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Do you need another sign of civilization's end? Here's one: I tweeted "Immigrants: we get the job done" with a video of Mirai Nagasu's triple axel. The line is a Hamilton reference. I know she was born in Cali. Her parents are immigrants. I was celebrating her and them. (1/2)
3,395 replies and sub-replies as of Feb 13 2018

For this tweet I am being told I am a racist, a ghoul and that I deserve to die. So I deleted the tweet. That's where we are.
These articles make you look even worse tbh
Of course it makes her look worse. The hard left hates when you use facts to argue with them.
None of these articles called Mirai herself an immigrant.
What the hell is wrong with you? Just admit you f*cked up and move on with your life.
Yes. Keep tweeting through this, you'll totally change everyone's minds
Bari gets the job done
I just learnt that your own sister experienced discrimination by IVY league schools . It is sickening to see person like u been accused of discrimination.
You're not a ghoul, nor do you deserve to die. But you are a teensy bit racist, and you're supporting the racist society we're in. Please learn and do better. Mistakes are OK. Doubling down on them isn't.
Oh fuck the @nytopinion page is about to somehow get even worse, innit?
Wow are you full of shit.
wow bari im sorry everyone is ganging up on you over this when you must have had family members or ancestors that were immigrants at some point. disturbing to think about
i mean all immigrants deserve to be respected for their contributions to america, such as joseph massad for example,
Bari please keep tweeting through this. You can do it!
Fact check: no one tweeted that she deserved to die, one person called her a racist ghoul, and yeah, a bunch of people called that tweet racist (because it was)
Here's what you should have written: "My bad. I know she's not an immigrant. I tweeted that Hamilton reference thinking it would celebrate her parents' immigrant roots, but now I see I came off as wildly ignorant of the American immigrant experience. I've deleted the tweet."
Don't think it would have worked. When people want to find racism this badly they will not let an opportunity like this go that easily.
Nah. Real contrition/reflection works. She obviously doesn't think she did anything wrong AND is pissed other people are calling her out for a shitty tweet. Note that my suggestion says "came off as" and cedes no ground on intent.
It’s so “I’m sorry you felt offended.”
You can authentically say you're sorry for saying something shitty without admitting shitty intent, because you didn't actually mean to say something shitty. The key is admitting that thing you said was shitty, which she refuses to do, apparently.
why do you hate asians so much?!!!
+@bariweiss no, those three linked stories on her do not vindicate you. The first two are written by Asian-Americans, they have more license then you, the third refers only to her parents and immigrants and doesn't emphasize that fact.
Why do they have more license?
pls keep going. this is so funny lol
Privileged white girl makes racist comment about Asian-American and calls it a compliment.
Don't listen to the haters Bari, they're just dummies who didn't make the obvious connection that when you reference someone as an immigrant, you're actually talking about their parents
It’s really not worth doubling down on this. Take the L.
This article also does not say she's an immigrant.
I don't think you're being told you're a ghoul for this comment in isolation, but rather for how it fits into your (ghoulish!) body of work. Glad you've found a courageous high ground as the one true defender of civilization against all critics, though!
Maybe you should’ve just… not tweeted it? And just be like “Yeah that was my bad, I didn’t think that through“ and then everything would’ve be cool?
Could just say sorry?
Keep going. You'll dig yourself out of this hole eventually, I'm sure of it.
Bari stop please this isn't making it look any better.
Bari Weiss: she gets the job done (white victimhood-wise)
She is doing amazingly horrible today, it's breath taking.
How is she still getting a salary... this world ain't right
ha ha yes because Bari is white so she's not allowed to complain about people treating her like shit and sending death threats, I get it
do those tweets exist
footage not found
BARI: people are treating me like shit ANGRY MOB: no they aren't, you lying bitch
BARI: people are tweeting specific awful things at me "ANGRY MOB": actually it appears that didn't happen MATT: Oh okay so you hate her because she's white...typical
You brought up the race thing, not sure why you’re pinning that on me
hmm maybe race is an issue here because she's essentializing immigrants of color in a completely stupid way :)
she’s not essentializing anything, she was making an awkward but encouraging reference to this person’s status as the child of immigrants
it could’ve been worded better but the reaction was just absurd, and then you decide to bring her skin color into the picture like it delegitimizes her complaints about how she’s being treated
do you honestly believe she was referring to her parents man? come on
her skin color is inherently brought into it because she is a white american talking about non-white immigrants dude. don't try to come in here as some woke savior and pull this ignorant shit on me
People of color who were born here (like me) to immigrant parent(s) do not like to be referred to as immigrants because it's both inaccurate and racist. Like our status as poc makes us automatically alien. This is what ppl are reacting to dumbass
mirah what if I told you that people were being mean to Bari Weiss
lol, woke savior, is that like a white knight? okay dude She’s a white American talking about how great immigrant families are. You think that’s worth raking her over the coals? Excoriating allies over minor linguistic infractions is not a good look for the Left.
you implied I brought up race in a conversation about asian immigration. "okay dude." Weiss was talking about how great an "immigrant" was, who was not an immigrant. and I brought up the race card. did you vote for trump
Repeating pablum from Hamilton makes you an ally of... immigrants? Asian-Americans? People with foreign-sounding names who don't look white? What's your story now?
How the fuck is a darling of the far right an ally to the left?
Funny name too.
Anybody got a copy of the letter this idiot's sister wrote???? whole family needs kick rocks.
Every tweet making you look smarter Can't stop won't stop
are you just googling her name now
White girl says something stupid and offensive, doubles down, and then makes herself the victim. A time honoured tradition.
But she does it so well! 😂
So you have a problem with immigrants, Quentin, so much so that you find it offensive to call someone one, if that person is not one. Oh... hmm...
Zero chance that Bari had Asian-American friends at Columbia.
Sounds like you were using her parents to make a stupid selfish point,and got called out for it
I’m sure that in another 5-10 tweets showcasing how everyone else is wrong, Bari will finally realize she just can’t convince us that there was absolutely nothing wrong with her tweet. It’s a shame we just can’t see her side in this.
5 Fast Facts: 1) Yr original tweet was highly offensive. 2) "Poetic license" never absolves racism. 3) Lots of athletes w/ immigrant parents whose countries of origin majority-white but u would've never taken that "poetic license" 4&5) U really need to stop trying to justify it.
Keep going. You're doing great.
The "And I have Asian American friends" tweet is surely coming next.
I actually have an Asian American wife. Her response is here:
The model minority myth is used to celebrate Asian Americans' accomplishments, which is why many people don't realize the harm it has caused, and continues to cause, for all minorities, including the minority group being "celebrated" (
'Model Minority' Myth Again Used As A Racial Wedge Between Asians And Blacks
The perception of universal success among Asian-Americans is being wielded to downplay racism's role in the persistent struggles of other minority groups — especially black Americans.
You "have" an Asian American wife? Is she your possession? Disgusting.
No. Common expression. I have two brothers. I also have a husband.
Just because someone isn’t white doesn’t give you the “poetic license” to co-opt their story for your personal gain.
It’s like watching a monk workshop self immolation instead of just lighting the match.
Here's the thing. The line in Hamilton? They're singing it about themselves. They ARE the immigrants in question. They weren't singing it about their parents. To say that's the angle you were going for is silly at best. Your tweet was obvs referring to Nagasu, not her parents.
She is not an immigrant. Why you want to promote the fallacy that she is.
So are you just trying to condescend your way out of this then Consistent, I guess
Linking a shitshow like is beneath anyone, but you make big money for the New York Times, right?
Breaking News, Sports, Entertainment, TV, Tech, Gaming & Health.
My parents immigrated, I was born in Canada. I'm Canadian. Get a clue.
Every one of you knuckleheads commenting in this thread might as well be volunteering for the Trump campaign.
Just take the L...
JUST APOLOGIZE ALREADY. Why is it so damned hard for you to realize you screwed up and apologize?!
THIS. Do you know how many dumb ass things I've said because of my privilege? THE LIST IS LEGION. And I learned from each mistake, apologized, did better next time. I'm 100% it will happen again. Privilege makes one stupid. It's just how it is. You have to learn sometime.
Looks like the Weiss parents are 0 for 2
Her parents are immigrants. She is a Nisei , Japanese American.
1. She’s not an immigrant....
Forget it, Jake. It's Twitter. Go drink wine. Tomorrow we'll be angry at kangaroos or something.
The biggest sign that civilization is over is you being an editor at the nyt! What the fuck! Under qualified, over opinionated and dumber than a box of rocks. We're definitely fucked! what
Fact 6 she was born here
Weird. The headline doesn't refer to an American as an immigrant in any of these stories. Just admit you messed up.
“Her parents are immigrants”. A story that does not call her an immigrant, like you did, isn’t helping your case
Sony Pictures just applogized to some lady because her son has allergies. We're living at a time when everyone is outraged all the time and every person is trying to morally one up someone else.
Fact 1: not an immigrant Fact 2: not an immigrant Fact 3: not an immigrant Fact 4: not an immigrant Fact 5: you’re a racist
"I was wrong. I apologize to Mirai. I have learned from this and will not make the same mistake again!" feel free to steal this w/o attribution
damn, you're just continuing to drag her amazing moment through a knee-deep trough of self-centered racist white lady crap. She deserves way better than you.
the more you tweet out takes that actually aren’t at all similar to yours, the more everyone sees how ignorant, shallow, and racist you are
It's probably in your best interest to log off twitter.
never heard of you until now. Please delete your account before you harm yourself further.
You: Twitter is the worst Also you: tweets 7 million times in the last three hours
I was too harsh on you earlier Ms. Weiss, it wasn't that hard to view your tweet in the intended context. Apologies.
this is honestly getting sad
Too little, too late.
#6 she's not an immigrant.
Stop, just STOP.
Lol, by all means keep going
More pitchforks needed in aisle nine!
i’m not racist! for example here’s some google
That site doesn’t say she is an immigrant. It says her parents are, were her parents illustrated in your original tweet?
They all look the same anyway
Think about it this way. If her parents were from Ireland, Sweden, or France, would you still use 'Immigrants' quote?
Bari you have a choice here-believe the world is all wrong or relook at what you tweeted and figure out how to do differently next time so your message is received? lots of headline interpretations we need to adapt.
Those articles mention her parents as immigrants... not her. They don’t defend you at all. She’s not an immigrant by definition haha.
Give the hard left victim seeking clown car a few days to chill out and they will find something else to shout at that they believe they are victims of.
i wouldn't exactly call heavy's 5 fast facts you need to know a form of credible journalism.
Bari, I was born in the USA to immigrant parents. I get “othered” still to this day from time to time by well meaning folks (mostly white) and I find it offensive.
You could also chalk it up to the fact you quoted something the majority of the country has not seen.
Twitter is filled w/ bots or people who will start a line of thought that they assume is your position and bots that are russian and represent themselves as liberals sorry this has happened to you. Don't be discouraged people are on edge the amount of bs from DJT distorts reason.
I read these pieces to see if they had, in fact, refer to Nagasu as an immigrant. I was not surprised to see they had not. Go approve another garbage article about the quiet nobility of racist rural landowners
Guaranteed 9/10 of the trolls trashing Bari below and deciding what is offensive to immigrants are white and American
Bari Weiss: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know: 1. Very prestigious job w huge platform 2. Tweets badly 3. Calls reasonable “misreadings” of bad tweets “utterly breathtaking” in their “bad faith” 4. Meets reasonable objection to bad tweets w “deep resentment” 5. Zero introspection.
Let's do it again!
American Chloe Kim wins Olympic gold medal in women's halfpipe…
Fire @bariweiss please. You are turning into a joke otherwise!!
My god, you really really don’t get it.
if they aint WHITE, they aint ameriKKKan right?
god damn it, you're really a piece of shit
3. Also, many of us would not consider the continuous movement towards a more considerate society "the end of civilization".
Why don't you drop it already. You suck.
My 9-year-old daughter’s Valentine’s card box.
FYI, Nagasu's immigrant parents have been in this country longer than you've been alive.
When only trolls, bots, and MAGA sycophants are your only supporters here, you've lost the popular vote.
Did you just delete a tweet about Mirai Nagasu?
Would you praise someone who said, "Jews, penetrating media"?
In the future, don't call people who were born here immigrants just because they're not white. It's really simple.
Bari Weiss thinks all non-whites must be immigrants, and she thinks that immigration is good because some of them might become successful. In her ideal ethnocracy, nonwhites must justify their existences through feats of superhuman achievement
In this way there’s really no difference between the soft-racism of merit-fetishism of Trump and Bari Weiss
Counterpoint: don’t stop.
counter counter point. STAHP IT.
Counter counter counter point: #WengerOut #MourhinoSucks
Immigrants had better be Olympic athletes to earn their keep! Meanwhile, Bari Weiss makes a huge salary slandering victims and protecting the powerful
Democrats in Congress and the White House are using this logic regarding the Dreamers. They are the good immigrants, they're in the military, go to college, etc. Dreamers deserve to stay, but so so the other undocumented immigrants you know cause they are fuckin human.
That only works if you ignore every proposal that Democrats have made on immigration that has a path for citizenship for people who are here and undocumented.
Dems in Congress conceded to Trump, want to give him his border wall, restrictions on family reunification,ending of diversity lottery. Try again. Dems have instead of moving left in the era of Trump, are moving right. They don't care about ordinary people. System is fucked.
Oh, you think that far right legislation is being proposed because the Democrats are shifting right. It's that they don't control the House, the Senate, or the White House. You're seeing legislation that looks like Republican legislation, because it is Republican legislation.
Dick Durbin & Chuck Schumer agreed to the things I listed above during conversations with the White House. Why? Especially when during the shutdown they had leverage. The Dems are spineless, using the Dreamers as props, did the politically expedient thing. They don't care.
So you don't care about reality and just seek to spread misinformation. Got it.
Respectfully, what I'm I missing? The Dems were willing to sell out (Wall, Limitations on Legal Immigration, Diversity VISA), how is that me not caring? If anything it shows you care about the needs of a political party over ordinary people. #PeopleOverParty.
Dems had leverage, and chose to negotiate with the racist orangutan in the White House. They should of asked for a clean Dreamer bill, especially when there was so much support for it. They didn't. Dems offer no substance, just vague plattitudes.
My God, where do you people come from? So it’s true, social media is where scum goes to multiply.
Your TL shows you to be a raging bigot.
what do you want the nyt opinion page to do next, not venerate nazis??? geez
Her parents were immigrants. Why the hate?
She's not an immigrant. When someone says something racist, it's not "hateful" to point that out.
That says that her parents are immigrants, not that she is. Do you see the difference? Because it's important. It's why Asian people are asked again, "No, where are you *from*?" when they name a US state the first time that question is asked.
bc she is not an immigrant
Yes you are right, but why the hate on immigrants? I bet she is proud of her parents. They worked hard, and gave her daughter the world.
Nobody is hating on immigrants . . .
Yes, but you aren’t many people. You’re Bari Weiss, professional power defender and injustice rationalizer, and of course full-time ghoul.
Oh please. You weren’t “celebrating her story”, you were lazily assuming it.
So after how many generations does a family stop being an immigrant? Or perhaps...we should realize that we're all the product of immigration (other than Native Americans) and perhaps be kinder to those who want to come to the US today.
Now you're just racistly citing left wing news outlets that made the same point.
I mean, how many first generation Americans have quoted the same thing with respect to their efforts? If this tweet came from someone else, we'd be less warlike. Be less warlike.
Um, do you know of any? I don't. The first generation immigrants I know are very proud to be natural born American citizens. If I'm wrong, please feel free to @ me some of the tweets you allege probably exist.
Your tweet was in no way similar to that article.
Even in this article that you referenced they noted that she is American and she describes herself as being from California. Not an immigrant. Her parents have been here for over 30 years. Just take the L and hush!
So is this technically a quadruple-down on your part?
She nailed the landing on this quadruple putz.
Dude... this talks about growing up with immigrant parents. It doesn't call her an immigrant. You're purposefully obfuscating now.
If ten million had, it wouldn’t make it okay, correct, or less racist
These articles - all of which are hundreds of words long- do not say what your tweet said.
Lol, you’re all in on this, huh? (For clarity, this does not insinuate that you’re a ghoul or should die; it’s just kinda stupid)
This is a false equivalence. You no where mentioned parents. Video of an Asian American and your caption is ‘immigrant’. Just stop.
You weren't celebrating her story, though. You celebrated her (not her parents') accomplishment, as an immigrant. Which she isn't, and which you only assumed she isn't because she's not white.
That article does not call her an immigrant.
I must have missed where they referred to her as an immigrant.
No the people that said that you "deserve to die" were just taking some poetic license, that makes it okay right?
Isn't "Deserve to die" a line from Hamilton?
Stop. Talking. You are making an embarrassing spectacle of yourself trying to justify your dumb take.
Would you have used that "angle" if she had been white? This is a fair question, and the answer doesnt make you racist. And its important to note that other's took the same "angle" But it DID show prejudicial thinking. Both you AND HuffPost. Keep writing, keep listening. ❤
Doesn't make it ok.
You weren’t celebrating her’d be wise to stop tweeting. Attempts to justify your tweet are making it worse.
She CLEARLY WAS. She wrote" Immigrants WE get the job done" (including herself as she is a child of immigrants). Y'all are so dumb & dishonest, it's incredible.
“Many people did an accidental racism” is not a good excuse??? Like, if you need help understand why this is offensive just apologize and ask for it. But for the love of Gd don’t double down on it.
She should not apologize to morons & other people with bad faith. In fact,she shouldn't have deleted the tweet at all. It only feeds the morons
And the article she linked to correctly identified the fact that Nagasu's parents, not her, are immigrants. I'm failing to see the point she's trying to make??
The only point she's trying to make is that she doesn't think she should be held accountable for her fuck up.
actually, I just wrote a factual story about her family.
She tried it with this one.
The density of her objectification of “immigrant” was completely out of context. The level of blindness that it takes to pull your story into her vortex of ignorance is beyond troubling, typical of people trying to prove themselves by utilizing minority voices to deflect.
Bari googled "Mirai Nagasu" and "immigrant" and started pasting the results on twitter. Her refusal to take this on the chin is almost inspiring.
Lol, nah. This is Twitter. Nobody shuts up,& if they did you'd go first, Alyssa.
do you know how to read?
You've questioned leftist groupthink publicly. That can't be allowed and you must be swarmed on social media. Welcome to the Dark Side. Never delete, never apologize... it just feeds them.
wasn't this a Seinfeld episode
Bari, ffs, they mentioned her parents being immigrants. They didn’t call her an immigrant or tweet out Hamilton lyrics claiming an immigrant did this. Are you doing the same for the white athletes who are also descendants or immigration (all of them).
Okay...but that explicitly shows she is not an immigrant, rather her family is. Clearer story, you can't compare.
Better idea. Let's admit she's Japanese, and give Japan the medal. If we can't win medals without mercenaries, too bad.
This story tells the story of an American born to immigrants. You wrongly called that American an immigrant. @nytimes, don’t you expect your columnists to be able to engage criticism in good faith and acknowledge obvious and offensive mistakes, or nah?
You didn't mean anything malicious by your tweet. People crying "racism" and that they think you should die need to really do a self-evaluation. It's like people feed off of dragging and humiliating others over minor mistakes.
So what you’re saying is that you don’t feel like being a nytimes writer holds you to a higher standard. Exactly why I don’t subscribe to your paper anymore.
"Irritable LSD user"
But they didn't do it as incompetently as you did. I mean, I can see why you're struggling. It's not like you get paid to write for a living, or anything...
Why not just say “I’m sorry.”
Where’s the fun in that? Plus she already went to the store and got all these nails and a really big cross to nail herself to sooo...
See but this is *factually accurate* whereas your tweet was based on a racist and false assumption. You can't possibly be this dense...right?
Ugh, yeah you could’ve celebrated her background by saying “children of immigrants” rather than just “immigrants” 🤦🏻‍♂️
Also. To be clear. Immigrants - good. Illegal immigrants - bad.
Rabid leftists are the most hateful nasty cry bullying people around, best to ignore them.
Just...stop. You shoved your foot in your mouth, and instead of taking the damn foot out, you're now trying to deep-throat it.
"Other people were almost as tone deaf and racist! Don't blame me!" Fucking hack.
Except that's not what you said. Her parents didn't do a triple axel. She did. So "getting the job done" doesn't work there.
Saying someone’s an immigrant, when she was born here, in no way celebrates her or her achievement of being the first woman to land a triple axel at the Olympics.
Why do you feel so inclined to defend these prejudicial assumptions? I'd suggest taking a step back, reading what the author of the article said, and apologizing to the athlete and your audience. My parents came here as refugees, but I'm not an immigrant.
Calling her "born of Asian American parents" is NOT the same thing as calling her an immigrant! Do u really not see this??
You didn't make mention of her immigrant parents. You employed--by your own admission--"poetic license" to label a Californian-born American citizen an immigrant because she is not white. You didn't "similarly celebrate" anything about her. Your back-pedaling can get you nowhere.
Japanese people don't believe in immigration. They are a nation state. They take in 0 refugees, migrants, immigrants and want to immigrate to others countries/cultures so I don't see any need for any admiration for the Japanese immigrants.
That's not the same as classifying her as an "immigrant". She is not her parents, just like I'm not a war refugee just because my parents fled during the fall of Saigon...
Ignore them. Repeat.
LOL Wow. Linking to the huffington compost makes it even worse.
"Other people did it so why can't I????"
I too loved her story AND that triple axel. But she is not an immigrant. Here parents are. My great-grandparents were immigrants. I am not. They came on a boat and through Ellis Island. Children of immigrants born here are not immigrants and don’t see themselves that way :)
Oh so when someone without bias talks about the same topic you talked about Their lack of bias extends to you & grants you permission to wield yours even more aggressively? *scratches head*
SAY WHATEVER YOU WANT ANY WAY YOU WANT. These insane fools that have fainting couches ready for outrages are not worth the stress of a response. They see apologies as weakness and double down. The best response would have been to tell them to get lost.
You don't deserve death threats over a tweet. But you should acknowledge that your tweet was (unintentionally) misleading. Descriptions like yours is one reason why Asian Americans are repeatedly asked, "No, where are you really from?"
Dude... Welcome to the left... From one yid to another, extricate yourself from these people, they’re effing nuts!!
🧐 deleted it,but posted another tweet “quoting” what the original tweet supposedly said w/a full description & explanation?Why did you delete it then?Something tells me that’s not a completely accurate recollection of what really happened.This makes no sense.I’m dizzy.😕
So, you wanna say there are other racists too🤔
Your stupidity was on full display with your later tweets. How did you get into and graduate from Columbia with such low level of intelligence?? I guess people like you do fall through Ivy League admission cracks. Delete your account and quit your job at NY Times plz!!
It is sad that you don’t understand why people find your original tweet offensive. Would you have tweeted the same thing if Mirai was blonde and born to parents immigrated from Germany?? You are thick beyond belief!! Unbelievable
This isn’t the same. I can’t believe you’re digging a deeper hole for yourself.
Mirai not an immigrant. Plain and simple. But I see that you are trying justify your original tweet while also disclaiming any responsibility for it (by deleting). Can't believe you work for @nytimes. Wait... no I definitely can.
You should have said “CHILDREN of immigrants”. Calling Asian Americans foreign= using the N word with African Americans. Just need to be more sensitive.
LOL Did "many people" also call her an immigrant? Didn't think so
1. The article didn’t call her an immigrant. YOU did. Doesn’t matter if you meant to say her parents are immigrants. You didn’t tweet that. I watched Hamilton. Lafayette is calling to the attention that they were immigrants getting the job done. Nagasu isn’t an immigrant.
2. It’s because of people like you who can’t see the mistakes made. It is people like you who are perpetuating these microaggressions toward Asian Americans. Perpetuating the idea that Asian Americans are outsiders and must be immigrants. That they can’t possibly be “from here.”
3. You should just own up to the mistake you made. As an Asian American who was born here, I’m tired of being asked, “Where are you really from?” Just because my parents are immigrants doesn’t mean I am not American.
Is it physically impossible for you to accept that you said something wrong?
She didn't. The skaters parents got the job witnessed by their daughters performance. Duh!
I feel like you said "Duh" un-ironically. Even if you didn't, you should have.
I interpret my own tweet in two different ways... On one hand, Bari made a silly tweet, and on the other the backlash against is ridiculous...
The "backlash" is people telling her that what she said was racist, and her refusing to accept that.
IMO, it was not racist...and it's usually a bad idea to apologize to an unruly mob (the angry group kind, not the Italian organized crime kind)
Well, it is racist. Calling someone who isn't white and is born here an immigrant is othering them. It is implying that whiteness is what makes someone American. She could have acknowledged that and learned from it. That would have been a better response.
So let me step in it a little... Living in CA, basically it's a given that people's ethnic origin is really important, and that we should acknowledge, celebrate diversity. Asking "where ya from?" is part of this culture. It's part of acknowledging diversity/ethnicity.
Nationality != ethnicity. Conflating the two is how ICE stays funded.
I saw somebody else put it really well, that Bari is the type of racist who would keep asking an Asian person where they're from after she received an answer like "Iowa." She's also utilizing an Asian form of this nonsense:… And what makes it so damn
galling and cringeworthy and rightly mockable, is she thinks she's doing it from some morally superior SJW high ground. Super extra points for rationalizing it all as a Hamilton reference. She's a Portlandia sketch given life.
Ouch!! Lol. Sorry, I know that was serious tweet but that last line was great.
I think there's a pretty big gap between what the NY Times purports to be and what people hold it up to be, and what it is and how the writers and editors actually are. This gap creates a much deserved wellspring of backlash the more that gap is found.
Journalists are heros and only those with authoritarian leanings or those who praise those authoritarians would EVER criticize the NYT. NYT is flawed (see obit of Castro vs obit of Ailes), and their op-ed section is having a bad month.
Journalists have power and a platform, so when they use that to push racist ideas, it's really good to call that out. (Even if they didn't intend to say something racist, and thought they were saying something positive)
I look at intent first (vice or virtue) it's what I try to do. I have known good people to say cringy things, but out of ignorance, not out of malice... Bari seemed to have meant well.
Well, everybody means well. I guarantee you that those we would both consider the worst people on Earth mean well. The world needs more than that. I expect NY Times editors to meet a higher standard than simply that, and recognize when they don't. Bari failed at both.
And while I do agree with a lot of your sentiment, and I presume I do 'get' and agree with what you say about multiculturalism, I think there's a whole other issue that people are reacting too. People are frustrated that legitimate immigration concerns are being maliciously
and cartoonishly (as here) portrayed as Hitler-esque racism or ignorance of the magic of immigration by hicks. And sorry, but if that's the game people like NY Times editors wanna play, don't be surprised when you get a taste of your own game.
I see the light. Mind changed.
Racism isn't always done out of malice, that's why it's useful to point it out when people do it. How she handled it wrong was to get defensive and deny that what she said was racist, instead of just acknowledging her mistake and learning from it.
Insisting that everyone else was wrong and she was right just doubled down on the "I'm right because I'm white and I said so" feel of the whole thing.
I'm not adept at catching that sort of behavior (I'll take another look at her words).
just admit your line made no sense. She isn't an immigrant. She landed the jump, not an immigrant.
Newsflash: educated immigrants with high social capital from non-antagonistic nations who enter the US through legal pathways and transmit values and capital to their offspring are a net plus to the country!
We get it, and your tweet was awkwardly stated.
This is definitely the most mature way to handle this
There are no more liberals
You are missing the obvious point Trump's immigration plans make. He has a (racist) hierarchy of acceptable immigrants from other cultures. Asian immigrants are "above the cut off line" because their stereotype is as hard working, where others stereotype is as lazy.
I never heard Trump or any of the current administration say this or anything close to it. Do you maybe have racist voices inside your own head feeding you this narrative?
Its call being pedantic its a way to be right all the time without participating in a conversation. Its very common in tech at all levels. In person to person interaction its a conversation killer so it stops. On twitter its a game so it doesn't.
Go up to an American-born Asian person and casually say they are an immigrant, then see how far you can carry the conversation with them without acknowledging your mistake.
Did they say she was an immigrant in the article? Or were they saying (other) immigrants and their broader communities nurtured and supported many athletes? I mean that's a pretty stark difference...
Nah, you talk sense and are a breath of fresh air. Good for you. Sorry there are so many people who kneejerk to everything, itching to jump on someone.
she’s a racist, tina
If you were born in America, you aren’t an immigrant, you’re an American who faces unique forms of systematic discrimination. It is also unbelievably ignorant to attempt to use an Americans achievement to get retweets and likes.
No bari we are not falling for the same weak shilling, big difference between chinese immigrants and people from third world countries who come illegally. Not the same but i already know that you’re pretending so go on.
She’s not an immigrant nor does that article say she is. Resist the urge to utter dumb things.
or, and now hear me out, maybe you were wrong
"other people said incorrect, ignorant things so why can't I?" you said she's an immigrant, by definition she is not. just apologize, correct your error and carry on like a non-ghoul.
...that thinkprogress article makes it very clear they are born in the US since imposing perpetual-foreignness is the main way anti-Asian animus shows itself...
You have to wonder when “immigrant” became perjorative, and whether those outraged at yr original post are “outsiders” who don’t know we’re all immigrants here.
If we're all immigrants (we are) then why the need to label her? And btw, can you tell Trump were all immigrants, he hasn't gotten the memo.
And it became pejorative when Trump decided to wage war on them (at least the ones of color).
Daca is a separate conversation. If we can’t make distinctions, conversation will be difficult. “How dare you say ‘immigrant,’ you immigrant!”
You asked when it became pejorative and I answered, it had nothing to do with DACA. I don't think there was nearly as negative a connotation to the word until Trump said they're all rapists and murderers.
Trump made “immigrant” bad? This immigrant disagrees.
You're welcome to your opinion. I'll stick with mine.
Did you miss the "sh*thole" countries comment and the rest of the last 3 months of Trump comments about *legal* immigration - including family reunification, etc? Those were all about *legal", documented immigrants.
How Trump's 'Shithole Countries' Comment Echoes a Century of American Immigration Policy
"There’s always been this history of favoring some over others"
Would she have called a white first generation American an immigrant?
So how many generations born in the United States before her family are no longer immigrants? Would you have said the same if she were a white 1st gen American? I think not.
My parents are first gen Americans. In 80+ years, they have never been referred to as immigrants. ps. They’re white. @bariweiss holds a prejudice many of us share, own up to it
You know, none of this is going to take away from that tweet, and your subsequent lies about said tweet. All you’re doing at this point is affirming that you’re a moron. And you deserve, probably, 70 percent of the backlash you’re getting.
I say 70 because bots say really ugly things, and you’re no doubt on the receiving end of some bot abuse.
I've yet to see any of the claimed abuse actually. I see dozens of tweets telling her she should shut up and stop being an idiot, 1 calling her a ghoul, and zero death threats.
I see an American. Her parents, who respected our laws and immigrated here legally, are also Americans. What do you see?
Is Chris Mazder chopper liver?
Holy shit, you just can't admit you were wrong, can you? This is breathtakingly stupid and YES, still racist. Three important things to remember:
1) White people don't get to be the arbitrators of what's racist and what isn't. 2) "Other people did it too" isn't an excuse 3) If quoting song lyrics makes you a "poet", then based on my 1999-2004 AOL messenger away statuses, I am the US Poet Laureate.
Wtf is wrong with the hard left? I’m more concerned about them than I am about the hard right.
The majority of Americans wouldn't be here without immigration.
and how did that work out for the natives?
How hard is it to admit you said something stupid? Don’t justify it, just admit the stupidity of the statement and move on.
Just enjoy the games, forget about the the twitter circle jerk and all the extraneous political BS.
Instead of doubling down, take a moment to listen and understand what people are saying. It’s valid and you’ll learn something incredibly valuable.
These articles you post are in good taste. Your tweets were racist. But nice try. Someone with your ethnic background should be the last person to be a racist asshole.
Still spinning... ur just mad your true racist self made an appearance and you don’t like how the shame feels #stfu
You’re a professional? Like in a professional journalistic position ? Christ almighty. Learn and grow. That’s all anyone is trying to say. Oh and stop tweeting. Def stop that.
May I suggest some introspection? Maybe, stay with me here, maybe you’re not always right? Maybe you’re in a position to learn more than teach? I presume from your work NYT editors aren’t big into “research” so thought this might be helpful 😊
Every American of non-Native descent wouldn't be here without immigration...
If anyone was offended by this, they need to grow the hell up or go back to grade school.
Don’t forget to congratulate the other immigrant for winning a gold in the half pipe. Oh wait she was born it the US also. Idiot.
How many Native Americans are on the USA Olympic Team? Literally none of the participants would be there without “immigration”.
Justice deals with individuals. Social justice deals with groups. And Jews are socially guilty of being succesful, having light skin and bombing dark skined people. We go right in the cauldron with the rest, Bari..... we might not go in first, but we're going.
is that the california girl you friggin ghoul?
You are a racist ghoul tho
We really need to go back to not knowing every waking thought of every other person on the planet. This social media experiment was a complete and utter failure.
I wouldnt have deleted it, then the idiots win
Now do the honorable thing and follow up by deleting your whole account.
Are you the one complaining about peter rabbits allergy?
deleting was a bad call! Legitimizes outrage mobs
to be fair it was an extremely racist tweet
But you have all you need for next week's column, so win-win, amirite?
You're not a ghoul and you don't deserve to die, but obviously you're a racist.
I would have retweeted it 60 or 70 times rather than delete it
Therein lies the problem. An unwillingness to acknowledge and take ownership of even the smallest mistakes.
And the mistake was what?
You just made my point.
Ah, now I get it. Her tweet wasn't specific enough and so some people assumed she thought the skater herself was an immigrant and took offense. And for that perceived transgression, she deserves the extreme vitriol she's received?
People have no sense of nuance or humor.
Yes, the nuanced view is to casually refer to anyone of foreign ancestry as “immigrant”
No I love a good joke. This had neither nuance nor humor
people notice when you say racist things.
i help every body, im not racist, i keep myself nice, and when i ask for a single re-tweet in return i am told to fuck off, fuck myself, etc
I think you know what you're doing, which is poking and prodding reactionary twitter so you can make spurious platitudes about the state of our culture.
Then it's working pretty good, wouldn't you say?
listen everyone this racist haz a sad
I love every time you do a bad tweet, you have to find the few really bad ones to make you become the victim instead of taking responsibility for your bad tweet. You don't want to act in good faith though.
Ignore people who specifically find a plausible or possible inference of your statement which is negative, and imply you should be held to account for it. Especially after you have clarified it wasn't an implication you intended.
She said it was poetic licence, then when that landed like a lead balloon she said no, it's about her parents. So, no.
Intent ≠ Execution
not for nothing, but you could have mentioned that her parents were immigrants in the original tweet.
Why are you capitulating ? Either you believe or or not and thus bear the burden of your convictions and beliefs. Put it up again, damn it!
"I fucked up. I apologize. I can do better." Has worked for me in the past
That's for people with integrity and not in to making excuses
My integrity is still pretty fucking suspect tbh but fair point!
I deeply resent the implication of your tweet.
Don’t capitulate so easily. Please put it back up. It’s what “THEY” want.
nah, you got what you wanted/needed
Why did you delete it then?
It was very offensive. I was born & raised in West Virginia. But I'm considered an "immigrant" by people like you. You wouldn't have put that Hamilton quote on a white, American-born person.
😂😂😂you are a jackass.
Says the guy who's crying
Of *course* the bozo with this for an avi would stridently defend Bari
You are a BOT No followers and following 500.
Not as big a one as you are being.
This is the civility from the dispicable anti-Semitic organization amnesty international. Keep up the great work bro.
As a Jew, I’m so glad to see you categorize even the slightest suggestion that Israel’s human rights record is not completely flawless as anti-Semitic. We’re all going to be so glad you’ve done that if the worst comes to pass and we have to face truly anti-Semitic fascism again.
Your arrogant and careless use of a term that’s supposed to describe something genuinely dangerous and evil to smear anyone who doesn’t toe the Likud party line definitely won’t ever come back to bite us in the future. Thanks so much.
Your arrogant and careless defense of an indefensible movement (Palestine and Islam) is dangerous and murderous.
Oh, you’re just a straight-up Islamophobe. Sorry, I mistakenly gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you were just a severely misguided right-wing Jew, but in fact you hold beliefs literally equivalent to Nazism. You’re making us all so proud.
Also, Palestine is a place, not a movement. But that’s somewhat less troubling than you being a Jew who’s apparently completely comfortable with religious hatred. So happy to see a Jew really fulfilling our aspiration to set an example of religious tolerance for everyone else.
Yes an islamaphobe because I’ve read the Quran and seen the actions. Islam HATES us. It calls to kill us. It does kill us.
You are living on a rainbow with unicorns. Go move to Europe with the lovely migrants and tell them your Jewish. Go to Palestine with a giant Star of David on. Go to Saudi Arabia, Somalia, IRAN. Etc etc. just stfu with your koombaya nonsense.
Maybe if we hadn’t disgraced the Star of David by making it the emblem of the ethnostate perpetrating the ongoing ethnic and religious cleansing of Palestine, there’d be no issue proudly displaying one anywhere in the Middle East.
You know, the way things were for Jews in the Middle East before 1948. If you want to blame something for current attitudes toward Judaism in the Middle East, blame Zionism.
Things were always terrible you idiot. We never had it good under anyone else’s control you useful idiot.
Was it significantly worse in MENA than it was in Europe prior to, like, the 19th or even 20th century? For 99% of our history, in every region we’ve tried to make our homes, we’ve been persecuted. So please fuck off with your theory that Muslims/Arabs/whoever started it
And, again, there were Jewish communities that had existed throughout the Middle East more or less peacefully for thousands of years. That ended with the Zionist project and it’s deliberate pitting of Jews against “everyone else” in the region.
Yes because before Israel was created Jews were sooo safe in the Middle East and everywhere else 😂😂😂 go read history. Not from Edward Said. Real history. We lived as dhimmis under Islam and got slaughtered every couple decades. But this is Israel’s fault
Jews have lived, mostly peacefully, sometimes less so, throughout Mesopotamia for thousands of years. Only after Zionism did so many have to move to Israel.
You are a fool if you believe that.
Did you read my reply about the Persian Jew I met in Shiraz, whose family had lived there peacefully and productively for hundreds of years?
Do you know that 90% or more Iranians Jews left after the ISLAMIC REVOLUTION? the few Jews left there are protected by the govt and still in danger.
Interesting, the Islamic Revolution was in 1979, more than 30 years after the implementation of the Zionist settler-colonial project. Wonder if that might have gone different for Persian Jews if Zionists hadn’t conflated Judaism with ethnic cleansing of Arabs for 3 decades prior.
Oh you are such a sick person. Please go move to Palestine or Iran or Saudi Arabia. Put your money where your pathetically stupid mouth is. You fight for them - go live amongst them. Bye
Interestingly, of all the regimes to cozy up to the Saudis, Israel is the one that seems to be most enthusiastic about doing so. You feel good that IDF field hospitals treat Al Nusra fighters from Syria? All they have to do is cross into the Golan, and Israel’s happy to help them
I spent a week traveling through Iran, that hotbed of anti-Semitism, last summer. I met the Jewish owner of a trinket shop in Shiraz, who proudly sold all sorts of Jewish “paraphernalia,” Hebrew letters and all. His family had been living there peacefully for hundreds of years.
It is not with Jews that Middle Easterners, Arabs, or Persians have a problem, it is with Zionism. So fuck all the way off with your Zionist arrogance and Nazi-style religious hatred.
You are fully unhinged and don’t live in reality. You hate yourself. Self hating Jew. It’s sad.
No one is perfect but you are fighting on the side of savagery. Why analyze the speck in my eye when there’s a plank in yours.
Interesting how you get to tell him "grow a pair" and expect civility in return. Have you considered that "fuck off" was exactly the response you deserved?
Yeah I’m sure @amnesty would love to know one of its “board members” is telling people to fuck off on Twitter. Seriously get a thicker skin and stop being so offended.
He has a pair, that's why he's speaking out against this bullshit narrative
You’re a totalitarian leftist. Go ban more words and create more genders.
He just binge watched Paul Joseph Watson videos for 36 hours straight. He'll tucker himself out on his own eventually. Poor little racist.
Love tucker Carlson. Hate real racists like you and identity politics.
Love too be the real racist between us
Yes it’s a book about anti-semitism and anti-Israel/Zionism which I’m sure you are. Read it and learn.
Are there more cute cartoons in it or just on the cover?
Whole thing is a cartoon. Read it and learn.
honestly anyone who loves Tucker Carlson is a few brain cells short and shouldn't be giving advice to anyone. also, to "tucker" oneself out does not automatically refer to Tucker Carlson. pick up a dictionary.
why don't you go use some wp rounds on a hospital
Like yo mama?😂😂😂 Fuck off tadpole!
If that white American born person was a first generation American, then yes, she likely would have.
Don't worry, anybody with common sense will realize that you are American, you don't have to be white. 😀
Ignorant white liberals man. They just virtue signal. I didn’t have this opinion until I lived in LA/SF. Truthfully, most conservatives that aren’t idiots have a better perspective on this subject than most white liberals. This is coming from a left leaning conservative.
Are you feeling any better now?
I am an immigrant and resent you appropriating injury. There is no offense.
We love our legal immigrants. I think he is pointing out that he has been defamed by those who vote liberal and see the world in a color spectrum unlike most Americans who just want to be left alone. We wouldn't still be having these conversations if the law were enforced.
He said all that, eh? Really fluffing up his comments, as well as "the law."
He also said that Constitution gives us the right to own semi-automatics. And his final words hinted at celebrating Dallas Cowboys
He really liked their white sox...
Typical liberal soy boy. All I see when you idiots tweet anymore is Reeeeeeeee or Waaaaahhhhh with all of your collective crying and perpetual victim hood
Exactly that, the bigotry of low expectations. Proud to have fellow patriots like yourself standing up for what is right.
She is being attacked by the same crowd that chant "We are all immigrants unless U are an Indigenous person !"
I would think that a board member of Amnesty International would have some semblance of scale and perspective, given the unfathomable horrors of this world. Nay, you got all butt hurt about a funny reference about the legitimate accomplishments of immigrant families 🤷‍♂️
I can't wait for some even crazier lefty to accuse you of culturally appropriating the Spanish word "gringo" in your Twitter handle. #omgSoTriggeredRightNow
It wasnot offensive at all.
People saying you said a racist thing isn't the same as saying you are a racist. I bet if you hadn't doubled down, and instead had said "dang, I was thinking the phrase applied because her parents were immigrants, but you're right, I messed up," the reaction would be different.
Sort of agree, there's just one problem, the original tweet doesn't make sense.
Have you considered that what you did could in any way be wrong? Because it doesn't seem like you have done anything but double down on it.
So brave Bari.
shut the fuck up
You're not a ghoul and you don't deserve to die. But native born Americans with brown, black and yellow skin get taken for immigrants all the time, and the reason for that is the color of their skin. You should acknowledge the reason why people are upset, apologize and move on.
Nobody needs to apolgize. That’s ridiculous.
We're living in a time where every thought must be approved and every emotion monitored. The rampant sanctimony is enough to make you want to vomit.
just try not to be fucking racist, Willy
Preach brotha. People have had it with this nonsense.
You aren’t a death-deserving ghoul just for this, but for your recent streak of defending power, impugning victims, and just generally being loudly and proudly on the wrong side of absolutely everything.
exactly this
Anyway, back to paying baby boomers wearing blazers with no ties six figures for denying climate change and defending child predators
We can read your @'s. No one told you to die.
Bari, don't you realize that Twitter has nuts jobs.
After being on Bill's show, some are salivating over your tweets, hoping to find some ammo that can "write you off as..." Its a shame. Keep love in your heart for everyone, especially the haters,
“I celebrated an american who didn’t look like me by calling her an immigrant. For this I am being told I am a dipshit. So I doubled down & pretended I knew she was from Cali & that was also a hamilton reference and so I should be celebrated for my utter stupidity”
Nice work! 👏👏👏👍😉
You should have never deleted the tweet. Stand up to the fascist political correct progressives who want to shut you down regardless of what you say.
but you haven't apologised and you've made yourself into the victim. mirai isn't an immigrant; she's an american and using hamilton lyrics doesn't make anything acceptable. it instead belittles both her historic win *and* the show.
Stay strong. This liberal is with you! I’m also doing my best to speak out against this new strain of leftist authoritarianism
Tweeting at someone for making a racist tweet is authoritarianism?
It would seem her deleting the original tweet - and thereby breaking the conversation that was occurring below in comments - was the authoritarian act. She didn’t like the conversation so she nuked it, and started it over again with a lame self-justification.
Her tweet wasn’t racist. It was only deemed racist by a small but vocal mob
Think about it
I am also the child of immigrants, born in Germany. No one has ever called me an immigrant. Bari, can you guess why that might be?
How is that authoritanism? That people telling her that it is racist? As an Asian - american, I think it is. But how is telling people it is racist an “act of authoritarianism”? Or there is no such thing as racism or it’s only deemed racism if YOU personally think so.
I’m an Asian American as well, and Our views are obviously different. Those specific tweets may not be authoritarian. However, I’m speaking to the authoritative class of the left which are usually the same suspects who would label her tweet as racist. Deplatformers for example
No one inherently deserves the platform of being an NYT columnist, criticizing someone who has that outsized platform isn't authoritarian.
You’ve misunderstood me. Speaking out against her is not authoritarian. I agree. I’m simply pointing out that those who mislabel her as racist are usually the same suspects who are in fact authoritarian left. Deplatformers or those who would regulate speech for example
oh so this is some larger culture war bullshit to you. boring.
And also Bari said that people wanted her to die for her comments, but if you search for them.. there are nowhere to be found. I find her assertion to be ingenious at best
footage not found
I cannot speak to that and I’m agnostic to it. I stand by my original point I made in solidarity with her to be strong against being mislabeled a racist
But is calling somebody racist an act of authoritarianism? Who is an arbiter of deciding who’s acting authoritarianism? It seems like you are suggesting that people calling her racist is authoritarian because YOU personally think so.
You’ve misunderstood me. Speaking out against her is not authoritarian. I am simply pointing out that those who would mislabel her racist are usually the same people who are on the authoritarian left. Such as deplatformers and those who would regulate speech
"you see, the thing I'm talking about isn't the thing I'm talking about, I'm actually just mad at a whole other thing and interject it into every convo I have on here"
Strawman. My original comment was in solidarity to her. It was encouragement to stand up to those who are on the authoritarian left. Not everyone who mislabels her racist may be authoritarian left. But all authoritarian left would mislabel her racist.
Can you tell me how many people who said that was racist are “authoritarian” left and how many are just genuine good faith criticism. She said it’s the end of the world, so I’m just assuming all her critics are acting out in bad faith 🤔🤔🤔
Certainly not all people who would mislabel her a racist are on the authoritarian left. However all of those on the authoritarian left would mislabel her a racist.
Also bruh in the originally tweet she didn’t even quote Hamilton correctly. She said “they” instead of we, and that’s why I find her excuses so predictable and racist.
Presumably because she is not a immigrant she used “they”. She maybe inaccurate but saying that immigrants get the job done and that they should be celebrated for doing so is hardly racist
Dude, that’s the whole point. Nagasu is ALSO not an immigrant, her parents are. But when people correct her, she acted in complete rage and said it’s “the end” of the world. I don’t think people would criticize that much if she just said “My assumption was bad, the end.
No she’s not. And perhaps she could have been more technically correct to save herself some headache. But she is the daughter of immigrants and the sentiment of celebration of the immigrant experience (parents/children) she was relaying is something you can still understand.
In the orginal tweet, she said “they”. People laughed and corrected her. She deleted her tweet. The tweet she put up later said “we”, and then decried that the world is ending because people are telling her to die for a tweet. I’m just saying Weiss is lying and a hypocrite.
Either she said they or we should not matter. In both instances she was not being a racist and should not be mislabeled as such.
It is racist in my opinion and I would appreciate if she can take the criticism instead of victimize herself.
The tweets themselves may not be authoritarian. However those who would label them as racist are usually the same suspects as those of the authoritarian left such as deplatformers or those who would like to regulate speech
oh so this is some larger culture war bullshit to you. boring.
I am indeed speaking to a larger cultural issue. As a liberal I am deeply concerned with leftists ideaology. As I am concerned with right wing ideology
just say you're a republican it uses a lot less words
Well as someone who disagrees with almost every republican policy that would be kind of difficult. No one needs a purist or ideologue
"universalism. humanism." aka "i'll make vague statements about wanting to improve the world but if you try to point out any specific problems i'll complain and call you divisive"
I don’t think you know what universalism and humanism means
please never stop tweeting
Bari’s continuing foolishness is somewhat amusing, it’s true!
One of you has to stop tho
You don’t deserve to die. But for many reasons, you should probably disappear from public life
ah, So u persecute Jared Fogle just because he has different beliefs? Do Tell. (girls get mad at me) Sorry. Im sorry. Im trying to remove it
Why not just admit the mistake and keep it moving? 'Poetic license' does not in anyway imply parents.
soo...then you reposted the exact same thing people told you was awful but framed to make yourself seem like the victim?
i guess you got a lot of practice when you were caping for rapists during the last few weeks
I'm starting to think behavior like this is a requirement for appearing on the NYT Opinion page.
Don't leave Maggie Haberman out, she'll get Jealous And Mad On Twitter.
Yeah I don’t get deleting the original tweet if we just doubled down here.
Same thing as cathy newman
You should definitely keep doubling down on this instead of apologizing and moving on
“Civilization’s End: I Am Derided for Mis Birthing A Stranger.”
have you met Twitter? This is how it works most of the time.
You said something stupid on Twitter, didn't like that you got shit for It so you deleted the tweet. Now you're trying to make the response to your dumb bullshit as some indictment on "where we are" instead of what it really was.
Seeing you digging your own hole is better poetry than your stupid tweet.
I’m sorry, no. When you are factually incorrect, deleting your tweet and/or apologizing is the right move. Don’t try to make yourself a martyr over it.
making up a lie about death threats to make herself into the victim should be a firing offense
I'm with Bari at the NYT Harassment Headquarters. We're watching the death threats come in in real time... never have seen trolls so brazen
I can also confirm. I work on the other side of the office doing harassment for NYT while my colleague monitors our enemies jabs back.
Ashley, you must me unaware of Bari’s way of doing things 1. Be a dumbass 2. Get criticized for being a dumbass 3. cry about being a victim 4.collect a check from the times 5. rinse & repeat.
This.... more people need to know. This is the Trumpian way to seek attention & get in news & making money. Controversy = Fame & Money from RightWing MAGA trolls. More Controversial bullshit = MORE. Her intellectual honesty is lower than Trump’s intellectual capacity.
I don't see attempted martyrdom. I see someone who takes her public record seriously, explaining why she deleted a tweet, then offering reasons for her actions beyond "ghoul." Plus feelings, coz we're not bots. Doesn't that add more to this conversation than an insincere apology?
But still less than an apology which is what's required.
"required"? Or else what? For the time being, we live in a free country. It was an effing joke. If you want someone to police wrong-think, move to North Korea. I hear they have a killer cheer squad. You'll have to practice your smiling, though. Are you familiar w/the concept?
If you don't see the attempt to cloak herself in martyr's robes, then you're not looking.
Delete your tweet, weird black lady.
For some reason, some people (very wrongly) feel they have the right to savagely insult journalists & celebrities on twitter. Like, you're public property or something, or they feel they're punching up and holding the media to account, idk.
Maybe next time say “Americans: Getting the job done” or USA USA USA!” Simpler, tactful, positive & not political when it comes to the #Olympics.
I just want to add that you were a complete dumbass before sending the tweet too
you should delete your account too just to be sure
Also bullshit. However, the tweet was racist. Her parents are immigrants. She is not. Tweeting that was ignorant and racist. Do you tweet out Hamilton about all Americans as we are all products of immigration. You fucked up. Admit it. Sit down for a bit.
I don't know about you being a racist or a ghoul or deserving of death, but you did mislead people for purposes I assume are based in partisan platitudes. You're only as good as your words, especially in your profession. It's not too difficult to figure out, so figure it out.
if twitter had the power to end civilization don't you think we'd all be living in caves eating worms by now
at the very least we would have forgotten the capacity to write
I definitely am.
"I said something that's not true, then ppl dunked on me for it so I deleted it!!!! This is not normal!!!!"
you are racist lol
Bari I think I speak for the group here in condemning any threats you may have received but also stipulating that you should definitely quit your job and delete your account
give me your job bari
Like, I genuinely can't get over how you watched an American woman do something amazing, tweet something about immigrants doing it, and then think "BUT HER PARENTS" works as a corrective.
lmao unbelievable
This is literally the alt-right raison d'etre: civilization is ending because I'm being held accountable for saying racist things
Well the problem is that everything is in fact racist.
Hi Bari! I agree that the reaction to your tweet was too harsh and disproportionate to the offense, but it might be helpful to know that Asian Americans face a very specific type of prejudice called 'Perpetual Foreigners' - meaning no matter how many generations we've lived (1/3)
here, we’re seen and assumed to be immigrants or foreigners. (i.e. leading to q’s like “Where are you *really* from?” “California.”) I think your tweet's intention were kind and noble, but it’s worth noting that since the video you posted was of only Mirai Nagasu and not (2/3)
her parents, it could easily have been misconstrued to be that you were accidentally falling into the common, unfortunate assumption that Asian-Ams are always immigrants. Anyway, I agree that Mirai Nagasu's family story is a beautiful story of immigrant success! Hope you're well.
beautifully explained. Thank you, Karen.
You treated her with much more patience than she deserves, since she clearly doesn't want to learn, but for real thank you for this.
Thanks, Karen. Appreciate this.
Isn't open dialogue wonderful? This is how we will heal America
Yeah that was the polite and civilized way of saying “hey Bari you’re a stupid fuckjng bitch”
Thanks for showing Bari why her tweet was racist, Karen
Perhaps it was uninformed, but saying it was "racist" is a bit much.
So you can see how your tweet perpetuates a racist narrative or nah?
No one's expecting her to apologize or hold herself accountable at this point.
But Karen, have you learned a lesson from this ill-advised tweet?
Notice Bari doesn’t apologize for the racism though she fully takes the generousity of Karen in saying criticism was too harsh. She doesn’t get it at all
As an Asian I know why this is pretty offensive. But most people that are not Asian don't, and Bari intended to praise immigrants and people that descend on them.
When people let you know you’ve said something offensive you profusely apologize and tweet something else if you care. You do not complain about your feeling & insist you did nothing offensive at all to begin with. She’s refusing to learn or stop centering herself
I do agree. When you are explaining yourself you are losing.
When you are explaining yourself you are losing?!
Ha, that was my reaction, too
Or we can be adults and try to understand a person's intentions instead of vilifying them for poor choice of words. Let's act like adults instead of policing every little mistake. You can't control the world but you can control your reaction to it
What you've said offends me. Please retract and apologize.
Offense cannot be given, only taken. On top of that, no offense was intended. #GetOverIt
As an asian --- this was not offensive at all. IMHO Don't jump into this weak victim culture shit-this shit where people pretend outrage for a misunderstanding is undignified.
Say for you. I think that's offensive, and that has nothing to do about what other people say in the internet.
Why do you think its offensive? She was trying to commend a person that accomplished something great. This whole fantasy that she it was secret racism is insane.
But *I defended her intentions*. I just pointed out that Asians are specially sensitive with people alleging that they are foreigners, even when they are not.
If that account is actually run by an actual Asian person I will eat my hat
How dare you. Filipinos are not hive minds. Japanese people are not hive minds. Just because you crazy fucks are looking for reasons to become outraged at anything in the world does not mean normal people do this.
Of course you are a gender studies professor. You crazy fucks with you are crazy outrage culture are ruining the world.
I am not a gender studies professor. I am a historian. It’s in the name. You are suspect af to me and I stand by that assessment
Do you think Filipino people are a stereotype? Do you want me to go and make you some lumpia to prove it? You baizuo are clueless useful idiots. Your ideology of hyper offense is rotten to the core. And you were using it to hide your own racism.
Why are you such a racist? What do you think a proper Filipino should do? Should I dance for you white lady? Should I remember my place in agree with you because you're a white lady?
Not white, nice try
Well whatever you are lady - or sir - You are a racist. People are not hive minds and you acting like everybody needs to be in your camp because you want to play this victim game is sad.
And blocking now because you are abusive. Do deal with your issues
Who are you talking about dude? You don't speak for me. Maybe in Brazil. Why do you say you speak for Asians when you speak only for yourself?
Indeed. Perhaps you meant to say, "people that descend _from_ them", but the typo might be closer to the truth.
Why, Andre. Explain why you find it offensive that someone recognizes a person is of the Asian heritage.
So you have a problem with immigrants, AH, so much so that you find it offensive to call someone one, if that person is not one. Oh... hmm...
You're so judgmental
You were so convinced that you could not have offended (if only people could see the context then they’d understand) but Karen showed you that our takes, especially those of a nyt opinion writer, warrant greater thought & research. Hopefully this will improve your future opeds
The REAL issue is that an educated woman like Weiss is blind to her bias. She's not some sports editor from Oklahoma trying to rile up the boys, she's cosmopolitan, well-educated, and presumably high IQ. Hatred for a man can blind any woman, as Ms. Weiss showed today.
Who did she show she has hatred for?
Good lord, I am so confused 😂 Who wete you referring to, as biased?
It’s strange you’ll acknowledge this critique but still won’t admit any error and insist you’re only a victim here
It's the bigotry of low expectations. Why do liberals start jerking off every time a person who happens to have darker skin accomplishes something? They should be doing great things, why would we need to single them out based on race unless you're a closet racist and surprised?
Listen Bari, it was ignorant. That doesn't make you a monster. But it is the mark of a decent person to admit when they err and try to do better. I am a subscriber. Do better.
Don't u recall the incident inn the White House few weeks back where the moron in chief acted just this way with I believe a CIA agent?
Thanks, Karen, for doing all my emotional labor for me.
Lol fucking thanks Karen? Obtuse af. Enjoy your little shit storm, you made it yourself.
If only all respondents were this thoughtful...thanks for taking the time to explain this.
Bravo, Karen! That’s how one should express a differing viewpoint in a constructive and polite manner. Twitter needs more Karens! 😁
Changed my life with this! Thank you!
My family has been in the US far longer than Donald Trump's has been. As far as I'm concerned, my minority family views him as an immigrant. 😂 @bariweiss, the color of your skin should never be used to judge your "foreignness."
No, the hard left is really just trying to find anything to attack her on because she was just on Real Time supporting due process for people accused of sex crimes.
Thank you for a kind and educational response. This is how we change conversations and perceptions.
This is such a great response. I wish people would communicate like this ALL THE TIME.
If you have to use more than 250 characters to explain someone’s else’s are really wasting your time.
Karen Chee, Thank you for showing how we should be talking with one another on Twitter. And everywhere. -M
Omigosh why can’t all of twitter be this measured and reasonable. Thanks for making the Twitterverse a little better.
What is the correct way to ask an American if they have a cultural heritage from an “old country” and if so, where and how it differs from American culture ?
Isn't that what our great leader did at some point? And said the woman should be in some diplomatic position with ROK because she said she was of Korean descent. And just had to comment on her looks. What a guy.
Thank you for laying it out with so much grace, despite a situation/continual behavior pattern that must be infuriating.
My stepmom immigrated from the Philippines 40 years ago. She got her MA at Georgetown when she was only 19. Quickly rose through the ranks of government and is now the go-to counsel on international economic policy. People still think she's the nanny.
I wish there were more people who express their disagreement on Twitter like you do, Karen. I have an understanding I didn't because of your tweet above (the "perpetual foreigners" thing).
Honestly don't think this is something whites who don't have immigrant parents know much, if anything about. 1/
My mom, a former high school English teacher & American citizen born in Hawaii when it was a territory, was complimented on her English when she moved to the mainland. People also asked her what currency they use in Hawaii.🤦‍♀️ 2/
I’m sansei (3rd gen) on my mom’s side but also an immigrant because I was born in Japan, but being the daughter of an American English teacher I speak fluent, unaccented English & have a better command on the language than some native-born Americans. 3/
I’m in Boston so this doesn’t happen often but I have been complimented on my English (by people who didn’t know I was born in Japan), and like any Asian American most of the time when people ask me where I’m from, they’re not asking about my hometown, but my ethnicity. 4/
Didn’t see Bari’s original tweet but saw her comment about deleting it. Thanks, Karen, for educating and not freaking out. I get so tired of the folks in minority groups I’m part of who like to trot out the “I’m not here to give you my free labor and educate you.” 5/
Yes, there are resources out there but Google & Wikipedia can only get you so far. You have to know what you’re looking for and they’re no substitute for someone explaining calmly why something that someone said with good intentions may be perceived as offensive by some. /end
I never knew that asking someone, "WHAT Asian Country do you originate from" is offensive! Oh well, live and learn I guess. My grandparents originated from Naples, Italy, and always proud to share with anyone who asked.
With this, the 4,000th "the problem isnt me, its that everyone else is too mean on twitter to appreciate my nuanced idiocy" The @nytopinion section gets a free ice cream cake saying "libertarianism is never having to consider ramifications".
But still no apology or evidence of learning?
You guys got yourself a golden pick right here! She is only outdone by the climate change denier and Trumpets apologist.
No, just wrong. She's not an immigrant, and the fact that you knew that and said it anyway is, um, side-eye-worthy.
I literally can’t believe the comments I’m reading. It was a non malicious tweet by a leftist. This is unreal #mustquittwitter
Sure your 87 followers will be heartbroken. Bye Anthony!
She didn't know it. Couldn't admit she was wrong and triple-downed with disingenuous garbage...
Bari, you certainly don't deserve to die for the tweet you wrote, but it was very stupid. Write better posts.
You valued their opinion by going out of your way and deleting it. Screw them twitter thugs.
As far as making great Americans, immigrants (her parents included) do get the job done.
Triple double-down on your shitty opinion. That will solve the problem.
If I felt compelled to delete as many tweets as you have recently I would think about maybe listening to the people asking me not to be a ghoul.
Serious question- why is it racist to say someone is an immigrant? It may be incorrect, but not understanding why it's racist.
You were wrong case closed. No need to pretend you are some poor put upon victim. Apologize and move on.
Yeah... I didn’t see anyone saying you deserve to die.
Are you going to declare the dawning end of civilization like this every time you need to delete a tweet or does gracefully admitting you were incorrect seem like a reasonable option?
The world is over: A NYT columnist has been critiqued over her bad twete
Is that how someone with a master’s degree in journalism from Columbia would do it?
So you're really doubling down on this huh
Don't delete tweets when you are right.
It owns that you are trying to play the victim after being a racist dipshit. Also, you are named after the worst beer Leinenkugel’s puts out.
Maybe you're just a special kind of stupid.
You are totally the victim here. Godspeed.
You are a racist and a ghoul. But not solely because of this tweet. I think people are taking the opportunity to let you know about your history of racism and ghoulishness because you fucked this one up so bad. Also, capital punishment is bad.
But you ARE a racist and a ghoul.
Love too play the victim after you insult Asian-American athletes
Perhaps you were not ready for the big leagues.
I don't think you're a ghoul or racist. But I think you assumed people knew the same references you did. There's a chasm of difference between racism and a tweet maybe you should have thought more about. And, you know, people just can't wait to jump on other people sometimes.
Consider reversing your lobotomy you clown
I don't think you deserve to die. On the other hand that tweet was pretty racist
Even if I don't like what you say, I have no right to threaten you. This is horrible and so unnecessary, when just explaining why I think you got it wrong. Sorry you were subjected to hate.
People are crazy and seem to enjoy seeing the worst in others. And it probably has nothing to do with this tweet. (I see Glenn Greenwald and co. aren't a fan of having you as an opinion writer for the NYT. Good luck with that.)
i help every body, im not racist, i keep myself nice, and when i ask for a single re-tweet in return i am told to fuck off, fuck myself, etc
Using a Hamilton reference by itself disqualifies Weiss as a serious person.
The negative comments are a litany of incompetently argued, irrelevant, ridiculous "What-Abouting." My suggestion: tweet your thought-provoking zingers and don't even look at your notifications until just after you've unleashed your **next** zinger. In summary: You Go Girl!
feel free to delete the rest of your bullshit too
you think people hate you for your politics but it's really mostly your sadly not-uncommon blend of smothering oblivious dumbness and constant shameless disingenuousness
Don't forget the boundless self-regard
To be fair I also hate her for hee politics, having just become acquainted with them in the last five minutes
and the politics
absolutely, but her politics are also trash. and i don't hate her and nobody should threaten her but sorry your politics and worldview are a dumpster fire. signed: an actual immigrant.
She's not an immigrant. So you're wrong. It seems like you made an assumption about why shes an immigrant. People reacted to that assumption. Their reactions being inappropriate doesn't necessarily mean their assumption was incorrect. Your comments do nothing to refute it.
No NYT reporter or editor or columnist has ever apologized for making or admitted a mistake. They have some quality journalism. I’m a subscriber and daily reader. But the staff must think they are infallible Gods. Geez. What’s the problem with admitting a mistake?
For one of those you should report the offending tweet. For everything else you should do some introspection to understand why you got the criticism you did. Maybe your views & wording are morally/socially acceptable/appropriate or maybe not.
You could've just said, "Sorry, my bad!" and deleted the tweet instead of continuing to defend something that is a negative comment that undermines her accomplishment Pls talk to some PR peeps today to get u social media training on stuff that u prob should keep off ur main acct
How the hell does it undermine the accomplishment? Is Hamilton no longer woke enough? Immigrating is a tough thing, and the idea/trope that they work hard and are successful is said in admiration.
She was originally commenting on an American-born citizen (Nagasu was born in California). If she does this again w Chloe Kim's success w her gold medal win, ISTG she's just being rude
ffs, her parents are immigrants and she grew up speaking japanese and english. Yes. shes not an immigrant, her parents are. That can make things more difficult. Bari didn't say, "well her life is easy, her accomplishments mean nothing".
The "Immigrants, we get the job done" is a humorous line in Hamilton. Nagasu has a link to immigrants. No the line isn't 100% applicable, but it is also a joke. It doesn't detract from her accomplishments at all. Is it exhausting looking for things to be offended by all the time?
Who said you deserve to die? I see fellow writers pointing out your error.
every time you tweet something dumb you always end up as the real victim 🤔
You’re still a racist ghoul
Or maybe you're just an unaware racist.
You don't have to be self-pitying. That's a choice you are making despite having more of a platform than literally anyone who called you out.
Yes, you are definitely the victim. Poor thing. You're going to fit right in at the @nytimes
you know anyone can search your mentions, right? one person tweeted the word "die" to you before this tweet, where they said this was a strange hill to die on. why lie about something so easily disproved?
Thank you I'm thinking too many are overlooking this assertion .... show us the proof bari
You won’t see that proof. She’s pulling a classic bad faith triple axel: draw legit criticism for saying something horrible; downplay awfulness of what you said; smear your critics as the horrible ones.
💯when losing the argument play victim
Bad faith reading of someone in an emotional situation. How cool-headed are you when 100s of people criticize you? Are you sure you would always stick the landing?
Really? I never knew you could do that crazy, I knew never to trust anything from @nytimes guess the people who work for them as well
It’s not “we”’s your and your horrid takes
There are many other fitting quotes from Hamilton you could have used. There is no need to be dishonest about her. She's American born and raised, not an immigrant. You messed up, apologise and don't embarrass yourself any more by rationalising what you said.
I'm not going to say you're racist as a whole, but that action definitely was. The assumption that a person of colour is not American is racist. Own up to your mistake and learn from it.
It’s just the online world. When everyone has access there will always be the bizarre minority no matter what is posted. I’m sorry you were insulted, but our civilization has endured much worse than online trolls
You’re being told that because you’ve been dismissive of the critique from the get-go. Part of being good at your job is learning when to de-escalate and say “inappropriate reference, sorry!”
don’t delete your tweets @bariweiss
Honestly stunned
(Possibly sensitive)
Hmmmm... (((Bari)))(((Weiss))) being racially divisive...
You don't deserve threats, but hopefully you can see why using a native-born Asian-American woman to make this argument is rubbing people the wrong way.
It was super racist tbh
I gotta say, you're responding to this with all the grace and professionalism I've come to expect from the New York Times opinion page in 2018
You do deserve to due though
what about your opinions on Arabs who do not support israel?
You certainly don’t deserve threats. But do you genuinely not understand why the tweet bothered people? The logical conclusion that you thought she was an immigrant; the history of Asian-Americans being treated like outsiders. It seems so obvious.
someone: takes issue with bari's racism bari:
I mean, you are a racist and a ghoul for this and other reasons, but you don't deserve to die. You should probably log off, though.
you are definitely the first two things
Well, that's where YOU are.
Could you point out one of the tweets telling you you deserve to die?
It wasn't a celebration of her achievement. It was a political statement so you could score a point. Please keep politics out of sports.
Just shut the fuck up you vapid dolt
But how many people @'ed your employer tho?
It was racist though.
but like.......... you are a ghoul
What you were was ignorant. Someone born in this country is not an immigrant. Facts only.
you are a racist ghoul for many other reasons
This meme might be useful when dealing with such vile trolls. Also, block, mute, and report.
All the racist right motherfuckers hated it too if that helps
issuing correction on a previous post of mine, regarding the terror group ISIL. you do not, under any circumstances, "gotta hand it to them"
You don't deserve to die Bari
You were trying to be cool with your Hamilton reference, also throwing in a dig at trump for double coolness, but you were so eager to do this that you forgot to check if the woman in question was actually an immigrant. You should admit you acted like a dumbass.
Yeah it can never be that you were wrong and not thinking when you made a dumbass tweet, everyone else is the problem. Good catch Bari.
How about you not be a pussy and don’t delete the tweet? Stand by your words or don’t say them
Jesus lady, just take the fucking L and move on with your life.
That’s really fucked up! Keep doing you! I love what you stand for!
Wow, the fact that you got owned online is a certain sign of civilizational collapse
Or you deleted the tweet because it revealed your prejudice that all minorities are immigrants
No greater sign of civilizational decline than being told to fuck off for saying stupid shit. You are an astute person Bari and I’m glad we have people like you to be the barometer for our culture.
No worries, we have it on replay.
Hi, @bariweiss. Admitting you spoke ignorantly & deleting is SO MUCH easier than what you’re currently doing. I promise
no offense, but without knowing you and just seeing the tweet, it seemed pretty dumb, and borderline racist, however i know that wasn't your intentions, but it just wasn't properly phrased.
i help every body, im not racist, i keep myself nice, and when i ask for a single re-tweet in return i am told to fuck off, fuck myself, etc
NO! she must pay! she wrote words on the twitter! off to the GULAG!
Brings to mind Peggy Noonan's description of modern America as a nation of "sullen paranoids."
Also, Twitter is like that times a thousand
Weiss is a racist and she lied about people telling her to die. Who’s really paranoid? (Narrator: it’s Weiss)
The skater wasn't an immigrant. She should have admitted that she made a mistake but instead she's defensive and thin skinned.
tom nichols being thirsty in the mentions.
I beg to differ. I meet great people every single day out in town, it’s like Twitter is a parallel universe of butt hurt.
for once I'd love to see somebody just apologize for a mistake and move on with their lives but noooooooooooo that can't happen, I guess.
That’s a bit much. You are terrible at your job, though
Dw about it. In America you’re allowed to have an opinion and make a statement. Any opinion. Any statement. It’s a great thing.
Don't let the Twits get you down.
You should have deleted it because it was pure ignorance couched in feel-good-about-yourself coastal liberalism that perpetuates a base-level racist idea that any native-born POC US citizen is inherently still “foreign” but that’s where we are
She was born in California, you nativist racist.
I don’t agree with name-calling but maybe you should just admit yo made a mistake, instead of playing victim
This isn't even a weird passive-aggressive apology. Instead it's you trying to justify what you wrote, refusing to admit you made a mistake, and not cleanly apologizing. P.S. do you really believe the vast majority of Americans are intimately familiar with lines from Hamilton?
This is an argument for speaking in lowest-common denominators. "I don't understand what you said so I will impute the worst intentions to it and then attack you for having those bad intentions".
Also, commanding someone to apologize is garbage. Either they feel as though they did something wrong in which case they'll apologize on their own or they genuinely *don't* think they did anything wrong in which case you are demanding a false apology.
You don't deserve to die. But your IQ is lower than your shoe size.
NO!!! saw you on BILL MAHER YOU'RE AMAZING & AWESOME!!! They're too stupid to get it! #RacistTrump It's all his fault hate to blame but gotta be honest.
Actually you tweeted something racist and got owned
well, not just for that tweet, that was just a particularly obvious example
Where we are is on Twitter with someone unfamiliar with what “hill to die on” means. Who then distorts it, or just plain LIES, about it being a threat. Ask Maggie Haberman to show you the google machine.
Wow when you deleted the original tweet I thought your self-regard might have a limit
Why delete it? Let it stand on its own merits?
Is there proof someone actually told bari to die
Try telling the truth. It's the best policy.
You shouldn't have deleted it Bari. Don't succumb to the mob, unless you genuinely think you've made a mistake. In this case, you didn't/
maybe the problem is that you selectively choose trollish arguments to make broad generalizations + ignore thoughtful pushback[there’s a lot of it in this thread for ex.] I imagine you also don’t get the benefit of the doubt on here for this very reason.
in fairness you are a ghoul
no apologies from you, but a tonne of being the martyr. be better. stop making yourself out to be the victim.
it was a racist tweet bari
try apologizing you come off worse with every tweet
Who said you deserve to die?
Don't delete!!! Let the crazies be crazy.
Let us not forget everyone's favorite ghoul: Catherine Earnshaw. The moors shan't be graced beneath moonlight by any better than she.
Hey, Bari, please do not let anyone silence your voice. Please do not let anyone deter you from the work you are doing. Please know that real people who aren't bots, trolls, or haters appreciate you, respect you, & value your thoughtful input. Block hate ASAP. But don't give in!
in all fairness though, you are a racist ghoul
"end of civilization" = mediocre asshole facing mild criticism in response to some lazy bullshit Okay, dude
Taking pride in anyone's culture or accomplishments for that matter should never need an explanation. Maybe some should pause and rethink before hitting reply button.
You were already a racist and a ghoul
i help every body, im not racist, i keep myself nice, and when i ask for a single re-tweet in return i am told to fuck off, fuck myself, etc
Do better cuz you really suck at your job!!!
Wish I could feel bad for you, but I don't. You couldn't stick the landing on your left wing talking point and got smashed by the virtue signaling, PC police.
An hour ago I'd never heard of you. Now you're the woman who's a really sh*tty liar & somehow has a job at the times. I don't believe you received any death threats quite frankly I think you can't deal w being wrong.
please don’t die, you are a true beacon of stupidity that i plan to use as a ‘don’t be like this person’ example for my child for many years to come
In your defense tho you were a piece of shit way before this
Please get over yourself. Is there anyone @nytimes who isn't a sanctimonious hypocrite? As a journalist, get your facts straight & don't have hissy fits at people who correct you. You are beyond obnoxious. You don't get to tell people what should or shouldn't offend them.
YOU WERE BEING RACIST! Where we are is that clueless privileged white people don't get a free pass for being insensitive idiots anymore, and that is a GOOD thing. Death threats are inappropriate, but don't equate substantive criticism with the few people who mouth off.
You don't deserve to die. But all the other stuff fits and I'll add "idiot" and "clueless" to the mix.
Nah. Where we are in Clown Trump's America, is in an increasingly racist dangerous society for POC by white nationalists/supremacists, who attack people based on their names, accents and skin color.
Because you are racist. You let your eyes tell you where she’s from and that was it. #dumbass
(Possibly sensitive)
Did she spin “hill to die on” as like “go die on a hill?” lolol
you’re a ghoul for the awful shit you said about MeToo
You were a ghoul before the tweet.
Drama Queen 👑 much? No one gave you a death threat. Take that L and cut it out.
You have a nytimes column. You’re a public figure. People being unpleasant online comes with the territory. Suck it up.
We can search your mentions and see no one is mentioning death or dying. You are a blatant racist though, which explains why you've run so many puff pieces for white supremacists
I'm white but born in South Africa. I'm an immigrant, she is not. But I'm white to it doesn't make for a good "I'm so woke" piece. Race has nothing to do with immigrant status but if you'd like to do a piece on what an actual immigrant has accomplished, let me know
Ah, that Constitution of yours with its 1st Amendment needs defending. (said a Brit) 🙋
That's where "you" are.
Sorry, but it was racist as hell. I'm really shocked you don't get how that buys into permanently othering POC.
Nothing quite like writing a moronic tweet, getting called out on it, and then being the victim. Bravo, job well done.
there’s one reason you deleted the tweet...when pressed, you couldn’t defend...
No you weren't. I read the tweets. It was racist implying names equate to being non native born. It was virtue signalling with a bias. You were rightfully called out and now your playing the victim. Just for transparency, I'm a legal immigrant and found your tweets childish.
nobody told you to die. quit crying
Hang in there, Bari Weiss, it's not you, it's them. The world is in a sad state right now. I love your tweet.
Some people are looking to be offended.
You altered your story twice: Changed "They" to "We"; went from citing poetic license to honoring her family. And no one said you deserve to die. The NYT deserves better than this unprofessional meltdown
So many people offended by "immigrant" as if it's a bad word. I'm proud that my great grandparents were immigrants. Why can't it be used as a compliment? I'd certainly take it as such.
What you said was racist. You dont deserve to be told that but you at least owe it to asian americans fo have a bette dialogue than play victim here. Cheers
Is this about banning porn or nah?
Sorry for the idiocy on twitter dot com. No escaping it, I'm afraid.
How come you won't make space for anybody who thought Weiss's original Tweet was idiotic?
(It was "they" get the job done, by the way, so don't you think it hurts someone's cred if they fudge something as small as that?)
[@bariweiss writes a pro-immigration tweet about an Olympian skater and daughter of immigrants] Woke Twitter, people who are also pro-immigration: "she was born in California you HORRIBLE RACIST" Woke Twitter, you are the absolute dirt fucking worst
And yet you clearly haven't learned that it was a racist tweet, or anything else.
nobody threatened your life, you're just a sad little victim complex lover because you think people telling you genocide is wrong is hate speech against you =)
Bring back historical revisionism! Yass!
Is it really that hard to say, I made a mistake?
When has a white person ever apologized or admitted guilt for anything?
You were extremely racist tho. Just assume it and stop justifying it. It's a Hamilton quote that doesn't apply to her bc she ain't an immigrant. Just bc she is a minority u think is applicable???
Nah I would've definitely kept tweeting through it
Maybe it's because your desk allows things like this to run:
You shouldn't have had to delete it.
Ah, the benighted hoi polloi! They are why we can't have nice things. How are we to know they can't score tickets to Hamilton?
it was sort of racist, yeah. you being a baby about it like you're the victim and not the victimizer makes it worse, tbh
Nah. You're just an idiot.
Report the abusive tweets, no one has to deal with stuff like that. Wake up @Twitter and do something about this, asap
You don't deserve to die and you're not a ghoul, but referencing an Asian-American citizen born in America as an immigrant is kinda redneck level racism. 'Yall aint wite, so you is a imm-a-grunt'.
Have you maybe considered that what you said MIGHT have been racist?
She's an NYT opinion writer. She gets paid for having an opinion, not for considering if it is bad, harmful, lazy or racist.
Well, yes, but being racist should not be part of any editor's palette. Not that I necessarily agree Ms. Weiss was being so.
Nobody thinks you deserve to die, everybody thinks your brain already has
You should have left it up. Don't allow them to determine what you know is right.
Not many on tweeter give you a break. I look at your feed and see someone who's sensitive to alot of issues, including prejudice. People need to chill.
You don't deserve to die and you don't need to carry on like a victim. You just need to own up to the fact that you effed up and made a racist comment, pretty simple. Trying to leftsplain it away isn't the answer.
Have you tried deleting your bad opinions?
I saw you on Bill Maher and I think you are fantastic!
They’re not calling you racist for that. They’re calling you racist because they don’t like your columns and they view labeling you a racist the easiest way to discredit you.
People say dumb stuff because no one wants to do research every time they want to tweet something. But when people call you on it, admit you messed up. Playing the victim here just makes you look like a child.
I believe you were told deserve two diet Cokes, and some time to think about why you did such a bad tweet
Sorry your racist tweet got backlash you giant baby, maybe @TPUSA can loan you a diaper
How could it be racist if we're a nation of immigrants?
Man, it is upsetting that so many people have turned out this way. Please hang in there. You're smart and reasonable and you're the kind of opinion-maker we need in the media.
Not for being racist or a ghoul. It was for being dumb and ignorant.
oh i see, so u don't like Black Panther huh?! 😡
You're not a ghoul and you don't deserve to die. But I'm sorry if you don't see how it looks like you're infering that she's less American because she's Asian. You're trying after the fact to claim that you meant you were talking about her parents.
It's fine if you don't want to acknowledge the white-centric view of what it means to be American you express in your tweet, but don't double down on this, don't dig yourself a deeper hole, and don't feel sorry for yourself.
Why would you give in to the idiots?
Listen, Becky, as an American born product of biracial parents (celebrating their 40th anniversary today) I have to tell you... you suck. Just stop. Your glib defense of your stupid joke is inexcusable. It’s insulting to the POC you claim to be celebrating to not take ownership.
No what you said was factually incorrect and when called out for it, dug deeper on nonsense excuses. That doesn't make you a racist at all, but it hurts your credibility as a journalist
You were a racist ghoul long before this, lady.
An apology for doing it wrong would work much better in this space than your poor-me narrative. Asian Americans don’t need to feel bad for you at this point. You messed up. Call it out and move on.
Maybe just listen to what people are trying to tell you? Instead of just keeping on digging?
I can’t believe the hate on Twitter. I’m sorry you had to delete your tweet because some people suck. I’ve done the same.
You're also being told that you don't know what "poetic license" or "kosher" mean. Put that in Google Maps.
Well actually most of this unfortunate rhetoric is because you're either trying to normalize white supremacists or excusing the behavior of creepy abusive men. Maybe own your actions a little.
Nah, you're just racist. Chin up.
bari, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I sincerely hope you can get through these trying times of deleting your dumbass tweet. xx
No one is telling you anything. You know you are racist #maga #trump wins again
A simple I SCREWED UP would have sufficed. Too late now.
To be fair, people may be calling you a racist because of the racist thing you tweeted.
The hard left is looking for anything they can to attack you on now that you were on Real Time supporting due process for people accused of sex crimes
luv you maga fags and all your adorable nicknames keep it up simon, keep standing up for idiots
It wasn’t any of that; it was just blissfully ignorant.
Deserve to die? Nah. Racist Ghoul? Probs. Nice way to reinforce WOC as not really American.
No, that’s where YOU are
you also deserve to be fired for doing an awful job with the nyt op-ed page
I’m sorry people were slightly mean to you Online.
It would be smart for you to listen and take the criticism seriously, rather than being so defensive. Just saying.
That kind of harassment is inexcusable and I'm sorry you suffered it. But do you see how the original tweet—while not maliciously racist by any means—perpetuated the real and serious problem of the "perpetual foreigner" stereotype that dogs so many Asian-Americans?
Given that you often call for a careful and nuanced response to serious problems in American society, I had hoped you might take the more thoughtful criticism in stride and reflect on your unintentionally offensive tweet without striking a defensive posture.
By citing your worst trolls you avoid engaging directly with the substantive criticism of your tweet, instead writing off the entire backlash as "another sign of civilization's end." I hope you consider the possibility that some of your critics make their arguments in good faith.
Just for the record, her @'s are public. Literally no one told her she deserved to die. She made that up. One person said "This is a strange hill to choose to die on". That's it.
Really? All the drama over that? Should see my hater file. Might toughen up a bit.
Thing is, a big part of the problem is that Bari doesn’t seem interested in making a good-faith argument, herself. It’s disingenuous to pretend not to understand where she screwed up, and to continue to draw it out is just self-promotion.
You are a racist. But only your kind believe racists should die. So what would you say your punishment should be?
“But I’m a victim of reverse racism!”
Don’t delete it and give in. Stand tall and celebrate her and all our athletes from all their backgrounds.
i help every body, im not racist, i keep myself nice, and when i ask for a single re-tweet in return i am told to fuck off, fuck myself, etc
You are racist.
You can't hide under "this is where we are now" when overly-sensitive libtards like you are the REASON we're "here right now" - always crying wolf, being "offended" at every little thing no matter how ridiculous. Welcome to the world YOU people created. Fun, isn't it?
You doubled down and played the martyr instead of listening, apologizing and trying to learn about a perspective you hadn't considered previously. Disappointing. It's important to know when to be contrite.
Stay ignorant, your choice.. The rest of us will move on and teach a better way and a better world where folks like you won't ever look down their noses at lives different than theirs
I dare you to tweet that the sky is blue. Won't matter if it's true or not. Once you're marked as the «enemy» by ideologues, they'll come after you.
You are racist. I don't know if ghouls exist and I'm not one to judge who should live or die, but I certainly understand racism when I see it. And cowardice.
There are parts of the Twitterwebs that are defending you, Bari, and know exactly what you're going through. See @BretWeinstein, who experienced the meatspace version of this phenomenon and came out stronger because of it. Don't back down. Don't apologize. Fuck the mob.
Well, it is racist and not very cool. It offends people and makes certain groups feel alienated. You might be a ghoul, you’re most likely a racist, but you certainly shouldn’t die. Just try to be a bit more careful in the future.
You just retweeted the tweet you just said you deleted in yet another attempt to make yourself a martyr. JFC you're insufferable.
lol that isn't what you tweeted and that isn't what people said.
One can be a racist and a ghoul, both can be true. Take a look around you.
You're just hot garbage but we know that based off your affiliation with the @nytopinion
I haven't called you any of those things! I called you incompetent and rascist.
Right, you get paid to write and you can't write a tweet clearly enough to avoid being condemned as a racist. Must be nice getting paid to write, you're so skilled at it.
You are just an odious cunt but you have a history of supporting ethno facism apartheid in Israel so this is no big leap
It is calming that your rational tone is alive in modern liberalism. True liberals are being cast off so that aggrieved progressives can dictate cultural mores in order to claim their intellectual superiority. Speech is not violence, violence is not speech.
put this racist ghoul on the #RektorScale, NYT oe-ed edition.
i help every body, im not racist, i keep myself nice, and when i ask for a single re-tweet in return i am told to fuck off, fuck myself, etc
Yikes. This is kind of scary... where does this road lead us.
Your original tweet was easily read as racist, whether intended or not. Mirai Nagasu was born in CA. She’s American. Period.
Regardless of what anyone says or types-wishing death is really twisted and wildly inappropriate. Sorry you have to experience this. 👊🏼
if people keep calling you a ghoul will you delete the rest of your tweets
Just ignore everybody.
you don't deserve to die but you are definitely racist and a ghoul
Imagine diagnosing the end of civilization because you said something dumb and got called out for it. What a joke
Welcome to the liberal cesspool of Twitter where facts don't matter and feelings reigns supreme.
Why did you change ‘they’ to ‘we’ ?
Not to pile on, but no one here in California refers to it as “Cali”
You deleted it because you're ignorant.
Where we are is people are deleting tweets for fear of what others think. Fuck them. Honestly. Don’t like the things I have to say, fuck off my timeline. Don’t let them influence you like that.
Sorry to hear it. I won’t say those things but I’ll say that line from Hamilton is weakest in the show. At the time nigh everyone was at most a couple generations from immigrant. Couldn’t understand why it got such huge applause
You should be fired Weiss.
you didn’t delete it because you are sorry for being racist that’s for damn sure.
Yes I find these so called progressives so pathetic. Rather than focusing on what's going on they are attacking their own. This is why people tune out.
who did this to you fam, who hurt you was it the SJWs
I agree with the racist part. Just because you delete it doesn't take away the fact you stated it. Also please dont play the victim as your original action was the cause.
Most the criticism seems to be that you called her an immigrant even though she was born in California. I wonder if you went with "American born and raised athletes makes history" if they would have complained you were ignoring her heritage
If true, no one deserves being told things like that. But let's be clear: that's not where "we" are. That's where you are. You said a ridiculously dumb thing that perpetuates the current climate of ugliness. If it provoked more ugliness, that's something you should reflect upon.
I doubt you are any of those things, but the tweet was nonsense. To loosely toss around the word immigrant is to feed the ignorance associated with classifying someone based on their name. It was irresponsible and as someone in this field you should know better.
Twitter is gonna twitter, they're gonna form online lynch mobs off some fake woke BS. The left going after the left for not being left enough.
No... Just a moron
You can see archives of the tweet. There were no death threats. Are you a liar too?
That's an insult to ghouls. Smoothskin or not, you're a racist
Because people on the left who think they are progressive are certifiably insane. I literally don’t care anymore and I think people are actually seeing now how crazy this is. You can’t win with them
Isn’t that what happens when anyone posts anything on the internet?
If it makes you feel better, it’s a tossup between your #RealTime appearance and the @BretStephens #woodyallen piece as to which made me cancel my #nyt home delivery.
You are none of those things. Maybe an entitled ignorant person who should think before she speaks, but that's it.
Fine. You're actually just an intellectually stunted, privileged snowflake. Is that better?
you don't deserve to die but you should definitely delete your account for all our sanities. awful person.
It’s never going away. You slammed a skater who you’ll never match in any way shape form because you have no class. You call yourself “liberal” but you are just a sad little writer needing to be extreme to hide your inadequacy
First: your description of your tweet is inaccurate. Second: if you truly believed in your words it would still be up. Third: a reminder of your exact words is attached. Fourth: leave your SJW shield at home.
next time don't delete. it encourages them.
Just take the L and apologize.
Why even mention her ethnicity at all? Is it germane to the events in question in any way? Here is a brilliant athlete pulling off a stunning technique, and it occurs to you to bring up her f*cking race! Oh, and the fact you saw it as "complementary" is highly patronizing.
You shouldn’t have deleted the tweet and you shouldn’t have to. The tweet celebrated immigrants and their role in American history! SMFH
Don’t listen to them. You can’t satisfy everyone.
Lol how do you think us trump supporters feel? He wants adore open immigration policy than Canada or Australia and we’re all Nazi’s
Death threats aren't called for, but yes, assuming someone is inherently lacking (e.g. of immigrant status in a foreign country) because they are Asian falls under the textbook definition of racism. Racism doesn't necessarily entail joining the KKK.
being of immigrant status is inherently lacking?? Unjustifiably lacking? Maybe. Inherently lacking? Nothing inherent about it. Wordsarefunny
Not sure which country you’re referring to, but in most countries, immigrants are given fewer rights/privileges compared to citizens.
Right. Something I consider unjustifiable, not inherent. I believe the “lacking” to be a symptom of society, not inherent in the immigrant.
The Left hurls insults at everyone all the time-everyone is a racist and a bigot and a xenophobe blah blah but you know your own heart and what you were trying to convey-scary times when the mob is running things and purposely misconstrues everything.
Yet you are still here. As is your worthless paper.
Why delete it? Let them eat shit.
Crazy. I'm so sorry you had that kind of twitter abuse. Especially from a misunderstanding, ignorance, or racism. Thank you for the post.
You're fine. It's retaliation for your Bill Maher interview; folks will look for reasons to pretend to be offended by you since you decided to speak out against fringe folks.
Utterly ridiculous!!
You have a national platform to spew your neocon brainworms. Hell is where we are.
Could have pulled off "oops, I made a mistake" and folded gracefully but lack of integrity and intellect drove you to double down on the "I'm stupid and dishonest" card.
It was racist and ignorant. You should apologize aside deleting.
You are a racist, and a ghoul. You don't deserve to die, but you should probably learn a lesson. *looks at tweets below* Yeah, maybe you should REALLY learn the lesson and it's not "OMG everyone's so MEAN" it's "Wow, I said something awful I should apologize"
Don't make dumb tweets then and you won't have this problem.
bari may I be your husband please
You’re also racist for editing an imperial white supremacist editorial section.
Blocked ‘em both. Boring.
Let’s say I go look for receipts on every single one of your claims & find none, Ms. Weiss. (Because that may indeed happen.) Let’s say I don’t find them. Will you apologize for lying? Or lie about lying? You support oppressors so I do need a commitment before I spin my wheels
Oh Bari, you shouldn't be told to die (not sure if there is evidence of this?) but you are generally awful and say racist things on the regular, fyi
If @spookperson tells you you're wrong, you're wrong.
Be careful. One or two more clever quips and the Virtue-Signaling Left will force you to join the rest of us free-speech "Neo-Nazis" on the "Alt-Right".
Please just apologize when you’ve made a mistake. Don’t bend the truth just because it works with a Hamilton line, that’s not your job.
it's divisive. she could've just been an American. Like I consider myself, born here to immigrant parents. but you chose to virtue signal using this girl as your tool to signal. why many people despise your types. We're "here" because your side refuses to drop identity politics
then when getting justifiably critiqued, you broadcast your victimhood.
Had you tweeted “Americans: we get the job done”, you’d have made a powerful statement. At the very least, it behooves you to be aware of the current climate and take extra care with your choice of words. Hateful responses, however, are inexcusable.
Stay strong Bari !! It’s nothing more than a witch hunt by a bunch of moral fags.
I think it's way overblown. I know how you meant it.
Do see how fast that escalated? That’s how liberals attack normal people everyday
u don’t deserve to die bari you’re just tremendously stupid and should log off
i dont think ur racist. lacking cultural awareness, YES. seriously tho, stop w the crocodilly tears. stop w the defensiveness & take a moment to reflect upon the words u used. they matter. u of all ppl should know this. basically, OWN UR SHIT.
Why delete it though? Shouldn't you stand by your opinions?
Maybe you could just, I don't know, apologize for the bad take? It's really not that hard.
Not before if was screen shot. You should know better in this times of ours. This country is too divided and you aren't funny.
i mean if youre listening to people telling u to delete the tweet you should maybe also listen to the people telling you to die. important to keep an open mind
Well I think you're great. I like your articles in nyt
It's not fair you are getting harsh criticism for this tweet. Instead you should be getting harsh criticism for your deplorable views on Israel/Palestine. ;)
I wouldn't go that far... but you are being divisive.
Keep it up. You’re doing the right thing.
You should retweet that, IMHO. If they don't like it (or you), tell 'em to delete their accounts and have a drink of Drano. Or something to that effect. Bottom line: Don't let bastards influence what you say (or tweet).
In the interest of echoing others: That is /not/ what you tweeted. You tweeted "...they get the job done" For someone of your professional accomplishment and chosen field I would expect you to know the difference and be capable of understanding the outrage
Instead, you doubled-down. Then, you deleted the tweet and proceeded to not only triple down, but also misquote yourself and claim victimhood. And as a bonus no one can check what you actually originally wrote.
Your conduct, while morally questionable on a personal level, it also raises the question of your professional ethics as well. Is this really the behavior @nytopinion / @nytimes looks for in their staff?
I'll add one more late night bit to this: You write professionally at the highest level around. If you don't understand your failure to communicate and then your continued failure after the fact then I don't believe you're in the right career field.
They can see it for themselves here.
Ah, there it is. Thank you!
Way back machine.. It tends to tell the tale. She may have deleted it but they didn't. 😉
If it helps at all, I still think you're a racist but not just for that tweet
“I was wrong. She’s not an immigrant”. Boom done. Not so hard.
That's an overreaction (by them.) You have to remember most people haven't seen Hamilton, and are looking for any reason to be offended.
It’s where YOU are @bariweiss try not being so deep in your own cognitive dissonance that you can pause evaluate your own actions and unmatched intentions, and possssibly take responsibility for something. This is where you are. An adult who can’t remotely be accountable
Did any of those people happen to mention that you're also stupid as fuck?
You probably are guilty of being less than clear. It happens on Twitter. I don’t see the ghoul, and the death penalty for ambiguity seems extreme. Just be careful.
I’m confused now.
😱you had to delete a tweet??
The quote just doesn’t make sense. “Immigrants they get the job done” when showing an American athlete... or did you mean her parents did a good job making her? 🤷🏼‍♂️
You're an editor for a tabloid. Fuck off.
nobody said that you clown. another reason @nytopinion sucks.
Few things are more satisfying than spiting zealots on Twitter. To that end... Followed.
But u are a ghoul
Yeah, that sounds like Twitter in a nutshell.
hey could you please stop being so fucking stupid all the time
I’m sorry this is happening to you when it’s obvious you‘re struggling to be a good person. I recommend just laughing. This is a small revolution, so do look around at your fellow targets. Sure, the pain is pretty extreme at first, but the company in here isn’t terrible.#Strength
I find it useful to start a wall of fame - collecting the most hyperbolic and disconnected critical responses
Stand tall @bariweiss you have exponentially more fans than critics, it's just that your fans actually read what you write and we know what you are made of.
Most of us on the right have been advocating in FAVOR of more immigration from Japan. They're cultured, commit VERY LITTLE crime and work extremely hard once here. Very few are on welfare. They all know English, too. Illegals from Mexico? Complete opposite.
Seriously. She was born in Cali? You’re just widening the divide.
you're absolutely NOT a racist. (if you similarly note the immigration status one or two generations back of every white american who accomplishes something, otherwise you're quite racist and you made a big mistake)
that's because you are fucking racist. it's where we are because you're a fucking racist that said some fucking dumbass racist shit lmao goddamn
Stop. Deleting. Tweets.
I hate euro trash genocidal Maniac occupiers of Palestine !!!
Some people should not be allowed on the internet, they can’t resist turning everything into an argument. I had no idea how many people were insane until Twitter and Facebook came along.
I would not have deleted it. Forward those that said it to the authorities.
No, you're just way over-rated and totally unnecessary as a "diversity" addition to the @nytopinion pages, as you are just a carbon copy of Brooks, Stephens et al. Oh, and slightly racist and butt-sore about having that pointed out. Too bad, not much real martyrdom to wallow in.
Funny how that althete has to put up with your shitty misleading comments, but you can’t take it when people say shitty things to you? What a weak individual you are. That’s where we are.
That is what happens with racist tweets they come off as racists I know it's something they practiced at the WSJ so why are you surprised that people find you a racists
Except nobody can find threats calling for your death. In fact people couldn't find much more than people calling your post racist, which was the truth. You appear to be 'butthurt' and are now playing the victim card for attention. Please stop, it's quite pathetic.
You aren't a bad person, you just need to learn more about your adopted country, that's all.
Very sorry to hear people calling names. We all make mistakes. No one deserves to be treated that way. Please don't delete tweets. Own them (unless a cat steps-and-sends; in which case delete unless it's funnier than what you'd been composing). And you did apologize, right?🤔
That's where YOU are: a place where, hopefully, you will have learned a valuable lesson about how to tell the difference between native born Americans and immigrants.
To be fair you absolutely are a racist ghoul, but there's a much larger body of work than this shitty tweet to reference in that regard
Nah. You just a shitty person 🤷🏼‍♂️
You don’t think the tweet, then doubling down on it, was racist & bigoted? Something Dotard or Kelly would do? Wow
you're a racist and a ghoul! eat poo
But have you admitted you were wrong and apologized thou? I won't call you a ghoul or threaten you or even call you a racist. But can you just issue a correction here? I've read every article you posted on this you are still the only one who called her an immigrant.
I cannot tell you how grateful I am to have you at NYT opinion. Ignore the haters; never change!!!
Don’t make this all about you.
Screen shot the death threats or it didn't happen.
I don't think you are bigot. You are just a talentless white chick trying to become relevant by flirting with bigotry. Classy.
Terrible reason to delete a tweet. Who cares if the Twitter mob calls for you to be drawn and quartered? That’s what the Twitter mob does if you don’t tow the party line. If it is what you believe, stick to it.
You don't need to explain, it appears many of the commenters here find being offended online a favorite pastime.
Probably the reaction you received by some unhinged individuals is because folks such as yourself keep trotting out examples of legal immigration (Mirai's parents) as if them doing it the right way is somehow tied to the 12 million undocumented who don't.
Nobody said you have to die, and calling her an immigrant (even with the best of intentions) was pretty dumb for someone who gets paid to write and edit what others write. Do you at least get why children of immigrants find it frustrating and dumb to call them immigrants?
I’ve decided that you just really like attention.
I think alot of the crazy hate stuff comes from bots & paid trolls. Check out the feeds of the worst - you'll find few followers, no avi, thousands of tweets in a short period of time, etc. Don't be disheartened. ❤️
Its wrong people told you to die. The tweet was racist though, and you are racist for refusing to believe it was. You are honestly very bad.
It seems maybe she was exaggerating. don't deserve to die. That's excessive. The other two tho'...
I saw the tweet. Things like what you said is why people hate liberals. I hate having to defend stuff like that to my conservative friends\family. It devolves the conversation our country needs to have. You certainly don't deserve to die. You are simply part of the problem.
The super-sensitivity is getting out of hand. Knowing where you come from, I'm dumbfounded that people "thought" you had racist intentions. Let's face it, some people have a fetish to "correct" others and are big on virtue signaling.
You did absolutely nothing wrong. The people who are offended are insane.
*tosses a shovel down the hole to Bari* Yeah clearly you're the victim here, keep going with that.
I am an immigrant with a US born daughter. If she successfully executed the a triple axle.. I would fully appreciate your tweet celebrating her success raised as the daughter of an immigrant. It's a different kind of sacrifice altogether. "We" appreciate your "they".
Find a different job u turd
Complimentary generalizations are as bigoted as uncomplimentary ones. You're not a racist nor ghoulish. 😨 Just stupid. Death really is the only known cure.😱
You deleted the tweet? That wasn't smart. You don't EVER back down or apologize to neo-Marxist social justice types, because they are just a mob, the next member to come along doesn't know or care that you apologized to the ones who preceded them.
Their outrage is manufactured anyway, they are cowards and your apology will be taken as an admission of guilt. You did nothing wrong and the person who should be outraged is YOU. Stand up for yourself, for god's sake. Stand up for reason. Stand up for decency.
Sounds like caring about the "liberal" crowds group think may be bad choice.
So if she is an immigrant and gets the job is Trump. Maybe Trump won because his mom was an immigrant. Actually we are a nation of immigrants so are we all winners 😮 mind blown
Friends who are of Asian ancestry will tell you they get offended by the presumption they are not Americans. Just like those of us with”ethnic” names hate getting asked where were from. Now you know.
Congratulations! You got a job done. More congrats when you successfully undo it.
You don’t deserve those kinds of harsh teeets, but don’t let that turn you away from sincere messages about it. Alot of us wouldn’t have known it would have been offensive either, now we know.
U shoulda picked chloe 😂
Weird, an inappropriately over-defensive NY Times contributer.
And oh BTW, nobody effing sez “CALI”, you boorish dimwit!!
You are certainly not a ghoul who deserves to die, but you messed up and should apologize. You're responding with indignation where contrition is warranted. Again, you very much messed up, but you refuse to admit it. That's why people are mad. Why is apology so hard?
Oh yeah, I was called a racist for asking why someone else thought @SarahKSilverman was racist.
You should have deleted it, and you should learn from it.
I think hard Left has hijacked a lot of good ideas and butchered them with manufactured outrage, & PC to the degree of idiocy (if not irrelevance).
it’s still all true
Another sign of civilization’s end to you is getting pushback on Twitter? LOL.
I got it and loved it immediately. My immigrant Irish grandad who arrived at Ellis island alone at age 16 would have loved it too.
Those are criticisms barely worth addressing; but given how easy it has become to get deported from a developed country now re: immigration status, they are all the more ludicrous.
Congratulations you've reached peak 'leftism' when your friends and peers denounce you
You should be fired for that tweet
All they want are shibboleths
The world is ending — and I’m only half-joking. There is a growing percentage of people who are vicious hair-splitters.
Be yourself, Bari, and know that you will meet many fellow travelers. Caught you on Real Time and your take was thoughtful, smart and refreshing. This is no time for anyone to be afraid to try on ideas that make them uncomfortable. You help open the door to doing just that.
At best, you're ignorant of the Asian-American experience and guilty of 'othering' an American born athlete. At worst, you're possibly a racist ghoul.
It's not very nice to be called racist, when you're not is it? Maybe you liberals can learn a lesson from this- you call names and accuse the right of this all time. Endless virtue signalling and name calling. Doesn't feel very nice when the shoe is on the other foot does it?
Hey now. I wasn't just calling you a ghoul for this -- thought your comments on Real Time were also really awful.
Not here to threaten you, but I would like to call you a dummy
Where are you from? No, where are you *really* from?
*civilization's end* 🤣🤣🤣 White people are such snowflakes. You get called out for claiming an American born athlete of Asian descent is an immigrant and somehow you're the victim?
You shouldn’t have deleted it. I know you’ve seen how giving one inch is what empowers them to bully you more aggressively next time.
“It’s everyone else’s fault that I tweeted something stupid.”
You work for NYT so you are a ghoul.
Nothing wrong at all with the tweet..Where you went wrong is deleting it and folding under the pressure, that just gives them power
Political correctness wont end untill people grow a spine and not give into this...just because youre offended, doesnt make it offensive
At least you have a variety of choices on how to identify as a ghoul
Your underlying intent was to differentiate meritorious immigrants v. otherwise. You cared more about the narrative more than the facts/story (what's diff betwn you and the left?). 5 sec. of research coulda saved your credibility. @CHSommers
Well, it does appear you are kind of a dope.
Ever think better of your mistakes and perhaps apologizing for them?
You are just stupid.
You know there’s a difference between immigrants and the children of immigrants, right?
"the line is a Hamilton reference" is the least surprising excuse in this whole mess
She's not an immigrant though, she's born in the US.
LOL even when she explains it you still can't figure it out. Eat some chicken and go to bed, child.
After all, aren't we all immigrants? Even the Irish, now that we're used to them. Eventually we'll stop hazing the Messicans, too, once they've paid their dues.
There's a difference between 1st and 5th generation Americans. Liberals have no problem bringing up the immigrant angle on her when they can use it to try & attack Trump:
If it were up to Trump, these U.S. Olympians wouldn’t have made histo…
archived 13 Feb 2018 00:45:40 UTC
Trump: Look at the pretty Chinese lady!
No, because words mean things
I love this comment. So concise but so brutally honest and more importantly, factual.
Liberals are bad folks
I don't have a particular angle on this yet but holy shit Henrik at least read the fucking tweet you're responding to before 'splaining it back
I mean I know nobody reads the article but jesus christ dude
Her parents are immigrants- they raised a child to be a great Olympian ie THEY GOT THE JOB DONE
She obviously made it clear she was referring to her parents. But ok, whatever. When you're a retarded hammer, everything is a retarded nail.
It's a Hamilton reference. Oh that fixes it.
Hahaha rock solid defense you got there
But she’s not an immigrant
Her parents are. Do you think they just dropped her off on a street corner or maybe they had something to do with raising this remarkable athlete?
Bullshit. You got called out and now you are backtracking on the deleted tweet
Burn her burn her burn the Hamilton-quoting witch!
You probably don’t want to finish this thread
excuse me are you trying to tell a woman wut to do? these are respecting women hours buddy
Keep aspiring to be funny one day you might make it.
God I hope so. Thanks for your kind words
You need to get a life.
arent we all these days..
You are correct! I've seen bits of it and that's more than enough, ugh.
Her parents didn’t land the triple axel.
oh, it was from hamilton. OH WELL THEN.
Folks, Bari just nailed the triple double down. The gold is hers.
No, she needs to nail the quad in order to win the gold, is this the first time you're watching the Olympics?
Only the men's events necessitate the quad.
if she makes it another 180 degrees around and issues an apology, that'd be a triple praxel
I don't wanna be sowcowtow'd to.
I'm not proud
You should be. That was magnificent.
Take your damn heart.
No. No. First rule of internet outrage mobs is do not apologize. These mobs don't understand good faith & will take it as admission of wrongdoing. Best to ignore cry-bullies until they find some other new, shiney outrage & shamble off. Shouldn't take long. Stand your ground.
The Internets are yours for this Olympic moment.
I thought you could only get the triple double down at KFC for a limited time! I'll see myself out...
they* get the job done
Ivana Trump wasn't from the US. Where's the picture of Ivanka saying "Immigrants, they get the job done"?
Rather, a picture of Ivanka with that caption.
Or Melania. She probably reluctantly got the job done.
I dunno but the picture of Melania is probably on Pornhub
I would submit that this is the result of you tweeting this out without context, in a time where anti-immigrant sentiment is being stoked by a xenophobic White House and where the NYT's own Opinion section is giving puff piece articles to racists. Pick your jokes carefully.
She’s selectively only responding to people defending her. Ye olde safe space.
Smh. That is just weak.
Heaven forbid you and other NYT opinion writers listen to your critics when you can just blame it on the end of civilization.
Or, heaven forbid that whiny little snowflakes get called on their shit!
So your celebrating that her parents had a kid?
So help me out here. You tweeted a clip of her landing a triple axel with a quote from Hamilton. She's not an immigrant as she was born here. So the job that was done was her parents getting it on to make her?
If so, it trades heavily on Tiger Mom stereotypes, but it's probably the most charitable reading available to her!
And stereotypes tend to be a bit racist
By that definition, you could use that line for Trump as well, correct? His mom was an immigrant. Stop justifying.
do you by any chance work for the @bostonpolice department? your tweets sound familiar 🤔
This is effin crazy.
Keep doubling down, it's hilarious. This is after you drew false equivalence between drug policy and sexual assault.
Bari no, just take the loss and just... use this as an opportunity to poke fun of yourself. Please stop for your sake.
Hey now! I needed those laughs! You keep going, Bari!
She also had dual citizenship and chose the USA over Japan.
So, because it's a line from Hamilton, no one should be bothered that you continued the majorly white-minded trope that POC, and particularly those with Asian heritage, are from somewhere else?
Please don’t ever stop digging this hole
Excited for Bari Weiss' next column. "Why banning porn, and ending the discussion of men marrying their own children, just gave all the assholes on Twitter more time to bully me".
It was a very bad tweet, you moron.
This website is very good for me and my brain.
TIL I can say whatever I want, and as long as it's a reference, it's poetic license and completely OK.
"poetic license" is the new "it was a joke."
bari, what if i told you, that hamilton... is also racist??
this ones my favorite
It's true, being told you're a dumbass when you say something stupid is the end of civilization.
Say, weren't you the one who compared men getting fired for patting their coworkers on the ass to people getting life for an ounce of marijuana? Keep up the great work.
Tweet through it dude
People called me out on my vapid, performative bullshit on Twitter and now and it’s the death of civilisation smdh.
Are they legal or illegal immigrants?
Actually you said “they get the job done.”
'they' because an LA-born American kid who was unjustly bumped from the 2014 team by USFSA in favor of a blonde skater with an Anglo-American name is 'them' I know nothing about you, never heard of you before, and guess what? You're racist!
I can’t tell anymore if this is sarcasm.
"Civilization’s end” = getting made fun of for being stupid on twitter
Well, there's your problem. Broadway is not good policy.
Anyone who isn’t as awesome as I am is racist.
people telling you a shitty tweet was shitty is not the end of civilization, no matter how self-centered and clueless you may be
yup, everyone else is wrong, you are right, you are the smartest person alive and nobody even comes close to understanding your immense intellect.
I was celebrating her and them
“I would have watched her perform a third routine if I could”
Nice follow up. I love this movie.
Not that I agree with the sentiment, but very nice one. Bravo.
If she could she'd have the judges give her a 6 again
You said “they” though.
It’s a shame that people have given up their sense of humor. I think we’re stuck with knock knock jokes from here on out.
It's a racist tweet
“It’s a Hamilton reference.” I’ll have to remember that one whenever I tweet something shitty and borderline racist.
Mirai Nagasu's skate has nothing to do with immigrants, it has to do with one girl's dream and hard work, that's all, learn the difference.
you said 'they' get the job done, which probably betrays your intentions more than anything else.
If she said "we" everyone would be tearing her apart for pretending to identify with immigrants.
How the fuck is this racist? Liberals are so oversensitive it makes me want to stop being one
A woman born in California is assumed to be an immigrant bc she’s Asian. Willful obtuseness isn’t a good look.
Fake outrage at things that aren’t offensive isn’t a good look
And you, a white dude, are eminently qualified to judge what’s offensive to non-white Americans. The othering of citizens bc of their physical features is a real problem in this country today. That you don’t see it as such is telling.
Aren't you doing that?
Instead of whinging about how unfair it is, perhaps you should look at the criticism and ask if your tweet was actually as innocuous as you think.
Tweet less, smile more
Celebrating them or just making a dumb joke?
Yeah, if I needed a sign of the end times it was definitely people telling you a racist thing you did was racist, and then when you doubled down on the racist thing, them still telling you it was racist.
you're a dumb fucking racist and the sooner you croak the better for the rest of us
Hey shut the fuck up
I'm just sitting here watching the ratio go round and round... @IPM_GS #RektorScale
“People don’t like something I tweeted” = civilization’s end. Super reasonable! That’s the @nytimes we’ve come to know and despise in the past two years.
You really need to stop tweeting for the day.
why so defensive? hyperbole much?
just outstanding usage of this wonderful memelet
Shut the fuck up and take the L
You must mean the L train bc she’s straight up Bushwick. Probably Williamsburg but she says Bushwick.
That’s not what you tweeted. It was “Immigrants: they get the job done”. Which I know sounds worse and I’m assuming why you changed it in this explanation
A good twitter rule is if you’ve been ratio’d, someone definitely screenshotted your tweet so lying about what it said is a 100% dumbass move
Pardon my ignorance but what does “you’ve been ratio’d” mean?
When the ratio of replies to RTs/likes is high it means the tweet is getting more jeers than applause
Ah. Thanks for explaining that. Makes a lot of sense.
holy shit I just learned about this dumb person earlier today when I stumbled upon a video of her explaining how MeToo was bad. She's gonna be bigger than Thandi Lahren
This is you, stop.
the end of civilization is people being mad you labeled a non-immigrant an immigrant, got it
This is a bad website. I'm really sorry it's probably part of your job to interact with it.
Counterpoint: Just take the L for your bafflingly misconceived take
Also, “it’s a Hamilton reference” is the most out of touch, bougie white person defense you could have made
My goodness, that was beautiful.
Yes. Now liking the all POC hit is the century is racist, right? Jesus. You people are just out, of, your, minds.
Also, anyone on twitter should understand the high probability that your tweets will be misconstrued. If she wanted her message to be understood, she should have been clearer in the original tweet.
Or maybe you shouldnt be so quick to judge. Youre looking to be offended. Thats not a productive way to live.
Who exactly do you mean by “you”? Because I never said I was offended. Making assumptions or putting words in people’s mouths doesn’t seem like a productive way to live either. 🤔
What's baffling or misconceived? She celebrated the child of immigrants representing her country at the uppermost levels. Immigrants can move to a foreign, very different country & raise a child who not only achieves great success but represents & is loved by that new country.
She’s the opinions editor for one of the most influential newspapers in the world. You shouldn’t feel obligated to assume good faith and take her explanation at face value.
No. You take the L. And shove it.
what is your annual salary. also you are in fact racist
please step away from the shovel and stop digging now
It's a real shame that we as a society judge people employed as writers to be judged on what they write.
This is like the raison d’etre of the NYT editorial page under Weiss.
Nobody should be using that language with you, but it remains that she's not an immigrant so I can see why it wasn't well received.
Delete your account Becky👌
Seems like wanting to insert your kewlll Hamilton reference was more important than facts. For some of us, these small details matter.
Lol. God you're dumb
is it that hard to just say you're sorry
You triggered the INTERNET RAGE MACHINE. It's on you like a fire hose until it either gets distracted or you post a video of yourself crying and begging for mercy. You would be mocked for that video too, but they'll leave you alone after that. INTERNET!
So... you said something factually inaccurate (which looks great on a senior executive at one of the nation's top newspapers), can't simply acknowledge the error and correct it? And the problem is... people who criticize you. Okay, then.
So immigrants don't get the job done? You just claimed she said something factually inaccurate. But, in fact, she didn't. So are you going to acknowledge your error and correct it? We wait with baited breath.
The problem is people who think she’s racist. She isn’t.
I saw someone re-post the "offending" tweet and it took me a solid 10 minutes before I figured out what I was supposed to be offended at
Let me guess: no one has ever looked at you and assumed you're an immigrant. Friendly reminder that lived experience colors how people experience anything. What does not offend you is a reminder of past cruelty and xenophobia for many.
Yeah that's great. It still doesn't change the fact that you got offended over a Hamilton reference.
I’m actually not offended, just trying to point out why someone might be and why I think the original (deleted) tweet was in poor judgment.
Being on Twitter at this point in our culture is in poor judgment.
This is 2018. Absolutely everything is “problematic”.
Please delete that tweet... it's IslamoCisRacistPerformativeSystemicMisogynisticExpeialidocious..
You can dismiss everything as problematic or you can listen to those who are affected and try to understand why they feel the way they do.
Meet me down at the problemat for a cup of coffee?
Absolutely - because I know that we fear what we do not understand, and apparently I do not understand opossums.
Because a lot about the way the world has operated is problematic.
Not a single person was actually offended. Let’s be serious. People are being completely disingenuous because Weiss has been deemed an enemy.
matt plumbo, the detective who figured out it was actually the Hamilton reference people were upset about.
Lol. Not just a detective - a genius :)
Yes, I'm sure it did take you 10 minutes to figure it out young conservative.
If I told you to blow it out your ass, would I be rude, even if you knew that’s something Duke Nukem said
Any and everyone should be offended by a play the romantizied a slave trader who twice tried to organize a military coup, and argued that the president should serve for life and not be subject to any laws.
I know you’re being willfully obtuse, but people were offended that she was referred to as being an immigrant because she is not one, you fuckshit
Stop being offended by everything. Fuck! Just fucking stop this bullshit. It's embarrassing.
Stop being offended that he’s offended. You fucking hypocrite.
Hey @IowaPeg, I'm not offended. I'm sick of people crying over bullshit.
And the people you think are offended are sick of everyone else’s bullshit and speaking out. And you sound like you’re crying as much as anyone else, just about something different. You’re still speaking out.
I can and will stand with anyone against injustice. I feel like we, as a society, are really falling for a narrative that these perceived injustices are what's important. There are much bigger fish to fry and we're being divided on trivial matters.
Some people still don’t see injustice, don’t know what it looks like. Yes, it can seem petty sometimes, but we’re also in a place where immigrants/those who look like immigrants are demonized. I think it’s ok to remind people that “they” are actually “we”. Maybe not 5k times tho.
I agree. I'm glad we talked this out respectfully. Thank you.
Crying over anything that isn't offensive to straight white men is "bullshit."
It's true. We all have no empathy and only think of how we can subjugate others. How did you find out our evil plan? Did you infiltrate one of our meetings?
You're not even aware you do it. Which is part of the problem.
So Lin-Manuel is a microaggresor. GTK.
I don’t follow, but maybe you got some chuckles out of that thought.
Lin-Manuel was writing a story about immigrants who identified as immigrants and with their struggle as immigrants, from the perspective of his family's experience with immigration. Not AT ALL the same as a basic white lady calling someone an immigrant for not being white!
Are you using your phones wifi outside?
Because you better not be sitting in front of a computer screen right now young man
You’re assuming something about his experiences just to malign him and cast others sympathetically. Shouldn’t you actually listen to his lived experiences first before projecting your own biases against him? You are imputing malicious intentions on someone without any proof.
I'm feeling triggered ;-(
I did not assume that his intentions were malicious, simply pointed out that he may not have considered a specific viewpoint. What proof do I need, and of what exactly?
Intent was not malicious. Message that immigrants get the job done is a positive progressive message. What do you do?...criticize. Undeniably idiotic.
"Quantum Mechanics" The name for an account who *definitely* understands QM because they watched a PBS special about it one time.
random insult...thanks.
I just enjoy laughing at armchair physicists who think that Michio Kaku is the epitome of modern theoretical research.
Why the hell would I think that. But go on keep going.
Here we go, another professional victim.
I think you just assumed that he's not an immigrant.
Here I wouldn’t have thought it would be offensive to me if someone thought I was an immigrant. Unless that person was an ICE officer and I had legitimate cause to be worried. Where are all these xenophobes I keep hearing about?
I'm so oppressed! Acknowledge me it's racist, don't acknowledge me and i'm erased. When will this terror end?
Especially if She speak Good English!!
I've lived all over the world, had people assume that (& that I couldn't speak the language) and think you're wrong & frankly racist to "guess" this of him b/c of his opinion & skin. Ironically, *actually* wrong in exactly the same way you incorrectly blame Bari Weiss.
Oh fuck right off with that. Maybe she was trying to use the right pronoun and she did not know if the athlete went by "they". But that silly nonsense of hyper offense is just insane. Everybody gets problems from some people all the time.
I will pretend this comment makes sense
It really bothers me that you're calling me Mark and I don't know what to do. Someone please help
I'm not sure I'll ever recover if you call me Max
There there Mitch, It will be ok it will be ok: tussleshair:
Gee, clueless privileged white dude has no concept of how people of color are not considered truly American? Stop the presses!
"people of color are not considered truly American" By who? Can you link me to a poll showing that the majority of Americans hold this position? News to me!
So, no? Interesting. I guess some people just like to hold beliefs there isn't any evidence for. Living in your own reality definitely works for some people.
Dude, Chris Matthews even said Obama being from HAWAII (an actual fucking US state!) made him exotic! Have you noticed that people described as "All-American" are very, very white?! WTF is wrong with you?
Do you need to look up how much more often non-white people are hassled about their citizenship? Is this really something you are in willful denial about?
This shit is common knowledge, but if you're too lazy to do any damn research, here is an implicit association study that shows exactly what I'm saying (or you could have just LISTENED to people who face this discrimination regularly!)
When "Being an American" Means "Being White" | Social Psych Online
New research has looked at people's implicit beliefs about what it means to be American. These beliefs matter for issues of prejudice and discrimination.
Are you seriously gonna pretend the whole "Obama wasn't born in the United States" shit didn't happen, or didn't have a racial component? (Or wasn't so popular that our current president* didn't start his political career on it?!)
No, I need "evidence." Can you provide it?
I cited you studies and extensive scholarship (also, you first said a poll was evidence and now you're backtracking?!), but clearly you just want to live in denial. Muting your ass.
Well, this is admittedly anecdotal, but I saw this one dude on Twitter who'd so firmly internalized the idea that all US-born citizens are white, it took him 10 SOLID MINUTES to work out why Bari's tweet might be problematic.
White Nativism, Ethnic Identity and US Immigration Policy Reforms
Analysing US immigration and deportation policy over the last twenty years, this book illustrates how US immigration reform can be conceived as a psychological, legal, policy-driven tool which is inexorably entwined with themes of American identity, national belonging and white nativism. Focusing on Hispanic immigration and American-born children of Mexican parentage, the author examines how engrained, historical, individual and collective social constructions and psychological processes, related to identity formation can play an instrumental role in influencing political and legal processes. It is argued that contemporary American immigration policy reforms need to be conceptualized as a complex, conscious and unconscious White Nativist psychological, legal, defence mechanism related to identity preservation and contestation. Whilst building on existing theoretical frameworks, the author offers new empirical evidence on immigration processes and policy within the United States as well as original research involving the acculturation and identity development of children of Mexican immigrant parentage. It brings together themes of race, ethnicity and American national identity under a new integrated sociopolitical and psychological framework examining macro and micro implications of recent US immigration policy reform. Subsequently this book will have broad appeal for academics, professionals and students who have an interest in political psychology, childhood studies, American immigration policy, constructions of national identity, critical race and ethnic studies, and the Mexican diaspora.
1) As America becomes less white, fortunately a majority of Americans may soon no longer hold this view. 2) White people have disproportionate power & disproportionately hold this view. 3) People can hold detestable views & still know well enough not to openly admit it in a poll.
1) You still haven't established the majority of Americans hold this view 2) Conclusion does not follow premise. 3) Circular reasoning. You're setting up an excuse because you know there's no evidence for what you say.
1) I NEVER SAID MAJORITY 2) That isn't a conclusion. It's a reason for why this is a really big fucking deal that this view persists in a minority of Americans 3) I gave you an implicit association study, just to show you I could, asshole.
4) Look up how resume studies show a gap in callbacks toward people with non-English names. Look at whites asking people of color where they're "really" from. 5) Argument from personal incredulity is pretty damn weak when you are not the group targeted by this bigotry.
I'm sure people are thrilled that you get offended on their behalf on Twitter. Now seriously, go outside.
"Man who thinks he has Asian friends (but does not) is confused by beginner-level racism"
That's usualy how it goes. People like us don't wake up in the morning hoping and praying that we become offended at something so we can elevate our victim status power ranking.
Yeah. You don’t get to vote on this.
I don't understand. Still. I'm sure to be Twitter outraged for the usual week but I don't understand. We all came from somewhere to land stolen from natives.
Matt, welcome to this country. Even though you’re not a real American, we’re glad to have you here.
well it took a lot of other people less time so maybe you're just not as smart as they are
Weird how a young white man can’t relate to something others might find offensive.
Someone else was offended. You don't have to understand. For what it's worth, it was clear to me immediately.
Wow Matt you must be white.
You are one those whites that’s never satisfied that my answer to “where you from” is “Kansas”.
So where you from?
Log off, Brittany
I double-checked with my local priest. Yes, civilization will end because people called you out on a mistake you made 🙄
Never gonna take the L Never gonna let me down They want me to turn around I don’t deserve to *to the tune of Give You Up
Roses are red Violets are blue I make obvious references And explain them too *to the tune of Roses Are Red
I don’t think it was a well-constructed tweet, but this pile-on is just fucking disgusting.
It was a bad tweet. You're not the victim, you turd.
you messed up. why are you doubling down?
We take you now to the scene
This scene/gif perfectly sums up so many things in life.
Of course, you mean Asian-Americans will never be true “Americans” and their acceptance here, while perhaps a benefit to America, is at the will of “Real” Americans. The problem, of course, is the “Real” Americans can cancel the “American” identity of anyone else, with ease.
Bruh, you need to stop. You're embarrassing all of us "immigrants" from California right now.
i love that you taking heat for being real problematic about race on twitter is "a sign of civilization's end" girl chill
Hey Bari I heard they're calling it the Oympics because you took the L
Don’t delete tweets, engage, don’t let this forum get you down. You’re a tall poppy and there’s an unfortunate human inclination to cut those down. I disagree with you lots, happy you’re here. Giving in is bad for us all.
This tweet should be set to inspirational music.
My son was playing Ludovico Einaudi as I wrote it. Might have something to do with it!
Inspirational muzak
Ron delete this tweet
It’s called perpetual otherism or perpetual foreigner syndrome. No one is ashamed of the word immigrant but it’s tiring being treated as foreigners all the time. You made a mistake. It’s okay. But people are really giving you calm, great insight. Just learn and breathe. All good.
Bari Weiss on Twitter
“Do you need another sign of civilization's end? Here's one: I tweeted "Immigrants: we get the job done" with a video of Mirai Nagasu's triple axel. The line is a Hamilton reference. I know she was born in Cali. Her parents are immigrants. I was celebrating her and them. (1/2)”
This is a spectacular tweet. :)
She gets "cut down" because she says stupid things.
just take the criticism & don't spin it as "poor me, the world is apocalyptically P.C. now!" obviously you don't deserve to die but trolls don't rep the greater message. the delete was warranted b/c you got it wrong. she's not an immigrant. her parents didn't do the job, she did
We all want to use a Hamilton reference but your was inaccurate.
take the l the tweet was some out of touch racist bullshit
Maybe if your industry and company wasn’t full of people pushing lies and BS narratives, people wouldn’t be so tired of it. But alas we expect journalists to not be hacks.
Bitch, do you even feminist?
I don't know when y'all will learn to just apologize and go, but truly the day cannot come soon enough. But you being unable to apologize for fucking up is the end of civilization. How white.
you didn’t mention her parents who also didn’t get the job done. she got the job done. you screwed up. own it and move on. and stop lying to yourself and others about this.
Also, it seems that you have a particularly challenging time hearing people telling you that you offended them and constantly cherrypick the comments of trolls, instead of the pretty thoughtful criticisms that i am mostly seeing.
I don't have a hard time hearing thoughtful criticism. Anyone who knows me knows that I can take it. @karencheee's take was civilized and fair and I heard it loud and clear. That's the rare exception on here.
you write for the new york fucking times
Then why have you still refused to apologize for that racist tweet?
I see humor, not the end of the world as we know it. And, I needed the chuckles. Thank you for your service.
Yes thanks for your racist garbage that appeals to racist garbage
except when everyone is telling your racist tweet is racist?
How heroic of you. I guess it's true what they say: "Immigrants: they get the job done."
You heard that hat you are an extremely racist POS?!!!What are you going to do to fix that Bari?
So what you really wanted was criticism that have you a complement at the end. So you could feel good about yourself as opposed to just acknowledgement of your mistake.
And I get wanting positive feedback but as a functioning human you went always get that. Sometimes you need to get the core message. And move from there
you've come quite some distance from calling the criticisms "bad faith" and saying that your tweet was just "kosher poetic licence"
Thank you for reading & responding!
I’m not owned I’m not owned
not that you owe us anything, but if we were to judge by only your tweets, it's pretty clear that you haven't actually learned anything from anyone's criticism (karen's included). not really a surprise considering the absurdity of the original tweets
Congrats on being part of a stupid internet pile on
yeah, poor her. such a delicate snowflake she is
Someone doesn’t like being called out
yes, we all noticed that when she deleted her tweet and spent the next hour defending herself lmao
Oh I see what you did there!
People wait for the someone to make a misstep and then attempt to assassinate their entire character, everyone should stop doing that
no, you just need someone to feed you from a jar with a heart-shaped spoon
And yet you continue to double down on the "What I did wasn't racist in any way" rather than tweet of your own accord that you realize now what you said is easily interpreted one way and perpetuates a harmful stereotype. So...
Making references to popular plays when talking about a historic performance isn't racist. It just isn't. I'm the whitest person most people will meet, and I can only see hate in hounding this person over a celebratory tweet.
If you do a good job at something, should we trace back and congratulate your immigrant bloodline? Or should the hard work you’ve put in be the primary focus?
Your reply isn't relevant to the conversation. Immigration is a major policy issue in the US right now. Hamilton is a very popular play at the moment. Everyone is talking about the Olympics. Bari took all of that and infused it into a possibly misguided celecratory tweet.
Lol really? Because this is exactly why Bari is getting justifiably grilled on here. She made a stupid tweet, and has since doubled down on it to avoid having to own up to it. Not everyone has seen Hamilton, I sure didn’t get the joke.
Someone not getting a reference doesn't make the other person a racist. That doesn't seem like a defendable position. "I don't get that reference, you must hate/not respect minorities."
I’ll just leave this right here, from an interview Chloe Kim did recently.
Sure. She is American, I don't think anyone is arguing that. Her frustration is valid. I don't think anyone is arguing that. It doesn't make the people asking stupid questions racist, being ignorant and being decidedly hateful are different. This doesn't address my reply to you
I didn't call her racist, I called her out on not owning up to her stupid tweet. This isn't a hardline, Bari could very easily own up to it but hasn't. Whether her intentions were hateful or stupid, they perpetuate a stereotype and she works for the NYT, and should know better.
What stereotype is she perpetuating? I do apologize for confusing our debate with the other one I am having about if she is a racist. Your stance seems perfectly reasonable. I did call it a "misguided tweet."
The stereotype that if you don't look caucasian, you *might* be an immigrant. If you saw that tweet where Chloe talks about people asking her where she is from, that'll give more context.
I was just reading up on "perpetual foreigner," without those keywords, I was failing to see how that tweet was articulating the stereotype. With that context, I completely agree with your very reasonable point that she should own up to the flaw in her original tweet.
That said, I still think she is receiving more hate for it than she deserves. But that is the nature of Twitter. We hate or love whatever it is more than it deserves.
It's not often a civil discussion can be accomplished but by god I think we did it. I appreciate it.
Thanks for letting me be a part of it! You did all the heavy lifting.
I think the trouble is most people don't know you, we only know what we read. 2) i've been looking at the thread and there are tons of thoughtful responses you appear to disregard in favor of the very few shitty ones. 3) you lied about saying "we," people have the receipts.
No I really think the problem is that people hey exactly who she is. She's the nytimes very own Tomi Lahren. But she has more power and less brains. Hey at least she supports the apartheid state of Israel. (That's why she got her job in the first place).
No thanks to her hiring climate change deniers.
Personally, I have trouble understanding why I'm supposed to give a shit about whether someone is offended about anything in the world.
If you're offended, that's your problem I guess is what I'm saying. "I'm offended" is not a reason for anyone to take anything you say more seriously.
At under 20 words, we all gave more time and thought to our response than you did to the original tweet.
Here's the thing, she's not an immigrant.
"Everyone knows I can take criticism well... But also criticizing me = a sign that civilization is ending" 🙄🙄🙄
Bari - just ignore the noise. Keep doing your thing. A lot of people appreciate the common sense logic you're supporting.
The common sense of calling a natural born American an immigrant?
She was paying her a compliment. Showing respect to her immigrant parents. Relax.
Hahahaha. Just delete your account Bari. You suck at Twitter.
You can't expect people to be "fair" when non-white Americans get asked where they're "really from" all the time. It's perpetuating that idea, and they're rightfully frustrated.
I get asked where I'm from all the time...Is that racist?
I didn't say they get asked where they're from. I said they get asked where they're "really from," meaning when they give an answer in the U.S., people ask them again expecting them to say another country.
If you don't see why it's racist to suggest a non-white American isn't really from here, I can't help you.
It's not suggesting, it's assuming based on indicators. I assumed UFC champ stipe miocic wasn't from the US and I was incorrect. You people are discarding rationality in your social witch hunts. Bari obvs doesnt think all asian am's are not from here...
yes, you do, which is why you reacted with incredulity and absurd deflections when people pointed out you had wrongly, xenophobically referred to someone born in america as an "immigrant" and your "poetic license" was invalid
i know how shitty it is to get threatened and to be called names. but collapsing those who disagree with something you said with your trolls has become a trope of yours. There are SO many smart people responding here and maybe it's possible, after some reflection, for u to listen
It isn’t, Collier
How did you respond?
“civilized” yeah you’re still being racist as hell
“I don’t always listen to criticism, but when I do it’s only the most coddling that doesn’t make me feel bad about myself in any way.”
“And criticism of me is the fall of civilization. But I take it well.
bari, as an editor of the most important paper in the world making who-fucking-knows how much money, u shouldn't be making the same mistakes we'd expect from an in-over-their-head 20 y/o social media intern on a $300/ month stipend. that's why there's no patience for you. thanks.
So Bari is a demon, but you with your ageist remarks should get a pass, I assum?.
LOL ok, ok, you got me. I thought you were serious. That was some A+ trolling. Carry on.
So stupid but it cracked me up. I’m thankful bc Maddow is stressing me out!
You’re a chiiiiiiiild.
You think newspaper journalists make lots of money? 😂😂😂😂😂
Please my dude, this was one google search... And afaik she's an editor, not a reporter.
Wow, that was harsh. Dare you to say that to Trump. 💯😎
You are absolutely correct 5'6'', she should shit on immigrants instead.
You shouldn't insult interns like that. That's the sort of mistake that comes from a condescending superciliousness, not from inexperience. Interns that work with her are probably wearing bags over their heads and lying about where they work and with whom.
Dude, she's the op-ed editor lmao. She's not the editor in chief for the entire New York Times hahahaha
Just going to go straight d!ckhead.
But she didn’t make the mistake. You all didn. Misinterpreting her intent. (Intent matters.) Not getting that it was a Hamilton reference. That she was supporting the athlete. Not insulting her. Stop. Looking. For. Offense.
PS - I work in advertising. She could make MUCH more money there. Journalists don’t make much these days. Stop making assumptions.
I think you might mean, I hear the criticism of a person with a New Yorker byline. Those of the great unwashed are a different matter entirely
Here's my thinking: You can make this go away by publishing another advertisement for mercs by Erik Prince. Those have a way of drawing away fire
How is that racist? Please regale us with your overly sensitive views on race relations.
Sorry, where exactly was your apology?
I beg to differ. Your whining is really annoying
You evidently DO have a hard time hearing thoughtful criticism. You are showing us how badly you take it right here. And expecting people to meet your standard of "civility" before you will listen to them about how you hurt them is shitty as hell.
Her moral superiority complex does not allow her to view anybody but her industry peers as equals. Typical. This is why I feel so sorry for 'ordinary' liberals; they have no idea how unprofessional & disingenuous their journalists are.
Absurd how many angles people will attack from. It's exhausting
I don't know from personal experience, but I have it on good authority that you'll "take it" from anyone
Twitter is not the problem, Bari. It's you. Really. Quit digging your heels in, have some humility and self-awareness, and try to actually learn something here.
This. Right here. Stop with the pity party because people corrected a racially-unthoughtful with a tone you didn’t like. Be an adult, take your L, learm from it, and move on.
No one told her to die she is literally making that part up. It was a sh1tty take and the best move would’ve been a deletion and an apology but Nope lets getting that beautiful white lady tears rolling
Exactly. Peak white feminism.
Whoever said she was a feminist?
Ah. How odd. She dislikes them so. I suppose it's rhetorical armor for being profoundly unfeminist. I should have specified someone credible, I guess.
When someone starts a sentence on twitter "anyone who knows me", it's a good sign they know they said something dumb but can't admit to it.
I can play this game too. She will play tje holocaust card in 3, 2, 1 ...... #apologize to all citizens of the United States with your racist tweet. #asian #asianamerican #bornhere
Nobody said that speaking truth to power (even if those with power claim to be the victims) was pleasant. Your country and the liberal west need more people like you. History is watching how we handle the rising extremist movements.
You literally just said that civilization is ending because people are criticizing you for saying something stupid, so no, you clearly can’t take it
It's not fun, is it, when your actions are interpreted in the worst possible way? "the very same politician who...was exposed as overriding the advice of her campaign manager in 2008 TO PROTECT A FAITH ADVISER" Welcome to day 1 of HRC's public life. Let's see how long you last.
I remember when a journalist’s work spoke for itself and they didn’t need to challenge readers on Twitter.
Yup! Awfully difficult to find these days.
We're trying to give you thoughtful criticism. You're bumping up against your privilege. You can learn from this. Just apologize and do better. Don't you think many of us here had to face this abt ourselves so we cld do better? It smarts but you'll get through it.
Every person who I’ve ever heard say “I’m great at taking criticism” was fucking terrible at it. People that can don’t have to tell people. We can see the results
This whole thread is you reacting badly to thoughtful criticism though
Don’t want to get into the weeds of your comments & your intent. But my first thought was that her parents emigrated here so she would be called an American not an immigrant.
Then how about you take the time to take in all the constructive criticism you’re getting, instead of acknowledging only the hate?
Never apologize to SJWs. They see it as weakness and attack you more. This outrage is completely false and nothing any normal person would break a sweat about. But these woke crazies are virtue signalling.
Wow that's a lot of alt right buzz word nonsense. Would it have killed you to fit in a couple of "cucks" into that tweet.
man you fucking love dog whistles huh
You poor, poor victim. Stepped deep in your own 💩 and now must endure everyone noting you stink.
Bari Weiss got her start in journalism by spending years attacking Arab scholars in the most defamatory and grotesque ways. She smeared anyone who was a critic of Israel. That's who is shaping the NYT op-ed page in the name of "diversity"
The NY Times’s Newest Op-Ed Hire, Bari Weiss, Embodies its Worst Failings — and its Lack of Viewpoint Diversity
As the Paper of Record boasts of its own diversity, the range of opinions it airs continues to shrink.
Hearing criticism is one thing, applying it is another. Nowhere do I see in any subsequent posts any indication that you’ve truly understood why people have taken issue with your original post.
lmao “i will agree with an asian and they might leave me alone”
It really is not obvious to those who do not personally know you. Make it obvious.
It's yours. You don't have to pay. Just take it.
You just said that criticism of you was evidence of civilization’s end. It’s earlier in the thread. Everyone can see it like two tweets up
Yeah because the criticism is retarded. You all call everyone in the US an immigrant when arguing about DACA, but she calls a second generation immigrant an immigrant and now you all have your panties in a bunch.
I think there were a few points being made and I didn't read exactly what you are saying. I kinda get it tho
You know when you fuck up and up start sweating on your forehead and pits. She had one of those moments.
I think she’s saying the tweets stating she’s a ghoul, a racist and deserves to die are the examples of civilization’s end. I don’t see where she said criticism alone was the issue but maybe I missed some words somewhere?
She was called a ghoul like a week and a half ago on something unrelated, she didn't get death threats, and her tweet was absolutely racist.
I don't think you understand what 'racist' means.
No, that’s how it is written. If crude online behavior and threats aren’t considered civilized, then it’s definitely a sign.
So I’m black, I get my PhD soon, so in your purview “Descendants of Slaves - they get the job done too right?” Right? #dobetter
This tweet wins the internet today. 🔥🔥🔥
Here’s some thoughtful criticism: you’re a garbage reactionary whose pretensions of being a journalist are laughable. Log off. Delete your career.
She's not an immigrant. That you can't see someone of Asian heritage without immediately thinking "immigrant" instead of "As American as apple pie" says a lot about your frame of reference. Build yourself a new frame.
Just take it. You’re not gonna die and your white privilege will not be taken away from you
You're really falling back on "anyone who knows me..." again, Bari? C'mon. You're not hanging out with your buddies at college.
Thoughts and prayers, Bari. Thoughts and prayers...
You were sending mixed signals. We're not mindreaders.. As a feminist, I'm embarrased by your weakness..
You get offended over stupid tweets but she’s weak? Ok, keep telling yourself that
I'm just tweeting for grits and shins. She's paid a ton of money by the NYT and still can't get her shit straight. And when she's called out, she pouts like someone who was cut out of the participation-trophy derby.
But since you're super-invested in defending stupid racist overprivileged women like Bari, I'll go ahead and block your weak-sauce ass, too.
I mean, you could have taken your own advice and just muted and blocked me, but you decided "Hey, I know -- defending the tone-deaf racist overpaid NYT lady is TOTALLY what I need to be doing right now." Go get Bari some tissue and butt-balm. Save some for yourself.
The people who have the good fortune to only know you from your work at the Times, however, know you as a dishonest contrarian troll. That has a downside, if you're not actively marketing your imagined oppression.
We can see all your tweets, you know. We are well aware you are not taking thoughtful criticism and just flailing for attention.
You were blatantly pandering to the unlimited immigration, no borders society crowd let's leave it at that
John Ass,,, thank u
You're welcome punk
then why not tweet something like 'oh sorry for inadvertently contributing to the perpetual othering of Asian Americans, I learned something and will be more cautious in the future' instead of doubling down and claiming the end of civilization?
"othering" - what a terrible word constructed just to suit your narrative
my dude, this comment makes me think you're ill-equipped for this conversation but:
My dude yourself - actually I am educated in natural science - or just science - and as such well equipped to spot fake social constructivism when I see it
well enjoy some published studies from other scientists, my man.
I have studied social constructivism and critical theory and I don't consider it science. Anyway that is a discussion not suitable for twitter
I meant the psychology journals.
but mostly i responded bc you seemed to think it's a totally new made up term when instead you actually think that like, sociology isn't real? so have a good one!
See that is the thing - you will never find real scientists constantly making conclusions based on their assumptions and prejudices such as you apparantly have no problem with. That makes a strong case for the view that critical theory look for and find confirmation
so you're into sociology?
how can you be into sociology if you don't believe in the idea of a collective social experience?
nah the idea that scientists are somehow assumption and bias free is pretty idealistic imo.
have a great time not believing in peer reviewed methodology or statistical analyses (stuff i have studied~ since there's plenty of quantitative research you can do on social constructivism~).
I like this sociological look into the concept of the Other and othering, as well, and it includes citations for further reading; it's a convenient way to learn about a concept that's been around since at least the 18th century
What is Otherness?
This page provides a sociological definition of otherness and how it works in societies. I will also include examples and resources for people interested in learning more about otherness. I will ad…
I think you sarcasm was lost to many
“I don’t have a hard time taking criticism. I actually considered what one of a gabillion people said to me!”
Offense is taken not given. I should know, but sometimes it’s warranted. Considering....I’d be fucking honored. Hamilton rocks. And btw, unless you are a member of the indigenous people who had their territory stolen? Yeah...we are all immigrants Hamilton rocks.
Not using death threats when manufacturing indignation at an utterly innocuous tweet does not make a criticism "thoughtful".
The fainting couch industry is booming.
This is a ridiculous non-issue. If people seek out offense wherever you they can find it, let them revel it.
So you’re saying she’s a Social Justice Warrior?
Imagine being offended by a compliment.
"I'm offended, therefore I'm right." Did I get the core of your argument here?
Stop. Fucking. Being. Offended. By. Everything.
What at all was offensive?
You being offended doesnt mean that she has to die. Or listen. Or care. It's an opinion. Words. As long as it's not "FIRE" in a crowded theater, it's supposed to be OK to say things. Even if the person is not the same politically as you are. We USED to have that in America...
It's not thoughtful. It's people who are LOOKING to be offended and calling her a racist (from journo colleagues even!). My parents are immigrants and I got it. We would not have had the joy of having Mirai as an American star athlete w/o her parents immigrating here. That's fact
Being offended means absolutely nothing. It's just an admission that you can't control your emotions. Try a rational argument instead.
Maybe you are smug and your fainting couch outrage is moronic. Normal people do not feign offense at moronic shit and don't assume hate on every comment. You folks are going to give yourselves ulcers.
Naa... you are hypersensitive and horrible... shame on you for seeing the ugly within the beautiful
You, nor anybody else for that matter has been designated a spokesman for immigrants. Your faux outrage is tiresome and unnecessary, this story is a shining beacon of what it means to achieve success for an immigrant family. Whether they are first generation, second, or third.
What could you possibly have found to be offended by? How pathetic and small to take offense at something so positive that was merely celebrating an incredible athlete born to immigrant parents.
I never understand this point of view. How does saying “I meant to do *this*” cancel out what you actually did?
Get her! Get her! Amirite everyone? GET HER!!!
There are no "thoughtful criticisms" in tweets, don't you get that? Once again, most people like liberal ideas. All liberals need to do to win is not be fucking insane and You. Just. Can't. Do. It.
People need to grow up and stop being offended all the time. We are not in kindergarden anymore.
Who cares if people get “offended” lo get over and keep scrolling.
Offense grants no status, enjoins no obligation on the offender, and grants the offended not one miniscule iota of moral superiority. It's high time that the perpetually offended twitter mobs get told to fuck right the hell off.
No, she can hear you. So can the rest of us. It's how we know you're learning disabled and why we're not making any loud noises around you.
They're not thoughtful. They're ridiculous criticisms dressed up in pretentious faux-academic language.
No it doesn't seem like that. You want to be upset over nothing so you did some mental gymnastics and one cares.
I’m not sure if either of you recall this episode in 2014: “Freshman Congressman Mistakes Senior Government Officials for Foreigners” but @bariweiss’s comments are of similar sentiment even though well intentioned.
Freshman Congressman Mistakes Senior Government Officials for Foreigners
(no description)
Are you here to mansplain for everybody? Go sit in the corner
I love it when you are guys eating each other. Please never change.
If people are offended by something @bariweiss said, why don't they just unfollow her and move on? You aren't entitled to police what other people say. That's the opposite of "free speech". Unless Bari is coming to your house and forcing you to listen to her, just move ON.
People calling other people out on their speech is exercising free speech too. Dipshit.
Were offended, or saw an opportunity to act offended?
If you get offended by things so simple then humanity is at an end
It is merely proof that we have managed to reach such a high point in our society that people have nothing better to complain about. Go us!
The fact ppl were offended by this to begin with is the sign of civilization's end. The unhinged responses by those that are unbalanced and entitled is just the cherry on top of it all.
For real. It is nauseating to see an idealistic millenial female trash Hillary. You seriously do not have a clue and will realize that once youre grown. Just fucking stop. Get to know her legacy. That pisses us off hence the negativity.
That is the funniest thing I've read all day, it's good to see good ironic humor! "Hillary's legacy"! Bwahahahah!!!
Did you criticize this?
here's a fascinating study in contrasts: look at the ratio and response on this tweet as compared with the outrage directed at @bariweiss yesterday.
The only reasonable response to "You offended me" is "grow up". If there's any valid criticism of something someone says then you can use that logical criticism rather than something as arbitrary and subjective as offensiveness. But I'm sure you'll ignore MY valid criticism.
Being offended is not anyone's problem but your own.
People like yours of get offended at everything so it’s hard to tell real criticism from fake outrage
Nobody cares about you, or anybody else for that matter, being offended. You and your feelings are not that important.
It seems that you have a particularly challenging time not being critical of people who did nothing wrong. Maybe you need therapy.
Does Mirai even care? Why is there a large brigade of people up in arms about something the subject may not even give a shit about? Also, Bari isn't having a "challenging" time. Shockingly, she has a right to disagree with the tribal criticism of her, and respond to it.
Thoughtful criticism of a tweet, that's something new...
Love too, tweet that all POC are immigrants, thus celebrating them
*at a birthday party* bari, celebrating: "your birthday is an immigrant"
Thanks. The racist lied that the original tweet was a longer one and actually a compliment(even in that case, it was a backhanded one). But here's the original:
Yes, that’s what I was making fun of
"Bari" is short for "Barnold"
A ratioed racist, at that. Wish I could have done the math on the original tweet.
Yes... a mindblowingly over-rated, libertarian op-ed columnist, saying some idiotic, and being told so, is exactly how all the prequels to my favorite post apocalyptic movies start.
This is nonsense lol
*Me shivering with rage as everyone in the class laughs at my wrong answer* Do you need another sign of civilization's end?
extremely civilised to compress a person into their ethnic background now. cool.
I'm not here to judge you, but you didn't write "we", you wrote "they". It makes a significant difference.
I don’t need a sign announcing your GIANT EGO.... that was apparent when you stated being called out by a stupid tweet was a “sign of civilization’s end”.
Keep digging, keep tweeting and don't take the l
Then why didn't you say that instead?
Never double-down on stupid. Just admit you were wrong, take your L, and move on with life in the hope that you have learned a valuable lesson and will do better in the future.
you're a racist. that's a uh hamilton reference
apologizing doesn't cost anything
Actually, you tweeted "they" get the job done. You "othered" a US citizen because she is not Caucasian. Just take the L and stop making it about your self-victimology.
Hawks beat writers they get the job done
Victim, victim, victim. That's all we hear from nonwhite people. You want equality, but can't hack the criticism, basic comments. #whyivotedfortrump
If you are not an immigrant can you not refer to them (???) as they??? Was "them" out of line there?
Why is referring to someone as an immigrant even a bad thing. What's wrong with immigrants? Especially when she was saying something positive about them. At first I thought people were mad because she was implying immigrants are better that non immigrants which at least would...
Have made a little sense although still dumb to get offended by. Seems to me that if you think calling someone an immigrant is offensive than you need to get a more positive view of what you think an immigrant is.
I honestly think that guy was offended by her using the term "they" when referring to immigrants. If we are not being trolled then this is PEAK Identity Politics.
Somewhere on the planet right now a 12-year old is living as a sex slave.. but lets focus on dogpiling a woman for the made-up crime of "othering"
Two things, to a varying degree, can be bad at the same time, genius child sex slavery, and.. what's the other bad thing in the tweet above? I'm sorry, I only see the one..
Calling someone an immigrant because they aren't white
oh ok.. I thought maybe you we're referring to being a Roy Orbison fan, so... glad I didn't bring THAT up, I guess..
Is joke... I tell joke! Actually tho, never listened much to him, but liked him with the Traveling Wilburys.
Her family are immigrants. Her point was to celebrate the story of an immigrant family succeeding for the US. However you choose to be offended because reasons. This is why Trump will win in 2020.
Do you have something against immigrants?
Michael, You have mansplained to a female-identified person. That’s as much or more of an intersectional lapse as “othering” a US citizen. Just a friendly reminder. .
Took the words out of my mouth.
Bahaha that’s good stuff
Michael, you are going to need a lot of ointment for that burn!
Mansplaining has a different definition than “explaining while male”
Liberal male + moderate female= explaining. Moderate male + liberal female= mansplaining.
Thanks for mansplaining the definition of mansplaining to a feminist author. I'm sure she doesn't know. 👌👍
On paper, yes. In practice, no. SO SAYETH A FEMALE, BASED ON HER LIVED EXPERIENCE. *bangs gavel*
Yes I know that’s an ironic thread and you can screenshot all you want, but mansplaining is a condescending explanation in the other persons’ field. I don’t trust someone from the American Enterprise Institute to trade honestly with intersectionality
In fewer words: a black man can tell a white woman she’s being racist (about an Asian).
Anyone can tell anyone else anything.
so glad to read this, I've been living in your crawlspaces and attic for the last 6 weeks and for entertainment I spied on your most intimate moments whenever possible *relieved*
Tell us more about who is allowed to do what, based on their race
Honestly, these cryptic rules are exhausting. How about we let people speak know like the free exchane of Americans
Because when people say “You’re being racist, here’s how.” That desire for free exchange of ideas suddenly ceases for the person on the defense and they can’t handle criticism. This particular tweet stream shows perfect examples of that.
I think we are a little too sensitive about the whole thing. Her origional intent was to celebrate an american olympian who had a great performance
Understanding the lines of identity politics should be an Olympic sport. Bonus points for whoever can use “obviously you’re wrong/right” more in a debate over the least obvious, most subjective, blurred-lines shit show the world has ever seen. #Olympics
Well as a 40ish white male i will defer all opinions to ANYONE else who is could be in any marginalized group...except poodle owners...fuck them
Hey now. Reserve your hate for poodle owners who groom the dogs to look French. #notallpoodleowners
They're not cryptic at all. People of color are under no obligation not to call out instances of racism, from overt to casual, just to spare our white feelings (as has been custom since time immemorial). We're not accustomed to listening and learning; it's past time that we were.
That guy thinks that races "think". All blacks, hispanics or Asian think a certain way. What if we found some Asians who wasn't offended by Bari Weiss's tweet? How will this DSA douche react then?
You can kiss my Jewish ass
Consent negotiations are fun.
It should be "may kiss" - I would think distance precludes ability. Also, not appropriate in these negotiations to assume any ability.
Awesome yet underrated tweet
Funny how the SJW’s always end up in a hissy fit, cursing.
Are you white-jew fluid
Adam ultra berg is totally mansplaining to Christina Sommers in these tweets. SHAME ON YOUUU
Nah, cause he's explaining a topic she's ignorant about to her. It would be mansplaining if he tried to explain her philosophy dissertation to her. Don't use words you don't understand, it's that easy. Or just cry about your imagined victimhood of SJWs forcing you to use words
Are you saying that a woman is ignorant ? That sounds quite misogynistic !!!
And I am using mansplaing in it's proper context, it's used to silent dissenting male opinions that correct someone 90% of the time.
Honestly I've really only heard the term "mansplaining" used ironically in real life. Good to know you're an expert on how it's used though
Well, if he's wrong or right, you clearly don't have the experience with the word to back up your claim. Whereas there's plenty of evidence to atleast support his claim of it being "explaining something while male"
Matt you didn't manage to realize I was being sarcastic (apart from my last tweet) lmaoo
Actually I realized that you were using sarcasm. I took your comment to imply that I'm part of a group of your political opponents that you think all call people misogynists with no basis. So I took that as an opportunity to tell you I try to treat people as individuals
You may treat people as individuals but I was just satirizing the nonsensical arguments that come from a lot of twitter "activists" who regularly generalize men and use "mansplaining as a way to silence different opinions from men.
I'm not an anti-feminist or anti-SJW. I just recognize dishonest people and find them very funny, it's all about having a laugh, these discussions have become such a shit shiw
*shit show. Also not this particular discussion just debates around these areas of politics
It is also used straight up to gender-bash any man into silence if a woman doesn't want to listen to whatever he has to say. I see that about 3 times a week. ... (sure, I know an easy cheap shot is coming, but hopefully it won't be the obvious and lame one.)
Ok show me one example of this please. Then tell me what authority the supposed gender basher has and why you care so much about what they say that you let it control you and cause so much resent in you.
The term "authority" is irrelevant. Your projection about my feelings is obtuse. Here's a few usages in the vein I was referring to, although I see the term has been collectively sardonicized as well.
Pleased to report that I scared away a man by calling out his bullshit when he tried to talk ?existentialism? and mansplain why there’s nothing wrong with White Male philosophy
Lol none of those examples support your point. You weren’t involved in those conversations and if you’re afraid to respond just because someone says “mansplain” that’s your problem. Stop being so sensitive maybe
Again, these were usages "in the vein", as in non-ironically. The terme seems to be commonly used and largely subtweeted on Twitter, whereas on LinkedIn, it is seldom used, but used directly and derisively.
I only had time to check a single page, and those were relevant and derisive, which knocks off your point regarding "only ironic". I also acknowledged that usage on Twitter right now seems to be largely as you described. That's how being an adult works.
Lol, yeah sure. People are individuals, genius. Me saying this specific woman is ignorant is different than saying women are ignorant in general. Duhhhh
are you an expert at being racist?
"mansplaining is a condescending explanation in the other persons’ field." hmmm I see
Mansplaining is a term invented by weakness pulling down a visibly strong target. Not a guilty target, just a target. It’s also sexist a term used as a blanket solution when you want the floor without being challenged even when wrong.
Kvetch harder my guy
I just say whatever the F*ck I want, and don't care what color or gender you are..............
a man telling a woman anything is sexist. how dare you.
Adam, The heck did you just say?
Anyone can tell anyone anything. Plus, what she said was perhaps stereotypical, but not "racist."
Can a Jewish guy tell another Jewish guy he’s a d bag ? Just curious what these rules are.
I think that’s technically racist because Jewish is a minority. Sorry, no winners in the bout of comedy.
So is Jewish white or not? From a hopelessly white perspective, It seems to change depending on need at the moment. Can someone clear this up?
what’s happening's like in Dungeons and dragons where your alignment is relevant to what spells you can cast and how different types of monsters react to you. I.e., really complicated.
For some (and not necessarily anyone in this thread) it is very much like a spell. They believe that words can constitute reality - which is why policing speech is so important to them.
So a black man trumps an Asian male or female?, who trumps a white woman who naturally trumps a white man (who doesn’t right!)? Can you draw us a flowchart?
I have an idea. Break people down by all their various “intersectionalities”, and what do you get? An individual! Yeah! So treating people as individuals, rather than members of a group, is totally SJW!
hat scenario has never been in question. How about this one... Can a white man tell a black woman she's being racist (about an asian)? Based on intersectional feminism and the standard social justice mantra, the answer is actually no.
And thanks for dumbing it down so the "dishonest" woman might understand it better.
This is your pilot speaking. Please enjoy your descent. Into puerile madness.
She is not white she is Jewish. Jewish people are not white.
Dude, you're a total fucking dork.
Can an asian man tell a white woman their black genderqueer friend is racist?
so jew commentary is allowed?
Stop mansplaining, so sexist and rude.
_No one_ can trade honestly with intersectionality!
Hilarious that an advocate for intersectionality would bring up honesty They have no integrity, whatsoever
How do you trade honestly in something that doesn’t exist? Wouldn’t that be impossible?
And that’s the point with these people
“…trade honestly with intersectionality…”. oh, you are a funny one.
Not funny *haha*
Intersectionality and honesty are mutually exclusive concepts.
intersectionality? 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
You say that like intersectionality is virtuous and true; it is anything but. It's complete drivel and thus cannot be dealt with honestly.
if you think ANY explanation is condescending, you're a fucking ungrateful sod who needs to control your ego
Um you're considered the lowest of the low in terms of intersectional racism, why you doing this for?
But do you recognize that most people who would describe themselves as pro-intersectionality, most of the time do not make this distinction? And that they relish the opportunity to dismiss someone who ranks lower on the affinity hierarchy?
Do you trust anyone that criticizes intersectionality to "trade honestly" with it? I mean, anyone that has the nerve to criticize it is probably either racist/sexist/a minority hater, or sympathizes with those people according to intersectionality, so why listen to them right?
Pretty much everyone in this thread knows that intersectionality is little more than propaganda. Mansplaining won't convince.
So by your own words you look down upon here, regardless of her education, fields of study and/or experience,and deem it necessary to explain to her the truth about intersectionality, because you don't respect that she would "trade honestly" (entirely subjective). You mansplained
Your feminism is getting you so laid bro. So laid.
"Intersectionality": a synonym for "dimension" in statistics, so people with zero statistical training can hand-wave & virtue signal in even more confused & data-free ways.
Intersectionality defined: we don’t have to be consistent in anything else except our disparaging of straight white men.
lmao at a middle aged think tank type imitating 4chan memes though
To trade in intersectionality is to trade with air, since the word is a SJW neologism with zero weight.
Mansplaining is a sexist derogatory term that depends for its effect on a false stereotype about men. It is therefore ugly and offensive and people who are not bigots will not use it.
Mansplaining mansplaining to a woman who explained to a black man how he mansplained racism to a woman who tried tackle xenophobic policies of Trump by praising the work an immigrant who wasn't, in fact, an immigrant, which she already knew! AHHHHHHHH 🙃🤪
He mansplained. Of course we know it's actually "Explaining while male and disagreeing with feminist / leftist garbage"
Wow can't believe you just mansplained to a woman older than you. Pretty sure that's ageist too. You done fucked up bruh.
HAHAHAHA! Oh my god! “Mansplaining doesn’t mean what you think it does lady!” Dude. You are a walking, talking (and apparently tweeting) meme. Put the keyboard down soyboy!
You will combust in self-righteousness if you continue like this.
Wait if you can't explain things based on your gender.. surely you think your race also is a reason via leftie rules right ?
You’re now mansplaining mansplaining Holy shit I didn’t think the left could get any worse
You realize you're mansplaining mansplaining? See how stupid that sort of thought can be?
Oh PLEASE millennialsplain some more, o' "woke" one. And BTW "kiss my Jewish ass" isn't working out so well right now (ask Steve Wynn and Harvey Weinstein) basically just sexually assaulted someone by posting that. #metoo
Haha no it doesn't.
I think it might be a hate crime.
This is a parody account, right?
No, its a parody movement. Conscious or not.
Well, THAT’S gonna leave a mark!
Nope. A black man is explaining racial othering to a white woman and you’re talking over him.
Will someone please link the most up-to-date oppression chart?
We at the Privilege Research Institute Collective are embarking on an analysis of subatomic pico-aggressions which requires a calculus infinitely more rich and complex than a measly “chart.”
I look forward to your paper’s publication. Please add me to your newsletter.
One of my cohorts is mapping out a Social Justice String Theory they call "Interspaghettionality" which posits multiverses of oppression yet to be decolonialized.
Okay I laughed really hard, kudos to you
Maybe some kind of virtual reality experience? Call it "The lived experience"
I could use this as I am waaaaay behind - I often ask people with accents where they're from, and pretty much go with a well-intentioned "he" or "she" until corrected
Ha. My infinite-dimensional tensor space theory of intersectional topology will put your pico-agression framework to shame, just you wait.
this is the best thing ive seen all day
Are measles oppressors or oppressed?
This tweet will be the one I point to when people ask "why did the hard left give up on intersectionality?" And I'll tell them, "it got in the way of them telling people off"
Double Sarcasm...cancels out.
Oooh...looks like you just womanscused the real issue at hand.
You have co-opted a phrase which u don’t understand. Less talking & more listening until u’ve got a better grasp. Just a friendly suggestion
She “stole feminism”
I thought you had to be grateful to your feminist foremothers
She is part of the feminist trailblazers. You should respect your comrades in arms.
And you are other-izing an age-enhanced female identified person. Friendly suggestion: Check your privilege.
rethink this tweet
I can imagine that arguing with the brick wall that is 3rd wave feminism gets old really quickly. Sometimes, a little levity helps blow off steam.
OK. Rethinking it. Age-enhanced female-identified person with non-cis-normative Maltipoo known as “Izzy.”
dont ever @ me again
Based mom for the win!
Get rekt by based mom. Scrub
Can’t take that heat. Dun knocked you out.
The bants are too spicy for ya?
My mum’s dog looks like that. Also called Izzy. Weird coincidence.
Would love a pic of your mom’s dog.
Wait. That is just a little bit of fluff. I guess Izzy is too.
She’s a bolognese. I have some pics where you can see her face, but they all have mum in them.
I’m gonna tell her your dog is called Izzy too. I think she’ll get a kick out of it.
Cute dogs! Non-sequitur: If you have to rely on revisionist history (deleting your tweet, then changing an important word in your recap of said deleted tweet), I think (regardless of gender) you can reasonably be advised to "take the L" as @MCunninghamAJC put it.
Erm... huh? Did that come from somewhere? It seems oddly specific for a non-sequitur.
It came from the beginning of this conversation. It was a non-sequitur from the dogs, but was highly related to the original issue:
Actually, you tweeted "they" get the job done. You "othered" a US citizen because she is not Caucasian. Just take the L and stop making it about your self-victimology.
How is “they” othering? It could be, depending on the context, but it sounds like you’re just being over sensitive, if you’ll forgive me saying so.
I'm actually not as offended by the original tweet as the majority of this thread. But you changed my point. I said, "if you have to rely on revisionist history..." Why do you think she changed it from "they" to "we"? Honest mistake?
Maybe. People do make mistakes.
It sounds like you're just being overly naive, if you'll forgive me for saying so.
Perhaps. But based on what I know of Ms. Sommers, doing so seems out of character.
I'm referring to @bariweiss's recap of her tweet, not something Ms. Sommers said. Her original tweet said "they", her recap said "we".
Oh, I may have misunderstood. Without knowing the context, my thoughts are that “they” referred to a group, and “we” was the speaker realising they were part of that group. But I really have no idea.
Ok, let me ask you: Say you’re a first-generation Laotian American at your company's party and you win a party game. a) Your white American co-worker says, “Immigrants, they get the job done”. b) A first-generation American (or immigrant) says, “Immigrants, we get the job done”
Which one feels more like the speaker is creating separation between himself and you? (This thought experiment is in relation to your previous question of "How is 'They' othering?)
If the speaker isn’t an immigrant, using we would be inaccurate. It can be othering, depending on things like tone, but I don’t know how it was said, just the words. That’s not enough information for a complete assessment.
Do you know where any of this conversation started?
No. You’re not telling me.
Do you need another sign of civilization's end? Here's one: I tweeted "Immigrants: we get the job done" with a video of Mirai Nagasu's triple axel. The line is a Hamilton reference. I know she was born in Cali. Her parents are immigrants. I was celebrating her and them. (1/2)
I’ve read it. Doesn’t make sense. Is she an immigrant or not?
She's not an immigrant. Ms. Sommers decided that explaining things like the fact that she's not an immigrant, or that she changed her pronoun, weren't honest debate, they were "mansplaining".
She was using the term ironically. Because of the tone policing, and stuff. And if she isn’t an immigrant then there is nothing wrong with they, because she is not a part of that demographic. She only changed it because people were picking up on nothing. I’d’ve held fast.
Ms. Sommers was not being serious when calling out the guy for mansplaining? Shoot, that makes me feel way better actually. I genuinely thought she was being serious, as were the 200+ people who liked the tweet. So it wasn't actually mansplaining right?
Mansplaining is just a sexist way of saying condescending.
Whoa... I think I really like that. Can you elaborate on that? Is it sexist towards men or women?
The term mansplaining is obviously sexist against men, if used unironically. Think about it, its implications. It singles them out, makes a man being condescending seem worse than if a woman does it.
I could make the case that utilizing the term it is a little sexist against women too. It lowers the expectation of women being able to handle any argument made by anyone. If you have to attack the gender of the person, you're losing the argument. A woman can win without that.
That's true, but it's almost always women I've seen using the term, but that doesn't make it less so. It's similar to a lot of other kinds of sexism. Double standards are bad for everyone.
Let me ask you this, do you believe in reverse-racism being a thing? And I don't just mean like, "The definition of racism is prejudice based on race," I get it. But we're getting deeper than a dictionary definition here.
Racism goes both ways. “Reverse” racism is just racism.
I'd have to disagree with you here. It's deeper than that. And I think this relates to the mansplaining argument as well. To pretend as if it's equal in both directions is naive. It pretends as if there are zero power structures in place.
Power structures? Like what? The mythical patriarchy?
Do you genuinely believe that there is no power difference between being white and being black in America?
Yeah, I’m sure that a country with systemic racism against black people in place allows black people to be rich, famous and successful.
So there is also no power difference between humans and dogs then? Since there are rich, famous, and successful Instagram dogs?
Are you implying that rich, successful black people have owners who are responsible for their success? That they didn’t earn it for themselves? No? Glad to hear it. Don’t compare people to pets, it’s just weird.
Your argument was, "If there are examples of things that are rich, famous, and successful, we know there's no diff in power b/w those things and others." "If there are black people who are rich, famous, and successful, then we know there's no diff in power b/w whites and blacks."
Yes, but you do see the difference between humans and dogs, right?
Yes. Not everything in a comparison is 1:1. You know what turtles and oranges have in common? They both have a layer of protection around them. Turtles have shells and oranges have rinds. You wouldn't say, "You do see the difference between fruit and reptiles, right?" Yes, I do.
See, now you’re trying to twist what I’m saying. Black people are successful for the same reason people if any other race are: hard work. Dogs on instagram are successful because of their owners. False equivalency. Also, I can easily peel an orange, but not a turtle.
Right, but "peelability" wasn't the comparison being made. Turtle also starts with a T and Orange starts with an O, but we also weren't comparing first-letter.
Yes, but we were comparing the protective layer. One can be easily removed the other can not. Dogs are famous because of their owners, people are not.
when did "reason for fame" become a part of your argument?
The moment you compared human beings to pet dogs. Christ! And they call me a psychopath.
A human being is like a dog in the sense that they are both mammals and capable of love. Christ! What a psychopath! Comparing two things for the sake of a logical thread comparison is not equating those two things.
Yeah, but those aren’t what you were comparing them on. Stop being disingenuous. You know I’ve beaten you, so you’re trying to twist it to make me look like the bad guy.
Logic thread: If A, then B. Your argument. If successful, then equal power. My argument: I can think of an example where your logical thread doesn't hold up. Successful, not equal in power. You made the claim. I can happily choose a different example if you choose.
That’s not what I said at all.
"Yeah, I’m sure that a country with systemic racism against black people in place allows black people to be rich, famous and successful."
Name one systemically racist law, still in effect today, in America, which discriminates against black people.
Never said law. I think we can agree that having money makes life easier than not having money. White people, on average, have had the far greater opportunity for many more generations of inheritances than have black people in America.
What I actually said is more complex than your reductionist bullshit. If a society is systemically racist against a specific race, it is extremely unlikely that members of that group would even be allowed to succeed. Ipso facto.
Please explain the success of Martin Luther King Jr., James Forten, Samuel T Wilcox, Isaac Myers, Charles Clinton Spaulding, Aaron McDuffie Moore, John Merrick, and the may other successful black people from before 1960. Or was racism never a thing?
The tide was beginning to turn by the time of Doctor King. Otherwise he wouldn’t have attracted such a large following. There was still a lot of racism, but it was becoming less favourable. Also, his success was in challenging those systems and overcoming them.
And what about Forten (1830), Samuel T Wilcox (1850), Isaac Myers (1865), or Charles Clinton Spaulding, Aaron McDuffie Moore, and John Merrick (1898).
I honestly don’t know. Doesn’t change the fact that the systems are gone. It does demonstrate my flawed reasoning, but my conclusion is still correct. There is no systemic racism against black people in modern America. If there is, demonstrate it.
First off, I appreciate you admitting that is demonstrates flawed reasoning, and I will do my best to pick non-animal comparisons in the future.
Good. But you still haven’t demonstrated systemic racism.
You're literally just quoting Ben Shapiro instead of looking at the words I'm using. I never said systemic racism. I said, "To pretend as if it's equal in both directions is naive. It pretends as if there are zero power structures in place."
Power structures implies systemics. But fine, demonstrate that, then.
White people being, on average, vastly more likely to be born with money than black people (partially because white people's ancestors had paying jobs, where they actually made money for their work) is an example of things not being equal.
White people being, on average, vastly more likely to be born with money than black people (partially because white people's ancestors had paying jobs, where they actually made money for their work) is an example of things not being equal.
That’s not a power structure though. And this may be hard to believe but not all salves were black, some were Irish, or other kinds of white. There were even some black slave owners. The first black slave in America actually had a black master. Which is kinda crazy.
True, but saying "not all" doesn't do much here. The vast vast majority were. "Not all" terrorists are Muslim, but I'd be willing to bet you think there are systemic elements in place that cause radical Islamic terrorism.
I don’t know if I’d say systemic, but their ideology does preach violence and deception as viable tactics to spread the faith.
I'd say ideologies count as systemic, yes.
Well, an ideology is a system of thought, so it stands that its characteristics would be systemic.
Completely agree. Thus, your "not all" argument doesn't carry much water.
It wasn’t an argument. Your wording implied you didn’t know, that’s all.
Secondly, there are many many more examples: Paul Cuffee (1700s), Stephen Smith (1850), William Alexander Leidesdorff, Jr. (1825), Robert Gordon (1846), Frank McWorter(1820), Clara Brown(1850s), Annie Malone (1910), Frederick Patterson & Charles Richard Patterson (1917).
Is it bad that I don’t know who any of these people are?
Not as bad as not realizing that there have always been massively successful black people throughout time. Even the times where you admit there were power structures in place against them.
I'll throw Booker T Washington on the list (1895) to give us a nice famous name to go off of.
I can't tell if you're joking.
Honey, until recently I didn’t know who Jodie Foster was. In fact, thinking about it, I still don’t.
Contact, Panic Room, Taxi Driver, and The Silence of the Lambs.
Sometimes. Other times aliens, other times being trapped in tiny rooms.
What are you talking about, now?
Lol.. these are just Jodie Foster movies.
So can we go back to, "If a society is systemically racist against a specific race, it is extremely unlikely that members of that group would even be allowed to succeed." Are you still holding by this assertion? (Asking nicely)
Don’t know anymore. It would probably make it extremely difficult, but not wholly impossible. I still don’t think there’s power structures anymore. Stuff’s a lot more fluid now. I think if you work hard enough (now) you will succeed.
I agree that if you work hard enough you will succeed, but due to lingering effects, please admit that, on average, black people have to work at least .0001% harder to succeed. Even if simply for the fact that they don't have (on average) the same amount of startup capital.
Maybe. But that’s averages. Not a power system like you talked about.
I understand the distinction you're making. So if I say, "there are discrepancies in power due to lingering effects of racism" does that fix the issue?
Sure. That’s not a system. That’s just a demographic being poorer on average. A simple statement of fact.
"Due to lingering effects of racism" though. You can't ignore that part.
Lingering effects of past racism. That was then and this is now.
That's really lazy. Yes, I agree, that's the best attitude to have if you're a black person in America today, but for you to say that is quite obtuse. The past matters, and your term, lingering effects, is an incredibly apt description of the then affecting the now.
Yeah, but so what? Everything is defined by its past. Some people start with less than others, and that sucks. In America, it happens more often for blacks people. That sucks too. Doesn’t stop the individual doing something about it.
But the individual who woke up on first base has less of a chance of doing something about it than does a different individual who woke up on third base. Please understand that.
I do understand that. Anyone of any race can be born on any base. It just happens more often for black people because of history. Which sucks. It’s unfair, but so is life in general. Am I supposed to do something about it?
You're supposed to understand it.
I understand. I just don’t care all that much. I feel bad for them, but it’s really not my problem.
That's callous and obtuse, but it's your prerogative.
I’m a very cold person.
It's weird. You like, are but then you aren't. You're fully aware of when you're being cold, which makes you sort of warm, but then you just revert right back to being cold.
I exhibit every warning sign for psychopathy. No diagnosis, which is why I worded it like that.
You're very confident in your own assertions for someone who is aware of their own warning signs for psychopathy.
Well, arrogance is a symptom.
I knew there were some, I just couldn’t tell you why, how, or whom.
And you don't think there's a problem there? That someone so confident in the fact that there is no such thing as power differentiation between races couldn't say why or how a black person might have earned success during a time of power differentiation?
History is interesting, but it’s not super relevant when we’re talking about today. Well, sometimes it is.
I see you changing your mind mid-tweet, and I both respect and appreciate that. It absolutely is.
I’m not sure it is. Power dynamics were all over the place once upon a time, I don’t see any evidence of such dynamics tied to race today. Beyond lingering effects, I don’t see much historical relevance to this discussion.
Lingering effects. I'll take that one. Lingering effects are exactly what I'm referring to. Thank you.
So following your exact logic, I can think of examples of many other things that are rich, famous, and successful that surely you'd believe have less power than, say, a straight white man in America.
What? That seems like a non-sequitur.
You: If successful, then no difference in power.
Me: Many things successful, still difference in power.
Your logic is based on a false equivalency. Dogs attain fame because of their owners. Black people attain fame by being influential people. There is a power difference between different species, but not different races in the West.
You’re being intellectually dishonest.
Ok. Do you think that it is easier or harder to make money and be successful if you already have money in your pocket or if you don't already have money in your pocket?
Depends on how smart you are with that money. Most billionaires are self-made. And you’re trying to distract from the core of the debate. Besides, now you’re talking about a different kind of power altogether. Wealth brings privilege, race does not. Not anymore.
So by your rationale then, you'd expect an equal number of black and white billionaires then, right?
See, now you’re looking for equality of outcome. What’s more important is equality of opportunity, which will never produce the former because different people want different things, or make different choices. People have to be responsible for their choices and consequences.
So by your rationale then, the only reason there are fewer black billionaires than white billionaires is because black people want different things, or make different choices. That accounts for the discrepancy entirely?
Not entirely. There are a lot of factors to consider. I see no reason to assume that any of those reasons are some systemic racism that still survives in this day and age.
Also, you’re not adjusting for population.
So by your rationale then, the only reason there aren't 20% black billionaires (20% of the population is black) is because black people want different things, or make different choices. That accounts for the discrepancy entirely?
It accounts for a lot of it. There are other factors, of course. A lot of black people are poor, and live in crime-ridden areas. A large part of the reason for that is systems that use to be there. Those systems are gone, but the effects can still be felt. But it’s shrinking
So there are systems that used to be there. Yet all those people I listed were still massively successful during those systems' existence. How did this happen?
To be fair, you didn't say "equal in both directions" you simply said "goes both ways". I didn't mean to put words in your mouth.
This is true. Apology accepted.
I’ve read the whole thing three times and I still don’t get it.
first tweeted "Immigrants, they get the job done" with a link to the olympian's triple axle. Twitter told her she was "othering". Then she deleted the tweet, and wrote the tweet I linked you to above. You do know that you're tweeting in line with that thread, right? :)
Yes. I’m aware of things that happen around me. If she’s not an immigrant, they is accurate. If she is, then we is accurate. The only thing I don’t understand is the switch.
I don’t really see the issue with that. It’s just how language works.
It was an either/or. What don't you see the issue with?
Just look at that white fur privilege
Is this a parady account
Izzy is not a parody. Respect her lived experience.
This thread took a turn
Professor Sommers is murdering this comment section! I'm dying 😂😂
Plus, Izzy is triggered. Thanks social media.
How could you upset our dogs?! Have you no heart?!
You two really are a pair of morons. I don't know how your dogs put up with you. Someone should call the Humane Society, I'm sure they've earned a break.
Isn't that a dog in your profilpicture ?
No its a penguin Andreas
Right, so many witty insights.
Prof Sommers is not one you should trifle with. 😉
Nobody likes you, Christina
That’s not true. Lots of people like her. Just not identitarians.
Wait, you have the same dog AND the same carpet? What is going on here?!?
It is very strange, but the carpet is just similar. I think hers is darker than ours was (this was the old house).
either that or..... YOU'RE IN HER HOUSE :O
Watching the left eat each other over who’s being politically incorrect within their own ranks is my new daily entertainment. You made PC so pervasive its impossible for you to speak without offending someone. It’s fantastic!
I call it the Ouroboros effect.
Do any of you have any idea how fucking mental this conversation sounds to someone who doesnt give a shit! Arseholes arguing about the use of words is shocking!
Fellow cisgender age-depleted (I'm 20 lol) classical liberal bisexual non third wave feminist owner of a fluff ball, reporting for duty!
This entire thread got better with each tweet. <3
I think this is the best thread on twitter
I second this.
No, but this thread is one. And it is GLORIOUS.
it's either that or a bot, for sure.
I was thinking the same thing. She’s a mole troll. Acts like she’s on the side of truth but she’s really a raging bigot.
Who? Who are you talking about?
Oh you can fuck off right there. Ms. Sommers is a true and thru feminist. She fought for equality before you were born. Hell, she's still fighting today. So piss off you little gobshite.
Your TL is pretty racist and crappy too though
I don't make judgements based on race, gender, age, sexuality, or any other arbitrary characteristic. You have no proof, you have no argument. The only way you could conceivably think I'm racist is if you're one of those people who are wildly over sensitive. Give me an example
You don’t understand institutionalized racism or the principles of equity. You are a basic level thinker, who doesn’t go beyond your own selfish needs and wants.
That’s not a power structure though. And this may be hard to believe but not all salves were black, some were Irish, or other kinds of white. There were even some black slave owners. The first black slave in America actually had a black master. Which is kinda crazy.
I understand it, I just don't see any evidence of it. Not against black people in America, anyway. As for equity, equality of opportunity is far more important that that of outcome. If you cannot provide evidence of such institutions, I will continue to be sceptical.
If you don’t see privilege, you are privileged. If you don’t see racism, you are racist. The fact that you don’t see either - or the impact it has on POC in America sets your baseline. And there is no equality of opportunity without equity.
You’re talking out of your ass. I don’t judge people based on race, so I’m not racist. Privilege comes from money, so I don’t have much of that either. If you can’t provide evidence for your bullshit claims, I don’t have to listen to them. 馬鹿
Ok, kiddo. This conversation is way too sophisticated for you. And unless you’re Japanese, so using Japanese slurs against me.
Oh, I’m sorry. Is being bilingual cultural appropriation now? How about instead of condescending to me and diverting from what I say, you give me the evidence I ask for. You want me to join your worldview? Evidence is the way to go. Insults are not. ¡Idiota!
You have a Japanese-ish handle. You use Japanese slurs against me. Are you Japanese? Or just a white person appropriating my culture?
It’s not appropriation, it’s celebration. Or do you want all cultures walled off from each other, never allowed to mix or grow? Because that sounds like half the recipe for an ethnostate. Also, I have some Japanese family.
Some Japanese family? Who
Brother in law, niece, roughly two percent of my ancient ancestors.
Stop spewing words you don’t know. Step out of Asian racial politics. You weren’t raised in it. And don’t use Asian slurs against Asians, you twit.
You really are a bigot, aren’t you? Stay in your lane. Don’t try to learn about other peoples. Make sure the insults you use are the right language. Do you even hear yourself? Imagine if I was saying the same to you, but switch Asian and Japanese with white and European.
You can’t culturally appropriate a culture that is widely accepted as the main culture who everyone wants to be like because GUESS WHAT white people are in charge.
Really? White people are in charge? Of the whole world, or just places where they’re most common?
Even where there are few white people, the oppressive influence is real
So, an entire race are inherently oppressive to all around them, even in small numbers? Yeah. And I’m the racist.
By the way — this is like top 3 things racists say.
I’m still not racist, and you still haven’t shown evidence that I am. All you have is the dogma beaten into your head. Try thinking for yourself.
“Celebration” of my culture to use my family’s language to insult me?
No, learning the language, the history, the folklore, politics, customs, etc., that is celebration. Calling you a moron is just gravy.
And I’m biracial so no asshole, I don’t want people walled off. You are such an egotistical basic thinker.
If you don’t want that, don’t advocate for it. If you want cultures to come together and evolve, don’t warn people against the evils of cultural appropriation.
You steal our culture — using kitsune— using slurs against me — but you don’t see the racism that non white people face. I cannot stand people like you.
Racism goes both ways, my real life name is Kyubino Kitsune, and I sign my name using kanji. I can’t stand virtue signalling hypocrites who refuse to provide evidence that supports their claims, but expects people to accept them on face value.
Did your parents name you that?
Because that’s a tv show character name.
Really? There’s a character in a tv show that shares my name? Neat.
Did your parents name you that
Does it matter? This is my name.
You chose a name from my culture. You’re a white person who pretends to be Asian. Goodbye.
I don’t pretend to be Asian. I chose the name because I love foxes, I love Japanese mythology, and I don’t have to explain myself to the kind of bigot who thinks I’m too white to have a Japanese name. What business is it if yours? Who am I hurting?
Cultural appropriation hurts all of us. Just call yourself Fox then.
Cultural appropriation doesn’t hurt anyone. It’s a good thing for cultures to come together. Don’t you people usually support multiculturalism?
So stop explaining yourself to me if you think I’m a bigot. I think you’re an idiot who appropriates my culture but please do tell me how I’m wrong.
That’s cute. You think a vocal minority of easily triggered snowflakes represents the opinions of an entire race. Besides, I’m a libertarian. As long as you don’t hurt anyone, do whatever you want. So... eh. They can have that opinion. Doesn’t bother me.
How? I’m not exerting force over anyone.
Culture is not the same as race.
And purple isn’t the same as green. What’s your point?
One is culture and one is social construct.
Race isn’t a social construct. It’s a real thing. It’s just not something we should judge people by. It’s almost always irrelevant, but it’s there. Sometimes it comes up in medicine, but that’s the only time I can think of that it even close to matters.
I’m done here. You can’t see past your own selfishness.
And you can’t see past your own dogma. At least I’m honest about being a selfish cunt. You’re just a hypocrite.
I fight for equity. You fight for privilege. I’m comfortable with who I am.
I don’t fight for privilege. We just disagree on what privilege is. In this society, it comes from money and little else. Maybe personal connections.
And actually, you’re the one who wants certain groups to have special treatment; to be protected classes. How’s that for equity? Equality of outcome requires such insistent control of every facet of our lives that no one would have any freedom at all.
You don’t understand the basics, and I don’t have anymore time to explain your own racism to you.
Oh for fuck’s sake. I’m not a racist. I don’t care what race someone is, I treat them the same, regardless. If I’m such a racist, then would I really accept a marriage proposal from a black man? No, no I would not.
I was wondering the same thing. It's got the check mark of a real human and stuff. 🤔
Wait, that's the duster...stand by.
All I see is a dust mop.
Twitter is weird.
Twitter is whatever you want it to be.
Used to have a rug like that..
Some is summoning a wizard again 😁
Shows how whacked leftist Marxism in society has become with all these retarded phrases! Paige
In point of fact, Christina Hoff Sommers is a conservative. So, I guess it shows how whacked right-wing conservatism in society has become.
This is amazing. This is peak comedy.
My moms was named Reggie. Hes in doggy heaven now. But he looked just like that
I'm outraged! You didn't ask Izzy what breed zhe identifies as! What right have you to assume zher breed?
ur dog is a lesbian?
They're so cute!
everyone shut the hell up
You know, you wouldn't need to put all this work into faking this stuff if it were real. You could just find a real comment and hold that up.
Join the #DogRight, we have treats!
People are missing your humor methinks 🙂
"Resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute."
This, right here, is a fine example of why liberals think they’re the only ones with a sense of humor. Too meanspirited to juxtapose with such a cute doggo.
Christina - you are a national treasure.
I can't tell if you are serious or mocking and it makes me unsure if I should laugh or be angry
Wait- what is ‘enhanced’ about your age?
God you are brilliant. Good show.
Greatest thread ever! I'm a cis male with pet English Bulldog named Ruby who is due to have puppies on Valentine's Day and the father left her to raise them alone. How should I identity?
That'll be "toxic cis male" no other details matter
Omg so toxic. How could you assume his/her gender?! Being pregnant doesn't mean it's a female.
don’t have too much fun with this might get addicted like so many others.
You're doing way too much "age-enhanced female identified person" AKA lady!
Says the white lady
So . . . your response to obliviousness on bigotry, is to show off more obliviousness about bigotry. Were you upset to see someone else getting attention that you thought you could get?
What the f**k? Was that tweet written in English? What the hell is other-izing and how does someone go about being age enhanced? Check your gobbledygook.
She was joking
Is it sad that it’s impossible to tell anymore?
This is stupid.
This shtick isn’t even that funny when 4chan teenagers do it, and it’s even more pathetic coming from a middle aged think tank type.
Aye aye aye! CH I think it’s time you retire. In general? sure! but specifically from this thread
Part of what makes conservatives so consistently unfunny is that trying to satirize a subject without first mastering it comes across like provincial fear or adolescent jealousy, not amusing awareness.
Rethink your use of word “mastering.”
You ARE joking? She’s running rings round you. We’re much better at the game you invented. 😂😂🏳️‍🌈🇬🇧
“You invented”? You mean Jesuit farmers? I speak for myself, and you’re very easily amused.
On the other hand, there's is nothing funnier than a hectoring Leftist ideologue.
Let me know when you find one and we’ll have a good laugh together.
Sounding more like a based Teen Mom. Find something better to do with your time Christina.
I can see you think you’re being clever. You’re not.
She’s hilarious!
God you are so dumb.
She’s awesome!
Screw privilege. The girl is a natural born citizen and didn’t deserve the call out based on her race. No one except Native American tribes are without immigration Heritage. She tweeted because she was pandering to a leftist base and screwed it up by trying to Virtue Signal.
Actually that’s false as well... natives came from Russia and crossed a “frozen bridge” an came down from Alaska to Canada to America and then all the way down to South America regions...
Native Americans also immigrated here.
Apparently satire is only acceptable if leftists do it.
A lot of butthurt replies for sure.
Yeah, did someone once tell you were funny? I hate to be the one to break it to you, but they were lying, probably so they could get the hell away from you as fast as possible.
It's not otherizing, and calling it otherizing is why people think that the left makes up words just to deflect what you're actually experiencing: criticism. If you don't know the difference, please learn it! It's critically important!
"age-enhanced female identified person" I'm calling dibs on this for my next band's name
Stop messing with the pedestrians! LOL
Someone told you that you were clever and you messed up and believed it :(
How many words did you just make up to victimize yourself?
Shutting down another woman's freedom of speech are we? There's a term for that somewhere..
Maybe you don't know who you're talking to, but she knows more about it than you. 😄
Just shut up. You ideologue. Just a suggestion. #Hy
Well, that seems like a very rude and condescending comment. People can tell their kids or their partner or their pet to "talk less and listen more". Not a scholar who has forgotten more than most will ever know about those type of.... "phrases". #CheckYourCheck
You people have co-opted a movement which you don't understand. Christina has been doing this before any of you were even born(sorry mom).
That’s funny...telling a woman who’s been a feminist longer than you’ve probably been alive how she’s supposed to think. 🤣🤣🤣
Unfriendly. You self righteous twerps are never fucking friendly. It’s why the middle of the country decided to vote for a moron rather than suffer your endless lecturing. Stop. Shutting. Down. Discussion! Just stop it. All of you. NOW!
76 followers. More Russian crap. We know the deal now. Throwing bombs left & right to divided us. We’re on to you bots. No I’m not joking or crazy.
You are so obvious, it's absurd. Just be honest and say "less talking until you learn to say what we want you to say."
I wouldn’t say that that’s mansplaining because the woman in question refuses to believe that she was in the wrong here.
There you go again with your war against boys.
did you hit your head
Aren’t you the chick that grifts on the Joe Rogan podcast lol?
Hi Christina - how is this mansplaining? Thx.
She was joking
What the hell is "othering" someone.
It's another made up word to make you feel bad cuz you don't know what it means. If you look around the room you will see all the "woke" people nodding their heads and looking at poor uninformed you. They don't know either.
Try reading up on literature on feminism written in recent decades. You sound like you don’t understand the complex relationship b/w race & gender.
😂😂 Dr. H-S... you're killing me. hope to see you on @RubinReport or @joerogan again soon!
Based on her initial idiotic tweet followed by this hollow attempt at explaining instead of outright apologizing, she fucking needed someone to tell her she is a moron.
This is a fn joke, right?
Please let this be sarcasm.
Lol I forgot you existed Christina
If I had anything left to vomit, I'd aim for you shoe
I thought labels expired once they were used in Australia?
Yeah, that wasnt mansplaining. At all. Bari was wrong, what she wrote, regardless of cultural reference, was offensive. Folks told her, both men and women. They were ALL correct!
There are at least 7 nonsense words in that paragraph. If you're offended, be offended. Then leave.
this comment is almost dumber than the comment she is responding too...
No... it's far worse
This is clearly sarcasm... nerds
Nah, Christina is pretty consistently trash.
You’re doing this wrong.
So presenting someone with facts is "man-splaining...?" This woman is being called out by men and women from various backgrounds; all pretty much saying the same thing. Why is THIS man being accused of "man-splaining?"
In the way the term is most commonly bandied about, yes. Facts don't matter, only feelings and privilege.
because CHS is a longtime anti-feminist troll who is bored now that her 15 min of gamergate-fueled fame wore off
Oh fuck you Christina
Mansplaining haha. They have a term for everything now. Fuck that. She said something stupid, then tried to fix it, and made herself look even more stupid. So he tried to help her remember.
It tickles me that the grand 'feminist' Christina Sommers has been reduced to rather pathetically trolling people on Twitter.
If she's a feminist I'm a radish.
So men can’t talk to women anymore? Is that where we are now? You call this progress? Smh.
No, @CHSommers is a parody account.
Omg. Thank you. Brilliant! Lololol. Followed!
she's not a parody account. she's just being sarcastic and trolling a little bit. I'd say quite justified.
Oh, please. She's a parody of *herself* at this point.
It isn't a parody account? She's just ripping the piss out of people
It's been that way for a while now. We're just here to listen and believe.
They can but they need permission first. Not sure how they get it....
thank you, interwebs, thank you.
By using the proper form: that is either mailed, faxed, emailed, telegram, or hand delivered by a third neutral party.
Sign language. That's the only way you avoid sexual harassment suits.
I could definitely end up with a harassment suit using sign language.
Nyuuuuuu. I'll stand 5 feet away and sign that I think you are a strong beautiful woman.
When a man wishes to speak to a womyn respectfully, he should hire a male-to-female Transgendered intermediary: the Transmediary will interpret a man's patriarchal message into womyn-speak. Transmediaries can also help with courtship and monitor lovemaking for ongoing consent.
Look for my handy phrasebook of approved speech coming soon to better bookstores near you. Limited edition includes 165-page legal consent form for everything from door-holding to hair compliments!
Check your yellow privilege, cis-bot!
Warning: Consent form longer than book.
2637338-page sexual consent form to be published separately.
It's the distance bro lmao that's what count
Their rules (intersectional left)
OMG. When will men stop being snowflakes? You don't like it when a women knows something, you don't like it when they don't. You have to feel superior to women so more than happy to "explain", in "simple" terms so the poor, weak brained female can understand it.
Even when you have no expertise in the field, you have to "explain" it. Grow a pair & start having a conversation, a dialogue with women. Btw, this means that you listen to what the other person says & you take turns speaking.
Mansplaining!?! snowflake language for a snowflake. Just a friendly reminder, you're dogshit!
Unless you are the "othered" party who just got shoved to side by a white woman claiming "mansplaining" is more important.
Intersectional politics started when divide and conquer tacticians got lazy and figured out how to automate the process.
words have meaning. mansplaining isn't any and all comments or replies from men to women. also, labels aren't arguments, maybe next time try an argument before attempting to mute conversation with handy labels
if you dont like "mansplaining" being used, dont use it.
Plus his argument makes no sense. Unless Bari was also a 1st gen American exactly quoting Hamilton to say "WE get the job done" wouldn't be accurate
this woman knows the way to my heart....
I really hope this is satire
I'm not clear on how Bari is helped by defense from someone who thinks the gender-based wage gap can be closed by fewer women majoring in dance.
Oh please , christina, you can join bari in the bimbo corner.
whoa 😮, that’s some real cutting satire there
oh fuck off with this shit
Ah yes, “mansplain” the go to whenever a woman is criticized by a man these days.
Wow Christina- I saw the name and thought Bari was a man too. I didn't look at the picture. I hope one day when my daughter does big things that people identify her as an American and not as an immigrant. White people are always othering Asians.!
How else would he point out the fact that she just lied, ahem, misquoted herself in this tweet?
Shut up you fucking idiot
That's not what mansplaining is, you insufferable strawmanning twit. Mansplaining is presuming expertise & talking down to a woman simply because she is female. Making a valid point when a woman obviously fucks up =/= mansplaining.
Christina, go back to hanging out wth Milo and you're other nazi friends, you hack
The main reason Milo had an audience was because of idiotic word policing like the attacks on Bari which you're now defending.
No, I'm going to assign individual responsibility to the people who chose to follow an obvious demagogue like Milo, and the grown adults who associated with him.
You agree with Jordan Peterson on individual responsibility then? #metoo
And the willingness of once-reasonable people like CHS to coddle him
A number of people, myself included, made that mistake. (He also had some progressive/liberal enablers.) CHS hasn't associated with Milo in nearly two years. What has she said recently that was unreasonable?
I dunno. If I ever shoved my face into a pile of shit and ate some I wouldn't expect people to take me seriously 2 years after that
Have u ever eaten shit before? I believe most people have and what they do afterward does matter. I liked CHS before, during and after "Milo", so it's no issue for me, but this response cost you a follower. Your content hasn't been strong enough to balance this kind of stuff.
lol who gives a shit? tweets aren't "content" btw, they're just tweets
Thanks for clearing that up for me.
It will forever hang like a cloud over her, whereas you didn't play a mother figure to Milo, she did. You didn't tour with him, she did.
I'm not joined at the hip to CHS and I don't support all of her choices. Again, my issue is with randomly bringing up Milo as a random attack in a thread where CHS is standing up against an archetypal "PC witch-hunt."
I actually agree with Bari but I'm frankly heartened at the youthful voices rebelling against CHS.
But the anti-SJW circlejerk is such an easy way to get clicks.
I thought this was sarcasm. Lol
Oh good it WAS sarcasm!
Is this a real sentence?
stop it!! You are really reaching. What @MCunninghamAJC said is nothing but the truth!!!
SERIOUSLY! I have no problem calling out a mansplainer and that was NOT mansplaining. Like at all.
That, darling, is because there is no such thing as mansplaining. You are far to young to understand this, kiddo, but there are words that some feminists make up that they use to attack an entire gender when a non-gendered word already exists. I am being condescending to you. 😘
He pointed out that “a female-identified person” (really?! 🤨FFS!)was wrong. That’s NOT mansplaining! She WAS wrong! Or do we have to pretend she was right? Ur tweet was SO ignorant that I’m actually hoping that ur a troll..or at least being sarcastic. Unless ur really that dumb?
I don’t think you understand what “man-spraining” is. Man-splaining is when a man attempts to explain a concept to a woman who is far more accomplished in that specific topic. What actually happened is that he explained to her how she was not being they ally she thought she was.
Mansplaining doesn't exist. It's a term invented by the mentally and emotionally feeble, allowing them to lash out whenever they don't like what they are hearing. Thicker skin is what is required here.
Ally... Another bullshit term from the pyramid of victimhood...hilarious
ARE YOU BEING PATRONISING? You know, patronising, when a person talks down to you.
You know this was a joke, right?
Wow your reply would be really condescending to the expert you're replying to if you had different sex plumbing.
Mansplaining, another lubricated term that allows an SJW to slip out of an argument without losing. Tilting at windmills
u othered “male-identified ppl” (ffs🤦‍♂️)in the headline of this article. Don’t get me wrong, I find Jordan Peterson & his followers repugnant, but why is it only sexist when a ”female identified person” (ffs🤦‍♂️) is “othered” ?
Why They Listen to Jordan Peterson
The psychology professor’s emergence as an internet star shows there are plenty of people out there looking for a prophet.
Because Jordan Peterson, and his "repugnant" followers are not wrong.
He goes way too far
Perhaps, I don't agree with him on everything. I just find most of his detractors to be shrill, and irrational.
I notice you chose to call him “repugnant” instead of “incorrect”. We both know that’s not by accident...
I didn’t say “he is repugnant” , I said “i find him repugnant”. It’s my opinion. We all have the right to one. So no, it wasn’t an accident
Right. So you have an opinion. Great. Do you have any facts to back it up? Or is it just an emotional reaction to some vague, non-specific complaint about what he and they have said or done?
Because men are not an oppressed minority. Glad I helped.
Curious why u find him repugnant. Have u actually listened to his lectures? They really aren't very controversial.
Wow. I hope you were trying to be funny with that because that was a joke. A bad one, but still a joke.
Actually it was a good joke based on a terrible idea called intersectionality.
This was a shit take.
That's what we need, more sports journos subjecting us to SJW nonsense.
It also forgot that “they” is now the preferred pronoun until told otherwise....what a brave new world!....
See who you have in your corner?
There is no such thing as "othering." That's BS critical theory lingo. Bari Weiss used proper English grammar. Get over it and yourselves. "Sticks and stones will break my bones,..." Toughen up, everybody.
As a child of immigrants, I'd kindly ask you to shut the fuck up on my behalf. If we have a problem with what Bari is saying (I don't) we'll handle it. Thanks. @CHSommers
"You "othered" a US citizen because she is not Caucasian" Thats total BS, immigrants can be caucasian, immigrants can be any ethnicity.
If unintentionally "othering" a non-white person in the process of making a pro-immigration & pro-diversity statement is something to "take the L" for, but *criticizing* that statement is not, we might as well just give up and forfeit the immigration debate to Trump and his ilk.
Lol - the bizarre fact that people needed a normal to "SJW Ideologue" translation really implies this ideology hasjumped the shark. There was nothing wrong with the original tweet - other than her being a bit obsequious.
Either way, the woman in question is an immigrant, and it was obviously meant as a positive to having a mixed and diverse culture. Nice try though Michael.
Except she's not. She was born IN California. That makes her a natural born citizen.
You are correct. Her parents were immigrants. You win.
Nope. She was born in the US. She's not an immigrant. Peoples still view Asians as foreigners even if they are third generation!!
By her logic Obama is an immigrant since his dad wasn't born in US and Sen. Kamala Harris is too since both of her parents were not born here. Never heard anyone refer to them as immigrants. Because only Asian Americans get to have this dubious privilege?
Seriously? WTF cares? Did she mean what she said in a derogatory way? No. So move tf on. Take your outrage out on something worth being outraged about. This is ridiculous.
(Possibly sensitive)
You sure are asserting a lot of malice for using the word “they.” Maybe try to understand the intention before jumping to conclusions.
No, but you see: it's more fun to impute the WORST interpretation, then pile on. It's bullshit in this case to make "they" carry so much freight, then jump in w/ a thoughtcrime conviction.
But they’ll do it anyway. I wish them luck finding any allies after this ridiculous witch hunt.
I'm pretty sure she just intended to keep the person's identity private so that a potential twitter mob didn't attack. Jesus.
Was that "they" to other someone? Or was it an effort not to misgender them? "They" has been deemed an acceptable non-binary alternative, and your choice to portray such a term as othering seems rather transphobic @CHSommers
Dude, did you ever even HAVE a man card? If so, any idea when you lost it?
Get her! Get her! Amirite everyone? GET HER!!!
You’re a wacky dude.
im an immigrant who gives a rats ass you sensitive cunt
couldn't be people overreacting to a tweet now could it? I mean, forget the sentiment, its important that we chastise everyone that doesnt get it 100% right. that wont make you look sanctimonious at all... and people wonder why trump...
You are right Michael! I also thought Bari was a man and White folks are always "othering " Asians with that perpetual foreigner mess!
Insane. You are all fucking insane. Thank God most Americans aren’t as full of hate as you far left & right fools. Immigrants ARE other! THEY are better than lazy American born academics like you. Self righteous, close minded, divisive fascists.
If you know she was born in the US.....wouldn’t that make her not an imigrant though?
“civilization’s end”, i.e. “I Am A Moron And Everyone Is Pointing That Out To Me Because I Said Something Particularly Dumb, And I Am Just Now Beginning To Comprehend My Own Oafishness”
I'm the daughter of an immigrant & don't think the reference is offensive. Is being called an "immigrant" offensive?
Jesus just shut the fuck up
How are you an editor of anything
No kidding - she seems dumb as helllllllll, good lord. How can someone so dense have a job like this? Is it because this mediocracy appeals to the most readers? I'm in awe (in a bad way)
the pipeline that funnels disingenuous college-conservative cadres first into conservative media and thence into prestige media sure is tho
How is she an editor? How about the fact that she is a terrific writer? How about the fact she is honest, and true to her values?
Racist values aren't really things you should be celebrating.
lol, a "journalist" complaining when people correct facts is a good look ...
Lmaooooo “I said something stupid and have now reverse-engineered a rationale for it and everyone is correctly calling me an idiot, civilization is doomed”
That’s now what you tweeted. You either mistyped the first time or are deliberately misrepresenting what you said. Apologize, take the L, and move on.
You just might be interested in this one......👆
This is going really well Bari. You should keep tweeting about how you were right and everyone else was wrong
That was not your first rationale for the tweet, Bari. We all see your shifting justification.
This scramble to save face instead of just admit you made a cringe-worthy assumption is also a sort of triple axel
Have you considered being less white?
Write an op-ed about it.
Bari I think I found the problem here. You got a bad case of antecedents
Please please please tell people they can think whatever they want because you are not subject to their judgement and however they decide to interpret your tweet is utterly irrelevant. Sorry that’s just what I would do.
This is the most entertaining walk back I've seen in a while.
she's not an immigrant. that's on you. are you an immigrant? if not don't use "we"
It was a bad tweet hombre
delete your account
Your tweet was offensive and factually inaccurate. She is the child of immigrants, not an immigrant herself. The stories you post to defend yourself make that important distinction.
This is Carol Heiss. In 1960, she won the Olympic gold medal for the United States in ladies' figure skating. At the time, no one made reference to how this proved that immigrants get the job done. Despite the fact that her parents were Germans.
And yet the caption on that photo is in German...someone was proud of it.
Go lay down. Go on. Shoo.
Good heavens. Having civilization's fate rest on the response to your tweets must be a heavy burden, Bari.
Do you refer to Trump as an immigrant? Any white person who has America immigrant parents? Because, you know, otherwise this feels kinda racial.
If one of the parents was American born and raised, you wouldn't generally refer to them as an immigrant. With 2 non-native parents, a person is generally referred to as a 2nd generation immigrant. It's pretty common vernacular.
Also known as “American”. Another pretty common vernacular.
just apologize and move on
You could have just said "I fucked up and didn't Google who she was" but here we are lmao
is it really that hard for you to acknowledge that you made a mistake and apologize
oh yeah thanks for reminding us that in addition to being racist you also have no taste.
You should take your advice in your Twitter handle.
it was a bari bad tweet
Please just take the L in silence. Please.
Mandated GroupDynamic copypasta re: Bariweiss - “Take the L”
You people are ridiculous. No amount of screaming about this "L" will suddenly make you correct.
People calling you out on a dumb and bad tweet which you repeatedly doubled down on isn't a calling card of the end of civilian. It is a calling card of a bad writer making a bad point and overhyping her own importance and the importance of her job. Which you do poorly still.
I said something racist and people called me out!!!!! How can this be!!!!!!
I mean, she IS part of one of the most abused minority groups in history, so watch what you say.
I got called out for my nonsense on twitter CIVILIZATION AS WE KNOW IT HAS ENDED
The call out itself was pure nonsense.
Why are you quoting a work of fiction whitewashing slaveowners and white supremacists while also straight up denying slave ownership and calling settlers and colonizers "immigrants"?
I understood your reference and what you meant. FWIW.
god can we send all the white ppl to the mayonnaise factory and lock them inside already
“turns out it was a reference and I’m not the stupid one you’re all the stupid ones” is a weird hill to die on. just admit you’re racist and move on so everyone can forget who you are again pls
OH GOD MORE “DEATH THREATS” Hill to die on is what sent her auguring into that hole in the first place
You are dealing with not very bright people. (They're on both sides of the aisle) Chin up! Your heart was in the right place😄😄😄😄
I'm sorry for the nasty comments you are getting. People are really hateful and mean.
a sign of civilization's end is that you have editorial influence over the New York Times
Bari: attempting to tweet through it
It’s ironic that Hamilton and the other founding fathers warned us civiliaztion would end when people felt pressured to delete dumb tweets
🎶 every new beginning is a sign of civilization's end 🎶
You tweeted “immigrants get the job done” w/ a picture of her. Clearly implying she is an immigrant. She’s not. If you meant to post of a picture of her parents, okay, but seems odd to mistake a picture of one person figure skating w/ a picture of two people not figure skating.
you did a bad tweet. no big deal. be less online, it helps.
Oh please, what you're doing is implying an American citizen, born in America, is still an "immigrant" because she doesn't fit into your own narrow perception of the white default. Way to perpetuate the "otherness" of non white Americans, Bari.
You are fake. Your outrage is fake. No one should or would care or imply that a person commending another person is doing so for an ulterior motive.
First half of username checks out.
Y'all are ridiculous
I doubt the post would have been made for a 1st generation child of white british parents and if she had, a much greater share of people would have scoffed or ignored the post rather than favor it.
Maybe not, but for someone like me (son of immigrants from the Soviet Union) it would be. It's about being from the West, not about race
Someone like you is probably never asked, “No, where are you really from?”, Michael. Because you’re white. Enjoy that privilege.
Yes I don't have an accent and my skin color is that of the majority. Thanks for your insight. If I lived in Singapore I'd be asked.
Or you could stfu, stop reaching and learn not everything about race. I'm a first generation citizen and both parents are legal immigrants and trust me, nothing about my upbringing seems American in the least... Or white.
Take your own suggestion and shove it. Most people assume you’re African American, and probably never ask you “No, where are you really from?” Keep reaching for white approval, though.
So many assumptions and so little brain power. Keep it up. Identity politics and racism are your strong suit. Hell, you're whiter than the inside of my palm. But the perpetually offended will always be offended.
Youre acting righteously offended and typing expletives at a person you will likely never meet on a social media platform. Idk sounds pretty American to me
Then you need to get out more. My fellow engineers from India would help set you straight.
Isn't America a diverse nation of immigrants? Dont you all love to spew the nonsense about how "were all immigrants" when arguing in favor of DACA? But now you're all butthurt and on the accusation wagon for the same thing?
This is what happens when you take every opportunity to try and pander.
This is what happens when you let your veneer of “respectability” slip and show your true racist colors. Bari is the woman who asks POC “No, what are you, really?”
Im born in Britain to Brazilian parents. I’ve got curly hair and olive skin. Not once have I been offended at being called an immigrant, or being asked where I’m from. I’m an immigrant. And immigrations GREAT. we need to celebrate it not pretend it’s not a thing.
I’m a Brazilian American. And it isn’t even the so called blue blooded Americans that tell me I’m an immigrant. My grandparents immigrated here, have citizenship, and still see themselves as immigrants. They even say I’m Brazilian and not really American.
You sound like a small child.
Nice word salad. Postmodernism is a real cancer. Only a whiny identitarian could take a pro-immigrant tweet and twist it around to make the author of the tweet anti-immigrant You folks are loons Thanks for Trump!
"We are a nation of immigrants" also implies American citizens are immigrants. The racism you are hearing might be coming from your mouth.
"We are a nation of immigrants" is a stupid saying for that reason. I've said it before on social media.
Doesn't that make her racist?
Oh please, it was trying to celebrate someone and their efforts/contributions and you can’t wait to just jump all over someone...says a lot more about you than you would care to admit.
I don’t what you’re talking about. My grandparents and parents immigrated here, have citizenship and still view themselves as immigrants. Me, born here, am still told by them, that I’m also an immigrant and will never truly be American.
I can almost guarantee you her default isn't "white." Way to just ignore subtle, often almost invisible, ethnic distinctions of great consequence and import. Check your not looking white privilege, shitlady.
Or maybe she thought she was an immigrant or knew her parents were?
Maybe if she was black, she wouldn't have assumed she was an immigrant either, why are you implying "white default".
The immigrants raised that girl. Also, I thought we were a nation of immigrants? Now suddenly we aren’t when it doesn’t fit your narrative.
As the child of an immigrant who has only ever lived in the US, @bariweiss reminded me of every time I’ve been asked, “but where are you FROM” by a complete stranger
As a child of immigrants who was born in the U.S., I took it the way it was intended—an homage to the struggle my parents (and the many others like them) endured to give first generation Americans like me the opportunity to flourish.
That’s fair. But there is a large group of people who feel differently, and her inability to acknowledge their perspectives with grace and humility is not the degree of professionalism I would expect from @nytimes.
So is "African-American" just as offensive?
I don’t always agree with what David Brooks writes, yet I don’t see him conduct his social media presence in the fashion, alienating significant portions of the @nytimes readership.
(And it seems like @bariweiss has alienated quite a bit of her own colleagues as well, if the leaked chat transcripts from inside the @nytimes are to be believed.)
What @bariweiss seems to have missed about her role at @nytopinion is that she is there to provide *A* perspective, and one that is atypical from the stereotypical @nytimes reader. That means she will have her detractors, but then so does everyone.
Her actions online - promoting those tweets which have agreed with her POV, promoting tweets dismissing those who provide counterpoint, are immature at best. At worst, they’re authoritarian (see what @RafiLetzter has been tweeting). Wondering what @nytimes will do about this.
My point is, the best op-ed writers are there to provide a compelling argument for their point and then hope it has changed how people think. Everything about how @bariweiss has conducted herself in print and otherwise suggests she would rather force ppl to agree with her.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want people telling me how to think, least of all the supposed free press. Are you listening, @nytimes?
Please tell me you're being serious. I ALSO want to perpetuates the idea of otherness with non whites. As a 29 year old white male, this is bullshit. I'm clearly better than....idk. you for starters.
wrong, what YOU'RE doing is telling us what is going on inside another person's brain because you think you're so fucking superior. It was meant as a goddamned compliment! go find something real to bitch about!
roll off your back...skim over those hateful people, :) do not delete anything because some are so nasty they should not be in this dimension :)
Like many upscale liberals you have a noblesse-oblige racial blindspot. Automatically assume anyone not White is an immigrant. Mirai Nagasu is not an immigrant. It was stupid to say she was. Would you refer to a White person born to immigrant parents in the same way?
Why can’t we all just agree that 1. She got the job done 2. She looked like an immigrant
You know it *now*
Keep digging, we'll keep giving you shovels.
You're well-suited for the NYT since you are also completely incapable of taking criticism.
The criticism is really stupid.
> “I know she was born in Cali.“ Um... apparently you didn’t.
It was “they”. Stop trying to rewrite history. This isn’t a @BretStephensNYT article.
"Immigrants are good!" "Oh my GOD, she's not an IMMIGRANT YOU FUCKING RACIST, she is the DAUGHTER OF IMMIGRANTS." "Ok well... I'm just saying that this Olympic medal is a direct result of immigration and that's good" "FUCK YOU YOU RACIST FUCK FUCK OFF WITH YOUR FUCKING RACISM"
I'm 1st gen American. Even though I was born here, I consider their immigration a part of my story and my American experience. I am from an "immigrant family." The outrage here is so pathetic and narrow-minded, especially when it's PRO-IMMIGRATION
The left is eating itself and it is sad. If you can't even bother to try to understand people you AGREE WITH and give them a charitable interpretation of what they're saying, we're going to be ruled by clowns like Trump forever. Cuz their hatred is stronger than our indignation
She didn’t reference her experience. Also, she’s not an immigrant.
Yes, obviously, that is technically correct. I'm pointing out that as the son of immigrants, I consider myself a part of an immigrant family, and appreciate the sentiment that Bari made that immigrants are a boon to this nation.
Then let’s do an immigrant specific tweet for every outstanding USA athlete. It’s the same.
Also, civilization is about to die because one person who tweeted a highly ignorant and not thought out at best tweet (not the case) or racist (reality) tweet got called out for it? Zero people in your mentions saying you should die. You are trying to deflect from your racism.
It was a stinker of a tweet.
End of civilization because you don't like the responses to one of your tweets?🙄
how are you dumber than bret stephens?
+@charles_kinbote "shitty pundits realizing for the first time everyone outside their club despises them" is my favorite twitter genre
Its cool and funny that you're utterly incapable of owning up to what you did despite it being very obvious. I expect an op ed soon on why calling non whites immigrants if their parents are immigrants is the most american thing to do
i thought mental gymnastics were part of the summer olympics
Oh no no no. It's a year long, never ending event.
And the award ceremony goes on for ever because every competitor thinks they won somehow
i can't wait to see the headline of the eventual piece you'll write about this and then not read the article
Lol get wrecked bari
we? bari, are you an immigrant?
u cant even properly quote the original tweet that you deleted. just stop.
Bari Did you realize yet that she’s not an immigrant
Oh you’re an editor at NYT, that explains the casual racism and meltdown after being criticized
Good example why I no longer subscribe to the New York Times! They just don't get it! And I'm an old white woman saying that BTW
yeah your tweet was actually super awesome and smart, and everyone else is stupid and mean. that's definitely the takeaway here
There are a lot of braindead people on Twitter. You're one of them.
Hamilton sucks and you are in fact racist
Of all the hills you could die on, you choose this one.
You should not have deleted the tweet.
End of civilization lmao Dramaaaa
Also - you didn't say "we"
that's a sign of you being a racist moron and trying to cover it up by pretending you were congratulating her parents on getting "the job done", the job being...having sex...? this is such a weak excuse, lol
"People didn't get my botched joke? HUMANITY IS DOOMED!!!"
Also you can search for "die" and literally no one told you that so have fun flailing some more instead of taking the L and moving on.
I’m an immigrant and I don’t get shit done. Stop erasing my experience.
Bari. she is not an immigrant. you seem to have missed this very important part of your argument.
you didn't know that mate
Sometimes twitterers are TOTAL TWITS, so, ignore them! lol
She's not an immigrant.
Keep digging, dumbass.
You’re a writer. We can be critical of your writing, especially if you were factually incorrect. You also reinforced a stereotype of Asian Americans. Sooooooo... take the criticisms and learn from them
This is insensitive to people who couldn't get Hamilton tickets.
How can someone who was born in the USA be an immigrant, by any definition??
Whispers on: Bari thinks only white people are US citizens.
You got linked to and brigaded by the outrage clowns. Don't feel bad. I don't see any thoughtful criticism in this thread either.
You got that doodoo brain
Bari, no one likes you because you're a college republican dolt who's been promoted to a position wildly out of line with your talent or insight Make like Bret Stephens and write a piece about how you have to log off because everyone is mean to you because you suck
EXACTLY. well freakin said.
1 star iTunes reviews galore!
Everything’s stolen nowadays. Why, the fax machine is nothing but a waffle iron with a phone attached.
Not an argument
Also the concept of treating native-born people as encroaching foreigners is the end result of the Zionism Bari is pushing. Total vile nonsense outside the boilerplate campus warrior stuff
Um... She stated why she made that tweet but you can go on believing your imaginary reason.
BS a lot of people like her and just because you decided to be a hateful bigot I think we can promote a few more likes for her.
the likes,,, will defeat them
Circlejerk settles all!
Tinkley Tippytrousers
Okay...what's your point? Is this highschool?
Don’t be mad at other people for having a name that’s difficult to spoonerize.
Lol @ calling out someone for IDing a born US POC citizen as an "immigrant" being hateful bigotry
can u imagine waking up and being like "I don't know Bari Weiss but I just... I JUST LIKE HER" like who could possibly think that even about a pundit asshole they AGREE with. I don't even like YOU TWO and i'm a huge fan lol
I guess math isn't your thing.
He was only off by three lol
3 is not even close to 171 none of you can math..
Oh I meant you. Bari isn't gonna notice or fuck you
Then stop flirting with Bari
I'm not flirting dumbass
Could've fooled me
is the the number of people who actually like you as opposed to those laughing at you? delete your account
Christina Hoff Summers quote-tweeted this convo, if you are wondering why a bunch of morons appeared in your mentions.
I like @bariweiss. But I don’t like you.
And for you? 'Zero Class'
Hateful bigot? Man just imagine how whiny these people would be if they actually faced real discrimination.
God I wish that body switch shit were real so they could experience just a day as a non-White person. Just one day. The blinders on these people.
'Course, they wouldn't have the luxury…
You know who faces real discrimination? Palestinians, the usual target of her screeds
Oh fuck off, Michael.
a “bigot” against who, people who suck?
Imagine being the guy that retweets Paul Joseph Watson, Gavin McInnes, & Katie Hopkins then somehow having the guts to call someone else "a hateful bigot"
A guy just simply repeating your name got twice as many likes as your comment that many people like her. Take the hint
nytimes is dead to me
quick let’s protect her from anti-dumbass discrimination
people who like her are fucking morons
check out the ratio dude. the internet has decided she sucks.
Reply 852 Retweet 160 Like 1.3K Nope. The internet liked her 1.3K and lots of the replies are defending her and attacking twits like you.
This seems unnecessarily petty.
Absolutely not
Should have used “Immigrants: we get the job done” in the Aziz Ansari piece also.
College Republican? She tweets AM Joy. Doesn't seem that Republican to me.
will is a soldier on the frontline of the nyt opinion page war, salute him and take his criticism to heart
That gif where the guy with the drink cup nods in begrudging agreement
"No one likes you". Are you a six-year old?
Jeff, no one likes you. Xx
I only just heard of her and I already like her more than you.
Quote the mansplaining sexist, aren’t you, lefty?
I like her, even though her tweet was a misfire, and I also listen to Chapo (pic). Your tweet seems like something a twitter egg with 4 followers would write.
Dolt is such a under used word. I know that’s not the point of this comment, but I like the way you tweet yer words. 😬
The projection is strong with this one.
Differing ideas are a social gaff. Not liking some arbitrary position someone has, because conjecture. Telling that person to delete their Twitter account.
laugh harder
Bender laughing at Leela. "hahahaha. Oh, wait. You're serious. Let me laugh even harder. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Damn look at the Chapo boys being so good to women
And you host a Podcast?
You're a piece of shit, Will.
Lol who is this clown Will Menaker
"Dear accomplished writer at major national publications who is getting paid for her opinions: You are unqualified! I should have your job!! Signed, Some Jackass No-talent Podcaster
Yes, because the biggest newspapers in the world routinely shell out tons of cash to unqualified nobodies all the time, because reasons.
The reason is diversity. They want to have educated female conservative columnists which are relatively rare (the main issue is the lack of educated conservatives) so they lower the standards. Thus you get unqualified people like Bari.
Your "Yuk yuk, Republicans are rubes" shtick is EXACTLY how we got Trump. Normal, everyday, perfectly reasonable people who are the backbone of everyday life are tired of being told we a re inferior because we don't live on a coast or an Ivy league degree in Feminist Dance Theory
(words are missing b/c character limit)
I didn't say Republicans are rubes, I said they tend to be less educated which is a fact. Facts don't care about your feelings, snowflake.
Ooohhh, look who's trying (and failing) to troll on the internet! Arent you cute trying to parrot how we talk with you throwing snowflake in there! So precious! Face it, that's what you said. You think Republicans are dumb and should just accept what you say and stop resisting.
You think we don't have a place in your elitist world and smugly assume that anyone who doesn't parrot the liberal talking points must be intellectually inferior. Well, pal, we're not. We are just as capable as you at the top levels and deserve to be heard too.
Less education doesn't make a person inferior. And there's just as many rich conservatives that think it does - in fact I see wealthy conservatives spreading more anti-working class propaganda than liberals
So in your world, as long as someone believes what their liberal betters tell him, they're OK, but if they believe in the collective wisdom of generations of humanity and limited government in their affairs, they arent?
Apparently, yes.
Mr. Menaker’s daughters are very wise.
Will wants to live in a silo with like minded circle jerkers...jk.... he'd miss his addiction to bitching and complaining.... he puts the fanny in fanny clowns!
No one likes people who somehow got to skip the "paid his/her dues" or "cut their teeth" phase of life
I don't think that bullying her through twitter is the appropriate response. That's cyber bullying dude. Your attempt to place yourself on a morally higher pedastool as her by saying 'you suck' and calling her a republican dolt makes yourself seem like a righteous bully.
So an ill-advised tweet is horrible but someone calling that personal 'talentless' and a 'republican dolt' is ok, fine I should just disregard everything my teachers taught me about bullying, i suppose.
Buddy just ask Bari out—there’s really no need to involve the rest of twitter
If you are not going to give an intelligent, considerate response then you shouldn't be engaging with a serious discussion.
If you didn’t get that this wasn’t going to be a serious conversation from the original reply, I’m not sure your observational skills are up to par to have one in the first place.
You try to have hope I guess.
Seems like you need a reminder: if you don’t want to be dragged, don’t say dumb shit
Lmao, this isn't bullying. You're on a public platform and feedback is to be expected. Especially if it's offensive.
You think this is bullying? My dude, receiving backlash on twitter for a bad take isn’t bullying.
It's not so much the 'backlash' it's saying she sucks or that she is talentless. It's quite demeaning to call someone that on an online platform. Twitter has a bad culture of inciting name calling and personal attacks and stuff like this guy's comment perpetuates that.
So you’re focused on being polite when you issue criticism. Guess you’ve never dealt with people too dense to pick up subtle hints that they suck so it’s necessary to just fucking say it.
A generalised statement has been made! It's easy to say that they suck over twitter without thinking about the consequences. People have suffered mental issues due to twitter abuse, and while I'm sure Bari hasn't suffered from that, people on twitter need to consider their words.
Then my dude, perhaps some people shouldn’t be on Twitter. Or maybe she should lock her account. What’s your stance on being mean to Nazis? I want to know where you draw your line of civility.
There is a huge difference on Bari Weiss' tweets and Nazism, and I don't entertain Nazism (being mean to Nazi's would probably get me killed being indigenous to my country to be honest') Name calling online shouldn't be a correct response in any form of life, In my opinion.
I’m pretty fucking sure I didn’t insinuate they were the same. I asked where your line of civility was. And hey your response said it all: you care more about mean words than anything else.
Well you're correct on the last point, You see SOOO much name calling online and sometimes you just have to say 'hey, c'mon guys' I wasn't trying say that you insinuated that they were the same, with due respect, you sort of jumped to an extreme example, so that's my point.
Did you miss the purpose of the why I asked the extreme example? BEING NICE TO ASSHOLES DOESNT MAKE THEM STOP BEING ASSHOLES. You care about fake shallow words that could hurt your fee fees and I care more about people- and when you have a bad take, dragging is twitter justice.
I'll end it here because I'm getting a feeling that this is going to turn into personal attacks, and I don't want that. I respect your opinion, and although I don't nessasarily agree with it, the beauty of a public forum should be to have civilised debate, not the meaness.
Utilize Twitter’s option of blocking,muting people or deactivate your account.
Although i agree some people shouldn't be on twitter.
she can take the week off
Get her! Get her! Amirite everyone? GET HER!!!
I like her. She’s not a republican from what I can tell. And smart people DO have to log off twitter. Cause it’s taken over my a small group of closed minded fascists on the left & right. It’s people like YOU who no one likes.
Is that because she's a woman? This coming from a privileged white male, you never have had to experience the barriers women have to go through every day.
No, it's because she sucks.
Bari had more talent in her toe than you have in your entire body. Go away loser.
She’s not going to sleep with you, you know.
why are you trying so hard to make people hate you
Lots of people like her and you're nobody important to be wielding "everybody" so sloppily. You're a self important dumb ass trying to make a mark and it isn't happening. You're too weak to heckle here.
You just want to quash anyone who doesn’t pander 100% to leftist orthodoxy. Bari is a much needed voice of balance @nytimes.
Hmm yes a carbon copy of bret stephens to balance out the neocons
“We need to balance factual accuracy by hiring people who don’t believe in that BS.”
This is fucking bullying and it's disgusting. You don't have to attack her like this.
mansplain much, you sexist bigot?
You have a quite interesting lack of intelligence, empathy and human decency. Would you be willing to be studied for scientific purposes? To see how this happened?
We need Bari to balance out your crude, hateful tweets.
Take a Xanax or 10 Willy.. I love Chapo, but it seems like you’re being a little bitch here
The replies to this, oh god
Bullying her makes you a misogynist, sexist fucktwit.
Mind your manners, dickhead. Why aren’t you speaking to your twin daughters? Problem with females?
Whoa, cool it with the antisemitc remarks. Acknowledging that jews engage in nepotism and manipulation of guilt to advance far beyond their abilities is NOT OK.
Will, are you serious? And what exactly is your own "talent or insight" that allows you to make such vicious condemnations of others?
Ignore them. Let the haters and perpetually offended spew their hatred. You didn't mean anything bad by your tweet.
People, most of whom have probably never seen Hamilton (not that it matters) called you out on your inaccuracy and it's a sign of the end of civilization? Just own it and move on you self-important twit.
"Folks I assumed anyone not white representing America is an immigrant and made a reff to the play where slave owners rap, somehow people think I have ignorant views on race? Man I'm really the victim here huh..."
Just admit what you tweeted was racist. Apologize and learn from this experience.
what the fuck is wrong with you
how much time u got?
IMO, this has less to do with what you said and more to do with the climate we're in. We are living in a time of rampant xenophobia, and mislabeling someone as an immigrant—even with "poetic license"—can have very real implications.
Maybe that's the real sign of the end of civilization: That American POCs are afraid of what happens when they aren't deemed American enough; not that people call you out for mislabeling them. #peakwhitefragility
Take your sob story somewhere else, like a another black nation, oh wait a minute, wouldn't want to become a citizen of one of THOSE nations. #shithole
So you admit that Weiss didn't actually do anything, yet you actively encourage this savage pile-on because of the "environment". And Weiss is somehow the problem... So the potential "implications" of what she said now justify very real threats against her.
Bari you real dumb. Enjoy your all expense paid trip to Ratio Town.
Maybe you should have just stuck to your day job on Storage Wars.
"It's a Hamilton reference" is now the new "it's fine I have lots of black friends." Please never stop posting. I want to see how far you can dig this hole.
You’re a fucking incompetent idiot
so civilization is ending because you got called out for making a tone-deaf tweet kay got it
Nope, she didn't say that but yeah I wouldn't expect you to be competent enough to get such a basic thing. She said it's an example of it, not a reason for it. And, yes it is a good example.
Asian Americans have always struggled to be recognized as legitimately American. Your tweet, knowingly or not, perpetuated the public image of AAs as permanent foreigners in the West. Do you have AA friends whose input on the matter you've sought?
If I (as a straight male) tweeted "Women: helpful, supportive, and humble.", would you have reservations about my tweet? If so, you should see why AA folks had a problem with yours.
If Bari Weiss has taught us anything, it’s that white people should probably just stop quoting Hamilton entirely.
So it is Civilization's fault that in your desperation to show moral superiority you made a mistake and now refuse to acknowledge it ?
Sorry, but totally wrong. Olympics is about the athletes and their dedication to sport and representing our nation. The Olympics is not about hijacking athletes to make partisan statements on social policy, engage in Identity Politics, or malign country unfairly which don’t like.
Liar. You tweeted THEY get the job done, not WE. There are screenshots a plenty
The tweet is irrelevant. The real problem is that yr argument about #metoo is immature and your understanding of misogyny terribly thin.
Wow. How about women get things done or people of color get things done? This was out of line.
Bari it's the winter Olympics. Yoire not gonna gold in mental gymnastics for 2 years. Appreciate the enthusiasm though.
All you needed to do was show even the tiniest ounce of self-reflection when called out and say "Ya know, I didn't think this one through, my bad." No one is at fault but you, gal: you needlessly doubled down because you refuse to admit you boned this one.
Your unwillingness to take the L on this one is starting to reach Olympic levels of determination
You're really bad at your job and have trouble with basic facts. Get out of journalism. You're doing more damage to the republic than most.
And youre an ideological narcissistic bully intoxicated on your own “virtue.”
you obviously said "they" not "we". rather than try and defend yourself just be accountable?
Well depends if you consider California America still....
Don’t be a Kardashian of news media. Go live and learn from the school of hard knocks and then speak. Until then yr words are light n silly
The worst think about this is that you, presumably, enjoyed Hamilton.
Don't apologize. Don't explain. Let the internet mobs eat each other. They diluted the word "racist" so much that it doesn't even mean anything anymore.
"Civilization is ending" ah yes a perfectly normal reaction to receiving criticism
Well, you should've thought a little bit more about how ridiculously racist it is to equate a non-white native-born American with the immigrant status of her parents simply because she is not white. 2nd generation white people don't get treated like that & you should know better.
Just stop. Go away.
I'm not offended at all, and I understand the intention--the comment is just a little odd. The tweet would make more sense if Mirai's parents did the triple axel. It can be seen as feeding into Asian-Americans feeling like "outsiders", even as natural-born citizens.
Well why did you call her an immigrant if you knew she was not one? Do you enjoy reporting fake news?
*extremely Racistville accent* everyone who is mad at my tone deaf statement is the problem here
Hopefully you dig this hole further, maybe you'll pop up in Asia and someone can whack a mole some sense into you jfc lady
Civilization's at an end because you got called out for being stupid? Get over yourself FFS.
what's ghoul? is that Hebrew for someone with little sense of history, place, dignity, culture, and acceptance?
How about people whose parents are German, or French, or, maybe from Norway? Do they get talked about as "immigrants," too?
All except Norway. They are normegians.
Like the immigrant in the White House and his three immigrant kids?
Nah theyre white...
Probably not.
Sounds like you need a Wahbulance
Think about how your colleagues have helped normalize the Administration and people like Stephen Miller, who are trying to turn “immigrant” into a dirty word. Then try again to act like it’s OUR problem when we try to correct you.
Nah, you put your foot in your mouth and said something insensitive and alienating. What's happening now is not civilization's end, but rather your inability to understand, own your mistake and move on.
"Hi, twitter says I'm wrong. That's unpossible. I meant well and literally cannot be wrong if well-meaning."
tfw you have to retcon your comment about immigrants from "they" to "we" so you seem less racist
Has anyone whispered to you that it is almost entirely the fault of the American left that has lead to rampant, exaggerate usage of the word "racist" and made everytning about identity and differences? Wonder where you stand on that irony considering your NYT background.
You tore their beliefs to skewers in Maher. I could have told you the furor was inevitable.
omg i just loled irl
The end of civilization? Good Lord. Get over yourself.
Interesting note: Mark Spitz was also an immigrant, in the sense of “person descended from immigrants and/or knew some”. #MindBlown
Yes, but she is actually NOT an immigrant.
She is as much of an immigrant as POTUS is.
Hey Bari I’m the child of a child of an immigrant; could I get some kudos for also getting it done
You tweeted "They get the job done"
I’m an immigrant and can’t do 1/2 an axle.
She's not an immigrant and she completed a triple Axel. Her parents are immigrants and they did not complete a triple Axel. You blew it. You're not a racist
you assumed someone was an immigrant and are now doubling down by reciting the quick wiki info you found to show you knew all along she was not in fact an immigrant, and that your intent was to celebrate her
Argument is not evidence.
Saw you on Bill Maher. Agreed with every word.
If it makes you feel better, you don't have that great of a reputation to ruin with this hole you are hell bent of digging for yourself today.
But really, you should have saw your entitlement the moment you caught yourself thinking people's response to your inaccuracies were a sign of impending doom instead of, gee I don't know, the government's drastic slide to authoritarianism. Get over yourself.
you're consistently awful
You still don’t get it
i help every body, im not racist, i keep myself nice, and when i ask for a single re-tweet in return i am told to fuck off, fuck myself, etc
You were being racist
Sorry Bari, but a lot of professional victims with an axe to grind on Twitter. You may want to cool the atmosphere a little so these snowflakes don't melt.
These replies don't even clue me in to what the problem is lolol
Bari Weiss is like a dumber, less accomplished, Tomi Lahren. Pathetic!
I think people are mostly tired of hamilton and barry potter
I think you rock 💜
just bless your heart
Also, you're a journalist, be accurate. you didn't say "we" you said "they," and thats a BFD difference.
Thank YOU! I was about to write this exact comment. HUGE difference.
The Leftist mob: they get the job done
Silly difference.
See, you tried to act woke and pro-immigrant. But the real Left was not impressed. Maybe next time don't try so hard and accept competitors who march under the Stars and Stripes as American.
You think the "real left" is a bunch of randos whining on Twitter? 😂😂😂😂
Yes, you getting rightfully called out for saying something racist is a sign of civilization’s end. Calm the fuck down. Also, everyone already knew it was a Hamilton reference, is that explanation supposed to make it better or something?
Keep digging that hole deeper. I’m sure you’ll dig your way out real soon if you just keep explaining yourself over & over again PS - If it makes you feel better, you’re not the worst editorial writer at NYT
*standing on chair, wildly clapping* Bravo, Sir.
Sometimes I wonder about Twitter
You’re awful
Sad that newspapers think they need race baiting trolls like you to sell🙃
We’re all immigrants here in America so I hope you post that Hamilton quote on all US based tweets.
"Here's the most uncharitable interpretation of what you said and how that makes you a bad person." And then you explained your comment rather than give them the rote PR apology they wanted, which seems to have made them much more angry and incoherent.
The problem with your tweet was that it was WRONG. Mirai is not an immigrant. She is an American. Her parents are immigrants, but again, American. What if I posted of a white person whose family was traced back to settlers and said “Americans get the job done”?
you cant take criticism. now you are the victim and you have no self reflection on what you wrote. you could have just said " i am sorry" instead you claimed "poetic license" because apparently using the correct words dont matter @nytimes
Lol, people telling you you were wrong is a sign of civilization's end?
The replies to this tweet make me really wish a meteor would strike the earth and end humanity as we know it..
Just here for the ratios.
Eeesh, tone deaf much??
You realize Hamilton was a fillanderer who supported the Alien and Sedition Acts, right?
You actually said THEY get the job done (emphasis mine). But please, do go on.
I'm a Californian born from immigrants and all I see is ignorance. If civilization is ending, it's because of thoughtless comments for political gain.
How does this prognosticate the end of civilization? Literally a bunch of people on twitter angrily and reactionarily tweeted at you for a tone deaf article. Like girl it’s 2018. This shit has been happening for years. It’s why everyone harps on twitter for being shit
Oh, FFS, just take the loss and move on! You were wrong. It wasn't the end of the world, but your defensiveness is not doing you or @nytimes any favors!
How is civilization ending for calling you out on a racist tweet? Your tweet was moronic and hurtful. Not that any of us would ever expect you to own up to that. Keep on fucking that chicken, Bari!
It's a nice thing to say, but you could have picked an actual immigrant, and then it would have been accurate as well!
You've really melted down. Total embarrassment, taking racist assumptions, bad-faith lies, and utterly un-self-aware hypocrisy to...Olympic levels. You've fooled no one, and elevated a minor mistake into a Twitter trend through your own inability to take responsibility.
You deserve what you are reaping. I've never seen such poor behavior backed up by repeated doubling down of even poorer behavior. Boorish and pathetic.
Dumble down: When you double down on your dumbness.
Intent does not equal impact. All the tears and hand-wringing in the world can’t erase the impact your tweet had, and this doubling down and excuse-making is just embarrassing. Own your mistake.
I very much love this "b-but she's immigrant-adjacent!!" pivot.
You are turning into a corn cob right before our eyes.
No, you weren't. It was racist. May have been unintentional, but racist. The line is "Immigrants, WE get the job done" (emphasis added), not "Immigrants, our children (1st generation Americans) get the job done." Grow up & realize you were wrong.
Civilization isn't ending because a bunch of people are mocking you for your dumbass racist tweet.
How many of your readers would be familiar with that Hamilton reference. If you wanted people to know you were celebrating her as an American & her parents as immigrants, using the title Immigrants get it done would not be the title to accomplish that goal! Just saying.
maybe just admit you fucked up. it's not that hard.
Some people go on twitter planning to be offended. It’s not surprising that they succeed.
Wow Bari, sorry to hear this. You should ask Bret Stephens to write an op-ed about how people being mean to you online is the End of The World.
You said "They get the job done," as in "not we."
You think being deservedly owned on twitter is civilization's end
damn snowflake guess she needs a safe space
I agree it’s dumb and funny that you pretended to be getting death threats over a bad take, but I’m not sure it’s a ‘sign of civilizations end’ per se.
How about you use that comment each time Melania, an actual immigrant, accomplishes something.
Let us know when she does.
We'd all be dead if we held our breath
The left is determined to eat its own, and I will never understand. Eyes on what's important and that's the dictator-wannabe in the white house and his millions of minions.
Your tweet was dumb and your subsequents tweets have been dumber. Log out and take a lap.
"I fucked up and will try to do better" woulda taken one tweet.
Stop tweeting. Please.
I'd like to think civilization isn't nearly as fragile as your sensibilities. Learn from your mistake, grow, and carry on.
So again -- you expect us to be mind readers? You had a lot to say about that not so long ago.
(Possibly sensitive)
Look Liberals are miserable human beings that can't win an argument so they throw out racist and bigot. They want all people to be miserable like them. I will say it for you, you are to nice to say it, Liberals go fuck yourselves.
You made a mistake, instead of owning up to it and moving on, you just keep digging yourself deeper and deeper.
Oh shut up
It came across as you saying her accomplishment last would've meant more if she had been an immigrant. You saying it was meant as a compliment supports that.
Civilization is not fucking "ending" just because you received mild criticism for a factually inaccurate, tone-deaf, condescending tweet.
But that’s not what you said. You said they.
Social media brings out the worst in people. Somehow a good sentiment can get twisted into a "trigger" or whatever the heck the modern day puritans are calling it these days.
All I see is a bad editor.
I believe the problem is, all Americans instinct is pride that an American accomplished this. Then, tweet is basically trying to judge or politicize or divide people into their political corners. Can we just appreciate an American success?
Your tweet said "they" get the job done. Not we.
Sweetie are you ok? Where did the non-racists hurt you?
End of civilization?
You, dear... have grossly underestimated the internet's disdain for your particular flavor of cosmopolitan prejudice. #immigrants #Olympics #WEISS #hamilton
stay on bill maher forever, this following meltdown is funny
For Bari Weiss, not being able to get away with casual racism means “civilization is ending.” Lmao. No wonder Bill Maher likes her.
Get her! Get her! Amirite everyone? GET HER!!!
According to many on the Left before that tweet, anyone who isn't a "Native" American was an immigrant.
We're now watching the left eat it self. Now here come the white knights and POC to discipline the troublemaker. You can never Apologize to a Mob. Intent doesnt matter to them.
By your standard, Donald J Trump is an immigrant, because his mother was an immigrant from Scotland. Right?
may i speak to your manager
Nah. The Sulzberger nephews are too busy brainstorming their approach to the Fox audience to speak to people who read.
Peak white fragility, to blame others for your breazy xenophobia that comes naturally to you as the "downfall of /unstated but implicit white/ civilization"
Maybe stick to editing articles about how Nazis are just so gosh dern like the rest of us, to be released on Holocaust Remembrance Day. That seems more in the NYT's wheelhouse these days.
She's Jewish. Just what are you implying here?
The NYT has been publishing a slew of really tasteless human interest pieces about white supremacists and neonazis lately, culminating with one espousing the virtues of having Stephen fucking Miller being a valuable voice on immigration, released on Holocaust Remembrance Day.
The world is ending because people didn't like your writing? Seems kinda narcissistic. I mean, people have really not liked lots of writing before, was the world ending then?
Hey, keep it up. I’m shocked that you’re being attacked yet again. Everyone is so sensitive. Loved you on Bill Maher, too (Although the rest of the show was subpar).
Thank you, Trudy! You bring sense to this situation. These little snowflakes screaming at Bari’s non-offensive tweet do so because they can!
Obviously, these little snowflakes don’t have real problems to do with, so they make them up.
Wait til they have to be ACCOUNTABLE for themselves or (Lord forbid they reproduce) their children. No greater retribution does a parent have than becoming a grandparent!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
True, though I hope they don’t reproduce a lot!
These soy boys have so much estrogen it'll be a miracle if their sperm counts even register.😮
in the immortal words of kris kristofferson: dont let the bastards get you down! keep doing what you do best bari!
This might be a time to take the L and try to do a better job next time?
She isn't an immigrant. My mom was born in Canada, I wasn't. She is an immigrant. I am not.
Let's not act like second-generation immigrant is not still a common descriptor, the conflation of generations hardly alters the point being made
Really lol reread your tweet again. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 #racist
Hooooooooooly shit you're dumb
So it’s civilizations end because you tweeted out something you thought was clever and Anti- Trump and got burned by it ,so you change the narrative to Hamilton to protect your bias ....... sorry you exposed yourself
“Civilization’s end”? Girl calm down with the drama
It's called irony. A literary term that most Americans think they understand, but repeatedly show that they don't.
Adding to that, the liberal left is now just as deep in its own Koolaid as the Tea Party right. Everyone thinks they are virtuous and right at all times & refuses to give others the benefit of the doubt or question their own actions. That indeed IS the catalyst for the end
True story: i was born in the U.S. but my parents and siblings weren’t and i got sad when i saw Hamilton and couldn’t identify with “immigrants, we get the job done” because I’m not an immigrant 🤷🏽‍♀️
The gulf between an immigrant and her kid is huge. We 1st genners really really understand this, because we’ve seen what our parents have struggled through. Stuff that came easy to us. People are pissed not just for the assumption you made, but for the ignorance of that gulf
The immigrants raised her. Because of their sacrifice, look how far she came. I’ve been an athletic parent. Those athletes don’t go far without the support of their parents. I think the commenters need to apologize for being overly sensitive
Took a picture with Hamilton’s portrait at the national portrait gallery in DC. Came up with some clever mashed up ~Hamilton references~. Check out what my brother (archfrenemy) said at the verrrrry bottom.
This is so dumb. 24/7 rage culture is boring the shit out of me
Immigrants got the job done by having a talented daughter? That makes no sense. You really should quit while you are behind.
sometimes when you are a total idiot, you just have to take the hit. sooo you said something racist and incredible dumb, what nytimes opinion editor hasnt?
If I may respectfully ask, why did you use that line from Hamilton? You said you are celebrating her & her parents, but it doesn't make any sense. She's not an immigrant, she's an American. She's the best America has to offer at the Olympics, how about celebrate that?
Your opinions are bad unremarkable opinions and it's a problem that you're in a position where you can make people hear them
Do NOT back down to these POS’s that would silence you
You tweeted *they get the job done. Liar.
Damn, how hard is it to say "sorry, that was a little racist of me?"
No, dig up stupid.
Right, it's not your words that were the problem, it's everyone else...
Just like sins of the father are not sins of the child, the same applies for her achievements. Celebrating Mirai has nothing to do with immigration. She’s an American. Period.
you should delete this one, too
Fam, you need only stop at this for evidence of civilizations end
she literally not an immigrant
If you are “celebrating” her parents, you would’ve named them in your tweet.
Hamilton made me do it!
Technical Elements Score: 0.0 Program Component Score: 0.0 Final Score: 0.0 Blame it on the Japanese judge.
your opinions are bad.
Would love to know how you conceptualize civilization
Don’t let the trolls get you🤓
I think the point is, Bari, why you felt you should tweet that in the first place. Even if her parents were immigrants, she’s not. Unless you’re an immigrant, next time, don’t say anything.
Did it ever occur to u that "immigrant" is NOT a synonym for "Asian-American" or even "Asian?" So ur essentially conferring immigrant status on a citizen, a choice u made by ethnicity. Just own it.
Honest Q: Do you not see the difference in the headlines/ledes? Plus, how hard is "oh shit, I was wrong, my bad, let me re-do"?
doesn't he left say we are all immigrants??
You're lying. You tweeted "immigrants, THEY get the job done". On top of that, instead of admitting you were wrong, you tried to justify it with some dumbass "poetic license is 'kosher'" bit. Fuck out of here. You're a cornball and a racist. Embarrassing.
it was racist to see asian and thing immigrant Asians have been in america longer than your family.
Your mistake was to think twitter is not crawling with morons looking for moral superiority anywhere they can find it.
Everybody’s family is immigrants, you dunce.
We know exactly what you think - you are a RWNJ and it is truly unfortunate that that fact doesn't prevent you from working as an editor at @nytimes - shame on you!
the world isn't ending because people pointed out that you're a dumbass
Twitter is a crack house. Ignore the crack heads.
I tweet stupid thing therefore civilization is ending.
It rules that my wife is now an immigrant and I'm half immigrant myself.
So she is an illegal? If not what is your point? Conservatives are not against immigration, we are against illegal immigration.
Sounds like you should stop tweeting dumb tweets.
We have 280 characters now so you never have to shorten California like that. Smh
guys we saw Cali all the fucking time here stop language policing shit
*say. we say cali all the time. literally everyone in Cali. LA, SF, OakTown, Diego, all them spots between. Cali, guys.
I am appreciating this longform performance art piece titled, “Why yes, the New York Times WILL hire any stubborn dolt to write for the opinion page.”
I thought it was the senseless deportation of undocumented migrants who have no criminal records, and who have been living in the US for years. But you’re right, the fact that no one appreciates your Hamilton quote is a HUGE sign of the collapse of civilized society.
So your defense isn’t you didn’t know where she was born, it’s that you didn’t know what the definition of immigrant is.
Please stop being a shanda. Come on, you know why people are taking issue, people have been treating Jews as eternal outsiders for basically as long as there's been a diaspora. You talking about her as an immigrant when she was born in cali is the same mentality. Apologize. Stop.
You said “they get the job done”
Like you’re not even telling the truth about your original tweet. You “otherized” her immediately.
could you overreact a little more? i dont think everyone of voting age can quite see just how pathetic that is... maybe find some pearls to clutch...
I dont understand why people are losing their shit? Are they so insecure in their own talents or accomplishments that praising a child of immigrants is monstorous and reprehensible?
Weiss is not an Anglo name. You’re obviously an immigrant’s child. And non Christian as well. Maybe we should all note how your type are always pro-Israel & have big noses?
Dang. The remix to that song on the Hamilton mixtape is how I discovered @SnowThaProduct and that song is 🔥🔥🔥. People need to chill, that’s a fantastic line to highlight the value immigrants have brought to this country.
You nailed your interview with Bill, now the snowflakes are on the hunt.
This is false. You wrote “they” rather than “we.” Whatever the intention, there’s a material difference between “we,” which expresses solidarity between subject, writer, & reader; vs. “they,” which creates separation. If you’re going to defend yourself, gotta start with honesty.
Nothing wrong with your tweet but how does it feel to get eaten by your own?
Quit deleting these things. You have GOT to ignore these people and own those true statements. They want to scare people from telling the truth to bubble wrap their feelings
"Rootless cosmopolitans" ring a bell?
You’re awesome Bari, and there will never be a time where idiots don’t exist. Especially in your line of work...
When did you decide it was acceptable to lie in order to win and argument?
Would you be talking about Mirai if she wasnt an Olympian propping up your weird fantasy of America that exists concurrently in the brains of liberals? No, so shut the fuck up Bari.
The opinion section of the New York Times being run by a complete idiot does not mean civilization is done you are very dramatic
Accidentally racist anti-racism is peak #whiteness. Doubling down and not even recognizing why it was racist is being a spokesperson for @Hellmanns
You’re a national treasure. Such a brain, such a spirit. The locusts swarm, but pass quickly.
Baloney, my dear.
You're a right wing hack that is a breathing example of the Peter principle in action.
I thought I was the only person on earth who still remembers the Peter principle. Glad to see there are two of us!!
With all due respect never delete your voice because others are offended. Your tweet was amazing and right. Don't let them be the only voice out there.
Ignore the petty comments... Plus on the flip side I don't need white people telling me that's offensive to Asians. I didn't find it offensive.
You said "they" get the job done, then that you felt you had poetic license & it was kosher...
Jesus christ it was a bad tweet, just say that and move on. Is saying "sorry" against the NYT social media rules?
This once again proves how unfamiliar some people are with the phrase “just because you’re offended doesn’t mean you’re right.”
You're right. Perhaps you can explain that to Ms Weiss.
Americans are off their f*cking nut. She speaks Japanese at home. Has parents who are still Japanese. Had joint citizenship until 22. OMG she was not actually born in Japan! Guess it's ok to keep calling immigrants murderers & rapists then!
A gov official of some note slanders people in a way not out of place in 1932 Germany, but OMG, somebody slightly misstated the credit for a triple axel! Where's my musket? 1/
The issue that cannot rest is the distinction between an immigrant and a dual citizen child of an off handed comment about figure skating. X/
....where citizenship, immigration status, race and everything else should be irrelevant to performance.
In an era where the president can slander entire classes of immigrants as rapists people get pissy because somebody pointed to somebody who doesn't look like a Trump voter and said "look what immigrants can do." This is why America is doomed.
Yeah, but actually it's not. 14% of country are immigrants. 51% of >$1bn startups founded by immigrants. Uni grad programs stuffed with them. If you are willing to give everything up to start over again in a strange country you are a more driven person. Then you push your kids.
This is the deeper point about immigrants & their kids Painfully beside the point is a pissing contests over proper English usage.
Okay fine. Then let's start calling Obama an "immigrant" because one of his parents was born abroad and (temporarily) immigrated to the United States. Or John McCain, because he was born in what is now Panama. And Mitt Romney, whose dad was born in Mexico, and....
Obama was raised by Americans, born to a US mother. He did not grow up speaking Swahili. McCain & Romney heard little Spanish. Growing up Japanese, even in US, is different than the experiences of McCain or Romney. While not technically an immigrant closer to that than opposite.
Again, twitter is for slogans not nuance. In most of the world she would have been called an immigrant. The technical use of English in the American context is quite far beyond the point.
Nobody is questioning the value immigrants add to the country are they?
Only the President of the United states and half the GOP. Unless you consider "rapists, murderers and terrorists" compliments.
I meant in this thread.
That is what confuses me. What is the point of blocking the word "immigrant" from a little reflected glow because twitter doesn't do essays?
George Romney is an excellent example of how place of birth can be a limiting determinant of who you are. Nagasu may not be an immigrant as defined in the US but she clearly has many immigrant-esque qualities. Your beef here seems to be with the limits of English.
"Immigrants get it done" -> "People born to immigrants, speak a foreign language, raised in a foreign culture, but are not immigrants because of local definition get it done." THIS is what you are fighting for?
I was raised in Canada by American and British parents. Oddly nobody on either side of the border has ever complimented my "immigrantness". I wonder why that is.
You seem to be saying that people born in Mexico lack admirable "immigrantesque qualities" and that people born and raised in America do too.
Afraid I'm not smart enough to see how you got ppl born in Mexico are somehow lacking. "Immigrantesque"=foreign passport, foreign born parents, foreign language, foreign home culture. Not "admirable", just things that are.
George Romney was born in Mexico and you said he was an example of how place can be a "limiting determinant."
Limiting determinant, not a determinant of limitation. I meant there is little about GR that did not scream middle of the road American. His place of birth signified almost nothing. Louis CK was born in Mexico too. So what? Point is, place of birth is often a useful bit of data.
Better is to know the person, even superficially. LCK and GM are American archetypes in a way Nagasau is not, despite places of birth. Fair to say she is a different archetype: The immigrantesque. Here in Toronto we've got thousands of them.
Consider this: Suppose Nagasau had moved from Japan to US with her parents when she was 2. Suddenly this entire debate disappears despite the fact that she would be almost precisely the same person she is now.
Consider this: if the skater had been a child of Caucasian immigrants from England, whether born in the US or brought at the age of two, nobody would be saying "immigrants get things done." That's why people are upset about the "othering" involved in this sort of comment, no?
Maybe if she had a British accent. The point is we live in a time where "different" looking immigrants/immigrantesques are being singled out. The libs did not start this. When libs do what comes naturally & defend a persecuted minority calling this "othering" is pretty hilarious.
That is indeed the point; that people who aren't actually immigrants shouldn't be singled out and described as such because of the way they look.
So if Trump denigrates immigrants as terrorists & rapists from "shitholes" there is nothing one can say in response without "otherizing"? Racist slander isn't the problem, pointing out successful immigrants in response is the problem?
You seem to be saying that any behavior that does not rise to Trump Levels of awfulness is no longer worthy of comment, which is setting the bar pretty low.
I think I get it now. Calling a kid of immigrants an immigrant is an insult according to nth gen Americans. Having a 2nd culture is not a point of pride but a dark memory, like a childhood molestation, that one must not be reminded of. But you're saved! You're American! 1/
Forget that horrid dirty place all your relatives live! You're just as American as us! What condescending BS. As a child of immigrants I am the special one and you are the provincial dullards. Gasp! Imagine the horror of being confused for being cosmopolitan! X/
Now you are just arguing with your own imagination about things that were never said. The funny thing about Twitter is how much everyone projects into the limited number of (other people's) words the format allows.
If "otherizing" by slightly mislabeling someone an immigrant is not an insult what the hell is all this weird outrage about? Are actual foreign born Americans permitted to be insulted that being confused for one of them is demeaning?
And the difference between archetyping and stereotyping is?
I already got the dictionary out once and you weren't interested in what it said so I am interested in how you can start talking about immigrant "archetypes" without them being stereotyped.
What is your claim here, there is no characteristic that spans more than one person? To notice the local 90% Chinese school gets the best marks in math/science in Ontario but middling in English is an illusion?
If your goal is simplifying other people by assuming they share common characteristics based on a simplistic, obvious attributes (appearance, Chineseness) then your approach may be perfectly rational. But there may be lots of exceptions and you may not like it done to you.
I'm an old white guy who likes classic rock but doesn't dance. Oh, the indignity. Stuff exists because there are groups of people who like it. Like any liberal my inclination is to spend 0 hrs on this, the equivalent of astrology. T>0 because angry insecure a-holes bring it up.
There are people with admirable qualities everywhere. Immigrants are just a filter for certain kinds of admirable qualities.
First of all - only RACIST group people together like you do and 2nd Trump said ILLEGALS are committing rapes, murders, etc. NOT "immigrants". R ALL "immigrants" illegal? Nope, I didn't think so - stop your fakenews commentaries
1) Thank you for your lesson in racial sensitivity. Pointing out the vagueness of the word "immigrant" and lauding their tenacity is not racism. 2) Racist slanders have been directed at all poor countries and all Muslims.
3) "ILLEGALS" are only guilty of not having proper paper work. A "crime" comparable to driving without the proper sticker on your licence.
4) Sticking on "illegal" is a) stupid b) still a lie and c) an obvious malevolent stunt to be able to get away with racist slanders in polite company. 5) Your Christian faith sits weirdly with your anger directed at poor and comfort with lies.
"Yeah, but what about..." is a weak argument that goes nowhere (the same goes for nazi analogies now that they have been overused into banality)
Two people – Hamilton and Lafayette –celebrating their *own* successes in helping a country that does not claim them is COMPLETELY different from a white American calling a person an immigrant based on ethnicity.
You’re a victim of the “liberal outrage du jour” monster. And if I remember correctly, you helped build it. Enjoy!
Nope. She isn't an immigrant. You don't get to celebrate her as that. She actually has nothing to do with you. You are leach who is somehow making it all about what you said instead of shutting up and just enjoying what she did.
youre a colossal moron and you should question your identity and profession as a public intellectual. you should look into be a prison guard or a cop instead.
Twitter is good for letting you know who is totally incapable of taking an L and moving on.
We live in crazy times... I just started following you and I thought your bio read "Former SJW".
It's California. Not 'Cali'. The abbreviation is CA
Mute the people who attacked and carry on. There's only so many of them.
Bari, so sorry. This was so terribly ugly. Outside of @karencheee's appropriate and civil take, these responses reflect the inner ugliness of those who made them. I hope you see that. I see Karen's point but you sure don't deserve the vile treatment you've gotten.
The only ugliness here is Bari’s perpetual inability to take criticism.
Wrong. Bari gracefully accepted the remarks from @karencheee. Let's be clear: The creep's words below (and the other vile comments like his) are not "criticism." Nobody should have the "ability" to roll over for such ugliness.
She so gracefully accepted criticism that she apologized and admitted she was wrong? Oh. No. She doubled down, lied about what she originally said, and said civilization is literally ending because she was criticized.
I saw her civil interchange with Karen. And if you have not been the meat for the online mob, try to understand how horrible it is. Someone who is emotionally frail will be undone by this sort of thing. We all need to stand against it.
If Bari Weiss is emotionally frail, writing clickbait pieces for The NY Times solely to stir up the comment section seems like an odd career choice.
Also seems that if Bari had any respect for Karen, she wouldn’t double down (and lie!) about something after it was patiently explained to her why it was hurtful.
After I had my son, I tweeted a picture of my pixelated PP with the caption "My dick: it gets the job done". I was banned. #femaleprivilege
Not to pile on, but she isn't an immigrant. That's the problem with your tweet. It's kind of like .. fake news .. when you call someone born in California an immigrant.
You could have just celebrated her win without shoe horning NYT leftwing politics into it. That's why people are on you. And now you're playing the victim. As expected.
The most offensive thing in this tweet is calling California “Cali” nobody there calls it that. Nobody.
Uh....sorry? I am ‘Nobody’. I guess you could also call me Odysseus....
Civilization's end?
Whine more.
Stupid thing to tweet.
Here comes the inevitable 1984 analogy, but I am listening to the audiobook (it's great) and that's what this thread reminds me of. Someone commits wrongspeak, must be vaporized following 2 minutes of hate. Notes are made on those who don't shout loud enough during the hating
First rule of Twitter: Don't virtue signal if you can't take people calling you out in it. Second Rule of Twitter: Remember social media is not real life.
😂😂😂 “civilization’s end”
You most certainly did not say “we”. Ah yet another quality liar at the NYT.
I used to think civilization was ending when I get roasted on Twitter but I was fourteen. What's your excuse?
Twitter is a cesspool if dirtbags. You cannot say anything that is positive. No one appreciates positive. They want pain. THIS is the world of social media.
(and 396 other replies)