You can’t produce high-quality software with a large number of short-staffed platforms following an aggressive annual release schedule.
It’s not enough to want it to be better, say it’ll be better, or demand that it get better.
Sheer force of will can’t fix software quality.
I liked it better when OS X releases were 2 - 3 years apart versus the new reality of yearly meaningless releases with some fluff on top..
If only Apple had the resources to *not* short-staff each platform...
haha why do you keep subtweeting apple.
there's very little "sub" about it
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast”, Peter Drucker
Since Apple repatriated (or soon will do so) a metric crap-ton of cash, isn’t the only real solution hire a bunch of new hardware and software engineers? Is it fair to say that this is the only real metric that counts?
Is this like Brooks: You don't change the length of a pregnancy to a month by assigning 9 women to the task?
So which part of that equation do you suggest they work on? Up the staffing? Reduce the number of platforms? Lengthen release cycle?
Actually, sheer force of will is what's needed to fix software quality.
What's "aggressive" about an annual release schedule? 🤔
It doesn't work, as evident by the quality of Apple on iOS and macOS.
It works quite well for many popular plattforms, frameworks and toolkits.
Do you think iOS would be less buggy if Apple publishes new releases once every three years?
Yes. Split every component (Safari, Mail, Calendar, Music, etc.) into its own standalone app on the AppStore and update those regularly with features and improvements _when ready_. Don't force a ridiculous release schedule that just doesn't work for the sake of selling hardware.
Rejiggering what *fundamental* components ship means that much of the work prior to the rejigger was a waste of time. Which also leads to lower software quality.
No easy choices, no easy fix.