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Is there an EconTalk episode you've listened to three times or more? If yes, reply with the episode, the # of listens and what you learned.
169 replies and sub-replies as of Dec 19 2017

I listened to the episode on diminishing marginal utility, but I'm afraid I learned less each time I listened to it.
The one on nikhalai bukharen
At least 3. The evil of Stalin on an individual level. How he toyed with targets. A Marxist govt will always be controlled by Stalin type
I love the Boettke-Katrina episodes. Helped me understand common resource problems in Africa. Lost track of replays.
Taubs on carbs 3. Learned a lot. Loved the lesson for climate change. Munger on Slavery 3. The switch to Aristotelian defense of slavery.
Taubs Why We Get Fat - changed my world view. Everything you think is true is actually BS. "Studies" are almost always biased.
Oh Lord, Russ pls have @BradSchoenfeld or @TheAlanAragon on as a counterpoint to Taubes
Looking at some others, too. Coming soon.
If you believe in science fiction....
Most everything about financial crisis. Moral hazard. Who bail outs actually bail out. All of taleb episodes.
Chilean Bus System with Mike Munger - 5+ times, and it's the one I tell others to listen to as an EconTalk primer-covers everything!
Marc Andreesen. His view of. The future and his framework for investing was very informative. Also Michael Lewis. Just for entertainment!
The Marc Andreeson episode , 4 times and it changed how I saw VC and tech in the future ... I changed my career path because of it
Chuck Klosterman. May 9-10 times. I relearned how to think about how history evolves
I've listened to the Greg Page interview 3 or 4 times. Mostly for the unusual access it gave the listeners to such a shadowy organization.
I also found the way he answered your questions (long, ruminating pauses followed by precise, frank responses) to be strangely intoxicating.
Probably the Taleb ones. Before and after I was reading the books. Helped me understand better.
Also... Your episode on Adam Smith. "...not only to be loved, but to be lovely." I think about that at least weekly. Thank you for that.
Yes, this is something that has stayed with me ever since I first heard @EconTalker cite theory of moral sentiments.
Munger on Price Gouging w/Hurricane Fran; R.Roberts on Smith, Ricardo, and Trade
Hitchens on Orwell (4-grl history);Andreessen (3-thinking differently);Oster (3-tons on 1st time parenting);George Will (3-I like Baseball)
Must have listened to @mungowitz on economics and storytelling about six or seven times.
The episode with @mungowitz on price gouging never gets old. At least 4 times. Always my #1 choice when I try to lure someone into EconTalk.
Me too. On all counts.
Same. Listened to it at least 5 times.
💯, great teacher. I've listened to the price gouging episode 3 times. The one on recycling also 3 times.
on Eugene Richter and Hayak is unparalleled in my opinion. I have listened to that dozens of time (like, literally)
Alison Wolf on XX factor- how to evaluate claims of demography and economics without falling asleep
Munger on milk, probably 5 times. Good episode for teaching "how economists approach questions" to principles students.
Also Kristy Chapin on US healthcare- cronyism leads to a dogs breakfast in important industry
I have listened to the episode on the 2008 Financial Crisis several times-a great one to spark thought on incentives in the financial sector
Pete Boetke(?) on Katrina- how to evaluate economic choices in a particular civil setting (both episodes)
on charity, 3-4 times. Learned about overhead myth, and inspired my dissertation topic.
I learned to respect and effort to understand the positions i used to mock. That isnt a joke.
David Owen, The Conundrum and the Poverty Inc episodes are not only two two I've listened to most, but the two I've recommended most.
What a great episode. Downloaded the film on iTunes after the podcast.
A couple of the Munger episodes, one on middlemen (POW camp), one on Lewis & Clark/voting rules.
many of the financial crisis/TARP/bailout episodes. very information dense -- the 2009 ep w/ cochrane comes to mind
Listened to the Chris hitchens on Orwell episode 3+ times. Can't remember what I learned. Time for another listen!
Sam Quinones on Heroin, 4-5 times, black markets have product innovation. Read the book & like you, couldn't stop telling people about it.
Sam Quinones, Listen to it 3 times to get my brain around the idea that economics is more emergent by actions and less designed by intention
His book was also insightful
All if the episodes from @nntaleb
Munger on Choosing in Groups! Listened maybe 4-5 times. Learned democracy may be radically indeterminate.
Richard Epstein on cruises and income inequality. Reframed some of my thinking on these issues.
This was a really good one.
Vernon Smith which provided lifechanging insights on the broadness of economics and how it is related to our daily lifes.
All of Bruce Bueno de Mesquita but especially The Political Economy of Power.
on anything but especially price gouging and recycling
Another one... @EmanuelDerman very apparent that he is both brilliant and self-aware. He asking you advice re: good Econ books was cool.
All of Taleb's EconTalk more than 20 each. They are on auto repeat. Each listens is ALWAYS new. All elements of life. Blue print.
Definitely first Taubes episode.
Whaples on the Economics of Pope Francis. Leonard on Race, Eugenics & Illiberal Reformers
Munger on Cultural Norms. I really just like the story of him being yelled at by the old woman and the cop's reaction.
Taleb on Precautionary Principle 3x. 1. GMO's aren't always good 2. There is more than one level of risk 3. "Expert" can be blind to a lot
Munger, Boudreaux, Taleb & Vernon Smith (2x for every appearance), but the winner was Art De Vany (3) on PEDs & PaleoDiet. Changed my life!
David Epstein on the Sports Gene. At least 3. I'm just fascinated by the stats of different body types and the differences they make.
on Antifragility gave me a new concept I hadn't known existed. And Thomas Rustici on Smoot Hawley was great info on protectionism.
Scott Sumner's 2015 ep on Interest Rates. Probably listened 4-5 times. Obvious lesson: don't reason from a price change.
The one about art museums with the Cal prof. Never considered the issue b4 but never been so convinced by someone. It's my new hobby-horse.
2nd Gary Taubes episode, probably 3, the similarities between Austrian economics and dietary science
2006 interviews with M. Friedman. Several times. Lots of things. The idea that free markets have no natural constituency struck a chord
Ha will look for those
The Munger one with the anecdote about ice sales after a hurricane
Learned that keeping prices artificially low has consequences that can far outweigh intended benefits
3. Obviously didn't listen to one on reading directions. Sorry
Andrew Gelman on Social Science, Small Samples, and the Garden of the Forking Paths. Probably gave it 3-4 listens. Good stuff.
1. Frito Lays - O'Donahoe, Such a fascinating episode. Listened multiple times, sharing with friends and family.
2. State of Econometrics - Ed Leamer. Multiple listens while taking the econometrics series at UCSD. Pushed me to obtain deep understanding
Doug Irwin on the French gold sink 3 or 4x
Everything NN Taleb! All at least 6 times each. Learning how to identify instances in daily life and how I might utilize that insight.
Vernon Smith's episodes, esp. on "rationality in econ" and on "Adam Smith". Learnt from Vernon's style, a curious, sharp & balanced mind.
3. Anything with Richard Epstein. Information density is off the charts. Takes me 3x as long to recount than he took to tell.
TAnderson on free market environmentalism and boudreaux on wildlife. 4x. Learned there are successful community based conservation options
Any Nassim gets multiple listens.
3 - The Gavin #bitcoin episode in 2010. It changed my life. It was the best idea I’ve ever heard of and built a mining rig with my curiosity
I’ve listened to the 6 part Theory of Moral Sentiment 3 times as well. In terms of hours of listening that takes the cake
Hitchens 3. Magna Carta 3. Matt Ridley on CC 3 and of course Milton's
Ed Leamer State of Econometrics (10x) 'depending on what model you select, you can get dramatically different estimates/ conclusions
Manzi Knowledge, Policy & Uncontrolled (10x) The physcist/historian/ economist story. Also knowing what sells snickers bars is very hard
on Sapiens and the fascinating insights into cooperation on a large scale and trust.
Pedro Domingos on the master algorithm 3 times.. so many new ideas about Ai, ML, brain, knowledge, consciousness etc
Feeding America, C. Prendergast. I have a plan to introduce a market to an internal resource at work and it's my inspiration. #5 times
1. Matt Ridley on Climate Change 2. Nicholas Vincent on the Magna Carta 3. Campbell Harvey on Randomness
The one on the guy from wired mag who started own drone factory w/ a 3d printer. Learned about potential of 3d printing even tho a ways off.
Mike Munger's hurricane yahoos. Probably listened 4 times. First intro to the again topical conversation around price gouging.
Can I group your n+1 discussions with @mungowitz as one big discussion on Emerging Order?
Bryan Caplan on educational signaling. ChemE degree worthless? Probably not, but getting the knowledge I needed was inefficient
I sure hope our ChemE degrees weren't worthless :-)
on Randomness, Skill, and Investment Strategies. A great discussion on the pitfalls of data mining
Bryan Caplan on post secondary education. Probably a dozen times. It massively informed my first years as an Econ/workforce developer
Outstanding episode. Cuts through so much of the typical bull* about higher ed. Looking forward to his book
3 Otteson on Adam Smith, 3 Laudan on food.
11/8/2010 - Boudreaux on currency. At least 3 times. Fascinatingly simple take on a topic on which most just bluster
Also the episode where you discussed reading advanced books aloud to your children has meaningfully changed my relationship with my kids
Your 2013 interview of JRalstonSaul: rational idealism and was it the humanist approach? ... a fair and just society for the greater good.
And Joshua Green on Moral Tribes.... on people's patterns of choice
Art Devany on eating paleo. After I stray, I relisten to that and start shedding pounds again
The Bruce Schneier one 3x probably
I think I listened to the first episode of @nntaleb > than twice the first time he was on. U should do 1/4erly update with him!
Many by @mungowitz and @nntaleb as well as the myth of the rational voter by @bryan_caplan
The one where you interviewed the car salesman (2007?). At least 5 times.
Richard Epstein on cruises, first class travel and inequity. It presented intuitive info in a way I have never thought about those issues
Listened to Sumner on nominal GDP 5+ bc it's such a no brainer solution. I come back to Atlas on healthcare/life expectancy metrics also.
Cochran on healthcare reform 8. Learned health insurance is a service thats still subject 2 laws of supply & demand
All of @mungowitz and @nntaleb episodes. Learned not to believe everything I think.
I am a fan of Mike Munger, any of his guest appearances are enjoyable.
Doug Lemov, Sam Quiones and M.M.Miller (Poverty Inc.) many times over. Learned that life's complicated, good intentions alone insufficient.
Pretty much anything with @bryan_caplan or @mungowitz Those guys know how to argue effectively.
Klosterman. Mcwhorter. And sent them to friends. Keep it up!
Diane Croyle on GDP- a fascinating look at a number most economists take for granted. And Greg Page, since he was my boss at the time
Sports Gene, @curryja & @mattwridley climate change, @harari_yuval Sapiens. >4x. Contrarian and fun.
Munger on Price Gouging. 3 times. How prices help allocate a scarce resource, ice, among a diabetic versus drunkards illuminated the D curve
and that the Demand curve (lines/dots on the board) represents actual ppl demonstrated the morality of price gouging and the mkt process.
The ones with Milton Friedman. About 3 times
Your monologue on the Crisis. Creditors were bailed out, not banks. Management did not have skin in game. Excellent.
Bueno de Mesquita episode. We're ethnocentric in how we view our leaders.
Also, your lecture about how economies grow. Assigned it to my social stratification classes. Fundamental economic insights well explained
Business of broadway (3) Employees don't make more money if show is a hit. Just makes life easier. And you get the stage, and that's it .
Kling on political language, Haidt on similar territory. And of course Jeffrey Sachs. jk
- both episodes. As a maternity nurse it taught me new stuff and proved what I suspected. Share those a lot w/ colleagues.
Many really, like other replies @nntaleb would add @mattwridley and will have to check out @mungowitz
Is there an EconTalk episode you've listened to three times or more? If yes, reply with the episode, the # of listens and what you learned.
Boudreaux on monetary misunderstandings. Maybe 6 times? Learned to think more closely about debt, inflation, and deflation.
Munger on price gouging. 15 times? (I use it with students.) Taught me that revealed pref can contradict revealed pref.
Munger on Chilean bus system. 5 times. Taught me the "I can imagine ___ therefore the real is suboptimal" error more clearly.
You on specialisation. 6 times. Many fine points about specialisation.
Erik Hurst on 11/21/16: the increase in young people living with their parents longer
Munger on Locke, Prices, Hrcne Sandy; 3x; externalities can be positive
(and prices are magic)
Sumner on Growth and Economic Policy - to understand his distinction between social welfare spending and statism.
Very interesting to hear as a left-leaning person, particularly re Scandinavian countries. A distinction that others don't make but should.
All with Taleb. 4 times each. You have to struggle with his ideas, not just accept or refute - struggle.
Vincent on Magna Carta 3x. Epstein on Rule of Law 3x+. Weingast on Law 3x. Munger Choosing in Groups 3x. White Clash of Econ Ideas 3x+.
de Mesquida episodes. 3 times. Plenty of interesting facts and ideas in them. Listening again adds nuance and improves retention.
Schmidtz on Rawls 3x+. Boudreaux on Reading Hayek 3x. Roberts on Least Pleasant Jobs 3x. Sorry, but you've had a lot of good episodes.
De Mesquita, 3, retention of facts and added nuance
Taleb's episode on anti-fragility and Thomas Leonard's episode on il-liberalism were thought provoking enough for 3 listens.
talib and munger
I listened to the episodes about bitcoin at least 4 times each and learned how to make insane returns on investments.
James Heckman econometrics. Five times. That econometric is half art half science & needs an honest modeller!
The beautiful tree James toilet, changed my pov
It's James @james_tooley Tooley. Autocorrect is tough, sometimes.
Very sorry about that!! YES autocorrect. But I do admit I'm the person who's always having to go back and edit
on the future of American cities, 3x before I realized I need to go check out @StrongTowns
Choosing In Groups: 5 listens. I learned another important reason not to trust democracy. You talked about a possible part 2--good idea!
David Rose, ~10. Harm based ethics are inadequate for large flourishing societies.
Slavery ep. w/ @mungowitz, >6 times. So chilling how easy it was to back an evil idea. Mike humbly said he might've been swayed back then
I think all the ones I've listened to that much had Mike on
Munger on Price Gouging and Boudreaux on Public Choice (both used in class). Also use Gill on Religion.
on banking regs/capital reqts. 3x. Learned the "The Big Short", while entertaining, is not the whole story.
Munger; price gouging.
on Growth and Hidalgo on why information grows 5+ times each. Endogenous growth is my acedemic area of interest, lerned much
on Immigration. At least thrice.
I tend to listen @least 3 times latest was Zuchman, I find his conclusion troublesome
Mike Munger on price gouging and euvoluntary exchange. 3 or 4 times and read his essay on Essay on euvoluntary transactions twice.