thank you.
write a blog you fucking psycho
Seth I'm not preparing myself with any knowledge that requires reading a 135 post thread. Use medium for Christ's sake
A real blog post or article might serve you and the community better than a thread like this.
Thank you so much for keeping us informed, & for your time & energy to help us understand the how's & whys of investigation.
Thank you @SethAbramson for this comprehensive breakdown of the Mueller investigation.
135 tweets in a row. Are you mad?
How does one prepare for the *very ugly* ? Truly asking...
As much as I'm glad that these liars & thieves are being exposed, it's a sad day for our country once again. Our country is disgraced /1
And our President facing impeachment or resignation. I want DT & his band of treasonous thieves with him. But I feel sad for all of us/2
That our country has to be put through this Again! I hope we weather this very Rocky road ahead. We need OUR country back!
I'm ready. This fight is worth it for me, my family and the country.
holy shit dude, just write an article or something, no one wants a 135 tweet thread
So, in Trump's shoes what would I do? Launch a nuclear attack on North Korea to create a 'diversion'?
Jesus. 300 posts. Is the school aware of your activity on Twitter on their dime. Remind me not to send my kids to @UofNH
Someone is suffering from acute TDS lol. 135!!! Damn it must suck to be against America’s best interests
To everyone saying they won't read this crucial work by the author because it's in the wrong medium need to suck it up.
Your thread is well worth the few minutes it takes to read (&re-read). It’s like an oral murder board, lots of mental tacks and string!
things are not getting worse. You're opening your eyes to realize how horrific it's actually been all along.
Bravo sir. Presuming all you said is true, and there’s no reason to believe it wouldn’t be, the most succinct explanation of this I’ve seen. I’ll be watching this from across the pond - a sad but, perversely, spellbinding situation.
Someone please give this man 280 characters.
135 deep. Plus postscripts. Ok, i’ll read all of them now. @Twitter @jack - figure this out? We need this kind of journalism.
I fear your accuracy here - what ugliness can we expect?
How could things get worse than Obama Austerity, Homeless increase, Largest income disparity since Civil War & perpetual spying & War?
Going to get ugly
The most important fact of all. We must continue to fight for justice and for the "Everyday" people!!
All extremely interesting, but isn't this an article rather than a million tweets? It's like reading a novel from a bunch of post-it notes.
your journal is my favorite!
That like no other time in history, a coordinated attack on United States was attempted with Americans!!!
Great summary!!! Amazing work!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Look how some of the nets handling news 2day, still permitting paid hacks 2 deflect 2 HRC &Obama. Feeds Fox refugees but destroys our nation
Amazing thread. Thank you for your hard work
You sir deserve a Pulitzer for what you have been doing for months. Thank you for keeping us informed.
Buried in your brilliant (as always) thread THIS is the most significant tweet for when I discuss all this with my 5 and 7 yo sons some day
Except it has nothing to do with Russian collusion you conspiracy monger
What does this prove? Seth is a conspiracy theorist
Good! If he is a traitor he should be punished! Please don't think this is one sided! All guilty parties need to go
Well, I remember Watergate, and must absolutely agree.
Bigger than Watergate?
You are obviously too young to remember Watergate.
Timely it's Hallloween. Nothing more scary than treasonous, corrupt government officials
And Fox News is reporting on Halloween candy.
I know. Haven't gotten squat done for about 16 months :) Always been news junkie; as citizen this scary, but as news junkie is fentanyl.
Harrowing, indeed. Question is, when this miserable chapter is over, can all the damage ever be repaired? I love our country. Sad.
I fear what a new normal might look like; that recent cracks to US' very foundation & trust will forever mar who we are. Sigh.
Mmmm don’t forget Watergate, but this is much more satisfying because the GOP is completely behind the corruption.
And I would like it to be the last. Thank you very much.
Amen to that Seth - the Nixon impeachment was ugly but this fiasco is pure evil!
Never doubted for a second that it was true. This will go down as one of the happiest days of my lifetime
Can you storify this entire thread for future reference?
This is a fight for our Democracy, while some journos fighting for viewers fleeing @FoxNews and @GOP still fighting 4 taxcuts. #Mueller
"the most spectacular and harrowing political and legal news story of any of our lifetimes" Not to mention the most desirable and pleasant
This is much bigger than Watergate. I watched that on a black and white tv long ago. My ex didn't believe...til the end. #TrumpRussia
Yes....but what about the great baseball game last night? IdiotInChief
I remember Watergate. It pales in comparison to this. Trump and has apologists and supporters have jeopardized our democracy. #RussiaGate
Not to get ahead of ourselves, but is there any indications as to where Pence fits in, or is that forthcoming? Your opinion
Consider that R knew they were ultimately going to be caught and kept Pence clean - so they take the WH anyway and blame it all on crazy T.
There has to be serious discussions about nullifying this entire election as fruit of the poisonous tree. Otherwise R strategy wins.
How many Watergates is this? 2x, 5x, 10x ?!
Given plenty of dirt on Dem behavior in #Ukraine & how that triggered Putin, #Brexit/#AaronMarks links, we may see WWI Fall of Eagles scale
Also the most excessive tweet thread ever that should just be a blog entry... :-/
It's actually more a technology story. #Computationalpropaganda & #weaponizedAI #fakenews came of age on our watch. Now we have to kill it
I am so glad that I can chalk American politics up as SEP. :D
I should be sad that we are in this mess. So sadly... I'm happy that it has begun!
read the thread. Mental stuff.
If its true its fucked up and they dont watch enough movies...use burners and fake emails why use all you're own stuff? 😂
In the US. I'm only about 50 and have seen some harrowing shit in my life.
Instead of 'our lifetimes' we could expand that statement to include all of American history or indeed history of all of western domcracy.
Yep. Anyone who says they don't like History is missing one of America's biggest History lessons.
I'm just hoping our history of *not* holding powerful people accountable doesn't apply. If Nixon hadn't been pardoned, we might not be here.
Gerald Ford's long history of playing without a helmet haunts us still.
If we'd held Nixon accountable for W'gate, we might've avoided Iran-Contra, & torture, & illegal war, & this clusterfk.
But then there'd be no Ollie North!!
And what a loss that would be... 🙄
Now I know how my parents felt witnessing watergate, although, this is so much bigger than watergate.
If you have another way to witness this besides in real time, please let me know how.
I haven't yet perfected my time machine. Until that happens, I must be content with Seth, .@benjaminwittes, .@Susan_Hennessey, .@maddow
, .@nytimes, .@washingtonpost .@NPR and other principled, pragmatic investigative journalists
I'm sorry, we're you *alive* during Iran-Contra?That has this beat by *miles*. The Iranians held Americans hostage for *year* in collusion w/the Reagan/Bush campaign, only releasing them hours after Reagan was sworn in. And that's to say nothing of what went on in Nicaragua.
Just another day in the society of the spectacle. Yawn.
I'd say Nixon's invasion of Cambodia is still king of the harrowing event cycles.
, this is BUCK WILD considering that there are people alive today who saw WWII, Duke shootings, JFK assassinated, 9/11 (???)
I mean, yeah, I think the adjectives are a bit exaggerated? But still the only historical example of anything close to this is Watergate
At least seen from a quite-possibly-democracy-is-at-stake standpoint, it may be unique? Historical impact hard to gauge in the present
But, still, I don’t think most people wake up each day and think ‘Today will be discussed in history books’
And regardless of the overall outcome, I think today might be
And mainly I am waiting for facts to emerge and reading credible sources and thinking as best I can
I think it's possible that some things are a known quantity. 9/11. Trayvon Martin. Space-X landing an orbital booster.
I think today has little to do with the total investigation unless Manafort rolls on Trump. (If there is anything to reveal after all.)
This isn't a break in, nor Deep Throat, nor the destruction of tapes, nor testimony on the Senate floor. It's nothing until it's something.
Mueller may know (probably knows?) far more than what's been revealed. Which is why investigation continues until he reaches his conclusions
Trump twitter silent for 16 hrs now
thank you for walking us all through this. I am grateful. And happy birthday. 🎉🍰
For me the #1 question right now is how far does this go down. Pence? Ryan? McConnell? Are they patsy's or did they know?
What happens in the event this all comes to pass? I'd love to know thoughts about Pence and administration at large esp. in light of Clinton
Outstanding work. Well done.
Why would you be amazed? Trump plainly obstructed the investigation. Why would he have done that if not because it's all true?
Thanks for all your hard work, this is definitely worth the read.
In that is hope that trump's base were ignorant of this and will retreat as they learn more.
Thank you for all you have done. You have been my "rock" through all of this.
I’m not amazed. But I am outraged.
It is your opinion. Just as writers had opinions about Sec of State misconduct. President Trump will be re-elected in 2020. My opinion
If that happened #Calexit & #Hawexit would follow almost instantly. @Apple @Google @Tesla literally cannot operate from US soil under Trump
It's really not opinion, it's evidence.
You guys are amazed only because you did not see #computationalpropaganda & #weaponizedAI coming. Rapidly wikified truth is ONLY defense.
The master player here may be @JulianAssange - it seems everyone relied on @wikileaks to some degree so timing disclosures is a superpower.
I'm not amazed that this is true. I'm amazed that; A. Mueller wasn't fired. B. TOO many people are still in denial. C. Trump got this far.
please expand this man's character count. Clearly, he has stuff to say and needs it.
I’m glad your there to tell us what’s true and what’s false. Whatever would we do without you. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
No, I'm just amazed something wasn't done a year ago
Damn! You know how to break it down. I appreciate it
Our shock,awe and disbelief is part of their nefarious strategy. As is wearing us done with chaos of all sorts.
What if congress turns a blind eye and don’t impeach?
You probably want to take a breath now dude. Great thread though!
This whole thread is a triumph.
If only trump has said “believe me” after tweeting NO COLLUSION I would have believed him.
Also - in just a few hours, it feels like Mueller has gone from target-for-firing to unfireable. Is that right?
yes, but he broadcast he will pardon everyone...can he still do that??
I’m so happy for you (the US) that you will be freeing yourself of the hostage situation you have been in! ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Your lips to Gods ears.
Don Jr.'s meeting didn't get an impeachment, this won't either. Need to give this time to cook and family members to get charged.
Still no evidence
Great thread! Thanks for spelling it out so clearly!
Conspiracy nut alert, sheesh. Got get some air.
Trump must have thought that by bringing family to the WH, low-lifes into cabinet, it would keep people busy and out of the russia contact.
I think I love you.
And... @SpeakerRyan and @SenateMajLdr McConnell are complicit.
Manafort getting arrested had NOTHING to do with Russia! It had to do with taxes back in 2005
hope you're right
What about Pence?
January. Boo-yah.
Mark my words: Donald J. Trump is going to be the first U.S. president to be impeached, convicted and removed from office. 📜⚖️🇺🇸
Ted Lieu on Twitter
“I read the highly classified Intelligence Report on #Russian #hacking. @realDonaldTrump is not telling the truth.”
(I mean, we were probably both thinking this in November … )
And then we go after creepy Pence! He’s complicit!
But how do we know the GOP in Congress won't just shrug their shoulders, refuse to comment, and do nothing? They have so far!
Proof of collusion?
Campaign chair denies financial relationship between Trump and Russia July 27, 2016, 07:15 AM
Need more Seth?
Notice all the names are connected to Trump not one says Hillary!
Omg so many lies. Is that why Mueller will be wrapping up the investigation by possibly this Friday?
What happens to Pence? Is he out too since he was part of the campaign? Will we see President Ryan?
I'm afraid Trump will find some much scarier third exit option.
He would save us all a lot of time and stress if he would just hop on a plane and defect to Russia... hint hint @realDonaldTrump GET OUT
Here's a good thread for you, Quezonomics @alex_forreal Enjoy.
Still unclear to me what trump did that was illegal
I have been following you for a while. I just want to say thank you for all your work. Today your tweets were extra amazing.
What happens if Trump fires Mueller? Does the investigation still continue?
idiot this deal was struck in Summer with Manifort. For the live of God, get a grip. Manifort WORKED WITH PODESTA's. DIRECT LINK TO HILLS
I sincerely believe Trump will start WWIII before he'd let himself be impeached or before he'd resign. No bounds to his pathology! See past!
Do you really believe the Republican obstructed House will ever have the votes to impeach Trump?
he just seems to be made of Teflon. I hope you're right.
Still waiting smart guy 👍👍🇺🇸🇺🇸
1. Here's a tale of rampant crime. A Fusion of a Manafort & a Papadopoulos, with a Podesta Group on the side.
Comment on the Trump-fires-Mueller scenario?
the bad news, right? That he'll burn the country down rather than fly off in a chopper to ignominy like Nixon?
What about Pence? Any indication if/how much he was involved?
But what you've been saying for 10 months is "this is the beginning of the end!" (Just like 129) Ever hear of the boy who cried wolf?
It’s such a feeling of relief, but also dread. We are seeing proof that they worked with Russia but how do we get this lunatic out.
I look very forward to saying "I told you so" to the few Trump supporters I know. For now, I'll be happy to celebrate with a bottle of red.
Must say congrats to Seth. You pointed out weeks ago that Papadapoulas was the biggy. YOU NAILED IT BEFORE ANYONE. GREAT JOB!
Today must be celebrated just like 4th of JULY. Just keep his “liddle” hands off the nuclear code.
It's now PROVEN, but it's always been true. Most of us never doubted it.
Today is also the day that I put the champagne, that I bought back in November... back in the fridge
Trumpettes are starting the Kubler-Ross grieving, starting with denial. Change leading to acceptance, even w/facts, hard 4 some.
Also 30 plus years
Did you read the indictment? No trump no Russia.
This is the best ive felt since November 9. Almost a year.
Your site has bitcoin mining in it, avoiding from now on.
Uh.. Ohhhh 💩🇷🇺💩
This is are the best
Big takeaway: Mueller's HUGE scope. Indictments on $ laundering and collusion, not Comey. Trump can't believe he escapes that vast a net.
Seth your knowledge and effort has been truly appreciated!!!!!!
1/280 I'm going to attempt to thank you for this thread and all of the hard work you do in the same style that you have written it.
Really hope you're right but I'm skeptical, he will try and avoid as much as possible, the powerful nearly always win :/
Seth....that was enough thread to make a three piece suit...or better yet...a half a dozen orange jump suits!
Re Mayf Hotel-do you think Rosnoft payoff/identities of 3 ambassadors invited/whole set-up how orchestrated will ever be focus? Seems v big.
Write a fucking blog, dude
The best Monday EVER 🇺🇸👏🏽😃
I'm afraid to believe for fear they will wiggle out from under it. If there is a way, these scumbags will find it.
Awesome job Seth!
Yes!! This is true meaning of #MAGA !
It will be the beginning of the Pence Administration. I can't say I am that much comforted.
to read indictments and pop's plea is comforting. Invest casting a bigger net than imaginable, no way any closet big enough to hide Pence
If Republicans refuse to impeach or convict, how is it that this administration ends? (months old question)
Or the beginning of the end of the United States....
I would be still leery of calling the chicken before it's fully hatched. We know how slippery, historically, 🇷🇺🍊🤡 has been.
Either the beginning of the end of trump or the beginning of the end of the U.S.
Fox News keeps talking about this somehow being far from the Special Counsel's original mission. They do seem grim today...
Almost exactly on the election anniversary!
Sure. But the beginning of the end of the Democratic Party as a national party already happened, so what's the diff?
I'm cautiously optimistic.
I just don't want to get my hopes up, so will stay in denial for now
And also the beginning of the end for all those Congressional do-nothing crooks that enabled trump: Ryan, McConnell, Ran Paul, Reince, ETC
Seth has been bang on so far. This thread gives me hope
Amazing, my 35th birthday will always remember this
I don't prefer to keep thinking otherwise, I just don't have any kind of faith in natural justice anymore.
Jesus Christ I hope you're right.
Please, please let them get Pence too...
I prefer to think it IS, thank you very much! :)
Oh man. I'm so afraid to be believe this but also so ready to feel hopeful...
Next to go to jail will be Podesta. Keep believing the delusions Seth is feeding you. Indictments are online read for yourself.
Historically Defining Moment...
Please be right!
I sure hope you're right! Much damage already done though but to prevent further damage.
Thank you!👏👏👏
I worry that "this will be the straw that breaks the camel's back" makes the less and less warranted assumption that the camel isn't dead.
You do realize these charges are from years before his 3 month stint as campaign mgr, right?
LOLOL. You didn't read the indictment. 😂
SO why are the Podesta brothers lawyering up & Tony stepping down from lobbying company?
Dude too much yoga.
Your mind is an intellectual wasteland, Abramson. Seek help.
LMAO. It means they have nothing on Trump. Zero. Nada. Zilch.
Too funny. All roads lead to dirty Democrats. Can you spell PODESTA?
haha. The hubris
Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes your name is Seth.
How can a person be so wrong? It's kind of sad broadcasting "wishes" and "hopes" and "dreams" as if they are breaking news.
All 2 followers agree
Lol fun stuff you guys will never learn to keep your mouth shut, will you? Take a breath and open your eyes. Hope the truth dosent break you
That's the biggest pile of CRAP I'll ever see!
I had to screencap this because I'm sure this tweet will age just MAGNIFICENTLY.
I can’t remember, wasn’t that a 93% chance?
Well I’d like to believe that. But I won’t hold my breath.
“Manic Monday” will forever be remembered as the day Trump met his Waterloo
Does this mean we can undo Gorsuch?
I'll remember today as the day Wikileaks disclosed his source as Hillary's own STATE DEPARTMENT
If grab em by P*s*y didn’t break him I’m not sure anything will.
Thank God. another great thread. Thanks Seth
From your mouth to God’s ears baby!
I can condense your 129 tweets to this one sentence ➡️ Stupidest damn thing I’ve ever heard.
You poor thing
Our thoughts are with you from Aus 🇦🇺 Here's hoping that madman goes.
Are u retarded or purposely stating bold faced lies about Trump?? I dont get why anyone would be saying the b.s. u say.. Can u prove it?
My favorite story!
Did you just cite your own conspiracy theory? Why are people so gullible?
Let's not forget that manafort was not arrested for colluding with Russia
So, basically Trump et al conspired w/Russians against a fellow US Citizen (Hillary)threw HRC to the wolves {constituents} for personal gain
This is an epic thread.
Outstanding! Kudos
Excellent work Seth. I’ve learned so much. Thank you.
And the award for best twitter thread goes to...Seth-thatwasfreakingawesome-Abramson
Thank you for sharing.
Great reporting...our country sold out via these mercenary bastards.The corruption, the total absence of ethics is astounding - exceptional!
The BIG Question - WHEN WILL GOP representative come to grips with THE TRUTH and STOP the LYING TRUMP BS! Lock him up! #LockHimUp
Please PROTECT yourself! I've NO doubt that following Putin Playbook ppl will/ hv died Ex:suicide of 83 y.o. man who tried 2 buy HC emails
Do not put it beyond Trump & Mafia behavior 2 assassinate ppl Pressure is ON & you R part now BE CAREFUL Please #TraitorTrump #DonTheCon
How are we going to blame Hillary? Ha ha ha ha....
This thread was amazing! Long, but so worth the read!
That moment when your followers realize manaforts indictment had nothing to do with Russian collusion
Hahaha why are your followers so gullible? Charges are from before he was on trump campaign. Sorry sheep
Well at least now we know for sure you can't read anything for yourself and you're just spitting out talking points.
How? I stated facts
The charges go right through 2016 but we are on to Papadopoulos. We all know this Manafort thing is to get him to sing. Pap already spilled
Pap is a conspiracy theory that only sheep blinded by Seth believe. Trust me on that one
loooool. The conspiracy of his own testimony? Who is the sheep now? Like seriously I'm not even hating just take a step back
Do you realize manafort didn't collide with Russia?
I realise the indictment is about laundering money and working with Russian agents in other countries then lying about it. Moot point really
Moot? What does this have to do with trump colluding with Russia to win an election? Wake up
The desperation is so real with you, one can almost touch it. Just sit back and watch it all unfold.
Say, has Trump signed off on that Russian sanction stuff yet?
At the top of the hour, we'll be asking the big question: Are Feet Shoes?
DonTrumpJr first tweet {retweet} on today's indictment is not on Manafort .. lol... his tweet is on Papadopoulos claiming Pap LIED to Feds
I wonder how you will keep followers after this Seth?
Use a format that isn't Twitter
"Impeached"? You're assuming that GOP will behave ethically. This is not your father's GOP. This is the ALT-RIGHT GOP.
please tell me you're following this thread
In lunch meeting happening now with Sessions/Pence - what are the odds he's asking if he can fire Mueller? And can he?
read this. Is amazing.
I'm happily married but I want all twitter to know this... I am officially in love with Seth Abramson 😍. Thank you SO much Seth!
This makes sense. Papadopolous got info from Russian Professor on 4/26.
4/27 was Mayflower Speech
You guys might want to read up on this text.
Hypothetical: if Trump does resign, will Mueller forgo seeking an indictment on him? Will he be able to just walk away scott-free?
Then there’s dirty money laundry for the Russian mafia, if required. There’s no way Trump is clean on that, Mueller surely has evidence ⚡️
Bravo! If you don’t already have a book contract, you’ll get one soon. @PublishersWkly
Excellent thread! I'm so fricking giddy right now! Happy early birthday Seth!!!🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉
Good Lord. Going now to get a drawing tablet and colored pens. Gonna start over. Good Lord.
Wow😳just wow ! So any guess on who will be left standing after all the traitors fall?
Nice thread Seth. Great work.
You are making a big assumption that the @GOP will impeach. we know DJT will NEVER resign
That moment when people realize manafort was not arrested for collusion with Russia
The hell he wasn't. Maybe quit watching faux news.
Maybe read facts and don't get your information from a liberal conspiracy theorist?
Trump is guilty, he worked with the Russians to STEAL the 2016 election, and he's going down. Bigly. Prepare yourself accordingly.
Based on what proof? There's not one shred. But it's ok keep getting brainwashed by Seth
***BOT*** and 🔼⬆️🔼⬆️propagandist
Where do you think Manafort was laundering money from? Russia.
Ukraine is not Russia hahahahhaha
The party he was working for was Putin advocate. They hired Manafort to put a Putin flunky in office. Just like here.
If something was illegal, it will come out, and should be prosecuted. Like money laundering. Like obstruction. Witness tampering.
Oh I totally agree. But this Russian collusion investigation still has not found anything. And won't in connection to trump
For a second let's say you're right. Trump colluded with Russia. To achieve what? Make money? He's already got money. Why then?
He hasn't got money. He's lost an awful lot despite inheriting a fortune. Who actually are you? Where from?
Ukraine is not Russia. Do you own a map?
Vlad, vlad vlad
It's ok sheep you'll see the truth soon. Not from Seth though
Not Things: Uranium One. Podesta. Awan. Anything else y'all thought was going to Change The Narrative and Flip The Script.
Just because he's scared of all those things you believe him? How is awan not real? Google it, very very real
No, Vlad, nothing to do with Clinton
Podesta was the brother of her and Obamas campaign manager. Boom sit down boy
Keep trying, Vlad
Facts will get you soon enough
Ok, come back when they are. Till then it’s all about #trumprussiacollusion
The truth is coming out now. It doesn’t agree with you, does it?
We know why Russia wants the meetings. Lift sanctions; restore Soviet era influence. Why does DT campaign want them. Just help in election?
Trump was basically owned by Russian interests, they kept him from total bankruptcy with shady Real Estate purchases/ money laundering.
Fantastic analysis -- detailed context really helps. Thanks!
Why would he do that if he was being investigated? Are you even buying what you're selling?
Amazing, Seth, thank you and Happy Birthday!
126 parts? Why not just write a blog and link go it?
This is important on intent!
BTW, can I purchase the movie rights to this book?
The Russians are the only ones with enough secret cash to keep the trump/kushners in business. They desperately need serious cash.
Ha! Only the beginning
more like the beginning of the end!
I was pretty drunk by 105.
Seems like its just the beginning....
I want to read more.
Thank you. Awesome.
Do you think that papadopolus could have been wearing a wire at some point?
Yep REMEMBER backchannel Jared Kushner was exploring! Wonder whos refinancing 666 Manhattan property?? Hmmm??
So Mueller is ok as long as he's not saying bad things about the President?
Im not a fan of müller because of his conflicts of interest with uranium one. But he can't blatantly lie so whatever
Thought in light of todays news this would be very fitting. This is amazing. #MuellerTime #Comeyday
Seth find something more productive to do with your time, something that isn’t tweeting hundreds of times in a row.
Maybe just try writing an article or something?
What's the point of a thread this lengthy?
He writes as the whole thing unfolds. Live coverage on Twitter.
Yeah, it's great! You can see his thought process unfolding.
I think a lot of people are interacting with this story via Twitter and the small bites help digest a knotty topic
The revolution will not be televised; it will come via @SethAbramson's threaded tweets!!!
Papadopoulos was a recent visitor to the white house in June of this year as well don't forget
so start archiving the Tillerson connection to all of this as well?
Let's not forget people there was no Russian collusion
Ivanka? Do you predict IvankaTrumps eminent indictment in this too ?
Don't be fooled only bots like these comments. Seth is a conspiracy theorist
Lol honey there are formal INDICTMENTS. That's fact, not theory.
Why was manafort indicate. Explain to me. It's got nothing to do with Russian collusion
Try reading the indictment of Manafort as well as the others. Go away.
Actually you should try reading the indictment. Manafort was working for Ukraine. Do you know Ukraine and Russia are different countries?
I don't think liberals have any clue about what's going on in the world, much less the difference between Ukraine and Russia hahahah
I love how you sheep are too slow to realize it has nothing to do with Russian collusion
no one is reading 124 tweets in a thread. Why don't you put these in a file and post it as a single document?
Alot of people read every single tweet, waiting for the next.
Yes we do! EVERY. SINGLE. TWEET. Thank you Seth for you hard work, dedication and incredible insight. Keep tweeting! We need you!
Everyone is reading all 124 tweets. And getting them pushed to our phones live.
I've read every one. Waiting with heald breath for the next.
Fantastic thread Seth.
So what about cabinet member Wilbur Ross and Cypress bank and Manafort?
Did he have security clearance to top secret level info on that team?
Thank you sir for giving us this breakdown. Very helpful.
Actual resume included :A Member of Model United Nation's A high school reference w/no qualifications except...
Does indictment B in manafort caption mean there is an A?
Remember that manafort arrest has nothing to do with Russian collusion. Don't be fooled by Seth sheep
Think on this everyone Manifort is in an empty room handcuffed to a table while they discuss his bail
Gotta say, no analyst has predicted the unfolding of the Trump/Russia scandal as accuarately as @SethAbramson Dare anyone to dispute this.
Exactly. I'm just wondering now how far Trump supporters will go in that regard before they desist. They are impervious to facts.
Does this mean there is an "A"? Will it be unsealed?
My God, this stinks to high heaven!!! This is American History made in real time. Wow!
Yet, here is S. Sanders swearing he was a volunteer on a committee that met once, and he was insignificant. That girl lies pathologically.
Thought in light of todays news this would be very fitting. This is amazing. #MuellerTime #Comeyday
T and his elevations...
SHS denied he was anyone but menial unpaid volunteer. WH press pool needs to read this thread and call her out.
What do you think the timeline is?
What do you anticipate the timing will be on saod resignations
When I saw Papadopoulos flipped, my jaw dropped. It felt huge. Glad I was right.... And I knew it was thanks to you. Thank you, Seth.
when and what channel can we hear your interviews today?
Rats jumping off the Trump Titanic.
Please centralize your massive thread in one place! Vital information! Thank you!
Thank you for sharing this incredible information!
How do you make the connection to WH resignations? Out of moral indignation? Or a legal angle?
Hmmm. I don't see Trump or TrumpJr packing up & leaving quietly. Rather, they will burn down the White House and set fire to our country
(No comment)
Seth has always been one of my favorites! So delicious. Flynn, Jr., Jr., Kushner and a 2.0 Chrismas is coming
What about congressional complicity?
Take away trump pardoning power or else it won't matter
From your lips to God's ear.
I hope Sessions resigns 1st so he can't use the DOJ to punt for trump.
is a chickenshit who bailed to cover his ass. What say u @senrobportman? COMPLICIT @CbusIndivisible @OhioDistrict12
Rats deserting a rotten ship. We won't forget the GOP allowed AssHat45 to run rampant and destroy the reputation of America #TrumpTrain
Please let it be Kellyanne Conway. Please!
Playing Trump Bingo card. C'mon many more indictments! Mamma needs a vacation after all this! Oh, lucky troll, bring me a Bingo!
that is what you call a non answer, per usual
Going to blow through that Trump $400K real fast
#PresidentPence will fire all those people anyway, the question is whether #PenceIRS or #PenceFBI will #ArrestRobertMercer #ArrestAaronBanks
Hard to use the word "concise" on a thread that long, but I thank you for educating me on all the particulars.
He does good work
Picked up my first Russian not this morning. "Linda Frank" 20 tweets almost all sexy pictures, I love God USA & Trump.
Will these people really resign or will everyone just be pardoned?
Trump and friends were getting away with outrageous behavior never seen before in America. It’s about time they pay for it.
From your lips to God's ears.
Direct ties to the Russia! Your campaign manager?
Imagine if they wired him and sent him back in...
Is he currently in custody? Do these people need protective custody?
Didn't Manaforte engineer Pence's VP candidacy?
And Rosenstein has known about it all along. Imagine the pressure on him right now from the WH and AG.
And wearing a wire since July 😊
Just gonna leave this here.
... and more telling? #Trump, #sessions, #kushner, and perhaps #Pense, have all known of the #Papadopoulos arrest. The lies they have told?
Longest tweetstorm ever?
Urine trouble Donny.
Sheesh! Twitter just needs to throw in the towel and give Seth Abramson 16,800 characters....
If only he would have remained Webster's dad and not gone all criminal and whatnot.
Do you think Mueller went after Papadopoulos first because he’s so young? Easier to turn? Or was he just the least cautious?
So impressed with investigation. That most media were surprised by guilty plea is stunning. I think you are right. He knows a lot.
Here's the thing. The more you say now, the more likely you will have egg on your face down the road. Be smart. Zip it.
Does this mean that SIC and HIC interviews w Sessions/Jr/Kushner were used as stage for perjury by Mueller?
The unknown volume is staggering?? ;)
As the @GOP hoped their own pathetic attempts in Congress to stall the investigations would be successful. When is @DevinNunes perp walk?
I’m so excited right now! Please don’t let us down #Mueller
And Mueller got a guilty plea from him so you can imagine how much Papadopoulos was singing!
Can you explain the bail situation? House arrest? Why not in jail?
Yes it is. and you're not gonna like it.
The second (third?) sentence of his stipulation was explicit on that point. No one reads introductions!
Trump thought and stills thinks he's untouchable but it might be sinking in that he isn't.
Wouldn't be any point in the meetings without the hacking!
Trump Tower Moscow. No way was Trump going to let go of that $$$ dream.
One q about the timeline. Were there any meeting after the first security briefing? Possible espionage?
I love ❤️ CNN!! It's all I watch. They give REAL news!!!
Criminals do ... *I can't believe they would do that* things all the time. Criminals desire for a 'goal' overrides logic/reason.
indicates they were disappointed with the goods. wanted more as Trump publicly declared later. Enter Flynn and his band to get 30k emails
He'll still play dumb. He was taught to always to lie and to deny everything. Boy, that Alzheimer's disease will come in handy right now.
Alzheimer would be a great defensive. But, he can't deny that because that's actually true.
U're clearly in desperation mode. Now known that #TrumpRussia is really #HillaryRussiaCollusion & Podesta Group.
Federal records show two firms doing work on behalf of Manafort's Ukraine front group beginning in April of 2012: Podesta and Mercury.
Look at Papadopoulos timeline and Trump’s trip to Scotland in Mid June, 2016.
That's the narcissism at work
Trump believes he is truly above the law. He thinks he can get away with blatant dishonesty, crimes. Arrogance personified. #TrumpRussia
Greed, hate, hubris, & the lust for power are strong motivators. And Trump's insatiable black hole of an ego has proven relentless #Mueller
Hey Seth, fun fact: Reince Priebus was fired as Chief of Staff the same day Papadopoulos was arrested at Dulles (July 27)
And trump was tweeting about getting rid of acting head of FBI and sessions the day before the FBI arrested Papadopoulos
Geez buddy, get a blog 8)
Haha 😆, Keith!! He does it this way probably to get info out to the largest audience and add on thru out the day. Plus he’s super excited 😝🤓
I know was that right? 8)
It’s like Christmas for the legal pundits. Hope you’re doing well today.
I am doing better watch hate melt. Let's hope it continues. Hope you're well too.
Yes, and I’m much better.
But why is he asking if someone is interested in such meeting. If there was collusion, wold there be a reason for such emails? I'm serious.
They are out spinning this as a “business problem” not campaign related.
Sanders on her White House briefing is doing just that. He was a "volunteer in an unpaid capacity"
Papa, can you hear me?
Like the sanctions tRumputin is refusing to enforce as we speak?
I got all day...
I'm feeling some kind of way a/b Papadopoulos getting off lightly for his crimes ! He is up to his traitorous eyeballs w/Trump
Worth it to get the big fish - who knows what may be around the corner for him. Mueller is a ninja!
I could vomit, cry & laugh all at once!!
With the Papadopoulos news dropping, and Trump interrupting his daily panic tweeting, IMHO Mueller's firing is what he's working on now.
A little late, the train has left the station, Don the Con!
IMHO, I think Trump will still try to fire Mueller. I don't think he will be successful, but try.
It's for "the greater Good" though, eh? We *need* Papadopoulos in order to get the crimes on Trump and his thugs
Is this why he won't serve the sanctions on Russia now he has a promise with them?
So why isn't anyone calling for impeachment? This is INSANE?!?!?!?
Simple, Darth Cheeto said NO COLLUSION so it must be true. But really, it took a LONG time for Nixon's party to flip on him
I really wish we could know what Trump/Putin talked about for so long at their G20 meeting
For Trump it looks like PAPODOPOLOUS NOW.
love the unpaid part
Yes, I remember that particular tweet from that thread, enough so to make a mental note of it. Seth is damn good.
great thread one question what is IC
Intelligence community or committee, depending on context.
Intelligence Community
I believe it refers to the Office of Independent Counsel in Washington, DC. At least in this case, anyway.
No problem. I had to look it up myself.
Intelligence community or committee, depending on context.
Seth, you rock. Thank you for clearly explaining this mess.
His doing so sent message DT was in on it.
God - and Page is so twitchy
WOW!!!! thats all i got!!!
dude just write a blog
He reaches more people instantaneously via Twitter verses a blog
thanks beckie. i don't care, no thread of tweets should hit triple digits. it's a UX mess for the readers
Easy fix. Mute it.
easier fix, just put all the shit in a blog instead of a meticulous thread of tweets
Funny...cause out of the katrillions of tweets on Twitter... well, here you are... on this thread. Smh
lol you think i read this shit? fuck paul manafort but i zoned out after 15 tweets because i'm sick of scrolling
like you'd have to do with a full article!
yeah except it's wide enough to use less than 3 lines for a full sentence and doesn't skip around when i scroll. do you know what UX even means?
it's easy to follow. All numbered and takes no more time to read than a single a document.
i have to scroll down a little to make it scroll up to the 10 previous tweets. it doesn't load them all at once. it's a pain in the ass
My UserExperience is a little different than yours Mine does not skip or jump around I prefer this platform Happy UX to you
i'm using the twitter web app. it should work better than it does. it's not meant for long-form!
to me it's worth the effort.
Then speak for yourself. I love and deeply appreciate this long thread. Keep up the great work Seth.
Exactly ! @SethAbramson is nailing this and is breaking it down do very thoroughly. I'm so appreciative of Mr. Abramson
this thread is stupid lol. Long winded retread of what is already known. SAD!
deep down, these people all sincerely think it's russia's fault and that we don't live in a trash country
It's a children's book format, lady
Smart enough to realize trump is bad, dumb enough to read triple digit tweet threads
But the GOP won't impeach him.
Thanks man! 👊
Excellent job Seth - Pulitzer?
Oh, please let Stephen Miller fit into this somewhere! He needs to go to jail for SOMETHING!
(No comment)
I was thinking it was Trump's personal lawyer, Cohen, per Steele dossier.
Hey, I wonder if the @SenateGOP confirmed Clovis for that USDA job yet? #RussiaGate
The footnote also makes it clear that they have OTHER emails since it says G-Papa was removed from the chain for the "Let's discuss" part!
Since this appears to reference a Manafort email (that they couldn't have gotten from G-Papa), can you imagine what Mueller is sitting on?
The Trumps, Kushner, Manafort, Papadopoulos et al have totally sold USA out and brought shame & disgrace to our country
They sold uranium to Russia?
What a web that has been woven. So when it goes down do we have new election? Does Hillary step in? Why should it be handed to Ryan?
I hope you’re feeling incredibly vindicated today. Please take a victory lap at some point, you’ve earned it.
The best part of it!
The footnote says it all...the fact they say "DT will not do trips" means he knew
I also like this footnote’s tactful editing. So charming. So vicious.
Happy Birthday! Hope you get another present or two today! 🎂🎍☕️
Every last one lied.
I'm shocked that those folks would ever tell a lie. Shocked I tell you. Hahaha
It's a ManafortPapadopoulosGatesy kind of Day...Happy Monday!
QUESTION: Wht do you think Putin & the Russians are saying now?
Are you going to feel like you wasted months of your life when no Trump collusion comes of this? Or even better, Hillary goes down?
The collusion is already proven. Papdopolous flipped, Manafort or Gates will soon. It’s over, all over but the shouting.
Where is the evidence that any of that happened?
That's exactly what creationists say when confronted with evolution.
Papadopoluos info was unsealed today. He’s already cooperating, but he was one of the Point Men for the Russians as his emails make clear.
Suddenly find myself watching #UniversityChallenge and the team from Ulster seem to be the remains of a Capella group The Flying Pickets
It’s a weird feeling watching CNN reporting things you told us about months ago but at least it’s out there now and people are getting it
And of course, while WE don't know who this "high ranking official" is, Mueller knows.
Pence. Please let it be Pence.
Nope, Manafort
113/ "The Footnote"—another smoking gun—confirms an earlier observation that Page was likely the "private citizen" Clovis later spoke of.
the response from said staffer is reported as being "Great Work"
Great r porting Seth.
Mueller has all the exchanges...
.... . """""Hi byHu bNJ
Bonita chingadera.
Maybe someone can briefly explain to Trump what collusion is?
You lost count! That was 110!
I pray you are right!
The footnote re: "send a signal" seems to be a brilliant tactical move by the #SC.
QUESTION: DonTrumpJR ? Is he implicated in this RussiaCollusion? Will the Feds go after him ?
I’m not sure how much weight to put on these threads by @SethAbramson, but they do make for fascinating reading. Especially this tweet.
109/ No tweets by Trump since the Papadopoulos news. Want to underscore how close to his political end Trump is now.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
“....Also, there is NO COLLUSION!”
Only person I have seen talking about Papadopolous for months. Has been far ahead of the game, and spot on. Storm is coming.
Keep going keep going I need it
I pray you are correct.
Jr retweeted something about Papa being an unpaid 'adviser' who wanted Trump to meet Putin, but "Trump Team said no." Uh huh. Sure, Donnie.
Did he honestly believe that people love him so much, they wouldn't talk??? Oh wait... look who we are talking about.
Disappeared for a week when bad news came out. Now irrelevant indictments and you are back. Prediction, later this week you disappear again.
Oh, I'm sure @realDonaldTrump still has a few tricks up his sleeve. Whether legal or illegal.
The trauma of a president's downfall will be less damaging to America than a full term would be. No exaggeration: every day is critical.
This list is going to fill in quickly! More work to do...… SAVE 10% by using Promocode: MANAFORT at checkout! 😀
He didn’t tweet those this morning. Someone else did. He would never use the word sorry.
Hope this guy has a tea taster.
I think his lawyer has taken his phone away so he doesn’t incriminate himself further!
The silence is telling.
While felons flip, a malig narc socio being cornered and flipping out is frightening to watch.
I hope you're right that he's done and I hope even more that he doesn't or can't take the world down with him.
To be fair, Trump desperately tried to warn us how UNFIT for office he was.
End his political career with a life sentence for treason
I’m hoping he figures a resignation out at lunch today!
Though 'conspiracy against the United States' is not treason, how serious of a charge is it? #russiagate #IndictmentMonday
I don't think Mike Pence ever answered the question about meeting with any representatives from Russia himself.
Dude. This is not helpful. And is not correct.
Does this change your answer to phase 3 timeline? Do you expect it to still be 2-5 months, and likewise even another year before the end?
“I am not a crook.” Lol
Right now Trump has got to be like;
Please be right!
trumps Titanic HIT the iceberg(Mueller) trump&Fox news trying to plug hole w/🐂💩. U know foxnews mixed w/🐂💩 We get trump&family
This one made me tear up a little #muellertime
Thanks Seth. I rely on your analysis.
Lawyers or spawn have likely wrestled the android out of his tiny hands in an effort at damage control. I really hope he gets it back #fun
Wouldn't it be the decent thing if those who could come forward do so without waiting for Mueller?
I'll exhale once @VP is scooped up by #Mueller net.
I wish this were true. Trump needs to go, but so does the greedy GOP who colluded to protect him. GOP will somehow block all this. SAD!
give this man 280 characters ASAP
I’m not religious- but have to say it anyway- THANK F-ING GOD.
They must have wrestled him to the floor and took his toys away.
' campaign manager has been indicated for CONSPIRACY AGAINST THE UNITED STATES. @realDonaldTrump knew. @VP knew. @DonaldJTrumpJr knew. @jaredkushner knew. @KellyannePolls knew. @SpeakerRyan knew. @GOP @HouseGOP @SenateGOP @SenateMajLdr it's time to #IMPEACH ALL.
It was soooo perfect that the “NO COLLUSION” tweet came out seemingly minutes before “total timeline of collusion” guilty plea was unveiled.
By which DT means: SOME COLLUSION!
the spinning gets harder
This is exciting but I'm cautious about getting my hopes up.
If ever there were a moment for a staffer to confiscate his phone, surely just after the Papadopoulos guilty plea was it...
The ghost of Howard Baker will haunt Trump for Halloween!
Given the Russian mob connections to Manfort et al, how much danger is there for Papadopoulos' continued existence on this Earth?
That means I'm just getting started in my political activist career!
before defending POTUS again, suggest you read this thread...
He’s in the skiff having lunch and completing his plans for coverups
Or the end of our Republic's Democratic & Republican attributes
I want to know if trump is on suicide watch.
Did they hide his phone?
Here's strong evidence of obstruction of justice.
109? My god go write an essay.
Which in Trump talk means there is
Republican complicity in Congress runs deep. How can you be so sure Trump’s political end is near?
he didn't see old georgie boys guilty plea coming. pucker factor at 6.9
...from your tweet to God's ear...
Wonder if JeffBo III had a rough lunch.... not that I care.
Number one on the list of unscrupulous politicians who completed the loyalty challenge.
I'm so dying to know what his lawyers are advising right now.
Oh how we smiled when this appeared, wonder if Kelly Anne is smiling now ?
No doubt, lawyers took away phone to avoid admissible tweets
Not to mention how close he is to his criminal end.
Emotional dwarf donny has likely been talked down from several ledges today including resignation....but maybe not.
They will let trump tweet from prison though, right??
Sure, like drug addicts shout : I SAID I'M NOT DOING DRUGS. SURE YOUR NOT. No one has believed you since campaign trump. Not even then
I cant believe he didnt use RICO
Perplexing predicament - inappropriate proximity to that president would be properly opposed as deplorable. Papa Trump perhaps apoplectic?
Given trump slobbering over alleged Putin praise - “he knew”. We all know trump loves being stroked.
He STILL hasn't signed off the recent Russian sanctions either
Question, do you think people will start giving themselves up to save themselves before the shit really hits the fan?
How soon until Sessions gets indicted?
What are the chances Putin has some of TrumpTeam players bumped off to buy himself time? Int'nat'l Justice is coming for him..
It’s all unraveling. Thanks, Seth, for staying on top of this saga.
Sorry I’m sure you are fielding a million questions today BUT… what is your take on this? Another sealed indictment we don’t yet about?
You're threads are tedious and annoying to try to follow.
When you were calling out the media to work on this..seems Mueller heard you! A very Happy Birthday Seth!
Spot on! Trump is a control freak. He personally interjects himself into everything! 🇺🇸
He knew maybe that's why the kush is always going on these weird trips. Well see!
Must read Seth Abramson THREAD!
Well.......... .He IS mind numbingly dumb.
Well, #trump is pretty clueless ....
Yet. how is it proven, because he will just deny it
Sorry Seth, love you broh, but tweet “107” in a series...that’s not what twitter is for.
Please tell me Pence goes down too
And Sessions the sadistic cruel bigot.
Honestly, my heart is broken with the serious implication of AG Sessions. Seemingly, he too has an important criminal role in #RussiaGate
My heart breaks that there are likely soo many more that knew and said nothing. I hope this cleans all the 'bad hombres' from our government
Keebler Elf Sessions probably has some fudge stripes in his drawers right about now. (Sorry, I just had to.) #MuellerMonday
Sessions must either resign or be indicted, as he's been part of the conspiracy to overthrow law and order from the beginning. Little creep.
Incredible work Mr Abramson!!! Thx
How long before Sessions gets indictment, and how will the team manage when he's the boss who can pull the plug on it?
RAT PACK in Oval day after #ComeyFired (Photo from RU Embassy Twitter Account) #Obstruction #MuellerInvestigation #TrumpRussiaInvestigation Arrogance takes down more bad dudes than Mercer Money can protect.
Yes pleeeease take Keebler Sessions.
Kislyak was recalled in Russia June. Putin knew which way this investigation was heading. #RussiaGate
Trump's so called sanctions policy
Puts this photo into a much clearer context.
Ah, the Mayflower - scene of many a sordid deed (Spitzer). My name must be on an FBI list because I was a guest there that Valentine's night
You should be Nominated & Win an award for your outstanding job w/covering {& uncovering} this history making treasonous story
In retrospect, TrumpTeam were sloppy criminals! They must've been distracted by booze, drugs &sex w underage trafficked girls!
When will perjury elf get his comeuppance? Silencing Sally Yates, telling Kamala Harris she made him nervous...hoping he gets a female judge
Thanks a bunch SA for providing plain text explanations on the rammifications of all of this.
Let's not forget the chummy meeting 🚽rump had with Kislyak in the Oval Office.
They are the Keystone Kops of Kollusion
Well he's got the Oval Office for that too 😡
I wonder if the Mayflower Hotel will become as infamous as the Watergate Towers in the future.
Never forget that Sessions was Mercer's pick for AG. Mercer was not elected.
you have been at this very diligently. Thank you for the crisp and clear updates. Appreciate it 🙏🏻
For the love of God man, couldn't you write this as an article and just link to it?? :)
The great news for the investigation is that Papadopoulos is not bright. He used his facebook account to communicate....Ooops!
Oh how I want to believe you.
I don't think Seth has been wrong yet. So why not believe?
Don't want to get my hopes up.
I understand the hesitations. In Philadelphia, they have a saying: 'Trust the Process'. Mueller is moving, and has flipped Papa-d. Trust
True dat. So true dat.
Good news, Sir. You will enjoy your birthday even more, I hope. Thank you for your brilliant work!
Is it likely Pence will be implicated?
Why is no one calling for impeachment?
Rhetorical question ... they don’t care
I think he is still assuming he can weasel his way out of this and pardon everyone - himself included.
I feel like there has to be a better platform for your message other than 101 linked tweets man
He's folded on other ventures and still saved face. He's not afraid to walk from failed deal. He'll just maximize his gains beforehand.
Like 76 trips to trump golf courses
Seth your usually spot on, you're crazy if you think this the case for too many reasons to list.
He's going to resign in December, thus fulfilling his campaign promise to have us all saying Merry Christmas again.
Promise? Still waiting for you to be right about something, ANYTHING.
What worries me is that he’d think nothing of suspending the Constitution and declaring martial law to “make America great again.”
If you are not already... You should be a writer for @maddow show.
Gone you say? Oh this is me on that day!!!!!!!
Threaten to release his tax returns and he will.
Well done at that!!😄😄😄
Are you confident the Congressional GOP will even impeach him, though? They've shown complete disregard for the Rule of Law
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! You're my idol!! You've made my day knowing that you're sure Trump will go down!!!
Through a tweet, you think?
He's pissed now that he got caught and is going to wreak as much havoc as he can before he's impeached. ...As a narcissist is likely to do.
Would love to believe that but won't till I see it. There have been approximately 543,000 "he's done" moments since Nov. 8.
Good use of subjunctive tense.
So how long do you think he *will* hang around? Until he's marched off in handcuffs? (As much as I hate to wait, that sight just might be worth it.)
I still think he will. He can play victim then... like he always does
Minor change to tweet #102: "were Trump not a [sociopathic] narcissist [with attention deficit syndrome], we might expect him to resign ..."
I picture him getting surgery, totally changing his look. Leaves tonight. Comes back in a few months under new ID and runs again 2020. lol
Oh I so hope so
My thoughts exactly from when this thread first began! He doesn’t stand a chance to redeem himself to anyone at this point.
Unlike Nixon's Goldwater, Rhodes, & Scott, Trump's GOP people would have to come in w a straitjacket & tranquilizer to try to reason w him.
This could also serve as the basis FOR a resignation to...
Than you Seth. Stunning summary and stunning work over these many months.
I like this tweet a lot.
Can the exec "pardon powers" be used at this level of indictments, or is this beyond reach?
Potentially better point… If he wouldn't concede a lost election or resign presidency when caught, what happens if he refuses indefinitely?
What are the chances he will take off to russia to avoid it Seth?
I don't think he is. I think we are on it for the long haul. Trump never seems to face consequences.
Agree, and although I respect the work, I’m tired of media people getting our hopes up. Just stick to the facts
What a load of ole shite
How about the jerks in the @GOP who abetted this crime by allowing these traitors to occupy OUR WH for the last 10 months?
he usually blames others and leaves in temper claiming to be the victim that's the pattern with all his bankruptcies
Wow! Just wow! Thank you for your thread. Well done as usual. @realDonaldTrump IS in very serious trouble.
Do you expect Trump to start pardoning?
That would be great, but I prefer to see trump being dragged kicking and screaming and in cuffs or straight jacket from the White House.
You hit the nail on the narcissist head.
From your lips to G*d's ear! You have made my day.
I'm hoping to read how this is also tied to Pence so that we don't end up with him as POTUS as that too would be awful.
But isn’t his presidency the only thing preventing DT from being charged? Why would he resign if resigning increases the likelihood of jail?
The fat lady is singing.
😂😂👏👏😂😂 Love it! Take a bow!
He won't unfortunately
45’s ship is sinking!!
#TheResistance needs2, starting rite now, push the demand4 election nullification, no matter what is said about no mechanism in constitution
The removal of Trump shd b viewed as only the beginning. *WE WERE CHEATED* thru myriad actions of fraud& treason, POINT. FUCKING. BLANK.
When you saw the results& had this feeling that something just wasn't right, you were justified in your deduction. THIS FARCE CANNOT STAND.
There is no goddamn way in hell, this country can tolerate being led by kleptocrats who lied, cheated& stole away the will of the majority👈
We is neither gracious nor honorable, which even Nixon seemed to muster in his last days. Trumpty Dumpty will have to be given the boot!
He will need to be carried out kicking, screaming, and foaming at the mouth.
We're Trump not a narcissist there is a good chance he wouldn't be in this position. His inability to let go of any challenge to the legitimacy of his presidency has brought all this down on him.
Best post of the day.
Wishful thinking trump going to take this to its bitter end hopefully keep him away from nukes or start a war in other fashions b4 outed
I think his narcissism will compel him to resign. He might think that will allow him to avoid accountability, which he cannot tolerate.
I'd think narcissism of the sort he exhibits would push someone to double down yet further.
If he resigns isn't he most vulnerable? No pardons, no protections?
How can Pence not be covered in #TrumpRussia filth? No way he was unknowing of all of this.
Oh sweetie we have thought that before, I’ve learned not to get excited.
He probably regrets ever running for president. He would have been able to continue his scams without scrutiny
Putting Manafort’s VP pick in charge. A compromised theocracy is not my objective.
Hold your breath, nit wit.
Boy I sure hope you don't teach your students this b*******! Only charge was for lying on the date that he met somebody nothing else
Music to my ears if true
One can only hope ...but don’t hold your breath !
UR right but, he won't leave easily! Whether he's impeached, loses an election or is given the opportunity to resign, he's going to fight!
Great reporting. Fascinating thread Seth!
Just tell us the story. We know your opinion on Trump. He may resign anyway.
The man we must see taken down is his heir: Pence. I want Pence gone as he is canny, articulate and dangerous to civil liberty and freedom.
Pence brought in several of the key players including Sessions. No way he commes out unscathed by the stench.
I do hope that is correct. He worries more than the orange hothead in the oval office now...
Does he have any self awareness at all.
And by what measure do you make this assumption that he's done? in our justice system one is innocent until proven guilty.
Yes, but he doesn’t have empathy or remorse. He’ll have to be dragged out— and this will take a lot of Congress with him. @HouseGOP @
He won't resign - it's the only chance he has of avoiding an indictment. The gop won't impeach.
Maybe that's why he golfs so much. Just passing the time.
Trump doesn't believe for a second he's guilty. He thinks everyone around him can fall and he'll remain unscathed because he did nothing.
This Twitter thread is like if you wrote a magazine column, then just broke it up with really shitty formatting.
In the end tho, trump loves comfort (resigning) more than he loves being president.
That would be such a relief if he would, but as well as a narcissist, Trump is also sadistic!
This tweet is full of joy and much happiness!
Thank you for this dissection!
While the @GOP goes whistling past the graveyard, pretending nothing of import is happening, so they can push thru an ill-conceived tax plan
s much less biased and more knowledgeable... I'll see what he says. Abramson, while bright, is a BIASED propaganda tool IMO.
He won’t go quietly. He’ll need a shove. 🏌️🏌️🏌️
A BIG BLUE shove 🌊🌊🌊
Delusional Don’s surely gonna start that War now. Distraction after distraction, but Captain Mueller’s busy!
I have 50 years experience with Narcissist. They are stupid, but don't give up easily. YOU BETTER HAVE REAL PROOF TO STOP THEM. Best Liars.
Reports Trump in emergency meeting w/ Sessions, trying to get him to fire Mueller. Verify?
Where are you seeing these reports?
Just something on my feed. But, what else would you expect?
Too late . They are going down fast.
Gee, nothing suspicious there at all!! hmph!
You, sir, have earned a follow. Shame I did not know you existed earlier.
Thought in light of todays news this would be very fitting. This is amazing. #MuellerTime #Comeyday
yep i caught that too...and then the tweet from Assange to DJT follows with a BC transfer to Assange of 2.1m
Reports from abc say #Papadopoulos plead guilty on Oct 5 after arrest at Dulles on July 27. #TrumpIsToast
If any screenwriter put all this in a script it might be called "to tight, create some space, some doubt".
He won’t resign and my bet is even if he’s impeached, he will need to be forcibly removed from the WH
Where the meeting with Sessions never happened?
Well, adoption is an important topic & you know just how Empathetic Delusional Don can be. Right? Maybe Not!
Seth get a damn blog
How much time is hanging over their heads with these indictments?
It will be fascinating to see if the RNC itself is drawn further into this mess.
Someone give this man 280 characters
Poor Jared, he’s in deep in more ways than one! He really needed that Russian Banker thing to work out, darn!
I'm thankful every day that kushner et al aren't smart men. Just think how screwed we'd be if they weren't consummate bumblers.
jesus christ bro... write a fucking article. Learn how to use twitter.
If you can do better, do it. Otherwise shut the fuck up.
You declare yourself as a libtard. At least you got one thing right.
great comeback, bro. no wonder you're such a critic of others. 🙄
Seems you read it though.. very effective way to pull people in.
I didn't read shit... I saw 58/ 59/ ... then 98/ 99/ what a goof.
Click on any one of those and you get the whole scrollable thread in order.
ya... and if you write an article you can post all that in one shot instead of being a useless moron.
Sir, this is an amazing insight. Thanks. But do u think you might be 'helping the enemy'? This is smart stuff they may not have thought of.
Seems like Sessions will be implicated here and/or resign before it comes out.
Would IC have captured any calls to Kislyak as part of their normal monitoring of foreign agents
Yep you spotted it all that while ago, I can still remember reading that thread 👏👏👏
Congratulations Seth, today feels great for all of us. Thank you for helping me keep my sanity. Is today Christmas?
Where can I find the "MayflowerSpeech"?
Excellent ! Thank you for this link @dappermarketer
you've bn accurate day1. mass media didn't look at these aspects or simply ignored them. Inaction 2 trump's bread crumbs, frustrating
Thank you for your work!
I often think Trump is still communicating to Putin directly, right under our noses in his Twitter account. E.g., who is "DO SOMETHING" for?
Sessions needs to be sent back to Antebellum times. Who has a time machine I can borrow?
This morning's indictment was B. Where's Indictment A?
What are the odds DJT uses this to justify booting Sessions out, then turns around and hires someone who will fire Mueller?
Hmm...with the way trump has been acting lately is entirely plausible. But I doubt it. Seems like even they know it won't work.
Sessions recused himself. As far as I know only Rosenstein can fire Mueller. Trump would have to fire Rosenstein and replace him with
Right, which should mean that with Sessions gone, someone above RR could be installed. DJT already tried setting the stage for that once.
Oh true, I get what you're saying.
someone willing to fire Mueller. A la "saturday night massacre" during the Nixon special investigation.
Poor Jeff, publicly abused and emasculated by his boss. Will Jeff stand by his boss?
Hear! Hear! I 2nd that!
Mr. Abramson, thank you for making #ManafortMonday such a pleasure. Reading these tweets like
Oh please oh please oh please let this sinking ship take Sessions with it. It'd be like my birthday, Christmas and NYE all at once.… … Shirts now available! So do I add Sessions on here also? #potus #manafortmonday #manafort #grandjury
Pleading the 5th is just like saying I'm guilty just not going to say how guilty I am .
can you plead the fifth if you have been offered a deal by the Grand Jury ?
If I remember, his denial was that he hasn’t been “interviewed” specifically by Mueller. Not the same thing as “spoken to” by Mueller team.
The more the merrier
But will Sessions be required to leave only and will it not have anything to do with Trump himself?
I've read reports that Trump is planning on having lunch with Sessions today. I wonder what's on the menu?
Southern-fried crow w/ a side of deep dish uranium ??
Trump will likely fire Mueller today. He summoned Pence, and Sessions for WH luncheon. I had earlier set the over/under at 8 hours.
They can my drag that racist queen fast enough out of the WH
Without a doubt!
Pence too! He’s Manaforts boy!
Precisely right and Sessions was always a target of the investigation
Ohhhhh. From your lips to God's ears, Seth. That little shitweasel has it coming.
Thank God! Can't wait for this bigoted, racist, f****gnome to be arrested!
isn't there some way we could change that name to NutSac team?
Fantastic News, will be wonderful to see #Sessions indicted
This makes me very happy.
I so want Sessions tagged in this Probe. He also is ruining our Justice Dept. Fine Atty General...huh?
In the image of Papa’d sitting at the table, Sessions looks to be at the head. Could he be the Campaign Supervisor Papa’d filtered stuff to?
Please please please be true
Get that Rat Bastard, Sessions.
But nothing will affect Donald Trump in anyway from this because of course in his opinion it's all Clintons fault
(No comment)
And we’ve already seen he’s not good under questioning and a poor liar.
Damn. I need more popcorn.
No butter in mine, please.
There goes the Keebler elf tree! Bye bye Jeffy!
Whoa! My mind is blown for real! Keep up the good fight my #NeighbourToTheSouth ideally the @GOP will finally wake up.
🙏 please........!
Be still my heart!
YEOWsers. #Manafort #RickGates and #GeorgePapadopolous - like catching Nixon's "Plumbers" at the Watergate Hotel #RogerStone was right!
THIS makes me very happy, I want this smug little elf in JAIL!!!
Sessions the Rat has already stepped in Mueller's trap and wont get out of it!!
Do you have all of these tweets in one place to share?
How did they get away with it for so long?
Funny. Every time you mentioned “false information” I wondered if he’d go after Sessions’ for perjury (which GOP Congress was fine with). Tweet #95... boom. 😀
Love to see Sessions get his turn to squeal. He's the weakest link.
I was wondering why he didn't #ArrestJeffSessions already. But terror of black cellmate will turn the top #KKKop. Count on it. #USpoli
It has been pretty obvious Sessions has been lying. The whole senate saw it. Dems tried to call him on it.
This would be great
(Possibly sensitive)
Please turn this into a blog post...
Can you type this up into a Word Doc and just screenshot it instead of a 100 tweet thread?
Names at the Washington DC meeting by name @POTUS and the campaign interest in a vlad introduction.
I forget, was Donald Trump in attendance? 😂
Great reporting! Thanks Seth, for making it all clearer.
Seth - does this mean the moment Sessions is revealed to be under investigation, any firing of Mueller would constitute obstruction?
Can you ID? I couldn't see everyone in the photo clearly.
I just love how Meuller let Trump tweet about Manafort and there being “no Collusion” first, THEN released the Popadpoulous plea agreement.
We might even say, Mueller is "kind of like a smart person." 😜🤗
Which includes the US Attorney General. I predict that Sessions will be arrested within the month.
bro u cud have just retweeted the start of the thread.. It's annoying on the tl
oh man! lets get IT ON!
This fact is very important.
Let the indictments rain down!!
Hope they put Lewandowski away so he's not back here in NH mucking about.
I remember tweeting trump months ago saying lewandowski would drop him in the kaka. I never trusted lewandowski.
Guess who's having lunch with Trump and Pence today? Sessions.
Please let it be Lewandowski.
that would also explain why he was melting down on Friday.
we might, except for the incompetence which tempers the malevolence.
Fixin' up a homemade batch of racism.
Oh, please let it be the little garden gnome.
Oh, PLEASE let it be Sessions.
, please please pin this thread! About to start labor union negotiations 😩 but I want to check on your analysis. HISTORIC DAY!!
Wondering how much legal jeopardy @AGJeffBSessions is in.
So if you are innocent, the only way to deal with it would be to openly support Mueller and tell everyone evidence will clear you.
Wonder why trump has responded completely oppositely? 🤔
Entire GOP RNC ADMINISTRATION complicit along with Zuckerberg and twitter all knew even Obama knew and did nothing
please tell us Sessions is circling the drain...
I was wondering who the supervisor mentioned in the #Papadopoulos #indictment would be. Bet it's #Sessions.
Can't be Lewandowski - he's "High-Ranking Campaign Official." See the 8/14 WashPo article on Papadopoulos
Oh let it be Sessions!
Let it be Sessions plz
Please tell U.S. that sessions will be indicted. Please
Checked this with the WP 9/22 Papadopoulos article. Lewandowski is the "High Ranking Campaign Official," so can't be "Campaign Supervisor"
🙏🏽please Sessions! Oh lawdy, please!
i want sessions to twist slowly in the wind. so bad. omg.
Right now I want to know the nuclear codes have been changed and NOT given to Trump.
And the markets, is something happening there?
So what happens when trump appoints prosecutors in NY,EDVA to make these all go away?😔
Important question. How do you continously spell Papadopoulos correctly? Do you copy-paste it?
If P not included in the “Let’s discuss” forward, how does Mueller know?
Here's what the criminal trump campaign foreign policy advisor George Papadopolous looks like. His last name ends in OUS, NOT LOS.
We know now that Papadopoulos has been cooperating as an informant for months. More important: Manafort now knows it too.
Jeffrey Toobin thinks he's been wearing a wire for months. You thoughts?
Thank you so very much for this thread and your knowledge. I have optimism about the state of US politics for the first time in a long time.
You’re awesome. Thank you for all you do!
Trump really wasn't thinking of Twitter when he took on this Papadopoulos guy, huh?
Thanks for your hard work!
Here’s George looking remarkably relaxed a few days ago in London, he must have one hell of a deal 😎
Surge pricing is in effect
So glad you’re here to get the story. It’s hard, but I know it’ll be worth the wait. Thank you 🙏🏻 🙏🏻
You need to be on every channel.
Thank you Seth
Real one 😩♥️
Thank you Seth
We need your voice out there on this explaining it thank u@for the thread
You are a ROCK STAR and you need to take all interviews. 💖💖
No problem. I'm getting ready hosting a Halloween party Oct 31. Glad to intersperse fun work with glee at reading tweets! Yay!
U rock Seth!!! Thank you for keeping us in the know!
You’re brilliant. Thanks for all of this.
Thank you so much for your precise, informative and great coverage.
Do your business dude!!!!!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Understood. It's great you are able to get airtime.
Do you really think someone reads a Twitter thread 89 tweets long? Wouldn’t it be better to write a blog post and post a link?
89 deep? Ever use @Medium, Seth? I’m all for deeper dives that require multiple posts. But this just seems silly, doesn’t it?
Good for you and America. I hope you reach a larger audience than just twitter because you have a lot to teach us. Thank you.
and if you know this much from the outside....Mueller has got to know that much AND more from the inside.
A 3rd reason would be to hold back some charges as a hedge against pardons. Charge only crimes that can be violations of state law too.
I was thinking the same!
Alternatively, could they be holding back indictments if they're expecting a Trump pardon?
Wow! That old saying, "O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!" Trump will b wrapped in a spiders (Mueller)cocoon!
statute of limitations.
Maybe to make other defendants lawyers think he gave up some goods to prod them to talk also
and there's this:
That's what I thought. He deleted his FB, changed his phone #, obviously trying to hide what he had done, but *only* charged with lying FBI
87 tweets @SethAbramson - please just write an article or a blog this is really hard to follow sometimes
Would they also do it to give off this impression though?
Of course he's cooperating. He's young, and doesn't want to spend 70 years in prison. He does 2-3 years, writes a book and lectures for $$$.
Ding, ding, ding on the last point here.
They also admit he’s cooperating.
86, 87, 88... hahahaha. Who cares. You've been wrong soooo many times before
Thank you Seth. As with any criminal investigation there are so many dots that are somehow connected & then as investigated fall into place
Let us know which channel you'll be on and when
How do you do any reporting when you spend all day on Twitter bantering about your speculations?
Great analysis Seth!
You mean the Intern that came over from Ben Carson's Campaign?🤔😂😂😂😂😂 You nailed it!
Seth, ice been following you since March. Please accept my very sincere gratitude for all your clear headed analyses.
the best-written analysis I've read so far
tramp and putin planned the whole thing - probably russian golfing!
*reads thread..notes’s 8:55am*
When can we all take a sleep holiday? 2018?
Wow, your break down of the events is well written/explained. Agree, if Trump wasn't a narcissist he would resign immediately. Traitor
It would have been undeniable once #SteveBannon & #AlexanderDix at #CambridgeAnalytica got involved, u think #RobertMercer AI alone gets 40%
what are the potential penalties for todays charges?
Part 83?! Dude just write a blog post
Gates & Papadoplous better hire security, Putin will want to silence them
Other intermediaries possible include #AaronBanks (#RussianWife & #Papadopoulos #Belize link) maybe indirectly via #Mercerite #AlexanderDix
Millian...of the infamous pee tape allegation.
Didnt papadopoulos also work for sessions? There could be your link as well since sessions also talked to kisliak however that was after mtg
Because Trump had other Russian/Putin connections before then
He was in Model UN. 😂
Another excellent question!
Lots of Carson campaign staff went to Trump campaign after the Dr. dropped. George had plenty of contacts to get an invite aboard w/o help.
Well I dunno, but a baby with no credentials is in the Whitehouse...
You, sir, are a rockstar. Happy early birthday.
Through his work with Energy Stream? Perhaps CEO Anthony Livanios' LinkedIn provides clues.
Seth, thank you so very much for your tireless explanations, you're a gem.
Thank-you, Seth!
I woke up excited this morning, like it was Christmas. I'm so happy!
I'm tweeting you a big wet sloppy kiss!😚😘😚😘
thanks again Seth. I always read news, and say, well Seth told us this two months ago. why are y'all just catching up?
No, dummy. The big revelation is that Manafort indictment refers to him working w the Podesta Group (Hillary’s campaign manager) 2012-2014.
You had this nailed, Seth. Great job.
Omg this is huge!
Seth...I love your work, but threads like this need cliff note the good guys win in the end in your opinion?
if in the end collusion is proven and trump was elected falsely is his executive orders and scotus pick rescinded?
Seth another one is Carter Page that guy isnt the court jester he pretends to be hes got dirt he'll give it up
SETH has my 💙
Thank you for your diligence and excellent explanation! Your tireless efforts and work are amazingly important! Keep tweeting!
Thanks. Your threads are very informative
Manafort indictment page says indictment (b)... Where's a?
Could #Giuliani be implicated as well? He knew in advance when dirt was about to be released on Clinton/Podesta…
Any chance you could compile this info in something other than twitter threads?
This is amazing, thank you!
Jeff Sessions call your office.
I'll be listening to Rush soon. We'll see... I hope you are as hyped about the uranium deal as this Papodopoulos collusion. Let's be fair.
I was trying to figure out where I had read about Papadopoulos as I was not surprised when his name came out. Great job @SethAbramson
Thank you @SethAbramson for your work. It has truly been a light in the dark. #ImpeachTrump
omg, i love this ...thanks @MtnMermaid618 for tweeting @SethAbramson O.P.
isn't that Timothy Hutton's go to alias in Leverage?
Thank you Seth!!! Great job. You are a must follow for anyone from the #resistance kudos for linking all the pieces. They’re done.
You bet we will! Thanks for all your amazing work on this. Many blessings for your Birthday tomorrow 🎉💖
Will u do an equally damning pice on Clintons/Dems Russian ties?
the part where they got hacked and their emails leaked? you're either an idiot or an idiot troll.
Cute of you to encourage us to read these previous threads...bro we done did 😂
Everyone needs to read this!!
Have you done one on Paul Behrends yet?
Yo Seth, show me where 'collusion' is a federal crime, I can't find it in the federal civil code
Bwhaaaa! Lol - um, no. He’s the tax guy smoking gun
Can I give more than 1 like!?
It’s not over until the Marshal of the supreme court sings. (Sorry, I had to :)
Who has eyes on the football?! Trump can NOT be trusted with the nuclear codes. He is in panick mode!!
Get lost bot
He's just going to pardon everyone and then have Pence pardon him. I don't believe there is any timeline in which Trump pays for his crimes
Wow. Thank you for all of the work you're doing.
Historic. Compelling. Maddening. Epic. The great Trumpian unraveling has begun.
Could the end come more quickly than you predicted in your recent Q&A where you supposed late 2018?
I feel the same level of emotion today as I did the day the "Comey Letter" came out. It's that earth shattering.
These are their stories
If it is not the end of the Trump Administration it is the end of American Democracy and Putin wins. Time for #GOP to grow a pair.
Good luck with that. So far nothing has touched Trump! NOTHING
Government lies about Kennedy assassination 💥 💥 Why isn't the FBI arresting anybody for that?
Not a chance, liberal dreams. You pain is my pleasure.
Good luck.
Oh please be true, oh please be true, oh please be true....
Hope you're right...
Finally. Despair becomes hope. Please end this ludicrous charade once and for all. Tick tock tick tock trump. House of cards is falling. Yay
This is beyond watergate in size and scope,mark my words!!!!
Sure, just keep dreaming.
I expect Trump to fire Mueller, pardon everyone, and troll on Twitter about how it was all Obama's fault.
He and Pence need to GTF out. This is all so disturbing.
He lied to fbi about statements he made that campaign didnt follow up on. hillary dnc podesta lied about dossier from russian gov - nothing
Keep dreaming snowflake 😂😂
Same thing I thought!!! Now it's for sure #MuellerIsComing #TrumpKlan
This guy...☝️
long thread but worth the read. Papadopolous cooperating is a big deal.
Will you be addressing possible indictment of Pence for obstruction? Will Mueller?
There should be a some kind of Twitter award for this kind of analysis/reporting. Thank you, @SethAbramson
The "Best use of 140 characters" award goes to......
How long before Slim Sammy Clovis' nomination is withdrawn since we know from campaign emails he was the one on top of Georgie's activities?
Today is my birthday, thank you for this.
He was the only one young enough and smart enough to know they fucked up
Holy shit just write a damn article
I keep wishing Twitter would develop a better way to thread tweets in a more readable manner.
Or users could just not abuse it and write where they get paid to write? Cap threads at like 50 or something.
Our country is in such a mess. We've been sold to Russia.
If he gets removed from office or kills himself in a bunker, I vote that we officially start referring to it as a 'regime'. Precedence etc.
Thank you @SethAbramson for this insightful chain!
Today is the beginning of the end....I like that
I have a pinned tweet on the day of the election.I cried myself to sleep when he won.I am ready to cry happy tears when he is indicted.
I've been saying all morning that the headline here is #Papadopoulos not Manafort. This is huge, he basically confirmed what we've all known
Sufficed to say Papa’s got a brand new bag. #impeachmentdayontheway #dancinginthestreets
What about Pence? He’s terrifying as well. Will he make through this standing? Hope not
Praying you are right!
It is a true bombshell. Interesting timing of the release. Surely intended to send a strong message. Do not mess w/Mueller!
Do presidential pardons figure in here?
History in the making.
Cannot happen too soon for me!
I am breathing so much easier this morning. It feels like an adult is finally supervising. THANK YOU, Seth!
Amen, Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!!!
I just want to stop infliction of future damage and reverse those already enacted. Then change the public funding default that caused it.
Thank you for explaining this confusing threads that are coming out!
Thank you Seth. Following your tweets over the past few months has kept me both informed and hopeful. Let the games begin and democracy win!
💃🏽I sure hope you're right
I wish I could believe this, buts it’s literally the thousandth time we’ve heard this.
Heard that before, still hoping 🤞🏿
The question remains, what are the next steps? If the election is proven illegitimate, who is president? Will they “replace” 45 or be 46?
Agree. The witness is key and will to other witnesses. Did Spicer, Reince, McGahn told Mueller the truth in their interviews?
Hahaha you ranting doesn't change facts lol
Mike Pence should pop the Champagne on his good fortune?
so to summarize, karma grabs Trump by the p*ssy 😁
I'll believe it when his teeny hands are in teeny handcuffs. Meanwhile, hope rules.
Holy shit this is the DAY it begins!! 😍😍😍😍 thank you so much for providing info this clearly!
I disengaged about 2 months ago, it's been total bliss. Just tweet me when they get closer 2 indicting the crime family n the white house.
Should we fear GOP majority inaction? Its only the beginning of the end if we hold them accountable
Wowser. Now can I breathe normally?
😂😂😂 Yeah I'm breathing a bit better myself, my friend. #TrumpRussia
Seth, I would characterize it as, the end of the beginning. The shit has begun to hit the fan, and we better all get an umbrella.
I am also waiting to see him in hand cuffs
Seth is awesome!!!!'n
Seth is our best and most reliable source! Thank you for all your work. Christmas comes early this year.
Seth's posts are amazing and no typos. He's the real McCoy. He'll go down as being very influential in covering the downfall of Trump.
Don't know how that 'n got in there! Damn fat thumbs.
It’s okay. We are all excited and our thumbs can’t keep up!
Manafort did all this before contact with trump. Why ignore that fact?
Congrats man proud of ya
We all owe you a huge debt for sticking with this, helping others to question and probe and ultimately bring the criminals in.
Happy #MuellerMonday Everyone! I hope we will have A LOT more presents to open soon!
Invaluable work here, Seth.
Thank you for the education and enlightenment. Happy early birthday
No! Come back! Seth? Seth.... *curls up into the fetal position*
Thank you for your work and clear vision on this shit-storm. Take care of yourself!
Thank you!!!
Thank YOU!!!!!!!!! Happy early birthday 🎉🎉🎉
For what it's worth, thx for the commentary. You've been a source of clarity over the past few months and I greatly, GREATLY appreciate it.
interview where? with whom?
That's what I'm wondering, too!
It’s a great day I can see a light at the end of that tunnel Democracy won’t die
One thousand thank you s! Incredible.
I'm so happy you need a conspiracy theorist to tell you what to think. So pathetic
You're the best!! Great admiration!!
Where is you're interview being aired...
You're an angel my friend.
Well done sir. Glad to have been following you over the course of this year.
Will follow you all day. Excellent thread!
Thanks, Seth. Very well done!
Well done!
Cheers, @SethAbramson . Nicely done. Thank you.
You called it Seth
love when I find an intelligent, well-written and informative commentary
I'm out of town stuck at a training and so thankful for being able to celebrate with all of you!🎆🔥🍻
Thank you for all that you do and for explaining this in a way that is easy to understand and follow.
You are the BEST Seth!
Who is interviewing you? I want to watch!
Sweet Jesus! I think I’m in love with this man!
I know, right?
Did WH know about GP’s plea on July 27, and should WH protestations be viewed in that light? Asking for a friend.
Should have said arrest 7/27 and/or 10/5 plea. Friend is sorry. Too excited by today’s news and your birthday tomorrow.
Oh Happy Birthday p😉🤦🏼‍♀️👏🏻👏🏻👍🏼🇺🇸💪🏻
Yeah, it really seems like this is true after today.
I say with confidence--90% or more of Americans will be like "Popadopa-who?"...but I know this fucker because of @SethAbramson's diligence.
Dude! You are the absolute truth! Wow
Astonishing if true,
The FBI interview where Papadopolous lied about his Russia contacts came on the same day, Jan. 27, Trump asked Comey for a loyalty pledge.
A. Does Manafort warrant/search timing coincide with Papadopoulous arrest/plea? B. Is Manaforst "conspiracy" charge broad enough to include collusion or does it only infer money laundering?
The more I read of the papadopoulos paper, the more convinced these convos were w/kushner and trump himself. Thoughts?
Wow. What a Monday. Thanks for your insight.
Just finish the darn interview already and get back to tweeting! We are all absolutely rivetted!
Awesome threads, as always! #HistoricDay! Thanks for all, as you're always RIGHT on "THE MONEY", Seth!#IndictmentMonday😜
Holy cow...guess Papadopoulos will get ‘history made’ after all.
Thank you Seth - you're doing the best job of anyone out there organizing and explaining this.
Many Are Getting Arrested #maga
Happy Birthday Seth - Halloween 🎃 Birthday is so cool and especially with indictments 🔥🍊🤡
Chills....hold my popcorn while grab a sweater
Interview is going to long, please come back now.
You need to get Seth on MSNBC. He is a bright light in this crazy situation.
As always, your tweets are highly informative. Thank you! Appreciate it.
agreed, and thx...
You deserve an award 🏆 for this reporting. Are there @Twitter awards for best reporting threads??? I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for your next tweet..... Love you, man!
Happy Birthday...people born at the end of October are the best people...Seth, HRC, my grandson...🌟🎂👻
Thank you and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Actually, I meant THANK YOU!
Where can we check out the interview Seth?
excellent tweet storm! But also the longest tweet storm I've come across. You'll write all this in an article, right? ;-)
Thank you! I’ll check in later for more!
Have you on all notifications. Thanks for all you’ve written.
*an historic But otherwise agree
We all want to watch (hoping it's TV), Who's doing the interview?
Happy indictment Day, Seth! Thank You for all that you have done. If nothing else, you've given sane people hope and courage!
this is what watergate must have felt like. happy early bday. mine was the 18th. i think we both got a giant present! that's how i felt!
And thanks for the present
An* historic. When there is this much gravitas, one piles on the -n!
OMG I am at Walt Disney World right now, but this political news is even more exciting than my vacation!
This is so interesting, man, thanks.
The best ever birthday present for any right minded citizen.
No one listens to a liar except sheep
Hey Lenny Calm down and let the adults discuss
Baa, Lenny, baa, baa!!!😉
You're doing amazing work. Thank you, Seth.
They got Papagiorgio? Damn. He was a good kid.
Or nuclear winter in North Korea.
What about his wife and kids back in Yuma????
Don't be fooled he's got his own agenda this Seth guy
yes, preservation of democracy and truth—that is my agenda too
Thank you so much for your diligence and even-handedness. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And happy early birthday!
Thanks for the great reporting.....and Happy Birthday!
You're a beautiful person with a roommate
Happy Birthday to all of us! Thanks for “sharing” you special day!
I am glad you DID SOMETHING!
Seth why won't you mention manafort a arrests was before he had contact with trump? Messes up your narrative?
No sheep sending me memes
Wish you the happiest of happy birthdays Seth!!!
You fucking killed it, dude.
your perspective & analysis has been tremendous, sir. You are how I've been able to explain to people what has been happening.
Happy early birthday wishes.
Happy Birthday Eve, Seth.
Happy Early Birthday!! And thanks for taking the time to write all this up -- it's a great primer for someone who hasn't been following.
You are a wonderful patriot, hope to buy you a drink one day. From all of us 🥃 🇺🇸
Today's my wedding anniversary - best gift ever! Thanks! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday.
Happy birthday and thank you, @SethAbramson for your serious dedication to the facts. We are all better off because of your hard work.
It’s a day early, but Hppy Birthday! 🎉🎉🎉 I can’t say thank you enough for sharing your hard work. I’ve learned a great deal from you.
Happy birthday! Thank you for keeping us informed.
Happy 😃 Birthday 🎂 🎁 🎉🎊💥🎈🎈🎈😘 Seth!
Pre-Happiest of Birthdays🍾🎆🎇
Happy birthday man
Fellow Halloween birthday! This write up and the indictments is the best thing I could of asked. Papadopoulos is the cherry on top
Yay!!! Happy Birthday!!! Thank you for your efforts & hard work saving the United States of America 🇱🇷
Seth you’ve given me hope and have delivered. I’ll drink to your health tonight when I get home. 🥂 😂
Happy birthday and thank you. ❤️🇺🇸💙
Have a Happy Birthday Seth! I will on Friday. 😁
And, I have followed you ever since !!!! Happy Birthday fellow Scorpio !!! 🍺
Happy early birthday, and hope the presents keep coming. ;)
Happy birthday a day early!
Happy Birthday to you!! A glorious birthday it will be!!
Happy birthday for tomorrow Seth. You called it!
My birthday is also tomorrow - great early b-day present for sure! Thanks for all your hard work!!! #ManafortMonday #IndictmentMonday
Seth... you are amazing
Happy birthday tomorrow!
Tomorrow is my birthday too!
Happy early Birthday to YOU !!
Happy early birthday Seth! Thank you for being a steadfast voice of logic and legal knowledge through all this.
Mine was on the 20th and Anniversary the 27th wonderful gifts.
Thanks for sharing this birthday present with us! 🎂🎉🍾
It's my birthday today, and it may be the best one I'll ever have.
Mine was Saturday! Best birthday weekend since Scooter Libby went down 10/28/2005. Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday. Thanks for all of this. You are helping.
You did call the Papadopoulos connection, Seth. Kudos!
Happy Birthday Seth, you've deserved one after all your efforts over the past 12 months 🍹
Happy Birthday. Mine too. A very good way to ring in my 63rd trip around the sun!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (early) and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for making this easy to understand for us non-lawyer types!!! THANK YOU!!
Thank you for this thread Seth - Happy Birthday tomorrow!
Happy Freaking Birthday!
Great job. Thank you!
Isn't Manafort Trump's equiv of @davidaxelrod? Imagine the chaos if Axelrod had even been accused of failing to register his car on time.
Ohmygod. Happy Birthday!!
Happy happy birthday to you! And thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do. You've been a beacon during a very dark time.
Born on Halloween and witches are real! Nice.
Great. Now go to the house that hands out apples.
Happy Birthday Seth! You're doing great work!
Well, my birthday is today and all this is the best present ever. I will never forget this day. Can’t wait to see @realDonaldTrump go down.
Your timeline helped me understand all of this-thank you and keep up the great work!
You are a true Patriot!!
My birthday was Oct 28. This has been the best birthday weekend since Scooter Libby went down for outing Valarie Plame. Thanks for ur work!
Have a beautiful birthday, Seth!
Happy birthday tomorrow!!!
Happy, happy early birthday!!! Thank you for your work on this!!!
My best friends have Halloween bdays too--all the best people! Have a wonderful birthday!
I would love to have a Halloween bday. My favorite holiday!
Me too, but I get 2 celebrate with 3 best friends with Halloween bdays. Isn t that strangely coincidental?
That is a strange coincidence!
Happy birthday fellow Scorpio - the best sign - glad you got your bday wish - thank you for keeping us in the know!!
Happy early Birthday !!!
thanks for all you’re doing. Go UNH. Get out your snow shoes.
Mine was a few days ago. Best belated birthday present ever.
HBD! Mine is Thurs and this is the best. Birthday. Week. Ever. 🙌👏🍾🍸
Happy Birthday!! 🎂 🎉! !
Your birthday's on Halloween? That's boss!
Happy Birthday! Appreciate your knowledge and time with this.
Happy Pre Birthday Seth!
You rock Seth!!!!
Happy birthday, fellow Scorp. If you're turning 62, you are 13 days older than me 😉Great threads, thank you.
Happy birthday 🎂
hey, we share a birthday and i had the same thought
My birthday is also Halloween! Happy 🎃👻 Birthday tomorrow!
Happy Pre-Birthday, Seth. Thanks for your analyses of the #Trump/Russia indictments; for being a true patriot; and for keeping truth alive!
Happy Halloween Birthday! Your remarkable bionic brain-like analysis of the indictments is a true gift to all the free world. Thank you.
Happy Birthday 🎉
Happy early birthday! Mine was yesterday - talk about birthday presents!
My standard BD greeting: Champagne for Everyone! *& cake
A well deserved pat on the back. Congratulations! (And Happy 🎁 Birthday) Feels like a present to us all.
Happy Birthday!
You worked your ass off for this. Happy birthday tomorrow! Thanks for your diligence!
Tomorrow is my birthday, too! Isn't this just the best birthday ever?!
Happy birthday, Seth! Even though I’m 💔 for our country, You deserve to celebrate all your hard work! 🎂🥂🎉🎊🎂
HBD, and thanks!
Thank you sir from the bottom of my heart. I think I will finally sleep through the night.
Happy pre-Birthday
Thank you, Seth!
My birthday is today!!! Happy birthday to me! And I'm sure it'll only get better from now on!
Seth, you were literally the *only* person I follow who was writing about Papadopoulos. You're the only reason I knew his name. KUDOS! 👏
My birthday is tomorrow, too. 10-31. Happy fucking birthday to us. Thanks for this great thread.
You have. So much.
I know I speak for many, so glad that you were born, @SethAbramson. Happy Birthday!
So happy you now get to have a very happy Birthday!!!! Great for our country.
Most likely you helped tremendously. Thank you. Great work for our country.
We share the same birthday! And what a birthday present this has been!
Happy Birthday tomorrow and you're our Hero! 🍷🎂thanks for all this!!!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday!!! Fantastic job for a long time @SethAbramson !!! TY!!
Well I worship you now!
Happy Birthday. This is all so gratifying, yet at the same time so sad. You have done so much to help expose this, enjoy your day!
Happy birthday 🎂!
Tie this to #AaronBanks and #RobertMercer and #AlexanderDix and tell us when #PenceKnew. Those three matter. Literally no one else does.
Trick or treat! Happy Birthday!!
Happy pre-Birthday!
Happy Birthday from another Halloween baby!!!!!
Appreciate your work ! 😀
Couldn't ask for a better present!! Happy Birthday tomorrow, and thank you for keeping us educated!!! Much appreciated!!
Thanks- and congrats tomorrow!!!
Happy birthday and thanks for this thread and all your efforts
We heartily thank you. Beyond thankful
Happy Birthday Eve!
Yes Seth you & I are getting best bd presents ever. It's amazing what mueller has hidden in plain sight by what he has & hasn't revealed
Happy birthday! 🎈🎈🎈
Happy Birthday tomorrow!!
Happy Birthday to you. Now can you keep up your good work. Americans need this.💛 We are about to crack.
Many Happy Returns :-)
Happy birthday Seth! It’s my anniversary today! Have a wonderful birthday!
Happy birthday, indeed.
You mean all the conspiracy theorists like yourself?
Nice try, Russian. 🙄✌🏼
Why not one mention of uranium one, even to discredit it? Why are you so scared?
How is Moscow this time of year?
hasn’t and he seems to be the foremost expert.
I agree as well Papadopoulos is more significant and now @JackKingston is trying to connect muller and uranium 1 !! Like seriously!!!
Papadopoulos:- It does not include all of the facts known to me regarding this offense.
Most definitely. The Papadopoulos plea is akin to proof of a big, big, dare I say "huge" conspiracy burger with extra cheese on top.
Seth, I feel like I got through the last 11 months without losing my mind because of you. Thank you. Please post link where we can donate.
Been waiting for your tweets on this...🔥
IT IS OVER! They should just surrender they have nowhere to hide anymore. And the level of criminality is just insane !! So much harm done!
Papadopoulos was arrested the day after FBI raised Manafort’s home. Interesting.
Fantastic breakdown Seth 👏👏👏
You're looking at it backward. Papdopoulis pled a month ago. HE must be the one who gave them enough to move on Manafort.
Just gonna leave this here
Anything is bigger than Manafort from 2013. That is not saying much!
They didn't take him up on his offer get over it. YAWN... Still plenty of
It almost feels like Mueller was visibly dangling Manafort out there to distract from developments with George P.
Yes it is and it's so slick how Mueller brings them in on charges unrelated while dropping this little nugget right after. Can you imagine?
That's what I've been thinking. Directly linked to trump's campaign.
The rumor mongers certainly will 'say so', right, Seth? BTW, he passed on messages on business, not political deals. Sucker born ev'ry day.
Fantastic @tttthreads. Abramson says he will continue to add to this thread. May I come back to you if it grows considerably longer?
It's big because it proves collusion but ALSO because #Papadopoulos allegedly in on #Belize #moneylaundering with #Brexit boss #AaronBanks.
Is Papadopoulos being protected from them? God only knows the boundaries of trump's vindictiveness $ spite.
Absolutely no doubt!
No we also know you're just speculating. Or do you have evidence? I'm curious
Keyword probably. Do you sheep even know how to read? Why listen to this conspiracy theorist
He said PROVABLY - not PROBABLY. Heed your own advice.
I know Seth is the worst right
Do you sheep even know how to read? "Provably" is a world apart from"Probably". Why listen to this conspiracy denier @Lennytheman222
Hahaha you actually think manafort has a thing to do with trump. It's podesta
good work...
Yeah, your boy Mueller lied about WMD to push us into war in Iraq. Such an upstanding person who tells nothing but the truth riggggght? Lol
Hopefully the #angelofdeathPence and the rest of the elves will go down with Trump
Another key work. Speculation
Trump thinks that being as dumb as all hell is enough to get him off...
I can't keep up with all your lies today Seth hahaha slow down buddy
You were conned and scammed, trumpkins. #trumprussia #maga #winning #trump
Conned like you are by Seth?
Proof in the indictments with more to come. Stay tuned
No links to trump. Just podesta and Clinton. But Seth won't tell you so you have to actually do research sheep
Vlad vlad vlad
COLLUSION: Papadooulos indictment contains ADMISSIONS OF GUILT around lying about connections between RUSSIA AND THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN. 🔥🔥🔥
What is the official name of the crime you refer to when you say "collusion"? Treason?
Sessions. Huckabee Sanders. I can't wait til the press briefing
Beautiful. Just beautiful 😂
It is so murky up there!!
Hillary still lost is the most important news of today
If true--Hallelujah!
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, Seth, for all that you do. #RESIST 💚✊🕉
This unpaid advisor wanted Trump to meet with Putin. Trump team said no. So.. sorry for your loss.
Your reading comprehension is yuge.
Don't be a shit head.....Trump campaign shut that dude down quickly when he brought up a Russian are pretty dumb.
Wow, just wow. ❤ you Seth. Thank you for all your hard work on this!
You are truly an idiot. Just had to let you know.
Low standards for what you call proof.
You do realize that even if that were true,which it’s not, that’s not a crime? I survived Obama,you can survive Trump.Better economy too!
I do not say this lightly: Trump is a traitor. Obama was not.
How long have you lived on this planet?
Make a good argument or begone from my mentions. Are you at the #KidsTable? It seems. We shall see
OOOOOw. Aren't we sensitive. NO one should question you.
You didn’t question. You attacked. Grop up, asshole
I am getting shivers down my spine....the good kind! Best Monday ever!
And who ended up being the "low level" emissary? Mueller knows!
Is it too early to cry tears of joy?
Thorough and helpful. Can you expand on what you mean by change the GOP platform? Their position on Russian sanctions, general favorability?
This has been my contention all along! Putin is the puppet master
Really? All Americans who voted for Trump, Stein, and Johnson were all brainwashed by Russian influencing? YOU PEOPLE ARE IDIOTIC!
THANK YOU. Keep on digging for TRUTH. MOST Republicns need to be in jail-including Devin Nunes!
I sure hope this is true
I've not seen a thread more deserving of the Charlie Day conspiracy meme more than this gem.
Funny thing @FoxNews is not covering any of this 😂 WOW 😮 Who knew 😳 #ShowYourMorals this is our Country #Patriotism has no party!
Jeannine Pirro need more money from trump?
#Russia loves bubble people party because they can influence them easily.They yell nothing goes on because @FoxNews doesn’t report it!
Doesn't matter. Nothing will happen to Trump. No-one in the party or congress has the guts to tell him he's fired.
is struggling with the news that 2+2 in all probability = 4.
Do hope we are not forgetting about obvious obstruction charges against dotard. Am sure Mueller isn't.
Glued to msnbc... Yikes! Amazing intrigue and thievery.
Tell me more
Question: how do we know that Trump changed the platform *because of* this meeting, and didn't simply change it based on his own accord?
If we pound many more nails into Trump's political coffin it'll be too heavy to lift.
From lawfareblog-
Very enlightening . Thank you❣️
Is "collusion" a crime? Hasn't every president in last 40 years "colluded" w Israel and/or Saudi Arabia? What makes this so noteworthy?
and still Trump will not sign off the Russian sanctions which basically got 100% bipartisan agreement
I agree. And that happened before the convention!
If you're in your 72nd line, use a different platform.
Have you just gone and literally opened the field for Mueller??? (If he isn't already aware but seemingly he is) LOL this thread is perfect
But wait Seth According to Sarah (14 times today) Papa Dee was a mere volunteer who only went to one meeting Was she LYING??
I’ve said it before: the change in the GOP platform is the smoking gun
It is. What I’ve said before is that Richard Burt, who wrote Mayflower speech, had Deripaska as client, & is Gazprom lobbyist deserves 🕵️
No one listens to you because you're just speculating
Keep trying Lenny. It's entertaining watching you flail!
I'm trying to open your eyes sheep
Speculating with documentary evidence. Piss off back to your 4 followers and leave us alone to debate the details.
no idiot, we’re all reading the CONFESSION of a Top Trump aide who says all of this.…
You know Tony Podesta and John Podesta are two different people right? You also know this isn’t new?
Yes of course they're brothers
You also know manafort was arrested on something that has nothing to do with trump right? Sheep
Presumably Trump can do little now to stop the train heading towards him ....
Seth, the Manafort indictment mentions Members of Congress... wouldn't it be great to know which ones?
So this ties Trump directly and Bob Mueller has him hook line and sinker 😁😁
Does this implicate Sessions, as well?
did you have any knowledge/an inkling then that he had flipped?
That was only 10 days ago? Wow. I know it gets said all the time, but wks really do feel like yrs in Trump's America. Love ur threads, BTW.
The money grafs.
Seth Abramson — where intellect intersects with clairvoyance.
CNN plastering that photo (from DT’s twitter feed no less) now
New hat for Trump
Dnc emails were hacked by an inside source why keep lying to your sheep followers Seth?
Quiet, troll. Adults are talking.
Why ignore uranium one? The real and only story here?
Why keep making up conspiracy theories. None of what you have said so far is based on evidence or fact. Right Seth?
Sheep. Seth has zero evidence he's a conspiracy theorist don't forget that fact
Stick this in your pipe troll/bot.
Have you ever seen Wolf Blitzer do this? Brian Williams?
Lol Great minds
You were about to send him the same thing?
We tweeted it at the exact same time 😄
Seth even said probably showing he's got no clue himself. Please learn some reading comprehension
Please watch the video and learn about the facts behind the Uranium situation.
Hahahah you wish
You mean the exact opposite but us ok your intelligence is lacking
Russian bots trying to deflect the conversation is great confirmation that Seth is telling the truth
I'm an American not a sheep like you guys listening to Seth who has zero evidence of anything he's claiming
😂🤣😅😆😅🤣😂 Good one Russia-bot!
I'm guessing you've never heard of podesta working with manafort when he was colluding with Ukraine?
Russia-bot, no one cares what drivel you come up with today.
Exactly like Seth
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That's adorable
No, it's adorable that you keep trying to deflect even though no one cares. Anyway... you do you. bye!
What am I deflecting? You don't want the truth since Seth won't show it
🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 Just adorable
Please leave the thread, Lenny. If we want disinformation and distraction, we can watch Fox.
Seth, You are the man.
What will you guys tell your sheep when it's tony podesta next? How will you ever explain that?
If anyone in the DNC is indicted
Sorry hit send on accident. If anyone in the DNC is indicted or charged & found guilty we’ll all be happy because most of us don’t care
about party lines the same as you nuts. We don’t follow HRC like cult members. We love America. Not 1 person. That’s what real patriots are!
Why follow Seth? He's not a patriot
Not yet but manafort is connected to podesta
(No comment)
you're my hero. Thank U 4 tweet stream this morning.My immigrant hubby & I shedding tears of joy. You have given us hope.Bravo
Rebekah Mercer's 2016 email to Cambridge Analytica,( directing the wikileaks campaign step it up), comes to mind...
Yes! It does look that way
Nice to fantasize about how the dots connect.
Slow down. You're gonna run out of numbers!
You can prove that Russia had DNC emails?
Question - R U having the big O writing all of these tweets???
How people can actually believe this nonsense is crazy
Explain why he would do that Seth. Please enlighten your sheep
trumps going down and so is fox who would find them creditable now only idiots
it can't be an accident that the papa indictment was unsealed today. Is RM using that to lean on Manafort / gates? Papa has dirt on them?
That's collusion, is it not?
Out of this entire thread... this one is... holy shit.
Where has Trump hidden Russian sanctions? Closing sanctions office direct violation of President Oath of office! Congress get off your butt!
😂😂😂😂 nice try with all that bs
Careful, you'll leave ppl the impression that you think Don the con is what America needs. His demagogic ways are not what we fought for.
Never understood why more wasn't made of this. T who has no world knowledge suddenly has a view on Ukraine?
made a significant platform change at request of Trump campaign. Why?
You make Alex jones look sane
Same reasons Trump has refused to enforce the Russian sanctions passed by Congress #TrumpRussia
Correctly said, next he will divert attention to some Nation and wage a war or something. 😀
Ok seriously asking: what is the „Change of the GOP platform“ referring to?
That change was unnecessary Clinton left her wide open.
He absolutely did! We all saw that!
Based on what facts? Your made up ones?
Trumpkins are rearranging the deck chairs on trump titanic. #trumprussiacollusion
Stfu troll.. it’s a day to reflect not deflect..
Impeachment should begin
was this kushners back channel to #Russia?
House of cards is tumbling and i couldn't be happier
Not clear if "Mr Trump" means DJT or Junior.... or did i miss something?
DJT = Donald J Trump. DJT Jr. = Junior
Thanks - I know that, I meant the "Mr Trump" mentioned in the deposition papers.
Typically legal documents describe all parties someplace early in the document.
A foreign national that he referred to as "Putin's niece" in subsequent emails to campaign officials.
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts, Donald.
That makes trump an accessory?
Read the transcript. No meeting ever happened. His alleged Russian contact had no connection with anyone of import.
Please explain thousands of emails mentioned in Papadapoulos pleadings.
Just about when trump was promising "really big news"...
Don't you mean really yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge news? Beeauuutiful news? #MondayMotivation
Just about when trump was promising "really big news"...
Did anyone figure out who is sitting next to sessions on his right?
Death to traitors!
all fake news? All coincidences ?
🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻 To Mueller and his Team. ✌️✌✌✌✌✌😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀. To DUMP: Hope U like spending time next in JAIL.
He was a Volunteer 1 meeting with Trump meeting he tried to set up never happen he was let go lol
A leading chain of over 100 mostly assumptions with some reported truth interwoven...that now will become FACT once @CNN report it 800 times
Today helps with major puzzle pieces that we weren’t sure of before. Lock Dotard up!!!!’
Wait, why is the 3/31/16 date clear? Based on what?
You nailed it Seth. I think you figured this whole thing out. It’s a pleasure to follow you.
Yup. Glad I found you ages ago and kept checking in. Awesome work!!! 👏👏👏💐🎤
I’ve been telling everyone you’re brilliant and ahead of the game.
Stop misinforming. You're not an FBI agent you loon hahahhahaha
Releasing guilty plea AFTER Manafort/Gates arrests, sends signal to the two, "we have the goods, don't LIE". It's getting JUICY! 😃
read last para 35: "Following his arrest, defendant PAPADOPOULOS met with the Government on numerous occasions to provide information"
para 35 of which document?
Amazing thread @SethAbramson Thank you.
You called THIS!!! @TheBeatWithAri @maddow YOU better read this lawyer's past threads-called THIS EXACT guy awhile ago& IMP of MARCH MEETING
He was arrested in July 2017 when he flew back to US from Europe
Wait, doesn’t this tie Sessions into the Russian connections as far back as March 2016?
Well done, Seth. I remember the comments on this pic. 🎉🎉🎉
I’m so glad you did this I was about to do it after I finished today’s info. You had it from go Seth and I (hopefully everyone) will rmber
great job
This is huge. Your original September thread really summed it up and now he has pleaded guilty so I'm sure he's implicated Trump by now.
Lock Sessions up?? Please, tell me it means that!🙏🙏🙏🙏
Lookie there! Trump at one end and Sessions at the other. Donald Effing Trump is going down, and it will be glorious!!!!!!! #ImpeachTrumpNow
George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy advisor to the Trump campaign who meet w Pence and Session, accepted on Oct. 5 a plea agreement & sung
As soon as I heard about Papadopoulos, I immediately thought of this photo & its thread! 👍
"Papadopoulos almost certainly flipped 10/5." He flipped immediately upon arrest July 27. Manafort Aug. house raid was only 10 days later.
Would Trump have been aware of this before today? Seems he's been twitchy The Nunes/Gowdy 3 ring circus committees into HRC/uranium related?
Good ol’ March 2016. Damn.
The camera never lies.
I hope they have him under constant protection
Just wow, what an amazing day and thankyou Seth for your analysis, it is really invaluable. Raising a glass to wish you a Happy Birthday!
NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC and PBS barely covered the Uranium story but have been pushing Russian campaigning every day.
I'm reading it, too. Damn.
What what spill it.
Looks like the dam’s starting to break.
Don't tease me like that
Don't DO that! Now I can't move!
This is game over. April 26th...
Best tweet of the thread hands down!
Why not report facts Seth? This all happened before the campaign you sheep
Putting these on sale! Hopefully gotta change the image sooner rather than later.
Is an excellent read. @realDonaldTrump is in deep doo-doo.
Yep - this is the real story today. Not Manafort/Gates.
This is it; isn’t it? #papadopolous He’s the one that’s going to bring it all down.
I love me a good "looking-up-from-a-document-and-muttering-'my-god'" tweet.
Shark, I've been waiting for your posts :)
That was my reaction and I'm not a lawyer. lol
My first smile of the day. Crammed on a commuter bus... @SethAbramson this tweet made me so happy. Thank you for your hard work.
Amazing thread Seth, thank you!!!
Someone name Gordon changed the RNC platform per Trump Administration.
I'm gonna print these four tweets out & frame them for you.
This, in mid thread, cracked me up. You are so thorough, Seth. Appreciate your analysis more and more everyday.
I've never seen you thunderstruck. This has to be huge!
Could be worse. Could be "666"!
When @SethAbramson says "My God," you drop what you are doing and pay attention!! :o
this is so much bigger than we can imagine. This is The Beginning of the End.
the 66th tweet may be my favorite in this thread
Yes. I commented on that nice use of the dramatic pause. Jeff Abramson is nothing if not a great story teller. Love this! It's so thorough.
"It's full of stars"
Ok. My favorite in this whole thread. With your experience, not much would garner a ‘My God’. Pay dirt!
Happy Birthday Ivanka!
Nice little dramatic pause, Seth. This is Hollywood on Twitter. (Doesn't make you not correct, just a great story teller). appreciate U4this
TFW .@SethAbramson himself is verklempt
Dude, u r awesome
See paragraph 35. He's cooperating
I'm assuming Mueller took guilty plea as his green light to pounce?
he admitted to seeking emails
Big deal. She was colluding he's a hero for trying to find the emails
-is it possible Papa first to flip & plead guilty so fast cause he brokered a deal?
Just remember that Seth is a conspiracy theorist and there are no links to trump. This was before the campaign
No collusion with trump. Even müller admits it
LMAO !!! And you used the German, not American English spelling. Mueller is a decorated American hero ! Unlike Donny bone spurs.
right after trump tweeted NO COLLUSION!! The day isnt over yet.
papa-D has more life to lose in prison because he is young, probably was pretty easy to get him singing
Thank you so much for your <THREAD>!!!
This thread is LIT 🔥
This is the big story of the day here.
Yup,. This better than a Clancy
Do we have a "flipper?"
TY, I feel so informed! Keep up the great work
I feel like they are closer than we know and that the indictment leak and then dropping this after the Manafort reveal is strategical.
Arrested in July, minor guilty plea in October. Yeah... he flipped.
Here is plea deal Page 4... he flipped…
I'd just keep going if I was you - another 50 or so tweets and we'll end up with Trump
Who's going back to Oct 6th to look at how crazy Trump tweeted? I have a feeling that day must have been a fever-pitch...
Know who else lied about connections to 🇷🇺? Sessions, Jared, trump jr., trump, EVERYONE. 😡🇷🇺😡🇷🇺😡🇷🇺
I cannot celebrate enough today!!
Been waiting sooooooo long for this. It's so obvious in Trumps desperate tweets. He can not change the narrative on this story.
"The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on .....Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.” Omar Khayyám
He was arrested in July and is cooperating
And this means there are no REAL LEAKS, only leaks that they choose....
Seth, you were spot on!
Congratulations, Seth, you had this connection nailed down weeks ago. And you were right!
This is a bfd if I am reading it correctly!
Oh man, I won't be able to get a lick of work done...
Watergate is starting to look like a bunch a precocious youngsters making prank calls...
Shit. This is just the start of it? Feels like we are very near to the end (of Trump) to me.
This document reads like a @SethAbramson mega thread. I remember you saying some of the stuff in this document
Seth - love to hear more of your thoughts on the Papadopoulos news, and how that can project forward from here.
Footnote 2 is SOLID GOLD. Intent to collaborate with Russia, including a plan to do so while staying below the radar. YES!
Am I correct in thinking that Trump's claim there was "NO COLLUSION" is technically right, but only because the legal term is conspiracy?
For your reading pleasure
Reading this and can’t get Gilligan’s Island theme song out of my head 🎶 the Professor and KellyAnne 🎶
Has Trump Jr been interviewed by FBI yet? This Statement of Offense should frighten him.
Oh shit! That went so well with my morning coffee, I'm gonna call it "breakfast".
Thanks for explain to your followers who these people are and what their roles in this historic political opera are!
So if he is a kremlin agent and was fired where is collusion? He would have kept him on correct if he wanted real collusion.
Can a pardon derail the investigation?
Thanks for your work with this thread! Most informative n' shit yo.
And Papadopoulos has just pleaded guilty of lying to FBI. Significance?
Been up late waiting for indictment Monday and up early like a kid on Christmas. Soooo, indicting just Manafort is the equivalent of wanting Barbie Dream House and getting socks.
Except those socks could be persuaded to give up the keys to the dream house.
Folks, these things must be painstakingly due diligenced in order to stick. It won't happen overnight. Nixon's ousting didn't. #RESIST 💚✊🕉
Due process of law = FIRM CONVICTIONS AND GROUNDS FOR IMPEACHMENT. Mueller us dotting his 'i's and crossing his 't's to ensure justice done.
I can't get any work done today because I keep watching this thread 👀 keep it coming!! Heads are starting to roll
I had just sat down on a plane when the news broke and now spending layover trying to catch up LOL! Keep it coming indeed!! 😊
Sky over Washington looks gloomy doomy Dooom! DOOOOOOOOOM!
Reports that George Papadopoulos has already pleaded guilty (on 10/03) to lying to FBI. GP was campaign advisor on foreign policy.
Here is the Papadopoulos document. Amazing!…
Papadapolous just admitted to lying to the FBI about his Russia contacts.
THERE'S NO COLLUSION W/TRUMP! It does NOT implicate TRUMP AT ALL.Mueller is AFTER SOMEONE,he's wasted enough tax $$$ SOMEONE HAD TO GO DOWN
I figured you were. You look like one!
Is his crime a capital offense? 'Cause that would be some excellent leverage.
You willing to put your money where your mouth is?
Thank you as always for your threads. Makes things understandable. probably cooperating, pleading guilty of minor charges. Manafort's a maybe especially with NY looming large.
THANK YOU Mr.Abramson for all your time and explanations on these events! ♡♡♡
I love this thread so much I want to marry it.
Or Manafort can spend the next 20 years thinking about this; he will likely die in prison or tell Mueller what Donald Trump knew and when?
And I just read Papadapolous has already pleaded guilty??
He just turned himself in!!!
So glad I read your threads.
I love reading this from 15 minutes ago and being like "WHHHOOOHHOOOHOOO JUST WAIT A FEW MINUTES!!"
Please enter into evidence and for the record #MuellerMonday
Papad. Has pleaded guilty to lying to FBI about his contacts with Russia to “improve” relations. This is serious for Trump.
That's crazy u wrote this n it was revealed he plead guilty. #MuellerMonday
So, if the Greeks "invented" democracy... will another Greek save it by having lied to the FBI?
Dude, read the Papadapolous indictment that was just released. Much more directed at Trump campaign, you'll flip.
Seth, have you seen George Papadopolous indictment. You will like this!
Great thread Seth! You lay stuff out plainly and succinctly.
I’ll second that. Great explanations!
Old tweet from Trumps Fox News says it all!
Fingers crossed!
Misprison of a felony?
Please be so, please be so.
...and enters handcuffs as well?
Trump lies about everything
Former Trump campaign adviser GEORGE PAPADOPOULOS has pleaded guilty to a charge of making false statements to FBI agents.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Hence, *together with others* in Count One & Two! Love when a plan comes together!✌️❤️🇺🇸
Don jr does nothing without daddy
Learned from former Russian lawyer in grad school that Russian prosecutors and even defense attys owe ALL allegiance to gov't head.
Of course! @DonaldJTrumpJr is a liar and a M0R0N. He’d have blurted it out to Daddy.
This "almost certainly" is quite a big "if".....
Why is trump and sessions doing nothing?
Anyone who knows trump, knows he has his hand, nose, ears, & eyes👀 in everything.
I remember reading a story saying he had rooms bugged in Trump tower and would listen to convos.
You know, that does not surprise me one bit.
I'm going to see if I can find it.
Don't let any of this divert us from HUGE #TrumpTaxScam FOR TOP 1%, Paid for by the Credit of the US and the 99%will be stuck with bill.
STOP threading! Papadopolous!!!
This ties to the story from the Texas delegate’s story, yes??? Wasn’t Stephen Miller in on this??
You keep opening the red door, which leads to the same room. (This squestion is key) who? The who is who youre not mentioning an associate
A political and business associate. 😉
Please don’t mistake me for a Trumpist,but what would be the crime here? He can say he didn’t know those were agents, was persuaded on merit
You sound confident that Manafort will flip. I guess playing off against his colleague increases chances.
I want to know how much was paid for selling out America and who got paid.
And who was involved with GOP - Reince Priebus - Paul Ryan?
Excellent summary/perspective. Thank you, Seth!
The answer will likely be OVD of “black caviar” fame. #Deripaska hired Davis & Manafort in 2006 to advance his Montenegro agenda.
I want the truth, Paul, the truth!
JD Gordon knows who changed the platform. Has he flipped?
I seriously think the Kremlin continues to guide Trump, and I’d bet money they’ll tell him to make Flynn and Manafort “disappear”. No joke.
I would like to know how he became t campaign manager!
There’s both who on the Russia side *and* who on the Trump side.
Thank You again for always explaining in detail how this all flows together. You have helped keep my anxiety down a bit with your threads!
papadopolous !!!
Dude! Slow down and check the Papadopolous release!
Wait, so Manafort is lying? Are you sure about this?
first laugh of the day, thanks lol.
Who would?!
take a break and look at newest indictment/plea…
wb Papadepolous?
The RNC is working for Putin. Yet....still the "patriots" will ridicule football players for #TakeAKnee
Wasn't this guy in charge of coordinating electors?
The change to the Rep. platform is a huge smoking gun, imo. A clear Putin must-have and there is no way Manafort and Trump were oblivious.
So who did push for this. This is important
I swear your honor, although I sat in on that meeting I never mentioned it again and *certainly* never mentioned it to the big guy!
Pence sure is quiet! Didn't Manafort recommend Pence as VP to DT?
That’s so far beyond funny...
Thank you Seth!!
Indictable! Bahahahaha
Looking at phone doesn't usually block hearing.
People are confused about important difference between Russia approaching Trump w/ dirt vs DNC researching Trump’s escapades in Russia.
I actually burst out laughing upon reading this. A child could come up with a better excuse.
His hot miked phone.
Funny. Isn't that what Kushner said?
How fucking RUDE! Now the mother in me is damn angry too! #PutYourFuckingPhoneDown
And when he was done looking at his phone, he sneezed, then the meeting was over. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha 🎶💋
What exactly was pitched at this meeting?
I'm able to do 2 things at the same time; he's not?
They got Papadoulas
What I'm getting from this is Trump fired Manaforte because he realized he had connections to Russia and it would endanger his presidency.
If only he would charge that dirty Jeff Sessions for blatantly doing the same, multiple times, during his testimony to Congress.
Can you explain for this Brit how long the grand jury process could take, once someone is indicted, please?
Well in that case, trump will definitely get an indictment. Eventually. I hope.
So does Mueller do the trial work or keep on the investigation and have the specialists he hired do the litigating?
Even Jeff Sessions! N
This tweet still begs the question of why not Sessions, who made false statements in public Senate testimony?
All I know is this should receive, at the very least, accolades for your reporting, if not some kind of award. TY for clarifying!
Doesn’t that also put Jeff Sessions in the crosshairs?
Sessions has made plenty of false statements. Jr too.
Reminder. After leaving the Trump campaign, Manafort recieved 16M in loans from Steve Calk, the economic advisor to the Trump campaign
That would be beautiful. BEAUTIFUL.
2018 is looking great!! Vote Blue!
Getting the fizz chilled for Kushner's moment
Gonna be a great Christmas!
💥Unsealed now: George Papadopoulos, foreign policy advisor for Trump campaign, secretly pleaded guilty!!
Unsealed now: George Papadopoulos, foreign policy advisor for Trump campaign, secretly pleaded guilty…
Please someone arrest Roger Stone for something.
Yes! Maybe Twitter closed his account to turn it over as evidence w/o having to notify him.
Why I ask why you mentioned March 31, 2018?
You still hoping and wishing? Damn...these 8 years are gonna be LONG for you.
He just laid out a 60 point thread based in sound legal knowledge and your only response is "Haha you mad bro?" You're a dipshit
Americans who loathe Trump and his colluding puppets are getting excited right now "So everybody let the show begin yea"
Papadopolous - not an indictment, but a guilty plea. Can I take an X for that?? It hardly seems fair otherwise.
There was an indictment & he pled guilty to the crimes charged in it.
Awesome! Obv I am not up to speed on procedure, thanks 😀
a big X with a smiley face
Apparently it was guilty plea TO the indictment - I'm learning. And BIG FAT RED X it is :-)
Ok, you can get back to your meaningless conjecture while we Trump supporters discuss pertinent things like U1 coverup. See you in March.
How come the indictment doesn't mention the 2016 election? Witch hunt!
When would you expect the Mueller Report to be submitted? In Nov 2017 or closer to Mar 2018? Imagine that is on a separate timeline
Yes please.
Is Kushner still in the country? My bet is that he and his lovely little family flee to their Baku mansion/hotel.
When Kushner gets indicted, all hell will break loose. Strap on the asbestos underwear.
More stuff a coming
Ross, Sessions are high on my list
March 31 is my birthday. Please give me something to celebrate.
Your lips to God's ears
Marking the calendar! #Literally
Please, Kushner!
Time to revoke Jared’s security clearance!
You need to throw Jr. in there too. He is going down
Hear that @IvankaTrump? We’ll stick up for you like you stood up for the LGBT community. Your husband is going to jail.
Please please Kushner
Do you think Jeff Sessions will ignore the Uranium Deal? Or do you think there will be indictments on both sides? Wow fasten your seatbelt
This just made me go from 6 to midnight don't stop daddy
What about Junior?
Woohoo! Lock them up! Lock them up!...
What about Trump? We want him out so he cannot do something dangerous, like start WWIII to distract everybody !
Oh hon, you are a special kind of ignorant
Oh yes, oh yes. And Jr too? Pretty please?
Wonder who else will flip and which ones will flip on Trump...
I hope they are all sent to Gitmo and waterboarded.
Let's hope Mueller doesn't forget about Roger Stone. Now that he doesn't have a Twitter account he might be lonely & want 2 join his friends
The financial problems #Kushner has, have been well publicised & he would probably be the most vulnerable to criminal offers.
Praise baby Jesus, oh happy day!!
your lips to gods ears
Don’t forget Tony and John Podesta
We all should wanna know who the in congress was lobbied by Manafort podesta for this Ukraine deal. Who was influenced by this lobbying
The internet thinks you're not very bright. What say you?
The Podesta brothers.
Don Jr should be tried for treason.
The Podestas will be indicted before anyone else if this investigation is legitimate
Don't forget Podesta he's next
Looks like Sessions flat out lied under oath multiple times, so he too, no?
It will not be Mueller doing the indicting. his sorry ass will be facing charges.
Definitely Flynn. Thought it would be him & Manafort today. Instead we get an early Christmas 🎁: Papadopolous😆 #Wired #TrumpRussia #Treason
No carter page is working for the government and probably always has.
Carter Page is going to jail
He was going anyway. Worth it.
Trump indictment is also on card so Mueller is building watertight case to stand all legal scrutiny. Sedition against Trump will be logical.
And that creepy Miller dude who was Sessions aide!
crooked Hillary. Billy Boy, Podesta, Wasserman and Soros!!
In all fairness, do you think it's going to take that long? Having said that, we shall definitely see what happens. Derail the #TrumpTrain.
March is way too long
Jesus... I can't believe all of this is even happening. It's insane.
Do you think, as others have said, more to come this week?
How many phases are there?
Seth, the indictment is marked Indictment(B). Where and what could Indictment(A) be?
Seth, whenever I see a thread from you I stop what I am doing to read it. Thanks for all of your hard work piecing all of this together!
Sir - thank you for you insights these last 10+ months. I have followed you avidly and am so thankful you have nailed this for what it is!
Anything we can judge from the timeline there? If it's closer to 2 or 5, what does that tell us...?
#plottwist Carter Page gets ratted out by Flynn. How say you?
Oh boy, buckle your seat belt America
Patience is not my virtue, but today’s news helps.
What’s phase 4?
Just in time for a lovely Spring!💐🌸🌺🌼🌻🌿🍃🎋🍄🌎
Don’t start patting yourself on the back...people will think your trump
He’s done more in 5 months than Donny in 10 @realDonaldTrump
And it’s my birthday 🎂. Thank you Mr. Mueller! What a fabulous birthday present! And of course thank you Seth for all your info too!
Yea, mine too! It is a great present, isn't it? Only thing better would be 45 doing the perp walk!
Happy Birthday 🎊🎂🎈🎉🎁
And to you! 🎂🍰🎁🎁🎈🎈🎈🎉
You da man, Seth!
It's like you're a psychic! (Or fundamentally qualified to analyze these types of situations.)
Great estimate Seth 👍😀
We'll give you a two day buffer!
Sir you then are a true visionary and not just a mere #poet as your profile says then.. the plot truly is thickening
Thank you Seth!
I'd say Pop's indictment was pretty important and it was October 5.
Good on ya Seth! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 (Sorry to be a pain but I’m reveling in this moment for my Avatar’s sake!)
Pretty damn impressive prediction, if you ask me.
I remember that! Thought it was so far away then! #MuellerMonday finally here!
Astrologers called Nov 2017, as well.
Just his campaign chairman, that’s all nothing to see here ha ha ha ha. Crime family come on down
Freaking awesome bro!!!!
? can additional related charges still be brought against Manafort - i.e. collusion - or is this the strongest case Mueller could make?
No. This is a start. Additional charges in superceding indictments will come adding in more people.
Thanks for the response - I put this out b4 I read the whole thread, which is the best thing out there!!
This thread is hilarious! Next can you do one on Sasquatch?
Wow, Flynn is very agile.
What section are you seeing that tips you off to that? I missed it.
I would say his IMMENSE prosecutorial history and experience for one.
Not throwing shade. Literally want to know what he's seeing that indicates Flynn has flipped.
This thread of @SethAbramson could be HUGE... it’s like a fine wine, you have to let it breathe first. Patience grasshopper
The existence of the sealed indictment for PM but not one for MF
Ahh ok. So the fact that Flynn has not been charged? That's fair reasoning.
It’s the absence of his name at the top of the document. It’s a bit of a stretch to frame just 2 alternatives like that.
Where is that in the indictment?
Why does it say indictment B?
“He certainly has a story to tell” right
And you have also said if Flynn does flip, it will be game over for Trump! Which it seems you now think is very likely! Great news
I always thought that Flipper was a porpoise that lived in the Keys
Does that exonerate them when they offer to flip?
Depends if the info pans out or how bad they want the “bird in hand”
That's a good point.
No. It's an offer to cut a deal, ie plead guilty for lesser charges or get immunity. No exoneration.
he was the first one to call for immunity to be "allowed" to cough up the info on just what in the hell did happen into the #TrumpCampaign
Flynn: I can plead guilty on Mon. Mueller: No, we have someone else pleading guilty on Mon. Flynn: How about Tues? Mueller: No, we have..
#mueller investigation continues.........
Interesting would make him Mueller ace in hole the potential strongest links btwn Russia the campaign & WH flynn there every step
Yeah he offered to flip. But not on Trump.
The indictment may have been leaked by Manafort's people.
these came from mueller's office
I want Flynn to serve time. He violated many military and civil laws to become a foreign agent.
Maybe too big to be available to leakers?
Because the leak came from defendant's team.
Seth, is there ANY legitimacy to Foxbart / Trey Gowdy / other GOP alarmism about “illegal leaking” from Mueller probe?
Unless leak is from Mueller and intentional - to see the rats scurry, make mistakes, and speak things they shouldn't on wiretapped channels.
Is it plausible inside source specifically didn't leak a Flynn indictment either to suggest to Trump he flipped or to make Flynn feel safer?
its not being leaked the government is putting it up on the site
Different grand jury. CNN was parked outside Courthouse on Friday all day
I agree but it's plausible different attorneys, target and specific context could lead to a different approach.
Manafort's indictnent says Indictment B. What and where is Indictment A?
but see papadopolous
If he hasn't flipped yet, to further rattle Flynn and give him more time to flip
To give some cover to Flynn who may be cooperating and or put pressure on Flynn. Mueller is definitely sending a message to many.
Why isn't the source of the leaks in jail? Grand Jury is secret and sealed.
They haven't been "leaked" - they are available for download on the DOJ website.
Reportedly, there are still four sealed indictments filed between Papadapolous and Manafort...
Might it have been an arranged leak to place additional pressure on them and specific others? Drawing attention to the coming conversation
If the >FBI< leaked *these* indictments, they may be holding back Flynn’s strategically.
Manafort leaked himself so that a defense in the court of public opinion would begin. Flynn, stays mum, the military way. Maybe?
Other court? DC not EDVA?
Because the other indictments happened earlier like Poppadopolous & the person who leaked was unaware of earlier indictments.
Could that explain why Trump asked Comey and others to take care of Flynn?
I am drafting a flip prayer now.
...or for the umpteenth time you've engaged in baseless speculation based on rumor and innuendo.
Maybe Mueller is waiting until POTUS is in Asia before he indicts Don Trump JR and Kushner and Ivanka!
Possible a few have already flipped this may have others doing so , DONNY jr?
Wouldn’t the US Army need to court martial Flynn too? Generals aren’t allowed to shill for a rival nation. Will it come later?
Papadopoulos has already plead guilty to charges. I wonder how much information he's given up?…
Doubt he flipped yet, I saw Goppollsanalyst Katica on here soliciting funding to pay Flynns legal fees
Q - is there a chance that it's the opposite? That Flynn is so blindly loyal (as he's shown in the past) that they DON'T think he'd flip?
My money 💰 💰 is on he flipped.
Could his have been prepared as Indictment A - since Manafort and Gates are named defendants on Indictment B?
I think there is a sealed indictment against him. Mueller will want to make an example of him. @GenFlynn was a military man & thus a traitor
Someone noticed on the Manafort indictments was Indictment B. Suggesting there is an Indictment A. One still sealed? Flynn perhaps?
There you go. That’s what I’m thinking too. Flynn has flipped to not only save his own ass but to save his son as well.
So if Flynn flipped is he still walking free or out on bail or how does that work? Anyone?
I'll take option 2 for $1000 Alex
There are four sealed cases numbered between Papadopolous and Manafort....
He's already talking. That's my guess.
Flynn's already talking?
Flynn is further inside the Russian collusion. Maybe he's flipped.
Remember Flynn has a story to tell as well as mueller looking at jr! Yep he’s talkin
(Possibly sensitive)
- key - Hillary - Uranium - and cash to Bill - moreover - Gen . Flynn - exposed - Obama / Hillary and McCain armed ISIS - stay tuned -
Who says he hasn't? Tick Tock Tick Tock.
I'm willing to bet that you are correct. We only now learned about Papadopoulos.
Tell us Seth, tell us!
He is clearly letting @GenFlynn fly in the wind for a bit so he can have him as open as possible to spill his guts when he comes calling! 🙂
Flynn will be on the new Laura Ingram show tonight... Can't wait. @IngrahamAngle
I can't read your bullshit any more. You can't substantiate anything you write. Fail.
Didn’t you say the other day that charges have to be brought in order for there to be a flip? Otherwise there’s nothing to flip from.
Maybe because Flynn's case is in VA
Flynn said early on he “had a story to tell.”
This was my question!
Are they collecting more info on Flynn in connection with Trump family?
Flynn is atypically DUG IN. Refuses to cooperate in ANY WAY. Humans are each unique and Mueller is not about cookie cutter anything.
was it worded in a way to potentially put others on edge in hopes they might step forward and surrender themselves?
Yeah, when you lay all of your cards on the table, it usually means you could set them on fire and still win the hand.
Many thanks 👏👏
Thorough and stimulating summary. I now feel more intelligent! Thanks Seth.
Will Manafort now be held in prison or will he get bail
Would that be a ruse to distract other potential defendants, so they think that's all Mueller has?
Perhaps makes it harder for Trump to justify firing Mueller?
I have no doubt Mr Mueller has laid these charges out so they can not be disputed by any reasonable mind. Trumpsters will still cry foul.
Maybe Flynn already talked...
He should have renounced us citizenship for tax purposes like bb browder did!
Deliberate, no? Mueller knows Trump will disrespect & undermine. This lays out a clear and detailed public narrative. Preemptive defense
I always thought and said it would be Manafort, and I was right
I hope Tad Devine gets caught up in this.
I'm wondering as Manafon has connections to Putin he has been ordered to withhold information
They should question Victor Yanukovych because of his connections to Manafort as well... yeah like that won't happen
Financial crimes are the ones Trump likely most concerned about
Murky is a good word for non-existent. Nice thesaurus work!
Isn't there also concrete evidence that Trump said he was going to run for president as early or earlier than 2012?
Crooked Former FBI Head Mueller Hand Delivered Uranium to Russians on Airport Tarmac October 22, 2017
+@AgalarovAras I had a great weekend with you and your family. You have done a FANTASTIC job. TRUMP TOWER-MOSCOW is next. EMIN was WOW!
Hang on a minute, by that time nobody knew that Trump wld run for President,winning GOP nomination & presidency. This is all far fetched
Putin needs that Ukranian oil and for no one to oppose his advancement.
When @SethAbramson 40 tweets into a thread and we still want more! #Russia #Russiagate #Russiainvestigation #ImpeachTrump
(and 1,969 other replies)